Esempio n. 1
    def run_reacting_surface(self, xch4, tsurf, mdot, width):
        # Simplified version of the example ''
        gas = ct.Solution('ptcombust-simple.cti', 'gas')
        surf_phase = ct.Interface('ptcombust-simple.cti', 'Pt_surf', [gas])

        tinlet = 300.0  # inlet temperature
        comp = {'CH4': xch4, 'O2': 0.21, 'N2': 0.79}
        gas.TPX = tinlet, ct.one_atm, comp
        surf_phase.TP = tsurf, ct.one_atm

        # integrate the coverage equations holding the gas composition fixed
        # to generate a good starting estimate for the coverages.

        sim = ct.ImpingingJet(gas=gas, width=width, surface=surf_phase)
        sim.set_refine_criteria(10.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.0)

        sim.inlet.mdot = mdot
        sim.inlet.T = tinlet
        sim.inlet.X = comp
        sim.surface.T = tsurf

        sim.solve(loglevel=0, auto=True)

        self.assertTrue(all(np.diff(sim.T) > 0))
        self.assertTrue(all(np.diff(sim.Y[gas.species_index('CH4')]) < 0))
        self.assertTrue(all(np.diff(sim.Y[gas.species_index('CO2')]) > 0))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_save_restore(self):
        comp = {'CH4': 0.095, 'O2': 0.21, 'N2': 0.79}
        self.sim = self.create_reacting_surface(comp, tsurf=900, tinlet=300, width=0.1)

        self.sim.inlet.mdot = 0.06
        self.sim.inlet.T = 300
        self.sim.inlet.X = comp
        self.sim.surface.T = 900

        self.sim.solve(loglevel=0, auto=False)

        filename = self.test_work_path / "impingingjet1.yaml"

        self.surf_phase.TPX = 300, ct.one_atm, "PT(S):1"
        sim2 = ct.ImpingingJet(gas=self.gas, width=0.12, surface=self.surf_phase)

        self.assertArrayNear(self.sim.grid, sim2.grid)
        self.assertArrayNear(self.sim.Y, sim2.Y)
        for i in range(self.sim.surface.n_components):
                self.sim.value("surface", i, 0),
                sim2.value("surface", i, 0)
Esempio n. 3
    def create_reacting_surface(self, comp, tsurf, tinlet, width):
        gas = ct.Solution('ptcombust-simple.cti', 'gas')
        surf_phase = ct.Interface('ptcombust-simple.cti', 'Pt_surf', [gas])

        gas.TPX = tinlet, ct.one_atm, comp
        surf_phase.TP = tsurf, ct.one_atm

        # integrate the coverage equations holding the gas composition fixed
        # to generate a good starting estimate for the coverages.

        return ct.ImpingingJet(gas=gas, width=width, surface=surf_phase)
Esempio n. 4
    def create_reacting_surface(self, comp, tsurf, tinlet, width):
        self.gas = ct.Solution("ptcombust-simple.yaml", "gas")
        self.surf_phase = ct.Interface("ptcombust-simple.yaml", "Pt_surf", [self.gas])

        self.gas.TPX = tinlet, ct.one_atm, comp
        self.surf_phase.TP = tsurf, ct.one_atm

        # integrate the coverage equations holding the gas composition fixed
        # to generate a good starting estimate for the coverages.

        return ct.ImpingingJet(gas=self.gas, width=width, surface=self.surf_phase)
Esempio n. 5
# Grid refinement parameters
ratio = 3
slope = 0.1
curve = 0.2
prune = 0.06

# Set up the problem
gas = ct.Solution(rxnmech)

# set state to that of the unburned gas at the burner
gas.TPX = tburner, p, comp

# Create the stagnation flow object with a non-reactive surface.  (To make the
# surface reactive, supply a surface reaction mechanism. See example
# for how to do this.)
sim = ct.ImpingingJet(gas=gas, width=width)

# set the mass flow rate at the inlet
sim.inlet.mdot = mdot[0]

# set the surface state
sim.surface.T = tsurf

sim.set_refine_criteria(ratio=ratio, slope=slope, curve=curve, prune=prune)

    products='equil')  # assume adiabatic equilibrium products

sim.solve(loglevel, auto=True)
Esempio n. 6
# This phase definition also references the phase 'gas' in the same input file,
# which will be created and used to evaluate all thermodynamic, kinetic, and
# transport properties. It is a stripped-down version of GRI-Mech 3.0.
surf_phase = ct.Interface("ptcombust.yaml", "Pt_surf")
surf_phase.TP = tsurf, p
gas = surf_phase.adjacent["gas"]
gas.TPX = tinlet, p, comp1

# integrate the coverage equations in time for 1 s, holding the gas
# composition fixed to generate a good starting estimate for the coverages.

# create the object that simulates the stagnation flow, and specify an initial
# grid
sim = ct.ImpingingJet(gas=gas, width=width, surface=surf_phase)

# Objects of class ImpingingJet have members that represent the gas inlet
# ('inlet') and the surface ('surface'). Set some parameters of these objects.
sim.inlet.mdot = mdot
sim.inlet.T = tinlet
sim.inlet.X = comp1
sim.surface.T = tsurf

# Show the initial solution estimate

# Solving problems with stiff chemistry coupled to flow can require a
# sequential approach where solutions are first obtained for simpler problems
# and used as the initial guess for more difficult problems.
Esempio n. 7
# Grid refinement parameters
ratio = 3
slope = 0.1
curve = 0.2
prune = 0.06

# Set up the problem
gas = ct.Solution(rxnmech)

# set state to that of the unburned gas at the burner
gas.TPX = tburner, p, comp

# Create the stagnation flow object with a non-reactive surface.  (To make the
# surface reactive, supply a surface reaction mechanism. See example
# for how to do this.)
sim = ct.ImpingingJet(gas=gas, grid=initial_grid)

# set the mass flow rate at the inlet
sim.inlet.mdot = mdot[0]

# set the surface state
sim.surface.T = tsurf

sim.energy_enabled = False

    products='equil')  # assume adiabatic equilibrium products
Esempio n. 8
# This object will be used to evaluate all surface chemical production rates.
# It will be created from the interface definition 'Pt_surf' in input file
# 'ptcombust.cti,' which implements the reaction mechanism of Deutschmann et
# al., 1995 for catalytic combustion on platinum.
surf_phase = ct.Interface('ptcombust.cti', 'Pt_surf', [gas])
surf_phase.TP = tsurf, p

# integrate the coverage equations in time for 1 s, holding the gas
# composition fixed to generate a good starting estimate for the coverages.

# create the object that simulates the stagnation flow, and specify an initial
# grid
sim = ct.ImpingingJet(gas=gas, grid=initial_grid, surface=surf_phase)

# Objects of class StagnationFlow have members that represent the gas inlet
# ('inlet') and the surface ('surface'). Set some parameters of these objects.
sim.inlet.mdot = mdot
sim.inlet.T = tinlet
sim.inlet.X = comp1
sim.surface.T = tsurf

# Set error tolerances

# Show the initial solution estimate