def switch_pay(request): """ This view lets accountants switch member signature info has their signature arrived? """ speed_id = request.matchdict['ticket_id'] dashboard_page = request.cookies['on_page'] _entry = PartyTicket.get_by_id(speed_id) if _entry.payment_received is True: # change to NOT SET _entry.payment_received = False _entry.payment_received_date = datetime(1970, 1, 1) elif _entry.payment_received is False: # set to NOW _entry.payment_received = True _entry.payment_received_date = # # "payment info of %s changed by %s to %s" % ( #, # request.user.login, # _entry.payment_received # ) # ) return HTTPFound( request.route_url('dashboard', number=dashboard_page,))
def get_ticket(request): """ this view gives a user access to her ticket via URL with code the response is a PDF download """ _code = request.matchdict['code'] _email = request.matchdict['email'] _ticket = PartyTicket.get_by_code(_code) if isinstance(_ticket, NoneType): return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('party')) if not ( == _email): #print("no match!") return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('party')) # prepare ticket URL with email & code # '' + + _ticket.email_confirm_code # '' + + _ticket.email_confirm_code _url = request.registry.settings[ 'c3spartyticketing.url'] + '/ci/p1402/' + _ticket.email_confirm_code # return a pdf file pdf_file = make_qr_code_pdf(_ticket, _url) response = Response(content_type='application/pdf') # rewind to beginning response.app_iter = open(, "r") return response
def delete_entry(request): """ This view lets accountants delete entries (doublettes) """ _id = request.matchdict['ticket_id'] dashboard_page = request.cookies['on_page'] _entry = PartyTicket.get_by_id(_id) PartyTicket.delete_by_id( " %s was deleted by %s" % (, request.user.login,) ) return HTTPFound( request.route_url('dashboard', number=dashboard_page,))
def list_codes(request): """ return the list of codes """ if 'localhost' not in return 'foo' codes = PartyTicket.get_all_codes() return codes
def test_generate_qr_code(self): """ Test QR-Code generation """ from c3spartyticketing.utils import make_qr_code_pdf _ticket = PartyTicket.get_by_id(1) result = make_qr_code_pdf( _ticket, "") result
def make_random_string(): """ used as email confirmation code """ randomstring = ''.join( random.choice( string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits ) for x in range(10)) # check if confirmation code is already used print( "checking if ex. conf" ".code: %s" % PartyTicket.check_for_existing_confirm_code( randomstring)) while (PartyTicket.check_for_existing_confirm_code(randomstring)): # create a new one, if the new one already exists in the database print("generating new code") randomstring = make_random_string() # pragma: no cover return randomstring
def give_ticket(request): """ this view gives a user access to her ticket via URL with code the response is a PDF download """ _code = request.matchdict['code'] _ticket = PartyTicket.get_by_code(_code) # _url = '' + _ticket.email_confirm_code # _url = '' + _ticket.email_confirm_code _url = request.registry.settings[ 'c3spartyticketing.url'] + '/ci/p1402/' + _ticket.email_confirm_code # return a pdf file pdf_file = make_qr_code_pdf(_url) response = Response(content_type='application/pdf') # rewind to beginning response.app_iter = open(, "r") return response
def ticket_detail(request): """ This view lets accountants view ticket order details how about the payment? """ # check if staffer wanted to look at specific ticket id tid = request.matchdict['ticket_id']"the id: %s" % tid) _ticket = PartyTicket.get_by_id(tid) #print(_speedfunding) if _ticket is None: # that speed_id did not produce good results return HTTPFound( # back to base request.route_url('dashboard', number=0,)) class ChangeDetails(colander.MappingSchema): """ colander schema (form) to change details of speedfunding """ payment_received = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Bool(), title=_(u"Zahlungseingang melden?") ) schema = ChangeDetails() form = deform.Form( schema, buttons=[ deform.Button('submit', _(u'Submit')), deform.Button('reset', _(u'Reset')) ], #use_ajax=True, #renderer=zpt_renderer ) # if the form has been used and SUBMITTED, check contents if 'submit' in request.POST: controls = request.POST.items() try: appstruct = form.validate(controls) except ValidationFailure, e: # pragma: no cover #print("the appstruct from the form: %s \n") % appstruct #for thing in appstruct: # print("the thing: %s") % thing # print("type: %s") % type(thing) print(e) #message.append( request.session.flash( _(u"Please note: There were errors, " "please check the form below."), 'message_above_form', allow_duplicate=False) return{'form': e.render()} # change info about speedfunding in database ? same = ( # changed value through form (different from db)? appstruct['payment_received'] == _ticket.payment_received) if not same: "info about payment of %s changed by %s to %s" % (, request.user.login, appstruct['payment_received'])) _ticket.payment_received = appstruct['payment_received'] if _ticket.payment_received is True: _ticket.payment_received_date = else: _ticket.payment_received_date = datetime( 1970, 1, 1) # store appstruct in session request.session['appstruct'] = appstruct # show the updated details HTTPFound(route_url('detail', request,
def send_ticket_mail_view(request): """ this view sends a mail to the user with ticket links """ _id = request.matchdict['ticket_id'] _ticket = PartyTicket.get_by_id(_id) if isinstance(_ticket, NoneType): return HTTPFound( request.route_url( 'dashboard', number=request.cookies['on_page'], order=request.cookies['order'], orderby=request.cookies['orderby'], ) ) mailer = get_mailer(request) body_lines = ( # a list of lines u'''Hallo ''', _ticket.firstname, ' ', _ticket.lastname, u''' ! Wir haben Deine Überweisung erhalten. Dankeschön! Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, das Ticket mitzubringen: 1) Lade jetzt dein Ticket herunter und drucke es aus. Wir scannen dann am Eingang den QR-Code und du bist drin. ''', request.route_url('get_ticket',, code=_ticket.email_confirm_code), u''' 2) Lade die mobile version für dein Smartphone (oder Tablet). ''', request.route_url('get_ticket_mobile',, code=_ticket.email_confirm_code), u''' 3) Bringe einfach diesen Code mit: ''' + _ticket.email_confirm_code + u''' Damit können wir dich am Eingang wiedererkennen. Falls Du ein Ticket für *mehrere Personen* bestellt hast, kannst Du diesen Code an diese Personen weiterreichen. Aber Vorsicht! Wir zählen mit! ;-) Bis bald! Dein C3S-Team''', ) the_mail_body = ''.join([line for line in body_lines]) the_mail = Message( subject=_(u"C3S Party-Ticket: bitte herunterladen!"), sender="*****@*****.**", recipients=[], body=the_mail_body ) from smtplib import SMTPRecipientsRefused try: #mailer.send(the_mail) mailer.send_immediately(the_mail, fail_silently=False) #print(the_mail.body) _ticket.ticketmail_sent = True _ticket.ticketmail_sent_date = except SMTPRecipientsRefused: # folks with newly bought tickets (no mail) print('SMTPRecipientsRefused') return HTTPFound( request.route_url('dashboard', number=request.cookies['on_page'],)) # 'else': send user to the form return HTTPFound(request.route_url('dashboard', number=request.cookies['on_page'], #order=request.cookies['order'], #orderby=request.cookies['orderby'], ) )
def make_hobo_view(request): """ this view adds schwarzfahrers to the gästeliste """ class PersonalData(colander.MappingSchema): """ colander schema for membership application form """ locale_name = 'de' firstname = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_(u"Vorame"), oid="firstname", ) lastname = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_(u"Nachname"), oid="lastname", ) email = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_(u'Email'), validator=colander.Email(), oid="email", ) comment = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_("Warum Schwarzfahren?"), missing='', validator=colander.Length(max=250), widget=deform.widget.TextAreaWidget(rows=3, cols=50), description=_(u"(guter grund) (255 Zeichen)"), oid="comment", ) _LOCALE_ = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), widget=deform.widget.HiddenWidget(), default=locale_name ) class HoboForm(colander.Schema): """ The Form consists of - Personal Data - Ticketing Information - FoodInfo """ person = PersonalData( title=_(u"Persönliche Daten"), #description=_(u"this is a test"), #css_class="thisisjustatest" ) schema = HoboForm() form = deform.Form( schema, buttons=[ deform.Button('submit', _(u'Absenden')), deform.Button('reset', _(u'Zurücksetzen')) ], #use_ajax=True, renderer=zpt_renderer ) if 'submit' in request.POST: print "new hobo!?!" controls = request.POST.items() try: appstruct = form.validate(controls) print('validated!') the_total = 0 # nothing to pay # create an appstruct for persistence randomstring = make_random_string() hobo = PartyTicket( firstname=appstruct['person']['firstname'], lastname=appstruct['person']['lastname'], email=appstruct['person']['email'], password='', # appstruct['person']['password'], locale=appstruct['person']['_LOCALE_'], email_is_confirmed=False, email_confirm_code=randomstring,, num_tickets=1, ticket_type=5, the_total=the_total, user_comment=appstruct['person']['comment'], ) hobo.payment_received = True dbsession = DBSession #try: print "about to add ticket" dbsession.add(hobo) dbsession.flush() print "added ticket" #except InvalidRequestError, e: # pragma: no cover # print("InvalidRequestError! %s") % e #except IntegrityError, ie: # pragma: no cover #print("IntegrityError! %s") % ie return HTTPFound( request.route_url('detail', ) except ValidationFailure, e: return { 'hoboform': e.render() }
def stats_view(request): """ This view lets accountants view statistics: how many tickets of which category, payment status, etc. """ #print("who is it? %s" % request.user.login) _number_of_datasets = PartyTicket.get_number() _number_of_tickets = PartyTicket.get_num_tickets() _num_passengers = PartyTicket.num_passengers() _num_open_tickets = int(_number_of_tickets) - int(_num_passengers) _num_tickets_unpaid = PartyTicket.get_num_unpaid() # _num_hobos = PartyTicket.get_num_hobos() _num_class_2 = PartyTicket.get_num_class_2() _num_class_2_food = PartyTicket.get_num_class_2_food() _num_class_1 = PartyTicket.get_num_class_1() _num_class_green = PartyTicket.get_num_class_green() # _sum_tickets_total = PartyTicket.get_sum_tickets_total() _sum_tickets_paid = PartyTicket.get_sum_tickets_paid() _sum_tickets_unpaid = PartyTicket.get_sum_tickets_unpaid() return { '_number_of_datasets': _number_of_datasets, '_number_of_tickets': _number_of_tickets, '_num_passengers': _num_passengers, '_num_open_tickets': _num_open_tickets, '_num_tickets_unpaid': _num_tickets_unpaid, # ticket categories 'num_hobos': _num_hobos, 'num_class_2': _num_class_2, 'num_class_2_food': _num_class_2_food, 'num_class_1': _num_class_1, 'num_class_green': _num_class_green, # focus on cash 'sum_tickets_total': _sum_tickets_total, 'sum_tickets_paid': _sum_tickets_paid, 'sum_tickets_unpaid': _sum_tickets_unpaid, }
def accountants_desk(request): """ This view lets accountants view applications and set their status: has their payment arrived? """ #print("who is it? %s" % request.user.login) _number_of_datasets = PartyTicket.get_number() #print("request.matchdict['number']: %s" % request.matchdict['number']) try: # check if # a page number was supplied with the URL _page_to_show = int(request.matchdict['number']) #print("page to show: %s" % _page_to_show) except: _page_to_show = 0 # is it a number? yes, cast above #if not isinstance(_page_to_show, type(1)): # _page_to_show = 0 #print("_page_to_show: %s" % _page_to_show) # check for input from "find dataset by confirm code" form if 'code_to_show' in request.POST: print("found code_to_show in POST: %s" % request.POST['code_to_show']) try: _code = request.POST['code_to_show'] #print(_code) _entry = PartyTicket.get_by_code(_code) print(_entry) print( return HTTPFound( location=request.route_url( 'detail', ) except: # choose default print("barf!") pass # how many to display on one page? """ num_display determines how many items are to be shown on one page """ #print request.POST if 'num_to_show' in request.POST: #print("found it in POST") try: _num = int(request.POST['num_to_show']) if isinstance(_num, type(1)): num_display = _num except: # choose default num_display = 20 elif 'num_display' in request.cookies: #print("found it in cookie") num_display = int(request.cookies['num_display']) else: #print("setting default") num_display = request.registry.settings[ 'c3spartyticketing.dashboard_number'] #print("num_display: %s " % num_display) """ base_offset helps us to minimize impact on the database when querying for results. we can choose just those results we need for the page to show """ #try: base_offset = int(_page_to_show) * int(num_display) #print("base offset: %s" % base_offset) #except: # base_offset = 0 # if 'base_offset' in request.session: # base_offset = request.session['base_offset'] # else: # base_offset = request.registry.settings['speedfunding.offset'] # get data sets from DB _tickets = PartyTicket.ticket_listing(, how_many=num_display, offset=base_offset) # calculate next-previous-navi next_page = (int(_page_to_show) + 1) if (int(_page_to_show) > 0): previous_page = int(_page_to_show) - 1 else: previous_page = int(_page_to_show) # store info about current page in cookie request.response.set_cookie('on_page', value=str(_page_to_show)) #print("num_display: %s" % num_display) request.response.set_cookie('num_display', value=str(num_display)) # # prepare the autocomplete form for codes # # get codes from another view via subrequest, see # subreq = Request.blank('/all_codes') # see response = request.invoke_subrequest(subreq) #print("the subrequests response: %s" % response.body) #import requests #r = requests.get('') #the_codes = json.loads(r.text) # gotcha: json needed! the_codes = json.loads(response.body) # gotcha: json needed! my_autoc_wid = deform.widget.AutocompleteInputWidget( min_length=1, title="widget title", values=the_codes, ) # prepare a form for autocomplete search for codes. class CodeAutocompleteForm(colander.MappingSchema): """ colander schema to make deform autocomplete form """ code_to_show = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title="Search entry (autocomplete)", validator=colander.Length(min=1, max=8), widget=my_autoc_wid, description='start typing. use arrows. press enter. twice.' ) schema = CodeAutocompleteForm() form = deform.Form( schema, buttons=('go!',), #use_ajax=True, # <-- whoa! renderer=zpt_renderer, ) autoformhtml = form.render() return {'_number_of_datasets': _number_of_datasets, 'tickets': _tickets, 'num_display': num_display, 'next': next_page, 'previous': previous_page, 'autoform': autoformhtml, }
def party_view(request): """ the view users use to order a ticket """ _num_tickets = PartyTicket.get_num_tickets() _num_tickets_paid = PartyTicket.get_num_tickets_paid() class PersonalData(colander.MappingSchema): """ colander schema for membership application form """ locale_name = get_locale_name(request) firstname = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_(u"Vorame"), oid="firstname", ) lastname = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_(u"Nachname"), oid="lastname", ) email = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_(u'Email'), validator=colander.Email(), oid="email", ) # password = colander.SchemaNode( # colander.String(), # validator=colander.Length(min=3, max=100), # widget=deform.widget.PasswordWidget(size=20), # title=_(u"Password (to protect access to your data)"), # description=_("We need a password to protect your data. After " # "verifying your email you will have to enter it."), # oid="password", # ) comment = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_("Kommentare"), missing='', validator=colander.Length(max=250), widget=deform.widget.TextAreaWidget(rows=3, cols=50), description=_(u"Raum für Kommentare (255 Zeichen)"), oid="comment", ) _LOCALE_ = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), widget=deform.widget.HiddenWidget(), default=locale_name ) num_ticket_options = ( ('10', _(u'10 tickets')), ('9', _(u'9 tickets')), ('8', _(u'8 tickets')), ('7', _(u'7 tickets')), ('6', _(u'6 tickets')), ('5', _(u'5 tickets')), ('4', _(u'4 tickets')), ('3', _(u'3 tickets')), ('2', _(u'2 tickets')), ('1', _(u'1 tickets')), #('0', _(u'no ticket')), ) ticket_type_options = ( (1, _(u'2. Klasse (5€: party, bands)')), (2, _(u'2. Klasse + Speisewagen (15€: party, bands, essen)')), (3, _(u'1. Klasse (50€: party, bands, essen, kaffee, shirt)')), (4, _(u'Grüne Mamba (100€: party, bands, essen, kaffee, jacke)')), ) class PartyTickets(colander.MappingSchema): ticket_type = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Integer(), title=_(u"Ich reise in der folgenden Kategorie:"), description=_( u'Du kannst uns mit dem Kauf von Tickets unterstützen. ' u'Überschüsse fliessen in die Büroausstattung.'), default="1", widget=deform.widget.RadioChoiceWidget( size=1, css_class='ticket_types_input', values=ticket_type_options, #inline=True ), oid="ticket_type" ) num_tickets = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Integer(), title=_(u"Ich nehme die folgende Anzahl von Tickets"), description=_( u'Du kannst zwischen 1 und 10 Tickets bestellen. ' u'Die Kosten variieren je nach Ticket-Kategorie.'), default="1", widget=deform.widget.SelectSliderWidget( #size=3, css_class='num_tickets_input', values=num_ticket_options), validator=colander.Range( min=1, max=10, min_err=_(u"Du brauchst mindestens ein Ticket, " u"um die Reise anzutreten."), max_err=_(u"Höchstens 10 Tickets. (viel los!)"), ), oid="num_tickets") class TicketForm(colander.Schema): """ The Form consists of - Personal Data - Ticketing Information - FoodInfo """ person = PersonalData( title=_(u"Persönliche Daten"), #description=_(u"this is a test"), #css_class="thisisjustatest" ) ticket_info = PartyTickets( title=_(u"Ticketinformationen") ) #shares = FoodInfo( # title=_(u"Food Stamps") #) schema = TicketForm() form = deform.Form( schema, buttons=[ deform.Button('submit', _(u'Absenden')), deform.Button('reset', _(u'Zurücksetzen')) ], use_ajax=True, renderer=zpt_renderer ) # if the form has NOT been used and submitted, remove error messages if any if not 'submit' in request.POST: request.session.pop_flash() # if the form has been used and SUBMITTED, check contents if 'submit' in request.POST: print "submitted!" controls = request.POST.items() print controls try: print 'about to validate form input' appstruct = form.validate(controls) print 'done validating form input' print("the appstruct from the form: %s \n") % appstruct for thing in appstruct: print("the thing: %s") % thing print("type: %s") % type(thing) except ValidationFailure, e: print(e) request.session.flash( _(u"Please note: There were errors, " "please check the form below."), 'message_above_form', allow_duplicate=False) return{ 'form': e.render(), '_num_tickets': _num_tickets, '_num_tickets_paid': _num_tickets_paid, } # make confirmation code randomstring = make_random_string() # calculate the total sum the_value = { 1: 5, 2: 15, 3: 50, 4: 100, } _the_total = appstruct['ticket_info']['num_tickets'] * the_value.get( appstruct['ticket_info']['ticket_type']) appstruct['ticket_info']['the_total'] = _the_total print("_the_total: %s" % _the_total) # to store the data in the DB, an object is created ticket = PartyTicket( firstname=appstruct['person']['firstname'], lastname=appstruct['person']['lastname'], email=appstruct['person']['email'], password='', # appstruct['person']['password'], locale=appstruct['person']['_LOCALE_'], email_is_confirmed=False, email_confirm_code=randomstring,, num_tickets=appstruct['ticket_info']['num_tickets'], ticket_type=appstruct['ticket_info']['ticket_type'], the_total=_the_total, user_comment=appstruct['person']['comment'], ) dbsession = DBSession try: print "about to add ticket" dbsession.add(ticket) print "adding ticket" appstruct['email_confirm_code'] = randomstring # XXX appstruct['email_confirm_code'] = randomstring except InvalidRequestError, e: # pragma: no cover print("InvalidRequestError! %s") % e
def new_ticket(request): """ This view lets cachiers make/issue new tickets a form permits checkin of people, up to the amount of tickets """ logged_in = authenticated_userid(request) print("authenticated_userid: " + str(logged_in)) print("the request.POST: %s" % request.POST) add_cond = ('persons' in request.POST) if add_cond: _num = request.POST['persons'] if 'type1' in request.POST: _type = request.POST['type1'] _type_int = 1 _type_cost = 5 elif 'type2' in request.POST: _type = request.POST['type2'] _type_int = 2 _type_cost = 15 elif 'type3' in request.POST: _type = request.POST['type3'] _type_int = 3 _type_cost = 50 elif 'type4' in request.POST: _type = request.POST['type4'] _type_int = 4 _type_cost = 100 "%s tickets(s) of cat. %s sold by %s" % (_num, _type, logged_in)) _new = PartyTicket( firstname='anon', lastname='anon', email='anon', password='******', locale='de', email_is_confirmed=False, email_confirm_code='cash', num_tickets=int(_num), ticket_type=_type_int, the_total=int(_num)*_type_cost, user_comment='got ticket at entry',, payment_received=True ) #try: dbsession = DBSession() _new.payment_received = True #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() _new.checked_persons = int(_num) _new.payment_received_date = _new.email_confirm_code = 'CASHDESK' + make_random_string() _new.accountant_comment = 'issued by %s' % logged_in dbsession.add(_new) #except: # print("new_ticket: something went wrong") #pass _num_passengers = PartyTicket.num_passengers() _num_open_tickets = int( PartyTicket.get_num_tickets()) - int(_num_passengers) return { 'logged_in': logged_in, 'num_passengers': _num_passengers, 'num_open_tickets': _num_open_tickets, }
def kasse(request): """ This view lets cachiers do stuff """ logged_in = authenticated_userid(request) print("authenticated_userid: " + str(logged_in))"check in conducted by %s" % logged_in) # check for input from "find dataset by confirm code" form if 'code_to_show' in request.POST: print("found code_to_show in POST: %s" % request.POST['code_to_show']) try: _code = request.POST['code_to_show'] #print(_code) _entry = PartyTicket.get_by_code(_code) print(_entry) print( return HTTPFound( location=request.route_url( 'check_in', event='p1402', code=_entry.email_confirm_code) ) except: # choose default print("barf!") request.session.flash('gleis 16 gibt es garnicht!') pass # prepare the autocomplete form with codes # get codes from another view via subrequest, see # subreq = Request.blank('/all_codes') # see response = request.invoke_subrequest(subreq) the_codes = json.loads(response.body) # gotcha: json needed! my_autoc_wid = deform.widget.AutocompleteInputWidget( min_length=1, title="widget title", values=the_codes, ) # prepare a form for autocomplete search for codes. class CodeAutocompleteForm(colander.MappingSchema): """ colander schema to make deform autocomplete form """ code_to_show = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title="Code eingeben (autocomplete)", validator=colander.Length(min=1, max=8), widget=my_autoc_wid, description='start typing. use arrows. press enter. twice.' ) schema = CodeAutocompleteForm() form = deform.Form( schema, buttons=('go!',), #use_ajax=True, # <-- whoa! #renderer=zpt_renderer, ) autoformhtml = form.render() _num_passengers = PartyTicket.num_passengers() _num_open_tickets = int( PartyTicket.get_num_tickets()) - int(_num_passengers) return { 'autoform': autoformhtml, 'logged_in': logged_in, 'num_passengers': _num_passengers, 'num_open_tickets': _num_open_tickets }
def check_in(request): """ This view lets cachiers log in people a form permits checkin of people, up to the amount of tickets """ logged_in = authenticated_userid(request) print("authenticated_userid: " + str(logged_in))"check in conducted by %s" % logged_in) # check for input from checkin function POST #print(request.POST) # MultiDict([('persons', u'10'), # ('checkin', u'Check in!'), # ('code', u'ABCDEFGHIJ')]) __check = ('checkin' in request.POST) __code = ('code' in request.POST) __personen = ('persons' in request.POST) if __check and __code and __personen: #print("############# check_in_cond is True.") _code = request.POST['code'] _persons = request.POST['persons'] _ticket = PartyTicket.get_by_code(_code) if isinstance(_ticket, NoneType): "if the ticket code was not found, return to base" request.session.flash('code not found. gleis 16 gibt es nicht.') return HTTPFound( location=request.route_url('kasse')) _ticket.checkin_time = #_ticket.checkin_seen = True _ticket.checked_persons += int(_persons) _num_passengers = PartyTicket.num_passengers() _num_open_tickets = int( PartyTicket.get_num_tickets()) - int(_num_passengers) ''' checkin was called from a prepared URL ('/ci/{event}/{code}') ''' _code = request.matchdict['code'] # get dataset from db _ticket = PartyTicket.get_by_code(_code) if isinstance(_ticket, NoneType): # not found print("ticket not found!?!") return { 'logged_in': logged_in, 'status': 'NOT FOUND', 'code': '', 'paid': 'Nein', 'num_passengers': _num_passengers, 'num_open_tickets': _num_open_tickets, } else: print("the ticket: %s" % _ticket) pass ''' users may pay at the counter, if they forgot to transfer (and room is not full) ''' if 'Bezahlt' in request.POST: _ticket.payment_received = True _ticket.payment_received_date = # types of tickets displayed in the backend ticket_type_options = { 1: _(u'2. Klasse'), 2: _(u'2. Klasse + Speisewagen'), 3: _(u'1. Klasse'), 4: _(u'Grüne Mamba'), } _klass = ticket_type_options.get(_ticket.ticket_type) _vacancies = _ticket.num_tickets - _ticket.checked_persons return { 'vacancies': _vacancies, # the free tickets of this visitor 'logged_in': logged_in, 'num_passengers': _num_passengers, 'num_open_tickets': _num_open_tickets, 'code': _code, 'klass': _klass, 'paid': _ticket.payment_received, 'ticket': _ticket, }