Esempio n. 1
def GTECH_NOR8(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Unot(
        Or(Or(Or(p['A'], p['B']), Or(p['C'], p['D'])),
           Or(Or(p['E'], p['F']), Or(p['G'], p['H']))))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 2
def GTECH_ADD_AB(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval1 = Xor(p['A'], p['B'])
    rval2 = And(p['A'], p['B'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(LConcat([p['S'], p['COUT']])),
                  Rvalue(Concat([rval1, rval2])))
def SELECT_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    control_count = int((len(p) - 1) / 2)
    cond_stmt = IntConst('1\'b0')
    for i in range(control_count, 0, -1):
        cond_stmt = Cond(p['CONTROL%d' % i], p['DATA%d' % i], cond_stmt)
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(cond_stmt))
Esempio n. 4
def GTECH_MUX8(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Cond(
        Cond(p['B'], Cond(p['A'], p['D7'], p['D6']),
             Cond(p['A'], p['D5'], p['D4'])),
        Cond(p['B'], Cond(p['A'], p['D3'], p['D2']),
             Cond(p['A'], p['D1'], p['D0'])))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def MUX_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)

    for c in range(32):
        if len(p) == 1 + c + 2**c:

    cond_stmt = IntConst('1\'b0')
    for i in range(control_count, 0, -1):
        cond_stmt = Cond(p['CONTROL%d' % i], p['DATA%d' % i], cond_stmt)
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(cond_stmt))
Esempio n. 6
def GTECH_OA21(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = And(Or(p['A'], p['B']), p['C'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 7
def GTECH_OR_NOT(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Or(p['A'], Unot(p['B']))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 8
def GTECH_XNOR4(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Unot(Xor(Xor(p['A'], p['B']), Xor(p['C'], p['D'])))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def DIV_UNS_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = Divide(p['A'], p['B'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def ASHR_TC_UNS_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = Sra(SystemCall('signed', [p['A']]), p['SH'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 11
def GTECH_MUXI2(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Unot(Cond(p['S'], p['B'], p['A']))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def LEQ_UNS_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = LessEq(p['A'], p['B'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def GT_TC_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = GreaterThan(SystemCall('signed', [p['A']]),
                       SystemCall('signed', [p['B']]))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def GT_UNS_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = GreaterThan(p['A'], p['B'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def MULT_UNS_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = Times(p['A'], p['B'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def SUB_UNS_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = Minus(p['A'], p['B'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 17
def GTECH_AOI2N2(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Unot(Or(And(p['A'], p['B']), Unot(Or(p['C'], p['D']))))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def LEQ_TC_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = LessEq(SystemCall('signed', [p['A']]),
                  SystemCall('signed', [p['B']]))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 19
def GTECH_MAJ23(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Or(Or(And(p['A'], p['B']), And(p['A'], p['C'])),
              And(p['B'], p['C']))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 20
def GTECH_TBUF(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Cond(p['E'], p['A'], IntConst('1\'bz'))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 21
def GTECH_NOT(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(Unot(p['A'])))
Esempio n. 22
def GTECH_NAND3(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Unot(And(And(p['A'], p['B']), p['C']))
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 23
def GTECH_XOR2(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = Xor(p['A'], p['B'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
def ASHR_UNS_UNS_OP(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    rval = Srl(p['A'], p['SH'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 25
def GTECH_AND5(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    rval = And(And(And(p['A'], p['B']), And(p['C'], p['D'])), p['E'])
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(rval))
Esempio n. 26
def GTECH_ONE(instance):
    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
    if 'Z' not in p: return None
    return Assign(Lvalue(p['Z']), Rvalue(IntConst('1\'b1')))
Esempio n. 27
def SEQGEN(instance, wires, regs):

    p = __get_instance_ports(instance)

    # Get configuration booleans
    has_clock = (p['clocked_on'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_async_reset = (p['clear'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_async_set = (p['preset'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_async_enable = (p['enable'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_async_data = (p['data_in'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_sync_reset = (p['synch_clear'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_sync_set = (p['synch_preset'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_sync_enable = (p['synch_enable'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_sync_data = (p['next_state'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_sync_toggle = (p['synch_toggle'] != IntConst('1\'b0'))
    has_noninverted_output = ('Q' in p)
    has_inverted_output = ('QN' in p)

    # Log configuration
    logging.debug('SEQGEN Configuration:')
        ('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 3) + '%s') % ('has_clock', str(has_clock)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_async_reset', str(has_async_reset)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_async_set', str(has_async_set)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_async_enable', str(has_async_enable)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_async_data', str(has_async_data)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_sync_reset', str(has_sync_reset)))
        ('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 3) + '%s') % ('has_sync_set', str(has_sync_set)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_sync_enable', str(has_sync_enable)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_sync_data', str(has_sync_data)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_sync_toggle', str(has_sync_toggle)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 1) + '%s') %
                  ('has_noninverted_output', str(has_noninverted_output)))
    logging.debug(('\t %s: ' + ('\t' * 2) + '%s') %
                  ('has_inverted_output', str(has_inverted_output)))

    # Assert all assumptions before moving on to early catch unexpected configurations
    assert not (has_async_reset and has_sync_reset)
    assert not (has_async_set and has_sync_set)
    assert not (has_async_enable and has_sync_enable)
    assert not (has_async_data and has_sync_data)
    assert not (has_clock and has_async_data)
    assert (has_noninverted_output or has_inverted_output)

    # Not sure what to do with the synchronous toggle pin (couldn't find the RTL
    # that synthesizes this configuration pin, could be rare / unused?)
    if has_sync_toggle:
        logging.error('No implementation defined for %s replacement!' %
        return InstanceList(instance.module, [], [instance])

    # EN pin
    if has_sync_enable: EN = p['synch_enable']
    elif has_async_enable: EN = p['enable']
    else: EN = None

    # RESET pin
    if has_sync_reset: RESET = p['synch_clear']
    elif has_async_reset: RESET = p['clear']
    else: RESET = None

    # SET pin
    if has_sync_set: SET = p['synch_preset']
    elif has_async_set: SET = p['preset']
    else: SET = None

    # DATA pin
    DATA = p['data_in'] if has_async_data else p['next_state']

    # OUTPUT pins
    Q = p['Q'] if has_noninverted_output else None
    QN = p['QN'] if has_inverted_output else None

    # Main data assign block
    assigns = []
    if Q: assigns.append(NonblockingSubstitution(Lvalue(Q), Rvalue(DATA)))
    if QN:
        assigns.append(NonblockingSubstitution(Lvalue(QN), Rvalue(Unot(DATA))))
    stmt = Block(assigns)

    # Add enable if it exists
    if EN:
        stmt = IfStatement(EN, stmt, None)

    # Add set if it exists
    if SET:
        assigns = []
        if Q:
                NonblockingSubstitution(Lvalue(Q), Rvalue(IntConst('1\'b1'))))
        if QN:
                NonblockingSubstitution(Lvalue(QN), Rvalue(IntConst('1\'b0'))))
        stmt = IfStatement(SET, Block(assigns), stmt)

    # Add reset if it exists
    if RESET:
        assigns = []
        if Q:
                NonblockingSubstitution(Lvalue(Q), Rvalue(IntConst('1\'b0'))))
        if QN:
                NonblockingSubstitution(Lvalue(QN), Rvalue(IntConst('1\'b1'))))
        stmt = IfStatement(RESET, Block(assigns), stmt)

    # Create the sensitivity list
    sens = []
    if has_clock: sens.append(Sens(p['clocked_on'], type='posedge'))
    if has_async_data: sens.append(Sens(p['data_in'], type='level'))
    if has_async_enable: sens.append(Sens(p['enable'], type='level'))
    if has_async_reset: sens.append(Sens(p['clear'], type='level'))
    if has_async_set: sens.append(Sens(p['preset'], type='level'))

    # Convert the outputs from wires to regs
    if has_noninverted_output: __convert_pin_to_reg(p['Q'], wires, regs)
    if has_inverted_output: __convert_pin_to_reg(p['QN'], wires, regs)

    # Return always block AST
    return Always(SensList(sens),
                  stmt if type(stmt) == Block else Block([stmt]))
Esempio n. 28
def TSGEN( instance, wires, regs, assigns ):
  p = __get_instance_ports(instance)
  rval = Cond(p['three_state'], IntConst('1\'bz'), p['function'])
  return Assign(Lvalue(p['output']), Rvalue(rval))