Esempio n. 1
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main(). Did it this way so it can easily be used as a standalone module or called from another.

    :return: Exit code. See exist codes in brcddb.brcddb_common
    :rtype: int
    ip, user_id, pw, outf, sec, s_flag, vd, c_file, fid, log, nl = parse_args()
    if vd:
        brcdapi_rest.verbose_debug = True
    if s_flag:
    if not nl:
    if sec is None:
        sec = 'none'
    fid_l = None if fid is None else fid.split(',')
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ml.append('IP:          ' + brcdapi_util.mask_ip_addr(ip, True))
    ml.append('ID:          ' + user_id)
    ml.append('security:    ' + sec)
    ml.append('Output file: ' + outf)
    ml.append('KPI file:    ' + str(c_file))
    ml.append('FID List:    ' + str(fid))
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
    outf = brcdapi_file.full_file_name(outf, '.json')

    # Create project
    proj_obj =
        "Captured_data",'%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))
    proj_obj.s_description("This is a test")

    # Login
    session = api_int.login(user_id, pw, ip, sec, proj_obj)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(session):
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR

    # Collect the data
        api_int.get_batch(session, proj_obj, _kpi_list(session, c_file), fid_l)
    except BaseException as e:
            'Programming error encountered. Exception is: ' + str(e), True)

    # Logout
    obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(obj):
        brcdapi_log.log(brcdapi_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)

    # Dump the database to a file
    if _WRITE:
        brcdapi_log.log('Saving project to: ' + outf, True)
        plain_copy = dict()
        brcddb_copy.brcddb_to_plain_copy(proj_obj, plain_copy)
        brcdapi_file.write_dump(plain_copy, outf)
        brcdapi_log.log('Save complete', True)

    return proj_obj.r_exit_code()
Esempio n. 2
def _create_switch(session, chassis_obj, switch_d, echo):
    """Creates a logical switch

    :param session: Session object, or list of session objects, returned from brcdapi.fos_auth.login()
    :type session: dict
    :param chassis_obj: Chassis object
    :type chassis_obj: brcddb.classes.chassis.ChassisObj
    :param switch_d: Switch object as returned from report_utils.parse_switch_file()
    :type switch_d: dict
    :param echo: If True, echo switch configuration details to STD_OUT
    :type echo: bool
    global _basic_capture_kpi_l

    fid = switch_d['fid']
    buf = 'Creating FID ' + str(
    ) + '. This will take about 20 sec per switch + 25 sec per group of 32 ports.'
    brcdapi_log.log(buf, True)
    base = True if switch_d['switch_type'] == 'base' else False
    ficon = True if switch_d['switch_type'] == 'ficon' else False
    obj = brcdapi_switch.create_switch(session, fid, base, ficon, echo)
    if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
        switch_d['err_msgs'].append('Error creating FID ' + str(fid))
            switch_d['err_msgs'][len(switch_d['err_msgs']) - 1],
        ], True)
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    # re-read the chassis and logical switch data to pick up the switch we just created.
    session.pop('chassis_wwn', None)
    api_int.get_batch(session, chassis_obj.r_project_obj(),
                      _basic_capture_kpi_l, None)
    return chassis_obj.r_switch_obj_for_fid(fid)
def _wrap_up(exit_code):
    """Write out the collected data in JSON to a plain text file.

    :param exit_code: Initial exit code
    :type exit_code: int
    global _proj_obj, _session, _out_f, _switch_obj, _base_switch_obj

    ec = exit_code
    if _session is not None:
            obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(_session)
            if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
                brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
        except BaseException as e:
                ['Logout failure. ' + _EXCEPTION_MSG, 'Exception: ' + str(e)],
        _session = None

        _proj_obj.s_new_key('base_switch_wwn', _base_switch_obj.r_obj_key())
                            [obj.r_obj_key() for obj in _switch_obj])
        plain_copy = dict()
        brcddb_copy.brcddb_to_plain_copy(_proj_obj, plain_copy)
        brcdapi_file.write_dump(plain_copy, _out_f)
    except BaseException as e:
        brcdapi_log.log('Unknown exception: ' + str(e), True)
    return ec
def clear_stats(session, switch_obj):
    """Clear all statistical counters associated with a switch

    :param session: Session object returned from brcdapi.fos_auth.login()
    :type session: dict
    :param switch_obj: Switch object
    :type switch_obj: brcddb.classes.SwitchObj
    :return: Ending status code
    :rtype: int
    ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
    stats_list = [
    for stats in stats_list:
        if len(stats.get('ports')) > 0:
            pl = list()
            fid = brcddb_switch.switch_fid(switch_obj)
            content = {stats.get('content'): pl}
            for p in stats.get('ports'):
                d = dict()
                d.update({'name': p})
                d.update({'reset-statistics': 1})
            obj = brcdapi_rest.send_request(
                session, 'running/brocade-interface/fibrechannel-statistics',
                'PATCH', content, fid)
            if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
                brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.obj_error_detail(obj), True)
                ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    return ec
def _logout(session):
    """Logout and post message if the logout failed

    :param session: Session object returned from brcdapi.brcdapi_auth.login()
    :type session: dict
    obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(obj):
            'Logout failed:\n' + brcdapi_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
Esempio n. 6
def _clear_dashboard(session, fid):
    """Clears the MAPS dashboard

    :return fid: Fabric ID
    :rtype fid: int
    content = {'clear-data': True}
    obj = brcdapi_rest.send_request(session, 'running/brocade-maps/dashboard-misc', 'PUT', content, fid)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(obj):
        brcdapi_log.log(brcdapi_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
        return -1
    return 0
def _capture_data(proj_obj, kpi_l, fid_l, user_id, pw, ip_addr, sec):
    """Captures data from switch and adds it to the project object

    :param proj_obj: The project object
    :type proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjectObj
    :param kpi_l: List of KPIs to GET
    :type kpi_l: list, tuple
    :param fid_l: FID, or list of FIDs for logical switch level requests. If None, execute requests for all FIDs.
    :type fid_l: int, list, tuple, None
    :param user_id: User ID
    :type user_id: str
    :param pw: Password
    :type pw: str
    :param ip_addr: IP address
    :type ip_addr: str
    :param sec: If 'CA' or 'self', uses https to login. Otherwise, http.
    :type sec: None, str
    :return: Status code
    :type: int
    # Login
    session = api_int.login(user_id, pw, ip_addr, sec, proj_obj)
    if fos_auth.is_error(session):
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR  # api_int.login() prints the error message detail.

    ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK

    # Capture the data
    api_int.get_batch(session, proj_obj, kpi_l, fid_l)
    if proj_obj.r_is_any_error():
        brcdapi_log.log('Errors encountered. Search the log for "ERROR:".', True)

    # Logout
    obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
    if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
        brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
        ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR

    return ec
Esempio n. 8
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main().

    :return: Exit code
    :rtype: int
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ip, user_id, pw, sec, fids, vd, log, nl = parse_args()
    if vd:
        brcdapi_rest.verbose_debug = True
    if not nl:
    fid = int(fids)
    ml.append('FID: ' + fids)
    if sec is None:
        sec = 'none'
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)

    # Login
    brcdapi_log.log('Attempting login', True)
    session = brcdapi_rest.login(user_id, pw, ip, sec)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(session):
        brcdapi_log.log('Login failed', True)
        brcdapi_log.log(brcdapi_auth.formatted_error_msg(session), True)
        return -1
    brcdapi_log.log('Login succeeded', True)

        ec = _clear_dashboard(session, fid)
    except:  # Base except because I don't care what went wrong, I just want to make sure we logout.
        brcdapi_log.exception('Encountered a programming error', True)
        ec = -1

    obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(obj):
        brcdapi_log.log('Logout failed:\n' + brcdapi_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
    return ec
def _is_error(session, fid, obj):
    """Tests to see if the API returned an error and aborts the zoning transaction if it did

    :param session: Session object returned from brcdapi.brcdapi_auth.login()
    :type session: dict
    :param fid: Logical FID number to be created. Valid FISs are 1-128. Will return an error if the FID already exists
    :type fid: int
    :return: True if an error was returned
    :rtype: bool
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(obj):
        # Commented out code below is redundant because methods already print formatted error messages to
        # the log. Should you need to format error objects into human readable text:
        # brcdapi_log.log(brcdapi_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
        brcdapi_zone.abort(session, fid, True)
        return True
        return False
Esempio n. 10
def _enable_switch(session, fid, echo):
    """Enable switch

    :param session: Session object returned from brcdapi.fos_auth.login()
    :type session: dict
    :param fid: Fabric ID
    :type fid: int
    :param echo: If True, echo switch configuration details to STD_OUT
    :type echo: bool
    obj = brcdapi_switch.fibrechannel_switch(session, fid,
                                             {'is-enabled-state': True}, None,
    if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
            'Failed to enable FID ' + str(fid),
        ], True)
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR

    return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
Esempio n. 11
def _enable_ports(session, fid, port_l, echo):
    """Enable ports

    :param session: Session object returned from brcdapi.fos_auth.login()
    :type session: dict
    :param fid: Fabric ID
    :type fid: int
    :param port_l: Ports in s/p notation to enable
    :type port_l: list
    :param echo: If True, echo switch configuration details to STD_OUT
    :type echo: bool
    if len(port_l) > 0:
        obj = brcdapi_port.enable_port(session, fid, port_l, echo)
        if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
                'Failed to enable ports on FID ' + str(fid),
            ], True)
            return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR

    return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
Esempio n. 12
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main().

    :return: Exit code
    :rtype: int
    global _DEBUG

    # Get and validate command line input.
    ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ip, user_id, pw, sec, file, force, s_flag, echo, vd, log, nl = parse_args()
    if vd:
        brcdapi_rest.verbose_debug = True
    if s_flag:
    if not nl:
    if sec is None:
        sec = 'none'
    file = brcdapi_file.full_file_name(file, '.xlsx')
    if ip is not None:
        if user_id is None:
            ml.append('Missing user ID, -id')
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_INPUT_ERROR
        if pw is None:
            ml.append('Missing password, -pw')
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_INPUT_ERROR
    ml.append('File:       ' + file)
        'IP address: ' +
        brcdapi_util.mask_ip_addr(ip) if isinstance(ip, str) else str(ip))
    ml.append('ID:         ' + str(user_id))
    ml.append('sec:        ' + sec)
    if len(ml) > 0:
        brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
    if ec != brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK:
        return ec
    echo = False if echo is None else echo

    # Read in the Workbook, generate the portaddress --bind commands, and configure the switch(es)
    switch_d_list = [
        switch_d for switch_d in report_utils.parse_switch_file(file).values()
    session = proj_obj = None

        for switch_d in switch_d_list:

            # Create the bind commands
            if switch_d['bind']:
                cli_l = switch_d['bind_commands'].copy()
                i = 0
                while i < len(cli_l):
                    cli_l.insert(i, '')
                    i += 16
                    0, '\n# Bind commands for FID ' + str(switch_d['fid']))
                cli_l.append('\n# End bind commands for FID ' +
                brcdapi_log.log(cli_l, True)

            # Create the logical switch
            if ip is not None and switch_d['switch_flag']:

                if session is None:  # Login
                    session = api_int.login(user_id, pw, ip, sec, proj_obj)
                    if fos_auth.is_error(session):
                        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR

                if proj_obj is None:  # Create a project object
                    proj_obj =
              '%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))
                    proj_obj.s_description('Creating logical switches from ' +

                api_int.get_batch(session, proj_obj, _basic_capture_kpi_l,
                if proj_obj.r_is_any_error():
                        'Error reading logical switch information from chassis'
                        switch_d['err_msgs'][len(switch_d['err_msgs']) - 1],
                    ec = _configure_switch(user_id, pw, session, proj_obj,
                                           switch_d, force, echo)

    except BaseException as e:
            'Programming error encountered. Exception: ' + str(e))
        brcdapi_log.log(switch_d['err_msgs'][len(switch_d['err_msgs']) - 1],
        ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    # Logout and create and print a summary report
    if session is not None:
        obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
        if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
            brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR
    if ip is not None:

    return ec
Esempio n. 13
def _add_remove_ports(session, switch_obj, switch_d, force, echo):
    """Add and remove ports from a logical switch

    :param session: Session object, or list of session objects, returned from brcdapi.fos_auth.login()
    :type session: dict
    :param switch_obj: Chassis object
    :type switch_obj: brcddb.classes.switch.SwitchObj
    :param switch_d: Switch object as returned from report_utils.parse_switch_file()
    :type switch_d: dict
    :param force: Move the port whether it's online or not.
    :type force: bool
    :param echo: If True, echo switch configuration details to STD_OUT
    :type echo: bool
    # Load common use stuff into local variables
    ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
    chassis_obj = switch_obj.r_chassis_obj()
    fid = switch_d['fid']

    # Figure out what ports to add or remove
    _ports_to_move(switch_obj, switch_d, force)

    # Report any ports that could not be moved.
    ml = list()
    for d in [
            dict(port_l=switch_d['not_found_ports'], m='were not found:'),
            dict(port_l=switch_d['online_ports'], m='are online:')
        if len(d['port_l']) > 0:
            ml.append('The following ports were not moved because they ' +
            for port in brcddb_util.sp_port_sort(d['port_l']):
                port_obj = chassis_obj.r_port_obj(port)
                if port_obj is not None:
                        brcddb_port.best_port_name(port_obj, True) + ', ' +
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR
    if len(ml) > 0:
        brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
    default_fid = chassis_obj.r_default_switch_fid()

    # $ToDo brcdapi_switch.add_ports doesn't remove GE ports
    # Remove ports
    obj = brcdapi_switch.add_ports(session, default_fid, fid,
                                   switch_d['remove_ports'], None, echo)
    if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
        ml = [
            'Error moving ports from FID ' + str('fid') + ' to ' +
        brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
        ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    # Add ports
    for from_fid, port_d in switch_d['add_ports'].items():
        obj = brcdapi_switch.add_ports(session, fid, from_fid, port_d['ports'],
                                       port_d['ge_ports'], echo)
        if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
            ml = [
                'Error moving ports from FID ' + from_fid + ' to ' + str(fid),
            brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    return ec