Esempio n. 1
 def _iterNodesByType(self, nodeType, direction="next", pos=None):
     if not pos:
         pos = self.makeTextInfo(textInfos.POSITION_FIRST if direction ==
                                 "next" else textInfos.POSITION_LAST)
     obj = pos.innerTextInfo._startObj
     if nodeType == "container":
         while obj != self.rootNVDAObject:
             if obj.role == controlTypes.Role.TABLE:
                 ti = self.makeTextInfo(obj)
                 yield browseMode.TextInfoQuickNavItem(nodeType, self, ti)
             obj = obj.parent
     roles = self.NODE_TYPES_TO_ROLES.get(nodeType)
     if not roles:
         raise NotImplementedError
     # Find the first embedded object in the requested direction.
     # Use the text, as enumerating IAccessibleHypertext means more cross-process calls.
     offset = pos.innerTextInfo._start._startOffset
     if direction == "next":
         text = obj.IAccessibleTextObject.text(
             offset + 1, obj.IAccessibleTextObject.nCharacters)
         embed = text.find(textUtils.OBJ_REPLACEMENT_CHAR)
         if embed != -1:
             embed += offset + 1
         if offset > 0:
             text = obj.IAccessibleTextObject.text(0, offset)
             embed = text.rfind(textUtils.OBJ_REPLACEMENT_CHAR)
             # We're at the start; we can't go back any further.
             embed = -1
     log.debug("%s embedded object from offset %d: %d" %
               (direction, offset, embed))
     hli = -1 if embed == -1 else obj.iaHypertext.hyperlinkIndex(embed)
     while True:
         if hli != -1:
             for embObj in self._iterEmbeddedObjs(obj.iaHypertext, hli,
                 if embObj.role in roles:
                     ti = self.makeTextInfo(embObj)
                     yield browseMode.TextInfoQuickNavItem(
                         nodeType, self, ti)
         # No more embedded objects here.
         # We started in an embedded object, so continue in the parent.
         if obj == self.rootNVDAObject:
             log.debug("At root, stopping")
             break  # Can't go any further.
         log.debug("Continuing in parent")
         # Get the index of the embedded object we just came from.
         parent = obj.parent
         if not getattr(parent, 'IAccessibleTextObject', None):
             obj = parent
         hl = obj.IAccessibleObject.QueryInterface(IA2.IAccessibleHyperlink)
         offset = hl.startIndex
         obj = parent
         hli = obj.iaHypertext.hyperlinkIndex(offset)
         # Continue the walk from the next embedded object.
         hli += 1 if direction == "next" else -1
Esempio n. 2
def UIAParagraphQuicknavIterator(document, position, direction="next"):
    if position:
        curPosition = position
        curPosition = document.makeTextInfo(
            textInfos.POSITION_LAST if direction ==
            "previous" else textInfos.POSITION_FIRST)
    stop = False
    firstLoop = True
    while not stop:
        tempInfo = curPosition.copy()
        styleIDValue = getUIATextAttributeValueFromRange(
            tempInfo._rangeObj, UIA_StyleIdAttributeId)
        if styleIDValue == StyleId_Normal:
            if not firstLoop or not position:
                yield browseMode.TextInfoQuickNavItem("paragraph", document,
        stop = (curPosition.move(textInfos.UNIT_PARAGRAPH,
                                 1 if direction == "next" else -1) == 0)
        firstLoop = False