Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: GunnBumm/bisp
    def get_building_description(self, path):
        """ format /api/user/building/entry/description/1 where 1 is the building id """
        if len(path) < self.PATH_START_IDX + 2:
            raise BadRequest("To retrieve building services. You must supply a building id. Ex. /api/user/building/entry/description/1 for retrieving it for building where id = 1")

        buildingID = self._get_buildingID(path)
        b = Manager.lookup(buildingID)

        # Hint pyDev about our type
        assert isinstance(b, BifBase)

        floor = dict()
        floor['numFloors'] = b.getNumFloors()

        rooms = dict()

        for r in b.getRooms():
            print type(r)

            assert isinstance(r, Room)
            rooms[str(r.getLogicalID())] = r.getFullRepresentation()

        root = dict()
        root['rooms'] = rooms
        return root
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: GunnBumm/bisp
    def set_service(self, path):
        ''' format /api/user/building/entry/set/buildingid/service_id/value where service_id is the 
            service id and value is the value that you wish to set for the actuator/service.'''
        if len(path) < self.PATH_START_IDX + 4:
            raise BadRequest("To set building services. You must supply a service id and its new value. Ex. /api/user/building/entry/set/buildingid/serviceid/0.")

        buildingID = self._get_buildingID(path)
        serviceID = self._get_serviceID(path)
        value = self._get_value(path)

        # Instantiate building if its not already done so
        Manager.set_building_service(buildingID, serviceID, value)

        r = dict()
        r['returnvalue'] = True
        return r
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: javigon/bisp
    def set_service(self, request, **kwargs):
        """ format /api/user/building/entry/set/buildingid/service_id/value where service_id is the 
            service id and value is the value that you wish to set for the actuator/service."""
        path = request.path.split("/")
        print path
        if len(path) < self.PATH_START_IDX + 4:
            raise BadRequest(
                "To set building services. You must supply a service id and its new value. Ex. /api/user/building/entry/set/buildingid/serviceid/0."

        buildingID = self._get_buildingID(path)
        serviceID = self._get_serviceID(path)
        value = self._get_value(path)

        # Instantiate building if its not already done so

        Manager.set_building_service(buildingID, serviceID, value)

        r = dict()
        r["returnvalue"] = True
        return self.create_response(request, r)
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: GunnBumm/bisp
    def obj_get_list(self, request=None, **kwargs):
        filters = {}

        print Manager.get_available_buildings()
        b = Manager.lookup(1)

        if hasattr(request, 'GET'):
            # Grab a mutable copy.
            filters = request.GET.copy()

        print request
        print filters
        # Update with the provided kwargs.

        t = inspect.getmembers(BifBase, predicate=inspect.ismethod)

        return t