Esempio n. 1
def test_better_than():
    pl1 = PriceLevel(Price("1.4"), 2, 3, 2)
    pl2 = PriceLevel(Price("1.1"), 2, 3, 2)
    assert pl1.better_than(pl2, BID_SIDE)
    assert pl2.better_than(pl1, BID_SIDE) is False
    assert pl1.better_than(pl2, ASK_SIDE) is False
    assert pl2.better_than(pl1, ASK_SIDE)
Esempio n. 2
def test_partial_aggressive_fill():
    # nothing should change as we only update orderbook for passive partial fills
    ob = build_base_order_book()
    # get baseline
    ask_prices = ob.ask_prices()
    bid_prices = ob.bid_prices()
    best_ask_price = ob.best_ask_price()
    best_bid_price = ob.best_bid_price()
    bast_ask_level = ob.best_ask_level()
    bast_bid_level = ob.best_bid_level()

    agg_new = NewOrderCommand(101, 1234002.123, 1008, "user_z", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR,
                              Price("34.52"), 45)
    oec = OrderEventChain(agg_new, LOGGER, SUBCHAIN_ID_GENERATOR)
    pf = PartialFillReport(102, 1234002.123, 1008, "user_z", MARKET, agg_new, 35, Price('34.52'),
                           BID_SIDE, 3333, 10)
    ob.handle_partial_fill_report(pf, oec)
    # nothing at the order book should have changed
    assert ask_prices == ob.ask_prices()
    assert bid_prices == ob.bid_prices()
    assert best_ask_price == ob.best_ask_price()
    assert best_bid_price == ob.best_bid_price()
    assert bast_ask_level == ob.best_ask_level()
    assert bast_bid_level == ob.best_bid_level()
Esempio n. 3
def test_quote_creation():
    q = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94)
    assert q.price() == Price("95.42")
    assert q.visible_qty() == 94
    assert q.hidden_qty() == 0
    assert q._price_level.number_of_orders() == 1
    assert == "Microsoft"
    assert == "MSFT"
Esempio n. 4
def test_worse_or_same_as():
    pl1 = PriceLevel(Price("1.6"), 2, 3, 2)
    pl2 = PriceLevel(Price("2.1"), 2, 3, 2)
    pl3 = PriceLevel(Price("1.6"), 24, 4, 22)
    assert pl1.worse_or_same_as(pl2, BID_SIDE)
    assert pl2.worse_or_same_as(pl1, BID_SIDE) is False
    assert pl1.worse_or_same_as(pl2, ASK_SIDE) is False
    assert pl2.worse_or_same_as(pl1, ASK_SIDE)
    assert pl1.worse_or_same_as(pl3, BID_SIDE)
    assert pl1.worse_or_same_as(pl3, ASK_SIDE)
Esempio n. 5
def test_better_or_same_as():
    pl1 = PriceLevel(Price("1.4"), 2, 3, 2)
    pl2 = PriceLevel(Price("1.1"), 2, 3, 2)
    pl3 = PriceLevel(Price("1.4"), 24, 4, 22)
    assert pl1.better_or_same_as(pl2, BID_SIDE)
    assert pl2.better_or_same_as(pl1, BID_SIDE) is False
    assert pl1.better_or_same_as(pl2, ASK_SIDE) is False
    assert pl2.better_or_same_as(pl1, ASK_SIDE)
    assert pl1.better_or_same_as(pl3, BID_SIDE)
    assert pl1.better_or_same_as(pl3, ASK_SIDE)
Esempio n. 6
def test_equality():
    q1 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94)
    q2 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94)
    assert q1 == q2

    q2 = Quote(
        Market(Product("APPL", "Apple"), Endpoint("Nasdaq", "NSDQ"),
               PriceFactory("0.01")), BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94)
    assert q1 != q2

    q2 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.43"), 94)
    assert q1 != q2

    q2 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 91)
    assert q1 != q2

    q2 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94, 2)
    assert q1 != q2

    q2 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94, 0)
    assert q1 == q2

    q1 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94, 3)
    q2 = Quote(MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("95.42"), 94, 3)
    assert q1 == q2
def test_subchain_to_json():
    # pretty basic, just testing that it doesn't break
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    # now ack it
    ack = AcknowledgementReport(121235, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, Price("34.52"), 1000, None)
    assert oec.most_recent_event() == ack

    # now check I can get a to_json of the subchain no problem
Esempio n. 8
def test_get_price():
    pf = PriceFactory("0.01")
    p = pf.get_price(100)
    assert p == Price(100)
    assert p == Decimal("100.00")
    p = pf.get_price("100.01")
    assert p == Price("100.01")
    assert p == Decimal("100.01")
    p = pf.get_price(Decimal("222.22"))
    assert p == Price("222.22")
    assert p == Decimal("222.22")
Esempio n. 9
def test_worse_or_same_as():
    p = Price("91.543")
    p_less = Price("84.456")
    p_more = Price("92.123")
    p_same = Price("91.543")
    assert p_less.worse_or_same_as(p, BID_SIDE) is True
    assert p_less.worse_or_same_as(p, ASK_SIDE) is False
    assert p_more.worse_or_same_as(p, BID_SIDE) is False
    assert p_more.worse_or_same_as(p, ASK_SIDE) is True
    assert p.worse_or_same_as(p_same, BID_SIDE) is True
    assert p.worse_or_same_as(p_same, ASK_SIDE) is True
Esempio n. 10
def test_better_or_same_as():
    p = Price("91.543")
    p_less = Price("84.456")
    p_more = Price("92.123")
    p_same = Price("91.543")
    assert p_more.better_than(p, BID_SIDE) is True
    assert p_more.better_than(p, ASK_SIDE) is False
    assert p_less.better_or_same_as(p, BID_SIDE) is False
    assert p_less.better_or_same_as(p, ASK_SIDE) is True
    assert p.better_or_same_as(p_same, BID_SIDE) is True
    assert p.better_or_same_as(p_same, ASK_SIDE) is True
Esempio n. 11
def test_creation():
    new_order = NewOrderCommand(12, 324893458.324313, "342adf24441", "user_x",
                                MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAK, Price("23.01"), 234, 2)
    assert new_order.event_type_str() == "New Order Command"
    assert new_order.price() == Price("23.01")
    assert == MARKET
    assert new_order.user_id() == "user_x"
    assert new_order.timestamp() == 324893458.324313
    assert new_order.event_id() == 12
    assert new_order.side() == BID_SIDE
    assert new_order.qty() == 234
    assert new_order.iceberg_peak_qty() == 2
Esempio n. 12
def test_next_price():
    pf = PriceFactory(".5")
    starting_price = pf.get_price(100)
    new_price = pf.next_price(starting_price, BID_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price("100.5")
    new_price = pf.next_price(new_price, BID_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price(101)

    new_price = pf.next_price(new_price, ASK_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price("100.5")
    new_price = pf.next_price(new_price, ASK_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price(100)
Esempio n. 13
def test_prev_price():
    pf = PriceFactory(".5")
    starting_price = pf.get_price(100)
    new_price = pf.prev_price(starting_price, BID_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price("99.5")
    new_price = pf.prev_price(new_price, BID_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price(99)

    new_price = pf.prev_price(new_price, ASK_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price("99.5")
    new_price = pf.prev_price(new_price, ASK_SIDE)
    assert new_price == Price(100)
Esempio n. 14
def test_creation():
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    assert oec.side().is_bid()
    assert == MARKET
    assert oec.time_in_force() == FAR
    # no ack yet
    assert oec.current_exposure() is None
    assert len(oec.open_exposure_requests()) == 1
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure() == Exposure(Price("34.52"), 1000, 121234)
    # visible qty should be nothing still
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
Esempio n. 15
def test_pricelevel_creation():
    pl = PriceLevel(Price("84.5"), 12)
    assert pl.price() == Price("84.5")
    assert pl.number_of_orders() is None
    assert pl.visible_qty() == 12
    assert pl.hidden_qty() == 0

    pl = PriceLevel(Price("32.134"), 14, 23)
    assert pl.price() == Price("32.134")
    assert pl.number_of_orders() is None
    assert pl.visible_qty() == 14
    assert pl.hidden_qty() == 23
Esempio n. 16
def test_cancel_replace_not_allowed_on_fak_or_fok():
    # FAK
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAK, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    cr = CancelReplaceCommand(121235, 1234235.324, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("43.01"), 234)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    # FOK
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FOK, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    cr = CancelReplaceCommand(121235, 1234235.324, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("43.01"), 234)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
Esempio n. 17
def test_partial_fill_on_unacked_order():
    # when an unacked order is filled the requested exposure gets impacted
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 100)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    assert oec.current_exposure() is None
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().qty() == 100
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")

    # now resting partial fill
    pf = PartialFillReport(1212344, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, 10, Price("34.52"),
                           BID_SIDE, 99999, 90)
    assert oec.current_exposure() is None
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().qty() == 90
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")
Esempio n. 18
def test_partial_fill_to_zero_closes_out_order():
    # when a partialfill closses out to an order there should be a balking because it is a paritial fill so shouldn't happen, but should allow
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 100)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    # now ack it
    ack = AcknowledgementReport(121235, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, Price("34.52"), 100, 100)
    aggressor = NewOrderCommand(1111, 1234237.123, 22222, "user_y", MARKET, ASK_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 100)
    # now resting partial fill
    pf = PartialFillReport(1212344, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, aggressor, 100, Price("34.52"),
                           BID_SIDE, 99999, 0)
    assert oec.open_exposure_requests() == []
    assert oec.is_open() is False
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure() == Exposure(None, 0, 1212344)
Esempio n. 19
def test_basic_full_fill_on_unacked_order():
    n = NewOrderCommand(1, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure() is None
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().qty() == 1000
    assert oec.is_open()
    full_fill = FullFillReport(3, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, 1000, Price('34.52'), BID_SIDE, 12345)
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() is None
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().causing_event_id() == 3
    assert len(oec.open_exposure_requests()) == 0
    assert oec.is_open() is False
Esempio n. 20
def test_full_fill_with_too_much_size_on_unacked_new_order():
    # should balk but shouldn't keep it from working
    n = NewOrderCommand(1, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure() is None
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure().qty() == 1000
    assert oec.is_open()
    full_fill = FullFillReport(3, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, 17, Price('34.52'), BID_SIDE, 12345)
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() is None
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().causing_event_id() == 3
    assert oec.is_open() is False
Esempio n. 21
   def __init__(self, market, side, price, visible_qty, hidden_qty=0):
       An individual quote expressing a desire to buy or sell a Product for a Price. Visible qty is required and
        hidden qty is optional, defaulting to 0 because many markets don't support hidden quantity.
       :param market: MarketObjects.Market.Market.
       :param side: Side.
       :param price: Price.
       :param visible_qty: int. Must be greater than 0
       :param hidden_qty: int. Must be 0 or more. Optional. Defaults to 0.
       assert isinstance(price, Price) or isinstance(price, str)
       assert isinstance(side, Side)
       assert isinstance(market, Market)
       assert isinstance(visible_qty, int)
       assert isinstance(hidden_qty, int)
       assert visible_qty > 0, "A quote's visible qty must be greater than 0"
       assert hidden_qty >= 0, "A quote's hidden qty must be greater than or equal to 0"
       use_price = price
       if not isinstance(price, Price):
           use_price = Price(price)
       assert market.is_valid_price(use_price), \
           "%s is not a valid price for a product with minimum price increment %s" % \
           (str(use_price), str(market.mpi()))
       self._side = side
       self._market = market
       self._price_level = PriceLevel(use_price, visible_qty, hidden_qty, num_orders=1)
Esempio n. 22
def test_comparison():
    p = Price("91.543")
    p_less = Price('84.456')
    p_more = Price('92.123')
    p_same = Price('91.543')
    assert p_less < p_more
    assert p_less <= p_more
    assert p_less != p_more
    assert (p_less > p_more) is False
    assert (p_less >= p_more) is False
    assert (p_less == p_more) is False
    assert p >= p_same
    assert p <= p_same
    assert p == p_same
    assert (p != p_same) is False
    assert p_same >= p
    assert p_same <= p
Esempio n. 23
def test_subchain_getters_partial_fill_before_ack():
    # pretty basic, just testing that it doesn't break
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    # now aggressive partial fill
    pf = PartialFillReport(121236, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, 44, Price("34.52"),
                           BID_SIDE, 99999, 1000 - 44)
    # now ack it
    ack = AcknowledgementReport(121235, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, Price("34.52"), 1000-44, None)

    subchain = oec.most_recent_subchain()
    assert subchain.open_event() == n
    assert subchain.first_execution_report() == pf
    assert subchain.fills() == [pf]
    assert subchain.last_event() == ack
Esempio n. 24
def test_full_fill_on_unacked_cr_with_acked_new_order():
    n = NewOrderCommand(1, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    # now ack it
    ack = AcknowledgementReport(2, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, Price("34.52"), 1000, 1000)
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 1000
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 1000
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")
    assert len(oec.open_exposure_requests()) == 0
    assert oec.is_open()

    cr = CancelReplaceCommand(3, 1234236.842, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, Price("34.56"), 800)
    # now should have 2 open exposures
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 1000
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 1000
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")
    assert oec.is_open()
    assert len(oec.open_exposure_requests()) == 1
    assert oec.most_recent_requested_exposure() == Exposure(Price("34.56"), 800, 3)

    full_fill = FullFillReport(4, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, cr, 800, Price("34.56"), BID_SIDE, 12345)
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() is None
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().causing_event_id() == 4
    assert len(oec.open_exposure_requests()) == 0
    assert oec.is_open() is False
Esempio n. 25
def test_basic_full_fill_on_acked_order():
    n = NewOrderCommand(1, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    # now ack it
    ack = AcknowledgementReport(2, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, Price("34.52"), 1000, 1000)
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 1000
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 1000
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")
    assert oec.is_open()
    aggressor = NewOrderCommand(1111, 1234237.123, 22222, "user_y", MARKET, ASK_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    full_fill = FullFillReport(3, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, aggressor, 1000, Price('34.52'), BID_SIDE, 12345)
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() is None
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 0
    assert oec.current_exposure().causing_event_id() == 3
    assert oec.is_open() is False
Esempio n. 26
def test_basic_partial_fill():
    n = NewOrderCommand(121234, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, BID_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 1000)
    oec = OrderEventChain(n, LOGGER, MonotonicIntID())
    # now ack it
    ack = AcknowledgementReport(121235, 1234235.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, n, Price("34.52"), 1000, 1000)
    aggressor = NewOrderCommand(1111, 1234237.123, 22222, "user_x", MARKET, ASK_SIDE, FAR, Price("34.52"), 44)
    # now resting partial fill
    pf = PartialFillReport(121236, 1234237.123, 2342, "user_x", MARKET, aggressor, 44, Price("34.52"),
                           BID_SIDE, 99999, 1000-44)

    assert oec.open_exposure_requests() == []
    assert oec.current_exposure().price() == Price("34.52")
    assert oec.current_exposure().qty() == 1000-44
    assert oec.visible_qty() == 1000-44
    assert oec.iceberg_peak_qty() == 1000  # should not have changed
    assert oec.has_partial_fill()
Esempio n. 27
def test_exposure():
    e1 = Exposure(Price("1.1"), 2, 12345)
    e2 = Exposure(Price("1.1"), 2, 12345)
    assert e1 == e2
    assert e1.equivalent_exposure(e2)
    assert e1.equivalent_exposure(e1)
    assert e2.equivalent_exposure(e1)
    e3 = Exposure(Price("1.1"), 2, 6789)
    assert e1 != e3
    assert e1.price() == e2.price()
    print(e1, e2)
    assert e1.equivalent_exposure(e3)
    assert e3.equivalent_exposure(e1)
    e4 = Exposure(Price("1.1"), 3, 6789)
    assert e1 != e4
    assert e1.equivalent_exposure(e4) is False
    e5 = Exposure(Price("1.2"), 2, 6789)
    assert e1 != e5
    assert e1.equivalent_exposure(e5) is False
Esempio n. 28
def test_price_validation():
    p = Price("23.455")
    pf = PriceFactory("0.01")
    assert pf.is_valid_price(p) is False

    p = Price("23.45")
    pf = PriceFactory("0.01")
    assert pf.is_valid_price(p)

    p = Price("23.455")
    pf = PriceFactory("0.001")
    assert pf.is_valid_price(p)

    p = Price("23.45")
    pf = PriceFactory("0.1")
    assert pf.is_valid_price(p) is False

    p = Price("23.45")
    pf = PriceFactory(".5")
    assert pf.is_valid_price(p) is False
Esempio n. 29
def test_cancel_replace_order_down_in_qty():
    # should have no impact
    ob = build_base_order_book()
    prev_order_chains = ob.order_chains_at_price(BID_SIDE, Price("34.50"))
    assert len(prev_order_chains) == 2
    # and test correct order
    assert prev_order_chains[0].chain_id() == 1001
    assert prev_order_chains[1].chain_id() == 1004
    assert ob.best_priority_chain(BID_SIDE).chain_id() == 1001
    prev_visible_qty_at_tob = ob.visible_qty_at_price(BID_SIDE, Price("34.50"))
    prev_hidden_qty_at_tob = ob.hidden_qty_at_price(BID_SIDE, Price("34.50"))
    # now cancel replace the first bid down in size
    cr = CancelReplaceCommand(77, 1234012.123, prev_order_chains[0].chain_id(), prev_order_chains[0].user_id(), MARKET,
                              prev_order_chains[0].side(), prev_order_chains[0].current_price(), prev_order_chains[0].current_qty() - 5)
    cr_ack = AcknowledgementReport(78, 1234012.123, prev_order_chains[0].chain_id(), prev_order_chains[0].user_id(),
                                   MARKET, cr, prev_order_chains[0].current_price(),
                                   prev_order_chains[0].current_qty() - 5, prev_order_chains[0].current_qty() - 5)
    ob.handle_acknowledgement_report(cr_ack, prev_order_chains[0])
    # assert that no ordering has changed
    current_order_chains = ob.order_chains_at_price(BID_SIDE, Price("34.50"))
    assert len(current_order_chains) == 2
    for chain in current_order_chains:
    assert prev_order_chains[0].chain_id() == 1001
    assert prev_order_chains[1].chain_id() == 1004
    assert ob.best_priority_chain(BID_SIDE).chain_id() == 1001
    # size is 5 less
    assert ob.visible_qty_at_price(BID_SIDE, Price("34.50")) == prev_visible_qty_at_tob - 5
    assert ob.hidden_qty_at_price(BID_SIDE, Price("34.50")) == prev_hidden_qty_at_tob
Esempio n. 30
def test_price_math():
    p1 = Price('1.15')
    p2 = Price('1.35')
    assert p1 + p2 == Price('2.5')
    assert p2 + p1 == Price('2.5')
    assert p2 - p1 == Price('.2')
    assert p1 - p2 == Price('-0.2')