help="Plot preview of fits", action='store_true') calo_init.parser.add_argument("--previewPhi", help="Plot preview of phi distribution", action='store_true') calo_init.parser.add_argument("--specialLabel", help="Additional label to be plotted", type=str, default="FCC-hh simulation") calo_init.parse_args() calo_init.print_config() layer = calo_init.args.numLayers if calo_init.args.simulation: ifActive = True activeNames, check = calo_init.substitute(calo_init.args.activeFile) print(activeNames) else: ifActive = False width = calo_init.args.layerWidth # cm if calo_init.args.roundBrackets: energyUnit = '(GeV)' angleUnit = '(rad)' else: energyUnit = '[GeV]' angleUnit = '[rad]' if len(calo_init.args.rebin) > 1: if len(calo_init.args.rebin) != len(calo_init.filenamesIn): print("Length of 'rebin' argument (", len(calo_init.args.rebin), ") is not equal to the number of input files(",
if calo_init.args.roundBrackets: energyUnit = '(GeV)' else: energyUnit = '[GeV]' if len(calo_init.args.histogramName) == 1: histogramNames = [calo_init.args.histogramName[0] for i in range (0, len(calo_init.filenamesIn))] else: histogramNames = calo_init.args.histogramName if len(histogramNames) > 1 and len(histogramNames) != len(calo_init.filenamesIn): print("If names of the histograms differ in each input file, the same amount of filenames and histogram names needs to be given.") exit() if len(calo_init.args.legend) == 0: legend = ["" for i in range (0, len(calo_init.filenamesIn))] elif len(calo_init.args.legend) == 1: legend, check = calo_init.substitute(calo_init.args.legend[0]) legend = [leg + ": " for leg in legend] else: legend = calo_init.args.legend legend = [leg + ": " for leg in legend] print (legend) from ROOT import gSystem, gROOT, TCanvas, TGraphErrors, TF1, gStyle, kRed, kBlue, kGray, TFile, TTree, TPad, TGaxis, gPad, TLine, kOrange, kGreen, SetOwnership from draw_functions import prepare_histogram, prepare_divided_canvas, prepare_single_canvas, draw_text, draw_1histogram import numpy gStyle.SetOptFit(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) colours = [ kRed + 2, 8, kGray + 3 , kOrange + 1 , 8, 9] coloursFit = [kRed, kGreen+2, kGray+3, kOrange + 2 , kGreen + 2, kBlue + 2]
"--bitfield", help= "Bitfield used to encode the IDs (from DD4hep xml, e.g. \"system:4,x:4,y:4\"", type=str) calo_init.parse_args() from math import pi, floor # set of default parameters maxEta = 1.79 nPhi = 629 # artificially increase by 1 (odd number) - to make plots look OK dEta = 0.01 nEta = int(2 * maxEta / dEta + 1) dPhi = 2 * pi / nPhi nameClusterCollection = "caloClusters" nameParticlesCollection = "GenParticles" filenamesSim, checkRegexInSimInput = calo_init.substitute( calo_init.args.inputSim) # get parameters if passed from command line if calo_init.args.maxEta: maxEta = calo_init.args.maxEta if calo_init.args.numPhi: nPhi = calo_init.args.numPhi dPhi = 2 * pi / nPhi if calo_init.args.dPhi: dPhi = calo_init.args.dPhi nPhi = int(dPhi * 2 * pi) if calo_init.args.clusterColl: nameClusterCollection = calo_init.args.clusterColl if calo_init.args.particleColl: nameParticlesCollection = calo_init.args.particleColl if calo_init.args.correctionParams and calo_init.args.cellColl and calo_init.args.bitfield:
# Draw graphs graphsRes[0].Draw("aep") for g in graphsRes[1:]: g.Draw("sameep") if not calo_init.args.noLinearity: graphsLin[0].Draw("aep") for g in graphsLin[1:]: g.Draw("sameep") # Set proper names for the plot legend if len(calo_init.args.legend) > 1: graphTitles = calo_init.args.legend elif calo_init.args.legend: graphTitles, check = calo_init.substitute(calo_init.args.legend[0]) else: graphTitles=[] for ileg, legend in enumerate(graphTitles): graphTitles[ileg] = legend.replace("formula","#frac{#sigma_{E}}{E} = #frac{"+str(round(samplTerm[ileg]*100.,2))+"%}{#sqrt{E}} #oplus "+str(abs(round(constTerm[ileg]*100.,2)))+"%") graphTitles = ['#color['+str(colour[i])+']{'+t+'}' for i,t in enumerate(graphTitles)] # Draw all labels if not calo_init.args.noLinearity: draw_text(graphTitles, [0.4,0.85 - 0.07 * len(graphTitles),0.95,0.95], 1, 0).SetTextSize(0.04) else: draw_text(graphTitles, [0.3,0.8 - 0.07 * len(graphTitles),0.95,0.86], 1, 0).SetTextSize(0.04) if not (calo_init.args.noLinearity and calo_init.args.title): draw_text(["energy resolution"], [0.2,0.88, 0.4,0.98], 1, 0).SetTextSize(0.05) else:
calo_init.parser.add_argument("--rebin", help="Rebin profile (one value common for all energies or multiple values for each energy)", default = [1], type = int, nargs='+') calo_init.parser.add_argument("--fitRangeUp", help="Range for the fitting (multiple values for each energy)", default = [], type = float, nargs='+') calo_init.parser.add_argument("--fitRangeDown", help="Range for the fitting (multiple values for each energy)", default = [], type = float, nargs='+') calo_init.parser.add_argument("-n","--histogramName", default="upstreamEnergy_presamplerEnergy2D", help="Name of the histogram with the histogram of energy in first layer (X-axis) and the upstrem energy (Y-axis)", type = str) calo_init.parser.add_argument("--layerWidth", default = 0.5, help="Width of the layer (cm)", type = float) calo_init.parser.add_argument("--roundBrackets", help="Use round brackets for unit", action = 'store_true') calo_init.parser.add_argument("--preview", help="Plot preview of fits", action = 'store_true') calo_init.parser.add_argument("--previewPhi", help="Plot preview of phi distribution", action = 'store_true') calo_init.parser.add_argument("--specialLabel", help="Additional label to be plotted", type=str, default = "FCC-hh simulation") calo_init.parse_args() calo_init.print_config() layer = calo_init.args.numLayers if calo_init.args.simulation: ifActive = True activeNames, check = calo_init.substitute(calo_init.args.activeFile) print(activeNames) else: ifActive = False width = calo_init.args.layerWidth # cm if calo_init.args.roundBrackets: energyUnit = '(GeV)' angleUnit = '(rad)' else: energyUnit = '[GeV]' angleUnit = '[rad]' if len(calo_init.args.rebin) > 1: if len(calo_init.args.rebin) != len(calo_init.filenamesIn): print("Length of 'rebin' argument (",len(calo_init.args.rebin),") is not equal to the number of input files(",len(calo_init.filenamesIn),")") exit()
# Draw graphs graphsRes[0].Draw("aep") for g in graphsRes[1:]: g.Draw("sameep") if not calo_init.args.noLinearity: graphsLin[0].Draw("aep") for g in graphsLin[1:]: g.Draw("sameep") # Set proper names for the plot legend if len(calo_init.args.legend) > 1: graphTitles = calo_init.args.legend elif calo_init.args.legend: graphTitles, check = calo_init.substitute(calo_init.args.legend[0]) else: graphTitles = [] for ileg, legend in enumerate(graphTitles): graphTitles[ileg] = legend.replace( "formula", "#frac{#sigma_{E}}{E} = #frac{" + str(round(samplTerm[ileg] * 100., 2)) + "%}{#sqrt{E}} + " + str(round(constTerm[ileg] * 100., 2)) + "%") graphTitles = [ '#color[' + str(colour[i]) + ']{' + t + '}' for i, t in enumerate(graphTitles) ] # Draw all labels if not calo_init.args.noLinearity:
calo_init.parser.add_argument("--cellColl", help="Name of the cells collection (fcc::CaloHitCollection) for the upstream energy correction", type = str) calo_init.parser.add_argument("--correctionParams", help="Parameters for the upstream energy correction", type = float, nargs=4) calo_init.parser.add_argument("--bitfield", help="Bitfield used to encode the IDs (from DD4hep xml, e.g. \"system:4,x:4,y:4\"", type = str) calo_init.parse_args() from math import pi, floor # set of default parameters maxEta = 1.716 maxPhi = pi-(pi/512.) nPhi = 629 # artificially increase by 1 (odd number) - to make plots look OK dEta = 0.01 nEta = int(2*maxEta/dEta + 1) dPhi = 2*pi/nPhi nameClusterCollection = "caloClusters" nameParticlesCollection = "GenParticles" filenamesSim, checkRegexInSimInput = calo_init.substitute(calo_init.args.inputSim) # get parameters if passed from command line if calo_init.args.maxEta: maxEta = calo_init.args.maxEta if calo_init.args.numPhi: nPhi = calo_init.args.numPhi dPhi = 2*pi/nPhi if calo_init.args.dPhi: dPhi = calo_init.args.dPhi nPhi = int(dPhi*2*pi) if calo_init.args.clusterColl: nameClusterCollection = calo_init.args.clusterColl if calo_init.args.particleColl: nameParticlesCollection = calo_init.args.particleColl if calo_init.args.correctionParams and calo_init.args.cellColl and calo_init.args.bitfield:
calo_init.args.histogramName[0] for i in range(0, len(calo_init.filenamesIn)) ] else: histogramNames = calo_init.args.histogramName if len(histogramNames) > 1 and len(histogramNames) != len( calo_init.filenamesIn): print( "If names of the histograms differ in each input file, the same amount of filenames and histogram names needs to be given." ) exit() if len(calo_init.args.legend) == 0: legend = ["" for i in range(0, len(calo_init.filenamesIn))] elif len(calo_init.args.legend) == 1: legend, check = calo_init.substitute(calo_init.args.legend[0]) legend = [leg + ": " for leg in legend] else: legend = calo_init.args.legend legend = [leg + ": " for leg in legend] print(legend) from ROOT import gSystem, gROOT, TCanvas, TGraphErrors, TF1, gStyle, kRed, kBlue, kGray, TFile, TTree, TPad, TGaxis, gPad, TLine, kOrange, kGreen, SetOwnership from draw_functions import prepare_histogram, prepare_divided_canvas, prepare_single_canvas, draw_text, draw_1histogram import numpy gStyle.SetOptFit(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) colours = [kRed + 2, 8, kGray + 3, kOrange + 1, 8, 9] coloursFit = [kRed, kGreen + 2, kGray + 3, kOrange + 2, kGreen + 2, kBlue + 2]