def article(title): """Display an article.""" article_path = os.path.join('./article', (title + '.md')) meta_path = os.path.join('./article_meta', (title + '.yml')) # if markdown file doesn't exist, return 404 if not os.path.isfile(article_path): abort(404, "No such article.") meta = {'title': title} # if yml file exists, parse it. otherwise use defaults # ideally, defaults should be used on a per-value basis if os.path.isfile(meta_path): with open(meta_path, 'r') as stream: try: meta = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as ex: abort(500, ex) with open(article_path, 'r') as stream: article_body = # merge the meta, SETTINGS and content together into one dict article_content = meta.copy() article_content.update(SETTINGS) article_content['markdown'] = markdown.markdown(article_body) return template('article', article_content)
def show_file_list(path='.'): path = request.params.get('p', path) resp_format = request.params.get('f', '') try: path, relpath, dirs, file_list, readme = files.get_dir_contents(path) except files.DoesNotExist: if path == '.': if resp_format == 'json': response.content_type = 'application/json' return json.dumps(dict( dirs=dirs, files=dictify_file_list(file_list), readme=readme )) return dict(path='.', dirs=[], files=[], up='.', readme='') abort(404) except files.IsFileError as err: if resp_format == 'json': fstat = os.stat(path) response.content_type = 'application/json' return json.dumps(dict( name=os.path.basename(path), size=fstat[stat.ST_SIZE], )) return static_file(err.path, root=files.get_file_dir()) up = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, '..')) if resp_format == 'json': response.content_type = 'application/json' return json.dumps(dict( dirs=dirs, files=dictify_file_list(file_list), readme=readme )) return dict(path=relpath, dirs=dirs, files=file_list, up=up, readme=readme)
def handle_websocket(): wsock = request.environ.get('wsgi.websocket') if not wsock: abort(400, 'Expected WebSocket request.') while True: try: message = wsock.receive() message_dict = eval(str(message)) try: game_id = message_dict['gID'] user_id = message_dict['uID'] cmd = message_dict['cmd'] data = message_dict['dat'] except KeyError: print 'malformed message!' except TypeError as e: if e.message == "'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'": if user_id is not None: USERS.getUserByToken(user_id).signOut() else: raise user = USERS.getUserByToken( user_id) print "received :", cmd, 'from', user_id webSocketParser.parse(cmd, data, user, wsock, USERS,[0].OOIs) except geventwebsocket.WebSocketError: print 'client disconnected' break
def error_handler(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args,**kwargs) except disc_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable: bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable') except Exception as e: raise
def index(): url = request.query.url or '' if not url: human_method = { 'GET':"index", 'DELETE':"delete" }.get(request.method, 'something-something-action') abort(400, "Y U DO DIS? I can't {0} something unless you give me 'url' as a query parameter".format(human_method)) debug(u"URL to index: %s" % url) human_action = { 'GET':"indexing", 'DELETE':"deletion" }.get(request.method, 'something-something-action') try: if request.method == 'DELETE': queue_name = 'umad_deletion_queue' else: queue_name = 'umad_indexing_queue' # Throw URLs into Redis. We're using this idiom to provide what is # effectively a "BSPOP" (blocking pop from a set), on a sorted set. # cf. Event Notification: # I-It's not like I wanted the set to be sorted or anything! I'm # keeping input timestamps, just so you know. pipeline = teh_redis.pipeline() pipeline.zadd(queue_name, time.time(), url) pipeline.lpush('barber', 'dummy_value') pipeline.execute() # will return something like: [ {0|1}, num_dummies ] debug(u"Successful insertion of {0} for {1}".format(url, human_action)) except Exception as e: abort(500, "Something went boom while inserting {0}: {1}".format(url, e)) return u"Success, enqueued URL for {0}: '{1}'".format(human_action, url)
def searchUsers(authKey): currentUser = checkRights(authKey, True) givenUser = util.RequestParser(request).parseJson() results = connection.searchUser(givenUser) if results == None: abort(404, errors['missingDetails']) return json.dumps(Model().listAsSerialised(results))
def currentBorrowed(authKey, id): currentUser = checkRights(authKey, False) if isinstance (currentUser, Admin) or == id: user = connection.getUser(id) return json.dumps(user.listAsSerialised(user.getBorrowedItems())) else: abort(403, error['wrongUser'])
def update_book(book_id): """this function handles updating the title of an existing book""" if book_id < len(books): book_title = request.forms.get('title') books[book_id] = book_title redirect('/books/%i' % book_id) abort(404)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): def expire(when): for t in [k for k in _times.keys()]: if (when - t) > timeout: del(_cache[_times[t]]) del(_times[t]) now = time.time() try: item = _cache[request.urlparts] if 'If-Modified-Since' in request.headers: try: since = time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate(request.headers['If-Modified-Since'])) except: since = now if item['mtime'] >= since: expire(now) abort(304,'Not modified') for h in item['headers']: response.set_header(str(h), item['headers'][h]) body = item['body'] response.set_header('X-Source', 'Worker Cache') except KeyError: body = callback(*args, **kwargs) item = { 'body': body, 'headers': response.headers, 'mtime': int(now) } _cache[request.urlparts] = item _times[now] = request.urlparts expire(now) return body
def heartbeat(self, sig): # self.syslog('heartbeat from "%s"' % sig) self._debug['msg_hbt'] += 1 info = sig.split(':') if len(info) != 2: self.syslog('Unable to parse heartbeat cookie %s' % sig) bottle.abort(404, 'Unable to parse heartbeat') service_type = info[1] service_id = info[0] entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id) if not entry: self.syslog('Received stray heartbeat with cookie %s' % (sig)) self._debug['hb_stray'] += 1 bottle.abort(404, 'Publisher %s not found' % sig) # update heartbeat timestamp in database entry['heartbeat'] = int(time.time()) # insert entry if timed out by background task if entry['sequence'] == -1: self._db_conn.insert_service( service_type, entry['service_id'], entry) self._db_conn.update_service( service_type, entry['service_id'], entry) m = sandesh.dsHeartBeat( publisher_id=sig, service_type=service_type, sandesh=self._sandesh) m.trace_msg(name='dsHeartBeatTraceBuf', sandesh=self._sandesh) return '200 OK'
def handle_websocket(): wsock = request.environ.get("wsgi.websocket") if not wsock: abort(400, "Expected WebSocket request.") while True: try: message = wsock.receive() mesDict = eval(str(message)) try: gameID = mesDict["gID"] userID = mesDict["uID"] cmd = mesDict["cmd"] data = mesDict["dat"] except KeyError: print "malformed message!" except TypeError as e: if e.message == "'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'": # it's likely that pesky onclose message I can't fix... ignore for now print "connection closed" else: raise # TODO: call message parser sort of like: # game_manager.parseMessage(message,wsock) # NOTE: message parser should probably be an attribute of the game print "received :", cmd, "from", userID webSocketParser.parse(cmd, data, USERS.getUserByToken(userID), wsock,[0].OOIs) except WebSocketError: print "client disconnected" break
def api_specific_energy_providers(id, db): """ Returns the current energy provider, or the specified energy provider. """ if id == "current": provider = (db.query(database.Provider) .filter_by(current=1) .first()) else: try: id = int(id) except ValueError: abort(400, "Invalid parameter.") provider = (db.query(database.Provider) .filter_by(id=id) .first()) if not provider: provider = None else: provider = tools.to_dict(provider) if provider["day_slope_watt_euros"] != provider["night_slope_watt_euros"]: session = session_manager.get_session() user = db.query(database.User).filter_by(login=session["login"]).first() start_night_rate = ("%02d" % (user.start_night_rate // 3600) + ":" + "%02d" % ((user.start_night_rate % 3600) // 60)) end_night_rate = ("%02d" % (user.end_night_rate // 3600) + ":" + "%02d" % ((user.end_night_rate % 3600) // 60)) provider["start_night_rate"] = start_night_rate provider["end_night_rate"] = end_night_rate return {"data": provider}
def http_get_datacenters(tenant_id): #check valid tenant_id if tenant_id != 'any': if not nfvo.check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id): print 'httpserver.http_get_datacenters () tenant %s not found' % tenant_id bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'Tenant %s not found' % tenant_id) return select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, None, ('uuid','name','vim_url','type','created_at') ) if tenant_id != 'any': where_['nfvo_tenant_id'] = tenant_id if 'created_at' in select_: select_[ select_.index('created_at') ] = 'd.created_at as created_at' if 'created_at' in where_: where_['d.created_at'] = where_.pop('created_at') result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenters as d join tenants_datacenters as td on d.uuid=td.datacenter_id', SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_) else: result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='datacenters', SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=limit_) if result < 0: print "http_get_datacenters Error", content bottle.abort(-result, content) else: #change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_tenant, reverse=True) convert_datetime2str(content) data={'datacenters' : content} return format_out(data)
def get_transactions(arg=None): """ /transactions/<hex> return transaction by hexhash """ try: tx_hash = arg.decode('hex') except TypeError: bottle.abort(500, 'No hex %s' % arg) try: # index tx, blk = chain_manager.index.get_transaction(tx_hash) except KeyError: # try miner txs = chain_manager.miner.get_transactions() found = [tx for tx in txs if tx.hex_hash() == arg] if not found: return bottle.abort(404, 'Unknown Transaction %s' % arg) tx, blk = found[0], chain_manager.miner.block # response tx = tx.to_dict() tx['block'] = blk.hex_hash() if not chain_manager.in_main_branch(blk): tx['confirmations'] = 0 else: tx['confirmations'] = chain_manager.head.number - blk.number return dict(transactions=[tx])
def api_get_ids(sensor, watt_euros, id1, id2, db): """ Returns measures between ids <id1> and <id2> from sensor <sensor> in watts or euros. If id1 and id2 are negative, counts from the end of the measures. * If `watts_euros` is watts, returns the list of measures. * If `watt_euros` is kwatthours, returns the total energy for all the measures (dict). * If `watt_euros` is euros, returns the cost of all the measures (dict). Returns measure in ASC order of timestamp. Returns null if no measures were found. """ if (id2 - id1) > config.get("max_returned_values"): abort(403, "Too many values to return. " + "(Maximum is set to %d)" % config.get("max_returned_values")) elif id2 < id1 or id2 * id1 < 0: abort(400, "Invalid parameters") else: data = cache.do_cache_ids(sensor, watt_euros, id1, id2, db) return {"data": data, "rate": get_rate_type(db)}
def delete(uuid): # TODO: Exception handling path = bottle.request.query.path if not path: bottle.abort(400) folders.delete(uuid, path) return "File/folder deleted"
def track_points(track_id, db): bottle.response.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") # As json does not support trailing comma (thanks IE team btw...) we need to know how many # points we are going to enumerate # TODO: make a look-ahead iterator to detect it without an extra request pt_count = db.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM point WHERE track_id=?", (track_id,)).fetchone() if pt_count is None: bottle.abort(404, "No such track.") pt_count = pt_count[0] points = db.execute( """ SELECT timestamp, lat, lon, ele, distance_from_prev, speed FROM point WHERE track_id=? ORDER BY seq""", (track_id,), ) encoder = DateJSONEncoder() yield "[" for p in points: yield encoder.encode(dict(p)) pt_count -= 1 if pt_count > 0: yield "," yield "]"
def get_star(name): star = stardb.find_one({'_id':ObjectId(name)}) print name if not star: abort(404,'No document with id %s' % id) webpath = app.config.get('webpath') return dict(name=star['name'],webpath=webpath)
def add_star(): data = request.body.readline() _id = request.params.get('_id') name = request.params.get('name') surname = request.params.get('surname') blogs = request.params.get('blog') fb = request.params.get('fb') gender = request.params.get('gender') occupanys = request.params.get('occupation') country = request.params.get('country') occupant = [] blog_list = [] blog_split = blogs.split(';') print blog_split for blog in blog_split: blog_list.append(blog) print blog_list if not data: abort(400, 'No data received') try: stardb.update({'_id':ObjectId(_id)},{'$set':{'name':name,'surname':surname, 'blog':blog_list,'fb':fb, 'gender':gender, 'occupant':occupant, 'country':country}},upsert=False) except: abort(400,str(ve))
def serve(layer, zoom=None, x=None, z=None, fmt=None): try: obj = {} obj['layer'] = layer if zoom != None: obj['zoom'] = zoom if x != None: obj['x'] = int(x) if z != None: obj['z'] = int(z) if fmt != None: obj['format'] = fmt except ValueError: abort(404) try: if obj['format'] == 'json': return serve_json(obj) elif obj['format'] == 'png': return serve_tile(obj) else: obj = profile.load(obj) if obj != None and obj.has_key('raw_data'): return obj['raw_data'] except RuntimeError as e: logging.error(e) except IOError as e: if e.filename is not None and e.strerror is not None: logging.error('%s: %s' % (e.filename, e.strerror)) else: logging.error(e) abort(404, 'Object not found')
def createUser(): print 'create User ------> moo.signUp' jsonData = json.loads( if not jsonData: abort(400, 'No data received') print jsonData return room.createUser(jsonData)
def show_special_page(page_name, login_data=False, ): page = entries.get_page(page_name) if not page: abort(404, "Not Found") page_variables = generate_pagevars(login_data, page['title'], page['title'].replace(' ', ', ')) return template('special', page_variables, page=page)
def delete_channel(url): try: c = Channel.get(Channel.url == url) Item.delete().where( == c).execute() Channel.delete().where(Channel.url == url).execute() except Channel.DoesNotExist: abort(404)
def upload_image(session): if not session.get('in'): bottle.abort(404) upload = bottle.request.files.get('upload') upload.filename = bottle.request.forms.get('filename')'./uploads') return 'Done!'
def getfileref(): """Returns a URL to the static file indicated by the query parameters.""" if not settings.ALLOW_STATIC_FILE_ACCESS: abort(404) response.content_type = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' return "http://%s:%d/static/%s" % (settings.HOST, settings.PORT, pathname2url(resolve_file()))
def urls(mongodb): try: auth.require(role='access_normalized') except AAAException as e: return HTTPError(401, e.message) query_keys = request.query.keys() query_dict = {} if 'limit' in query_keys: limit = int(request.query.limit) else: limit = 50 if 'url_regex' in query_keys: query_dict['url'] = {'$regex': request.query.url_regex} if 'hash' in query_keys: hash_length = len(request.query['hash']) if hash_length is 128: query_dict['extractions.hashes.sha512'] = request.query['hash'] elif hash_length is 40: query_dict['extractions.hashes.sha1'] = request.query['hash'] elif hash_length is 32: query_dict['extractions.hashes.md5'] = request.query['hash'] else: abort(400, '{0} could not be recognized as a supported hash. Currently supported hashes are: SHA1, SHA512 and MD5. ') result = list(mongodb['url'].find(query_dict, fields={'_id': False}).limit(limit)) return jsonify({'urls': result}, response)
def post_bundle_info(uuid): ''' Save metadata information for a bundle. ''' service = BundleService() bundle_info = service.get_bundle_info(uuid) # Save only if we're the owner. if bundle_info['edit_permission']: # TODO(klopyrev): The Content-Type header is not set correctly in # editable_field.jsx, so we can't use request.json. data = json.loads( new_metadata = data['metadata'] # TODO: do this generally based on the CLI specs. # Remove generated fields. for key in ['data_size', 'created', 'time', 'time_user', 'time_system', 'memory', 'disk_read', 'disk_write', 'exitcode', 'actions', 'started', 'last_updated']: if key in new_metadata: del new_metadata[key] # Convert to arrays for key in ['tags', 'language', 'architectures']: if key in new_metadata and isinstance(new_metadata[key], basestring): new_metadata[key] = new_metadata[key].split(',') # Convert to ints for key in ['request_cpus', 'request_gpus', 'request_priority']: if key in new_metadata: new_metadata[key] = int(new_metadata[key]) service.update_bundle_metadata(uuid, new_metadata) bundle_info = service.get_bundle_info(uuid) return bundle_info else: abort(httplib.FORBIDDEN, 'Can\'t save unless you\'re the owner')
def track(id): details = Tracker().track(id) if details != None: response.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') return json.dumps(details, cls=DateTimeEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) else: abort(404, 'Consignment details not Found')
def get_document(): cursor = db['announcementcollection'].find() if not cursor: abort(404, 'No document with id %s' % id) response.content_type = 'application/json' entries = [entry for entry in cursor] return MongoEncoder().encode(entries)
def _fix_json(self, js={}, via=False): # Validate / Patch JSON if not js: try: js = request._json if not js: abort(400, "Empty JSON") except Exception as e: abort(400, "JSON is not well formed: {0}".format(e)) if js.has_key('_id'): del js['_id'] if js.has_key('id'): # Record old IRI in via if via: if js.has_key('via'): v = js['via'] if type(v) != list: v = [v] if not js['id'] in v: v.append(js['id']) js['via'] = v else: js['via'] = js['id'] del js['id'] return js
def _exists(jobname): namepath = os.path.join(conf['confdir'], jobname.strip('/\\')) if os.path.exists(namepath+'.dba') or os.path.exists(namepath+'.dba.starred'): bottle.abort(400, "File name exists.")
def base_tree(self, path_on_disk): connection = sqlite3.connect(path_on_disk) cursor = connection.cursor() base_tree = [] try: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';") cursor.fetchone() except: abort( 500, 'File does not have a SQLite Master table. The file might be corrupt or not a SQLite file.' ) # Master Table base_tree.append({ 'title': u'Master Table (1)', 'key': u'master', 'folder': True, 'lazy': True }) # Tables cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';") tables = cursor.fetchall() base_tree.append({ 'title': u'Tables (' + unicode(len(tables)) + u')', 'key': u'table', 'folder': True, 'lazy': True }) # Views cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view';") views = cursor.fetchall() base_tree.append({ 'title': u'Views (' + unicode(len(views)) + u')', 'key': u'view', 'folder': True, 'lazy': True }) # Indexes cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index';") indexes = cursor.fetchall() base_tree.append({ 'title': u'Indexes (' + unicode(len(indexes)) + u')', 'key': u'index', 'folder': True, 'lazy': True }) # Triggers cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='trigger';") triggers = cursor.fetchall() base_tree.append({ 'title': u'Triggers (' + unicode(len(triggers)) + u')', 'key': u'trigger', 'folder': True, 'lazy': True }) response.content_type = 'application/json' connection.close() return json.dumps(base_tree)
def check_run_permission(bundle): """ Checks whether the current user can run the bundle. """ if not check_bundle_have_run_permission(local.model, request.user.user_id, bundle): abort(http.client.FORBIDDEN, "User does not have permission to run bundle.")
def restricted(): abort(401, "Sorry, access denied.") # or redirect to a funny page
def test(): bottle.abort(401)
def start_model(project): ''' Manually launches one of the model processes (train, inference, both, etc.), depending on the provided flags. ''' if not self.loginCheck(project=project, admin=True): abort(401, 'forbidden') try: params = request.json doTrain = 'train' in params and params['train'] is True doInference = 'inference' in params and params[ 'inference'] is True if 'minNumAnnoPerImage' in params: minNumAnnoPerImage = int(params['minNumAnnoPerImage']) else: minNumAnnoPerImage = 0 #TODO if 'maxNum_train' in params: maxNumImages_train = int(params['maxNum_train']) else: maxNumImages_train = -1 #TODO if 'maxNum_inference' in params: maxNumImages_inference = int(params['maxNum_inference']) else: maxNumImages_inference = -1 #TODO if doTrain: if doInference: status = self.middleware.start_train_and_inference( project=project, minTimestamp='lastState', minNumAnnoPerImage=minNumAnnoPerImage, maxNumWorkers_train=1, #TODO forceUnlabeled_inference=False, maxNumImages_inference=maxNumImages_inference, maxNumWorkers_inference=-1) #TODO else: #TODO: expand to other tasks and requests if self.middleware.task_ongoing( project, ('AIController.start_training', 'AIWorker.call_train', 'AIWorker.call_average_model_states')): raise Exception( 'A training process is already ongoing for project "{}".' .format(project)) status = self.middleware.start_training( project=project, numEpochs=1, minTimestamp='lastState', minNumAnnoPerImage=minNumAnnoPerImage, maxNumImages=maxNumImages_train, maxNumWorkers=1) #TODO else: status = self.middleware.start_inference( project=project, forceUnlabeled=False, maxNumImages=maxNumImages_inference, maxNumWorkers=-1) #TODO return {'status': status} except Exception as e: abort(400, 'bad request')
def _decorator(*args, **kwargs): if driveboard.connected(): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: bottle.abort(400, "No machine.")
def offsety(y): if not driveboard.status()['ready']: bottle.abort(400, "Machine not ready.") driveboard.offset(y=y) return '{}'
def aide_exec(): ''' Reserve for future implementations that require unauthorized but token-protected services. ''' abort(404, 'not found')
def offset(x, y, z): if not driveboard.status()['ready']: bottle.abort(400, "Machine not ready.") driveboard.absoffset(x, y, z) return '{}'
def flowmodHandler(): if 'flowmod' in restHandlers: data = json.load(request.body) return restHandlers['flowmod'](data) else: abort(404, "Not found: '/flowmod'")
def nofound(): #引发404错误 abort(404)
def outer(*args, **kwargs): response.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE if request.get_header("Origin"): response.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") if request.get_header("Access-Control-Request-Headers"): response.set_header( "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", request.get_header("Access-Control-Request-Headers")) if request.get_header("Access-Control-Request-Method"): response.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS") try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError: logging.error("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) abort(400, "Could not parse request. Be sure to use valid JSON.") except IntegrityError as e: if str(e).startswith("NOT NULL constraint"): field = e.message.split(": ")[1] if field.endswith("_id"): field = field[:-3] abort(400, field + " cannot be null") if "UNIQUE constraint" in str(e): abort(409, "This id is already taken.") abort(400, e) except AssertionError as e: abort(400, e) except JsonAPIException as e: abort(e.status, e) except Exception as e: if e.__class__.__name__.endswith("DoesNotExist"): abort(404, "The requested resource does not exist.") if str(e).startswith("Instance matching query"): abort(400, "Trying to set relationship with invalid resource.") # log this unknown error logging.error("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) abort(500, e)
def StatHandler(): if 'stat' in restHandlers: return restHandlers['stat'](request) else: abort(404, "Not found: '/info/%s'" % request)
def home(): abort(418)
def restRouter(request): if request in restHandlers: return restHandlers[request]() else: abort(404, "Not found: '/info/%s'" % request)
def get_flow(): """Get special values from Nmap & View databases :query str q: query (including limit/skip, orderby, etc.) :query str callback: callback to use for JSONP results :query str action: can be set to "details" :status 200: no error :status 400: invalid referer :>json object: results """ callback = request.params.get("callback") action = request.params.get("action", "") if callback is None: response.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="IVRE-results.json"') else: yield callback + "(\n" utils.LOGGER.debug("Params: %r", dict(request.params)) query = json.loads(request.params.get('q', '{}')) limit = query.get("limit", config.WEB_GRAPH_LIMIT) skip = query.get("skip", config.WEB_GRAPH_LIMIT) mode = query.get("mode", "default") count = query.get("count", False) orderby = query.get("orderby", None) timeline = query.get("timeline", False) try: before = datetime.datetime.strptime(query["before"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: utils.LOGGER.warning(str(e)) before = None except KeyError: before = None try: after = datetime.datetime.strptime(query["after"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: utils.LOGGER.warning(str(e)) after = None except KeyError: after = None utils.LOGGER.debug("Action: %r, Query: %r", action, query) if action == "details": # TODO: error if query["type"] == 'node': res = db.flow.host_details(query["id"]) else: res = db.flow.flow_details(query["id"]) if res is None: abort(404, "Entity not found") else: cquery = db.flow.from_filters(query, limit=limit, skip=skip, orderby=orderby, mode=mode, timeline=timeline, after=after, before=before) if count: res = db.flow.count(cquery) else: res = db.flow.to_graph(cquery, limit=limit, skip=skip, orderby=orderby, mode=mode, timeline=timeline, after=after, before=before) yield json.dumps(res, default=utils.serialize) if callback is not None: yield ");\n"
def get_image(image_id): # parts = image_id.split('.') # if len(parts) != 1 and len(parts) != 2: # abort(400, 'invalid request!') # if len(parts[0]) != 32: # abort(400, 'invalid ID!') # # image_id = parts[0] # # ext = '' # if len(parts) > 1: # ext = parts[1].lower() # if ext not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: # abort(400, 'invalid format!') # if ext == 'jpg': ext = 'jpeg' image_id = image_id.lower() re_id = re.match(RE_ID, image_id) re_id_ext = re.match(RE_ID_EXT, image_id) if re_id: ext = '' elif re_id_ext: image_id = ext = if ext not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: abort(400, 'invalid format!') else: abort(400, 'invalid request!') if ext == 'jpg': ext = 'jpeg' addr = id2address(image_id) path = os.path.join(addr, image_id) h = int(request.query.h or 0) #参数大小的限制? w = int(request.query.w or 0) s = request.query.s a = int(request.query.a or 0) filter = request.query.f ratio = request.query.r quality = request.query.q watermark = int(request.query.watermark or 0) position = request.query.p watermark_text = request.query.text if s and s not in SETTING_OPTIONS: abort(400, 'invalid options!') if a >= 360: abort(400, 'invalid angle!') if ratio and (int(ratio) > 100 or int(ratio) < 0): abort(400, 'invalid ratio!') if quality and (int(quality) > 100 or int(quality) < 0): abort(400, 'invalid quality!') if watermark: if not position: position = 'right_bottom' elif position not in POSITIONS: abort( 400, 'invalid position! valid positions:[centre, left_top, left_bottom, right_top, right_bottom]' ) cache_id = gen_cache_key(image_id, w, h, ext, s, a, filter, ratio, quality, watermark, position, watermark_text) data = cache.get(cache_id) # data = None if data is None: data = cache.get(gen_cache_key(image_id)) if data is None: with open(path, 'rb') as f: data ='open image in file: %s', image_id) else:'get origin cache: %s', gen_cache_key(image_id)) need_resize, need_save, need_rotate, need_filter, need_reduce, need_watermark = False, False, False, False, False, False if h or w or ratio or a or filter or ext or quality or watermark: imgfile = io.BytesIO(data) im = fmt = im.format if a: need_rotate = True if filter: need_filter = True if h or w: need_resize = True if ratio: ratio = int(ratio) need_reduce = True if watermark: need_watermark = True if need_resize or need_rotate or need_filter or ext != fmt or quality or need_watermark: need_save = True if need_resize and need_reduce: abort( 400, "invalid request! can't reduce and resize a image in the same time!" ) if need_resize: if s == 'fill': if not h or not w: abort(400, 'fill option needs 2 arguments!') im = fill(im, w, h)'[fill] (%s) width: %s height: %s', image_id, w, h) elif s == 'fit': if not h or not w: abort(400, 'fit option needs 2 arguments!') im = fit(im, w, h)'[fit] (%s) width: %s height: %s', image_id, w, h) else: im = resize_image(im, w, h)'resize (%s) width: %s height: %s', image_id, w, h) if need_reduce: im = reduce_image(im, ratio)'reduce (%s) in %d%% ', image_id, ratio) if need_rotate: im = im.rotate(a)'rotate (%s) angle: %s', image_id, a) if need_filter: if filter == 'b': im = im.convert('1')'covert (%s) to black', image_id) elif filter == 'bl': im = im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)'filter (%s) with BLUR ', image_id) else: abort(400, 'invalid filter!') if need_watermark: if watermark_text: print('watermark_text:', watermark_text) # watermark_im = text2watermark(watermark_text) watermark_im = text2watermark2(watermark_text)'defined watermark (%s)', image_id) else: watermark_im ='default watermark (%s)', image_id) im = watermark_image(im, watermark_im, position) if need_save: if ext == '': ext = fmt buf = io.BytesIO() if quality:, ext, quality=int(quality))'save (%s) as %s, quality:%s', image_id, ext, quality) else:, ext)'save (%s) as %s', image_id, ext) data = buf.getvalue() mtype = 'image/' + ext else: mtype = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)'get origin image (%s)', image_id) cache.set(cache_id, data) cache.expire(cache_id, EXPIRE_TIME) d = cache.get(cache_id) if d != None:'set cache: %s', cache_id) else:'get cache: %s', cache_id) mtype = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True) res = HTTPResponse(body=data) res.set_header('Content-Type', mtype) return res
def get_project_settings(): if self.loginCheck(): settings = {'settings': self.middleware.getProjectSettings()} return settings else: abort(401, 'not logged in')
def not_implemented(self, *args, **kwargs): """Returns not implemented status.""" abort(501)
def passwords(): return bottle.abort(201, 'AccessDenied')
def get_class_definitions(): if self.loginCheck(): classDefs = {'classes': self.middleware.getClassDefinitions()} return classDefs else: abort(401, 'not logged in')
def callback(): """Takes the response from the provider and verify the identity of the logged in user Returns: Redirect to the wanted page after authentication """ session = request.environ.get("beaker.session") data = request.query.get("signedAttempt") if not data: return abort(400, "signedAttempt parameter is missing") data = if "signedAttempt" not in data: return abort(400, "signedAttempt value is missing") username = data["doubleName"] if not username: return abort(400, "DoubleName is missing") res = requests.get(f"{username}", {"Content-Type": "application/json"}) if res.status_code != 200: return abort(400, "Error getting user pub key") pub_key = res.json()["publicKey"] user_pub_key = VerifyKey( # verify data signedData = data["signedAttempt"] verifiedData = user_pub_key.verify( data = if "doubleName" not in data: return abort(400, "Decrypted data does not contain (doubleName)") if "signedState" not in data: return abort(400, "Decrypted data does not contain (state)") if data["doubleName"] != username: return abort(400, "username mismatch!") # verify state state = data["signedState"] if state != session["state"]: return abort(400, "Invalid state. not matching one in user session") nonce =["data"]["nonce"]) ciphertext =["data"]["ciphertext"]) try: priv = box = Box(priv, user_pub_key.to_curve25519_public_key()) decrypted = box.decrypt(ciphertext, nonce) except nacl.exceptions.CryptoError: return abort(400, "Error decrypting data") try: result = except JSONDecodeError: return abort(400, "3Bot login returned faulty data") if "email" not in result: return abort(400, "Email is not present in data") email = result["email"]["email"] sei = result["email"]["sei"] res = "", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, json={"signedEmailIdentifier": sei}, ) if res.status_code != 200: return abort(400, "Email is not verified") session["username"] = username session["email"] = email session["authorized"] = True session["signedAttempt"] = signedData try: tid = j.sals.reservation_chatflow.reservation_chatflow.validate_user({ "username": username, "email": email }).id session["tid"] = tid session["explorer"] = except Exception as e: j.logger.warning( f"Error in validating user: {username} with email: {email} in explorer: {}\n from {str(e)}" ) return redirect(session.get("next_url", "/"))
def hi(): raise bottle.abort(420, 'Enhance Your Calm')
def get(urlid): s = Storage() url = s.get(ConvertID.to_rowid(urlid)) if url is None: abort(404, "No such URL ID") redirect(tob(url))
def error(): ''' Cause a common HTTP error ''' abort(401, 'Access denied')
def buildbot(): logger = g.logger.getChild('buildbot') response.content_type = 'text/plain' for row in json.loads(request.forms.packets): if row['event'] == 'buildFinished': info = row['payload']['build'] lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'info: {}'.format(info)) props = dict(x[:2] for x in info['properties']) if 'retry' in info['text']: continue if not props['revision']: continue try: state, repo_label = find_state(props['revision']) except ValueError: lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'Invalid commit ID from Buildbot: {}'. format(props['revision'])) # noqa continue lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'state: {}, {}'.format( state, state.build_res_summary())) # noqa if info['builderName'] not in state.build_res: lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'Invalid builder from Buildbot: {}'. format(info['builderName'])) # noqa continue repo_cfg = g.repo_cfgs[repo_label] if request.forms.secret != repo_cfg['buildbot']['secret']: abort(400, 'Invalid secret') build_succ = 'successful' in info['text'] or info['results'] == 0 url = '{}/builders/{}/builds/{}'.format( repo_cfg['buildbot']['url'], info['builderName'], props['buildnumber'], ) if 'interrupted' in info['text']: step_name = '' for step in reversed(info['steps']): if 'interrupted' in step.get('text', []): step_name = step['name'] break if step_name: try: url = ( '{}/builders/{}/builds/{}/steps/{}/logs/interrupt' # noqa ).format( repo_cfg['buildbot']['url'], info['builderName'], props['buildnumber'], step_name, ) res = requests.get(url) except Exception as ex: # noqa logger.warn('/buildbot encountered an error during ' 'github logs request') # probably related to # lazy_debug( logger, lambda: 'buildbot logs err: {}'.format(ex)) # noqa abort(502, 'Bad Gateway') mat = if mat: interrupt_token = if getattr(state, 'interrupt_token', '') != interrupt_token: state.interrupt_token = interrupt_token if state.status == 'pending': state.set_status('') desc = (':snowman: The build was interrupted ' 'to prioritize another pull request.') state.add_comment(desc) state.change_labels(LabelEvent.INTERRUPTED) utils.github_create_status(state.get_repo(), state.head_sha, 'error', url, desc, context='homu') g.queue_handler() continue else: logger.error('Corrupt payload from Buildbot') report_build_res(build_succ, url, info['builderName'], state, logger, repo_cfg) elif row['event'] == 'buildStarted': info = row['payload']['build'] lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'info: {}'.format(info)) props = dict(x[:2] for x in info['properties']) if not props['revision']: continue try: state, repo_label = find_state(props['revision']) except ValueError: pass else: if info['builderName'] in state.build_res: repo_cfg = g.repo_cfgs[repo_label] if request.forms.secret != repo_cfg['buildbot']['secret']: abort(400, 'Invalid secret') url = '{}/builders/{}/builds/{}'.format( repo_cfg['buildbot']['url'], info['builderName'], props['buildnumber'], ) state.set_build_res(info['builderName'], None, url) if g.buildbot_slots[0] == props['revision']: g.buildbot_slots[0] = '' g.queue_handler() return 'OK'
def decorator(*args, **kwargs): session = request.environ.get("beaker.session") if j.core.config.get_config().get("threebot_connect", True): if not session.get("authorized", False): return abort(401) return handler(*args, **kwargs)
def github(): logger = g.logger.getChild('github') response.content_type = 'text/plain' payload = info = request.json lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'info: {}'.format( utils.remove_url_keys_from_json(info))) # noqa owner_info = info['repository']['owner'] owner = owner_info.get('login') or owner_info['name'] repo_label = g.repo_labels[owner, info['repository']['name']] repo_cfg = g.repo_cfgs[repo_label] hmac_method, hmac_sig = request.headers['X-Hub-Signature'].split('=') if hmac_sig != repo_cfg['github']['secret'].encode('utf-8'), payload, hmac_method, ).hexdigest(): abort(400, 'Invalid signature') event_type = request.headers['X-Github-Event'] if event_type == 'pull_request_review_comment': action = info['action'] original_commit_id = info['comment']['original_commit_id'] head_sha = info['pull_request']['head']['sha'] if action == 'created' and original_commit_id == head_sha: pull_num = info['pull_request']['number'] body = info['comment']['body'] username = info['sender']['login'] state = g.states[repo_label].get(pull_num) if state: state.title = info['pull_request']['title'] state.body = info['pull_request']['body'] if parse_commands( g.cfg, body, username, repo_cfg, state, g.my_username, g.db, g.states, realtime=True, sha=original_commit_id, ): g.queue_handler() elif event_type == 'pull_request': action = info['action'] pull_num = info['number'] head_sha = info['pull_request']['head']['sha'] if action == 'synchronize': state = g.states[repo_label][pull_num] state.head_advanced(head_sha) elif action in ['opened', 'reopened']: state = PullReqState(pull_num, head_sha, '', g.db, repo_label, g.mergeable_que,, info['repository']['owner']['login'], info['repository']['name'], repo_cfg.get('labels', {}), g.repos) state.title = info['pull_request']['title'] state.body = info['pull_request']['body'] state.head_ref = info['pull_request']['head']['repo']['owner'][ 'login'] + ':' + info['pull_request']['head']['ref'] # noqa state.base_ref = info['pull_request']['base']['ref'] state.set_mergeable(info['pull_request']['mergeable']) state.assignee = (info['pull_request']['assignee']['login'] if info['pull_request']['assignee'] else '') found = False if action == 'reopened': # FIXME: Review comments are ignored here for c in state.get_repo().issue(pull_num).iter_comments(): found = parse_commands( g.cfg, c.body, c.user.login, repo_cfg, state, g.my_username, g.db, g.states, ) or found status = '' for info in utils.github_iter_statuses(state.get_repo(), state.head_sha): if info.context == 'homu': status = info.state break state.set_status(status) g.states[repo_label][pull_num] = state if found: g.queue_handler() elif action == 'closed': state = g.states[repo_label][pull_num] if hasattr(state, 'fake_merge_sha'): def inner(): utils.github_set_ref( state.get_repo(), 'heads/' + state.base_ref, state.merge_sha, force=True, ) def fail(err): state.add_comment(':boom: Failed to recover from the ' 'artificial commit. See {} for details.' ' ({})'.format(state.fake_merge_sha, err)) utils.retry_until(inner, fail, state) del g.states[repo_label][pull_num] db_query(g.db, 'DELETE FROM pull WHERE repo = ? AND num = ?', [repo_label, pull_num]) db_query(g.db, 'DELETE FROM build_res WHERE repo = ? AND num = ?', [repo_label, pull_num]) db_query(g.db, 'DELETE FROM mergeable WHERE repo = ? AND num = ?', [repo_label, pull_num]) g.queue_handler() elif action in ['assigned', 'unassigned']: state = g.states[repo_label][pull_num] state.assignee = (info['pull_request']['assignee']['login'] if info['pull_request']['assignee'] else '') else: lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'Invalid pull_request action: {}'. format(action)) # noqa elif event_type == 'push': ref = info['ref'][len('refs/heads/'):] for state in list(g.states[repo_label].values()): if state.base_ref == ref: state.set_mergeable( None, cause={ 'sha': info['head_commit']['id'], 'title': info['head_commit']['message'].splitlines()[0], }) if state.head_sha == info['before']: if state.status: state.change_labels(LabelEvent.PUSHED) state.head_advanced(info['after']) elif event_type == 'issue_comment': body = info['comment']['body'] username = info['comment']['user']['login'] pull_num = info['issue']['number'] state = g.states[repo_label].get(pull_num) if 'pull_request' in info['issue'] and state: state.title = info['issue']['title'] state.body = info['issue']['body'] if parse_commands( g.cfg, body, username, repo_cfg, state, g.my_username, g.db, g.states, realtime=True, ): g.queue_handler() elif event_type == 'status': try: state, repo_label = find_state(info['sha']) except ValueError: return 'OK' status_name = "" if 'status' in repo_cfg: for name, value in repo_cfg['status'].items(): if 'context' in value and value['context'] == info['context']: status_name = name if status_name is "": return 'OK' if info['state'] == 'pending': return 'OK' for row in info['branches']: if row['name'] == state.base_ref: return 'OK' report_build_res(info['state'] == 'success', info['target_url'], 'status-' + status_name, state, logger, repo_cfg) return 'OK'
def get_equipement(id): entity = db['equipements'].find_one({'_id':id}) if not entity: abort(404, 'No equipement with id %s' % id) return entity