Esempio n. 1
class AppDecorator(QObject):
    documentWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object)  # doc
    documentWindowWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object, object)  # doc, window
    def __init__(self,argv):
        self.qApp = QApplication(argv)
        super(AppDecorator, self).__init__()
        from cadnano.gui.views.preferences import Preferences
        self.prefs = Preferences()
        #icon = QIcon(ICON_PATH)

        self.document_controllers = set()  # Open documents
        self.active_document = None
        self.vh = {}  # Newly created VirtualHelix register here by idnum.
        self.vhi = {}
        self.partItem = None

        global decode
        global Document
        global DocumentController
        from cadnano.gui.views.pathview import pathstyles as styles

    def prefsClicked(self):

    def exec_(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'qApp'):
            from initialization.ui_loader import UiLoader
            loader = UiLoader()
            self.mainEventLoop = QEventLoop()
Esempio n. 2
class CadnanoQt(QObject):
    dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = False
    shouldPerformBoilerplateStartupScript = False
    documentWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object)  # doc
    documentWindowWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object, object)  # doc, window

    def __init__(self, argv):
        """ Create the application object
        if argv is None:
            argv = []
        self.argv = argv
        if QCoreApplication.instance() == None:
            self.qApp = QApplication(argv)
            assert(QCoreApplication.instance() != None)
            self.qApp = qApp
        super(CadnanoQt, self).__init__()
        from cadnano.gui.views.preferences import Preferences
        self.prefs = Preferences()
        icon = QIcon(ICON_PATH)

        self.document_controllers = set()  # Open documents
        self.active_document = None
        self.vh = {}  # Newly created VirtualHelix register here by idnum.
        self.vhi = {}
        self.partItem = None

    def finishInit(self):
        global decode
        global Document
        global DocumentController
        from cadnano.document import Document
        from cadnano.fileio.nnodecode import decode
        from cadnano.gui.controllers.documentcontroller import DocumentController
        from cadnano.gui.views.pathview import pathstyles as styles
        doc = Document()
        self.d = self.newDocument(base_doc=doc)
        os.environ['CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED'] = 'True' ## added by Nick 
        if os.environ.get('CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED', False) and not self.ignoreEnv():
            self.dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = True
        if os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', False) and not self.ignoreEnv():
            self.shouldPerformBoilerplateStartupScript = True
        if "-i" in self.argv:
            print("Welcome to cadnano's debug mode!")
            print("Some handy locals:")
            print("\ta\ (the shared cadnano application object)")
            print("\td()\tthe last created Document")
            def d():
                return self.d

            print("\tw()\tshortcut for d().controller().window()")
            def w():
                return self.d.controller().window()

            print("\tp()\tshortcut for d().selectedPart()")
            def p():
                return self.d.selectedPart()

            print("\tpi()\tthe PartItem displaying p()")
            def pi():
                return w().pathroot.partItemForPart(p())

            print( "\tvh(i)\tshortcut for p().virtualHelix(i)")
            def vh(vhref):
                return p().virtualHelix(vhref)

            print( "\tvhi(i)\tvirtualHelixItem displaying vh(i)")
            def vhi(vhref):
                partitem = pi()
                vHelix = vh(vhref)
                return partitem.vhItemForVH(vHelix)
            print("\tquit()\tquit (for when the menu fails)")
            print("\tgraphicsItm.findChild()  see help(pi().findChild)")
            interact('', local={'a':self, 'd':d, 'w':w,\
                                'p':p, 'pi':pi, 'vh':vh, 'vhi':vhi,\
        # else:
        #     self.exec_()

    def exec_(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'qApp'):
            self.mainEventLoop = QEventLoop()

    def ignoreEnv(self):
        return os.environ.get('CADNANO_IGNORE_ENV_VARS_EXCEPT_FOR_ME', False)

    def newDocument(self, base_doc=None):
        global DocumentController
        default_file = os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', None)
        if default_file is not None and base_doc is not None:
            default_file = path.expanduser(default_file)
            default_file = path.expandvars(default_file)
            dc = DocumentController(doc)
            with open(default_file) as fd:
                file_contents =
                decode(doc, file_contents)
                print("Loaded default document: %s" % (doc))
            doc_ctrlr_count = len(self.document_controllers)
            if doc_ctrlr_count == 0:  # first dc
                # dc adds itself to app.document_controllers
                dc = DocumentController(base_doc)
            elif doc_ctrlr_count == 1:  # dc already exists
                dc = list(self.document_controllers)[0]
                dc.newDocument()  # tell it to make a new doucment
        return dc.document()

    def prefsClicked(self):
Esempio n. 3
class CadnanoQt(QObject):
    dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = False
    documentWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object)  # doc
    documentWindowWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object, object)  # doc, window

    def __init__(self, argv):
        """ Create the application object
        self.argns, unused = util.parse_args(argv, gui=True)
        # util.init_logging(self.argns.__dict__)
        #"CadnanoQt initializing...")
        if argv is None:
            argv = sys.argv
        self.argv = argv
        # print("initializing new CadnanoQt", type(QCoreApplication.instance()))
        if QCoreApplication.instance() is None:
            self.qApp = QApplication(argv)
            assert(QCoreApplication.instance() is not None)
            self.qApp = qApp
        super(CadnanoQt, self).__init__()
        # print("initialized new CadnanoQt")
        from cadnano.gui.views.preferences import Preferences
        self.prefs = Preferences()
        self.icon = icon = QIcon(ICON_PATH1)
        icon.addFile(ICON_PATH2, QSize(256, 256))
        icon.addFile(ICON_PATH3, QSize(48, 48))
        self.main_event_loop = None
        self.document_controllers = set()  # Open documents
        self.active_document = None
        self._document = None
    # end def

    def document(self):
        return self._document
    # end def

    def finishInit(self):
        global decodeFile
        global Document
        global DocumentController
        from cadnano.document import Document
        from cadnano.fileio.nnodecode import decodeFile
        from cadnano.gui.controllers.documentcontroller import DocumentController
        from cadnano.gui.views.pathview import pathstyles as styles

        doc = Document()
        self._document = self.createDocument(base_doc=doc)


        os.environ['CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED'] = 'True'  # added by Nick
        if os.environ.get('CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED', False) and not self.ignoreEnv():
            self.dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = True

        if self.argns.interactive:
            print("Welcome to cadnano's debug mode!")
            print("Some handy locals:")
            print("\ta\ (the shared cadnano application object)")
            print("\td()\tthe last created Document")

            def d():
                return self._document

            print("\tw()\tshortcut for d().controller().window()")

            def w():
                return self._document.controller().window()

            print("\tp()\tshortcut for d().selectedInstance().reference()")

            def p():
                return self._document.selectedInstance().reference()

            print("\tpi()\tthe PartItem displaying p()")

            def pi():
                part_instance = self._document.selectedInstance()
                return w().pathroot.partItemForPart(part_instance)

            print("\tvh(i)\tshortcut for p().reference().getStrandSets(i)")

            def strandsets(id_num):
                return p().reference().getStrandSets(id_num)

            print("\tvhi(i)\tvirtualHelixItem displaying vh(i)")

            def vhi(id_num):
                partitem = pi()
                return partitem.vhItemForIdNum(id_num)

            print("\tquit()\tquit (for when the menu fails)")
            print("\tgraphicsItm.findChild()  see help(pi().findChild)")
            interact('', local={'a': self, 'd': d, 'w': w,
                                'p': p, 'pi': pi, 'vhi': vhi,
    # end def

    def exec_(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'qApp'):
            self.main_event_loop = QEventLoop()

    def destroyApp(self):
        """ Destroy the QApplication.

        Do not set `self.qApp = None` in this method.
        Do it external to the CadnanoQt class
        global decodeFile
        global Document
        global DocumentController
        # print("documentWasCreatedSignal", self.documentWasCreatedSignal)
        if self.document_controllers:
        decodeFile = None
        Document = None
        DocumentController = None
    # end def

    def ignoreEnv(self):
        return os.environ.get('CADNANO_IGNORE_ENV_VARS_EXCEPT_FOR_ME', False)

    def createDocument(self, base_doc=None):
        global DocumentController
        # print("CadnanoQt createDocument begin")
        default_file = self.argns.file or os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', None)
        if default_file is not None and base_doc is not None:
            default_file = os.path.expanduser(default_file)
            default_file = os.path.expandvars(default_file)
            dc = DocumentController(base_doc)
            #"Loading cadnano file %s to base document %s", default_file, base_doc)
            decodeFile(default_file, document=base_doc)
            print("Loaded default document: %s" % (default_file))
            doc_ctrlr_count = len(self.document_controllers)
            #"Creating new empty document...")
            if doc_ctrlr_count == 0:  # first dc
                # dc adds itself to app.document_controllers
                dc = DocumentController(base_doc)
            elif doc_ctrlr_count == 1:  # dc already exists
                dc = list(self.document_controllers)[0]
                dc.newDocument()  # tell it to make a new doucment
        # print("CadnanoQt createDocument done")
        return dc.document()

    def prefsClicked(self):

    def wirePrefsSlot(self, document):
        self.prefs.document = document
Esempio n. 4
class CadnanoQt(QObject):
    dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = False
    documentWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object)  # doc
    documentWindowWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object, object)  # doc, window

    def __init__(self, argv):
        """ Create the application object
        self.argns, unused = util.parse_args(argv, gui=True)
        # util.init_logging(self.argns.__dict__)
        #"CadnanoQt initializing...")
        if argv is None:
            argv = sys.argv
        self.argv = argv
        # print("initializing new CadnanoQt", type(QCoreApplication.instance()))
        if QCoreApplication.instance() is None:
            self.qApp = QApplication(argv)
            assert (QCoreApplication.instance() is not None)
            self.qApp = qApp
        super(CadnanoQt, self).__init__()
        # print("initialized new CadnanoQt")
        from cadnano.gui.views.preferences import Preferences
        self.prefs = Preferences()
        self.icon = icon = QIcon(ICON_PATH1)
        icon.addFile(ICON_PATH2, QSize(256, 256))
        icon.addFile(ICON_PATH3, QSize(48, 48))
        self.main_event_loop = None
        self.document_controllers = set()  # Open documents
        self.active_document = None
        self._document = None

    # end def

    def document(self):
        return self._document

    # end def

    def finishInit(self):
        global decodeFile
        global Document
        global DocumentController
        from cadnano.document import Document
        from cadnano.fileio.nnodecode import decodeFile
        from cadnano.gui.controllers.documentcontroller import DocumentController
        from cadnano.gui.views.pathview import pathstyles as styles

        doc = Document()
        self._document = self.createDocument(base_doc=doc)


        os.environ['CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED'] = 'True'  # added by Nick
        if os.environ.get('CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED',
                          False) and not self.ignoreEnv():
            self.dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = True

        if self.argns.interactive:
            print("Welcome to cadnano's debug mode!")
            print("Some handy locals:")
            print("\ta\ (the shared cadnano application object)")
            print("\td()\tthe last created Document")

            def d():
                return self._document

            print("\tw()\tshortcut for d().controller().window()")

            def w():
                return self._document.controller().window()

            print("\tp()\tshortcut for d().selectedInstance().reference()")

            def p():
                return self._document.selectedInstance().reference()

            print("\tpi()\tthe PartItem displaying p()")

            def pi():
                part_instance = self._document.selectedInstance()
                return w().pathroot.partItemForPart(part_instance)

            print("\tvh(i)\tshortcut for p().reference().getStrandSets(i)")

            def strandsets(id_num):
                return p().reference().getStrandSets(id_num)

            print("\tvhi(i)\tvirtualHelixItem displaying vh(i)")

            def vhi(id_num):
                partitem = pi()
                return partitem.vhItemForIdNum(id_num)

            print("\tquit()\tquit (for when the menu fails)")
            print("\tgraphicsItm.findChild()  see help(pi().findChild)")
                         'a': self,
                         'd': d,
                         'w': w,
                         'p': p,
                         'pi': pi,
                         'vhi': vhi,

    # end def

    def exec_(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'qApp'):
            self.main_event_loop = QEventLoop()

    def destroyApp(self):
        """ Destroy the QApplication.

        Do not set `self.qApp = None` in this method.
        Do it external to the CadnanoQt class
        global decodeFile
        global Document
        global DocumentController
        # print("documentWasCreatedSignal", self.documentWasCreatedSignal)
        if self.document_controllers:
        decodeFile = None
        Document = None
        DocumentController = None

    # end def

    def ignoreEnv(self):
        return os.environ.get('CADNANO_IGNORE_ENV_VARS_EXCEPT_FOR_ME', False)

    def createDocument(self, base_doc=None):
        global DocumentController
        # print("CadnanoQt createDocument begin")
        default_file = self.argns.file or os.environ.get(
        if default_file is not None and base_doc is not None:
            default_file = os.path.expanduser(default_file)
            default_file = os.path.expandvars(default_file)
            dc = DocumentController(base_doc)
            #"Loading cadnano file %s to base document %s", default_file, base_doc)
            decodeFile(default_file, document=base_doc)
            print("Loaded default document: %s" % (default_file))
            doc_ctrlr_count = len(self.document_controllers)
            #"Creating new empty document...")
            if doc_ctrlr_count == 0:  # first dc
                # dc adds itself to app.document_controllers
                dc = DocumentController(base_doc)
            elif doc_ctrlr_count == 1:  # dc already exists
                dc = list(self.document_controllers)[0]
                dc.newDocument()  # tell it to make a new doucment
        # print("CadnanoQt createDocument done")
        return dc.document()

    def prefsClicked(self):

    def wirePrefsSlot(self, document):
        self.prefs.document = document
Esempio n. 5
class CadnanoQt(QObject):
    dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = False
    shouldPerformBoilerplateStartupScript = False
    documentWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object)  # doc
    documentWindowWasCreatedSignal = pyqtSignal(object, object)  # doc, window

    def __init__(self, argv):
        """ Create the application object
        if argv is None:
            argv = []
        self.argv = argv
        if QCoreApplication.instance() == None:
            self.qApp = QApplication(argv)
            assert(QCoreApplication.instance() != None)
            self.qApp = qApp
        super(CadnanoQt, self).__init__()
        from cadnano.gui.views.preferences import Preferences
        self.prefs = Preferences()
        icon = QIcon(ICON_PATH)

        self.document_controllers = set()  # Open documents
        self.active_document = None
        self.vh = {}  # Newly created VirtualHelix register here by idnum.
        self.vhi = {}
        self.partItem = None

    def finishInit(self):
        global decode
        global Document
        global DocumentController
        from cadnano.document import Document
        from cadnano.fileio.nnodecode import decode
        from cadnano.gui.controllers.documentcontroller import DocumentController
        from cadnano.gui.views import styles
        doc = Document()
        self.d = self.newDocument(base_doc=doc)
        os.environ['CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED'] = 'True' ## added by Nick 
        if os.environ.get('CADNANO_DISCARD_UNSAVED', False) and not self.ignoreEnv():
            self.dontAskAndJustDiscardUnsavedChanges = True
        if os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', False) and not self.ignoreEnv():
            self.shouldPerformBoilerplateStartupScript = True
        if "-i" in self.argv:
            print("Welcome to cadnano's debug mode!")
            print("Some handy locals:")
            print("\ta\ (the shared cadnano application object)")
            print("\td()\tthe last created Document")
            def d():
                return self.d

            print("\tw()\tshortcut for d().controller().window()")
            def w():
                return self.d.controller().window()

            print("\tp()\tshortcut for d().selectedPart()")
            def p():
                return self.d.selectedPart()

            print("\tpi()\tthe PartItem displaying p()")
            def pi():
                return w().pathroot.partItemForPart(p())

            print( "\tvh(i)\tshortcut for p().virtualHelix(i)")
            def vh(vhref):
                return p().virtualHelix(vhref)

            print( "\tvhi(i)\tvirtualHelixItem displaying vh(i)")
            def vhi(vhref):
                partitem = pi()
                vHelix = vh(vhref)
                return partitem.vhItemForVH(vHelix)
            print("\tquit()\tquit (for when the menu fails)")
            print("\tgraphicsItm.findChild()  see help(pi().findChild)")
            interact('', local={'a':self, 'd':d, 'w':w,\
                                'p':p, 'pi':pi, 'vh':vh, 'vhi':vhi,\
        # else:
        #     self.exec_()

    def exec_(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'qApp'):
            self.mainEventLoop = QEventLoop()

    def ignoreEnv(self):
        return os.environ.get('CADNANO_IGNORE_ENV_VARS_EXCEPT_FOR_ME', False)

    def newDocument(self, base_doc=None):
        global DocumentController
        default_file = os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', None)
        if default_file is not None and base_doc is not None:
            default_file = path.expanduser(default_file)
            default_file = path.expandvars(default_file)
            dc = DocumentController(doc)
            with open(default_file) as fd:
                file_contents =
                decode(doc, file_contents)
                print("Loaded default document: %s" % (doc))
            doc_ctrlr_count = len(self.document_controllers)
            if doc_ctrlr_count == 0:  # first dc
                # dc adds itself to app.document_controllers
                dc = DocumentController(base_doc)
            elif doc_ctrlr_count == 1:  # dc already exists
                dc = list(self.document_controllers)[0]
                dc.newDocument()  # tell it to make a new doucment
        return dc.document()

    def prefsClicked(self):