def __init__(self, pinMenuToConfigure, color="yellow"): BaseButton.__init__(self, "config", color) self.__configMenu = ConfigMenu(pinMenuToConfigure) self.add_description( "Opens a configuration menu to add a new button. Types:\n" + " 1. MenuButton: Container for further buttons\n" + " 2. ActionButton: executes a command in the associated terminal as supprocess\n" + " 3. DirectoryButton: Jumps to directories in the associated terminal\n" + "2+3: * you can specify placeholders, e.g.: $(aName)\n" + " will open an additional dialog that asks for 'aName'\n" + " * you can use environment variables (windows: %VARIABLE%)\n" + " there are a couple of environment variables available:\n" + " PINIT_ROOT_DIR: root directory of your pinit instance\n" + " PINIT_LAYOUT_DIR: directory of of the associated layout file")
def __init__(self, name, submenu, color="sky blue"): BaseButton.__init__(self, name, color) self.__submenu = submenu
def get_storage_description(self): d = BaseButton.get_storage_description(self) d["submenu"] = self.__submenu.get_storage_description() return d
def __init__(self, name, directory=None, color="thistle"): BaseButton.__init__(self, name, color) self.__directory = directory self.__pinit_root_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__ + "/.."))
def get_storage_description(self): d = BaseButton.get_storage_description(self) d["directory"] = self.__directory return d
def __init__(self, mainMenu, color="thistle"): BaseButton.__init__(self, "save", color) self.__mainMenu = mainMenu self.__storageManager = StorageManager() self.add_description("saves current setup to: " + StorageManager.FILENAME)
def __init__(self, name, cmd=None, color="thistle"): BaseButton.__init__(self, name, color) self.__cmd = cmd
def get_storage_description(self): d = BaseButton.get_storage_description(self) d["cmd"] = self.__cmd return d