Esempio n. 1
    def _shorten_pieces(self, pieces):
        if not pieces:
            return []

        str_pieces = []
        first = last = pieces[0]
        for current in pieces[1:]:
            if isinstance(last, Combo):
                first = last = current
            elif isinstance(current, Combo):
                str_pieces.append(self._get_format(first, last))
                first = last = current
            elif (
                current.is_pair and Rank.difference(last.first, current.first) == 1
            ) or (
                last.first == current.first
                and Rank.difference(last.second, current.second) == 1
                last = current
                str_pieces.append(self._get_format(first, last))
                first = last = current

        # write out any remaining pieces
        str_pieces.append(self._get_format(first, last))

        return str_pieces
Esempio n. 2
def calc_hard_strategy(decks):

    shoe = Shoe(decks)
    rows = 10
    cols = 10
    bs_hard = [ [0] * cols for _ in range(rows)]

    #Hard table
    for row in range(0, rows):
        for col in range(0, cols):
            d_rank = Rank(col+1)

            if d_rank == 10:
                d_rank = Rank.Ace

            # player values 8 - 11
            if row < 4:
                p1 = Card(Rank.Six, Suit.Spade)
                p2 = Card(Rank(row+1), Suit.Spade)
            # Player values 12 - 18
            elif row >= 4:
                p1 = Card(Rank.Ten, Suit.Spade)
                p2 = Card(Rank(row-3), Suit.Spade)

            upcard = Card(d_rank, Suit.Spade)

            p_hand = Hand([p1,p2])

            game = Game(p_hand, upcard, shoe)

            optimal = optimal_action(game)
            bs_hard[row][col] = optimal

Esempio n. 3
def calc_split_strategy(decks):
    # Split Table
    shoe = Shoe(8)
    rows = 9
    cols = 10
    bs_split = [ [0] * cols for _ in range(rows)]

    for row in range(0, rows):
        for col in range(0, cols):
            assert(shoe.cards_in_shoe == 52*shoe.DECKS)
            d_rank = Rank(col+1)
            p_rank = Rank(row+1)

            if d_rank == 10:
                d_rank = Rank.Ace
            if p_rank == 10:
                p_rank = Rank.Ace

            p1 = Card(p_rank, Suit.Spade)
            p2 = Card(p_rank, Suit.Spade)
            p_hand = Hand([p1,p2])
            upcard = Card(d_rank, Suit.Spade)

            game = Game(p_hand, upcard, shoe)

            optimal = optimal_action(game)
            bs_split[row][col] = optimal

Esempio n. 4
def calc_soft_strategy(decks):

    shoe = Shoe(decks)

    rows = 7 # S13 - S19
    cols = 10
    bs_soft = [ [0] * cols for _ in range(rows)]

    #Soft Table
    for row in range(0, rows):
        for col in range(0, cols):
            assert(shoe.cards_in_shoe == 52*shoe.DECKS)
            d_rank = Rank(col+1) # dealer's up card rank

            if d_rank == 10:
                d_rank = Rank.Ace

            upcard = Card(d_rank, Suit.Spade)
            p1 = Card(Rank.Ace, Suit.Spade)
            p2 = Card(Rank(row+1), Suit.Spade)
            p_hand = Hand([p1,p2])

            game = Game(p_hand, upcard, shoe)
            optimal = optimal_action(game)
            bs_soft[row][col] = optimal

Esempio n. 5
 def make_random(cls):
     obj = object.__new__(cls)
     first = Rank.make_random()
     second = Rank.make_random()
     obj._set_ranks_in_order(first, second)
     if first == second:
         obj._shape = ""
         obj._shape = random.choice(["s", "o"])
     return obj
Esempio n. 6
    def run(self):
        for x in range(10000):

            print(f"*** Hand {self.sims+1}***")
            self.sims += 1




            while not self.p1.is_done() or not self.p2.is_done():
                card = Card(Rank(random.randint(Rank.Ace, Rank.King)),
                action_b = strategy.infinite_basic_action(
                action_c = strategy.infinite_complete_action(
                self.p1.process_action(action_b, card)
                self.p2.process_action(action_c, card)



            )  # why am I reseting shoe everytime yet still calculating deal probs every hand?

Esempio n. 7
    def playout_dealer(self):
        # Assumes infinite deck

        while self.hand.sum < self.stand_min:
            card = Card(Rank(random.randint(Rank.Ace, Rank.King)), Suit.Spade)

        return self.hand.sum
Esempio n. 8
    def random_hand(self, size):
        cards = []
        for _ in range(size):
            card = Card(Rank(random.randint(Rank.Ace, Rank.King)), Suit.Spade)

        return Hand(cards)
Esempio n. 9
 def _get_format(self, first, last):
     if first == last:
         return str(first)
     elif (
         and first.first.val == "A"
         or Rank.difference(first.first, first.second) == 1
         return f"{last}+"
     elif last.second.val == "2":
         return f"{first}-"
         return f"{first}-{last}"
Esempio n. 10
 def Flush_Collection(self):
     Flush_dict = self.Flush()
     Flush_Collection_tail = {
         'suit_c': [],
         'suit_d': [],
         'suit_h': [],
         'suit_s': []
     for c in ['c', 'd', 'h', 's']:
         color_num = self.color_dict['suit_' + c]
         if (color_num >= 5):
             item_sum = 1
             for item in range(1, color_num):
                 if (Rank.difference(Flush_dict['suit_' + c][item],
                                     Flush_dict['suit_' + c][item -
                                                             1])) == 1:
                     item_sum += 1
                     item_sum = 0
                 if (item_sum >= 5):
                     Flush_Collection_tail['suit_' + c].append(
                         Flush_dict['suit_' + c][item])
     return Flush_Collection_tail
Esempio n. 11
def test_get_notation_3():
    card = Card(Suit('♠'), Rank('2'))
Esempio n. 12
 def deal_cards(self):
     players_hand = self.random_hand(2)
         Card(Rank(random.randint(Rank.Ace, Rank.King)), Suit.Spade))
Esempio n. 13
 def test_invalid_rank(self):
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, Card, Suit.clubs, -1)
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, Card, Suit.clubs, Rank.count())
Esempio n. 14
 def _create_deck(self):
     for i in range(0, 4):
         for j in range(2, 15):
   , Rank(j)))
Esempio n. 15
def judge_right(res_one, res_two, res_three, shape_1, shape_2, shape_3):
    if (shape_1 == str(2) or shape_1 == str(3)):
        return False
    if (shape_3 == str(0)):
        for i in range(5):
            for j in range(5):
                if (i != j and res_three[i].rank == res_three[j].rank):
                    return False
    if (shape_2 == str(0)):
        for i in range(5):
            for j in range(5):
                if (i != j and res_two[i].rank == res_two[j].rank):
                    return False
    if (shape_1 == str(0)):
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if (i != j and res_one[i].rank == res_one[j].rank):
                    return False
    if (shape_3 == str(1)):
        pair_num = 0
        for i in res_three:
            for j in res_three:
                if (i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_num += 1
        if (pair_num != 2):
            return False
    if (shape_2 == str(1)):
        pair_num = 0
        for i in res_two:
            for j in res_two:
                if (i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_num += 1
        if (pair_num != 2):
            return False
    if (shape_1 == str(1)):
        pair_num = 0
        for i in res_one:
            for j in res_one:
                if (i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_num += 1
        if (pair_num != 2):
            return False
    if (shape_3 == str(2) or shape_3 == str(3)):
        pair_num = 0
        for i in res_three:
            for j in res_three:
                if (i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_num += 1
        if (pair_num != 4):
            return False
        pair_one = ''
        pair_two = ''
        for i in res_three:
            for j in res_three:
                if (pair_one == '' and i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_one = i.rank
                elif (pair_one != '' and i != j and i.rank == j.rank
                      and i.rank != pair_one):
                    pair_two = i.rank

        if (shape_3 == str(2) and Rank.difference(pair_one, pair_two) == 1):
            return False
    if (shape_2 == str(2) or shape_2 == str(3)):
        pair_num = 0
        for i in res_two:
            for j in res_two:
                if (i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_num += 1
        if (pair_num != 4):
            return False
        pair_one = ''
        pair_two = ''
        for i in res_two:
            for j in res_two:
                if (pair_one == '' and i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_one = i.rank
                elif (pair_one != '' and i != j and i.rank == j.rank
                      and i.rank != pair_one):
                    pair_two = i.rank
        if (shape_2 == str(2) and Rank.difference(pair_one, pair_two) == 1):
            return False

    if (shape_3 == str(4)):
        pair_num = 0
        for i in res_three:
            for j in res_three:
                if (i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_num += 1
        if (pair_num != 6):
            return False
    if (shape_2 == str(4)):
        pair_num = 0
        for i in res_two:
            for j in res_two:
                if (i != j and i.rank == j.rank):
                    pair_num += 1
        if (pair_num != 6):
            return False
    if (shape_1 == str(4)):
        if (res_one[0].rank != res_one[1].rank
                or res_one[1].rank != res_one[2].rank
                or res_one[1].rank != res_one[0].rank):
            return False
    flag_reward = Compare_up(3, res_three, res_two, shape_3, shape_2)
    if (flag_reward < 0):
        return False
    flag_reward = Compare_gap(res_two, res_one, shape_2, shape_1)
    if (flag_reward < 0):
        return False
    return True
Esempio n. 16
def choose_step_sb(choose_):
    Collection_tail = choose_['Collection_tail']
    Flush_dict = choose_['Flush_dict']
    Flush_Collection_tail = choose_['Flush_Collection_tail']
    Three_dict = choose_['Three_dict']
    Gourd_dict = choose_['Gourd_dict']
    Bomb_dict = choose_['Bomb_dict']
    Pair_dict = choose_['Pair_dict']
    shape_dict = {
        '0': [0, []],
        '1': [0, []],
        '2': [0, []],
        '3': [0, []],
        '4': [0, []],
        '5': [0, []],
        '6': [0, []],
        '7': [0, []],
        '8': [0, []],
        '9': [0, []]

    for i in Flush_Collection_tail:
        if (Flush_Collection_tail[i] != []):
            for j in Flush_Collection_tail[i]:
                shape_dict[str(9)][0] = 1
                shape_dict[str(9)][1].append((str(j), str(i)))
    for i in reversed(rank_list):
        if (Bomb_dict[str(i)] != 0):
            shape_dict[str(8)][0] = 1
            shape_dict[str(8)][1].append((str(i), ''))
    for i in reversed(rank_list):
        if (Gourd_dict[str(i)] != []):
            shape_dict[str(7)][0] = 1
            shape_dict[str(7)][1].append((str(i), str(Gourd_dict[str(i)][0])))
    for i in Flush_dict:
        if (Flush_dict[i] != []):
            for j in Flush_dict[i]:
                shape_dict[str(6)][0] = 1
                shape_dict[str(6)][1].append((str(j), str(i)))
    if (Collection_tail != []):
        shape_dict[str(5)][0] = 1
        shape_dict[str(5)][1].append((str(Collection_tail[-1]), ''))
    for i in reversed(rank_list):
        if (Three_dict[str(i)] != 0):
            shape_dict[str(4)][0] = 1
            shape_dict[str(4)][1].append((str(i), ''))
    pair_num = 0
    for i in reversed(rank_list):
        if (Pair_dict[str(i)] != 0):
            if (pair_num == 0):
                pair_one = str(i)
                pair_num += 1
            elif (
                    pair_num == 1 and
                (rank_list.index(i) - rank_list.index(Rank(pair_one)) == -1)):
                pair_two = str(i)
                shape_dict[str(3)][0] = 1
                shape_dict[str(3)][1].append((str(pair_one), str(pair_two)))
    pair_num = 0
    for i in reversed(rank_list):
        if (Pair_dict[str(i)] != 0):
            if (pair_num == 0):
                pair_one = str(i)
                pair_num += 1
            elif (pair_num == 1):
                pair_two = str(i)
                shape_dict[str(2)][0] = 1
                shape_dict[str(2)][1].append((str(pair_one), str(pair_two)))
    for i in reversed(rank_list):
        if (Pair_dict[str(i)] != 0):
            shape_dict[str(1)][0] = 1
            shape_dict[str(1)][1].append((str(i), ''))
    shape_dict[str(0)][0] = 1
    shape_dict[str(0)][1].append(('', ''))
    return shape_dict
Esempio n. 17
 def _set_ranks_in_order(self, first, second):
     # set as Rank objects.
     self.first, self.second = Rank(first), Rank(second)
     if self.first < self.second:
         self.first, self.second = self.second, self.first
Esempio n. 18
 def rank_difference(self):
     """The difference between the first and second rank of the Combo."""
     # self.first >= self.second
     return Rank.difference(self.first.rank, self.second.rank)
Esempio n. 19
 def _get_rank_in_order(token, first_part, second_part):
     first, second = Rank(token[first_part]), Rank(token[second_part])
     smaller, bigger = min(first, second), max(first, second)
     return smaller, bigger
Esempio n. 20
 def test_rank_count(self):
     self.assertEqual(Rank.count(), 13, 'A card must have 13 ranks')
Esempio n. 21
    def __init__(self, range=""):
        self._hands = set()
        self._combos = set()

        for name, value in _RegexRangeLexer(range):
            if name == "ALL":
                for card in itertools.combinations("AKQJT98765432", 2):
                for rank in "AKQJT98765432":

                # full range, no need to parse any more name

            elif name == "PAIR":

            elif name == "PAIR_PLUS":
                smallest = Rank(value)
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank >= smallest):

            elif name == "PAIR_MINUS":
                biggest = Rank(value)
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= biggest):

            elif name == "PAIR_DASH":
                first, second = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1])
                ranks = (rank.val for rank in Rank if first <= rank <= second)
                for rank in ranks:

            elif name == "BOTH":
                self._add_offsuit(value[0] + value[1])
                self._add_suited(value[0] + value[1])

            elif name == "X_BOTH":
                for rank in (r.val for r in Rank if r < Rank(value)):
                    self._add_suited(value + rank)
                    self._add_offsuit(value + rank)

            elif name == "OFFSUIT":
                self._add_offsuit(value[0] + value[1])

            elif name == "SUITED":
                self._add_suited(value[0] + value[1])

            elif name == "X_OFFSUIT":
                biggest = Rank(value)
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank < biggest):
                    self._add_offsuit(value + rank)

            elif name == "X_SUITED":
                biggest = Rank(value)
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank < biggest):
                    self._add_suited(value + rank)

            elif name == "BOTH_PLUS":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank < bigger):
                    self._add_suited(value[1] + rank)
                    self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank)

            elif name == "BOTH_MINUS":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= smaller):
                    self._add_suited(value[1] + rank)
                    self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank)

            elif name in ("X_PLUS", "X_SUITED_PLUS", "X_OFFSUIT_PLUS"):
                smallest = Rank(value)
                first_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank >= smallest)

                for rank1 in first_ranks:
                    second_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank < rank1)
                    for rank2 in second_ranks:
                        if name != "X_OFFSUIT_PLUS":
                            self._add_suited(rank1.val + rank2.val)
                        if name != "X_SUITED_PLUS":
                            self._add_offsuit(rank1.val + rank2.val)

            elif name in ("X_MINUS", "X_SUITED_MINUS", "X_OFFSUIT_MINUS"):
                biggest = Rank(value)
                first_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank <= biggest)

                for rank1 in first_ranks:
                    second_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank < rank1)
                    for rank2 in second_ranks:
                        if name != "X_OFFSUIT_MINUS":
                            self._add_suited(rank1.val + rank2.val)
                        if name != "X_SUITED_MINUS":
                            self._add_offsuit(rank1.val + rank2.val)

            elif name == "COMBO":

            elif name == "OFFSUIT_PLUS":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank < bigger):
                    self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank)

            elif name == "OFFSUIT_MINUS":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= smaller):
                    self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank)

            elif name == "SUITED_PLUS":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank < bigger):
                    self._add_suited(value[1] + rank)

            elif name == "SUITED_MINUS":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= smaller):
                    self._add_suited(value[1] + rank)

            elif name == "BOTH_DASH":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[1]), Rank(value[2])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank <= bigger):
                    self._add_offsuit(value[0] + rank)
                    self._add_suited(value[0] + rank)

            elif name == "OFFSUIT_DASH":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[1]), Rank(value[2])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank <= bigger):
                    self._add_offsuit(value[0] + rank)

            elif name == "SUITED_DASH":
                smaller, bigger = Rank(value[1]), Rank(value[2])
                for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank <= bigger):
                    self._add_suited(value[0] + rank)