Esempio n. 1
def save_betslip(betslip):
    "Verify the betslip, create an address for it and return it"

    if not 'accountid' in betslip:
        raise web.internalerror('No accountid')
    if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,20}$', betslip['accountid']):
        raise web.internalerror('Invalid accountid')

    if not 'bets' in betslip:
        raise web.internalerror('No bets')

    # verify individual bets
    for game in betslip['bets']:
        if not os.path.exists(btcs.path('games/new', int(game['game']))):
            raise web.internalerror('Game not found')

        if not re.match('^[0-5]-[0-5]$', game['result']):
            raise web.internalerror('Invalid result')

        if not (btcs.MIN_BET <= Decimal(game['amount']) <= btcs.MAX_BET):
            raise web.internalerror('Invalid amount')

    adr = wallet.getaddress(betslip['accountid'])

    btcs.writejson(btcs.path('bets/new', adr), betslip)

    return adr
Esempio n. 2
def payout(bets, total, game, txtype):
    " payout the amount of total divided over bets "

    divider = sum_bets(bets)
    outputs = {}

    for bet in bets:
        amount = Decimal(bet['amount']) / divider * total
        bet['payout'] = "%.2f" % amount
        bet['txtype'] = txtype

        # could be betted twice thus add
        if bet['return_address'] in outputs:
            amount = amount + outputs[bet['return_address']]

        outputs[bet['return_address']] = amount

    # from mbtc to btcs
    for o in outputs:
        outputs[o] = outputs[o] / Decimal(1000)'Paying: %s', repr(outputs))
    if not DRYRUN:
        txid = wallet.payout(outputs)

        btcs.writejson(btcs.path('tx/new', txid), {
            "type": txtype,
            "game": game,
            "outputs": outputs

        return txid
        return 'dryrun'
Esempio n. 3
def payout(bets, total, game, txtype):
    " payout the amount of total divided over bets "

    divider = sum_bets(bets)
    outputs = {}

    for bet in bets:
        amount = Decimal(bet['amount']) / divider * total
        bet['payout'] = "%.2f" % amount
        bet['txtype'] = txtype

        # could be betted twice thus add
        if bet['return_address'] in outputs:
            amount = amount + outputs[bet['return_address']] 

        outputs[bet['return_address']] = amount

    # from mbtc to btcs
    for o in outputs:
        outputs[o] = outputs[o] / Decimal(1000)

'Paying: %s', repr(outputs))
    if not DRYRUN:
        txid = wallet.payout(outputs)

        btcs.writejson(btcs.path('tx/new', txid), {
            "type": txtype,
            "game": game,
            "outputs": outputs })

        return txid
        return 'dryrun'
Esempio n. 4
def save_betslip(betslip):
    "Verify the betslip, create an address for it and return it"

    if not 'accountid' in betslip:
        raise web.internalerror('No accountid')
    if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,20}$', betslip['accountid']):
        raise web.internalerror('Invalid accountid')

    if not 'bets' in betslip:
        raise web.internalerror('No bets')

    # verify individual bets
    for game in betslip['bets']:
        if not os.path.exists(btcs.path('games/new', int(game['game']))):
            raise web.internalerror('Game not found')

        if not re.match('^[0-5]-[0-5]$', game['result']):
            raise web.internalerror('Invalid result')

        if not (btcs.MIN_BET <= Decimal(game['amount']) <= btcs.MAX_BET):
            raise web.internalerror('Invalid amount')

    adr = wallet.getaddress(betslip['accountid'])

    btcs.writejson(btcs.path('bets/new', adr), betslip)

    return adr
Esempio n. 5
def generate_pub():

    # load all active games in memory
    games = { game: json.loads(open(btcs.path('games/new',game),'r').read()) 
            for game 
            in  os.listdir(btcs.path('games/new', ''))}

    # load all active betslips
    slipids = os.listdir(btcs.path('bets/received', '')) 
    slips = { slipid: json.loads(open(btcs.path('bets/received',slipid),'r').read()) 
            for slipid 
            in slipids}

    # setup stats
    stats = { 
        'balance':              wallet.getbalance() * 1000,
        'balance_dispatch':     wallet.getbalancedispatch() * 1000,
        'total_bets_open':      0,
        'total_bets_open_mbtc': 0,
        'total_bets':           0,
        'total_bets_mbtc':      0

    for gameid, game in games.iteritems():

        # game result in a format suitable for template rendering
        game['results'] = [ { "away": a, "cols": [ {
                "score": 0 
            } for h in range(6) ] } for a in range(6) ]

        game['total'] = 0

        # sum all results found in bets
        for slip in slips.values():
            for bet in slip['bets']:
                if bet['game'] == gameid:
                    h,a = bet['result'].split('-')
                    h,a = int(h), int(a)
                    am = int(bet['amount'])
                    game['results'][a]['cols'][h]['score'] = (
                        game['results'][a]['cols'][h]['score'] + am)
                    game['total'] = game['total'] + am
                    stats['total_bets_open_mbtc'] += am

        # calculate multply
        for a in range(6):
            for h in range(6):
                s = game['results'][a]['cols'][h]['score']

                # calculate estimated multiplier
                # the multiplier is total+bet / betted_here+bet
                minbet = btcs.MIN_BET * 1000
                mult = (game['total'] + minbet) / (minbet + s)
                # round depends on size
                if mult<2: 
                    mult = 'x' + str(math.floor(mult*10)/10)
                    mult = 'x' + str(math.floor(mult))
                if mult[-2:] == '.0':
                    mult = mult[:-2]
                game['results'][a]['cols'][h]['multiply'] = mult

    # walk again through slips to generate account info
    # and get totals
    accounts = {}
    for slipid in slips:
        slip = slips[slipid]
        if not slip['accountid'] in accounts:
            accounts[slip['accountid']] = { 'slips': [] }
        for bet in slip['bets']:
            if not bet['game'] in accounts[slip['accountid']]:
                accounts[slip['accountid']][bet['game']] = []


            stats['total_bets_mbtc'] += int(bet['amount'])


    # write account-details
    for (accountid, account) in accounts.iteritems():
        btcs.writejson(btcs.path('var', accountid), account)

    # sort by game date
    games = sorted(games.values(), key=lambda game: game['date'])

    # walk through games to generate data for templates
    for game in games:
        game['status'] = game['time']

        if 'result' in game:
            (game['home_score'], game['away_score']) = game['result'].split('-')

        for f in ['home_goal_details', 'away_goal_details']:
            if f in game:
                if game[f]:
                    game[f] = game[f].replace(';',"\n")
                    game[f] = ' '

    # split in live/today/later
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    #if os.path.exists(btcs.path('input', 'matches_live.xml')):
    #    now = modification_date(btcs.path('input', 'matches_live.xml'))

    maxtime_live = (now + timedelta(minutes = btcs.DEADLINE_MINS)).isoformat()
    maxtime_today = datetime(now.year, now.month,, 23,59,59,0, None).isoformat()

    live  = [ game for game in games if game['date'] < maxtime_live]
    today = [ game for game in games if game['date'] >= maxtime_live and game['date'] < maxtime_today]
    later = [ game for game in games if game['date'] >= maxtime_today]

    alldata = { 'games': { 'live': live, 'today': today, 'later': later } }
    render('games.html', alldata)

    # now we're gonne generate stats

    # find latest txids from disk
    txids = os.listdir(btcs.path('tx/new', '')) 

    # load their data
    txs = [ { "txid": txid, "info": json.loads(open(btcs.path('tx/new',txid),'r').read()) }
            for txid 
            in txids]

    def sumtx(txtype, txs):
        total = 0
        for tx in txs:
            if tx['info']['type'] == txtype:
                total += sum(tx['info']['outputs'].values()) 
        return total * 1000

    stats['total_tx_winnings'] = sumtx('winnings', txs)
    stats['total_tx_allwrong'] = sumtx('allwrong', txs)
    stats['total_tx_invalid'] = sumtx('invalid', txs)

    with open('../log/stats.log', 'a') as f:
        f.write(now.isoformat() + ',' + ','.join([str(f) for f in stats.values()])+"\n")

    txs.sort(key= lambda x: x['info']['game']['date'])
    txs = txs[:btcs.TX_HIST_COUNT]

    # we should transform tx output dict to array for mustache rendering
    for tx in txs:
        tx['outputs'] = [ {"address": k, "amount":v*1000} for k,v in tx['info']['outputs'].items()]
        tx['game'] = tx['info']['game']
        tx['game']['date'] = tx['game']['date'][:10]
        tx['type'] = tx['info']['type'].replace('allwrong', 'refund')
    stats['txs'] = txs

    render('stats.html', stats)