Esempio n. 1
    def start_download(self, request):
        if not self.gui:

        url = unicode(request.url().toString(NO_URL_FORMATTING))
        cf = self.get_cookies()

        filename = get_download_filename(url, cf)
        ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower()
        filename = ascii_filename(filename[:60] + '.' + ext)
        if ext not in BOOK_EXTENSIONS:
            if ext == 'acsm':
                from calibre.gui2.dialogs.confirm_delete import confirm
                if not confirm('<p>' + _('This ebook is a DRMed EPUB file.  '
                          'You will be prompted to save this file to your '
                          'computer. Once it is saved, open it with '
                          '<a href="">'
                          'Adobe Digital Editions</a> (ADE).<p>ADE, in turn '
                          'will download the actual ebook, which will be a '
                          '.epub file. You can add this book to calibre '
                          'using "Add Books" and selecting the file from '
                          'the ADE library folder.'),
                          'acsm_download', self):
            name = choose_save_file(self, 'web-store-download-unknown', _('File is not a supported ebook type. Save to disk?'), initial_filename=filename)
            if name:
                self.gui.download_ebook(url, cf, name, name, False, create_browser=self.create_browser)
            show_download_info(filename, self)
            self.gui.download_ebook(url, cf, filename, tags=self.tags, create_browser=self.create_browser)
Esempio n. 2
 def download_book(self, result):
     d = ChooseFormatDialog(self, _('Choose format to download to your library.'), result.downloads.keys())
     if d.exec_() == d.Accepted:
         ext = d.format()
         fname = result.title[:60] + '.' + ext.lower()
         fname = ascii_filename(fname)
         show_download_info(result.title, parent=self)
         self.gui.download_ebook(result.downloads[ext], filename=fname, create_browser=result.create_browser)
Esempio n. 3
 def download_book(self, result):
     d = ChooseFormatDialog(self, _('Choose format to download to your library.'), list(result.downloads.keys()))
     if d.exec_() == QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted:
         ext = d.format()
         fname = result.title[:60] + '.' + ext.lower()
         fname = ascii_filename(fname)
         show_download_info(result.title, parent=self)
         self.gui.download_ebook(result.downloads[ext], filename=fname, create_browser=result.create_browser)