Esempio n. 1
class TestCacheVaryByAuthorization(object):
    url = ''

    def setup(self):
        self.c = CacheController(

    def req(self, headers):
        mock_request = Mock(url=self.url, headers=headers)
        return self.c.cached_request(mock_request)

    def test_uses_auth_token_to_lookup_response(self):
        req_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer some-token'}
        resp_headers = {'Vary': 'Authorization'}

        request = type('Request', (object, ), {
            'headers': req_headers,
            'url': self.url
        expected_key = CacheController.cache_key(request)
        response = Mock(headers=resp_headers, status=301)

        # we set the status to 301 so that it is immediately returned without performing any etag/date checks to see if
        # cache eviction is required
        self.c.cache = DictCache({expected_key: response})

        assert self.req(headers=req_headers) == response
class TestCacheControlRequest(object):
    url = ""

    def setup(self):
        self.c = CacheController(DictCache(), serializer=NullSerializer())

    def req(self, headers):
        mock_request = Mock(url=self.url, headers=headers)
        return self.c.cached_request(mock_request)

    def test_cache_request_no_headers(self):
        cached_resp = Mock(headers={
            "ETag": "jfd9094r808",
            "Content-Length": 100
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({"cache-control": "no-cache"})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_pragma_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({"pragma": "no-cache"})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_store(self):
        resp = self.req({"cache-control": "no-store"})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_max_age_0(self):
        resp = self.req({"cache-control": "max-age=0"})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_not_in_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_fresh_max_age(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={"cache-control": "max-age=3600", "date": now})

        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_max_age(self):
        earlier = time.time() - 3700  # epoch - 1h01m40s
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(earlier))
        resp = Mock(headers={"cache-control": "max-age=3600", "date": now})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cache_request_fresh_expires(self):
        later = time.time() + 86400  # GMT + 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(later))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={"expires": expires, "date": now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_expires(self):
        sooner = time.time() - 86400  # GMT - 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(sooner))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={"expires": expires, "date": now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cached_request_with_bad_max_age_headers_not_returned(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        # Not a valid header; this would be from a misconfigured server
        resp = Mock(headers={"cache-control": "max-age=xxx", "date": now})

        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})

        assert not self.req({})
class TestCacheControlRequest(object):
    url = ''

    def setup(self):
        self.c = CacheController(

    def req(self, headers):
        return self.c.cached_request(Mock(url=self.url, headers=headers))

    def test_cache_request_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_pragma_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'pragma': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_store(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-store'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_max_age_0(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'max-age=0'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_not_in_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_fresh_max_age(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})

        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_max_age(self):
        earlier = time.time() - 3700  # epoch - 1h01m40s
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(earlier))
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cache_request_fresh_expires(self):
        later = time.time() + 86400  # GMT + 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(later))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_expires(self):
        sooner = time.time() - 86400  # GMT - 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(sooner))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r
class TestCacheControlRequest(object):
    url = ''

    def setup(self):
        self.c = CacheController(DictCache())

    def req(self, headers):
        return self.c.cached_request(self.url, headers=headers)

    def test_cache_request_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_pragma_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'pragma': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_store(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-store'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_max_age_0(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'max-age=0'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_not_in_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_fresh_max_age(self):
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(TIME_FMT)
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})

        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_max_age(self):
        earlier = time.time() - 3700
        now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(earlier).strftime(TIME_FMT)

        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cache_request_fresh_expires(self):
        later = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        expires = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + later).strftime(TIME_FMT)
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(TIME_FMT)
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_expires(self):
        later = datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
        expires = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + later).strftime(TIME_FMT)
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(TIME_FMT)
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r
Esempio n. 5
class TestCacheControlRequest(object):
    url = ''

    def setup(self):
        self.c = CacheController(

    def req(self, headers):
        mock_request = Mock(url=self.url, headers=headers)
        return self.c.cached_request(mock_request)

    def test_cache_request_no_headers(self):
        cached_resp = Mock(headers={
            'ETag': 'jfd9094r808',
            'Content-Length': 100
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_pragma_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'pragma': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_store(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-store'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_max_age_0(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'max-age=0'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_not_in_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_fresh_max_age(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600', 'date': now})

        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_max_age(self):
        earlier = time.time() - 3700  # epoch - 1h01m40s
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(earlier))
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600', 'date': now})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cache_request_fresh_expires(self):
        later = time.time() + 86400  # GMT + 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(later))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires, 'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_expires(self):
        sooner = time.time() - 86400  # GMT - 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(sooner))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires, 'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cached_request_with_bad_max_age_headers_not_returned(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        # Not a valid header; this would be from a misconfigured server
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=xxx', 'date': now})

        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})

        assert not self.req({})

    def test_cached_request_with_0_max_age_not_returned(self):
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: 1000000})
        assert self.req({'cache-control': 'max-age=0'}) is False

    def test_cached_request_without_date_and_etags_is_evicted(self):
        resp = Mock(headers={'xx': 'this-value-is-unimportant'})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        assert self.c.cache.get(self.url) is not None
        assert self.req({}) is False
        assert self.c.cache.get(self.url) is None
Esempio n. 6
class TestCacheControlRequest(object):
    url = ''

    def setup(self):
        self.c = CacheController(

    def req(self, headers):
        mock_request = Mock(url=self.url, headers=headers)
        return self.c.cached_request(mock_request)

    def test_cache_request_no_headers(self):
        cached_resp = Mock(headers={'ETag': 'jfd9094r808', 'Content-Length': 100})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_pragma_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'pragma': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_store(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-store'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_max_age_0(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'max-age=0'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_not_in_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_fresh_max_age(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})

        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_max_age(self):
        earlier = time.time() - 3700  # epoch - 1h01m40s
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(earlier))
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cache_request_fresh_expires(self):
        later = time.time() + 86400  # GMT + 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(later))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_expires(self):
        sooner = time.time() - 86400  # GMT - 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(sooner))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cached_request_with_bad_max_age_headers_not_returned(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        # Not a valid header; this would be from a misconfigured server
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=xxx',
                             'date': now})

        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})

        assert not self.req({})
class TestCacheControlRequest(object):
    url = ''

    def setup(self):
        self.c = CacheController(

    def req(self, headers):
        mock_request = Mock(url=self.url, headers=headers)
        return self.c.cached_request(mock_request)

    def test_cache_request_no_headers(self):
        cached_resp = Mock(headers={'ETag': 'jfd9094r808', 'Content-Length': 100})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_pragma_no_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({'pragma': 'no-cache'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_no_store(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'no-store'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_max_age_0(self):
        resp = self.req({'cache-control': 'max-age=0'})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_not_in_cache(self):
        resp = self.req({})
        assert not resp

    def test_cache_request_fresh_max_age(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})

        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_max_age(self):
        earlier = time.time() - 3700  # epoch - 1h01m40s
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(earlier))
        resp = Mock(headers={'cache-control': 'max-age=3600',
                             'date': now})
        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r

    def test_cache_request_fresh_expires(self):
        later = time.time() + 86400  # GMT + 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(later))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp

    def test_cache_request_unfresh_expires(self):
        sooner = time.time() - 86400  # GMT - 1 day
        expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(sooner))
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={'expires': expires,
                             'date': now})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert not r