Esempio n. 1
def run(drop_midsteps: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Run all experiments and return their output on the dataset column.
    Each line represents an iteration of the parameter-sweep combinations.

    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    multi_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
    run = Executor(exec_context=multi_proc_ctx, configs=configs)
    results = pd.DataFrame()
    i = 0
    for raw_result, _ in run.execute():
        params = configs[i].sim_config['M']
        result_record = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            [tuple([i for i in params.values()])], columns=list(params.keys()))

        df = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
        # keep only last substep of each timestep
        if drop_midsteps:
            max_substep = max(df.substep)
            is_droppable = (df.substep != max_substep) & (df.substep != 0)
            df.drop(df[is_droppable].index, inplace=True)

        result_record['dataset'] = [df]
        results = results.append(result_record)
        i += 1
    return results.reset_index()
Esempio n. 2
def run_simulation(c: CommonsSimulationConfiguration):
    initial_conditions, simulation_parameters = bootstrap_simulation(c)

    exp = Experiment()

    # Do not use multi_proc, breaks ipdb.set_trace()
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    single_proc_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.local_mode)
    executor = Executor(single_proc_context, configs)

    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = executor.execute()

    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)
    df_final = df[df.substep.eq(2)]

    result = {
        "timestep": list(df_final["timestep"]),
        "funding_pool": list(df_final["funding_pool"]),
        "token_supply": list(df_final["token_supply"]),
        "collateral": list(df_final["collateral_pool"]),
        "sentiment": list(df_final["sentiment"])
    return result, df_final
Esempio n. 3
def run(drop_midsteps=True):
    Run simulation
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    local_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)

    simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_mode_ctx, configs=configs)
    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = simulation.execute()
    # Result System Events DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)

    config_ids = [
            get_M(k, v) for k, v in config.__dict__.items()
            if k in ['simulation_id', 'run_id', 'sim_config', 'subset_id'])
        for config in configs

    results = pd.DataFrame()
    for i, config_id in enumerate(config_ids):
        params = config_id['M']
        result_record = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            [tuple([i for i in params.values()])], columns=list(params.keys()))
        sub_df = df[df.subset == config_id['subset_id']]

        max_substep = max(sub_df.substep)
        is_droppable = (sub_df.substep != max_substep) & (sub_df.substep != 0)
        sub_df.drop(sub_df[is_droppable].index, inplace=True)

        result_record['dataset'] = [sub_df]
        results = results.append(result_record)

    return results.reset_index()
Esempio n. 4
def run(drop_midsteps: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Run all experiments and return their output on the dataset column.
    Each line represents an iteration of the parameter-sweep combinations.

    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    exec_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.local_mode)
    run = Executor(exec_context=exec_context, configs=configs)
    results = pd.DataFrame()

    (system_events, tensor_field, sessions) = run.execute()

    df = pd.DataFrame(system_events)
    results = []
    for i, (_, subset_df) in enumerate(df.groupby(["simulation", "subset"])):
        params = configs[i].sim_config['M']
        result_record = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            [tuple([i for i in params.values()])], columns=list(params.keys()))
        # keep only last substep of each timestep
        if drop_midsteps:
            max_substep = max(subset_df.substep)
            is_droppable = (subset_df.substep != max_substep)
            is_droppable &= (subset_df.substep != 0)
            subset_df = subset_df.loc[~is_droppable]
        result_record['dataset'] = [subset_df]

    return pd.concat(results).reset_index()
Esempio n. 5
def run(drop_midsteps: bool=True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Run all experiments and return their output on the dataset column.
    Each line represents an iteration of the parameter-sweep combinations.
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    local_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_mode)
    simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_proc_ctx, configs=configs)
    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = simulation.execute()
    simulation_result = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)
    return simulation_result
Esempio n. 6
def run():

    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    multi_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)

    simulation = Executor(exec_context=multi_mode_ctx, configs=configs)
    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = simulation.execute()
    # Result System Events DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)

    return df
Esempio n. 7
def run(drop_midsteps: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Run all experiments and return their output on the dataset column.
    Each line represents an iteration of the parameter-sweep combinations.
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()

    multi_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_mode)
    run = Executor(exec_context=multi_mode_ctx, configs=configs)
    raw_result, tensor_field, sessions = run.execute()
    results = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
    return results
def run():
    Run simulation
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    local_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)

    simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_mode_ctx, configs=configs)
    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = simulation.execute()
    # Result System Events DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)
    return df
Esempio n. 9
def temp_run(drop_midsteps=True):

    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    multi_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
    run = Executor(exec_context=multi_proc_ctx, configs=configs)

    i = 0
    results = {}
    for raw_result, tensor_field in run.execute():
        result = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
        results[i] = {}
        results[i]['result'] = result
        i += 1
    return results
def main():
    c = Central(300)
    params = Parameters(c)
    config = Configuration(

    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    exec_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.single_proc)
    executor = Executor(exec_context, [config])
    raw_result, tensor = executor.execute()
    raw_result = [d for d in raw_result]
def run(initial_state, partial_state_update_block, sim_configs):
    exp = Experiment()

    # Do not use multi_proc, breaks ipdb.set_trace()
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    single_proc_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.single_proc)
    executor = Executor(single_proc_context, configs)

    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = executor.execute()

    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)

    return df
Esempio n. 12
def run(input_config=configs):
    Run simulation

    input_config: Optional way to pass in system configuration
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    local_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)

    simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_mode_ctx, configs=input_config)
    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = simulation.execute()
    # Result System Events DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)
    return df
Esempio n. 13
def run_simulation(c: CommonsSimulationConfiguration):
    initial_conditions, simulation_parameters = bootstrap_simulation(c)

    exp = Experiment()

    # Do not use multi_proc, breaks ipdb.set_trace()
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    single_proc_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.local_mode)
    executor = Executor(single_proc_context, configs)

    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = executor.execute()

    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)
    return df
Esempio n. 14
def run():
    Run simulation
    # Single
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    local_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)

    simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_mode_ctx, configs=exp.configs)
    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = simulation.execute()
    # Result System Events DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events)

    # subset to last substep
    df = df[df['substep'] == df.substep.max()]

    return df
Esempio n. 15
def run():
    Run simulation
    input_config: Optional way to pass in system configuration
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    local_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)
    simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_mode_ctx, configs=configs)
    raw_system_events, tensor_field, sessions = simulation.execute()
    df = (pd.DataFrame(raw_system_events))
    # Clean substeps
    first_ind = (df.substep == 0) & (df.timestep == 0)
    last_ind = df.substep == max(df.substep)
    inds_to_drop = (first_ind | last_ind)
    df = df.loc[inds_to_drop].drop(columns=['substep'])

    # Set indexes
    df = df.set_index(['simulation', 'subset', 'run', 'timestep'])
    return df
Esempio n. 16
def run_3(drop_midsteps=True):
    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    multi_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
    run = Executor(exec_context=multi_proc_ctx, configs=configs)
    results = pd.DataFrame()
    i = 0
    for raw_result, _ in run.execute():
        params = configs[i].sim_config['M']
        result_record = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            [tuple([i for i in params.values()])], columns=list(params.keys()))

        df = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
        # keep only last substep of each timestep
        if drop_midsteps:
            max_substep = max(df.substep)
            is_droppable = (df.substep != max_substep) & (df.substep != 0)
            df.drop(df[is_droppable].index, inplace=True)

        result_record['dataset'] = [df]
        results = results.append(result_record)
        i += 1
    return results.reset_index()
Esempio n. 17
from pprint import pprint

import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from simulations.regression_tests.models import sweep_config

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()

local_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)
run = Executor(exec_context=local_proc_ctx, configs=sweep_config.exp.configs)

raw_result, tensor_fields, _ = run.execute()
result = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
print(tabulate(tensor_fields[0], headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
print(tabulate(result, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
Esempio n. 18
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from documentation.examples import sys_model_A, sys_model_B
from cadCAD import configs

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()

# Multiple Processes Execution using Multiple System Model Configurations:
local_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)
sys_model_AB_simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_proc_ctx, configs=configs)

i = 0
config_names = ['sys_model_A', 'sys_model_B']
sys_model_AB_raw_result, sys_model_AB_tensor_field, sessions = sys_model_AB_simulation.execute()
sys_model_AB_result = pd.DataFrame(sys_model_AB_raw_result)
print(f"Tensor Field:")
print(tabulate(sys_model_AB_tensor_field, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
print("Result: System Events DataFrame:")
print(tabulate(sys_model_AB_result, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
Esempio n. 19
from cadCAD.configuration import append_configs

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# The configurations above are then packaged into a `Configuration` object
    initial_conditions,  #dict containing variable names and initial values
    partial_state_update_blocks,  #dict containing state update functions
    sim_configs=simulation_parameters  #dict containing simulation parameters

from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from cadCAD import configs
import pandas as pd

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
multi_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
run = Executor(exec_context=multi_proc_ctx, configs=configs)

i = 0
for raw_result, tensor_field in run.execute():
    result = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
    print(f"Tensor Field: {type(tensor_field)}")
    print(tabulate(tensor_field, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
    print(f"Output: {type(result)}")
    print(tabulate(result, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
    i += 1
Esempio n. 20
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from documentation.examples import sys_model_A, sys_model_B
from cadCAD import configs

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()

# # Multiple Processes Execution using Multiple System Model Configurations:
# # sys_model_A & sys_model_B
multi_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
sys_model_AB_simulation = Executor(exec_context=multi_proc_ctx,

i = 0
config_names = ['sys_model_A', 'sys_model_B']
for sys_model_AB_raw_result, sys_model_AB_tensor_field in sys_model_AB_simulation.execute(
    sys_model_AB_result = pd.DataFrame(sys_model_AB_raw_result)
    print(f"Tensor Field: {config_names[i]}")
    print(tabulate(sys_model_AB_tensor_field, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
    print("Result: System Events DataFrame:")
    print(tabulate(sys_model_AB_result, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
    i += 1
Esempio n. 21
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from documentation.examples import sys_model_A
from cadCAD import configs

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()

# Single Process Execution using a Single System Model Configuration:
# sys_model_A
sys_model_A = [configs[0]] # sys_model_A
single_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.single_proc)
sys_model_A_simulation = Executor(exec_context=single_proc_ctx, configs=sys_model_A)

sys_model_A_raw_result, sys_model_A_tensor_field = sys_model_A_simulation.execute()
sys_model_A_result = pd.DataFrame(sys_model_A_raw_result)
print("Tensor Field: sys_model_A")
print(tabulate(sys_model_A_tensor_field, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
print("Result: System Events DataFrame")
print(tabulate(sys_model_A_result, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
Esempio n. 22
def run_simulation():
    def update_collateral_pool(params, step, sL, s, _input):
        commons = s["commons"]
        s["collateral_pool"] = commons._collateral_pool
        return "collateral_pool", commons._collateral_pool

    def update_token_supply(params, step, sL, s, _input):
        commons = s["commons"]
        s["token_supply"] = commons._token_supply
        return "token_supply", commons._token_supply

    def update_funding_pool(params, step, sL, s, _input):
        commons = s["commons"]
        s["funding_pool"] = commons._funding_pool
        return "funding_pool", commons._funding_pool

    # In[3]:

    # contributions = [5e5, 5e5, 2.5e5]
    contributions = [np.random.rand() * 10e5 for i in range(60)]
    token_batches, initial_token_supply = create_token_batches(
        contributions, 0.1, 60)

    commons = Commons(sum(contributions),
    network = bootstrap_network(token_batches, 3, commons._funding_pool,

    initial_conditions = {
        "network": network,
        "commons": commons,
        "funding_pool": commons._funding_pool,
        "collateral_pool": commons._collateral_pool,
        "token_supply": commons._token_supply,
        "sentiment": 0.5,

    partial_state_update_blocks = [
            "policies": {
                "generate_new_participants": GenerateNewParticipant.p_randomly,
            'variables': {
                'network': GenerateNewParticipant.su_add_to_network,
                'commons': GenerateNewParticipant.su_add_investment_to_commons,
            "policies": {},
            "variables": {
                "funding_pool": update_funding_pool,
                "collateral_pool": update_collateral_pool,
                "token_supply": update_token_supply,
            "policies": {
                "generate_new_proposals": GenerateNewProposal.p_randomly,
            "variables": {
                "network": GenerateNewProposal.su_add_to_network,
            "policies": {
            "variables": {
                "network": GenerateNewFunding.su_add_funding,

    # In[4]:

    # TODO: make it explicit that 1 timestep is 1 day
    simulation_parameters = {
        'T': range(150),
        'N': 1,
        'M': {
            "sentiment_decay": 0.01,  # termed mu in the state update function
            "trigger_threshold": trigger_threshold,
            7,  # minimum periods passed before a proposal can pass,
            "sentiment_sensitivity": 0.75,
            "alpha": 0.5,  # conviction voting parameter
            50,  # number of tokens that must be stake for a proposal to be a candidate

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    # The configurations above are then packaged into a `Configuration` object
    config = Configuration(
        initial_conditions,  # dict containing variable names and initial values
        # dict containing state update functions
        sim_config=simulation_parameters  # dict containing simulation parameters

    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    # Do not use multi_proc, breaks ipdb.set_trace()
    exec_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.single_proc)
    # Pass the configuration object inside an array
    executor = Executor(exec_context, [config])
    # The `execute()` method returns a tuple; its first elements contains the raw results
    raw_result, tensor = executor.execute()

    # In[5]:

    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
    df_final = df[df.substep.eq(2)]

    # In[6]:

    df_final.plot("timestep", "collateral_pool", grid=True)
    df_final.plot("timestep", "token_supply", grid=True)
    df_final.plot("timestep", "funding_pool", grid=True)
Esempio n. 23
import unittest, pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
from testing.models import policy_aggregation as policy_agg
from testing.results_comparison import dataframe_difference, compare_results
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
exec_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)
run = Executor(exec_context=exec_ctx, configs=policy_agg.exp.configs)
raw_result, _, _ = run.execute()

result_df = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
expected_df = pd.read_pickle("expected_results/policy_agg_4.pkl")
result_diff = dataframe_difference(result_df, expected_df)
print(tabulate(result_diff, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))

class PolicyAggTest(compare_results(result_diff)):

if __name__ == '__main__':
        'variables': {
            PATS: add_pat,

config = Configuration(initial_state=initial_conditions, #dict containing variable names and initial values
                       partial_state_update_blocks=partial_state_update_blocks, #dict containing state update functions
                       sim_config=simulation_parameters #dict containing simulation parameters

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
exec_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.single_proc)
executor = Executor(exec_context, [config]) # Pass the configuration object inside an array
raw_result, tensor = executor.execute()

df = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)

# # Initial design V0

# In[34]:

initial_conditions = {
    USERS: {0:{}}, # users are numerical ids and a dictionary of their current wallet
    PATS: [0], # pats are currently simply numerical ids
    CLAIMS: {},
Esempio n. 25
    'N': monte_carlo_runs,
    'M': params

from cadCAD.configuration import append_configs

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# The configurations above are then packaged into a `Configuration` object
    initial_conditions,  #dict containing variable names and initial values
    partial_state_update_blocks,  #dict containing state update functions
    sim_configs=simulation_parameters  #dict containing simulation parameters

from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from cadCAD import configs

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
multi_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
run = Executor(exec_context=multi_proc_ctx, configs=configs)
raw_result, tensor = run.execute()

#import pandas as pd
#df = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
# exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
# exec_context = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
# # run = Executor(exec_context=exec_context, configs=configs)
# executor = Executor(exec_context, configs) # Pass the configuration object inside an array
# raw_result, tensor = executor.execute() # The `main()` method returns a tuple; its first elements contains the raw results
Esempio n. 26
# `N` is the number of times the simulation will be run (Monte Carlo runs)
time_periods_per_run = 250
monte_carlo_runs = 1

simulation_parameters = {
    'T': range(time_periods_per_run),
    'N': monte_carlo_runs,
    'M': params

from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from cadCAD.configuration import append_configs
from cadCAD import configs

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# The configurations above are then packaged into a `Configuration` object
config = append_configs(
    initial_conditions,  #dict containing variable names and initial values
    partial_state_update_blocks,  #dict containing state update functions
    sim_configs=simulation_parameters  #dict containing simulation parameters

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
exec_context = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
run = Executor(exec_context=exec_context, configs=configs)
executor = Executor(exec_context,
                    configs)  # Pass the configuration object inside an array
raw_result, tensor = executor.execute(
)  # The `main()` method returns a tuple; its first elements contains the raw results
Esempio n. 27
def cadcad():
        n = getInteger('participants')  #initial participants
        m = getInteger('proposals')  #initial proposals

        alpha = getFloat('alpha')
        beta = getFloat('beta')

        exit_tribute = getFloat('exit_tribute')
        theta = getFloat('theta')

        initial_sentiment = 0.1  # getFloat('initial_sentiment')
        hatch_price = 0.1  # getFloat('hatch_price')
        kappa = 6  # getFloat('kappa')
        rho = 0.05  # getFloat('rho')

    except Exception as err:
        return str(err), 422

    network, initial_supply, total_requested = initialize_network(n, m)

    initial_funds = total_funds_given_total_supply(initial_supply, theta,

    initial_reserve, invariant, starting_price = initialize_bonding_curve(
        initial_supply, initial_price=hatch_price, kappa=kappa, theta=theta)

    initial_conditions = {
        'supply': initial_supply,
        'funds': initial_funds,
        'reserve': initial_reserve,
        'spot_price': starting_price,
        'sentiment': initial_sentiment,
        'network': network

    def trigger_threshold(requested, funds, supply, beta=beta, rho=rho):

        share = requested / funds
        if share < beta:
            return rho * supply / (beta - share)**2
            return np.inf

    params = {
        'sensitivity': [.75],
        [7],  #unit days; minimum periods passed before a proposal can pass
        'min_supp': [
        ],  #number of tokens that must be stake for a proposal to be a candidate
        'sentiment_decay': [.01],  #termed mu in the state update function
        'alpha': [alpha],
        'base_completion_rate': [100],
        'base_failure_rate': [200],
        'trigger_func': [trigger_threshold],
        'kappa': [kappa],  #bonding curve curvature
        'invariant': [invariant],  #set by bonding curve choices
        'tax_rate': [exit_tribute]

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    # Settings of general simulation parameters, unrelated to the system itself
    # `T` is a range with the number of discrete units of time the simulation will run for;
    # `N` is the number of times the simulation will be run (Monte Carlo runs)
    time_periods_per_run = 100
    monte_carlo_runs = 1

    from cadCAD.configuration.utils import config_sim
    simulation_parameters = config_sim({
        'T': range(time_periods_per_run),
        'N': monte_carlo_runs,
        'M': params

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    # The Partial State Update Blocks
    partial_state_update_blocks = [
            'policies': {
                #new proposals or new participants
                'random': driving_process
            'variables': {
                'network': update_network,
                'funds': increment_funds,
                'supply': increment_supply,
                'reserve': increment_reserve
            'policies': {
                check_progress  #see if any of the funded proposals completes
            {  # The following state variables will be updated simultaneously
                update_sentiment_on_completion,  #note completing decays sentiment, completing bumps it
                'network': complete_proposal  #book-keeping
            'policies': {
                trigger_function  #check each proposal to see if it passes
            {  # The following state variables will be updated simultaneously
                'funds': decrement_funds,  #funds expended
                update_sentiment_on_release,  #releasing funds can bump sentiment
                update_proposals  #reset convictions, and participants sentiments
                #update based on affinities
            'policies': {
                #currently naive decisions; future: strategic
                participants_decisions,  #high sentiment, high affinity =>buy
                #low sentiment, low affinities => burn
                #assign tokens to top affinities
            'variables': {
                update_supply,  #book-keeping from participants decisions
                'reserve': update_reserve,  #funds under the bonding curve
                'spot_price': update_price,  #new bonding curve spot price
                'funds': update_funds,  #capture taxes
                'network': update_tokens  #update everyones holdings
                #and their conviction for each proposal

    from cadCAD import configs

    from cadCAD.configuration import append_configs
    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    # The configurations above are then packaged into a `Configuration` object
        initial_conditions,  #dict containing variable names and initial values
        partial_state_update_blocks,  #dict containing state update functions
        sim_configs=simulation_parameters  #dict containing simulation parameters

    from tabulate import tabulate
    from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
    from cadCAD import configs
    import pandas as pd

    exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
    multi_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.multi_proc)
    run = Executor(exec_context=multi_proc_ctx, configs=configs)

    i = 0
    verbose = False
    results = {}
    for raw_result, tensor_field in run.execute():
        result = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)
        if verbose:
            print(f"Tensor Field: {type(tensor_field)}")
            print(tabulate(tensor_field, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
            print(f"Output: {type(result)}")
            print(tabulate(result, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
        results[i] = {}
        results[i]['result'] = result
        results[i]['simulation_parameters'] = simulation_parameters[i]
        i += 1

    for ind in range(len(results)):
        r = results[ind]['result']
        r.plot(x='timestep', y='funds')
        plt.savefig('static/plot8-' + str(ind) + '.png')

        fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax2 = ax1.twinx(
        )  # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
        df = r
        rdf = df[df.substep == 4].copy()

        rdf.plot(x='timestep', y=['funds', 'reserve', 'supply'], ax=ax1)
        ax2.set_ylabel('Price in xDAI per Token', color='red')
        ax1.set_ylabel('Quantity of Assets')
        ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='red')
        plt.title('Summary of Local Economy')
        plt.savefig('static/plot9-' + str(ind) + '.png')

    return jsonify({'results': ['plot8-0.png', 'plot9-0.png']})
Esempio n. 28
import pandas as pd

from cadCAD.configuration.utils import config_sim
from cadCAD.configuration import Experiment as cadCADExperiment
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext
from cadCAD.engine import Executor
from cadCAD import configs

from tests.test_cases import benchmark_model

states = benchmark_model.states
state_update_blocks = benchmark_model.state_update_blocks
params = benchmark_model.params
TIMESTEPS = 100_000
RUNS = 5

c = config_sim({"N": RUNS, "T": range(TIMESTEPS), "M": params})

exp = cadCADExperiment()

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
local_mode_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)
simulation = Executor(exec_context=local_mode_ctx, configs=configs)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    results, _, _ = simulation.execute()
    assert len(results) > 0
Esempio n. 29
import unittest
import pandas as pd

from cadCAD import configs
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor
from testing.generic_test import make_generic_test

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()

first_config = configs
single_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode)
run = Executor(exec_context=single_proc_ctx, configs=first_config)

raw_result, tensor_field, sessions = run.execute()
result = pd.DataFrame(raw_result)

def get_expected_results(run):
    return {
        (0, run, 0, 0): {
            'external_data': {'ds1': None, 'ds2': None, 'ds3': None},
            'increment': 0,
            'policies': {'ds1': None, 'ds2': None, 'ds3': None}
        (0, run, 1, 1): {
            'external_data': {'ds1': 0, 'ds2': 0, 'ds3': 1},
             'increment': 1,
             'policies': {'ds1': 0, 'ds2': 0, 'ds3': 1}
        (0, run, 1, 2): {
            'external_data': {'ds1': 1, 'ds2': 40, 'ds3': 5},
        "variables": {  # The following state variables will be updated simultaneously
            "box_A": update_A,
            "box_B": update_B,

simulation_parameters = {"T": range(10), "N": 1, "M": {}}

from cadCAD.configuration import Configuration

config = Configuration(
    initial_conditions,  # dict containing variable names and initial values
    partial_state_update_blocks,  # dict containing state update functions
    sim_config=simulation_parameters,  # dict containing simulation parameters

from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor

exec_mode = ExecutionMode()
exec_context = ExecutionContext(exec_mode.single_proc)
executor = Executor(exec_context, [config])
) = executor.execute()  # The `execute()` method returns a tuple; its first
