Esempio n. 1
    def get_widgets_by_priority(self):
        class ComparableWidget(Widget):
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.__class__ is other.__class__

            def __ne__(self, other):
                return not self.__eq__(other)

            __hash__ = None

        class FooWidget(ComparableWidget):
            priority = 1

        class BarWidget(ComparableWidget):
            priority = 2

        class BazWidget(ComparableWidget):
            priority = 3

        widgets = [BarWidget(), FooWidget(), BazWidget()]

        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar(widgets, writer)
        Assert(progressbar.get_widgets_by_priority()) == [(2, BazWidget()),
                                                          (0, BarWidget()),
                                                          (1, FooWidget())]
Esempio n. 2
    def get_widgets_by_priority(self):
        class ComparableWidget(Widget):
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.__class__ is other.__class__

            def __ne__(self, other):
                return not self.__eq__(other)

            __hash__ = None

        class FooWidget(ComparableWidget):
            priority = 1

        class BarWidget(ComparableWidget):
            priority = 2

        class BazWidget(ComparableWidget):
            priority = 3

        widgets = [BarWidget(), FooWidget(), BazWidget()]

        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar(widgets, writer)
        Assert(progressbar.get_widgets_by_priority()) == [
            (2, BazWidget()), (0, BarWidget()), (1, FooWidget())
Esempio n. 3
 def write(self):
     stream = StringIO()
     writer = TerminalWriter(stream, prefix='spam')
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     progressbar.write('foo', update=False)
     Assert(stream.getvalue()) == 'spam    foo'
     Assert(stream.getvalue()) == 'spam    foo\rspam    bar'
Esempio n. 4
    def repr(self):
        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
            repr(progressbar)) == 'ProgressBar([], %r, maxsteps=None)' % writer

        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=100)
            repr(progressbar)) == 'ProgressBar([], %r, maxsteps=100)' % writer
Esempio n. 5
    def units(self):
        class FooStepWidget(StepWidget):
            units = {'foo': lambda x: str(x) + 'spam'}

        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
        widget = FooStepWidget('foo')
        Assert(widget.init(progressbar, 100)) == '0spam of 20spam'
        progressbar.step +=1
        Assert(widget.init(progressbar, 100)) == '1spam of 20spam'
        progressbar.step = progressbar.maxsteps
        Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, 100)) == '20spam of 20spam'
Esempio n. 6
 def size_hint(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
     widget = PercentageWidget()
     assert widget.provides_size_hint
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 2
     progressbar.step = 1
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 2
     progressbar.step = 2
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 3
     progressbar.step = 20
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 4
Esempio n. 7
    def units(self):
        class FooStepWidget(StepWidget):
            units = {'foo': lambda x: str(x) + 'spam'}

        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
        widget = FooStepWidget('foo')
        Assert(widget.init(progressbar, 100)) == '0spam of 20spam'
        progressbar.step += 1
        Assert(widget.init(progressbar, 100)) == '1spam of 20spam'
        progressbar.step = progressbar.maxsteps
        Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, 100)) == '20spam of 20spam'
Esempio n. 8
 def size_hint(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
     widget = PercentageWidget()
     assert widget.provides_size_hint
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 2
     progressbar.step = 1
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 2
     progressbar.step = 2
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 3
     progressbar.step = 20
     Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 4
Esempio n. 9
    def from_string(self):
        stream = StringIO()
        writer = TerminalWriter(stream)
        with Assert.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            ProgressBar.from_string('$foo', writer)
        Assert(exc.args[0]) == 'widget not found: foo'

        progressbar = ProgressBar.from_string('hello $hint:world $percentage',
        Assert(stream.getvalue()) == 'hello world 0%\rhello me 100%\n'
Esempio n. 10
    def from_string(self):
        stream = StringIO()
        writer = TerminalWriter(stream)
        with Assert.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            ProgressBar.from_string('$foo', writer)
        Assert(exc.args[0]) == 'widget not found: foo'

        progressbar = ProgressBar.from_string(
            'hello $hint:world $percentage', writer, maxsteps=10
        Assert(stream.getvalue()) == 'hello world 0%\rhello me 100%\n'
Esempio n. 11
    def step(self):
        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 0
        progressbar.step = 100
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 100

        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=100)
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 0
        progressbar.step = 100
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 100
        with Assert.raises(ValueError):
            progressbar.step = 200
Esempio n. 12
 def update(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     widget = TimeWidget()
     widget.init(progressbar, 100)
     Assert(widget.update(progressbar, 100)) == '00:00:01'
Esempio n. 13
 def update(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     widget = Widget()
     with Assert.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
         widget.update(progressbar, writer.get_width())
     Assert(exc.args[0]) == 'Widget.update'
Esempio n. 14
 def update(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
     widget = PercentageWidget()
     widget.init(progressbar, writer.get_width())
     for i in xrange(5, 96, 5):
         progressbar.step += 1
         result = widget.update(progressbar, writer.get_width())
         Assert(result) == '%i%%' % i
Esempio n. 15
 def update(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
     widget = StepWidget()
     widget.init(progressbar, writer.get_width())
     for i in xrange(1, 21):
         progressbar.step += 1
         result = widget.update(progressbar, writer.get_width())
         Assert(len(result)) == widget.size_hint(progressbar)
         Assert(result) == '%i of 20' % i
Esempio n. 16
def test_text_widget():
    writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
    progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
    widget = TextWidget('foobar')
    assert widget.provides_size_hint
    Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == len('foobar')
    Assert(widget.init(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == 'foobar'
    Assert(widget.update(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == 'foobar'
    Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == 'foobar'

    Assert(repr(widget)) == "TextWidget('foobar')"
Esempio n. 17
 def update(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=10)
     widget = PercentageBarWidget()
     states = [
         '[%s]' % (x + '.' * (10 - len(x)))
         for x in ('#' * i for i in xrange(1, 11))
     for state in states:
         progressbar.step += 1
         Assert(widget.update(progressbar, 12)) == state
Esempio n. 18
    def finish(self):
        class MyWidget(Widget):
            update_called = False

            def update(self, writer, remaining_width, **kwargs):
                self.update_called = True

        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
        widget = MyWidget()
        widget.finish(progressbar, writer.get_width())
        assert widget.update_called
Esempio n. 19
    def init(self):
        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
        widget = StepWidget()
        Assert(widget.init(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == '0 of 20'
        Assert(widget.size_hint(progressbar)) == 7

        with Assert.raises(ValueError):

        with Assert.not_raising(ValueError):
Esempio n. 20
def test_hint_widget():
    writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
    progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
    widget = HintWidget('foo')
    assert not widget.provides_size_hint
    Assert(widget.init(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == 'foo'
    Assert(widget.update(progressbar, writer.get_width(), hint='bar')) == 'bar'
    Assert(widget.update(progressbar, writer.get_width(), hint='baz')) == 'baz'
    Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, writer.get_width(),
                         hint='spam')) == 'spam'

    Assert(repr(widget)) == "HintWidget('foo')"

    widget.finish(progressbar, writer.get_width()) == u''
Esempio n. 21
 def write(self):
     stream = StringIO()
     writer = TerminalWriter(stream, prefix='spam')
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     progressbar.write('foo', update=False)
     Assert(stream.getvalue()) == 'spam    foo'
     Assert(stream.getvalue()) == 'spam    foo\rspam    bar'
Esempio n. 22
    def step(self):
        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 0
        progressbar.step = 100
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 100

        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=100)
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 0
        progressbar.step = 100
        Assert(progressbar.step) == 100
        with Assert.raises(ValueError):
            progressbar.step = 200
Esempio n. 23
 def update(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     widget = DataTransferSpeedWidget()
     widget.init(progressbar, 100)
     progressbar.step += 50
     speed = float(widget.update(progressbar, 100)[:-4])
     Assert(speed) > 45.0
     Assert(speed) < 55.0
     progressbar.step += 50
     speed = float(widget.update(progressbar, 100)[:-4])
     Assert(speed) > 20.0
     Assert(speed) < 30.0
Esempio n. 24
    def update(self):
        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
        states = [
            '[.###..]', '[..###.]', '[...###]', '[..###.]', '[.###..]',
            '[###...]', '[.###..]'

        widget = BarWidget()
        for state in states:
            Assert(widget.update(progressbar, 8)) == state

        widget = BarWidget()
        widget.position = 10
        Assert(widget.update(progressbar, 8)) == '[..###.]'
        Assert(widget.update(progressbar, 8)) == '[.###..]'
Esempio n. 25
 def size_hint(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     widget = Widget()
     assert not widget.provides_size_hint
Esempio n. 26
    def progress(self, description, maxsteps=None, widgets=None):
        Returns a :class:`~brownie.terminal.progress.ProgressBar` object
        which can be used to write the current progress to the stream.

        The progress bar is created from the `description` which is a string
        with the following syntax:

        Widgets -- the parts of the progress bar which are changed with each
        update -- are represented in the form ``$[a-zA-Z]+``.

        Some widgets required that you provide an initial value, this can be
        done by adding ``:string`` where string is either ``[a-zA-Z]+`` or a
        double-quoted string.

        If you want to escape a ``$`` you simply precede it with another ``$``,
        so ``$$foo` will not be treated as a widget and in the progress bar
        ``$foo`` will be shown.

        Quotes (``"``) in strings can be escaped with a backslash (``\``).

        The following widgets are available:

            Shows a string of text that can be given using the `hint` argument
            at any update performed with :meth:`.ProgressBar.init`,
            :meth:`` or :meth:`.ProgressBar.finish`. If the
            argument is not given an empty string is used instead.

            Shows the progress in percent; this requires `maxsteps` to be set.

            Shows a simple bar which moves which each update not corresponding
            with the progress being made. This is useful if you just want to
            show that something is happening.

            Shows a simple progress bar which is being filled corresponding
            to the percentage of progress. This requires `maxsteps` to be

            Shows the current at maximum number of steps as ``step of steps``,
            this method takes an initial value determining the unit of each
            step e.g. if each step represents a byte and you choose `bytes`
            as a unit a reasonable prefix will be chosen.

            Supported units:

            - `bytes` - Uses a binary prefix.

            This requires `maxsteps` to be set.

            Shows the elapsed time in hours, minutes and seconds.

            Shows the speed in bytes (or with a reasonable prefix) per seconds,
            this assumes that each `step` represents a byte.

        If you want to implement your own widget(s) take a look at
        :class:`brownie.terminal.progress.Widget`, you can use them by passing
        them in a dictionary (mapping the name to the widget class) via the
        `widgets` argument. You might also want to take a look at the source
        code of the built-in widgets.

        There are two things you have to look out for:
        :class:`~brownie.terminal.progress.ProgressBar` objects are not
        reusable if you need another object, call this method again. If you
        attempt to write to the :attr:`stream` while using a progress bar the
        behaviour is undefined.

        .. seealso:: :ref:`creating-widgets`
        return ProgressBar.from_string(
            description, self, maxsteps=maxsteps, widgets=None
Esempio n. 27
 def get_usable_width(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([TextWidget('foobar')], writer)
     Assert(progressbar.get_usable_width()) == writer.get_usable_width() - 6
Esempio n. 28
    def progress(self, description, maxsteps=None, widgets=None):
        Returns a :class:`~brownie.terminal.progress.ProgressBar` object
        which can be used to write the current progress to the stream.

        The progress bar is created from the `description` which is a string
        with the following syntax:

        Widgets -- the parts of the progress bar which are changed with each
        update -- are represented in the form ``$[a-zA-Z]+``.

        Some widgets required that you provide an initial value, this can be
        done by adding ``:string`` where string is either ``[a-zA-Z]+`` or a
        double-quoted string.

        If you want to escape a ``$`` you simply precede it with another ``$``,
        so ``$$foo` will not be treated as a widget and in the progress bar
        ``$foo`` will be shown.

        Quotes (``"``) in strings can be escaped with a backslash (``\``).

        The following widgets are available:

            Shows a string of text that can be given using the `hint` argument
            at any update performed with :meth:`.ProgressBar.init`,
            :meth:`` or :meth:`.ProgressBar.finish`. If the
            argument is not given an empty string is used instead.

            Shows the progress in percent; this requires `maxsteps` to be set.

            Shows a simple bar which moves which each update not corresponding
            with the progress being made. This is useful if you just want to
            show that something is happening.

            Shows a simple progress bar which is being filled corresponding
            to the percentage of progress. This requires `maxsteps` to be

            Shows the current at maximum number of steps as ``step of steps``,
            this method takes an initial value determining the unit of each
            step e.g. if each step represents a byte and you choose `bytes`
            as a unit a reasonable prefix will be chosen.

            Supported units:

            - `bytes` - Uses a binary prefix.

            This requires `maxsteps` to be set.

            Shows the elapsed time in hours, minutes and seconds.

            Shows the speed in bytes (or with a reasonable prefix) per seconds,
            this assumes that each `step` represents a byte.

        If you want to implement your own widget(s) take a look at
        :class:`brownie.terminal.progress.Widget`, you can use them by passing
        them in a dictionary (mapping the name to the widget class) via the
        `widgets` argument. You might also want to take a look at the source
        code of the built-in widgets.

        There are two things you have to look out for:
        :class:`~brownie.terminal.progress.ProgressBar` objects are not
        reusable if you need another object, call this method again. If you
        attempt to write to the :attr:`stream` while using a progress bar the
        behaviour is undefined.

        .. seealso:: :ref:`creating-widgets`
        return ProgressBar.from_string(description,
Esempio n. 29
 def iter(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
Esempio n. 30
 def finish(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
     widget = StepWidget()
     progressbar.step = progressbar.maxsteps
     Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == '20 of 20'
Esempio n. 31
 def get_usable_width(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([TextWidget('foobar')], writer)
     Assert(progressbar.get_usable_width()) == writer.get_usable_width() - 6
Esempio n. 32
 def init(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     widget = DataTransferSpeedWidget()
     Assert(widget.init(progressbar, 100)) == '0kb/s'
Esempio n. 33
 def finish(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=100)
     widget = PercentageWidget()
     widget.init(progressbar, writer.get_width())
     Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == '100%'
Esempio n. 34
 def init(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)
     widget = TimeWidget()
     Assert(widget.init(progressbar, 100)) == '00:00:00'
Esempio n. 35
    def init(self):
        writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
        progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer)

        widget = BarWidget()
        Assert(widget.init(progressbar, 8)) == '[###...]'
Esempio n. 36
 def finish(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=20)
     widget = StepWidget()
     progressbar.step = progressbar.maxsteps
     Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, writer.get_width())) == '20 of 20'
Esempio n. 37
 def init(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     sized_widgets = PercentageWidget, PercentageBarWidget
     for sized in sized_widgets:
         with Assert.raises(ValueError):
             ProgressBar([sized()], writer)
Esempio n. 38
 def finish(self):
     writer = TerminalWriter(StringIO())
     progressbar = ProgressBar([], writer, maxsteps=10)
     widget = PercentageBarWidget()
     Assert(widget.finish(progressbar, 12)) == '[##########]'