def coherent_evolve(transaction_cost=0): bt_st_date = "2020-09-13" bt_date_range = [ "-".join([ str(pd.to_datetime(bt_st_date).year - i), str(pd.to_datetime(bt_st_date).month), str(pd.to_datetime(bt_st_date).day) ]) for i in range(0, 21, 5) ] fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(10, 14), dpi=800) cmaps = sns.diverging_palette(220, 20, center="dark", n=2) ax0s = [] labels = [] perfs = pd.DataFrame(columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [['2020', '2015', '2010', '2005'], [(20, 50, 150), (30, 60, 160)]], names=['end_year', 'trading_rules'])) for i, end_date in enumerate(bt_date_range[:-1]): st_date = bt_date_range[i + 1] start_bt_date_1yr_plus = "-".join([ str(pd.to_datetime(st_date).year - 1), str(pd.to_datetime(st_date).month), str(pd.to_datetime(st_date).day) ]) df, b_df = get_df_stoxx600(start_bt_date_1yr_plus, end_date) b_df = b_df[st_date:end_date] ret_b = b_df.pct_change().fillna(0) port_ret = ret_b.rename('short').to_frame() ## index ew_eq_curve = (1 + ret_b).cumprod().rename('short').to_frame() ax0s.append(ew_eq_curve['short'].plot(ax=axs[i, 0], lw=0.75, c='g', label='index')) for s, sigs in enumerate([(20, 50, 150), (30, 60, 160)]): port_ret['long'] = trend_trading(df, st_date, end_date, sigs=sigs, transaction_cost=0) port_ret = port_ret.fillna(0) ew_eq_curve = (port_ret + 1).cumprod() ax0s.append(ew_eq_curve['long'].plot(ax=axs[i, 0], lw=0.75, c=cmaps[s])) ## combined PnL combined_PnL = (port_ret['long'] - port_ret['short'] + 1).cumprod() combined_PnL.plot(ax=axs[i, 1], c=cmaps[s]) perfs[(end_date[:4], sigs)] = port_stats(ew_eq_curve['long'], ew_eq_curve['short']) # print(port_ret['long']) # print(port_stats(ew_eq_curve['long'], ew_eq_curve['short'])) custom_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=cmaps[0], lw=0.75), Line2D([0], [0], color=cmaps[1], lw=0.75), Line2D([0], [0], color='g', lw=0.75) ] fig.legend(custom_lines, ['long (20,50,150)', 'long (30,60,160)', 'short index'], ncol=len(custom_lines), loc="upper center") plt.setp(ax0s, ylabel='Cumulative Return') # plt.savefig(f"stress_trend_follow/coherent_evolve.png", bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() # perfs = perfs.T with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None): print(perfs.T.to_latex()) r1 = perfs.iloc[:, perfs.columns.get_level_values(1) == ( 30, 60, 160)].droplevel('trading_rules', axis=1) r2 = perfs.iloc[:, perfs.columns.get_level_values(1) == ( 20, 50, 150)].droplevel('trading_rules', axis=1) print((r1 - r2).sort_index(axis=1).to_latex())
def structural_pred(start_bt_date='2007-01-01', end_bt_date='2010-01-01'): ''' deviate from the optimal trading rule by using signal_{x} > signal_{x+1} > signal_{x+2}. :param sigs: :param start_bt_date: :param end_bt_date: :return: ''' start_bt_date_1yr_plus = "-".join( [str(int(start_bt_date.split('-')[0]) - 1)] + start_bt_date.split('-')[1:]) df, stoxx600 = get_df_stoxx600( start_bt_date_1yr_plus=start_bt_date_1yr_plus, end_bt_date=end_bt_date) transaction_cost = 0.0000 ret_stoxx600 = stoxx600[start_bt_date:].pct_change().fillna(0) eq_curve_stoxx600 = (ret_stoxx600 + 1).cumprod() sigs = (30, 60, 160) closing_period = 100 # deviations = list(zip(list(range(sigs[0]+2, closing_period+2)), list(range(sigs[1]+1, closing_period+1)), [sigs[2]] * closing_period)) # deviations.insert(0,sigs) deviations = [(20, 50, 150), (30, 59, 158), (30, 60, 160), (32, 61, 160)] #, (30,58,157) ,(40,65,160) cmaps = sns.diverging_palette(220, 20, center="dark", n=len(deviations)) fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 3.5), dpi=800) # fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(100, 50)) ax0s = [] labels = [] long_end_PnLs = [] plt_freq = 1 for i, new_sigs in enumerate(deviations): temp_fast, temp_mid, temp_slow = trend_follow_sigs(df, new_sigs) long_signal = ((temp_fast > temp_mid) & (temp_mid > temp_slow)).astype(int) long_holdings = long_signal.shift(1)[start_bt_date:] ret_df = df[start_bt_date:].pct_change(1).fillna(0) arr_transaction_cost = [0, 0, 0, 0, transaction_cost] * ( len(ret_df.index) // 5) + [0] * (len(ret_df.index) % 5) ## equal weighting long_w = (1 / long_holdings.sum(axis=1)).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0) port_ret = (long_holdings.mul(long_w, axis='index') * ret_df).sum(axis=1).rename('long').to_frame() port_ret['benchmark'] = ret_stoxx600 port_ret = port_ret.fillna(0) ## Long/ Short Side Plot ew_eq_curve = (port_ret + 1).cumprod() # plt_freq = 10 if direction == 'Neg Deviations' else 30 # print(f"new sigs {new_sigs}, {type(new_sigs[0])}") if i % plt_freq == 0 or new_sigs == [30, 60, 160]: ax0s.append(ew_eq_curve['long'].plot(ax=ax0, lw=0.75, c=cmaps[i])) if new_sigs == (20, 50, 150): labels.append(f"{','.join(map(str, new_sigs))} (benchmark)") else: labels.append(",".join(map(str, new_sigs))) ## combined PnL combined_PnL = (port_ret['long'] - port_ret['benchmark'] - arr_transaction_cost + 1).cumprod() combined_PnL.plot(ax=ax1, lw=0.70, c=cmaps[i]) long_end_PnLs.append( (",".join(map(str, new_sigs)), ew_eq_curve['long'].tail(1).values[0])) # ax0.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize='small', ncol=len(deviations)//5) # ax1.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize='small', ncol=len(deviations)//5) b = eq_curve_stoxx600.plot(ax=ax0, lw=0.70, c='g', label='index') ax0s.append(b) labels.append("index") fig.legend( ax0s, # The line objects labels=labels, # The labels for each line loc="upper center", # Position of legend borderaxespad=0.1, # Small spacing around legend box # fontsize='small', ncol=len(labels)) plt.setp(ax0s, ylabel='Cumulative Return') # plt.savefig(f"stress_trend_follow/pnl_struct_pred.png", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
import bt_tools import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from risk_parity import risk_parity_weighting ed_date = '2020-09-13' st_date = '2015-09-13' st_two_date = '2014-09-13' start_bt_date_1yr_plus = '2012-09-13' # df, b_df = bt_tools.get_df_sp500(start_bt_date_1yr_plus, ed_date) df, b_df = bt_tools.get_df_stoxx600(start_bt_date_1yr_plus, ed_date) # df, b_df = bt_tools.get_df_ftse250(start_bt_date_1yr_plus, ed_date) ## index returns port_df = b_df.loc[st_date:ed_date].pct_change().fillna(0).rename( 'short').to_frame() sigs = (30, 60, 160) fast_MA, mid_MA, slow_MA = bt_tools.trend_follow_sigs(df, sigs) entry_long = ((fast_MA > mid_MA) & (mid_MA > slow_MA)).astype(int) exit_long = ((fast_MA < mid_MA) & (mid_MA > slow_MA)).astype(int) pos_df_long = bt_tools.get_position_df(df, entry_long, exit_long) # eq_risk_w_long = bt_tools.equal_risk_weighting(df, pos_df_long, st_date, ed_date) # eq_risk_w_long.to_pickle('eq_risk_w_long.pkl') eq_risk_w_long = pd.read_pickle("eq_risk_w_long.pkl")
def stress_trend_follow(direction='Pos Deviations', start_bt_date='2007-01-01', end_bt_date='2010-01-01'): dev_name = direction ## dd_devs = { 'Pos Deviations': range(0, 51, 1), 'Neg Deviations': range(0, -21, -1) } start_bt_date_1yr_plus = "-".join( [str(int(start_bt_date.split('-')[0]) - 1)] + start_bt_date.split('-')[1:]) df, stoxx600 = get_df_stoxx600( start_bt_date_1yr_plus=start_bt_date_1yr_plus, end_bt_date=end_bt_date) transaction_cost = 0.0010 ret_stoxx600 = stoxx600[start_bt_date:].pct_change().fillna(0) eq_curve_stoxx600 = (ret_stoxx600 + 1).cumprod() sigs = [20, 50, 150] deviations = dd_devs[dev_name] cmaps = sns.diverging_palette(250, 15, s=75, l=40, center="dark", n=len(deviations)) fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 3.5), dpi=800) ax0s = [] labels = [] long_end_PnLs = [] long_mean_Sharpe = [] for i, plus_t in enumerate(deviations): new_sigs = list(map(lambda x: x + plus_t, sigs)) temp_fast, temp_mid, temp_slow = trend_follow_sigs(df, new_sigs) long_signal = ((temp_fast > temp_mid) & (temp_mid > temp_slow)).astype(int) long_holdings = long_signal.shift(1)[start_bt_date:] ret_df = df[start_bt_date:].pct_change(1).fillna(0) arr_transaction_cost = [0, 0, 0, 0, transaction_cost] * ( len(ret_df.index) // 5) + [0] * (len(ret_df.index) % 5) ## equal weighting long_w = (1 / long_holdings.sum(axis=1)).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0) port_ret = (long_holdings.mul(long_w, axis='index') * ret_df).sum(axis=1).rename('long').to_frame() port_ret['index'] = ret_stoxx600 port_ret = port_ret.fillna(0) ## Long/ Short Side Plot ew_eq_curve = (port_ret + 1).cumprod() plt_freq = 10 if direction == 'Neg Deviations' else 30 # print(f"new sigs {new_sigs}, {type(new_sigs[0])}") if i % plt_freq == 0 or new_sigs == [30, 60, 160]: ax0s.append(ew_eq_curve['long'].plot(ax=ax0, lw=0.75, c=cmaps[i])) if new_sigs == [20, 50, 150]: labels.append(f"{','.join(map(str,new_sigs))} (benchmark)") else: labels.append(",".join(map(str, new_sigs))) ## combined PnL combined_PnL = (port_ret['long'] - port_ret['index'] - arr_transaction_cost + 1).cumprod() combined_PnL.plot(ax=ax1, lw=0.70, c=cmaps[i]) ## bar EndPnL long_end_PnLs.append( (",".join(map(str, new_sigs)), ew_eq_curve['long'].tail(1).values[0])) long_mean_Sharpe.append( (",".join(map(str, new_sigs)), sharpe(ew_eq_curve['long']))) # ax0.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize='small', ncol=len(deviations)//5) # ax1.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize='small', ncol=len(deviations)//5) b = eq_curve_stoxx600.plot(ax=ax0, lw=0.70, c='g', label='index') ax0s.append(b) labels.append("index") fig.legend( ax0s, # The line objects labels=labels, # The labels for each line loc="upper center", # Position of legend borderaxespad=0.1, # Small spacing around legend box # fontsize='small', ncol=len(labels)) plt.setp(ax0s, ylabel='Cumulative Return') # plt.savefig( f"stress_trend_follow/pnl_{direction.lower().replace(' ','_')}.png", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() ## Bar mean Sharpe ratio long_mean_Sharpe = pd.DataFrame(long_mean_Sharpe, columns=['sig', 'sharpe']) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3.5), dpi=800)['sig'], long_mean_Sharpe['sharpe']) plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=6) plt.ylabel('avg. annual Sharpe') # plt.savefig( f"stress_trend_follow/bar_mean_sharpe_{direction.lower().replace(' ', '_')}.png", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() ## Bar End PnL long_end_PnLs = pd.DataFrame(long_end_PnLs, columns=['sig', 'PnL']) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3.5), dpi=800)['sig'], long_end_PnLs['PnL']) plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=6) plt.ylabel('End Cumulative Return') # plt.savefig( f"stress_trend_follow/bar_end_{direction.lower().replace(' ', '_')}.png", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def long_short_trend(transaction_cost=0.0000, plot=False): start_bt_date_1yr_plus = '2014-09-13' start_bt_date = '2015-09-13' end_bt_date = '2020-09-13' df, stoxx600 = get_df_stoxx600( start_bt_date_1yr_plus=start_bt_date_1yr_plus, end_bt_date=end_bt_date) # df, stoxx600 = get_df_sp500(start_bt_date_1yr_plus=start_bt_date_1yr_plus, end_bt_date=end_bt_date) ## short index port_ret = stoxx600.loc[start_bt_date:end_bt_date].pct_change().rename( 'short_index').to_frame() ## sides return port_ret['long'] = trend_trading(df, start_bt_date, end_bt_date, sigs=(20, 50, 150), transaction_cost=0) port_ret['short_trend'] = trend_trading(df, start_bt_date, end_bt_date, sigs=(20, 50, 150), transaction_cost=0, direction='short') port_ret = port_ret.fillna(0) ## short trend side plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 800 with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None): print(port_ret['short_trend'].sort_values(ascending=False)) (-port_ret['short_trend'].fillna(0) + 1).cumprod().plot( figsize=(5, 3.5), legend=True, lw=0.75, fontsize=10).legend(loc=2) plt.ylabel('Cumulative Return') plt.savefig("short_trend_follow/short_side_pnl.png") plt.close() ## ew_eq_curves eq_eq_curves = (port_ret + 1).cumprod() plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 800 eq_eq_curves.plot(figsize=(5, 3.5), legend=True, lw=0.75, fontsize=10).legend(loc=2) plt.ylabel('Cumulative Return') plt.savefig("short_trend_follow/pnls") plt.close() ## combined Pnl plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 800 combined_PnL = ( port_ret['long'] - port_ret['short_trend']).rename('long_short_trend').to_frame() combined_PnL['benchmark'] = (port_ret['long'] - port_ret['short_index']) combined_PnL = (combined_PnL.fillna(0) + 1).cumprod() combined_PnL.plot(figsize=(5, 3.5), legend=True, lw=0.75, fontsize=10).legend(loc=2) plt.ylabel('Cumulative Return') plt.savefig("short_trend_follow/combined_pnl") plt.close() # eq_eq_curves['long'] = (port_ret['long'] +1).cumprod() # eq_eq_curves['short'] = (port_ret['short'] +1).cumprod() ## performance_analysis performance_analysis(eq_eq_curves['long'], eq_eq_curves['short_trend']) ## portfolio analysis return pd.DataFrame({ 'benchmark': port_stats(eq_eq_curves['long'], eq_eq_curves['short_index']), 'long_short_trend': port_stats(eq_eq_curves['long'], eq_eq_curves['short_trend']) })