Esempio n. 1
def _sign_(c: int, q: int, nonce: int, lower_s: bool, ec: Curve) -> Sig:
    # Private function for testing purposes: it allows to explore all
    # possible value of the challenge c (for low-cardinality curves).
    # It assume that c is in [0, n-1], while q and nonce are in [1, n-1]

    # Steps numbering follows SEC 1 v.2 section 4.1.3

    KJ = _mult(nonce, ec.GJ, ec)  # 1

    # affine x_K-coordinate of K (field element)
    x_K = (KJ[0] * mod_inv(KJ[2] * KJ[2], ec.p)) % ec.p
    # mod n makes it a scalar
    r = x_K % ec.n  # 2, 3
    if r == 0:  # r≠0 required as it multiplies the public key
        raise BTClibRuntimeError("failed to sign: r = 0")

    s = mod_inv(nonce, ec.n) * (c + r * q) % ec.n  # 6
    if s == 0:  # s≠0 required as verify will need the inverse of s
        raise BTClibRuntimeError("failed to sign: s = 0")

    # bitcoin canonical 'low-s' encoding for ECDSA signatures
    # it removes signature malleability as cause of transaction malleability
    # see
    if lower_s and s > ec.n / 2:
        s = ec.n - s  # s = - s % ec.n

    return Sig(r, s, ec)
def test_forge_hash_sig() -> None:
    """forging valid hash signatures"""
    # pylint: disable=protected-access

    ec = CURVES["secp256k1"]

    # see
    # Satoshi's key
    key = "03 11db93e1dcdb8a016b49840f8c53bc1eb68a382e97b1482ecad7b148a6909a5c"
    Q = point_from_octets(key, ec)

    # pick u1 and u2 at will
    u1 = 1
    u2 = 2
    R = double_mult(u2, Q, u1, ec.G, ec)
    r = R[0] % ec.n
    u2inv = mod_inv(u2, ec.n)
    s = r * u2inv % ec.n
    s = ec.n - s if s > ec.n / 2 else s
    e = s * u1 % ec.n
    dsa._assert_as_valid_(e, (Q[0], Q[1], 1), r, s, lower_s=True, ec=ec)

    # pick u1 and u2 at will
    u1 = 1234567890
    u2 = 987654321
    R = double_mult(u2, Q, u1, ec.G, ec)
    r = R[0] % ec.n
    u2inv = mod_inv(u2, ec.n)
    s = r * u2inv % ec.n
    s = ec.n - s if s > ec.n / 2 else s
    e = s * u1 % ec.n
    dsa._assert_as_valid_(e, (Q[0], Q[1], 1), r, s, lower_s=True, ec=ec)
Esempio n. 3
def crack_prv_key_(
    msg_hash1: Octets,
    sig1: Union[Sig, Octets],
    msg_hash2: Octets,
    sig2: Union[Sig, Octets],
    hf: HashF = sha256,
) -> Tuple[int, int]:

    if isinstance(sig1, Sig):
        sig1 = Sig.parse(sig1)

    if isinstance(sig2, Sig):
        sig2 = Sig.parse(sig2)

    ec =
    if != ec:
        raise BTClibValueError("not the same curve in signatures")
    if sig1.r != sig2.r:
        raise BTClibValueError("not the same r in signatures")
    if sig1.s == sig2.s:
        raise BTClibValueError("identical signatures")

    c_1 = challenge_(msg_hash1, ec, hf)
    c_2 = challenge_(msg_hash2, ec, hf)

    nonce = (c_1 - c_2) * mod_inv(sig1.s - sig2.s, ec.n) % ec.n
    q = (sig2.s * nonce - c_2) * mod_inv(sig1.r, ec.n) % ec.n
    return q, nonce
Esempio n. 4
    def aff_from_jac(self, Q: JacPoint) -> Point:
        # point is assumed to be on curve
        if Q[2] == 0:  # Infinity point in Jacobian coordinates
            return INF

        Z2 = Q[2] * Q[2]
        x = Q[0] * mod_inv(Z2, self.p)
        y = Q[1] * mod_inv(Z2 * Q[2], self.p)
        return x % self.p, y % self.p
Esempio n. 5
def test_mod_inv_prime() -> None:
    for p in primes:
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match="No inverse for 0 mod"):
            mod_inv(0, p)
        for a in range(1, min(p, 500)):  # exhausted only for small p
            inv = mod_inv(a, p)
            assert a * inv % p == 1
            inv = mod_inv(a + p, p)
            assert a * inv % p == 1
Esempio n. 6
def test_mod_inv() -> None:
    max_m = 100
    for m in range(2, max_m):
        nums = list(range(m))
        for a in nums:
            mult = [a * i % m for i in nums]
            if 1 in mult:
                inv = mod_inv(a, m)
                assert a * inv % m == 1
                inv = mod_inv(a + m, m)
                assert a * inv % m == 1
                err_msg = "No inverse for "
                with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
                    mod_inv(a, m)
Esempio n. 7
    def y_aff_from_jac(self, Q: JacPoint) -> int:
        # point is assumed to be on curve
        if Q[2] == 0:  # Infinity point in Jacobian coordinates
            raise BTClibValueError("INF has no y-coordinate")

        Z2 = Q[2] * Q[2]
        return (Q[1] * mod_inv(Z2 * Q[2], self.p)) % self.p
Esempio n. 8
    def double_aff(self, Q: Point) -> Point:
        # point is assumed to be on curve

        if Q[1] == 0:  # Infinity point in affine coordinates
            return INF

        lam = (3 * Q[0] * Q[0] + self._a) * mod_inv(2 * Q[1], self.p)
        x = lam * lam - Q[0] - Q[0]
        y = lam * (Q[0] - x) - Q[1]
        return x % self.p, y % self.p
Esempio n. 9
def _assert_as_valid_(c: int, QJ: JacPoint, r: int, s: int, lower_s: bool,
                      ec: Curve) -> None:
    # Private function for test/dev purposes

    if lower_s and s > ec.n / 2:
        raise BTClibValueError("not a low s")

    w = mod_inv(s, ec.n)
    u = c * w % ec.n
    v = r * w % ec.n  # 4
    # Let K = u*G + v*Q.
    KJ = _double_mult(v, QJ, u, ec.GJ, ec)  # 5

    # Fail if infinite(K).
    # edge case that cannot be reproduced in the test suite
    if KJ[2] == 0:  # 5
        err_msg = "invalid (INF) key"  # pragma: no cover
        raise BTClibRuntimeError(err_msg)  # pragma: no cover

    # affine x_K-coordinate of K
    x_K = (KJ[0] * mod_inv(KJ[2] * KJ[2], ec.p)) % ec.p
    # Fail if r ≠ x_K %n.
    if r != x_K % ec.n:  # 6, 7, 8
        raise BTClibRuntimeError("signature verification failed")
Esempio n. 10
def _recover_pub_key_(c: int, r: int, s: int, ec: Curve) -> int:
    # Private function provided for testing purposes only.

    if c == 0:
        raise BTClibRuntimeError("invalid zero challenge")

    KJ = r, ec.y_even(r), 1

    e1 = mod_inv(c, ec.n)
    QJ = _double_mult(ec.n - e1, KJ, e1 * s, ec.GJ, ec)
    # edge case that cannot be reproduced in the test suite
    if QJ[2] == 0:
        err_msg = "invalid (INF) key"  # pragma: no cover
        raise BTClibRuntimeError(err_msg)  # pragma: no cover
    return ec.x_aff_from_jac(QJ)
Esempio n. 11
def test_low_cardinality() -> None:
    """test low-cardinality curves for all msg/key pairs."""
    # pylint: disable=protected-access

    # ec.n has to be prime to sign
    test_curves = [
        # low_card_curves["ec13_19"],
        # low_card_curves["ec17_13"],
        # low_card_curves["ec19_23"],

    lower_s = True
    # only low cardinality test curves or it would take forever
    for ec in test_curves:
        for q in range(1, ec.n):  # all possible private keys
            QJ = _mult(q, ec.GJ, ec)  # public key
            for k in range(1, ec.n):  # all possible ephemeral keys
                RJ = _mult(k, ec.GJ, ec)
                r = ec.x_aff_from_jac(RJ) % ec.n
                k_inv = mod_inv(k, ec.n)
                for e in range(ec.n):  # all possible challenges
                    s = k_inv * (e + q * r) % ec.n
                    # bitcoin canonical 'low-s' encoding for ECDSA
                    if lower_s and s > ec.n / 2:
                        s = ec.n - s
                    if r == 0 or s == 0:
                        err_msg = "failed to sign: "
                        with pytest.raises(BTClibRuntimeError, match=err_msg):
                            dsa._sign_(e, q, k, lower_s, ec)
                        sig = dsa._sign_(e, q, k, lower_s, ec)
                        assert r == sig.r
                        assert s == sig.s
                        assert ec ==
                        # valid signature must pass verification
                        dsa._assert_as_valid_(e, QJ, r, s, lower_s, ec)

                        jac_keys = dsa._recover_pub_keys_(e, r, s, lower_s, ec)
                        # FIXME speed this up
                        Qs = [ec.aff_from_jac(key) for key in jac_keys]
                        assert ec.aff_from_jac(QJ) in Qs
                        assert len(jac_keys) in (2, 4)
Esempio n. 12
    def add_aff(self, Q: Point, R: Point) -> Point:
        # points are assumed to be on curve

        # FIXME: it would be better if INF handling was not a special case
        if R[1] == 0:  # Infinity point in affine coordinates
            return Q
        if Q[1] == 0:  # Infinity point in affine coordinates
            return R

        # FIXME: it would be better if doubling was checked before INF handling
        if R[0] == Q[0]:
            if R[1] == Q[1]:  # point doubling
                return self.double_aff(R)
            # opposite points
            return INF

        lam = (R[1] - Q[1]) * mod_inv(R[0] - Q[0], self.p)
        x = lam * lam - Q[0] - R[0]
        y = lam * (Q[0] - x) - Q[1]
        return x % self.p, y % self.p
Esempio n. 13
def _recover_pub_keys_(c: int, r: int, s: int, lower_s: bool,
                       ec: Curve) -> List[JacPoint]:
    # Private function provided for testing purposes only.

    # precomputations
    r_1 = mod_inv(r, ec.n)
    r1s = r_1 * s % ec.n
    r1e = -r_1 * c % ec.n
    keys: List[JacPoint] = []
    # r = K[0] % ec.n
    # if ec.n < K[0] < ec.p (likely when cofactor ec.cofactor > 1)
    # then both x_K=r and x_K=r+ec.n must be tested
    for j in range(ec.cofactor + 1):  # 1
        # affine x_K-coordinate of K (field element)
        x_K = (r + j * ec.n) % ec.p  # 1.1
        # two possible y_K-coordinates, i.e. two possible keys for each cycle
            # even root first for bitcoin message signing compatibility
            yodd = ec.y_even(x_K)
            KJ = x_K, yodd, 1  # 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4
            # 1.5 has been performed in the recover_pub_keys calling function
            QJ = _double_mult(r1s, KJ, r1e, ec.GJ, ec)  # 1.6.1
                _assert_as_valid_(c, QJ, r, s, lower_s, ec)  # 1.6.2
            except (BTClibValueError, BTClibRuntimeError):
                keys.append(QJ)  # 1.6.2
            KJ = x_K, ec.p - yodd, 1  # 1.6.3
            QJ = _double_mult(r1s, KJ, r1e, ec.GJ, ec)
                _assert_as_valid_(c, QJ, r, s, lower_s, ec)  # 1.6.2
            except (BTClibValueError, BTClibRuntimeError):
                keys.append(QJ)  # 1.6.2
        except (BTClibValueError,
                BTClibRuntimeError):  # K is not a curve point
    return keys
Esempio n. 14
def _recover_pub_key_(key_id: int, c: int, r: int, s: int, lower_s: bool,
                      ec: Curve) -> JacPoint:
    # Private function provided for testing purposes only.

    # precomputations
    r_1 = mod_inv(r, ec.n)
    r1s = r_1 * s % ec.n
    r1e = -r_1 * c % ec.n
    # r = K[0] % ec.n
    # if ec.n < K[0] < ec.p (likely when cofactor ec.cofactor > 1)
    # then both x_K=r and x_K=r+ec.n must be tested
    j = key_id & 0b110  # allow for key_id in [0, 7]
    x_K = (r + j * ec.n) % ec.p  # 1.1

    # even root first for Bitcoin Core compatibility
    i = key_id & 0b01
    y_even = ec.y_even(x_K)
    y_K = ec.p - y_even if i else y_even
    KJ = x_K, y_K, 1  # 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4
    # 1.5 has been performed in the recover_pub_keys calling function
    QJ = _double_mult(r1s, KJ, r1e, ec.GJ, ec)  # 1.6.1
    _assert_as_valid_(c, QJ, r, s, lower_s, ec)  # 1.6.2
    return QJ
Esempio n. 15
def crack_prv_key_(
    msg_hash1: Octets,
    sig1: Union[Sig, Octets],
    msg_hash2: Octets,
    sig2: Union[Sig, Octets],
    Q: BIP340PubKey,
    hf: HashF = sha256,
) -> Tuple[int, int]:

    if isinstance(sig1, Sig):
        sig1 = Sig.parse(sig1)

    if isinstance(sig2, Sig):
        sig2 = Sig.parse(sig2)

    ec =
    if != ec:
        raise BTClibValueError("not the same curve in signatures")
    if sig1.r != sig2.r:
        raise BTClibValueError("not the same r in signatures")
    if sig1.s == sig2.s:
        raise BTClibValueError("identical signatures")

    x_Q = point_from_bip340pub_key(Q, ec)[0]

    c_1 = challenge_(msg_hash1, x_Q, sig1.r, ec, hf)
    c_2 = challenge_(msg_hash2, x_Q, sig2.r, ec, hf)
    q = (sig1.s - sig2.s) * mod_inv(c_2 - c_1, ec.n) % ec.n
    nonce = (sig1.s + c_1 * q) % ec.n
    q, _ = gen_keys(q)
    nonce, _ = gen_keys(nonce)
    return q, nonce
Esempio n. 16
def test_threshold() -> None:
    "testing 2-of-3 threshold signature (Pedersen secret sharing)"

    ec = CURVES["secp256k1"]

    # parameters
    m = 2
    H = second_generator(ec)

    # FIRST PHASE: key pair generation ###################################

    # 1.1 signer one acting as the dealer
    commits1: List[Point] = []
    q1, _ = ssa.gen_keys()
    q1_prime, _ = ssa.gen_keys()
    commits1.append(double_mult(q1_prime, H, q1, ec.G))
    # sharing polynomials
    f1 = [q1]
    f1_prime = [q1_prime]
    for i in range(1, m):
        commits1.append(double_mult(f1_prime[i], H, f1[i], ec.G))
    # shares of the secret
    alpha12 = 0  # share of q1 belonging to signer two
    alpha12_prime = 0
    alpha13 = 0  # share of q1 belonging to signer three
    alpha13_prime = 0
    for i in range(m):
        alpha12 += (f1[i] * pow(2, i)) % ec.n
        alpha12_prime += (f1_prime[i] * pow(2, i)) % ec.n
        alpha13 += (f1[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n
        alpha13_prime += (f1_prime[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n
    # signer two verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(2, i), commits1[i]))
    t = double_mult(alpha12_prime, H, alpha12, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer one is cheating"
    # signer three verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(3, i), commits1[i]))
    t = double_mult(alpha13_prime, H, alpha13, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer one is cheating"

    # 1.2 signer two acting as the dealer
    commits2: List[Point] = []
    q2, _ = ssa.gen_keys()
    q2_prime, _ = ssa.gen_keys()
    commits2.append(double_mult(q2_prime, H, q2, ec.G))
    # sharing polynomials
    f2 = [q2]
    f2_prime = [q2_prime]
    for i in range(1, m):
        commits2.append(double_mult(f2_prime[i], H, f2[i], ec.G))
    # shares of the secret
    alpha21 = 0  # share of q2 belonging to signer one
    alpha21_prime = 0
    alpha23 = 0  # share of q2 belonging to signer three
    alpha23_prime = 0
    for i in range(m):
        alpha21 += (f2[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
        alpha21_prime += (f2_prime[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
        alpha23 += (f2[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n
        alpha23_prime += (f2_prime[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n
    # signer one verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(1, i), commits2[i]))
    t = double_mult(alpha21_prime, H, alpha21, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer two is cheating"
    # signer three verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(3, i), commits2[i]))
    t = double_mult(alpha23_prime, H, alpha23, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer two is cheating"

    # 1.3 signer three acting as the dealer
    commits3: List[Point] = []
    q3, _ = ssa.gen_keys()
    q3_prime, _ = ssa.gen_keys()
    commits3.append(double_mult(q3_prime, H, q3, ec.G))
    # sharing polynomials
    f3 = [q3]
    f3_prime = [q3_prime]
    for i in range(1, m):
        commits3.append(double_mult(f3_prime[i], H, f3[i], ec.G))
    # shares of the secret
    alpha31 = 0  # share of q3 belonging to signer one
    alpha31_prime = 0
    alpha32 = 0  # share of q3 belonging to signer two
    alpha32_prime = 0
    for i in range(m):
        alpha31 += (f3[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
        alpha31_prime += (f3_prime[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
        alpha32 += (f3[i] * pow(2, i)) % ec.n
        alpha32_prime += (f3_prime[i] * pow(2, i)) % ec.n
    # signer one verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(1, i), commits3[i]))
    t = double_mult(alpha31_prime, H, alpha31, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer three is cheating"
    # signer two verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(2, i), commits3[i]))
    t = double_mult(alpha32_prime, H, alpha32, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer three is cheating"
    # shares of the secret key q = q1 + q2 + q3
    alpha1 = (alpha21 + alpha31) % ec.n
    alpha2 = (alpha12 + alpha32) % ec.n
    alpha3 = (alpha13 + alpha23) % ec.n
    for i in range(m):
        alpha1 += (f1[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
        alpha2 += (f2[i] * pow(2, i)) % ec.n
        alpha3 += (f3[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n

    # 1.4 it's time to recover the public key
    # each participant i = 1, 2, 3 shares Qi as follows
    # Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = (q1 + q2 + q3) G
    A1: List[Point] = []
    A2: List[Point] = []
    A3: List[Point] = []
    for i in range(m):
    # signer one checks others' values
    RHS2 = INF
    RHS3 = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS2 = ec.add(RHS2, mult(pow(1, i), A2[i]))
        RHS3 = ec.add(RHS3, mult(pow(1, i), A3[i]))
    assert mult(alpha21) == RHS2, "signer two is cheating"
    assert mult(alpha31) == RHS3, "signer three is cheating"
    # signer two checks others' values
    RHS1 = INF
    RHS3 = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS1 = ec.add(RHS1, mult(pow(2, i), A1[i]))
        RHS3 = ec.add(RHS3, mult(pow(2, i), A3[i]))
    assert mult(alpha12) == RHS1, "signer one is cheating"
    assert mult(alpha32) == RHS3, "signer three is cheating"
    # signer three checks others' values
    RHS1 = INF
    RHS2 = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS1 = ec.add(RHS1, mult(pow(3, i), A1[i]))
        RHS2 = ec.add(RHS2, mult(pow(3, i), A2[i]))
    assert mult(alpha13) == RHS1, "signer one is cheating"
    assert mult(alpha23) == RHS2, "signer two is cheating"
    # commitment at the global sharing polynomial
    A: List[Point] = []
    for i in range(m):
        A.append(ec.add(A1[i], ec.add(A2[i], A3[i])))

    # aggregated public key
    Q = A[0]
    if Q[1] % 2:
        # print('Q has been negated')
        A[1] = ec.negate(A[1])  # pragma: no cover
        alpha1 = ec.n - alpha1  # pragma: no cover
        alpha2 = ec.n - alpha2  # pragma: no cover
        alpha3 = ec.n - alpha3  # pragma: no cover
        Q = ec.negate(Q)  # pragma: no cover

    # SECOND PHASE: generation of the nonces' pair  ######################
    # Assume signer one and three want to sign

    msg = "message to sign".encode()
    msg_hash = reduce_to_hlen(msg, hf)

    # 2.1 signer one acting as the dealer
    commits1 = []
    k1 = ssa.det_nonce_(msg_hash, q1, None, ec, hf)
    k1_prime = ssa.det_nonce_(msg_hash, q1_prime, None, ec, hf)
    commits1.append(double_mult(k1_prime, H, k1, ec.G))
    # sharing polynomials
    f1 = [k1]
    f1_prime = [k1_prime]
    for i in range(1, m):
        commits1.append(double_mult(f1_prime[i], H, f1[i], ec.G))
    # shares of the secret
    beta13 = 0  # share of k1 belonging to signer three
    beta13_prime = 0
    for i in range(m):
        beta13 += (f1[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n
        beta13_prime += (f1_prime[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n
    # signer three verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(3, i), commits1[i]))
    t = double_mult(beta13_prime, H, beta13, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer one is cheating"

    # 2.2 signer three acting as the dealer
    commits3 = []
    k3 = ssa.det_nonce_(msg_hash, q3, None, ec, hf)
    k3_prime = ssa.det_nonce_(msg_hash, q3_prime, None, ec, hf)
    commits3.append(double_mult(k3_prime, H, k3, ec.G))
    # sharing polynomials
    f3 = [k3]
    f3_prime = [k3_prime]
    for i in range(1, m):
        commits3.append(double_mult(f3_prime[i], H, f3[i], ec.G))
    # shares of the secret
    beta31 = 0  # share of k3 belonging to signer one
    beta31_prime = 0
    for i in range(m):
        beta31 += (f3[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
        beta31_prime += (f3_prime[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
    # signer one verifies consistency of his share
    RHS = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS = ec.add(RHS, mult(pow(1, i), commits3[i]))
    t = double_mult(beta31_prime, H, beta31, ec.G)
    assert t == RHS, "signer three is cheating"

    # 2.3 shares of the secret nonce
    beta1 = beta31 % ec.n
    beta3 = beta13 % ec.n
    for i in range(m):
        beta1 += (f1[i] * pow(1, i)) % ec.n
        beta3 += (f3[i] * pow(3, i)) % ec.n

    # 2.4 it's time to recover the public nonce
    # each participant i = 1, 3 shares Qi as follows
    B1: List[Point] = []
    B3: List[Point] = []
    for i in range(m):

    # signer one checks values from signer three
    RHS3 = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS3 = ec.add(RHS3, mult(pow(1, i), B3[i]))
    assert mult(beta31) == RHS3, "signer three is cheating"

    # signer three checks values from signer one
    RHS1 = INF
    for i in range(m):
        RHS1 = ec.add(RHS1, mult(pow(3, i), B1[i]))
    assert mult(beta13) == RHS1, "signer one is cheating"

    # commitment at the global sharing polynomial
    B: List[Point] = []
    for i in range(m):
        B.append(ec.add(B1[i], B3[i]))

    # aggregated public nonce
    K = B[0]
    if K[1] % 2:
        # print('K has been negated')
        B[1] = ec.negate(B[1])  # pragma: no cover
        beta1 = ec.n - beta1  # pragma: no cover
        beta3 = ec.n - beta3  # pragma: no cover
        K = ec.negate(K)  # pragma: no cover

    # PHASE THREE: signature generation ###

    # partial signatures
    e = ssa.challenge_(msg_hash, Q[0], K[0], ec, hf)
    gamma1 = (beta1 + e * alpha1) % ec.n
    gamma3 = (beta3 + e * alpha3) % ec.n

    # each participant verifies the other partial signatures

    # signer one
    RHS3 = ec.add(K, mult(e, Q))
    for i in range(1, m):
        temp = double_mult(pow(3, i), B[i], e * pow(3, i), A[i])
        RHS3 = ec.add(RHS3, temp)
    assert mult(gamma3) == RHS3, "signer three is cheating"

    # signer three
    RHS1 = ec.add(K, mult(e, Q))
    for i in range(1, m):
        temp = double_mult(pow(1, i), B[i], e * pow(1, i), A[i])
        RHS1 = ec.add(RHS1, temp)
    assert mult(gamma1) == RHS1, "signer one is cheating"

    # PHASE FOUR: aggregating the signature ###
    omega1 = 3 * mod_inv(3 - 1, ec.n) % ec.n
    omega3 = 1 * mod_inv(1 - 3, ec.n) % ec.n
    sigma = (gamma1 * omega1 + gamma3 * omega3) % ec.n

    sig = ssa.Sig(K[0], sigma, ec)

    assert ssa.verify_(msg_hash, Q[0], sig)

    # ADDITIONAL PHASE: reconstruction of the private key ###
    secret = (omega1 * alpha1 + omega3 * alpha3) % ec.n
    assert (q1 + q2 + q3) % ec.n in (secret, ec.n - secret)