Esempio n. 1
 def test_delete_node(self):
     nn = ng.NNModule()
     node = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("TestOp"))
     assert len(nn.dataFlow.getMutableNodes()) == 0
Esempio n. 2
 def test_simple(self):
     nn = ng.NNModule()
     dfg = nn.dataFlow
     assert len(nn.dataFlow.getMutableNodes()) == 2
def transpose_network(nn):
    Convert all Convolutions operators which are in the NCHW order
    to NHWC order and also transform their inputs and outputs so that the
    rest of the graph is not affected.
    # track the incoming tensors into NHWC2NCHW operators
    incoming = {}  # output tensor -> input tensor
    # track outgoing tensors from NCHW2NHWC operators
    outgoing = defaultdict(lambda: [])  # input tensor -> list of operators
    dfg = nn.dataFlow
    orig_nodes = [x for x in nn.nodes]
    for node in orig_nodes:
        if node.isOperator() and == "Conv":
            arg_dict = utils.ArgsToDict(node.annotation.operator_def.arg)
            # a missing "order" argument implies default NCHW order
            if "order" in arg_dict and arg_dict["order"] != "NCHW":
            inputs = [x for x in node.inputs]
            assert len(inputs) >= 2, "Conv operator should have two inputs"
            outputs = [x for x in node.outputs]
            assert len(outputs) >= 1, "Conv operator should have an output"
            for inp in inputs:
                nn.deleteEdge(inp, node)
            for outp in outputs:
                nn.deleteEdge(node, outp)
            # only the first two inputs of the Convolution the data and the
            # weights need to be transformed
            for idx in range(2):
                new_inp = nn.createUniqueDataNode(inputs[idx].name)
                transp = dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("NCHW2NHWC"))
                nn.createEdge(inputs[idx], transp)
                nn.createEdge(transp, new_inp)
                inputs[idx] = new_inp
            for idx in range(len(outputs)):
                new_outp = nn.createUniqueDataNode(outputs[idx].name)
                transp = dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("NHWC2NCHW"))
                nn.createEdge(transp, outputs[idx])
                nn.createEdge(new_outp, transp)
                incoming[outputs[idx]] = new_outp
                outputs[idx] = new_outp
            # create a new Convolution with identical arguments as the original
            # one except for the order
            arg_dict["order"] = "NHWC"
            new_node = nn.createNode(core.CreateOperator("Conv", [], [],
            for inp in inputs:
                nn.createEdge(inp, new_node)
            for outp in outputs:
                nn.createEdge(new_node, outp)


    # finally, we will compress
    # case 1:
    # X -> NHWC2NCHW -> Y -> NCHW2NHWC -> Z1 ; Y -> NCHW2NHWC -> Z2
    #  to:
    # X -> NHWC2NCHW -> Y   and replace Z1 with X and replace Z2 with X
    # And case 2:
    # Y -> NCHW2NHWC -> Z1 ; Y -> NCHW2NHWC -> Z2
    #  to:
    # Y -> NCHW2NHWC -> Z1     and   replace Z2 with Z1

    # orig_tensor is one of the tensors in the original graph in NCHW order
    for orig_tensor in outgoing:
        # new_tensor is identical to orig_tensor except the order is NHWC
        if orig_tensor in incoming:  # case 1 (see above)
            new_tensor = incoming[orig_tensor]
        else:  # case 2 (see above)
            out_ops = outgoing[orig_tensor]
            new_tensor = out_ops[0].outputs[0]
            outgoing[orig_tensor] = out_ops[1:]

        for opnode in outgoing[orig_tensor]:
            # there should only be one output, so this iteration is overkill
            for out in opnode.outputs:
                nn.replaceAllUsesWith(out, new_tensor)