Esempio n. 1
def calc_frame_size(size, frame_size, arch):
    if not frame_size:
        for sz in reversed(page_sizes(arch)):
            if size >= sz and size % sz == 0:
                frame_size = sz
    assert frame_size, "Shared variable size: %d is not a valid page size multiple" % size
    return frame_size
Esempio n. 2
def calc_frame_size(size, frame_size, arch):
    if not frame_size:
        for sz in reversed(page_sizes(arch)):
            if size >= sz and size % sz == 0:
                frame_size = sz
    assert frame_size, "Shared variable size: %d is not a valid page size multiple" % size
    return frame_size
Esempio n. 3
def next_page_multiple(size, arch):
    Finds the smallest multiple of 4K that can comfortably be used to create
    a mapping for the provided size on a given architecture.
    multiple = page_sizes(arch)[0]
    while size > multiple:
        multiple += 4096
    return multiple
Esempio n. 4
def next_page_multiple(size, arch):
    Finds the smallest multiple of 4K that can comfortably be used to create
    a mapping for the provided size on a given architecture.
    multiple = page_sizes(arch)[0]
    while size > multiple:
        multiple *= 2
    return multiple
Esempio n. 5
def get_page_size(size, arch):
    Returns the largest frame_size that can be used to create
    a mapping for the provided size on a given architecture. It assumes
    that the variable will be aligned to the start of the frame.
    frame_size = 0
    size = int(size)
    for sz in reversed(page_sizes(arch)):
        if size >= sz and size % sz == 0:
            frame_size = sz
    return frame_size
Esempio n. 6
def get_page_size(size, arch):
    Returns the largest frame_size that can be used to create
    a mapping for the provided size on a given architecture. It assumes
    that the variable will be aligned to the start of the frame.
    frame_size = 0
    size = int(size)
    for sz in reversed(page_sizes(arch)):
        if size >= sz and size % sz == 0:
            frame_size = sz
    return frame_size
Esempio n. 7
def align_page_address(address, arch):
    page_size = page_sizes(arch)[0]
    return address & ~(page_size - 1)
Esempio n. 8
def replace_dma_frames(ast, obj_space, elfs, options, **_):
    '''Locate the DMA pool (a region that needs to have frames whose mappings
    can be reversed) and replace its backing frames with pre-allocated,
    reversible ones.'''

    if not elfs:
        # If we haven't been passed any ELF files this step is not relevant yet.

    arch = lookup_architecture(options.architecture)
    assembly = ast.assembly

    for i in (x for x in assembly.composition.instances
              if not x.type.hardware):

        perspective = Perspective(, group=i.address_space)

        elf_name = perspective['elf_name']
        assert elf_name in elfs
        elf = elfs[elf_name]

        # Find this instance's page directory.
        pd_name = perspective['pd']
        pds = [x for x in obj_space.spec.objs if == pd_name]
        assert len(pds) == 1
        pd, = pds

        sym = perspective['dma_pool_symbol']
        base = get_symbol_vaddr(elf, sym)
        if base is None:
            # We don't have a DMA pool.
        assert base != 0
        sz = get_symbol_size(elf, sym)
        assert sz % PAGE_SIZE == 0  # DMA pool should be at least page-aligned.

        # Replicate logic from the template to determine the page size used to
        # back the DMA pool.
        page_size = 4 * 1024
        if options.largeframe_dma:
            for size in reversed(page_sizes(options.architecture)):
                if sz >= size:
                    page_size = size

        assert sz % page_size == 0, 'DMA pool not rounded up to a multiple ' \
            'of page size %d (template bug?)' % page_size

        dma_frame_index = 0

        def get_dma_frame(index):
            Find the `index`-th DMA frame. Note that these are constructed in
            the component template itself.
            p = Perspective(,
            name = p['dma_frame_symbol']
            assert name in obj_space, "No such symbol in capdl spec %s" % name
            return obj_space[name]

        # Ensure paging structures are in place to map in dma frames
        replace_large_frames(obj_space, arch, pd, base, sz, page_size)

        for page_vaddr in six.moves.range(base, base + sz, page_size):
            cap = Cap(get_dma_frame(dma_frame_index), True, True, False)
            update_frame_in_vaddr(arch, pd, page_vaddr, page_size, cap)
            dma_frame_index = dma_frame_index + 1