def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] num_images = len(filenames) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. if dataset_split[-8:] != 'test.txt': seg_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims( seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) else: seg_data = None example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape, or if the image file with specified postfix could not be found. """ image_files = _get_files('image', dataset_split) label_files = _get_files('label', dataset_split) num_images = len(image_files) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): shard_filename = '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS) output_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, shard_filename) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_files[i], 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) if dataset_split != 'test': # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(label_files[i], 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims( seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. re_match =[i]) if re_match is None: raise RuntimeError('Invalid image filename: ' + image_files[i]) filename = os.path.basename( if dataset_split != 'test': example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filename, height, width, seg_data) else: example = build_data.image_to_tfexample( image_data, filename, height, width) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split, dataset_dir, dataset_label_dir): image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) image_names = os.listdir(FLAGS.train_image_folder) image_names[:] = [x for x in image_names if not x.startswith('.')] image_names.sort() output_filename = '%s_%s.tfrecord' % ('Carvana', dataset_split) output_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.build_datadir, output_filename) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: total = 0 for idx, image_name in enumerate(image_names): if idx % 5 == 0: print('total', total, 'file(s), process', idx, 'file(s).') data_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, image_name) label_path = os.path.join(dataset_label_dir, image_name[:-4] + '_mask.png') image_data = tf.gfile.GFile(data_path, 'rb').read() seg_data = tf.gfile.GFile(label_path, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) try: tf_example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, image_name, height, width, seg_data) if tf_example is not None: tfrecord_writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) except ValueError: tf.logging.warning('Invalid example:', image_name, ', ignorig.') total += 1 print('total', total, 'file(s), process', idx, 'file(s).')
def write_tfexample(image_name, image_reader, label_reader, train_df, tfrecord_writer): # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_folder, image_name) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. mask_list = train_df['EncodedPixels'][train_df['ImageId'] == image_name].tolist() seg_mask = np.zeros((768, 768, 1)) for item in mask_list: rle_list = str(item).split() tmp_mask = rle_to_mask(rle_list, (768, 768)) seg_mask[:, :, 0] += tmp_mask seg_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.seg_folder, image_name[:-4] + '.png') cv2.imwrite(seg_filename, seg_mask) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample(image_data, image_name[:-4], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString())
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split, dataset_dir, dataset_label_dir): """Converts the moles_detector dataset into tfrecord format. Args: dataset_split: Dataset split (e.g., train, val). dataset_dir: Dir in which the dataset locates. dataset_label_dir: Dir in which the annotations locates. Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ max_depth = 4 img_names = [] for depth in range(0, max_depth): img_names += tf.gfile.Glob( os.path.join(dataset_dir + '/*' * depth, '*.jpg')) random.shuffle(img_names) seg_names = [] for f in img_names: # get the filename without the extension basename = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] # cover its corresponding *_seg.png seg = os.path.join(dataset_label_dir, basename + '.png') seg_names.append(seg) num_images = len(img_names) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / _NUM_SHARDS)) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = img_names[i] image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = seg_names[i] seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, img_names[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ dataset = 'DUTS-TR-hflip' sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames_ext = os.listdir(FLAGS.image_folder) print("filenames_ext") print(filenames_ext) filenames = [] for data in filenames_ext: filenames.append(os.path.splitext(data)[0]) print("filenames") print(filenames) num_images = len(filenames) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / _NUM_SHARDS)) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) image_data = tf.gfile.GFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.GFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) subdirectories = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] _NUM_SHARDS = len(subdirectories) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): subdirectory = subdirectories[shard_id] image_names = os.listdir(FLAGS.image_folder + subdirectory) filenames = [ subdirectory + '/' + image_name[:image_name.rindex('.')] for image_name in image_names ] filenames.sort() output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: for i in range(len(filenames)): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting subdirectory %s shard %d' % (subdirectory, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames = [x.strip('\n').split(",")[0] for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] segs = [x.strip('\n').split(",")[2:] for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] filenames = filenames[1:] segs = segs[1:] num_images = len(filenames) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d ' % ( i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i]) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height,width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) seg_label = segs[i] seg_data = np.zeros([height,width,1]) print(height, width) for kp_index,kp_info in enumerate(seg_label): items = [int(x) for x in kp_info.split("_")] if items[2] >= 0: seg_data[min(items[0],height-1),min(items[1],width-1),[0]] = kp_index+1 #seg_data = Image.fromarray(seg_data) seg_data = label_reader.encode_image(seg_data) example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split, dataset_dir, dataset_label_dir): """Converts the ADE20k dataset into into tfrecord format. Args: dataset_split: Dataset split (e.g., train, val). dataset_dir: Dir in which the dataset locates. dataset_label_dir: Dir in which the annotations locates. Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ img_names = tf.gfile.Glob(os.path.join(dataset_dir, '*.jpg')) random.shuffle(img_names) seg_names = [] for f in img_names: # get the filename without the extension basename = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] # cover its corresponding *_seg.png seg = os.path.join(dataset_label_dir, basename+'.png') seg_names.append(seg) num_images = len(img_names) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % ( i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = img_names[i] image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'r').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = seg_names[i] seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'r').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, img_names[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split, image_names, labels_df): """Converts the ADE20k dataset into into tfrecord format. Args: dataset_split: Dataset split (e.g., train, val). image_ids: ... labels_df: ... Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ num_images = len(image_names) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_class_id_to_rle_mask = dict( zip(labels_df.ImageId_ClassId, labels_df.EncodedPixels)) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) # label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_name = image_names[i] image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_name, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. image_id = image_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] rle_masks = [ image_class_id_to_rle_mask['{}.jpg_{}'.format( image_id, i + 1)] for i in range(4) ] masks = [ image_utils.rle_to_mask(rle_mask, height, width) for rle_mask in rle_masks ] mask = masks_to_mask(masks) mask_data = image_utils.numpy_to_bytes(mask, 'png') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, image_name, height, width, mask_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] num_images = len(filenames) print('\n num images') print(num_images) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) print('output_filename') print(output_filename) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % ( i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) print('\n ---image dims') print(height) print(width) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def write_tfexample(image_name, image_reader, train_df, tfrecord_writer, label): # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_folder, image_name) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample(image_data, image_name[:-4], height, width, label) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString())
def create_tfrecords(src_files, file_ids, n_shards, sub_seq, use_tif, output_dir): if use_tif: image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) else: image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=1) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) n_images = len(src_files) n_per_shard = int(math.ceil(n_images / float(n_shards))) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Creating {} shards with {} images ({} per shard)'.format( n_shards, n_images, n_per_shard)) for shard_id in range(n_shards): output_file_path = os.path.join( output_dir, '{:s}-{:05d}-of-{:05d}.tfrecord'.format(sub_seq, shard_id, n_shards)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_file_path) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * n_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * n_per_shard, n_images) for img_id in tqdm(range(start_idx, end_idx), ncols=50): img_src_file = src_files[img_id] img_src_file_id, seq_name, seg_src_path, img_src_path = file_ids[ img_src_file] image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(img_src_path, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) if seg_src_path is not None: seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_src_path, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims( seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatch found between image and label') else: seg_data = None # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, img_src_path, height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString())
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] print(filenames) num_images = len(filenames) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpg', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % ( i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) print("hell") sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i])# + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) print(image_filename) image_data = tf.gfile.GFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() print("what") height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) print("the") # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, filenames[i])# + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.GFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) B ='./tfrecord/storage.tfrecord') B.write(example.SerializeToString()) print("me") sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ # val.txt dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] input('dataset: %s' % dataset) sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) input('after processing') filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] num_images = len(filenames) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) input('before image reader') image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) # label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) input('before writer') with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % ( i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) seg_data = image_data # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape, or if the image file with specified postfix could not be found. """ image_files = _get_files('image', dataset_split) label_files = _get_files('label', dataset_split) num_images = len(image_files) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): shard_filename = '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % ( dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS) output_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, shard_filename) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % ( i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_files[i], 'r').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(label_files[i], 'r').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. re_match =[i]) if re_match is None: raise RuntimeError('Invalid image filename: ' + image_files[i]) filename = os.path.basename( example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filename, height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def create_tfrecords(img_src_files, seg_src_files, n_shards, db_split, output_dir): image_reader = ImageReader('jpeg', channels=1) label_reader = ImageReader('png', channels=1) n_images = len(img_src_files) n_per_shard = int(math.ceil(n_images / float(n_shards))) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Creating {} shards with {} images ({} per shard)'.format( n_shards, n_images, n_per_shard)) for shard_id in range(n_shards): output_file_path = os.path.join( output_dir, '{:s}-{:05d}-of-{:05d}.tfrecord'.format(db_split, shard_id, n_shards)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_file_path) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * n_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * n_per_shard, n_images) for img_id in tqdm(range(start_idx, end_idx), ncols=50): img_src_path = img_src_files[img_id] image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(img_src_path, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) if seg_src_files is not None and seg_src_files: seg_src_path = seg_src_files[img_id] seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_src_path, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims( seg_data) assert height == seg_height and width == seg_width, 'Shape mismatch found between image and label' else: seg_data = None # Convert to tf example. example = image_seg_to_tfexample(image_data, img_src_path, height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString())
def convert_dataset(dataset, names, num_shared=4): sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() num = len(names) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num / float(num_shared))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(num_shared): output_filename = os.path.join( dataset_folder, 'tfrecord', '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, num_shared)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'train', names[i] + data_format) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'seg', names[i] + seg_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, names[i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape, or if the image file with specified postfix could not be found. """ image_files = _get_files(FLAGS.image_side, dataset_split) num_images = len(image_files) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): shard_filename = '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % ( dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS) output_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, shard_filename) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_files[i], 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Convert to tf example. print(image_files[i]) filename = os.path.basename(image_files[i]) example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filename, height, width) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(seq_idx): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape, or if the image file with specified postfix could not be found. """ image_files = _get_files('image', seq_idx) label_files = _get_files('label', seq_idx) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) shard_filename = 'seq-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (0, 1) output_filename = os.path.join(usr_dir, FLAGS.cityscapes_root, FLAGS.output_dir, shard_filename) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: for i in xrange(len(image_files)): # Read the image. image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_files[i], 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(label_files[i], 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. re_match =[i]) if re_match is None: raise RuntimeError('Invalid image filename: ' + image_files[i]) filename = os.path.basename( example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filename, height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString())
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] #print(filenames) #print("FOI O FILENAMES _convert_dataset", dataset_split) split = dataset_split.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] positive_masks = [] negative_masks = [] for name in filenames: seg_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, name + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) seg = misc.imread(seg_filename) if len(seg[seg>0]) > 0: positive_masks.append(name) else: negative_masks.append(name) #print(positive_masks, len(positive_masks)) idx = [negative_masks, positive_masks] #num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) # num_per_shard depende da quantidade de imagens por classe. image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(len(['negative', 'positive'])): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = 0 end_idx = len(idx[shard_id]) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % ( i + 1, len(idx[shard_id]), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_folder, idx[shard_id][i] + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, idx[shard_id][i] + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, idx[shard_id][i], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split, dataset): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape, or if the image file with specified postfix could not be found. """ img_dir_name = FLAGS.img_dir_name labels_dir_name = FLAGS.trainIDs_dir_name output_dir = FLAGS.output_dir image_files = dataset[0] label_files = dataset[1] if not (len(image_files) == len(label_files)): raise RuntimeError('Length mismatch image and label.') num_images = len(image_files) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): shard_filename = '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS) output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, shard_filename) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(img_dir_name + image_files[i], 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(labels_dir_name + label_files[i], 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: print( "Shape mismatched between image and label. height. Ignoring." ) continue raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label. height : ', height, ' seg_height: ', seg_height, ' width: ', width, ' seg_width: ', seg_width, ' \nlabel_files[i]: ', label_files[i], ' image_files[i]: ', image_files[i]) # Convert to tf example. if not (image_files[i] == label_files[i]): raise RuntimeError('image file name : ' + image_files[i] + ' is not equal to label file name : ' + label_files[i]) filename = os.path.basename(image_files[i]) example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filename, height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_patches, train=True): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The patches of remote sensing dataset (e.g., train, test). train: True means that one patch contains both a remote sensing image and a label image, False means that one patch only contains a Remote sensing image Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ # notes: # notes: num_images = len(dataset_patches) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) # use the first image name as dataset_name org_img = dataset_patches[0][0].org_img dataset_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(org_img))[0] if train: for idx in range(num_images): img_patch, gt_patch = dataset_patches[idx] image_data = read_patch(img_patch) label_data = read_patch( gt_patch) #build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_name, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write( '\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. org_img = img_patch.org_img file_name = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(org_img))[0] + '_' + str(i) # image_filename = os.path.join( # FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.image_format) # image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'r').read() # height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) image_shape = image_data.shape height, width = image_shape[1], image_shape[2] # # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. # seg_filename = os.path.join( # FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, # filenames[i] + '.' + FLAGS.label_format) # seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'r').read() label_shape = label_data.shape label_height, label_width = image_shape[ 1], image_shape[2] # seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != label_height or width != label_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, file_name, height, width, label_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() else: # img_patch = self.patches[idx] # patch_info = [img_patch.org_img, img_patch.boundary] # # img_name_noext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_patch.org_img))[0]+'_'+str(idx) # img = read_patch(img_patch) # # img.resize(self.nRow,self.nCol) # img = img[:, 0:self.nRow, 0:self.nCol] # img = np.atleast_3d(img).astype(np.float32) # if (img.max() - img.min()) < 0.01: # pass # else: # img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min()) # img = torch.from_numpy(img).float() # return img, patch_info # dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] # sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) pass
for ITL_datasetSplit in ITL_datasetSplits: ITL_dataset = os.path.basename(ITL_datasetSplit)[:-4] print('Processing ' + ITL_dataset) ITL_filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(ITL_datasetSplit, 'r')] ITL_numImages = len(ITL_filenames) ITL_numPerShard = int(math.ceil(ITL_numImages / float(ITL_numShards))) ITL_imageReader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) ITL_labelReader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for ITL_shardId in range(ITL_numShards): ITL_outputFilename = os.path.join(ITL_outputDir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (ITL_dataset, ITL_shardId, ITL_numShards)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(ITL_outputFilename) as tfrecord_writer: ITL_startIdx = ITL_shardId * ITL_numPerShard ITL_endIdx = min((ITL_shardId + 1) * ITL_numPerShard, ITL_numImages) for i in range(ITL_startIdx, ITL_endIdx): print('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, len(ITL_filenames), ITL_shardId)) sys.stdout.flush() ITL_imageFilename = os.path.join(ITL_imageDir, ITL_filenames[i] + '.jpg') ITL_imageData = tf.gfile.FastGFile(ITL_imageFilename, 'rb').read() height, width = ITL_imageReader.read_image_dims(ITL_imageData) ITL_anoFilename = os.path.join(ITL_anoDir, ITL_filenames[i] + '.png') ITL_anoData = tf.gfile.FastGFile(ITL_anoFilename, 'rb').read() ano_height, ano_width = ITL_labelReader.read_image_dims(ITL_anoData) if height != ano_height or width != ano_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') ITL_example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample(ITL_imageData, ITL_filenames[i], height, width, ITL_anoData) tfrecord_writer.write(ITL_example.SerializeToString()) print('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val, trainval) Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ # get the annotation paths. pattern = os.path.join(FLAGS.annotation_dir, '%s2017' % dataset_split, '*.png') ann_list = sorted(glob.glob(pattern)) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader(channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader(channels=1) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) num_img = len(ann_list) num_img_per_shard = math.ceil(num_img / NUM_SHARD) print('The number of %s image: %d' % (dataset_split, num_img)) for shard_id in range(NUM_SHARD): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_split, shard_id + 1, NUM_SHARD)) start_idx = shard_id * num_img_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_img_per_shard, num_img) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): ann_path = ann_list[i] img_path = os.path.join( FLAGS.image_dir, ann_path.split(os.sep)[-2], os.path.basename(ann_path).replace('.png', '.jpg')) sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_img, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() if not os.path.exists(img_path): raise ValueError('image {} dont exists'.format(img_path)) # Read the image img_data = tf.gfile.GFile(img_path, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(img_data) ann_data = tf.gfile.GFile(ann_path, 'rb').read() ann_height, ann_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(ann_data) if height != ann_height or width != ann_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and annotation.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( os.path.basename(img_path), img_data, height, width, ann_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset_split) if dataset_split == 'train': seg_base_dir = 'PubLayNet/SegmentationClass/train/' raw_base_dir = 'PubLayNet/RawImages/train_data/' else: seg_base_dir = 'PubLayNet/SegmentationClass/val/' raw_base_dir = 'PubLayNet/RawImages/val_data/val/' seg_file_names = [ f for f in glob.glob(seg_base_dir + "**/*.png", recursive=True) ] raw_file_names = [ f for f in glob.glob(raw_base_dir + "**/*.jpg", recursive=True) ] raw_name_only = [f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-2] for f in raw_file_names] num_images = len(seg_file_names) num_shards = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(num_docs_per_shard))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('jpeg', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(num_shards): output_filename = os.path.join( './PubLayNet/tfrecord', '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_split, shard_id, num_shards)) with as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_docs_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_docs_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_name_only = seg_file_names[i].split('/')[-1].split('.')[-2] seg_data =[i], 'rb').read() '''print('/n', dataset_split, 'seg', seg_file_names[i]) print(dataset_split, 'seg', seg_name_only)''' seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) # Read the raw image. name_ind = raw_name_only.index(seg_name_only) '''print(dataset_split, 'raw', raw_file_names[name_ind]) print(dataset_split, 'raw', raw_name_only[name_ind])''' image_data =[name_ind], 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: #raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') print( 'The raw image and segmentation mask do not have the same dimensions.' ) print('Skipping image {}'.format(seg_name_only)) else: # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, seg_name_only, height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(db_name): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: db_name: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ output_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.db_root_dir, FLAGS.output_dir, 'tfrecord') sys.stdout.write('Processing {}\n\n'.format(db_name)) images = os.path.join(FLAGS.db_root_dir, db_name, 'images', '*.{}'.format(FLAGS.image_format)) print('Reading images from: {}'.format(images)) image_filenames = glob.glob(images) if image_filenames is None: raise SystemError('No images found at {}'.format(images)) if FLAGS.create_dummy_labels: labels_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.db_root_dir, db_name, 'labels') if not os.path.isdir(labels_path): os.makedirs(labels_path) print('Creating dummy labels at: {}'.format(labels_path)) for image_filename in image_filenames: image = misc.imread(image_filename) height, width, _ = image.shape dummy_label = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) out_fname = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(image_filename))[0] + '.{}'.format( FLAGS.label_format) misc.imsave(os.path.join(labels_path, out_fname), dummy_label) print('Done') labels = os.path.join(FLAGS.db_root_dir, db_name, 'labels', '*.{}'.format(FLAGS.label_format)) print('Reading labels from: {}'.format(labels)) seg_filenames = glob.glob(labels) if seg_filenames is None: raise SystemError('No labels found at {}'.format(labels)) # filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] num_images = len(image_filenames) num_labels = len(seg_filenames) if num_images != num_labels: raise SystemError( 'Mismatch between image and label file counts: {}, {}'.format( num_images, num_labels)) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) print('Writing tfrecords to: {}'.format(output_dir)) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (db_name, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() image_filename = image_filenames[i] f1 = os.path.basename(image_filename)[:-4] seg_filename = seg_filenames[i] f2 = os.path.basename(image_filename)[:-4] if f1 != f2: raise SystemError( 'Mismatch between image and label filenames: {}, {}'. format(f1, f2)) # Read the image. image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'r').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'r').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, image_filename, height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test) Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ # get img filenames. img_pattern = os.path.join(FLAGS.image_dir, dataset_split, '*', '*' + IMG_POSTFIX) img_list = sorted(glob.glob(img_pattern)) # get annotation filenames. ann_postfix = ANN_POSTFIX_DICT[os.path.basename(FLAGS.annotation_dir)] ann_pattern = os.path.join(FLAGS.annotation_dir, dataset_split, '*', '*' + ann_postfix) ann_list = sorted(glob.glob(ann_pattern)) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader(channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader(channels=1) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) assert len(img_list) == len(ann_list) num_img = len(img_list) num_img_per_shard = math.ceil(num_img / NUM_SHARD) print('The number of %s image: %d' % (dataset_split, num_img)) split_identifier = dataset_split + '_' + FILENAME_IDENTIFIER[ os.path.basename(FLAGS.annotation_dir)] for shard_id in range(NUM_SHARD): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of%05d.tfrecord' % (split_identifier, shard_id + 1, NUM_SHARD)) start_idx = shard_id * num_img_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_img_per_shard, num_img) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): img_path = img_list[i] ann_path = ann_list[i] sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_img, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() assert (os.path.basename(img_path).replace( IMG_POSTFIX, '') == os.path.basename(ann_path).replace(ann_postfix, '')) # Read the image img_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(img_path, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(img_data) ann_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(ann_path, 'rb').read() ann_height, ann_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(ann_data) if height != ann_height or width != ann_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and annotation.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( os.path.basename(img_path), img_data, height, width, ann_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ # get the image and annotation path from dataset text. dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset + '\n') img_list = [] ann_list = [] img_dir = FLAGS.image_dir ann_dir = FLAGS.annotation_dir with open(dataset_split, 'r') as f: for row in f: row = row.strip() img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, row) + '.jpg' ann_path = os.path.join(ann_dir, row) + '.png' img_list.append(img_path) ann_list.append(ann_path) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader(channels=3, img_format='jpeg') label_reader = build_data.ImageReader(channels=1) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) assert len(img_list) == len(ann_list) # create each video type tfrecord num_img = len(img_list) num_img_per_shard = math.ceil(num_img / NUM_SHARD) print('The number of %s image: %d' % (dataset_split, num_img)) for shard_id in range(NUM_SHARD): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id + 1, NUM_SHARD)) start_idx = shard_id * num_img_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_img_per_shard, num_img) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): img_path = img_list[i] ann_path = ann_list[i] sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_img, shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image img_data = tf.gfile.GFile(img_path, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(img_data) ann_data = tf.gfile.GFile(ann_path, 'rb').read() ann_height, ann_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(ann_data) if height != ann_height or width != ann_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and annotations.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( os.path.basename(img_path), img_data, height, width, ann_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split, _NUM_SHARDS, structure_path, plane): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ image_folder = os.path.join(structure_path, 'processed', 'PNGImages') semantic_segmentation_folder = os.path.join(structure_path, 'processed', 'SegmentationClass') image_format = label_format = 'png' if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(structure_path, 'tfrecord' + '_' + plane)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(structure_path, 'tfrecord' + '_' + plane)) dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] filenames.sort() # random.shuffle(filenames) print(filenames) num_images = len(filenames) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( structure_path, 'tfrecord' + '_' + plane, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join( image_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + image_format) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join(semantic_segmentation_folder, filenames[i] + '.' + label_format) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, str.encode(filenames[i], 'utf-8'), height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val, test). Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape. """ if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) dataset = os.path.basename(dataset_split)[:-4] sys.stdout.write('Processing ' + dataset) filenames = [x.strip('\n').split(',') for x in open(dataset_split, 'r')] num_images = len(filenames) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(_NUM_SHARDS))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) # print("n images:", num_images) # print("n per shard:", num_per_shard) # print(filenames[0]) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): output_filename = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS)) if os.path.isfile(output_filename): continue with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, len(filenames), shard_id)) sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image data image_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.image_folder, filenames[i][0]) with tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb') as f: image_data = #image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() ## Resize image image = image_reader.decode_image(image_data) image = resize_image(image) image = tf.image.resize_images( image, size=[400, 624], method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, align_corners=False) with tf.Session().as_default(): img = image.eval() cv2.imwrite( "check_localization/test_images/tfrecord-test-image-{}.png" .format(i), img) height, width = image.shape[:2] image_data = image_reader.encode_image(image) # height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.semantic_segmentation_folder, filenames[i][1]) with tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb') as f: seg_data = #seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() ## Resize mask seg_image = label_reader.decode_image(seg_data) seg_image = resize_image(seg_image) seg_image = tf.image.resize_images( seg_image, size=[400, 624], method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, align_corners=False) with tf.Session().as_default(): mask = seg_image.eval() cv2.imwrite( "check_localization/test_images/tfrecord-test-annot-{}.png" .format(i), mask) seg_height, seg_width = seg_image.shape[:2] seg_data = label_reader.encode_image(seg_image) # seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data, resize=True) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data, filenames[i][0], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() del example, tfrecord_writer, break
def aug_write_tfexample(image_name, image_reader, label_reader, train_df, tfrecord_writer): # Read the image. image_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_folder, image_name) image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_filename, 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. mask_list = train_df['EncodedPixels'][train_df['ImageId'] == image_name].tolist() seg_mask = np.zeros((768, 768, 1)) for item in mask_list: rle_list = str(item).split() tmp_mask = rle_to_mask(rle_list, (768, 768)) seg_mask[:, :, 0] += tmp_mask seg_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.seg_folder, image_name[:-4] + '.png') cv2.imwrite(seg_filename, seg_mask) seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(seg_filename, 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError('Shape mismatched between image and label.') img = cv2.imread(image_filename) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((384, 384), 180, 1.0) N = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((384, 384), 90, 1.0) rotate_imga = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (768, 768)) rotate_sega = cv2.warpAffine(seg_mask, M, (768, 768)) rotate_imgb = cv2.warpAffine(img, N, (768, 768)) rotate_segb = cv2.warpAffine(seg_mask, N, (768, 768)) flip_img = cv2.flip(img, 0) flip_seg = cv2.flip(seg_mask, 0) imga_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_folder, image_name[:-4] + '_a.jpg') imgb_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_folder, image_name[:-4] + '_b.jpg') imgf_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_folder, image_name[:-4] + '_f.jpg') cv2.imwrite(imga_filename, rotate_imga) cv2.imwrite(imgb_filename, rotate_imgb) cv2.imwrite(imgf_filename, flip_img) imga_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(imga_filename, 'rb').read() imgb_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(imgb_filename, 'rb').read() imgf_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(imgf_filename, 'rb').read() sega_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.seg_folder, image_name[:-4] + '_a.png') segb_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.seg_folder, image_name[:-4] + '_b.png') segf_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.seg_folder, image_name[:-4] + '_f.png') cv2.imwrite(sega_filename, rotate_sega) cv2.imwrite(segb_filename, rotate_segb) cv2.imwrite(segf_filename, flip_seg) sega_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(sega_filename, 'rb').read() segb_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(segb_filename, 'rb').read() segf_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(segf_filename, 'rb').read() # Convert to tf example. example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample(image_data, image_name[:-4], height, width, seg_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) example_a = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample(imga_data, image_name[:-4] + '_a', height, width, sega_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example_a.SerializeToString()) example_b = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample(imgb_data, image_name[:-4] + '_b', height, width, segb_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example_b.SerializeToString()) example_f = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample(imgf_data, image_name[:-4] + '_f', height, width, segf_data) tfrecord_writer.write(example_f.SerializeToString())
def _convert_dataset(dataset_split, dataset_name='', class_ignore_value=255, num_shards=1, num_imgs=-1, remaining_imgs_type=None, remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio=None, overwrite=False, verbose=True, shuffle=False, shuffle_seed=1234): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g., train, val). dataset_name: The dataset name (e.g., train_hints, val_hints). Default is set to dataset_split. This is the name of the tfrecord. remaining_imgs_type: if num_imgs is set, what should we do we remaining images if remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio is set? None: Use remaining image labels as-is path -- string: Use labels from path (use alternative labels) remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio:: None: don't use remaining images (same as 0 or 0.0) ratio -- float between 0 and 1: use ratio * num_remaining_imgs remaining images. num -- integer: use num remaining images Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape, or if the image file with specified postfix could not be found. """ sys.stdout.flush() print('###############################################') sys.stdout.write('\rWorking on: {}\n'.format(dataset_name)) image_files = [] label_files = [] print('Using full res images and labels...') image_files.extend(_get_files('image', dataset_split)) if 'coarse' in dataset_name: label_files.extend(_get_files('label_coarse', dataset_split)) elif 'block' in dataset_name: label_files.extend(_get_files('label_block', dataset_split)) else: label_files.extend(_get_files('label', dataset_split)) if num_imgs < 0: num_images = len(image_files) else: num_images = num_imgs remaining_imgs_label_files = None num_remaining_imgs_num = None if remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio is not None: if type(remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio) == float: assert 0 <= remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio <= 1 num_remaining_images = int(remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio * (len(image_files) - num_images)) if type(remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio) == int: assert 0 <= remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio num_remaining_images = min(remaining_imgs_num_or_ratio, (len(image_files) - num_images)) if remaining_imgs_type is None: remaining_imgs_label_files = list(label_files) elif type(remaining_imgs_type) == str: print("Searching {} for label files.") remaining_imgs_label_files = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(remaining_imgs_type): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*"): remaining_imgs_label_files.append( os.path.join(root, filename)) remaining_imgs_label_files = sorted(remaining_imgs_label_files) assert len(remaining_imgs_label_files) == len( label_files ), 'Expected {} alternative label files; found {}'.format( len(label_files), len(remaining_imgs_label_files)) else: raise TypeError("remaining_imgs_type should be a string or None") if shuffle: shuffled_idxs = np.arange(len(image_files)) np.random.seed(shuffle_seed) np.random.shuffle(shuffled_idxs) print('Using indices {} ...'.format(shuffled_idxs[:10])) # Image, label, boundary distance map image_files = np.array(image_files)[shuffled_idxs] label_files = np.array(label_files)[shuffled_idxs] # Alternative label files if remaining_imgs_label_files is not None: remaining_imgs_label_files = np.array( remaining_imgs_label_files)[shuffled_idxs] # Concat num_images label_files with num_remaining_images_label_files label_files = list(label_files)[:num_images] + list( remaining_imgs_label_files)[num_images:num_images + num_remaining_images] assert len(label_files) == num_images + num_remaining_images, ( len(label_files), num_images, num_remaining_images) num_images = num_images + num_remaining_images if not shuffle and remaining_imgs_label_files is not None: raise NotImplementedError("This is not going to work; check the code") num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(num_images / float(num_shards))) image_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=3) label_reader = build_data.ImageReader('png', channels=1) for shard_id in range(num_shards): if dataset_name == '': dataset_name = dataset_split shard_filename = '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % (dataset_name, shard_id, num_shards) output_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, shard_filename) if os.path.exists(output_filename) and not overwrite: print('File exists. Skipping. {}'.format(output_filename)) continue with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d shard %d' % (i + 1, num_images, shard_id)) #sys.stdout.flush() # Read the image. image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_files[i], 'rb').read() height, width = image_reader.read_image_dims(image_data) # Read the semantic segmentation annotation. seg_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(label_files[i], 'rb').read() seg_height, seg_width = label_reader.read_image_dims(seg_data) if verbose: sys.stdout.write('\r\nUsing\n {}\n {}\n'.format( image_files[i], label_files[i])) if height != seg_height or width != seg_width: raise RuntimeError( 'Shape mismatched between image and label.') # Convert to tf example. base_filename = os.path.basename(image_files[i]).\ replace(_POSTFIX_MAP['image']+'.'+_DATA_FORMAT_MAP['image'], '') filename = base_filename example = build_data.image_seg_to_tfexample( image_data=image_data, filename=filename, height=height, width=width, seg_data=seg_data, ) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()