Esempio n. 1
    def test_2_heart_plain(self) :
        self.assertEquals(110, bridge.tricks_to_result('2H', True, 8))

        self.assertEquals(470, bridge.tricks_to_result('2Hd', False, 8))
        self.assertEquals(670, bridge.tricks_to_result('2Hd', True, 8))

        self.assertEquals(640, bridge.tricks_to_result('2Hr', False, 8))
        self.assertEquals(840, bridge.tricks_to_result('2Hr', True, 8))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_1_club_over(self) :
        self.assertEquals(90, bridge.tricks_to_result('1C', True, 8))

        self.assertEquals(240, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cd', False, 8))
        self.assertEquals(340, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cd', True, 8))

        self.assertEquals(430, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cr', False, 8))
        self.assertEquals(630, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cr', True, 8))
Esempio n. 3
def answer_claim(prof, toput, key, side, answer) :
    table = repo.Table.get(key)
    if table.claim is None :
        logging.warn('%s @%s/%s tries to answer absent claim', prof.user, key, side)
    proto = table.protocol
    if table.user_by_side(side) != prof.user :
        logging.warn('User %s answering claim for %s@%s/%s', prof.user, table.user_by_side(side), key, side)

    if bridge.relation_idx(proto.contract[-1], side) % 2 == 0 :
        logging.warn('User %s@%s/%s answering claim being part of claimant or claimant himself'
                    , prof.user, key, side)

    if answer == '0' : # declined
        table.claim = '00' + table.claim[2]
    if not table.claim.endswith(bridge.partner_side(side)) : #partner didn't yet answered
        table.claim += side
    # partner answered, so deal is done
    deal =
    trickcnt = int(table.claim[:2])
    proto.tricks = int(proto.contract[0]) + 6 - trickcnt
    proto.result = bridge.tricks_to_result(proto.contract, deal.vulnerability, trickcnt)
    toput.append(table.broadcast(m('', contract = proto.contract.replace('d', 'x').replace('r','xx')\
                          , declearer = proto.contract[-1]\
                          , points = proto.result\
                          , tricks = trickcnt\
                          , protocol_url = 'protocol.html?%s' % deal.key())))
    start_new_deal(table, toput)
Esempio n. 4
def do_claim(prof, toput, key, side, tricks_s) :
    table = repo.Table.get(key)
    proto = table.protocol
    if proto.contract is None :
        logging.warn('%s@%s/%s tries to claim %s while nothing declared', prof.user, key, side, tricks_s)
    decl = proto.contract[2]
    umap = table.usermap()
    if decl != side or umap.get(side) != prof.user :
        logging.warn('%s@%s/%s tries to claim %s while not in position to', prof.user, key, side, tricks_s)

    if table.claim is not None and not table.claim.startswith('00') :
        logging.warn('%s@%s/%s tries to claim %s while other claim in progress', prof.user, key, side)
    decl_tricks = bridge.decl_tricks_and_next_move_offset(proto.moves, proto.contract[1])[0]
    defender_tricks = (len(proto.moves) / 4) - decl_tricks
    tricks = int(tricks_s)
    if tricks > 13 - defender_tricks or tricks < decl_tricks :
        logging.warn('%s@%s/%s tries to claim %s while %s:%s could be taken'
                    , prof.user, key, side, tricks_s, decl_tricks, 13 - defender_tricks)

    table.claim = "%02d%s" % (tricks, side)
    deal =
    claim_res = bridge.tricks_to_result(proto.contract, deal.vulnerability, tricks)
    si = bridge.SIDES.index(side)
    claimant_part = bridge.partner_side(side)
    moves = proto.moves
    common_m = [m('hand', cards=hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(side), moves), side=side)
                , m('hand', cards=hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(claimant_part), moves), side=claimant_part)]

    umap.pop(side, None)
    umap.pop(claimant_part, None)
    items = umap.items()
    # FIXME: process situation when one or both defenders are not at the table
    if len(items) > 0 :
        side1, def1 = items[0]
        if len(items) > 1 :
            side2, def2 = items[1]
                    def1, common_m + [m('hand', cards=hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(side2), moves), side=side2)]))
                    def2, common_m + [m('hand', cards=hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(side1), moves), side=side1)]))
        else :
            side2 = bridge.partner_side(side1)
                    def1, common_m + [m('hand', cards=hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(side2), moves), side=side2)]))
    toput.append(table.broadcast(m('claim', side=side, tricks=tricks_s, result=claim_res)))
Esempio n. 5
    def test_1_club_even(self) :
        self.assertEquals(70, bridge.tricks_to_result('1C', False, 7))
        self.assertEquals(70, bridge.tricks_to_result('1C', True, 7))

        self.assertEquals(140, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cd', False, 7))
        self.assertEquals(140, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cd', True, 7))

        self.assertEquals(230, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cr', False, 7))
        self.assertEquals(230, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cr', True, 7))
Esempio n. 6
    def test_undertricks(self) :
        self.assertEquals(-50, bridge.tricks_to_result('1C', False, 6))
        self.assertEquals(-100, bridge.tricks_to_result('1C', True, 6))

        self.assertEquals(-100, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cd', False, 6))
        self.assertEquals(-200, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cd', True, 6))

        self.assertEquals(-200, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cr', False, 6))
        self.assertEquals(-400, bridge.tricks_to_result('1Cr', True, 6))
Esempio n. 7
def current_table_state(user, place, table, allow_moves=True) :
    tkey = table.key()
    umap = table.usermap()
    messages = [m('player.sit', position = p, name = u.nickname(), tid = str(tkey)) 
                for p, u in umap.iteritems()]
    p = table.protocol
    if p is None :
        if len(umap) == 4 :
            logging.warn('4 users @%s, but deal not dealed', tkey)
            actions.start_new_deal(table, [])
        return messages
    deal =
    moves = p.moves
    hand = actions.hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(place), moves)
    messages += [m('hand', cards = hand, side = place)
                , m('start.bidding', vuln = deal.vulnerability, dealer =]
    if len(p.bidding) == 0 :
        return messages
    side =
    place_idx = bridge.SIDES.index(place)
    part_idx = (place_idx + 2) % 4
    def bidmes(bid, side, part_idx) :
        s = bid.split(':', 1)
        b = s[0]
        if len(s) > 1 and side != part_idx:
            alert = s[1]
            return m('bid', side = side, alert = process_chat_message(alert), bid = b)
            return m('bid', side = side, bid = b)
    for bid in p.bidding[:-1] :
        messages.append(bidmes(bid, side, part_idx))
        side = (side + 1) % 4
    last_bid = bidmes(p.bidding[-1], side, part_idx)
    last_bid['value']['dbl_mode'] = actions.get_dbl_mode(p.bidding)
    c = p.contract
    if c is None :
        return messages

    decl_side = c[-1]
    dummy_side = p.dummy() 
    messages.append(m('', contract = c.replace('d', 'x').replace('r','xx') 
                      , lead = (bridge.SIDES.index(c[-1]) + 1) % 4))
    move_done = len(moves) > 0
    if place == dummy_side :
        messages.append(m('hand', cards = actions.hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(decl_side), moves)
                          , side = decl_side))
    elif move_done  or  decl_side == place:
        messages.append(m('hand', cards = actions.hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(dummy_side), moves)
                          , side = dummy_side))
    if move_done :
        trump = c[1]
        full_rounds_played = len(moves) / 4
        rounds_total = int(math.ceil(float(len(moves)) / 4))
        decl_tricks, taker = bridge.decl_tricks_and_next_move_offset(moves[:(rounds_total - 2) * 4], trump)
        cards_to_show = moves[(rounds_total - 2) * 4:]
        lasttrick, lasttaker = bridge.decl_tricks_and_next_move_offset(cards_to_show, trump)
        if len(cards_to_show) > 3 :
            if taker % 2 == 1 :
                decl_tricks += 2 - (rounds_total - full_rounds_played) - lasttrick
            else :
                decl_tricks += lasttrick
        defen_tricks = full_rounds_played - decl_tricks
        decl_idx = bridge.SIDES.index(decl_side)
        if decl_idx % 2 == 0 :
            ns_t = decl_tricks
            ew_t = defen_tricks
        else :
            ns_t = defen_tricks
            ew_t = decl_tricks
        messages.append(m('tricks', NS = ns_t, EW = ew_t))
        rel_idx = (decl_idx + 1)
        if len(cards_to_show) > 3 :
            lastrnd = cards_to_show[:4]
            lt_base = taker + rel_idx
            messages += [m('move', card = lastrnd[i], side = bridge.SIDES[(lt_base + i)%4]) for i in xrange(4)]
            move_offs = bridge.decl_tricks_and_next_move_offset(lastrnd, trump)[1] + taker
            currnd = cards_to_show[4:]
        else :
            currnd = cards_to_show
            move_offs = taker
        s = (rel_idx + move_offs) % 4 
        for card in currnd :
            messages.append(m('move', card = card, side = bridge.SIDES[s]))
            s = (s + 1) % 4

        s = bridge.SIDES[(rel_idx + taker + lasttaker) % 4]
        if s == dummy_side and place == decl_side :
            messages[-1]['value']['next'] = dummy_side
            hand = actions.hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(dummy_side), moves)
            s = decl_side
        else :
            messages[-1]['value']['next'] = s

        if allow_moves and s == place: 
            if rounds_total != full_rounds_played and bridge.has_same_suit(hand, currnd[0]):
                messages[-1]['value']['allowed'] = currnd[0] / 13 
            else :
                messages[-1]['value']['allowed'] = 'any'
    if table.claim is None :
        return messages

    tricks_s = table.claim[:2]
    tricks = int(table.claim[:2])
    claim_side = table.claim[2]
    if tricks > 0 :
        claim_res = bridge.tricks_to_result(c, deal.vulnerability, tricks)
        messages.append(m('claim', side=claim_side, tricks=tricks_s, result=claim_res))
    if bridge.relation_idx(claim_side, place) % 2 == 1 : #opponent claim
        part_side = bridge.SIDES[part_idx]
        messages.append(m('hand', cards=actions.hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(claim_side), moves), side=claim_side))
        messages.append(m('hand', cards=actions.hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(part_side), moves), side=part_side))
        messages.append(m('hand', cards=actions.hand_left(deal.hand_by_side(dummy_side), moves), side=dummy_side))
    return messages
Esempio n. 8
 def test_3nt(self) :
     self.assertEquals(400, bridge.tricks_to_result('3Z', False, 9))