def broken_axis(df, leftpad=pd.Timedelta("7H"), sunHours=0): d2n = mdates.date2num allDays = pd.date_range(df.index[0].date(), df.index[-1], freq="1D") sundays = allDays[allDays.day_name() == "Sunday"] if len(sundays) == 0: return brokenaxes(xlims=[(d2n(df.index[0]), d2n(df.index[-1]))]) if sunHours == 0: sundayStarts = [sun.replace(hour=0) - pd.Timedelta(hours=1, minutes=2) for sun in sundays] sundayEnds = [sun.replace(hour=23, minute=59) + pd.Timedelta(minutes=2) for sun in sundays] else: sundayStarts = [sun.replace(hour=sunHours) for sun in sundays] sundayEnds = [sun.replace(hour=24-sunHours) for sun in sundays] xParts = [(d2n(df.index[0] - leftpad), d2n(sundayStarts[0]))] for i in range(len(sundayStarts)-1): xParts.append( (d2n(sundayEnds[i]), d2n(sundayStarts[i+1])) ) xParts.append( (d2n(sundayEnds[len(sundayStarts)-1]), d2n(df.index[-1])) ) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=xParts, wspace=.02, d=.005) return bax
def test_subplots(): sps1, sps2 = GridSpec(2, 1) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=((0.1, 0.3), (0.7, 0.8)), subplot_spec=sps1) x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) bax.plot(x, np.sin(x * 30), ls=":", color="m") x = np.random.poisson(3, 1000) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=((0, 2.5), (3, 6)), subplot_spec=sps2) bax.hist(x, histtype="bar")
def plot_spectra(data): X = data["data"] yc = data["cancer_label"] wn = data["wavenumber"] #plot with broken axis nnc = np.where(yc == 0) ncan = np.where(yc == 1) Mean1 = np.mean(X[nnc], axis=0) Mean2 = np.mean(X[ncan], axis=0) w1 = 1800 w2 = 2800 i1 = np.argmin(abs(wn - w1)) i2 = np.argmin(abs(wn - w2)) wn1 = wn[:i1] wn2 = wn[i2:] x = wn lower_CI = np.mean(X, axis=0) - np.std(X, axis=0) upper_CI = np.mean(X, axis=0) + np.std(X, axis=0) sps1, sps2 = GridSpec(2, 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=((min(wn1), max(wn1)), (min(wn2) - 20, max(wn2))), hspace=0.15, subplot_spec=sps1) bax.plot(x, Mean1, color="blue", linewidth=2, label="NTHY") bax.plot(x, Mean2, color="red", linewidth=2, label="FTC") bax.fill_between(wn, lower_CI, upper_CI, color='#539caf', alpha=0.4) bax.legend(loc="upper left") bax.set_ylabel('Intensity [au]') bax.set_xlabel('Wavenumber [cm-1]') bax.tick_params(axis='both', labelleft=False, labelbottom=False, bottom=False) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=((min(wn1), max(wn1)), (min(wn2) - 20, max(wn2))), hspace=0.15, subplot_spec=sps2) bax.axhline(y=0, color='black', linestyle='--', alpha=0.3) bax.plot(x, Mean1 - Mean2, color="red", linewidth=2) bax.fill_between(wn, lower_CI - np.mean(X, axis=0), upper_CI - np.mean(X, axis=0), color='#539caf', alpha=0.4) bax.set_ylabel('$\\Delta$ Intensity [au]') bax.set_ylim(-1.5, 1.5) bax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft=False)
def band_edge_plot(files, margin=0.03, title="VBM and CBM"): mean = lambda x: sum(x) / len(x) vbm = mean(plot_function(files, valence_band_max, valsonly=True)) cbm = mean(plot_function(files, conduction_band_min, valsonly=True)) baxes = bax.brokenaxes(ylims=((vbm - margin, vbm + margin), (cbm - margin, cbm + margin)), hspace=0.05) plot_function(files, valence_band_max, title=title, timestep=0.03, xlabel="time (ps)", ylabel="Energy (eV)", display=False, axes=baxes, colors=["b"]) plot_function(files, conduction_band_min, title=title, timestep=0.03, xlabel="time (ps)", ylabel="Energy (eV)", display=True, axes=baxes, colors=["g"])
def plot(self,x,y,bar_width=0.001,dpi=300,Save=True): plt.rc('font', family='Times New Roman',size=26) # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) # fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2,left=0.2) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2,left=0.2) '''打截断''' bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((0,80),(1100,1170)),hspace=0.06,despine=False), y, bar_width,hatch='\\\\',color='white',edgecolor='blue') # bax.set_xlabel('Eigenvector Amplitude',fontsize=26,fontweight='bold') # bax.set_ylabel('Count',fontsize=26,fontweight='bold') # bax.set_title('$\mathregular{\mathit{f}}$ =0.365THz') # plt.xticks([0,0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.10,0.12],[0,0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.10,0.12]) # plt.yticks([0,200,400,600,800,1000,1200],[0,200,400,600,800,1000,1200]) # plt.yticks([0,5,10,15,20],[0,5,10,15,20]) # plt.yticks([0,2,4,6,8,10],[0,2,4,6,8,10]) if Save==True: plt.savefig('.tiff',dpi=dpi) return
def test_legend(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2)) bax = brokenaxes( xlims=((0, 0.1), (0.4, 0.7)), ylims=((-1, 0.7), (0.79, 1)), hspace=0.05 ) x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) h1 = bax.plot(x, np.sin(10 * x), label="sin") h2 = bax.plot(x, np.cos(10 * x), label="cos") bax.legend(handles=[h1, h2], labels=["1", "2"])
def breakaxis(gs1): return brokenaxes( subplot_spec=gs1, ylims=((-15 / 5 * 2, 90 / 5 * 2), (90 / 5 * 2, 750 / 5 * 2)), height_ratios=(50 / (90 + 15), 400 / (750 - 90) * 3), hspace=0.15, wspace=0.075, d=0.005, )
def plots(images_dir, predict_dir): """Plots histograms of uncertainty values.""" bu = np.load(predict_dir + "/bayesian/bayesian_unc.npy").flatten() du = np.load(predict_dir + "/dropout/dropout_unc.npy").flatten() # Removes extreme outliers so plot isn't stretched out. xlim = round(max(np.percentile(bu, 99.95), np.percentile(du, 99.95)), 2) bu = bu[bu < xlim] du = du[du < xlim] # Automatically calculates y-axis heights. bu_max = np.count_nonzero(bu == 0.) bu_mid = np.partition(np.histogram(bu, bins=50)[0], -2)[-2] du_max = np.count_nonzero(du == 0.) du_mid = np.partition(np.histogram(du, bins=50)[0], -2)[-2] # Plots histogram of Bayesian uncertainty map. fig = plt.figure() if bu_mid > 0: bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((0, bu_mid), (bu_max - (bu_mid / 5), bu_max))) bax.hist(bu, bins=50) else: plt.hist(bu, bins=50) plt.title("Distribution of Bayesian uncertainty map") # plt.xlabel("Uncertainty value") # plt.ylabel("Count") plt.savefig(images_dir + "/bayesian/bayesian_unc_dist.png") plt.clf() # Plots histogram of dropout uncertainty map. fig = plt.figure() if du_mid > 0: bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((0, du_mid), (du_max - (du_mid / 5), du_max))) bax.hist(du, bins=50) else: plt.hist(du, bins=50) plt.title("Distribution of dropout uncertainty map") # plt.xlabel("Uncertainty value") # plt.ylabel("Count") plt.savefig(images_dir + "/dropout/dropout_unc_dist.png") plt.clf()
def test_standard(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2)) bax = brokenaxes( xlims=((0, 0.1), (0.4, 0.7)), ylims=((-1, 0.7), (0.79, 1)), hspace=0.05 ) x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) bax.plot(x, np.sin(10 * x), label="sin") bax.plot(x, np.cos(10 * x), label="cos") bax.legend(loc=3) bax.set_xlabel("time") bax.set_ylabel("value")
def smahtplot(time, flux, subplot_spec=None): if subplot_spec is None: plt.figure() ind0 = [0] + list( np.where(np.diff(time) > 10)[0] + 1) #start indices of data chunks ind1 = list(np.where( np.diff(time) > 10)[0]) + [len(time) - 1] #end indices of data chunks xlims = [(time[i], time[j]) for i, j in zip(ind0, ind1)] bax = brokenaxes(xlims=xlims, subplot_spec=subplot_spec) bax.plot(time, flux, 'b.') return bax
def plot_bars(gs1, bufdurs, losses1, add_xticklabel=True): i_break = np.amax(np.nonzero(np.array(bufdurs) < 0.3)[0]) bax = brokenaxes( subplot_spec=gs1, xlims=((-1, i_break + 0.5), (i_break + 0.5, len(bufdurs) - 0.5)), ylims=((-3, 20), (20, 1250 / 5)), height_ratios=(50 / 100, 500 / (1250 - 100)), hspace=0.15, wspace=0.075, d=0.005, ), losses1[i_subj, :], color='k') ax11 = bax.axs[3] # type: plt.Axes ax11.set_xticks([bufdurs.index(0.6), bufdurs.index(1.2)]) if i_subj == 0 and add_xticklabel: ax11.set_xticklabels(['0.6', '1.2']) else: ax11.set_xticklabels([]) ax00 = bax.axs[0] # type: plt.Axes ax00.set_yticks([500, 1000]) ax10 = bax.axs[2] # type: plt.Axes ax10.set_yticks([0, 50]) plt2.detach_axis('x', amin=-0.4, amax=i_break + 0.5) for ax in [ax10, ax11]: plt.axhline(0, linewidth=0.5, color='k', linestyle='--') for sign in [-1, 1]: plt.axhline(sign * thres_strong, linewidth=0.5, color='silver', linestyle='--') ax10.set_xticks([bufdurs.index(0.), bufdurs.index(0.2)]) if i_subj == 0: if add_xticklabel: ax10.set_xticklabels(['0', '0.2']) else: ax10.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax10.set_yticklabels([]) ax10.set_xticklabels([]) ax00.set_yticklabels([]) return bax
def brokenplot(time, y, yerr=None, dt=10, ax=None, time_format='BJD_TDB'): ''' Parameters ---------- time : array of float e.g. time array (usually in days) y : array of float e.g. flux or RV array (usually as normalized flux or RV in km/s) yerr : array of float e.g. flux or RV error array (usually as normalized flux or RV in km/s) dt : float, optional The gap size after which axes will be broken. The default is 10 (usually in days). ax : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. time_format : str The format of your time array. Must be either 'BJD_TDB' or 'TJD' (TESS Julian Date). The default is 'BJD_TDB'. Returns ------- bax : brokenaxes instance Just like an pyplot.Axes instance ''' if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 3)) time, y, yerr = clean_up(time, y, yerr, time_format) ind0 = [0] + list( np.where(np.diff(time) > dt)[0] + 1) #start indices of data chunks ind1 = list(np.where( np.diff(time) > dt)[0]) + [len(time) - 1] #end indices of data chunks xlims = [(time[i] - (time[j] - time[i]) / 100., time[j] + (time[j] - time[i]) / 100.) for i, j in zip(ind0, ind1)] ax.set_axis_off() #empty the axis before brokenaxes does its magic bax = brokenaxes(xlims=xlims, subplot_spec=ax.get_subplotspec()) bax.errorbar(time, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='b.', ms=2) # bax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', useOffset=True) # plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) guess_labels(bax, time, y) bax.set_ylabel('Flux\n') return bax
def plotBeds(name, NHSdata): if name in mergered_trusts.keys(): fig = plotMergedBedData(name, NHSdata) else: names, dates, all_beds = NHSdata beds = all_beds[names == name][0] dates = dates[beds != "-"] beds = beds[beds != "-"] # format name to match waiting data names = proc.capitaliseFirst(names) # rescale large numbers to be in thousands if max(beds) > 1000: rescale = 1 / 1000 else: rescale = 1 ylabel = "# of Overnight Beds" + "\n(Thousands)" * (rescale == 1 / 1000) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) if min(beds) > 300 and (max(beds) - min(beds)) < min(beds) / 3: bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((0, 0.005 * max(beds) * rescale), (0.95 * min(beds) * rescale, 1.02 * max(beds) * rescale)), hspace=0.08) bax.set_ylabel(ylabel, labelpad=50) else: bax = fig.add_subplot(111) bax.set_ylim(0, 1.1 * max(beds) * rescale) bax.set_ylabel(ylabel), beds * rescale, width=0.18, color=NHSblue) xup = int(np.ceil(max(dates))) + 1 xdown = int(np.floor(min(dates))) xint = range(xdown, xup, 2 * (xup - xdown > 5) + 1 * (xup - xdown <= 5)) bax.set_xticks(xint) return fig
def test_log(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) bax = brokenaxes( xlims=((1, 500), (600, 10000)), ylims=((1, 500), (600, 10000)), hspace=0.15, xscale="log", yscale="log", ) x = np.logspace(0.0, 4, 100) bax.loglog(x, x, label="$y=x=10^{0}$ to $10^{4}$") bax.legend(loc="best") bax.grid(axis="both", which="major", ls="-") bax.grid(axis="both", which="minor", ls="--", alpha=0.4) bax.set_xlabel("x") bax.set_ylabel("y")
def plot_computation_time(): readdir = Path("results/computation_time") reps, nums = ["single", "ten", "hundred", "thousand"], [1, 10, 100, 1000] mins = ["5min", "30min"] no_jit = [] for rep in reps: with open(readdir / "5min" / ("no-jit-%s.csv" % rep)) as f: no_jit.append(float( jit = [] for rep in reps: with open(readdir / "5min" / ("jit-%s.csv" % rep)) as f: jit.append(float( jit_parallel = [] for rep in reps: with open(readdir / "5min" / ("jit-parallel-%s.csv" % rep)) as f: jit_parallel.append(float( labels = ["n=1", "n=10", "n=100", "n=1000"] colors = ["tab:blue", "tab:orange", "tab:green", "tab:red"] fig = plt.figure() sns.set_style("whitegrid") bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((0, 4.9), (30, 32)), hspace=0.1) for i in range(4): [i, i + 5, i + 10], [no_jit[i], jit[i], jit_parallel[i]], color=colors[i], label=labels[i], ) # bax.grid(alpha=0.3) bax.legend() bax.set_ylabel("Time (s)") bax.set_xticks([2, 6, 10]) bax.set_xticklabels( labels=["", "", "No jit", "", "Jit", "", "", "Jit parallel"]) plt.savefig(readdir / "computation_time.pdf")
def make_plot(): x = np.linspace(0, 5 * 2 * np.pi, 300) y1 = np.sin(x) * 100 y2 = np.sin(x + np.pi) * 5 + 90 y3 = 30 * np.exp(-x) - 50 y4 = 90 + (1 - np.exp(6 / x)) bax = brokenaxes(ylims=[(-100, 0), (80, 100)], xlims=[(0, 5), (10, 30)], height_ratios=[1, 3], width_ratios=[3, 5]) bax.plot(x, y1, label="Big sin") bax.plot(x, y2, label="Small sin") bax.plot(x, y3, label="Exponential 1") bax.plot(x, y4, '--', label="Exponential 2") bax.legend(loc="lower right") bax.set_title("Example for different scales for the x and y axis") return bax
def plot_cluster_stat(tab, feature, clusters=(0,1), fig_size=(2.5,2), xticks=None, capsize=8, plot_box=False, ylabel=None, to_save="", signif=None, brokenaxes_dict=None, **kwargs): """Plot bar plot of feature for 2 clusters. Parameters: tab: DataFrame. Should contain columns {`feature`, 'cluster'}. feature: String. A column in `tab`. capsize: cap size of errorbar. Default 8 points. plot_box: Draw boxplot instead of barplot with errorbar. ylabel: ylabel. to_save: filename to save. signif: significant marker, default: None. brokenaxes_dict: Dictionary. Parameters passed to `brokenaxes()`. If None, not draw broken axes. Default: None. **kwargs: other parameters passed to `` or `matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot()`.""" plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) if brokenaxes_dict is None: ax = plt.gca() else: ax = brokenaxes(**brokenaxes_dict) if plot_box: x = [ind+1 for ind, _ in enumerate(clusters)] y = [tab[tab['cluster']==c][feature].dropna().values for c in clusters] box_prop=ax.boxplot(y, **kwargs) else: x = [ind for ind, _ in enumerate(clusters)] y = [np.nanmean(tab[tab['cluster']==c][feature]) for c in clusters] err = [sem(tab[tab['cluster']==c][feature], nan_policy='omit') for c in clusters], y, yerr=err, capsize=capsize, **kwargs) if xticks is None: xticks = ['cluster {}'.format(c+1) for c in clusters] plt.xticks(x, xticks) if ylabel is None: ylabel=feature plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.tight_layout() if bool(to_save): to_save_figure(to_save)
def DrawFigure(xvalues, yvalues, legend_labels, x_label, y_label, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, filename, allow_legend): # you may change the figure size on your own. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3)) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=((1, 1000), (5000, 10000)), hspace=.05) FIGURE_LABEL = legend_labels if not os.path.exists(FIGURE_FOLDER): os.makedirs(FIGURE_FOLDER) x_values = xvalues y_values = yvalues lines = [None] * (len(FIGURE_LABEL)) for i in range(len(y_values)): bax.plot(x_values, y_values[i], label=FIGURE_LABEL[i]) bax.loglog(x, x) # sometimes you may not want to draw legends. if allow_legend == True: bax.legend(loc="best") plt.savefig(FIGURE_FOLDER + "/" + filename + ".eps", bbox_inches='tight', format='eps') ConvertEpsToPdf(FIGURE_FOLDER + "/" + filename)
def test_datetime(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) xx = [datetime.datetime(2020, 1, x) for x in range(1, 20)] yy = np.arange(1, 20) bax = brokenaxes( xlims=( ( datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 3), ), ( datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 6), datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 20), ), ) ) bax.plot(xx, yy) fig.autofmt_xdate() [x.remove() for x in bax.diag_handles] bax.draw_diags()
55320), (55510, 55516), (55698, 55703), (55874, 55875), (55893, 55895), (55900, 55901), (56776, 56781), (57179, 57187.5), (57334, 57337), (57364, 57365), (57370, 57371), (57514, 57515), (57518, 57522.5), (57527.5, 57530.5), (57533.5, 57534.5), (57695, 57698.5), (57705, 57706), (57876.5, 57878), (57880.5, 57881.5), (58076, 58077.5), (58239.5, 58241), (58247.5, 58249), (58443, 58444.5), (58609, 58610), (58816, 58817)) fig_brkax = plt.figure(figsize=(60, 8)) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=lims, wspace=0.2, tilt=90, diag_color='red', d=0.0015) bax.errorbar(data_lc['MJD'].values, data_lc['RATE'].values, data_lc['ERROR'].values, linestyle='', markersize=0.05, marker='.') my_ticks = [ 51689, 51690, 51849, 51851, 51861, 51864, 52037, 52038, 52398, 52400, 52582, 52584, 52592, 52594, 52609, 52612, 52791, 52793, 52797, 52798, 52957, 52959, 52983, 52985, 53131, 53132, 53681, 53685, 53854, 53856, 53883, 53884, 54074, 54075, 54228, 54231, 54423, 54426, 54593, 54594, 54617, 54618, 54792, 54794, 54976, 54977, 55151, 55153, 55319, 55320, 55510, 55516, 55698, 55703,
def main(inargs): """Run the program.""" df = pd.read_csv(inargs.infile) #df.set_index(df['model'] + ' (' + df['run'] + ')', drop=True, inplace=True) df.set_index(df['model'], drop=True, inplace=True) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[18.5, 21]) # width, height gs = GridSpec(3, 2) # EEI conservation eei_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) plot_broken_comparison(eei_ax, df, '(a) planetary energy imbalance', 'netTOA (J yr-1)', 'thermal OHC (J yr-1)', 'W m-2', legend=True) handles, labels = get_legend_info( eei_ax, df[['netTOA (J yr-1)', 'thermal OHC (J yr-1)']]) # Ocean energy conservation xlims = [(-41.05, -40.82), (-0.55, 0.71)] ylims = [(-0.55, 0.66)] wspace = hspace = 0.08 ocean_energy_ax = brokenaxes(xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace, subplot_spec=gs[0, 1], d=0.0) #ocean_energy_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) plot_broken_comparison(ocean_energy_ax, df, '(b) ocean energy conservation', 'hfdsgeou (J yr-1)', 'thermal OHC (J yr-1)', 'W m-2', xpad=25, ypad=45, broken=True) handles, labels = update_legend_info( ocean_energy_ax, df[['hfdsgeou (J yr-1)', 'thermal OHC (J yr-1)']], handles, labels) # Ocean mass conservation xlims = [(-7, 4), (472, 474), (492, 495)] ylims = [(-0.7, 0.25)] hspace = 0.1 ocean_mass_ax = brokenaxes(xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, hspace=hspace, subplot_spec=gs[1, 0], d=0.0) #ocean_mass_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) plot_broken_comparison(ocean_mass_ax, df, '(c) ocean mass conservation', 'wfo (kg yr-1)', 'masso (kg yr-1)', 'kg yr-1', scale_factor=-15, broken=True, xpad=30, ypad=50) handles, labels = update_legend_info( ocean_mass_ax, df[['wfo (kg yr-1)', 'masso (kg yr-1)']], handles, labels) # Salt conservation xlims = [(-0.73, 0.35), (3.55, 3.7)] ylims = [(-0.8, 3.1)] hspace = wspace = 0.1 salt_ax = brokenaxes(xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace, subplot_spec=gs[1, 1], d=0.0) #salt_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) plot_broken_comparison(salt_ax, df, '(d) salt conservation', 'masso (kg yr-1)', 'soga (kg yr-1)', 'kg yr-1', scale_factor=-15, xpad=30, ypad=40, broken=True) handles, labels = update_legend_info( salt_ax, df[['masso (kg yr-1)', 'soga (kg yr-1)']], handles, labels) # Atmosphere mass conservation atmos_mass_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, :]) plot_broken_comparison(atmos_mass_ax, df, '(e) atmospheric mass conservation', 'massa (kg yr-1)', 'wfa (kg yr-1)', 'kg yr-1', scale_factor=-12, ypad=20) handles, labels = update_legend_info(atmos_mass_ax, df[['wfa (kg yr-1)']], handles, labels) fig.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.815, 0.5)) plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 0.8, 1)) for variable, data in cmip6_data_points.items(): record_quartiles(variable, data, 'cmip6') for variable, data in cmip5_data_points.items(): record_quartiles(variable, data, 'cmip5') plt.savefig(inargs.outfile, dpi=400) log_file = re.sub('.png', '.met', inargs.outfile) log_text = cmdprov.new_log(git_repo=repo_dir, extra_notes=quartiles) cmdprov.write_log(log_file, log_text)
def generate_epsilon_vs_cost(funcs, name): x_epsilons_raw = list() y_costs_raw = list() x_epsilons_raw_wide = list() y_costs_raw_wide = list() x_epsilons_ml2 = list() y_costs_ml2 = list() x_epsilons_ml2_wide = list() y_costs_ml2_wide = list() x_epsilons_ml = list() y_costs_ml = list() x_epsilons_lib = list() y_costs_lib = list() for f in funcs: if "raw" in f["cname"] and "wide" in f["cname"]: x_epsilons_raw_wide.append(f["epsilon"]) y_costs_raw_wide.append(f["cost"]) elif "raw" in f["cname"]: x_epsilons_raw.append(f["epsilon"]) y_costs_raw.append(f["cost"]) elif "ml2" in f["cname"] and "wide" in f["cname"]: x_epsilons_ml2_wide.append(f["epsilon"]) y_costs_ml2_wide.append(f["cost"]) elif "ml2" in f["cname"]: x_epsilons_ml2.append(f["epsilon"]) y_costs_ml2.append(f["cost"]) elif "ml" in f["cname"]: x_epsilons_ml.append(f["epsilon"]) y_costs_ml.append(f["cost"]) else: x_epsilons_lib.append(f["epsilon"]) y_costs_lib.append(f["cost"]) all_costs = sorted([f["cost"] for f in funcs]) crlibm = all_costs[-1] next_max = all_costs[-2] all_eps = sorted([f["epsilon"] for f in funcs]) max_eps = all_eps[-1] fig = plt.figure() bax = brokenaxes(xlims=None, ylims=((0, next_max+1), (crlibm-1, crlibm+1)), hspace=.05, d=0) bax.axhline(crlibm-1, color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=4) bax.scatter(x_epsilons_raw, y_costs_raw, color="blue", alpha=0.7, s=100) bax.scatter(x_epsilons_raw_wide, y_costs_raw_wide, color="cyan", alpha=0.7, s=100) bax.scatter(x_epsilons_ml2, y_costs_ml2, color="orange", alpha=0.7, s=100) bax.scatter(x_epsilons_ml2_wide, y_costs_ml2_wide, color="orange", alpha=0.7, s=100) bax.scatter(x_epsilons_ml, y_costs_ml, color="purple", alpha=0.7, s=100) bax.scatter(x_epsilons_lib, y_costs_lib, color="green", alpha=0.7, s=100) bax.set_xscale('log') xmin, xmax = bax.set_xlim() bax.set_xlim(xmax[1], xmin[0]) if True: bax.axis("off") [a.set_ticks([]) for a in bax.get_xaxis()] [a.set_ticks([]) for a in bax.get_yaxis()] fig.savefig("{}.png".format(name.replace(" ", "_")), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0)
""" Basic usage =========== This example presents the basic usage of brokenaxes """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from brokenaxes import brokenaxes import numpy as np fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,2)) bax = brokenaxes(xlims=((0, .1), (.4, .7)), ylims=((-1, .7), (.79, 1)), hspace=.05) x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) bax.plot(x, np.sin(10 * x), label='sin') bax.plot(x, np.cos(10 * x), label='cos') bax.legend(loc=3) bax.set_xlabel('time') bax.set_ylabel('value')
#2º)FIGURES PLOT #2D PLOT #fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) #Create figure with 2 subplots #fig.canvas.set_window_title('Spatiotemporal') #Set Figure Window Title #fig.suptitle('Spatiotemporal', fontsize = 14) ms = 20 lw = 3.5 # FIGURE 1: DUTY FACTOR #Create figure fig = plt.figure() fig.canvas.set_window_title('DUTY FACTOR') fig.suptitle('Duty Factor', fontsize=20) bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((0, 10), (40, 80))) # Calculate Polynomial Parameters of 2º Degree X_Duty_Joelho = Duty_Joelho_Speed_Column #Speed X Y_Duty_Joelho = Duty_Joelho_All_Speed_Mean #Duty Factor Y Z_2_Duty_Joelho, error_2_Duty_Joelho, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(X_Duty_Joelho, Y_Duty_Joelho, 2, full=True) f_2_Duty_Joelho = np.poly1d(Z_2_Duty_Joelho) # calculate new x's and y's X_2_Duty_Joelho = np.linspace(min(X_Duty_Joelho), max(X_Duty_Joelho), 50) Y_2_Duty_Joelho = f_2_Duty_Joelho(X_2_Duty_Joelho) X_Duty_Quadril = Duty_Quadril_Speed_Column #Speed X
# 横坐标 x0 = np.arange(0,100) x1 = np.arange(0,100) x2 = np.arange(0,100) x3 = np.arange(0,100) x4 = np.arange(0,100) x5 = np.arange(0,100) x6 = np.arange(0,100) # 图的大小 fig = plt.figure(dpi=300) # 切切切 # bax = brokenaxes(xlims=((0, .1), (.4, .7)), ylims=((-1, .7), (.79, 1)), hspace=.05, despine=False) bax1 = brokenaxes(ylims=((0.3, 1),(6.5,6.8), (8.4, 8.9))) # hspace 间隔图上显示大小 bax1.plot(x0, pts0,label='DP-DNN') bax1.plot(x1, pts1,label='MNN') bax1.plot(x2, pts2,label='MI-NN') bax1.plot(x3, pts3,label='LSTM') bax1.plot(x4, pts4,label='GWR') bax1.plot(x5, pts5,label='B-OLSR') bax1.plot(x6, pts6,label='EN') bax1.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 1.12),ncol=3) bax1.set_xlabel('实验次数',fontproperties=myfont) bax1.set_ylabel('RE')
def make_plot(model_number, logx=None, logy=None, withtext=None, stdout=False, brokenx=None, Z_2=None, xcut=None, r_pu=None, standardlines=True): ''' withtext: includes summary text from integration on plot stdout: write "withtext" text to stdout xcut: mainly for model #1, overplotted over different axes standardlines: if True: plots "inferred", "true (selected)", and "true (single)" rates. if False, plots "inferred", "frac (single)", "frac (primary)", "frac (secondary)" and "true (single)". by default, True ''' assert Z_2 > -1 Z_0 = 0.5 plt.close('all') # Make summary plot fname = '../data/numerics/results_model_{:d}_Zsub2_{:.2f}_rpu_{:.1f}.out'.format( model_number, Z_2, r_pu) df = pd.read_csv(fname) if not brokenx: f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)) else: #cf f = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) bigax = brokenaxes( xlims=((0.695, .715), (.985, 1.005)), d=0.0, #d=0.02, tilt=87.5, hspace=.0, despine=True) ax = bigax if model_number == 3 or model_number == 4: xvals = np.append(0, df['bin_left']) ytrueselected = np.append(0, df['true_Λ']) ytruesingle = np.append(0, df['true_single_Λ']) yinferred = np.append(0, df['inferred_Λ']) elif model_number == 1 or model_number == 2: xvals = np.append(df['bin_left'], [1, 1.1]) ytrueselected = np.append(df['true_Λ'], [0, 0]) ytruesingle = np.append(df['true_single_Λ'], [0, 0]) yinferred = np.append(df['inferred_Λ'], [0, 0]) colors = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728'] lambdastr = 'apparent' #r'$\Lambda_{\mathrm{a}}(r_{\mathrm{a}})$' ax.step(xvals, yinferred, where='post', label=lambdastr, c=colors[0], zorder=2) if standardlines: #ax.step(xvals, ytrueselected, where='post', label='true (selected)', # c=colors[1]) ax.step( xvals, ytruesingle, where='post', label='true', #'$\Lambda(r)$', linestyle='--', c=colors[1], zorder=3) elif not standardlines: yfracsingle = np.append(0, df['frac_inferred_single_Λ']) yfracprimary = np.append(0, df['frac_inferred_primary_Λ']) yfracsecondary = np.append(0, df['frac_inferred_secondary_Λ']) ax.step(xvals, yfracsingle, where='post', label='frac (single)', linestyle=':', c=colors[0]) ax.step(xvals, yfracprimary, where='post', label='frac (primary)', linestyle='-.', c=colors[0]) ax.step(xvals, yfracsecondary, where='post', label='frac (secondary)', linestyle='--', c=colors[0]) ax.step(xvals, ytruesingle, where='post', label='true (single)', linestyle='-', c=colors[1]) if brokenx: leg = ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize='medium') leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor('none') else: ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize='medium') ax.set_xlabel('planet radius', fontsize='large') ax.set_ylabel('number of planets per star', fontsize='large') if logx: ax.set_xscale('log') if logy: ax.set_yscale('log') if logx or logy: outname = '../results/occ_rate_vs_radius_logs_model_'+\ repr(model_number) else: outname = '../results/occ_rate_vs_radius_model_'+\ repr(model_number) if brokenx: outname += '_brokenx' if not standardlines: outname += '_fraclines' if not brokenx: if (model_number == 1 or model_number == 2) and not (logx or logy): ax.set_xlim([0.5, 1.02]) elif (model_number == 1 or model_number == 2) and (logx or logy): ax.set_xlim([-0.02, 1.02]) if xcut: ax.set_xlim([-0.3, 5.3]) if model_number == 3: # Assess HJ rate difference. from scipy.integrate import trapz #Howard 2012 boundary #1 and boundary #2: for lower_bound in [5.6, 8]: inds = df['bin_left'] > lower_bound #Λ_HJ_true = trapz(df[inds]['true_Λ'], df[inds]['bin_left']) #Λ_HJ_inferred = trapz(df[inds]['inferred_Λ'], df[inds]['bin_left']) Λ_HJ_true_sel = np.sum(df[inds]['true_Λ']) Λ_HJ_true_sing = np.sum(df[inds]['true_single_Λ']) Λ_HJ_inferred = np.sum(df[inds]['inferred_Λ']) #Λ_true = trapz(df['true_Λ'], df['bin_left']) #Λ_inferred = trapz(df['inferred_Λ'], df['bin_left']) Λ_true_sel = np.sum(df['true_Λ']) Λ_true_sing = np.sum(df['true_single_Λ']) Λ_inferred = np.sum(df['inferred_Λ']) txt = \ ''' with $r>${:.1f}$R_\oplus$, selected $\Lambda$_HJ_true: {:.4f} planets per star single $\Lambda$_HJ_true: {:.4f} planets per star $\Lambda$_HJ_inferred: {:.4f} planets per star true(selected)/inferred: {:.2f}. true(single)/inferred: {:.2f}. Integrated over all $r$, selected $\Lambda$_true: {:.3f} planets per star single $\Lambda$_true: {:.3f} planets per star $\Lambda$_inferred: {:.3f} planets per star true(selected)/inferred: {:.2f}. true(single)/inferred: {:.2f}. '''.format( lower_bound, Λ_HJ_true_sel, Λ_HJ_true_sing, Λ_HJ_inferred, Λ_HJ_true_sel/Λ_HJ_inferred, Λ_HJ_true_sing/Λ_HJ_inferred, Λ_true_sel, Λ_true_sing, Λ_inferred, Λ_true_sel/Λ_inferred, Λ_true_sing/Λ_inferred, ) if stdout: print(txt) if withtext: ax.text(0.96, 0.5, txt, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='x-small') outname += '_withtext' else: txt = '$Z_2/Z_0 =\ ${:.1f}'.format(Z_2 / Z_0) ax.text(0.96, 0.5, txt, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='x-small') if isinstance(Z_2, float) or isinstance(Z_2, int): outname += '_Zsub2_{:.2f}'.format(Z_2) if isinstance(r_pu, float) or isinstance(r_pu, int): outname += '_rpu_{:.1f}'.format(r_pu) if xcut: outname += '_xcut' f.savefig(outname + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
loc=0, borderaxespad=0, fontsize=7) # ----------------------------------- # 4. Plot BIC- based model comparison # ----------------------------------- # Prepare plot gs02 = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 6, subplot_spec=gs[2:4, 0:6], wspace=2, hspace=0.5) ax_0 = brokenaxes(ylims=((-2.2, -2.11), (-1.225, -1.05)), hspace=.15, d=0.01, subplot_spec=gs02[0, 0:2]) # Plot cumulated BIC's, BIC_A0, color='k', alpha=1, edgecolor='k'), BIC_A1, color=blue_1), BIC_A2, color=blue_2), BIC_A3, color=blue_3), BIC_A4, color=green_1), BIC_A5, color=green_2), BIC_A6, color=green_3) ax_0.set_ylabel('Sum BIC') ax_0.set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) rc('text', usetex=True) f.text(0.08, 0.51,
def pltfig(all_loss, all_acc): netlist = [ 'mobilenet', 'resnet', 'shufflenet', 'squeezenet', 'alexnet', 'densenet', 'googlenet', 'MNASNet', 'VGG' ] ##### 不同网络间的图像 id = 0 for temploss in all_loss: id += 1 ### 画loss图 plt.figure() # for j in range(len(temploss)): # plt.plot(list(range(300)),np.array(list(map(float,temploss[j][1:])))) # # plt.draw() bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((-0.001, .04), (.06, .07)), hspace=.05, despine=False) for j in range(len(temploss)): # plt.plot(range(0,len(Alllos[i])), Alllos[i], label=netlist[i]) # plt.legend() bax.plot(list(range(300)), np.array(list(map(float, temploss[j][1:]))), label=netlist[j]) bax.legend() # plt.xlabel('Loss vs. iters') # plt.ylabel('Loss') bax.set_xlabel('Loss vs. iters', labelpad=2) bax.set_ylabel('Loss') plt.savefig( os.path.join( '/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/newresult', 'ex' + str(id) + 'train_' + "loss.jpg")) plt.close() ### 画acc图 ida = 0 for tempacc in all_acc: ida += 1 ### 画loss图 plt.figure() # for j in range(len(temploss)): # plt.plot(list(range(300)),np.array(list(map(float,temploss[j][1:])))) # # plt.draw() for j in range(len(tempacc)): # plt.plot(range(0,len(Alllos[i])), Alllos[i], label=netlist[i]) # plt.legend() plt.plot(list(range(300)), np.array(list(map(float, tempacc[j][1:]))), label=netlist[j]) plt.legend() # plt.xlabel('Loss vs. iters') # plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Accuracy vs. iters') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.savefig( os.path.join( '/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/newresult', 'ex' + str(ida) + 'train_' + "acc.jpg")) plt.close() #### 同一网络图像 ### 画loss图 for m in range(9): plt.figure() k = 0 for temploss in all_loss: k += 1 # for j in range(len(temploss)): # plt.plot(list(range(300)),np.array(list(map(float,temploss[j][1:])))) # # plt.draw() plt.plot(list(range(300)), np.array(list(map(float, temploss[m][1:]))), label='exp' + str(k)) plt.legend(loc='upper right') # plt.xlabel('Loss vs. iters') # plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Loss vs. iters') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.title(netlist[m]) plt.savefig( os.path.join( '/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/newresult', netlist[m] + '_train_' + "loss.jpg")) plt.close() ### acc for n in range(9): plt.figure() l = 0 for tempacc in all_acc: l += 1 plt.plot(list(range(300)), np.array(list(map(float, tempacc[n][1:]))), label='exp' + str(l)) plt.legend() # plt.xlabel('Loss vs. iters') # plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Accuracy vs. iters') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.title(netlist[n]) plt.savefig( os.path.join( '/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/newresult', netlist[n] + '_train_' + "acc.jpg")) plt.close()
data[dataset]["baseline_acc"].append((axs, ays)) import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # latexify(fig_width=2.25, fig_height=1.5) from matplotlib import rc rc("text", usetex=False) for dataset in datasets: fig = plt.figure() # max1x, max1y = data[dataset]["max1"] # max2x, max2y = data[dataset]["max2"] max2x = 0.7 max2y = 0.7 max1x = 1.0 max1y = 1.0 ax = brokenaxes(xlims=((-.05, max2x + .05), (max1x - .1, max1x + .15)), ylims=((-.05, max2y + .05), (max1y - .1, max1y + .1)), hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05, fig=fig) ax.set_xlabel(r"task 1 loss") ax.set_ylabel(r"task 2 loss") for i, (xs, ys) in enumerate(data[dataset]["baseline_loss"]): label = "baseline\nloss" if i == 0 and dataset == "fashion" else "" ax.plot(xs, ys, lw=2, alpha=0.4, c='k') colors = [] for i, (r, l) in enumerate(zip(data[dataset]["rs"], data[dataset]["rlens"])): label = r"$r^{-1}$ Ray" if i == 0 and dataset == "fashion" else "" r_inv = np.sqrt(1 - r**2) lines = ax.plot([0, .9 * l * r_inv[0]], [0, .9 * l * r_inv[1]], lw=1, alpha=0.5, ls='--', dashes=(10, 2), label=label) colors.append(lines[0][0].get_color())
def train(): # net = alexnet() # print(net) # use_gpu = True # if use_gpu: # net = net.cuda() # x, y = Generations(200) torch_device = torch.device('cuda') # train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, val_x, val_y = getData() #load net layer = 1 #channels use_gpu = True #是否使用gpu pretrained = False #是否使用与训练模型 batch_size = 30 netlist = ['mobilenet','resnet','shufflenet','squeezenet','alexnet','densenet','googlenet','mnastnet','vgg16'] # netlist = ['mobilenet','resnet','shufflenet','squeezenet','alexnet','densenet','googlenet','mnastnet'] # netlist = ['mobilenet','resnet','vgg16'] # netlist = ['googlenet'] Allacc = [] Alllos = [] val_Allacc = [] val_Alllos = [] test_Allacc = [] test_Alllos = [] for netname in netlist: if netname=='mobilenet': net = modelnet.mobilenet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='resnet': net = modelnet.resnet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='shufflenet': net = modelnet.shufflenet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='squeezenet': net = modelnet.squeezenet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='alexnet': net = modelnet.alexnet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='densenet': net = modelnet.densenet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='googlenet': net = modelnet.googlenet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='mnastnet': net = modelnet.mnasnet(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) elif netname=='vgg16': net = modelnet.vgg16(layer,use_gpu,pretrained) # print(netname) print(net) # Loss and Optimizer criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(),lr=1e-3) # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.classifier.parameters()) # Train the model y0 = np.zeros(3000, y1 = np.ones(3000, y2 = np.ones(3000,*2 y_label = np.concatenate((y0,y1,y2),axis=0) scale = 0 loc = 1 ##生成测试图像 maxacc = [] Accuracy_list = [] Loss_list = [] val_Accuracy_list = [] val_Loss_list = [] test_Accuracy_list = [] test_Loss_list = [] tempacc = 0 num_i = 4 for epoch in range(1): # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters()) #打乱数据和标签 num = random.randint(1,2000) random.seed(num) random.shuffle(y_label) index_in_epoch = 0 running_loss = 0.0 running_correct = 0 batch = 0 for iters in range(int(y_label.__len__()/batch_size)): batch += 1 mask = np.random.normal(size=(224,224), scale=scale, loc=loc) #loc表示均值,scale表示方差,size表示输出的size batch_x, batch_y, index_in_epoch = _next_batch(y_label, batch_size, index_in_epoch,mask,num_i) # for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(trainset_loader): # batch_xs = preprocess(batch_xs,layer) # batch_x = np.array([t.numpy() for t in batch_xs]) # optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度清零 labels = batch_y.copy() tempdata = np.reshape(batch_x,(batch_size, 1, 224, 224)) batch_xx = torch.tensor(tempdata, dtype=torch.float) if use_gpu==True: # batch_xx = batch_xx,labels = Variable(torch.tensor(batch_xx).cuda()), Variable(torch.tensor(labels).cuda()) else: batch_xx,labels = Variable(batch_xx), Variable(labels) optimizer.zero_grad() output = net(batch_xx) if netname=='googlenet': if len(output)==3: output = output.logits _,pred = torch.max(, 1) # loss = criterion(output, onehotLab(labels, False)) loss = criterion(output, labels) loss = loss.requires_grad_() loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += # running_loss += loss.item() running_correct += torch.sum(pred == labels) if running_correct.item()/(batch_size*batch) > 0: print("Batch {}, Train Loss:{:.6f}, Train ACC:{:.4f}".format( batch, running_loss/(batch_size*batch), running_correct.item()/(batch_size*batch))) # print('预测标签:{}, 真实标签:{}'.format(pred, labels)) maxacc.append(running_correct.item()/(batch_size*batch)) Accuracy_list.append(running_correct.item()/(batch_size*batch)) Loss_list.append(running_loss/(batch_size*batch)) ''' print('####################### 运行验证集 ################') val_Accuracy, val_Loss = val_train(net,netname,criterion,mask,batch_size,use_gpu) #更新精度并保存模型 if val_Accuracy - tempacc > 0: tempacc = val_Accuracy,os.path.join('/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/model',netname+'_'+'net.pkl')) val_Accuracy_list.append(val_Accuracy) val_Loss_list.append(val_Loss) print('####################### 验证集结束 ################') print('####################### 运行测试集 ################') test_Accuracy, test_Loss = test_train(netname,criterion,mask,batch_size,use_gpu) test_Accuracy_list.append(test_Accuracy) test_Loss_list.append(test_Loss) print('####################### 测试集结束 ################') ''' #保存网络结构,os.path.join('/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/model','ex4'+netname+'_'+'net.pkl')) print('预测标签:{}, 真实标签:{}'.format(pred, labels)) y1 = Accuracy_list y2 = Loss_list Allacc.append(y1) Alllos.append(y2) val_Allacc.append(val_Accuracy_list) val_Alllos.append(val_Loss_list) test_Allacc.append(test_Accuracy_list) test_Alllos.append(test_Loss_list) ###保存训练集训练曲线 for i in range(len(netlist)): plt.plot(range(0,len(Allacc[i])), Allacc[i],label=netlist[i]) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Accuracy vs. iters') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.savefig(os.path.join('/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/result','ex4'+'train_'+"accuracy.jpg")) plt.close() fig = plt.figure() bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((-0.001, .04), (.06, .07)), hspace=.05, despine=False) for i in range(len(netlist)): # plt.plot(range(0,len(Alllos[i])), Alllos[i], label=netlist[i]) # plt.legend() bax.plot(range(0,len(Alllos[i])), Alllos[i], label=netlist[i]) bax.legend() # plt.xlabel('Loss vs. iters') # plt.ylabel('Loss') bax.set_xlabel('Loss vs. iters') bax.set_ylabel('Loss') # plt.yscale('log') # plt.ylim([-0.01,0.06]) plt.savefig(os.path.join('/media/liqiang/windata/project/classification/plugin/result','ex4'+'train_'+"loss.jpg")) plt.close() '''