Esempio n. 1
    def create_actions(self):
        group = _('Global Actions')

        def reg(icon, text, target, sid, keys, description, toolbar_allowed=False):
            if not isinstance(icon, QIcon):
                icon = QIcon(I(icon))
            ac = actions[sid] = QAction(icon, text, self) if icon else QAction(text, self)
            ac.setObjectName('action-' + sid)
            if toolbar_allowed:
                toolbar_actions[sid] = ac
            if target is not None:
            if isinstance(keys, type('')):
                keys = (keys,)
                sid, unicode(ac.text()).replace('&', ''), default_keys=keys, description=description, action=ac, group=group)
            return ac
        def treg(icon, text, target, sid, keys, description):
            return reg(icon, text, target, sid, keys, description, toolbar_allowed=icon is not None)

        self.action_new_file = treg('document-new.png', _('&New file (images/fonts/HTML/etc.)'), self.boss.add_file,
                                   'new-file', (), _('Create a new file in the current book'))
        self.action_import_files = treg('document-import.png', _('&Import files into book'), self.boss.add_files, 'new-files', (), _('Import files into book'))
        self.action_open_book = treg('document_open.png', _('Open &book'), self.boss.open_book, 'open-book', 'Ctrl+O', _('Open a new book'))
        self.action_open_book_folder = treg('mimetypes/dir.png', _('Open &folder (unzipped EPUB) as book'), partial(self.boss.open_book, open_folder=True),
                                            'open-folder-as-book', (), _('Open a folder (unzipped EPUB) as a book'))
        # Qt does not generate shortcut overrides for cmd+arrow on os x which
        # means these shortcuts interfere with editing
        self.action_global_undo = treg('back.png', _('&Revert to before'), self.boss.do_global_undo, 'global-undo', () if isosx else 'Ctrl+Left',
                                      _('Revert book to before the last action (Undo)'))
        self.action_global_redo = treg('forward.png', _('&Revert to after'), self.boss.do_global_redo, 'global-redo', () if isosx else 'Ctrl+Right',
                                      _('Revert book state to after the next action (Redo)'))
        self.action_save = treg('save.png', _('&Save'), self.boss.save_book, 'save-book', 'Ctrl+S', _('Save book'))
        self.action_save_copy = treg('save.png', _('Save a &copy'), self.boss.save_copy, 'save-copy', 'Ctrl+Alt+S', _('Save a copy of the book'))
        self.action_quit = treg('window-close.png', _('&Quit'), self.boss.quit, 'quit', 'Ctrl+Q', _('Quit'))
        self.action_preferences = treg('config.png', _('&Preferences'), self.boss.preferences, 'preferences', 'Ctrl+P', _('Preferences'))
        self.action_new_book = treg('plus.png', _('Create &new, empty book'), self.boss.new_book, 'new-book', (), _('Create a new, empty book'))
        self.action_import_book = treg('add_book.png', _('&Import an HTML or DOCX file as a new book'),
                                      self.boss.import_book, 'import-book', (), _('Import an HTML or DOCX file as a new book'))
        self.action_quick_edit = treg('modified.png', _('&Quick open a file to edit'), self.boss.quick_open, 'quick-open', ('Ctrl+T'), _(
            'Quickly open a file from the book to edit it'))

        # Editor actions
        group = _('Editor actions')
        self.action_editor_undo = reg('edit-undo.png', _('&Undo'), self.boss.do_editor_undo, 'editor-undo', 'Ctrl+Z',
                                      _('Undo typing'))
        self.action_editor_redo = reg('edit-redo.png', _('&Redo'), self.boss.do_editor_redo, 'editor-redo', 'Ctrl+Y',
                                      _('Redo typing'))
        self.action_editor_cut = reg('edit-cut.png', _('C&ut text'), self.boss.do_editor_cut, 'editor-cut', ('Ctrl+X', 'Shift+Delete', ),
                                      _('Cut text'))
        self.action_editor_copy = reg('edit-copy.png', _('&Copy to clipboard'), self.boss.do_editor_copy, 'editor-copy', ('Ctrl+C', 'Ctrl+Insert'),
                                      _('Copy to clipboard'))
        self.action_editor_paste = reg('edit-paste.png', _('&Paste from clipboard'), self.boss.do_editor_paste, 'editor-paste', ('Ctrl+V', 'Shift+Insert', ),
                                      _('Paste from clipboard'))

        # Tool actions
        group = _('Tools')
        self.action_toc = treg('toc.png', _('&Edit Table of Contents'), self.boss.edit_toc, 'edit-toc', (), _('Edit Table of Contents'))
        self.action_inline_toc = treg('chapters.png', _('&Insert inline Table of Contents'),
                                     self.boss.insert_inline_toc, 'insert-inline-toc', (), _('Insert inline Table of Contents'))
        self.action_fix_html_current = reg('html-fix.png', _('&Fix HTML'), partial(self.boss.fix_html, True), 'fix-html-current', (),
                                           _('Fix HTML in the current file'))
        self.action_fix_html_all = treg('html-fix.png', _('&Fix HTML - all files'), partial(self.boss.fix_html, False), 'fix-html-all', (),
                                       _('Fix HTML in all files'))
        self.action_pretty_current = reg('beautify.png', _('&Beautify current file'), partial(self.boss.pretty_print, True), 'pretty-current', (),
                                           _('Beautify current file'))
        self.action_pretty_all = treg('beautify.png', _('&Beautify all files'), partial(self.boss.pretty_print, False), 'pretty-all', (),
                                       _('Beautify all files'))
        self.action_insert_char = treg('character-set.png', _('&Insert special character'), self.boss.insert_character, 'insert-character', (),
                                      _('Insert special character'))
        self.action_rationalize_folders = treg('mimetypes/dir.png', _('&Arrange into folders'), self.boss.rationalize_folders, 'rationalize-folders', (),
                                      _('Arrange into folders'))
        self.action_set_semantics = treg('tags.png', _('Set &Semantics'), self.boss.set_semantics, 'set-semantics', (),
                                        _('Set Semantics'))
        self.action_filter_css = treg('filter.png', _('&Filter style information'), self.boss.filter_css, 'filter-css', (),
                                     _('Filter style information'))
        self.action_manage_fonts = treg('font.png', _('Manage &fonts'), self.boss.manage_fonts, 'manage-fonts', (), _('Manage fonts in the book'))
        self.action_add_cover = treg('default_cover.png', _('Add &cover'), self.boss.add_cover, 'add-cover', (), _('Add a cover to the book'))
        self.action_reports = treg(
            'reports.png', _('&Reports'), self.boss.show_reports, 'show-reports', ('Ctrl+Shift+R',), _('Show a report on various aspects of the book'))
        self.action_check_external_links = treg('insert-link.png', _('Check &external links'), self.boss.check_external_links, 'check-external-links', (), _(
            'Check external links in the book'))

        def ereg(icon, text, target, sid, keys, description):
            return reg(icon, text, partial(self.boss.editor_action, target), sid, keys, description)
        register_text_editor_actions(ereg, self.palette())

        # Polish actions
        group = _('Polish Book')
        self.action_subset_fonts = treg(
            'subset-fonts.png', _('&Subset embedded fonts'), partial(
                self.boss.polish, 'subset', _('Subset fonts')), 'subset-fonts', (), _('Subset embedded fonts'))
        self.action_embed_fonts = treg(
            'embed-fonts.png', _('&Embed referenced fonts'), partial(
                self.boss.polish, 'embed', _('Embed fonts')), 'embed-fonts', (), _('Embed referenced fonts'))
        self.action_smarten_punctuation = treg(
            'smarten-punctuation.png', _('&Smarten punctuation'), partial(
                self.boss.polish, 'smarten_punctuation', _('Smarten punctuation')), 'smarten-punctuation', (), _('Smarten punctuation'))
        self.action_remove_unused_css = treg(
            'edit-clear.png', _('Remove &unused CSS rules'), partial(
                self.boss.polish, 'remove_unused_css', _('Remove unused CSS rules')), 'remove-unused-css', (), _('Remove unused CSS rules'))

        # Preview actions
        group = _('Preview')
        self.action_auto_reload_preview = reg('auto-reload.png', _('Auto reload preview'), None, 'auto-reload-preview', (), _('Auto reload preview'))
        self.action_auto_sync_preview = reg('sync-right.png', _('Sync preview position to editor position'), None, 'sync-preview-to-editor', (), _(
            'Sync preview position to editor position'))
        self.action_reload_preview = reg('view-refresh.png', _('Refresh preview'), None, 'reload-preview', ('F5',), _('Refresh preview'))
        self.action_split_in_preview = reg('auto_author_sort.png', _('Split this file'), None, 'split-in-preview', (), _(
            'Split file in the preview panel'))
        self.action_find_next_preview = reg('arrow-down.png', _('Find Next'), None, 'find-next-preview', (), _('Find next in preview'))
        self.action_find_prev_preview = reg('arrow-up.png', _('Find Previous'), None, 'find-prev-preview', (), _('Find previous in preview'))

        # Search actions
        group = _('Search')
        self.action_find = treg('search.png', _('&Find/Replace'), self.boss.show_find, 'find-replace', ('Ctrl+F',), _('Show the Find/Replace panel'))
        def sreg(name, text, action, overrides={}, keys=(), description=None, icon=None):
            return reg(icon, text, partial(self.boss.search_action_triggered, action, overrides), name, keys, description or text.replace('&', ''))
        self.action_find_next = sreg('find-next', _('Find &Next'),
                                     'find', {'direction':'down'}, ('F3', 'Ctrl+G'), _('Find next match'))
        self.action_find_previous = sreg('find-previous', _('Find &Previous'),
                                         'find', {'direction':'up'}, ('Shift+F3', 'Shift+Ctrl+G'), _('Find previous match'))
        self.action_replace = sreg('replace', _('Replace'),
                                   'replace', keys=('Ctrl+R'), description=_('Replace current match'))
        self.action_replace_next = sreg('replace-next', _('&Replace and find next'),
                                        'replace-find', {'direction':'down'}, ('Ctrl+]'), _('Replace current match and find next'))
        self.action_replace_previous = sreg('replace-previous', _('R&eplace and find previous'),
                                        'replace-find', {'direction':'up'}, ('Ctrl+['), _('Replace current match and find previous'))
        self.action_replace_all = sreg('replace-all', _('Replace &all'),
                                   'replace-all', keys=('Ctrl+A'), description=_('Replace all matches'))
        self.action_count = sreg('count-matches', _('&Count all'),
                                   'count', keys=('Ctrl+N'), description=_('Count number of matches'))
        self.action_mark = reg(None, _('&Mark selected text'), self.boss.mark_selected_text, 'mark-selected-text', ('Ctrl+Shift+M',),
                               _('Mark selected text or unmark already marked text'))
        self.action_mark.default_text = self.action_mark.text()
        self.action_go_to_line = reg(None, _('Go to &line'), self.boss.go_to_line_number, 'go-to-line-number', ('Ctrl+.',), _('Go to line number'))
        self.action_saved_searches = treg('folder_saved_search.png', _('Sa&ved searches'),
                                          self.boss.saved_searches, 'saved-searches', (), _('Show the saved searches dialog'))

        # Check Book actions
        group = _('Check Book')
        self.action_check_book = treg('debug.png', _('&Check Book'), self.boss.check_requested, 'check-book', ('F7'), _('Check book for errors'))
        self.action_spell_check_book = treg('spell-check.png', _('Check &spelling'), self.boss.spell_check_requested, 'spell-check-book', ('Alt+F7'), _(
            'Check book for spelling errors'))
        self.action_check_book_next = reg('forward.png', _('&Next error'), partial(
            self.check_book.next_error, delta=1), 'check-book-next', ('Ctrl+F7'), _('Show next error'))
        self.action_check_book_previous = reg('back.png', _('&Previous error'), partial(
            self.check_book.next_error, delta=-1), 'check-book-previous', ('Ctrl+Shift+F7'), _('Show previous error'))
        self.action_spell_check_next = reg('forward.png', _('&Next spelling mistake'),
            self.boss.next_spell_error, 'spell-next', ('F8'), _('Go to next spelling mistake'))

        # Miscellaneous actions
        group = _('Miscellaneous')
        self.action_create_checkpoint = treg(
            'marked.png', _('&Create checkpoint'), self.boss.create_checkpoint, 'create-checkpoint', (), _(
                'Create a checkpoint with the current state of the book'))
        self.action_close_current_tab = reg(
            'window-close.png', _('&Close current tab'), self.central.close_current_editor, 'close-current-tab', 'Ctrl+W', _(
                'Close the currently open tab'))
        self.action_close_all_but_current_tab = reg(
            'edit-clear.png', _('&Close other tabs'), self.central.close_all_but_current_editor, 'close-all-but-current-tab', 'Ctrl+Alt+W', _(
                'Close all tabs except the current tab'))
        self.action_help = treg(
            'help.png', _('User &Manual'), lambda : open_url(QUrl(localize_user_manual_link(
                ''))), 'user-manual', 'F1', _(
                'Show User Manual'))
        self.action_browse_images = treg(
            'view-image.png', _('&Browse images in book'), self.boss.browse_images, 'browse-images', (), _(
                'Browse images in the books visually'))
        self.action_multiple_split = treg(
            'auto_author_sort.png', _('&Split at multiple locations'), self.boss.multisplit, 'multisplit', (), _(
                'Split HTML file at multiple locations'))
        self.action_compare_book = treg('diff.png', _('&Compare to another book'), self.boss.compare_book, 'compare-book', (), _(
            'Compare to another book'))
        self.action_manage_snippets = treg(
            'snippets.png', _('Manage &Snippets'), self.boss.manage_snippets, 'manage-snippets', (), _(
                'Manage user created snippets'))

        self.plugin_menu_actions = []

        create_plugin_actions(actions, toolbar_actions, self.plugin_menu_actions)
Esempio n. 2
    def create_actions(self):
        group = _('Global actions')

        def reg(icon,
            if not isinstance(icon, QIcon):
                icon = QIcon(I(icon))
            ac = actions[sid] = QAction(icon, text, self) if icon else QAction(
                text, self)
            ac.setObjectName('action-' + sid)
            if toolbar_allowed:
                toolbar_actions[sid] = ac
            if target is not None:
            if isinstance(keys, unicode_type):
                keys = (keys, )
                                                '&', ''),
            return ac

        def treg(icon, text, target, sid, keys, description):
            return reg(icon,
                       toolbar_allowed=icon is not None)

        self.action_new_file = treg('document-new.png',
                                    _('&New file (images/fonts/HTML/etc.)'),
                                    self.boss.add_file, 'new-file', (),
                                    _('Create a new file in the current book'))
        self.action_import_files = treg('document-import.png',
                                        _('&Import files into book'),
                                        self.boss.add_files, 'new-files', (),
                                        _('Import files into book'))
        self.action_open_book = treg('document_open.png', _('&Open book'),
                                     self.boss.open_book, 'open-book',
                                     'Ctrl+O', _('Open a new book'))
        self.action_open_book_folder = treg(
            'mimetypes/dir.png', _('Open &folder (unzipped EPUB) as book'),
            partial(self.boss.open_book, open_folder=True),
            'open-folder-as-book', (),
            _('Open a folder (unzipped EPUB) as a book'))
        self.action_edit_next_file = treg(
            'arrow-down.png', _('Edit &next file'),
            partial(self.boss.edit_next_file, backwards=False),
            'edit-next-file', 'Ctrl+Alt+Down',
            _('Edit the next file in the spine'))
        self.action_edit_previous_file = treg(
            'arrow-up.png', _('Edit &previous file'),
            partial(self.boss.edit_next_file, backwards=True),
            'edit-previous-file', 'Ctrl+Alt+Up',
            _('Edit the previous file in the spine'))
        # Qt does not generate shortcut overrides for cmd+arrow on os x which
        # Qt does not generate shortcut overrides for cmd+arrow on os x which
        # means these shortcuts interfere with editing
        self.action_global_undo = treg(
            'back.png', _('&Revert to before'), self.boss.do_global_undo,
            'global-undo', () if isosx else 'Ctrl+Left',
            _('Revert book to before the last action (Undo)'))
        self.action_global_redo = treg(
            'forward.png', _('&Revert to after'), self.boss.do_global_redo,
            'global-redo', () if isosx else 'Ctrl+Right',
            _('Revert book state to after the next action (Redo)'))
        self.action_save = treg('save.png', _('&Save'), self.boss.save_book,
                                'save-book', 'Ctrl+S', _('Save book'))
        self.action_save_copy = treg('save.png', _('Save a &copy'),
                                     'save-copy', 'Ctrl+Alt+S',
                                     _('Save a copy of the book'))
        self.action_quit = treg('window-close.png', _('&Quit'), self.boss.quit,
                                'quit', 'Ctrl+Q', _('Quit'))
        self.action_preferences = treg('config.png', _('&Preferences'),
                                       self.boss.preferences, 'preferences',
                                       'Ctrl+P', _('Preferences'))
        self.action_new_book = treg('plus.png', _('Create &new, empty book'),
                                    self.boss.new_book, 'new-book', (),
                                    _('Create a new, empty book'))
        self.action_import_book = treg(
            'add_book.png', _('&Import an HTML or DOCX file as a new book'),
            self.boss.import_book, 'import-book', (),
            _('Import an HTML or DOCX file as a new book'))
        self.action_quick_edit = treg(
            'modified.png', _('&Quick open a file to edit'),
            self.boss.quick_open, 'quick-open', ('Ctrl+T'),
            _('Quickly open a file from the book to edit it'))

        # Editor actions
        group = _('Editor actions')
        self.action_editor_undo = reg('edit-undo.png', _('&Undo'),
                                      self.boss.do_editor_undo, 'editor-undo',
                                      'Ctrl+Z', _('Undo typing'))
        self.action_editor_redo = reg('edit-redo.png', _('R&edo'),
                                      self.boss.do_editor_redo, 'editor-redo',
                                      'Ctrl+Y', _('Redo typing'))
        self.action_editor_cut = reg('edit-cut.png', _('Cut &text'),
                                     self.boss.do_editor_cut, 'editor-cut', (
                                     ), _('Cut text'))
        self.action_editor_copy = reg('edit-copy.png', _('&Copy to clipboard'),
                                      self.boss.do_editor_copy, 'editor-copy',
                                      ('Ctrl+C', 'Ctrl+Insert'),
                                      _('Copy to clipboard'))
        self.action_editor_paste = reg('edit-paste.png',
                                       _('P&aste from clipboard'),
                                       'editor-paste', (
                                       ), _('Paste from clipboard'))

        # Tool actions
        group = _('Tools')
        self.action_toc = treg('toc.png', _('&Edit Table of Contents'),
                               self.boss.edit_toc, 'edit-toc', (),
                               _('Edit Table of Contents'))
        self.action_inline_toc = treg('chapters.png',
                                      _('&Insert inline Table of Contents'),
                                      'insert-inline-toc', (),
                                      _('Insert inline Table of Contents'))
        self.action_fix_html_current = reg('html-fix.png', _('&Fix HTML'),
                                           partial(self.boss.fix_html, True),
                                           'fix-html-current', (),
                                           _('Fix HTML in the current file'))
        self.action_fix_html_all = treg('html-fix.png',
                                        _('&Fix HTML - all files'),
                                        partial(self.boss.fix_html, False),
                                        'fix-html-all', (),
                                        _('Fix HTML in all files'))
        self.action_pretty_current = reg('beautify.png',
                                         _('&Beautify current file'),
                                         partial(self.boss.pretty_print, True),
                                         'pretty-current', (),
                                         _('Beautify current file'))
        self.action_pretty_all = treg('beautify.png', _('&Beautify all files'),
                                              False), 'pretty-all', (),
                                      _('Beautify all files'))
        self.action_insert_char = treg('character-set.png',
                                       _('&Insert special character'),
                                       'insert-character', (),
                                       _('Insert special character'))
        self.action_rationalize_folders = treg('mimetypes/dir.png',
                                               _('&Arrange into folders'),
                                               'rationalize-folders', (),
                                               _('Arrange into folders'))
        self.action_set_semantics = treg('tags.png', _('Set &semantics'),
                                         'set-semantics', (),
                                         _('Set semantics'))
        self.action_filter_css = treg('filter.png',
                                      _('&Filter style information'),
                                      self.boss.filter_css, 'filter-css', (),
                                      _('Filter style information'))
        self.action_manage_fonts = treg('font.png', _('&Manage fonts'),
                                        self.boss.manage_fonts, 'manage-fonts',
                                        (), _('Manage fonts in the book'))
        self.action_add_cover = treg('default_cover.png', _('Add &cover'),
                                     self.boss.add_cover, 'add-cover', (),
                                     _('Add a cover to the book'))
        self.action_reports = treg(
            'reports.png', _('&Reports'), self.boss.show_reports,
            'show-reports', ('Ctrl+Shift+R', ),
            _('Show a report on various aspects of the book'))
        self.action_check_external_links = treg(
            'insert-link.png', _('Check &external links'),
            self.boss.check_external_links, 'check-external-links', (),
            _('Check external links in the book'))
        self.action_compress_images = treg('compress-image.png',
                                           _('C&ompress images losslessly'),
                                           'compress-images', (),
                                           _('Compress images losslessly'))
        self.action_transform_styles = treg(
            'wizard.png', _('Transform &styles'), self.boss.transform_styles,
            'transform-styles', (), _('Transform styles used in the book'))
        self.action_get_ext_resources = treg(
            'download-metadata.png', _('Download external &resources'),
            self.boss.get_external_resources, 'get-external-resources', (),
            _('Download external resources in the book (images/stylesheets/etc/ that are not included in the book)'

        def ereg(icon, text, target, sid, keys, description):
            return reg(icon, text, partial(self.boss.editor_action, target),
                       sid, keys, description)

        register_text_editor_actions(ereg, self.palette())

        # Polish actions
        group = _('Polish book')
        self.action_subset_fonts = treg(
            'subset-fonts.png', _('&Subset embedded fonts'),
            partial(self.boss.polish, 'subset', _('Subset fonts')),
            'subset-fonts', (), _('Subset embedded fonts'))
        self.action_embed_fonts = treg(
            'embed-fonts.png', _('&Embed referenced fonts'),
            partial(self.boss.polish, 'embed', _('Embed fonts')),
            'embed-fonts', (), _('Embed referenced fonts'))
        self.action_smarten_punctuation = treg(
            _('&Smarten punctuation (works best for English)'),
            partial(self.boss.polish, 'smarten_punctuation',
                    _('Smarten punctuation')), 'smarten-punctuation', (),
            _('Smarten punctuation'))
        self.action_remove_unused_css = treg(
            'edit-clear.png', _('Remove &unused CSS rules'),
            partial(self.boss.polish, 'remove_unused_css',
                    _('Remove unused CSS rules')), 'remove-unused-css', (),
            _('Remove unused CSS rules'))
        self.action_upgrade_book_internals = treg(
            'arrow-up.png', _('&Upgrade book internals'),
            partial(self.boss.polish, 'upgrade_book',
                    _('Upgrade book internals')), 'upgrade-book', (),
            _('Upgrade book internals'))

        # Preview actions
        group = _('Preview')
        self.action_auto_reload_preview = reg('auto-reload.png',
                                              _('Auto reload preview'), None,
                                              'auto-reload-preview', (),
                                              _('Auto reload preview'))
        self.action_auto_sync_preview = reg(
            'sync-right.png', _('Sync preview position to editor position'),
            None, 'sync-preview-to-editor', (),
            _('Sync preview position to editor position'))
        self.action_reload_preview = reg('view-refresh.png',
                                         _('Refresh preview'), None,
                                         'reload-preview', ('F5', ),
                                         _('Refresh preview'))
        self.action_split_in_preview = reg(
            'document-split.png', _('Split this file'), None,
            'split-in-preview', (), _('Split file in the preview panel'))
        self.action_find_next_preview = reg('arrow-down.png', _('Find next'),
                                            None, 'find-next-preview', (),
                                            _('Find next in preview'))
        self.action_find_prev_preview = reg('arrow-up.png', _('Find previous'),
                                            None, 'find-prev-preview', (),
                                            _('Find previous in preview'))

        # Search actions
        group = _('Search')
        self.action_find = treg('search.png', _('&Find/replace'),
                                self.boss.show_find, 'find-replace',
                                ('Ctrl+F', ), _('Show the Find/replace panel'))

        def sreg(name,
            return reg(
                icon, text,
                partial(self.boss.search_action_triggered, action, overrides),
                name, keys, description or text.replace('&', ''))

        self.action_find_next = sreg('find-next', _('Find &next'), 'find',
                                     {'direction': 'down'}, ('F3', 'Ctrl+G'),
                                     _('Find next match'))
        self.action_find_previous = sreg('find-previous', _('Find &previous'),
                                         'find', {'direction': 'up'},
                                         ('Shift+F3', 'Shift+Ctrl+G'),
                                         _('Find previous match'))
        self.action_replace = sreg('replace',
                                   description=_('Replace current match'))
        self.action_replace_next = sreg(
            'replace-next', _('&Replace and find next'), 'replace-find',
            {'direction': 'down'}, ('Ctrl+]'),
            _('Replace current match and find next'))
        self.action_replace_previous = sreg(
            'replace-previous', _('R&eplace and find previous'),
            'replace-find', {'direction': 'up'}, ('Ctrl+['),
            _('Replace current match and find previous'))
        self.action_replace_all = sreg('replace-all',
                                       _('Replace &all'),
                                       description=_('Replace all matches'))
        self.action_count = sreg('count-matches',
                                 _('&Count all'),
                                 description=_('Count number of matches'))
        self.action_mark = reg(
            None, _('&Mark selected text'), self.boss.mark_selected_text,
            'mark-selected-text', ('Ctrl+Shift+M', ),
            _('Mark selected text or unmark already marked text'))
        self.action_mark.default_text = self.action_mark.text()
        self.action_go_to_line = reg(None, _('Go to &line'),
                                     'go-to-line-number', ('Ctrl+.', ),
                                     _('Go to line number'))
        self.action_saved_searches = treg('folder_saved_search.png',
                                          _('Sa&ved searches'),
                                          'saved-searches', (),
                                          _('Show the saved searches dialog'))
        self.action_text_search = treg('view.png',
                                       _('&Search ignoring HTML markup'),
                                       'text-search', (),
                                       _('Show the text search panel'))

        # Check Book actions
        group = _('Check book')
        self.action_check_book = treg('debug.png', _('&Check book'),
                                      self.boss.check_requested, 'check-book',
                                      ('F7'), _('Check book for errors'))
        self.action_spell_check_book = treg(
            'spell-check.png', _('Check &spelling'),
            self.boss.spell_check_requested, 'spell-check-book', ('Alt+F7'),
            _('Check book for spelling errors'))
        self.action_check_book_next = reg(
            'forward.png', _('&Next error'),
            partial(self.check_book.next_error, delta=1), 'check-book-next',
            ('Ctrl+F7'), _('Show next error'))
        self.action_check_book_previous = reg(
            'back.png', _('&Previous error'),
            partial(self.check_book.next_error, delta=-1),
            'check-book-previous', ('Ctrl+Shift+F7'), _('Show previous error'))
        self.action_spell_check_next = reg('forward.png',
                                           _('&Next spelling mistake'),
                                           'spell-next', ('F8'),
                                           _('Go to next spelling mistake'))

        # Miscellaneous actions
        group = _('Miscellaneous')
        self.action_create_checkpoint = treg(
            'marked.png', _('&Create checkpoint'), self.boss.create_checkpoint,
            'create-checkpoint', (),
            _('Create a checkpoint with the current state of the book'))
        self.action_close_current_tab = reg('window-close.png',
                                            _('&Close current tab'),
                                            'close-current-tab', 'Ctrl+W',
                                            _('Close the currently open tab'))
        self.action_close_all_but_current_tab = reg(
            'edit-clear.png', _('&Close other tabs'),
            'close-all-but-current-tab', 'Ctrl+Alt+W',
            _('Close all tabs except the current tab'))
        self.action_help = treg(
            'help.png', _('User &Manual'), lambda: open_url(
            'user-manual', 'F1', _('Show User Manual'))
        self.action_browse_images = treg(
            'view-image.png', _('&Browse images in book'),
            self.boss.browse_images, 'browse-images', (),
            _('Browse images in the books visually'))
        self.action_multiple_split = treg(
            'document-split.png', _('&Split at multiple locations'),
            self.boss.multisplit, 'multisplit', (),
            _('Split HTML file at multiple locations'))
        self.action_compare_book = treg('diff.png',
                                        _('Compare to &another book'),
                                        self.boss.compare_book, 'compare-book',
                                        (), _('Compare to another book'))
        self.action_manage_snippets = treg('snippets.png',
                                           _('Manage &Snippets'),
                                           'manage-snippets', (),
                                           _('Manage user created snippets'))

        self.plugin_menu_actions = []

        create_plugin_actions(actions, toolbar_actions,