def test_from_grayscale(self): brisque = BRISQUE() for idx, path in enumerate(self._paths): image = cv2.imread(path, 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(brisque.get_score(image), self._score[idx], places=3)
def test_from_path(self): """Test directly from the path.""" brisque = BRISQUE() for idx, path in enumerate(self._paths): self.assertAlmostEqual(brisque.get_score(path), self._score[idx], places=3)
class BRISQUE_Metric_gen(Callback): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "brisque_gen" self.brisque = BRISQUE() def on_epoch_begin(self, **kwargs): self.values = [] def on_batch_end(self, last_output, last_target, **kwargs): for img in last_output: score = self.brisque.get_score(img.permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) self.values.append(score) def on_epoch_end(self, last_metrics, **kwargs): return add_metrics(last_metrics, sum(self.values) / len(self.values))
def main(args): # get the reference to the webcam camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # ROI coordinates img_w = 112 img_h = 112 top = 160 left = 300 bottom = top + img_h right = left + img_w image_num = 0 start_recording = False # make a new folder storing images today_str ="%y%m%d%H%M%S") saving_folder_path = "./" + today_str + '_' + args.file_prefix os.mkdir(saving_folder_path) saving_img_path = saving_folder_path + '/' + args.file_prefix + '_' print("Save images to " + saving_img_path) brisq = BRISQUE() while(True): # get the current frame (grabbed, frame) = if (grabbed == True): # fix the frame width to be 640 frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=640) # clone the frame for rendering clone = frame.copy() # get the ROI roi = frame[top:bottom, left:right] # convert the roi to grayscale and blur it gray = cv2.cvtColor(roi, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) image_quality = brisq.get_score(gray) # sometimes brisq outputs nan, we should ignore these anomolies if math.isnan(image_quality): continue if start_recording and image_quality < float(args.ref_quality): file_full_path = saving_img_path + str(image_num) + ".jpg" cv2.imwrite(file_full_path, gray,[int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 100]) # make sure the image is saved while(os.path.getsize(file_full_path) < 1): cv2.imwrite(file_full_path, gray,[int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 100]) image_num += 1 print('%d images saved\r' % (image_num), end="") # specify the font and draw the key using puttext font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(clone,str(int(image_quality * 10) / 10),(right - img_w, top), font, .8,(255,255,255),2,cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imshow("Gray", gray) # draw the segmented hand cv2.rectangle(clone, (right, top), (left, bottom), (0,255,0), 2) # display the frame with segmented hand cv2.imshow("Video Feed", clone) # observe the keypress by the user keypress = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # if the user pressed "q", then stop looping if keypress == ord("q") or image_num > int(args.img_num) - 1: break if keypress == ord("s"): start_recording = not start_recording else: print("[Warning!] Error input, Please check your(camra Or video)") break # free up memory camera.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()