Esempio n. 1
    def push(self, fp, storeurl, uniq=None):
        "Push a local file (file pointer)  to the store"

        log.debug('local.push: url=%s', storeurl)
        origpath = localpath = url2localpath(storeurl)
        fpath,ext = os.path.splitext(origpath)
        _mkdir (os.path.dirname(localpath))
        uniq = uniq or make_uniq_code()
        for x in xrange(len(uniq)-7):
        #for x in range(100):
            if not os.path.exists (localpath):
                log.debug('local.write: %s -> %s' , tounicode(storeurl), tounicode(localpath))
                #patch for no copy file uploads - check for regular file or file like object
                    move_file (fp, localpath)
                except OSError as e:
                    if not os.path.exists (localpath):
                        log.exception ("Problem moving file to%s ", localpath)
                        log.error ("Problem moving file, but it seems to be there.. check permissions on store")

                #log.debug ("local.push: top = %s  path= %s",self.top_path, localpath )
                ident = localpath[len(self.top_path):]
                #if ident[0] == '/':
                #    ident = ident[1:]
                ident = localpath2url(ident)
      'local push  blob_id: %s -> %s',  tounicode(ident), tounicode(localpath))
                return ident, localpath
            localpath = "%s-%s%s" % (fpath , uniq[3:7+x] , ext)
            #localpath = "%s-%04d%s" % (fpath , x , ext)
            log.warn ("local.write: File exists... trying %s", tounicode(localpath))
        raise DuplicateFile(localpath)
Esempio n. 2
    def valid(self, storeurl):
        #log.debug('valid ident %s top %s', ident,
        #log.debug('valid local ident %s local top %s', url2localpath(ident), url2localpath(

        if store_compare(storeurl, self.mount_url):
            return storeurl

        # It might be a shorted
        storeurl,_ = split_subpath(storeurl)
        scheme = urlparse.urlparse(storeurl).scheme

        if not scheme and storeurl[0] != '/':
            storeurl = urlparse.urljoin (, storeurl)
            # OLD STYLE : may have written %encoded values to file system
            path = posixpath.normpath(urlparse.urlparse(storeurl).path)
            path = force_filesys (path)
            log.debug ("checking unquoted %s", tounicode(path))
            if os.path.exists (path):
                return path  # not returning an actual URL ..
        elif storeurl.startswith('file:///'):
            #should have matched earlier
            return None
        elif storeurl.startswith('file://'):
            storeurl = urlparse.urljoin(, storeurl[7:])
            return None
        localpath = url2localpath (storeurl)
        log.debug ("checking %s", tounicode(localpath))
        return os.path.exists(localpath) and localpath2url(localpath)
Esempio n. 3
    def _save_store(self,
        'store the file to the named store'

        resource_name, sub = split_subpath(resource.get('name'))
        # Force a move into the store
        if fileobj:
            with self._get_driver(store) as driver:
                if driver.readonly:
                    raise IllegalOperation('readonly store')

                storeurl = posixpath.join(driver.mount_url, storepath)
                log.debug('_save_store: %s from %s %s', storeurl,
                          driver.mount_url, storepath)
                storeurl, localpath = driver.push(
                    fileobj, storeurl, resource.get('resource_uniq'))

                # Store URL may be changed during driver push by disambiguation code.
                # revert change from changeset:2297 to always use storeurl
                #name = os.path.basename(resource_name) or tounicode(url2localpath(os.path.basename(storeurl)))
                name = tounicode(url2localpath(os.path.basename(storeurl)))
                resource.set('name', join_subpath(name, sub))
                resource.set('value', join_subpath(storeurl, sub))
                log.debug('_save_store: %s', etree.tostring(resource))
            # Try to reference the data in place (if on safe store)
            storeurl, localpath = self._save_storerefs(store, storepath,
                                                       resource, rooturl)
            #Store  url may have changed due to conflict
            if resource.get('value') is None:  # This is multifile
                name = os.path.basename(resource_name)
                name = tounicode(url2localpath(os.path.basename(storeurl)))
            resource.set('name', join_subpath(name, sub))

        # Update the store path reference to similar to the storeurl
        storepath = storepath.split('/')
        storepath[-1] = os.path.basename(storeurl)
        log.debug('_save_store: %s %s %s', storeurl, localpath,
        return storeurl, storepath, localpath
Esempio n. 4
    def call_imgcnvlib(command):
        arr = (ctypes.c_wchar_p * len(command))()
        arr[:] = [misc.tounicode(i) for i in command]
        res = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_char_p())

            r = imgcnvlib.imgcnv(len(command), arr, res)
        except Exception:
            log.exception('Exception calling libbioimage')
            return 100, None

        out = res.contents.value
        _ = imgcnvlib.imgcnv_clear(res)
        return r, out
Esempio n. 5
    def run_read(cls, ifnm, command):
        with Locks(ifnm, failonread=(not block_reads)) as l:
            if l.locked is False:  # dima: never wait, respond immediately
                raise ImageServiceFuture((1, 15))
            #command, tmp = misc.start_nounicode_win(ifnm, command)
            log.debug('run_read dylib command: %s', misc.tounicode(command))
            #out = cls.run_command( command )
            retcode, out = call_imgcnvlib(command)
            if retcode == 100 or retcode == 101:  # some error in libbioimage, retry once
                log.error('Libioimage retcode %s: retry once: %s', retcode,
                retcode, out = call_imgcnvlib(command)

            #log.debug('Retcode: %s', retcode)
            #log.debug('out: %s', out)
        return out
Esempio n. 6
    def run(cls, ifnm, ofnm, args, **kw):
        '''converts input filename into output using exact arguments as provided in args'''
        if not cls.installed:
            return None
        failonread = kw.get('failonread') or (not block_reads)
        tmp = None
        with Locks(ifnm, ofnm, failonexist=True) as l:
            if l.locked:  # the file is not being currently written by another process
                command = [cls.CONVERTERCOMMAND]
                log.debug('Run dylib command: %s', misc.tounicode(command))
                proceed = True
                if ofnm is not None and os.path.exists(
                        ofnm) and os.path.getsize(ofnm) > 16:
                    if kw.get('nooverwrite', False) is True:
                        proceed = False
                            'Run: output exists before command [%s], skipping',
                            'Run: output exists before command [%s], overwriting',
                if proceed is True:
                    #command, tmp = misc.start_nounicode_win(ifnm, command)
                    retcode, out = call_imgcnvlib(command)
                    if retcode == 100 or retcode == 101:  # some error in libbioimage, retry once
                        log.error('Libioimage retcode %s: retry once: %s',
                                  retcode, command)
                        retcode, out = call_imgcnvlib(command)
                    if retcode == 99:
                        # in case of a timeout
              'Run: timed-out for [%s]',
                        if ofnm is not None and os.path.exists(ofnm):
                        raise ImageServiceException(
                            412, 'Requested timeout reached')
                    if retcode != 0:
              'Run: returned [%s] for [%s]', retcode,
                        return None
                    if ofnm is None:
                        return str(retcode)
                    # output file does not exist for some operations, like tiles
                    # tile command does not produce a file with this filename
                    # if not os.path.exists(ofnm):
                    #     log.error ('Run: output does not exist after command [%s]', ofnm)
                    #     return None
            elif l.locked is False:  # dima: never wait, respond immediately
                raise ImageServiceFuture((1, 15))

        # make sure the write of the output file have finished
        if ofnm is not None and os.path.exists(ofnm):
            with Locks(ofnm, failonread=failonread) as l:
                if l.locked is False:  # dima: never wait, respond immediately
                    raise ImageServiceFuture((1, 15))

        # safeguard for incorrectly converted files, sometimes only the tiff header can be written
        # empty lock files are automatically removed before by lock code
        if os.path.exists(
                ofnm) and os.path.getsize(ofnm) < cls.MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE:
                'Run: output file is smaller than %s bytes, probably an error, removing [%s]',
                cls.MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE, ofnm)
            return None
        return ofnm