def _render_head(board): meta = '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">' title = "<title>carcasonne board construction sample</title>" jquery = '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>' images = [] for tile in board.grid.values(): if tile.rotation != 0: images.append( '$("#%s").rotate(%s);' % ( HtmlRenderer.tile_to_id(tile), HtmlRenderer._rotation_to_deg(ROTATIONS.by_ordinal(tile.rotation)), ) ) rotation = """<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ $(window).load(function(){ %s });//]]> </script>""" % ( "\n".join(images) ) return "<head>\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n</head>" % (meta, title, jquery, rotation)
def pos_to_tile_xy(pos, rotation): x = int(float(pos["x"]) / 100.0 * float(Renderer.tile_width)) y = int(float(pos["y"]) / 100.0 * float(Renderer.tile_height)) rot = ROTATIONS.by_ordinal(rotation) angle = int(rot[3:]) x, y = Renderer.rotate(x, y, angle) return x, y
def playable_locations(self, for_tile=None): # if not for a specific tile, return the whole set if not for_tile: return self.edges else: # else match locations = set() for l in self.edges: for r in ROTATIONS.values(): if self.is_legal_on_location(for_tile, l, ROTATIONS[r]): locations.add(l) return locations
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write("Usage: construct_random_board <tileset>\n") return 1 logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) print "Loading ..." json = load_config(sys.argv[1]) validate_tileset_config(json, set(['city', 'field', 'road'])) seed = int(time.time()) #seed = 1333213878 print "Constructing with seed %s ..." % (seed) random.seed(seed) b = Board(json) failed_count = 0 while len(b.tilesleft) > 0: tile = random.sample(b.tilesleft, 1)[0] locations = b.playable_locations(tile) location = None playable_locations = [] location_neighbour_count = 0 for l in locations: count = count_neighbours(b, l) if count > location_neighbour_count: location_neighbour_count = count playable_locations = [] playable_locations.append(l) location = l elif count == location_neighbour_count: playable_locations.append(l) #location = random.sample(locations, 1)[0] if not playable_locations: logging.debug('Could not play tile %s\n%s' % (tile, b)) failed_count += 1 continue most_playable = 0 location = None for l in playable_locations: count = 0 for r in ROTATIONS.values(): if b.is_legal_on_location(tile, l, ROTATIONS[r]): count += 1 if count >= most_playable: most_playable = count location = l #location = random.sample(playable_locations, 1)[0] for r in ROTATIONS.values(): if b.is_legal_on_location(tile, location, ROTATIONS[r]): b.add_to_board(tile, location, ROTATIONS[r]) break print 'Done, had to retry %d tiles' % failed_count print b d = b.dimensions() print 'Board size: %dx%d' % (d[0], d[1]) filename = 'board.html' print "Rendering to %s" % (filename) html = HtmlRenderer.render(b) file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(html) file.close()
def _play_tile(self, tid, location, rotation): # remove location from playable locations if location in self.edges: self.edges.remove(location) # set actual values in the tile tile = self.boardtiles[tid] tile.location = location tile.rotation = rotation self.grid[location] = tile self.tilesleft.remove(tid) # keep track of playable locations for n in self.neighbours_for(location): # add all neighbours that aren't played tiles == empty locations if type(n) is not PlayedTile: self.edges.add(n) self._update_graphs(tid, location)"Played tile %s at location %s, rotated %s" % (tid, location, rotation)) logging.debug("b.add_to_board('%s', %s, tile.ROTATIONS.%s))" % (tid, location, ROTATIONS.by_ordinal(rotation)))