def get_model(time_len=1): ch, row, col = camera_format.get_camera_image_dim() model = Sequential() model.add( Lambda(lambda x: x / 127.5 - 1., input_shape=(ch, row, col), output_shape=(ch, row, col))) model.add(Convolution2D(24, 5, 5, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode="same")) model.add(ELU()) model.add(Convolution2D(36, 5, 5, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode="same")) model.add(ELU()) model.add(Convolution2D(48, 3, 3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode="same")) model.add(ELU()) model.add(Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode="same")) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dropout(.2)) model.add(ELU()) model.add(Dense(512)) model.add(Dropout(.5)) model.add(ELU()) model.add(Dense(256)) model.add(ELU()) model.add(Dense(128)) model.add(ELU()) model.add(Dense(1)) model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="mse") return model
import sys import numpy as np import h5py import json from keras.models import model_from_json #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import asyncore import json import socket from PIL import Image import pygame import camera_format pygame.init() ch, row, col = camera_format.get_camera_image_dim() size = (col * 2, row * 2) pygame.display.set_caption("sdsandbox data monitor") screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.DOUBLEBUF) camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((col, row), 0, 24).convert() myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 15) def screen_print(x, y, msg, screen): label = myfont.render(msg, 1, (255, 255, 0)) screen.blit(label, (x, y)) def display_img(img, steering): img = img.transpose().swapaxes(0, 1)
def prepare(drivinglog, drivingimages, outputpath, prefix, activity): t = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(drivinglog)) t = t.replace(' ', '_') t = t.replace(':', '_') basename = prefix + t + ".h5" outfilename = os.path.join(outputpath, "log", basename) infile = open(drivinglog, "r") lines = [] for line in infile: lines.append(line) infile.close() print 'gathering images', drivingimages images = glob.glob(drivingimages) num_images = len(images) num_records = len(lines) if (num_images != num_records): #use the smaller of the two. if num_images < num_records: num_records = num_images else: num_images = num_records images = images[:num_images] print len(lines), 'steering records' logf = h5py.File(outfilename, "w") dse = logf.create_dataset("steering_angle", (num_records, ), dtype='float64') dse_speed = logf.create_dataset("speed", (num_records, ), dtype='float64') iIter = 0 iLine = 0 iRecord = 0 num_lines = len(lines) log_ids = [] while iLine < num_lines and iRecord < num_records: tokens = lines[iLine].split(',') iLine += 1 iRecord += 1 if len(tokens) != 4: continue log_activity = tokens[1] if activity is not None and activity != log_activity: continue log_ids.append(int(tokens[0])) steering = float(tokens[2]) speed = float(tokens[3]) dse[iIter] = np.array([steering]) dse_speed[iIter] = np.array([speed]) iIter += 1 if iIter % 1000 == 0: print iIter if activity is not None: print iIter, 'records found w activity', activity logf.close() print 'done with log' outfilename = os.path.join(outputpath, "camera", basename) camf = h5py.File(outfilename, "w") print num_images, 'images' ch, rows, col = camera_format.get_camera_image_dim() dse = camf.create_dataset("X", (num_images, ch, rows, col), dtype='uint8') images.sort() imgs_by_id = {} for img_filename in images: path, name = os.path.split(img_filename) first_zero = name.find('0') first_period = name.find('.') num_string = name[first_zero:first_period] id = int(num_string) imgs_by_id[id] = img_filename iIter = 0 for id in log_ids: try: img_filename = imgs_by_id[id] im ='RGB') if im.width != col or im.height != rows: print 'Aborting! image:', img_filename, 'had the wrong dimension:', im.width, im.height, 'expecting', col, rows #stopping because we are likely to see many of these.. return imarr = np.array(im).transpose() dse[iIter] = imarr except KeyError: print 'no image for frame', id iIter = iIter + 1 if iIter % 1000 == 0: print iIter camf.close() print 'done with images' if activity is not None: print iIter, 'images found w activity', activity