Esempio n. 1
    def _q_index(self, request):
        # Map keyword strings into Keywords; if any keyword is
        # unknown, then by definition we can't find any images tagged
        # with it
            kw = [ db.Keyword.byWord(k) for k in ]
        except SQLObjectNotFound:
            kw = []

        # List of Sets of pictures for each keyword
        picsets = [ Set( for k in kw ]

        # Find intersection of all sets
        if picsets:
            pics = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, picsets)
            pics = []

        # Filter for visibility
        pics = [ p for p in pics
                 if (not p.isPending() and self.col.mayView(p, quiet=True)) ]

        # Sort by time
        pics.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.record_time, b.record_time))


        resultsize = len(pics)

        # Present keyword operations on the full set of pictures, not
        # just the displayed set.

        # Useless keywords are the ones common to all images in this search
        useless = Set([ k.word for k in commonKeywords(pics) ])

        # Union of all keywords used
        kwset = Set([ k.word for p in pics for k in p.keywords ])

        # The refining set of keywords are the ones which will further
        # restrict the search results
        refining = kwset-useless
        #print 'useless=%s, kwset=' % useless

        # Limit the size of the displayed result set
        start = request.form.get('start') or 0
        limit = request.form.get('limit') or self.RESULTLIMIT
        start = int(start)
        limit = int(limit)

        if start < 0 or start > len(pics):
            start = 0
        if limit <= 0:
            limit = self.RESULTLIMIT
        end = start+limit

        if start > 0:
            request.navigation.set_prev(self.url(max(p, 0), limit))

        if end < len(pics):
            request.navigation.set_next(self.url(end, limit))
            request.navigation.set_last(self.url(resultsize-limit, limit))

        pics = pics[start:start+limit]

        r = TemplateIO(html=True)
        groups = group_by_time(pics, int_day)

        extra = []

        if refining:
            extra += [ menu.Link('refine search', '#refine') ]
        if kwset:
            extra += [ menu.Link('new search', '#replace') ]
        if len(groups) > 1:
            skiplist = [ menu.Link(int_day.num_fmt(day), '#' + int_day.num_fmt(day))
                         for (day, dp) in groups ]
            if len(skiplist) > 15:
                factor = len(skiplist) / 15
                skiplist = [ s for (n, s) in zip(range(len(skiplist)), skiplist)
                             if n % factor == 0 ]
            extra += [ menu.SubMenu(heading='Skip to:', items=skiplist) ]

        if len( > 1:
            searchstr = ' and '.join([ ', '.join([:-1]),[-1] ])
        elif len( == 1:
            searchstr =[0]
            searchstr = '(nothing)'

        heading=H('Search for %s: ') % searchstr
        if start == 0 and end >= resultsize:
            heading += H('%s') % page.plural(resultsize, 'picture')
        elif start+1 == resultsize:
            heading += H('last of %d pictures') % (resultsize)
            heading += H('%d&ndash;%d of %d pictures') % (start+1, min(resultsize,end), resultsize)
        r += page.pre(request, heading, 'kwsearch', brieftitle=searchstr, trail=start==0)

        r += page.menupane(request, extra)

        r += H('<h1>%s</h1>\n') % heading

        r += self.col.calendar.ui.picsbyday(groups)

        if refining:
            # Refine by ANDing more keywords in
            r += H('<div class="title-box kwlist" id="refine">\n')
            r += H('<h2>Refine search</h2>\n')

            r += listkeywords(self.url(), list(refining))
            r += H('</div>\n')

        if len( > 1:
            r += H('<div id="expand" class="title-box kwlist">\n')
            r += H('<h2>Expand search (remove keyword)</h2>\n')

            for k in
                cur = Set(
                cur = list(cur)
                r += H('<a class="kw" href="%s">%s</a>\n') % (self.url(keywords=cur), k)
            r += H('</div>\n')

        if kwset:
            r += H('<div id="replace" class="title-box kwlist">\n')
            r += H('<h2>New search</h2>\n')

            r += listkeywords(self.url(keywords=[]), list(kwset))
            r += H('</div>\n')

        r +=

        return r.getvalue()
Esempio n. 2
 def path(self, keywords, d=None):
     return self.url(keywords=keywords) + (d and '#' + int_day.num_fmt(d) or '')