def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--eval_imgs", type=str, nargs="+", required=True, help="The evaluation files") parser.add_argument("--checkpoint", type=str, nargs="+", default=[], help="Path to the checkpoint without file extension") parser.add_argument("-j", "--processes", type=int, default=1, help="Number of processes to use") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print additional information") parser.add_argument( "--voter", type=str, nargs="+", default=[ "sequence_voter", "confidence_voter_default_ctc", "confidence_voter_fuzzy_ctc" ], help= "The voting algorithm to use. Possible values: confidence_voter_default_ctc (default), " "confidence_voter_fuzzy_ctc, sequence_voter") parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=10, help="The batch size for prediction") parser.add_argument("--dump", type=str, help="Dump the output as serialized pickle object") parser.add_argument( "--no_skip_invalid_gt", action="store_true", help="Do no skip invalid gt, instead raise an exception.") args = parser.parse_args() # allow user to specify json file for model definition, but remove the file extension # for further processing args.checkpoint = [(cp[:-5] if cp.endswith(".json") else cp) for cp in args.checkpoint] # load files gt_images = sorted(glob_all(args.eval_imgs)) gt_txts = [ split_all_ext(path)[0] + ".gt.txt" for path in sorted(glob_all(args.eval_imgs)) ] dataset = FileDataSet(images=gt_images, texts=gt_txts, skip_invalid=not args.no_skip_invalid_gt) print("Found {} files in the dataset".format(len(dataset))) if len(dataset) == 0: raise Exception( "Empty dataset provided. Check your files argument (got {})!". format(args.files)) # predict for all models n_models = len(args.checkpoint) predictor = MultiPredictor(checkpoints=args.checkpoint, batch_size=args.batch_size, processes=args.processes) do_prediction = predictor.predict_dataset(dataset, progress_bar=True) voters = [] all_voter_sentences = [] all_prediction_sentences = [[] for _ in range(n_models)] for voter in args.voter: # create voter voter_params = VoterParams() voter_params.type = VoterParams.Type.Value(voter.upper()) voters.append(voter_from_proto(voter_params)) all_voter_sentences.append([]) for prediction, sample in do_prediction: for sent, p in zip(all_prediction_sentences, prediction): sent.append(p.sentence) # vote results for voter, voter_sentences in zip(voters, all_voter_sentences): voter_sentences.append( voter.vote_prediction_result(prediction).sentence) # evaluation text_preproc = text_processor_from_proto( predictor.predictors[0].model_params.text_preprocessor) evaluator = Evaluator(text_preprocessor=text_preproc) evaluator.preload_gt(gt_dataset=dataset, progress_bar=True) def single_evaluation(predicted_sentences): if len(predicted_sentences) != len(dataset): raise Exception( "Mismatch in number of gt and pred files: {} != {}. Probably, the prediction did " "not succeed".format(len(dataset), len(predicted_sentences))) pred_data_set = RawDataSet(texts=predicted_sentences) r =, progress_bar=True, processes=args.processes) return r full_evaluation = {} for id, data in [ (str(i), sent) for i, sent in enumerate(all_prediction_sentences) ] + list(zip(args.voter, all_voter_sentences)): full_evaluation[id] = {"eval": single_evaluation(data), "data": data} if args.verbose: print(full_evaluation) if args.dump: import pickle with open(args.dump, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump( { "full": full_evaluation, "gt_txts": gt_txts, "gt": dataset.text_samples() }, f)
def predict_books( self, books, checkpoint, cachefile=None, pageupload=True, text_index=1, pred_all=False, ): keras.backend.clear_session() if type(books) == str: books = [books] if type(checkpoint) == str: checkpoint = [checkpoint] checkpoint = [ (cp if cp.endswith(".json") else cp + ".json") for cp in checkpoint ] checkpoint = glob_all(checkpoint) checkpoint = [cp[:-5] for cp in checkpoint] if cachefile is None: cachefile = self.cachefile verbose = False lids = list( lids_from_books( books, cachefile, complete_only=False, skip_commented=False, new_only=not pred_all, ) ) data = Nsh5(cachefile=cachefile, lines=lids) predparams = PredictorParams() predparams.device.gpus = [n for n, _ in enumerate(list_physical_devices("GPU"))] predictor = MultiPredictor.from_paths( checkpoints=checkpoint, voter_params=VoterParams(), predictor_params=predparams, ) newprcs = [] for prc in prc = deepcopy(prc) if isinstance(prc, FinalPreparationProcessorParams): prc.normalize, prc.invert, prc.transpose = False, False, True newprcs.append(prc) elif isinstance(prc, PrepareSampleProcessorParams): newprcs.append(prc) = newprcs do_prediction = predictor.predict(data) pipeline = predictor.params.pipeline, data ) reader = pipeline.reader() if len(reader) == 0: raise Exception( "Empty dataset provided. Check your lines (got {})!".format(lids) ) avg_sentence_confidence = 0 n_predictions = 0 reader.prepare_store() samples = [] sentences = [] # output the voted results to the appropriate files for s in do_prediction: _, (_, prediction), meta = s.inputs, s.outputs, s.meta sample = reader.sample_by_id(meta["id"]) n_predictions += 1 sentence = prediction.sentence avg_sentence_confidence += prediction.avg_char_probability if verbose: lr = "\u202A\u202B" "{}: '{}{}{}'".format( meta["id"], lr[get_base_level(sentence)], sentence, "\u202C" ) ) samples.append(sample) sentences.append(sentence) reader.store_text(sentence, sample, output_dir=None, extension=None) "Average sentence confidence: {:.2%}".format( avg_sentence_confidence / n_predictions ) ) if pageupload: ocrdata = {} for lname, text in reader.predictions.items(): _, b, p, ln = lname.split("/") if b not in ocrdata: ocrdata[b] = {} if p not in ocrdata[b]: ocrdata[b][p] = {} ocrdata[b][p][ln] = text data = {"ocrdata": ocrdata, "index": text_index} self.get_session().post( self.baseurl + "/_ocrdata", data=gzip.compress(json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")), headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Content-Encoding": "gzip", }, )"Results uploaded") else:"All prediction files written")
def evaluate_books( self, books, checkpoint, cachefile=None, output_individual_voters=False, n_confusions=10, silent=True, ): keras.backend.clear_session() if type(books) == str: books = [books] if type(checkpoint) == str: checkpoint = [checkpoint] checkpoint = [ (cp if cp.endswith(".json") else cp + ".json") for cp in checkpoint ] checkpoint = glob_all(checkpoint) checkpoint = [cp[:-5] for cp in checkpoint] if cachefile is None: cachefile = self.cachefile lids = list( lids_from_books(books, cachefile, complete_only=True, skip_commented=True) ) data = Nsh5(cachefile=cachefile, lines=lids) predparams = PredictorParams() predparams.device.gpus = [n for n, _ in enumerate(list_physical_devices("GPU"))] predparams.silent = silent predictor = MultiPredictor.from_paths( checkpoints=checkpoint, voter_params=VoterParams(), predictor_params=predparams, ) newprcs = [] for prc in prc = deepcopy(prc) if isinstance(prc, FinalPreparationProcessorParams): prc.normalize, prc.invert, prc.transpose = False, False, True newprcs.append(prc) elif isinstance(prc, PrepareSampleProcessorParams): newprcs.append(prc) = newprcs do_prediction = predictor.predict(data) all_voter_sentences = {} all_prediction_sentences = {} for s in do_prediction: _, (_, prediction), _ = s.inputs, s.outputs, s.meta sentence = prediction.sentence if prediction.voter_predictions is not None and output_individual_voters: for i, p in enumerate(prediction.voter_predictions): if i not in all_prediction_sentences: all_prediction_sentences[i] = {} all_prediction_sentences[i][s.meta["id"]] = p.sentence all_voter_sentences[s.meta["id"]] = sentence # evaluation from calamari_ocr.ocr.evaluator import Evaluator, EvaluatorParams evaluator_params = EvaluatorParams( setup=predparams.pipeline, progress_bar=True, skip_empty_gt=True, ) evaluator = Evaluator(evaluator_params, evaluator.preload_gt(gt_dataset=data, progress_bar=True) def single_evaluation(label, predicted_sentences): r = evaluator.evaluate( gt_data=evaluator.preloaded_gt, pred_data=predicted_sentences ) print("=================") print(f"Evaluation result of {label}") print("=================") print("") print( "Got mean normalized label error rate of {:.2%} ({} errs, {} total chars, {} sync errs)".format( r["avg_ler"], r["total_char_errs"], r["total_chars"], r["total_sync_errs"], ) ) print() print() # sort descending print_confusions(r, n_confusions) return r full_evaluation = {} for id, data in [ (str(i), sent) for i, sent in all_prediction_sentences.items() ] + [("voted", all_voter_sentences)]: full_evaluation[id] = {"eval": single_evaluation(id, data), "data": data} if not predparams.silent: print(full_evaluation) return full_evaluation
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--eval_imgs", type=str, nargs="+", required=True, help="The evaluation files") parser.add_argument("--eval_dataset", type=DataSetType.from_string, choices=list(DataSetType), default=DataSetType.FILE) parser.add_argument("--checkpoint", type=str, nargs="+", default=[], help="Path to the checkpoint without file extension") parser.add_argument("-j", "--processes", type=int, default=1, help="Number of processes to use") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print additional information") parser.add_argument("--voter", type=str, nargs="+", default=["sequence_voter", "confidence_voter_default_ctc", "confidence_voter_fuzzy_ctc"], help="The voting algorithm to use. Possible values: confidence_voter_default_ctc (default), " "confidence_voter_fuzzy_ctc, sequence_voter") parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=10, help="The batch size for prediction") parser.add_argument("--dump", type=str, help="Dump the output as serialized pickle object") parser.add_argument("--no_skip_invalid_gt", action="store_true", help="Do no skip invalid gt, instead raise an exception.") args = parser.parse_args() # allow user to specify json file for model definition, but remove the file extension # for further processing args.checkpoint = [(cp[:-5] if cp.endswith(".json") else cp) for cp in args.checkpoint] # load files gt_images = sorted(glob_all(args.eval_imgs)) gt_txts = [split_all_ext(path)[0] + ".gt.txt" for path in sorted(glob_all(args.eval_imgs))] dataset = create_dataset( args.eval_dataset, DataSetMode.TRAIN, images=gt_images, texts=gt_txts, skip_invalid=not args.no_skip_invalid_gt ) print("Found {} files in the dataset".format(len(dataset))) if len(dataset) == 0: raise Exception("Empty dataset provided. Check your files argument (got {})!".format(args.files)) # predict for all models n_models = len(args.checkpoint) predictor = MultiPredictor(checkpoints=args.checkpoint, batch_size=args.batch_size, processes=args.processes) do_prediction = predictor.predict_dataset(dataset, progress_bar=True) voters = [] all_voter_sentences = [] all_prediction_sentences = [[] for _ in range(n_models)] for voter in args.voter: # create voter voter_params = VoterParams() voter_params.type = VoterParams.Type.Value(voter.upper()) voters.append(voter_from_proto(voter_params)) all_voter_sentences.append([]) for prediction, sample in do_prediction: for sent, p in zip(all_prediction_sentences, prediction): sent.append(p.sentence) # vote results for voter, voter_sentences in zip(voters, all_voter_sentences): voter_sentences.append(voter.vote_prediction_result(prediction).sentence) # evaluation text_preproc = text_processor_from_proto(predictor.predictors[0].model_params.text_preprocessor) evaluator = Evaluator(text_preprocessor=text_preproc) evaluator.preload_gt(gt_dataset=dataset, progress_bar=True) def single_evaluation(predicted_sentences): if len(predicted_sentences) != len(dataset): raise Exception("Mismatch in number of gt and pred files: {} != {}. Probably, the prediction did " "not succeed".format(len(dataset), len(predicted_sentences))) pred_data_set = create_dataset( DataSetType.RAW, DataSetMode.EVAL, texts=predicted_sentences) r =, progress_bar=True, processes=args.processes) return r full_evaluation = {} for id, data in [(str(i), sent) for i, sent in enumerate(all_prediction_sentences)] + list(zip(args.voter, all_voter_sentences)): full_evaluation[id] = {"eval": single_evaluation(data), "data": data} if args.verbose: print(full_evaluation) if args.dump: import pickle with open(args.dump, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({"full": full_evaluation, "gt_txts": gt_txts, "gt": dataset.text_samples()}, f)
def __init__(self, voter_params, *args, **kwargs): super(MultiPredictor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.voter_params = voter_params or VoterParams()
def main(args: PredictAndEvalArgs): # allow user to specify json file for model definition, but remove the file extension # for further processing args.checkpoint = [(cp if cp.endswith(".json") else cp + ".json") for cp in args.checkpoint] args.checkpoint = glob_all(args.checkpoint) args.checkpoint = [cp[:-5] for cp in args.checkpoint] from calamari_ocr.ocr.predict.predictor import MultiPredictor voter_params = VoterParams() predictor = MultiPredictor.from_paths( checkpoints=args.checkpoint, voter_params=voter_params, predictor_params=args.predictor, ) do_prediction = predictor.predict( all_voter_sentences = {} all_prediction_sentences = {} for s in do_prediction: inputs, (result, prediction), meta = s.inputs, s.outputs, s.meta sentence = prediction.sentence if prediction.voter_predictions is not None and args.output_individual_voters: for i, p in enumerate(prediction.voter_predictions): if i not in all_prediction_sentences: all_prediction_sentences[i] = {} all_prediction_sentences[i][s.meta["id"]] = p.sentence all_voter_sentences[s.meta["id"]] = sentence # evaluation from calamari_ocr.ocr.evaluator import Evaluator, EvaluatorParams evaluator_params = EvaluatorParams( setup=args.predictor.pipeline, progress_bar=args.predictor.progress_bar, skip_empty_gt=args.skip_empty_gt, ) evaluator = Evaluator(evaluator_params, evaluator.preload_gt(, progress_bar=True) def single_evaluation(label, predicted_sentences): r = evaluator.evaluate(gt_data=evaluator.preloaded_gt, pred_data=predicted_sentences) print("=================") print(f"Evaluation result of {label}") print("=================") print("") print( "Got mean normalized label error rate of {:.2%} ({} errs, {} total chars, {} sync errs)" .format( r["avg_ler"], r["total_char_errs"], r["total_chars"], r["total_sync_errs"], )) print() print() # sort descending print_confusions(r, args.n_confusions) return r full_evaluation = {} for id, data in [ (str(i), sent) for i, sent in all_prediction_sentences.items() ] + [("voted", all_voter_sentences)]: full_evaluation[id] = { "eval": single_evaluation(id, data), "data": data } if not args.predictor.silent: print(full_evaluation) if args.dump: import pickle with open(args.dump, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({ "full": full_evaluation, "gt": evaluator.preloaded_gt }, f) return full_evaluation
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # GENERAL/SHARED PARAMETERS parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s v' + __version__) parser.add_argument("--files", nargs="+", required=True, default=[], help="List all image files that shall be processed") parser.add_argument( "--text_files", nargs="+", default=None, help= "Optional list of additional text files. E.g. when updating Abbyy prediction, this parameter must be used for the xml files." ) parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=DataSetType.from_string, choices=list(DataSetType), default=DataSetType.FILE) parser.add_argument("--gt_extension", type=str, default=None, help="Define the gt extension.") parser.add_argument("-j", "--processes", type=int, default=1, help="Number of processes to use") parser.add_argument( "--batch_size", type=int, default=1, help= "The batch size during the prediction (number of lines to process in parallel)" ) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print additional information") parser.add_argument("--no_progress_bars", action="store_true", help="Do not show any progress bars") parser.add_argument("--dump", type=str, help="Dump the output as serialized pickle object") parser.add_argument( "--no_skip_invalid_gt", action="store_true", help="Do no skip invalid gt, instead raise an exception.") # dataset extra args parser.add_argument("--dataset_pad", default=None, nargs='+', type=int) parser.add_argument("--pagexml_text_index", default=1) # PREDICT PARAMETERS parser.add_argument("--checkpoint", type=str, nargs="+", required=True, help="Path to the checkpoint without file extension") # EVAL PARAMETERS parser.add_argument("--output_individual_voters", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( "--n_confusions", type=int, default=10, help= "Only print n most common confusions. Defaults to 10, use -1 for all.") args = parser.parse_args() # allow user to specify json file for model definition, but remove the file extension # for further processing args.checkpoint = [(cp if cp.endswith(".json") else cp + ".json") for cp in args.checkpoint] args.checkpoint = glob_all(args.checkpoint) args.checkpoint = [cp[:-5] for cp in args.checkpoint] # load files if args.gt_extension is None: args.gt_extension = DataSetType.gt_extension(args.dataset) pipeline_params = PipelineParams( type=args.dataset, skip_invalid=not args.no_skip_invalid_gt, remove_invalid=True, files=args.files, gt_extension=args.gt_extension, text_files=args.text_files, data_reader_args=FileDataReaderArgs( pad=args.dataset_pad, text_index=args.pagexml_text_index, ), batch_size=args.batch_size, num_processes=args.processes, ) from calamari_ocr.ocr.predict.predictor import MultiPredictor voter_params = VoterParams() predictor = MultiPredictor.from_paths(checkpoints=args.checkpoint, voter_params=voter_params, predictor_params=PredictorParams( silent=True, progress_bar=True)) do_prediction = predictor.predict(pipeline_params) all_voter_sentences = [] all_prediction_sentences = {} for s in do_prediction: inputs, (result, prediction), meta = s.inputs, s.outputs, s.meta sentence = prediction.sentence if prediction.voter_predictions is not None and args.output_individual_voters: for i, p in enumerate(prediction.voter_predictions): if i not in all_prediction_sentences: all_prediction_sentences[i] = [] all_prediction_sentences[i].append(p.sentence) all_voter_sentences.append(sentence) # evaluation from calamari_ocr.ocr.evaluator import Evaluator evaluator = Evaluator( evaluator.preload_gt(gt_dataset=pipeline_params, progress_bar=True) def single_evaluation(label, predicted_sentences): if len(predicted_sentences) != len(evaluator.preloaded_gt): raise Exception( "Mismatch in number of gt and pred files: {} != {}. Probably, the prediction did " "not succeed".format(len(evaluator.preloaded_gt), len(predicted_sentences))) r = evaluator.evaluate(gt_data=evaluator.preloaded_gt, pred_data=predicted_sentences, progress_bar=True, processes=args.processes) print("=================") print(f"Evaluation result of {label}") print("=================") print("") print( "Got mean normalized label error rate of {:.2%} ({} errs, {} total chars, {} sync errs)" .format(r["avg_ler"], r["total_char_errs"], r["total_chars"], r["total_sync_errs"])) print() print() # sort descending print_confusions(r, args.n_confusions) return r full_evaluation = {} for id, data in [ (str(i), sent) for i, sent in all_prediction_sentences.items() ] + [('voted', all_voter_sentences)]: full_evaluation[id] = { "eval": single_evaluation(id, data), "data": data } if args.verbose: print(full_evaluation) if args.dump: import pickle with open(args.dump, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({ "full": full_evaluation, "gt": evaluator.preloaded_gt }, f)
def run(args): # check if loading a json file if len(args.files) == 1 and args.files[0].endswith("json"): import json with open(args.files[0], 'r') as f: json_args = json.load(f) for key, value in json_args.items(): setattr(args, key, value) # checks if args.extended_prediction_data_format not in ["pred", "json"]: raise Exception( "Only 'pred' and 'json' are allowed extended prediction data formats" ) # add json as extension, resolve wildcard, expand user, ... and remove .json again args.checkpoint = [(cp if cp.endswith(".json") else cp + ".json") for cp in args.checkpoint] args.checkpoint = glob_all(args.checkpoint) args.checkpoint = [cp[:-5] for cp in args.checkpoint] args.extension = args.extension if args.extension else DataSetType.pred_extension( args.dataset) # create ctc decoder ctc_decoder_params = create_ctc_decoder_params(args) # create voter voter_params = VoterParams() voter_params.type = VoterType(args.voter) # load files input_image_files = glob_all(args.files) if args.text_files: args.text_files = glob_all(args.text_files) # skip invalid files and remove them, there wont be predictions of invalid files predict_params = PipelineParams( type=args.dataset, skip_invalid=True, remove_invalid=True, files=input_image_files, text_files=args.text_files, data_reader_args=FileDataReaderArgs( pad=args.dataset_pad, text_index=args.pagexml_text_index, ), batch_size=args.batch_size, num_processes=args.processes, ) # predict for all models # TODO: Use CTC Decoder params from calamari_ocr.ocr.predict.predictor import MultiPredictor predictor = MultiPredictor.from_paths( checkpoints=args.checkpoint, voter_params=voter_params, predictor_params=PredictorParams( silent=True, progress_bar=not args.no_progress_bars)) do_prediction = predictor.predict(predict_params) pipeline: CalamariPipeline = predict_params) reader = pipeline.reader() if len(reader) == 0: raise Exception( "Empty dataset provided. Check your files argument (got {})!". format(args.files)) avg_sentence_confidence = 0 n_predictions = 0 reader.prepare_store() # output the voted results to the appropriate files for s in do_prediction: inputs, (result, prediction), meta = s.inputs, s.outputs, s.meta sample = reader.sample_by_id(meta['id']) n_predictions += 1 sentence = prediction.sentence avg_sentence_confidence += prediction.avg_char_probability if args.verbose: lr = "\u202A\u202B""{}: '{}{}{}'".format(meta['id'], lr[get_base_level(sentence)], sentence, "\u202C")) output_dir = args.output_dir reader.store_text(sentence, sample, output_dir=output_dir, extension=args.extension) if args.extended_prediction_data: ps = Predictions() ps.line_path = sample[ 'image_path'] if 'image_path' in sample else sample['id'] ps.predictions.extend([prediction] + [r.prediction for r in result]) output_dir = output_dir if output_dir else os.path.dirname( ps.line_path) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) if args.extended_prediction_data_format == "pred": data = zlib.compress( ps.to_json(indent=2, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')) elif args.extended_prediction_data_format == "json": # remove logits for p in ps.predictions: p.logits = None data = ps.to_json(indent=2) else: raise Exception("Unknown prediction format.") reader.store_extended_prediction( data, sample, output_dir=output_dir, extension=args.extended_prediction_data_format)"Average sentence confidence: {:.2%}".format( avg_sentence_confidence / n_predictions))"All prediction files written")