Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, chanid):
        Create a new channel.  The channel is not associated with any
        particular session or `.Transport` until the Transport attaches it.
        Normally you would only call this method from the constructor of a
        subclass of `.Channel`.

        :param int chanid:
            the ID of this channel, as passed by an existing `.Transport`.
        #: Channel ID
        self.chanid = chanid
        #: Remote channel ID
        self.remote_chanid = 0
        #: `.Transport` managing this channel
        self.transport = None
        #: Whether the connection is presently active = False
        self.eof_received = 0
        self.eof_sent = 0
        self.in_buffer = BufferedPipe()
        self.in_stderr_buffer = BufferedPipe()
        self.timeout = None
        #: Whether the connection has been closed
        self.closed = False
        self.ultra_debug = False
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.out_buffer_cv = threading.Condition(self.lock)
        self.in_window_size = 0
        self.out_window_size = 0
        self.in_max_packet_size = 0
        self.out_max_packet_size = 0
        self.in_window_threshold = 0
        self.in_window_sofar = 0
        self.status_event = threading.Event()
        self._name = str(chanid)
        self.logger = util.get_logger('paramiko.transport')
        self._pipe = None
        self.event = threading.Event()
        self.event_ready = False
        self.combine_stderr = False
        self.exit_status = -1
        self.origin_addr = None