Esempio n. 1
def get_chamber_for_context(context):
    """Return the chamber in which the context exists.
    # first look for current parliament from context tree
    chamber = common.getattr_ancestry(context, None, "__parent__",
    # !+ should this ever be None here?
    if chamber is None:
        # check logged in user's chamber
        chamber = get_login_user_chamber()
    return chamber
Esempio n. 2
def get_chamber_for_context(context):
    """Return the chamber in which the context exists.
    # first look for current parliament from context tree
    chamber = common.getattr_ancestry(context, None, "__parent__",
    # !+ should this ever be None here?
    if chamber is None:
        # check logged in user's chamber
        chamber = get_login_user_chamber()
    return chamber
Esempio n. 3
def get_parl_container(context, chamber_id):
    parl = None
    chamber_key = container_obj_key(chamber_id)
    container = getattr_ancestry(context, None, 
    if container:
        parl = container[chamber_key]
        #check locally for container
        containers = get_managed_containers(context) or context.items()
        for key, container in containers:
            if model_ifaces.IParliamentContainer.providedBy(container):
                return container[chamber_key]
    return parl
Esempio n. 4
def get_parl_container(context, chamber_id):
    parl = None
    chamber_key = container_obj_key(chamber_id)
    container = getattr_ancestry(
        context, None, acceptable=model_ifaces.IParliamentContainer.providedBy)
    if container:
        parl = container[chamber_key]
        #check locally for container
        containers = get_managed_containers(context) or context.items()
        for key, container in containers:
            if model_ifaces.IParliamentContainer.providedBy(container):
                return container[chamber_key]
    return parl
Esempio n. 5
def get_parl_container(context, chamber_id):
    parl = None
    chamber_key = container_obj_key(chamber_id)
    container = getattr_ancestry(context,
    if not container:
        #check locally for container
        containers = get_managed_containers(context) or context.items()
        for key, local_container in containers:
            if model_ifaces.IChamberContainer.providedBy(local_container):
                container = local_container
        parl = container[chamber_key]
    except KeyError:
        log.error("No such chamber was found with key %s", chamber_key)
    return parl
Esempio n. 6
    def get_min_date_active(self):
        """Determine the min_date_active to validate against.
        def is_workflowed_and_draft(instance):
            """is item workflowed, and if so is it in a logical draft state?
            if interfaces.IWorkflowed.providedBy(instance):
                wf = interfaces.IWorkflow(instance)
                return instance.status in wf.get_state_ids(tagged=["draft"],
            return False

        instance = removeSecurityProxy(self.context)
        min_date_active = None

        if IFeatureAudit.providedBy(self.context):
            # !+PASTDATAENTRY(mr, jun-2011) offers a way to enter past data
            # for workflowed items via the UI -- note, ideally we should be
            # able to also control the item's creation active_date.
            # If a workflowed item is in draft state, we do NOT take the
            # date_active of its last change as the min_date_active, but
            # let that min fallback to parliament's creation date...
            if not is_workflowed_and_draft(instance):
                changes = get_changes(instance, "workflow")
                if changes:
                    # then use the "date_active" of the most recent entry
                    min_date_active = changes[-1].date_active

        if not min_date_active:
            # ok, try determine a min_date_active in another way, namely via the
            # start_date of the "parliament" the instance "lives" in...
            parliament = models.utils.get_parliament(
                    instance, "parliament_id"))  #!+parent_ref="head"?
            min_date_active = datetime.datetime.combine(
                parliament.start_date, datetime.time())

        # As the precision of the UI-submitted datetime is only to the minute,
        # we adjust min_date_active by a margin of 59 secs earlier to avoid
        # issues of doing 2 transitions in quick succession (within same minute)
        # the 2nd of which could be taken to be too old...
        return min_date_active - datetime.timedelta(seconds=59)
Esempio n. 7
 def get_min_date_active(self):
     """Determine the min_date_active to validate against.
     def is_workflowed_and_draft(instance):
         """is item workflowed, and if so is it in a logical draft state?
         if interfaces.IWorkflowed.providedBy(instance):
             wf = interfaces.IWorkflow(instance)
             return instance.status in wf.get_state_ids(tagged=["draft"],
         return False
     instance = removeSecurityProxy(self.context)
     min_date_active = None
     if IFeatureAudit.providedBy(self.context):
         # !+PASTDATAENTRY(mr, jun-2011) offers a way to enter past data 
         # for workflowed items via the UI -- note, ideally we should be 
         # able to also control the item's creation active_date.
         # If a workflowed item is in draft state, we do NOT take the 
         # date_active of its last change as the min_date_active, but
         # let that min fallback to parliament's creation date...
         if not is_workflowed_and_draft(instance):
             changes = get_changes(instance, "workflow")
             if changes:
  	            # then use the "date_active" of the most recent entry
                 min_date_active = changes[-1].date_active
     if not min_date_active:
         # ok, try determine a min_date_active in another way, namely via the
         # start_date of the "parliament" the instance "lives" in...
         parliament = models.utils.get_parliament(
             common.getattr_ancestry(instance, "parliament_id")) #!+parent_ref="head"?
         min_date_active = datetime.datetime.combine(
             parliament.start_date, datetime.time())
     # As the precision of the UI-submitted datetime is only to the minute, 
     # we adjust min_date_active by a margin of 59 secs earlier to avoid 
     # issues of doing 2 transitions in quick succession (within same minute) 
     # the 2nd of which could be taken to be too old...
     return min_date_active - datetime.timedelta(seconds=59)
Esempio n. 8
def get_chamber_for_group(group):
    """Cascade up first group ancestry to chamber, returning it (or None).
    return common.getattr_ancestry(group, None, "parent_group",
    ''' !+ equivalent alternative:
Esempio n. 9
 def search_section(self):
     return getattr_ancestry(self.context, None,
Esempio n. 10
 def search_section(self):
     return getattr_ancestry(self.context,
Esempio n. 11
def get_chamber_for_group(group):
    """Cascade up first group ancestry to chamber, returning it (or None).
    return common.getattr_ancestry(group, None, "parent_group",
    ''' !+ equivalent alternative:
Esempio n. 12
def get_ancestor_group(group, acceptable=None):
    """Cascade up group ancestry to first acceptable(group), or None.
    return common.getattr_ancestry(group, 
        horizontal_attr=None, vertical_attr="parent_group", acceptable=acceptable)