def __init__(self, host="", port=2000, viewer_res=(1280, 720), obs_res=(1280, 720), reward_fn=None, encode_state_fn=None, synchronous=True, fps=30, action_smoothing=0.9, start_carla=True): """ Initializes a gym-like environment that can be used to interact with CARLA. Connects to a running CARLA enviromment (tested on version 0.9.5) and spwans a lincoln mkz2017 passenger car with automatic transmission. This vehicle can be controlled using the step() function, taking an action that consists of [steering_angle, throttle]. host (string): IP address of the CARLA host port (short): Port used to connect to CARLA viewer_res (int, int): Resolution of the spectator camera (placed behind the vehicle by default) as a (width, height) tuple obs_res (int, int): Resolution of the observation camera (placed on the dashboard by default) as a (width, height) tuple reward_fn (function): Custom reward function that is called every step. If None, no reward function is used. encode_state_fn (function): Function that takes the image (of obs_res resolution) from the observation camera and encodes it to some state vector to returned by step(). If None, step() returns the full image. action_smoothing: Scalar used to smooth the incomming action signal. 1.0 = max smoothing, 0.0 = no smoothing fps (int): FPS of the client. If fps <= 0 then use unbounded FPS. Note: Sensors will have a tick rate of fps when fps > 0, otherwise they will tick as fast as possible. synchronous (bool): If True, run in synchronous mode (read the comment above for more info) start_carla (bool): Automatically start CALRA when True. Note that you need to set the environment variable ${CARLA_ROOT} to point to the CARLA root directory for this option to work. """ # Start CARLA from CARLA_ROOT self.carla_process = None if start_carla: if "CARLA_ROOT" not in os.environ: raise Exception("${CARLA_ROOT} has not been set!") dist_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["CARLA_ROOT"], "Dist") if not os.path.isdir(dist_dir): raise Exception("Expected to find directory \"Dist\" under ${CARLA_ROOT}!") sub_dirs = [os.path.join(dist_dir, sub_dir) for sub_dir in os.listdir(dist_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dist_dir, sub_dir))] if len(sub_dirs) == 0: raise Exception("Could not find a packaged distribution of CALRA! " + "(try building CARLA with the \"make package\" " + "command in ${CARLA_ROOT})") sub_dir = sub_dirs[0] carla_path = os.path.join(sub_dir, "LinuxNoEditor", "") launch_command = [carla_path] launch_command += ["Town07"] if synchronous: launch_command += ["-benchmark"] launch_command += ["-fps=%i" % fps] print("Running command:") print(" ".join(launch_command)) self.carla_process = subprocess.Popen(launch_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print("Waiting for CARLA to initialize") for line in self.carla_process.stdout: if "LogCarla: Number Of Vehicles" in line: break time.sleep(2) # Initialize pygame for visualization pygame.init() pygame.font.init() width, height = viewer_res if obs_res is None: out_width, out_height = width, height else: out_width, out_height = obs_res self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.synchronous = synchronous # Setup gym environment self.seed() self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(np.array([-1, 0]), np.array([1, 1]), dtype=np.float32) # steer, throttle self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(*obs_res, 3), dtype=np.float32) self.metadata["video.frames_per_second"] = self.fps = self.average_fps = fps self.spawn_point = 1 self.action_smoothing = action_smoothing self.encode_state_fn = (lambda x: x) if not callable(encode_state_fn) else encode_state_fn self.reward_fn = (lambda x: 0) if not callable(reward_fn) else reward_fn = None try: # Connect to carla self.client = carla.Client(host, port) self.client.set_timeout(60.0) # Create world wrapper = World(self.client) if self.synchronous: settings = settings.synchronous_mode = True # Get spawn location #lap_start_wp =, y=110)) lap_start_wp =[1].location) spawn_transform = lap_start_wp.transform spawn_transform.location += carla.Location(z=1.0) # Create vehicle and attach camera to it self.vehicle = Vehicle(, spawn_transform, on_collision_fn=lambda e: self._on_collision(e), on_invasion_fn=lambda e: self._on_invasion(e)) # Create hud self.hud = HUD(width, height) self.hud.set_vehicle(self.vehicle) # Create cameras self.dashcam = Camera(, out_width, out_height, transform=camera_transforms["dashboard"], attach_to=self.vehicle, on_recv_image=lambda e: self._set_observation_image(e), sensor_tick=0.0 if self.synchronous else 1.0/self.fps) = Camera(, width, height, transform=camera_transforms["spectator"], attach_to=self.vehicle, on_recv_image=lambda e: self._set_viewer_image(e), sensor_tick=0.0 if self.synchronous else 1.0/self.fps) except Exception as e: self.close() raise e # Generate waypoints along the lap self.route_waypoints = compute_route_waypoints(, lap_start_wp, lap_start_wp, resolution=1.0, plan=[RoadOption.STRAIGHT] + [RoadOption.RIGHT] * 2 + [RoadOption.STRAIGHT] * 5) self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.checkpoint_waypoint_index = 0 # Reset env to set initial state self.reset()
def run_carla_client(self): client = carla.Client(, self.port) client.set_timeout(20.0) self.available_maps = client.get_available_maps() print("Available maps are: ", self.available_maps)'listening to server %s:%s',, self.port) for episode in range(self.number_of_episodes): print("Starting episode number %d" % episode) uuid_run = str(uuid.uuid1()) episode_path = os.path.join( self.base_path, "episode_{}__{}".format(str(episode), uuid_run)) os.mkdir(episode_path), "intrinsics.npy"), self.K) cur_map = random.choice(self.available_maps) print("About to load the map %s" % cur_map) = client.load_world(cur_map) # Initialize the actor lists self.vehicles_list = [] self.sensors_list = [] self.vehicle_dir_paths = [] self.actors = [] self.position_list = [] self.rotation_list = [] self.camR_sensor_indices = [] self.vehicle_bbox_list = [] self.vehicle_extrinsics = [] self.vehicle_names = [] # Get all the blueprints blueprints = self.filterv) for blueprint in blueprints: print( for attr in blueprint: print(' - {}'.format(attr)) # Get all the spawn points spawn_points = random.shuffle(spawn_points) self.spawn_vehicles(blueprints, episode_path, spawn_points) # self.spawn_points = spawn_points print("CamR sensor indices are : ", self.camR_sensor_indices) print("Done with actor creation") print("Total number of sensors are: ", len(self.sensors_list)) last_saved_frame = 0 # Create a synchronous mode context. with CarlaSyncMode(, self.sensors_list, fps=self.fps) as sync_mode: cnt = 0 for v in self.vehicles_list: # print("Bounding box for this vehicle is: ", v.bounding_box.location, v.bounding_box.extent) bbox_loc, bbox_ext = v.bounding_box.location, v.bounding_box.extent bbox = [ bbox_loc.x - bbox_ext.x, bbox_loc.y - bbox_ext.y, bbox_loc.z - bbox_ext.z, bbox_loc.x + bbox_ext.x, bbox_loc.y + bbox_ext.y, bbox_loc.z + bbox_ext.z ] self.vehicle_bbox_list.append(bbox) print("bbox coords are: ", bbox) v.set_autopilot(False) # print("All vehicles put to autopilot") while True: if cnt == self.num_datapoints_per_episode: print("Done with episode %d." % episode) time.sleep(1) # self.destroy_actors() break # Randomly change weather weather = carla.WeatherParameters( cloudiness=np.random.randint(0, 70), precipitation=np.random.randint(0, 75), sun_altitude_angle=np.random.randint(30, 90)) # print("Randomly set weather") # Randomly teleport vehicle # random.shuffle(spawn_points) # self.vehicles_list[0].set_transform(spawn_points[0]) # # print("Randomly teleported vehicle") # print("Getting the data") # Advance the simulation and wait for the data. data, frame = sync_mode.tick(timeout=12.0) # print('Got the data :))') data = data[1:] # Remove the world tick datapoint # print("Location of car is: ", self.vehicles_list[-1].get_location()) if frame - last_saved_frame > self.min_frame_difference: # Don't want too similar frames print("Data looks different. Will save") cnt += 1 last_saved_frame = frame self.save_data(data, frame) if self.should_randomize_camR: self.randomize_camR()
def go(q): # setup CARLA client = carla.Client("", 2000) client.set_timeout(10.0) world = client.load_world( blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() world_map = world.get_map() vehicle_bp = blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.tesla.*')[0] spawn_points = world_map.get_spawn_points() assert len(spawn_points) > args.num_selected_spawn_point, \ f'''No spawn point {args.num_selected_spawn_point}, try a value between 0 and {len(spawn_points)} for this town.''' spawn_point = spawn_points[args.num_selected_spawn_point] vehicle = world.spawn_actor(vehicle_bp, spawn_point) max_steer_angle = vehicle.get_physics_control().wheels[0].max_steer_angle # make tires less slippery # wheel_control = carla.WheelPhysicsControl(tire_friction=5) physics_control = vehicle.get_physics_control() physics_control.mass = 2326 # physics_control.wheels = [wheel_control]*4 physics_control.torque_curve = [[20.0, 500.0], [5000.0, 500.0]] physics_control.gear_switch_time = 0.0 vehicle.apply_physics_control(physics_control) blueprint = blueprint_library.find('') blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(W)) blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(H)) blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '70') blueprint.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.05') transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.45)) camera = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=vehicle) camera.listen(cam_callback) world.set_weather( carla.WeatherParameters( cloudyness=args.cloudyness, precipitation=args.precipitation, precipitation_deposits=args.precipitation_deposits, wind_intensity=args.wind_intensity, sun_azimuth_angle=args.sun_azimuth_angle, sun_altitude_angle=args.sun_altitude_angle)) # reenable IMU imu_bp = blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.imu') imu = world.spawn_actor(imu_bp, transform, attach_to=vehicle) imu.listen(imu_callback) def destroy(): print("clean exit") imu.destroy() camera.destroy() vehicle.destroy() print("done") atexit.register(destroy) vehicle_state = VehicleState() # launch fake car threads threading.Thread(target=health_function).start() threading.Thread(target=fake_driver_monitoring).start() threading.Thread(target=fake_gps).start() threading.Thread(target=can_function_runner, args=(vehicle_state, )).start() # can loop rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=0.05) # init throttle_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER brake_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER steer_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER vc = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0, steer=0, brake=0, reverse=False) is_openpilot_engaged = False throttle_out = steer_out = brake_out = 0 throttle_op = steer_op = brake_op = 0 throttle_manual = steer_manual = brake_manual = 0 old_steer = old_brake = old_throttle = 0 throttle_manual_multiplier = 0.7 #keyboard signal is always 1 brake_manual_multiplier = 0.7 #keyboard signal is always 1 steer_manual_multiplier = 45 * STEER_RATIO #keyboard signal is always 1 while 1: # 1. Read the throttle, steer and brake from op or manual controls # 2. Set instructions in Carla # 3. Send current carstate to op via can cruise_button = 0 throttle_out = steer_out = brake_out = 0 throttle_op = steer_op = brake_op = 0 throttle_manual = steer_manual = brake_manual = 0 # --------------Step 1------------------------------- if not q.empty(): message = q.get() m = message.split('_') if m[0] == "steer": steer_manual = float(m[1]) is_openpilot_engaged = False if m[0] == "throttle": throttle_manual = float(m[1]) is_openpilot_engaged = False if m[0] == "brake": brake_manual = float(m[1]) is_openpilot_engaged = False if m[0] == "reverse": #in_reverse = not in_reverse cruise_button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL is_openpilot_engaged = False if m[0] == "cruise": if m[1] == "down": cruise_button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET is_openpilot_engaged = True if m[1] == "up": cruise_button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL is_openpilot_engaged = True if m[1] == "cancel": cruise_button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL is_openpilot_engaged = False throttle_out = throttle_manual * throttle_manual_multiplier steer_out = steer_manual * steer_manual_multiplier brake_out = brake_manual * brake_manual_multiplier #steer_out = steer_out # steer_out = steer_rate_limit(old_steer, steer_out) old_steer = steer_out old_throttle = throttle_out old_brake = brake_out # print('message',old_throttle, old_steer, old_brake) if is_openpilot_engaged: sm.update(0) throttle_op = sm['carControl'].actuators.gas #[0,1] brake_op = sm['carControl'].actuators.brake #[0,1] steer_op = sm['controlsState'].angleSteersDes # degrees [-180,180] throttle_out = throttle_op steer_out = steer_op brake_out = brake_op steer_out = steer_rate_limit(old_steer, steer_out) old_steer = steer_out # OP Exit conditions # if throttle_out > 0.3: # cruise_button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL # is_openpilot_engaged = False # if brake_out > 0.3: # cruise_button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL # is_openpilot_engaged = False # if steer_out > 0.3: # cruise_button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL # is_openpilot_engaged = False else: if throttle_out == 0 and old_throttle > 0: if throttle_ease_out_counter > 0: throttle_out = old_throttle throttle_ease_out_counter += -1 else: throttle_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER old_throttle = 0 if brake_out == 0 and old_brake > 0: if brake_ease_out_counter > 0: brake_out = old_brake brake_ease_out_counter += -1 else: brake_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER old_brake = 0 if steer_out == 0 and old_steer != 0: if steer_ease_out_counter > 0: steer_out = old_steer steer_ease_out_counter += -1 else: steer_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER old_steer = 0 # --------------Step 2------------------------------- steer_carla = steer_out / (max_steer_angle * STEER_RATIO * -1) steer_carla = np.clip(steer_carla, -1, 1) steer_out = steer_carla * (max_steer_angle * STEER_RATIO * -1) old_steer = steer_carla * (max_steer_angle * STEER_RATIO * -1) vc.throttle = throttle_out / 0.6 vc.steer = steer_carla vc.brake = brake_out vehicle.apply_control(vc) # --------------Step 3------------------------------- vel = vehicle.get_velocity() speed = math.sqrt(vel.x**2 + vel.y**2 + vel.z**2) # in m/s vehicle_state.speed = speed vehicle_state.angle = steer_out vehicle_state.cruise_button = cruise_button vehicle_state.is_engaged = is_openpilot_engaged if rk.frame % PRINT_DECIMATION == 0: print("frame: ", "engaged:", is_openpilot_engaged, "; throttle: ", round(vc.throttle, 3), "; steer(c/deg): ", round(vc.steer, 3), round(steer_out, 3), "; brake: ", round(vc.brake, 3)) rk.keep_time()
import os import random import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import numpy as np import carla from carla import ColorConverter as cc import pygame from agents.navigation.basic_agent import BasicAgent from agents.navigation.global_route_planner import GlobalRoutePlanner from agents.navigation.global_route_planner_dao import GlobalRoutePlannerDAO client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) world = client.get_world() world_map = world.get_map() pygame.font.init() myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 30) vehicle = None camera_sensor = None class surface_holder: def __init__(self): self.surface = None
def game_loop(args): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() world = None timestep = 0.1 """ class Bunch(object): def __init__(self, adict): self.__dict__.update(adict) args = Bunch({'autopilot':False, 'debug':False, 'filter':'vehicle.tesla.model3', 'height':720, 'host':'', 'port':2000, 'res':'1280x720', 'rolename':'hero', 'width':1280}) """ try: client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(2.0) print(args) # Following line opens up pygame display = pygame.display.set_mode((args.width, args.height), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) hud = HUD(args.width, args.height) #if (client.get_world().get_map().name != "Town03"): # client.load_world('Town03') world = World(client.get_world(), hud, args.filter, args.rolename) world.camera_manager.toggle_recording() settings = if not settings.synchronous_mode or settings.fixed_delta_seconds != timestep: settings.synchronous_mode = True settings.fixed_delta_seconds = timestep controller = KeyboardControl(world, args.autopilot) clock = pygame.time.Clock() coords = list() for i in range(100): clock.tick_busy_loop(600) if controller.parse_events(client, world, clock): return world.tick(clock) world.eval_reward() world.render(display) pygame.display.flip() coords.append( (world.player.get_location().x, world.player.get_location().y)) #time.sleep(0.5) with open("Coords_dodge", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(coords, f) finally: if (world and world.recording_enabled): client.stop_recorder() if world is not None: world.destroy() pygame.quit()
def __init__(self, render=False, carla_port=2000, record=False, record_dir=None, args=None, record_vision=False, reward_type='lane_follow', **kwargs): self.render_display = render self.record_display = record print('[CarlaEnv] record_vision:', record_vision) self.record_vision = record_vision self.record_dir = record_dir self.reward_type = reward_type self.vision_size = args['vision_size'] self.vision_fov = args['vision_fov'] self.changing_weather_speed = float(args['weather']) self.frame_skip = args['frame_skip'] self.max_episode_steps = args['steps'] # DMC uses this self.multiagent = args['multiagent'] self.start_lane = args['lane'] self.follow_traffic_lights = args['lights'] if self.record_display: assert self.render_display self.actor_list = [] if self.render_display: pygame.init() self.render_display = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) self.font = get_font() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.client = carla.Client('localhost', carla_port) self.client.set_timeout(2.0) = self.client.get_world() = # tests specific to map 4: if self.start_lane and != "Town04": raise NotImplementedError # remove old vehicles and sensors (in case they survived) actor_list = for vehicle in actor_list.filter("*vehicle*"): print("Warning: removing old vehicle") vehicle.destroy() for sensor in actor_list.filter("*sensor*"): print("Warning: removing old sensor") sensor.destroy() self.vehicle = None self.vehicles_list = [] # their ids self.reset_vehicle() # creates self.vehicle self.actor_list.append(self.vehicle) blueprint_library = if self.render_display: self.camera_display = blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=-5.5, z=2.8), carla.Rotation(pitch=-15)), attach_to=self.vehicle) self.actor_list.append(self.camera_display) bp = blueprint_library.find('') bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.vision_size)) bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.vision_size)) bp.set_attribute('fov', str(self.vision_fov)) location = carla.Location(x=1.6, z=1.7) self.camera_vision =, carla.Transform(location, carla.Rotation(yaw=0.0)), attach_to=self.vehicle) self.actor_list.append(self.camera_vision) if self.record_display or self.record_vision: if self.record_dir is None: self.record_dir = "carla-{}-{}x{}-fov{}".format(, self.vision_size, self.vision_size, self.vision_fov) if self.frame_skip > 1: self.record_dir += '-{}'.format(self.frame_skip) if self.changing_weather_speed > 0.0: self.record_dir += '-weather' if self.multiagent: self.record_dir += '-mutiagent' if self.follow_traffic_lights: self.record_dir += '-lights' self.record_dir += '-{}k'.format(self.max_episode_steps // 1000) now = self.record_dir += now.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") os.mkdir(self.record_dir) if self.render_display: self.sync_mode = CarlaSyncMode(, self.camera_display, self.camera_vision, fps=20) else: self.sync_mode = CarlaSyncMode(, self.camera_vision, fps=20) # weather = Weather(, self.changing_weather_speed) # dummy variables, to match deep mind control's APIs low = -1.0 high = 1.0 self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array((low, low)), high=np.array((high, high))) self.observation_space = DotMap() self.observation_space.shape = (3, self.vision_size, self.vision_size) self.observation_space.dtype = np.dtype(np.uint8) self.reward_range = None self.metadata = None # self.action_space.sample = lambda: np.random.uniform(low=low, high=high, size=self.action_space.shape[0]).astype(np.float32) self.horizon = self.max_episode_steps self.image_shape = (3, self.vision_size, self.vision_size) # roaming carla agent self.count = 0 self.reset_init() self._proximity_threshold = 10.0 self._traffic_light_threshold = 5.0 self.actor_list = #for idx in range(len(self.actor_list)): # print (idx, self.actor_list[idx]) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() self.vehicle_list = self.actor_list.filter("*vehicle*") self.lights_list = self.actor_list.filter("*traffic_light*") self.object_list = self.actor_list.filter("*traffic.*") # town nav self.route_planner_dao = GlobalRoutePlannerDAO(, sampling_resolution=0.1) self.route_planner = CustomGlobalRoutePlanner(self.route_planner_dao) self.route_planner.setup() self.target_location = carla.Location(x=-13.473097, y=134.311234, z=-0.010433) # roaming carla agent # self.agent = None # self.count = 0 # self.reset() # creates self.agent
#from carla.client import make_carla_client import carla actor_list = [] try: client = carla.Client("localhost",2000) client.set_timeout(2) world = client.get_world() print(client.get_available_maps()) print(world) finally: for actor in actor_list: actor.destroy() print("all actors destroyed!")
def main(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__) argparser.add_argument( '--host', metavar='H', default='', help='IP of the host server (default:') argparser.add_argument( '-p', '--port', metavar='P', default=2000, type=int, help='TCP port to listen to (default: 2000)') argparser.add_argument( '-n', '--number-of-vehicles', metavar='N', default=30, type=int, help='Number of vehicles (default: 30)') argparser.add_argument( '-w', '--number-of-walkers', metavar='W', default=10, type=int, help='Number of walkers (default: 10)') argparser.add_argument( '--safe', action='store_true', help='Avoid spawning vehicles prone to accidents') argparser.add_argument( '--filterv', metavar='PATTERN', default='vehicle.*', help='Filter vehicle model (default: "vehicle.*")') argparser.add_argument( '--generationv', metavar='G', default='All', help='restrict to certain vehicle generation (values: "1","2","All" - default: "All")') argparser.add_argument( '--filterw', metavar='PATTERN', default='walker.pedestrian.*', help='Filter pedestrian type (default: "walker.pedestrian.*")') argparser.add_argument( '--generationw', metavar='G', default='2', help='restrict to certain pedestrian generation (values: "1","2","All" - default: "2")') argparser.add_argument( '--tm-port', metavar='P', default=8000, type=int, help='Port to communicate with TM (default: 8000)') argparser.add_argument( '--asynch', action='store_true', help='Activate asynchronous mode execution') argparser.add_argument( '--hybrid', action='store_true', help='Activate hybrid mode for Traffic Manager') argparser.add_argument( '-s', '--seed', metavar='S', type=int, help='Set random device seed and deterministic mode for Traffic Manager') argparser.add_argument( '--car-lights-on', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable car lights') argparser.add_argument( '--hero', action='store_true', default=False, help='Set one of the vehicles as hero') argparser.add_argument( '--respawn', action='store_true', default=False, help='Automatically respawn dormant vehicles (only in large maps)') argparser.add_argument( '--no-rendering', action='store_true', default=False, help='Activate no rendering mode') args = argparser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) vehicles_list = [] walkers_list = [] all_id = [] client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(10.0) synchronous_master = False random.seed(args.seed if args.seed is not None else int(time.time())) try: world = client.get_world() traffic_manager = client.get_trafficmanager(args.tm_port) traffic_manager.set_global_distance_to_leading_vehicle(2.5) if args.respawn: traffic_manager.set_respawn_dormant_vehicles(True) if args.hybrid: traffic_manager.set_hybrid_physics_mode(True) traffic_manager.set_hybrid_physics_radius(70.0) if args.seed is not None: traffic_manager.set_random_device_seed(args.seed) settings = world.get_settings() if not args.asynch: traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(True) if not settings.synchronous_mode: synchronous_master = True settings.synchronous_mode = True settings.fixed_delta_seconds = 0.05 else: synchronous_master = False else: print("You are currently in asynchronous mode. If this is a traffic simulation, \ you could experience some issues. If it's not working correctly, switch to synchronous \ mode by using traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(True)") if args.no_rendering: settings.no_rendering_mode = True world.apply_settings(settings) blueprints = get_actor_blueprints(world, args.filterv, args.generationv) blueprintsWalkers = get_actor_blueprints(world, args.filterw, args.generationw) if blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == 4] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not'microlino')] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not'carlacola')] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not'cybertruck')] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not't2')] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not'sprinter')] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not'firetruck')] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not'ambulance')] blueprints = sorted(blueprints, key=lambda bp: spawn_points = world.get_map().get_spawn_points() number_of_spawn_points = len(spawn_points) if args.number_of_vehicles < number_of_spawn_points: random.shuffle(spawn_points) elif args.number_of_vehicles > number_of_spawn_points: msg = 'requested %d vehicles, but could only find %d spawn points' logging.warning(msg, args.number_of_vehicles, number_of_spawn_points) args.number_of_vehicles = number_of_spawn_points # @todo cannot import these directly. SpawnActor = carla.command.SpawnActor SetAutopilot = carla.command.SetAutopilot SetVehicleLightState = carla.command.SetVehicleLightState FutureActor = carla.command.FutureActor # -------------- # Spawn vehicles # -------------- batch = [] hero = args.hero for n, transform in enumerate(spawn_points): if n >= args.number_of_vehicles: break blueprint = random.choice(blueprints) if blueprint.has_attribute('color'): color = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) blueprint.set_attribute('color', color) if blueprint.has_attribute('driver_id'): driver_id = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('driver_id').recommended_values) blueprint.set_attribute('driver_id', driver_id) if hero: blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'hero') hero = False else: blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') # prepare the light state of the cars to spawn light_state = vls.NONE if args.car_lights_on: light_state = vls.Position | vls.LowBeam | vls.LowBeam # spawn the cars and set their autopilot and light state all together batch.append(SpawnActor(blueprint, transform) .then(SetAutopilot(FutureActor, True, traffic_manager.get_port())) .then(SetVehicleLightState(FutureActor, light_state))) for response in client.apply_batch_sync(batch, synchronous_master): if response.error: logging.error(response.error) else: vehicles_list.append(response.actor_id) # ------------- # Spawn Walkers # ------------- # some settings percentagePedestriansRunning = 0.0 # how many pedestrians will run percentagePedestriansCrossing = 0.0 # how many pedestrians will walk through the road # 1. take all the random locations to spawn spawn_points = [] for i in range(args.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = world.get_random_location_from_navigation() if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # 2. we spawn the walker object batch = [] walker_speed = [] for spawn_point in spawn_points: walker_bp = random.choice(blueprintsWalkers) # set as not invincible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') # set the max speed if walker_bp.has_attribute('speed'): if (random.random() > percentagePedestriansRunning): # walking walker_speed.append(walker_bp.get_attribute('speed').recommended_values[1]) else: # running walker_speed.append(walker_bp.get_attribute('speed').recommended_values[2]) else: print("Walker has no speed") walker_speed.append(0.0) batch.append(SpawnActor(walker_bp, spawn_point)) results = client.apply_batch_sync(batch, True) walker_speed2 = [] for i in range(len(results)): if results[i].error: logging.error(results[i].error) else: walkers_list.append({"id": results[i].actor_id}) walker_speed2.append(walker_speed[i]) walker_speed = walker_speed2 # 3. we spawn the walker controller batch = [] walker_controller_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('') for i in range(len(walkers_list)): batch.append(SpawnActor(walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walkers_list[i]["id"])) results = client.apply_batch_sync(batch, True) for i in range(len(results)): if results[i].error: logging.error(results[i].error) else: walkers_list[i]["con"] = results[i].actor_id # 4. we put together the walkers and controllers id to get the objects from their id for i in range(len(walkers_list)): all_id.append(walkers_list[i]["con"]) all_id.append(walkers_list[i]["id"]) all_actors = world.get_actors(all_id) # wait for a tick to ensure client receives the last transform of the walkers we have just created if args.asynch or not synchronous_master: world.wait_for_tick() else: world.tick() # 5. initialize each controller and set target to walk to (list is [controler, actor, controller, actor ...]) # set how many pedestrians can cross the road world.set_pedestrians_cross_factor(percentagePedestriansCrossing) for i in range(0, len(all_id), 2): # start walker all_actors[i].start() # set walk to random point all_actors[i].go_to_location(world.get_random_location_from_navigation()) # max speed all_actors[i].set_max_speed(float(walker_speed[int(i/2)])) print('spawned %d vehicles and %d walkers, press Ctrl+C to exit.' % (len(vehicles_list), len(walkers_list))) # Example of how to use Traffic Manager parameters traffic_manager.global_percentage_speed_difference(30.0) while True: if not args.asynch and synchronous_master: world.tick() else: world.wait_for_tick() finally: if not args.asynch and synchronous_master: settings = world.get_settings() settings.synchronous_mode = False settings.no_rendering_mode = False settings.fixed_delta_seconds = None world.apply_settings(settings) print('\ndestroying %d vehicles' % len(vehicles_list)) client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in vehicles_list]) # stop walker controllers (list is [controller, actor, controller, actor ...]) for i in range(0, len(all_id), 2): all_actors[i].stop() print('\ndestroying %d walkers' % len(walkers_list)) client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in all_id]) time.sleep(0.5)
def game_loop(args): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() world = None colliding_agent = None NPCs = None rospy.init_node('delta_carla') try: client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(2.0) display = pygame.display.set_mode((args.width, args.height), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) spawn_points = list(client.get_world().get_map().get_spawn_points()) if args.scene is not 5: npc_spawn_points = [ x for x in spawn_points if x is not spawn_points[scene_list[ args.scene]['collision_spawn']] ] else: npc_spawn_points = [x for x in spawn_points] print("{} Spawn Points at: {}".format(len(npc_spawn_points), npc_spawn_points)) ######## NPCs = collision_scenario.NPC(client.get_world(), scene_list[args.scene]['npc'], npc_spawn_points) ######### hud = HUD(args.width, args.height) world = World(client.get_world(), hud, spawn_points[scene_list[args.scene]['ego_spawn']], args.spawn_top_camera) controller = KeyboardControl(world, args.autopilot) # Set the scenarios for collision # scene = 0 # Default 30m crash scenario # scene = 2 # 150m crash scenario colliding_agent = collision_scenario.Colliding_Agent(, world.vehicle, Args.scene) colliding_agent.create_agent( spawn_points[scene_list[args.scene]['collision_spawn']]) world_carla = ego = world.vehicle.attributes['role_name'] # PRINT HERE clock = pygame.time.Clock() while not rospy.core.is_shutdown(): clock.tick_busy_loop(60) if controller.parse_events(world, clock): return world.tick(clock) world.render(display) pygame.display.flip() colliding_agent.control_agent() finally: if world is not None: world.destroy() if colliding_agent is not None: colliding_agent.destroy() if NPCs is not None: NPCs.destroy(client) pygame.quit()
def game_loop(args): global X, X_init actor_list = [] X = readX() # X: coords_motionPlanner.txt X_init = X try: client = carla.Client(, args.port) # get client client.set_timeout(4.0) world = client.get_world() # get world settings = world.get_settings() print(settings) # ----------------------------------------- # create our ego car:make; color; name; initial state # ----------------------------------------- init_state = [X[0][3], X[0][4], X[0][5]] car_ego_make = '' car_ego_color = '0,0,255' car_ego_name = 'car_ego' car_ego = create_car_ego(world, car_ego_make, car_ego_color, car_ego_name, init_state) actor_list.append(car_ego) log.write('ego car is created and its id: %d!\n' % log.flush() print('ego car is created and its id:', # ----------------------------------------- # use .log to record running process (video) # ----------------------------------------- if not os.path.exists(address1 + 'saved/'): os.mkdir(address1 + 'saved/') recording = address1 + 'saved/' + 'recording_' + str(round( time.time())) + '.log' log.write('recording video filename: %s\n' % recording) log.flush() client.start_recorder(recording) print('recording starts') # ----------------------------------------- # implement agents: # ----------------------------------------- agent_ego = BasicAgent(car_ego) # ----------------------------------------- # global view: get all information of the world # ----------------------------------------- world = client.get_world() vehicles = world.get_actors().filter('vehicle.*') # ----------------------------------------- # our ego car can move only if other cars exist and their speed > 0 # ----------------------------------------- while len(vehicles) <= 1: # other cars exist world = client.get_world() vehicles = world.get_actors().filter('vehicle.*') log.write('%d cars in the world' % len(vehicles)) log.flush() for car in vehicles: # other cars' speed > 0 check_car = car if check_car.attributes.get( 'role_name') != 'car_ego': # find other car speed_car = math.sqrt(check_car.get_velocity().x**2 + check_car.get_velocity().y**2) break else: continue time.sleep(2.) # ----------------------------------------- # execute task and motion planning # ----------------------------------------- i = 0 # step behavior = X[i][1] # 1: merge lane; 0: not merge lane while i < len(X) - 1: if behavior == 0: # if not merging lane, skip risk model # ----------------------------------------- # set the current step # ----------------------------------------- curr_lane = X[i][2] next_lane = X[i + 1][2] curr_step = [X[i + 1][3], X[i + 1][4]] agent_ego.set_destination((curr_step[0], curr_step[1], 1.2)) log.write('current lane is %d\n' % curr_lane) log.write('our ego car does not merge lane in current step\n') log.write( 'our ego car performs current step to get next lane %d\n' % next_lane) log.flush() print('current lane is %d' % curr_lane) print('our ego car does not merge lane in current step') print( 'our ego car performs current step to get next lane %d\n' % next_lane) # ----------------------------------------- # execute the current step # ----------------------------------------- ego_loc = car_ego.get_location( ) # current location of our ego car mini_dis = 15 # a minimal distance to check if our ego car achieves the destination while math.sqrt((ego_loc.x - curr_step[0])**2 + (ego_loc.y - curr_step[1])**2) > mini_dis: if not world.wait_for_tick( ): # as soon as the server is ready continue! continue control = agent_ego.run_step() car_ego.apply_control(control) control.manual_gear_shift = False ego_loc = car_ego.get_location() log.write('our ego car reaches the target lane %d\n' % X[i + 1][2]) log.flush() # ----------------------------------------- # ready for the next step # ----------------------------------------- i = i + 1 behavior = X[i][1] else: # if our ego car merge lane, apply risk model and compute "p_risk" # ----------------------------------------- # compute risk value "p_risk" # ----------------------------------------- curr_lane = X[i][2] p_risk = fuc_risk(i, car_ego, world, curr_lane) log.write('current lane is %d\n' % curr_lane) log.write('p_risk is %3.3f if our ego car merges lane\n' % p_risk) log.flush() print('current lane is %d' % curr_lane) print('p_risk is %3.3f if our ego car merges lane' % p_risk) # ----------------------------------------- # if "p_risk" is smaller than "thre_risk", our ego car still merges lane # if "thre_risk" < 0, it is our TMPUD # if "thre_risk" > 0, it is one baseline # ----------------------------------------- thre_risk = 0.0 if p_risk < thre_risk: # ----------------------------------------- # set the current step # ----------------------------------------- curr_step = [X[i + 1][3], X[i + 1][4]] next_lane = X[i + 1][2] agent_ego.set_destination( (curr_step[0], curr_step[1], 1.2)) log.write('current lane is %d\n' % curr_lane) log.write( 'our ego car does not merge lane in current step\n') log.write( 'our ego car performs current step to get next lane %d\n' % next_lane) log.flush() print('current lane is %d' % curr_lane) print('our ego car does not merge lane in current step') print( 'our ego car performs current step to get next lane %d\n' % next_lane) # ----------------------------------------- # execute the current step # ----------------------------------------- ego_loc = car_ego.get_location( ) # current location of our ego car while math.sqrt((ego_loc.x - curr_step[0])**2 + (ego_loc.y - curr_step[1])**2) > mini_dis: if not world.wait_for_tick( ): # as soon as the server is ready continue! continue control = agent_ego.run_step() car_ego.apply_control(control) control.manual_gear_shift = False ego_loc = car_ego.get_location() log.write('our ego car reaches the target lane %d\n' % X[i + 1][2]) log.flush() # ----------------------------------------- # ready for the next step # ----------------------------------------- i = i + 1 behavior = X[i][1] else: # ----------------------------------------- # if "p_risk" is bigger than "thre_risk", it does not mean our ego car cannot merge lane definitely # we need to do task planning again with the updated information # but if no new plan is generated, our ego car are forced to merge lane # ----------------------------------------- # log.write('Risk! cannot merge lane, please do task planning again!\n') # print('Risk! cannot merge lane, please do task planning again!') # ----------------------------------------- # update the risk value of target lane in lanes_risk.txt # ----------------------------------------- with open(address1 + 'interaction/lanes_risk.txt', 'r') as f: # read original lane risk lanes_risk = [line.rstrip() for line in f] f.close() init_risk = int(lanes_risk[int(X[i][2] - 1) * 12 + 6 - 1]) updated_risk = int(p_risk * 100) lanes_risk[int(X[i][2] - 1) * 12 + 6 - 1] = updated_risk f = open(address1 + 'interaction/lanes_risk.txt', 'w') # write updated lane risk for item in lanes_risk: f.write('%s\n' % str(item)) f.flush() f.close() log.write('update risk value of lane %d\n' % int(curr_lane)) log.write('original value is %d, now it is %d!\n' % (init_risk, updated_risk)) log.flush() print('update risk value of lane %d\n' % int(curr_lane)) print('original value is %d, now it is %d!\n' % (init_risk, updated_risk)) # ----------------------------------------- # do task planning again and generate the new X (coords_motionPlanner.txt) # ----------------------------------------- source = str(round(curr_lane)) dest = str(round(X[-1][2])) command1 = 'python' + ' ' + address1 + 'task-level' + '/' + '' + ' ' + source + ' ' + dest os.system(command1) # get optimal task plan command2 = 'python' + ' ' + address1 + 'task-level/' os.system(command2) # ground task plan X = readX() # read X again # ----------------------------------------- # if X changes, it means our ego car finds a new task plan # ----------------------------------------- if not (X == X_init): i = 0 behavior = X[i][1] X_init = X else: # ----------------------------------------- # if X not change # ----------------------------------------- behavior = 0 # temporaily do not change log.write( 'do task task planning again, start and dest lanes are %s and %s, respectively\n' % (source, dest)) log.write( 'Here to update coordinate for motion planner (X)\n') log.flush() log.write('task and motion planning is done!\n\n\n\n') log.flush() finally: for actor in actor_list: # delete our ego car actor.destroy() client.stop_recorder() print("ALL cleaned up!")
def game_loop(args, net, scaler, port, phys_settings, cam_path): world = None timestep = 1 / 30 """ class Bunch(object): def __init__(self, adict): self.__dict__.update(adict) args = Bunch({'autopilot':False, 'debug':False, 'filter':'vehicle.tesla.model3', 'height':720, 'host':'', 'port':2000, 'res':'1280x720', 'rolename':'hero', 'width':1280}) """ try: client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(20.0) print(args) if (client.get_world().get_map().name != "Town03"): client.load_world('Town03') world = World(client.get_world(), args.filter, phys_settings, cam_path, args.rolename) world.timestep = timestep world.camera_manager.toggle_recording() controller = KeyboardControl(world, args.autopilot, net, scaler) if False: if track != 3: with open('reg8.3_data', 'rb') as f: nbrs_right, rightLane, nbrs_left, leftLane, midLane, center_nbrs = pickle.load( f) for i in range(1, len(midLane)): carla.Location(midLane[i - 1][0], midLane[i - 1][1], 2), carla.Location(midLane[i][0], midLane[i][1], 2), life_time=20, color=carla.Color(0, 125, 155, 0)) else: with open('reg8.4_data', 'rb') as f: nbrs_right, rightLane, nbrs_left, leftLane, midLane, center_nbrs = pickle.load( f) for i in range(1, len(midLane)): carla.Location(midLane[i - 1][0], midLane[i - 1][1], 2), carla.Location(midLane[i][0], midLane[i][1], 2), life_time=25, color=carla.Color(0, 125, 155, 0)) carla.Location(leftLane[i - 1][0], leftLane[i - 1][1], 2), carla.Location(leftLane[i][0], leftLane[i][1], 2), life_time=25, color=carla.Color(0, 250, 155, 0)) carla.Location(rightLane[i - 1][0], rightLane[i - 1][1], 2), carla.Location(rightLane[i][0], rightLane[i][1], 2), life_time=25, color=carla.Color(205, 125, 155, 0)) data = [] vel_data = [] settings = if not settings.synchronous_mode or settings.fixed_delta_seconds != timestep: settings.synchronous_mode = True settings.fixed_delta_seconds = timestep for i in range(math.ceil(25 / timestep)): result = controller.parse_events(client, world) data.append( (world.player.get_location().x, world.player.get_location().y, world.player.get_transform().rotation.yaw)) data.append( (world.player.get_velocity().x, world.player.get_velocity().y)) if result == 5: with open('loc_data', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f) with open('vel_data', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(vel_data, f) return world.f0, world.eval_target_distance_reward() elif result: return world.eval_reward() current_transform = world.player.get_transform() pos = current_transform.location f0 = world.f0 f1 = world.eval_target_distance_reward() finally: if (world and world.recording_enabled): client.stop_recorder() if world is not None: world.destroy() import os print(os.getcwd()) with open('loc_data', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f) with open('vel_data', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(vel_data, f) return f0, f1
def main(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) argparser.add_argument('--host', metavar='H', default='', help='IP of the host server (default:') argparser.add_argument('-p', '--port', metavar='P', default=2000, type=int, help='TCP port to listen to (default: 2000)') argparser.add_argument('-n', '--number-of-vehicles', metavar='N', default=10, type=int, help='number of vehicles (default: 10)') argparser.add_argument( '-d', '--delay', metavar='D', default=2.0, type=float, help='delay in seconds between spawns (default: 2.0)') argparser.add_argument('--safe', action='store_true', help='avoid spawning vehicles prone to accidents') args = argparser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) actor_list = [] client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(2.0) try: world = client.get_world() blueprints = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('vehicle.*') if blueprints = [ x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == 4 ] blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not'isetta')] blueprints = [ x for x in blueprints if not'carlacola') ] spawn_points = world.get_map().get_spawn_points() number_of_spawn_points = len(spawn_points) if args.number_of_vehicles < number_of_spawn_points: random.shuffle(spawn_points) elif args.number_of_vehicles > number_of_spawn_points: msg = 'requested %d vehicles, but could only find %d spawn points' logging.warning(msg, args.number_of_vehicles, number_of_spawn_points) args.number_of_vehicles = number_of_spawn_points # -------------- # Spawn ego vehicle # -------------- ego_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('vehicle.tesla.model3') ego_bp.set_attribute('role_name', 'ego') print('\nEgo role_name is set') ego_color = random.choice( ego_bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) ego_bp.set_attribute('color', ego_color) print('\nEgo color is set') spawn_points = world.get_map().get_spawn_points() number_of_spawn_points = len(spawn_points) if 0 < number_of_spawn_points: random.shuffle(spawn_points) ego_transform = spawn_points[0] ego_vehicle = world.spawn_actor(ego_bp, ego_transform) print('\nEgo is spawned') else: logging.warning('Could not found any spawn points') cam_bp = None cam_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('') cam_bp.set_attribute("image_size_x", str(640)) cam_bp.set_attribute("image_size_y", str(480)) cam_bp.set_attribute("fov", str(105)) cam_location = carla.Location(2, 0, 1) cam_rotation = carla.Rotation(180, 180, 180) cam_transform = carla.Transform(cam_location, cam_rotation) ego_cam = world.spawn_actor(cam_bp, cam_transform, attach_to=ego_vehicle) if ego_vehicle.is_at_traffic_light(): traffic_light = ego_vehicle.get_traffic_light() print(image.frame_number) if (ego_vehicle.get_traffic_light() ).get_state() == carla.TrafficLightState.Red: #world.hud.notification("Traffic light changed! Good to go!") (ego_vehicle.get_traffic_light()).set_state( carla.TrafficLightState.Green) ego_cam.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk( 'tutorial/output/%.6d.jpg' % image.frame_number)) depth_cam = None depth_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('') depth_bp.set_attribute("image_size_x", str(640)) depth_bp.set_attribute("image_size_y", str(480)) depth_bp.set_attribute("fov", str(105)) depth_location = carla.Location(2, 0, 1) depth_rotation = carla.Rotation(180, 180, 180) depth_transform = carla.Transform(depth_location, depth_rotation) depth_cam = world.spawn_actor(depth_bp, depth_transform, attach_to=ego_vehicle) depth_cam.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk( 'tutorial/new_depth_output/%.6d.jpg' % image.frame_number)) spectator = world.get_spectator() world_snapshot = world.wait_for_tick() spectator.set_transform(ego_vehicle.get_transform()) ego_vehicle.set_autopilot(True) print('\nEgo autopilot enabled') while True: world_snapshot = world.wait_for_tick() if ego_vehicle.is_at_traffic_light(): traffic_light = ego_vehicle.get_traffic_light() if (ego_vehicle.get_traffic_light() ).get_state() == carla.TrafficLightState.Red: (ego_vehicle.get_traffic_light()).set_state( carla.TrafficLightState.Green) SpawnActor = carla.command.SpawnActor SetAutopilot = carla.command.SetAutopilot FutureActor = carla.command.FutureActor batch = [] for n, transform in enumerate(spawn_points): if n >= args.number_of_vehicles: break blueprint = random.choice(blueprints) if blueprint.has_attribute('color'): color = random.choice( blueprint.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) blueprint.set_attribute('color', color) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') batch.append( SpawnActor(blueprint, transform).then(SetAutopilot(FutureActor, True))) for response in client.apply_batch_sync(batch): if response.error: logging.error(response.error) else: actor_list.append(response.actor_id) print('spawned %d vehicles, press Ctrl+C to exit.' % len(actor_list)) while True: world.wait_for_tick() finally: print('\ndestroying %d actors' % len(actor_list)) client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in actor_list])
def main(optimalDistance, followDrivenPath, chaseMode, evaluateChasingCar, driveName='', record=False, followMode=False, resultsName='results', P=None, I=None, D=None, nOfFramesToSkip=0): counter = 1 actor_list = [] pygame.init() carDetector = CarDetector() position = CarPosition(driveName.split('/')[1]) position.startRecording = True evaluation = Evaluation() semantic = SemanticSegmentation() display = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) font = get_font() clock = pygame.time.Clock() client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) client.set_timeout(2.0) world = client.get_world() vehicleToFollowSpawned = False try: m = world.get_map() start_pose = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() vehicle = world.spawn_actor( random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('jeep')), start_pose) actor_list.append(vehicle) vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) if followDrivenPath: evaluation.LoadHistoryFromFile(driveName) first = evaluation.history[0] start_pose = carla.Transform( carla.Location(first[0], first[1], first[2]), carla.Rotation(first[3], first[4], first[5])) vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) collision_sensor = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.collision'), carla.Transform(), attach_to=vehicle) collision_sensor.listen( lambda event: evaluation.CollisionHandler(event)) actor_list.append(collision_sensor) blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find('') blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_x', '800') blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_y', '600') blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '90') camera_rgb = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4, y=0.3), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), #5,3,0 # -0.3 attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_rgb) camera_rgb2 = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4, y=-0.3), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_rgb2) camera_segmentation = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4, y=0), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), #5,3,0 # -0.3 attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_segmentation) # Create a synchronous mode context. with CarlaSyncMode(world, camera_rgb, camera_rgb2, camera_segmentation, fps=30) as sync_mode: while True: if should_quit(): return clock.tick(30) # Advance the simulation and wait for the data. snapshot, img_rgb, image_rgb2, image_segmentation = sync_mode.tick( timeout=2.0) line = [] if not vehicleToFollowSpawned and followDrivenPath: vehicleToFollowSpawned = True location1 = vehicle.get_transform() newX, newY = carDetector.CreatePointInFrontOFCar( location1.location.x, location1.location.y, location1.rotation.yaw) diffX = newX - location1.location.x diffY = newY - location1.location.y newX = location1.location.x - (diffX * 5) newY = location1.location.y - (diffY * 5) start_pose.location.x = newX start_pose.location.y = newY vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) start_pose2 = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) bp = blueprint_library.filter('model3')[0] bp.set_attribute('color', '0,101,189') vehicleToFollow = world.spawn_actor(bp, start_pose2) start_pose2 = carla.Transform() start_pose2.rotation = start_pose.rotation start_pose2.location.x = start_pose.location.x start_pose2.location.y = start_pose.location.y start_pose2.location.z = start_pose.location.z vehicleToFollow.set_transform(start_pose2) actor_list.append(vehicleToFollow) vehicleToFollow.set_simulate_physics(True) vehicleToFollow.set_autopilot(False) if followDrivenPath: if counter >= len(evaluation.history): break tmp = evaluation.history[counter] currentPos = carla.Transform( carla.Location(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]), carla.Rotation(tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5])) vehicleToFollow.set_transform(currentPos) counter += 1 fps = round(1.0 / snapshot.timestamp.delta_seconds) location1 = vehicle.get_transform() location2 = vehicleToFollow.get_transform() position.SaveCarPosition(location1) newX, newY = carDetector.CreatePointInFrontOFCar( location1.location.x, location1.location.y, location1.rotation.yaw) angle = carDetector.getAngle( [location1.location.x, location1.location.y], [newX, newY], [location2.location.x, location2.location.y]) possibleAngle = 0 carInTheImage = semantic.IsThereACarInThePicture( image_segmentation) bbox = carDetector.get3DboundingBox(vehicleToFollow, camera_rgb, carInTheImage) # Choose approriate steer and throttle here steer, throttle = 0, 1 vehicle.apply_control( carla.VehicleControl(throttle=throttle, steer=steer)) if evaluateChasingCar: evaluation.AddError( location1.location.distance(location2.location), optimalDistance) velocity1 = vehicle.get_velocity() velocity2 = vehicleToFollow.get_velocity() draw_image(display, image_rgb2, image_segmentation, location1, location2, record=record, driveName=driveName, smazat=line) display.blit( font.render('% 5d FPS (real)' % clock.get_fps(), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 10)) display.blit( font.render('% 5d FPS (simulated)' % fps, True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 28)) if len(bbox) != 0: points = [(int(bbox[i, 0]), int(bbox[i, 1])) for i in range(8)] BB_COLOR = (248, 64, 24) # draw lines # base pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[0], points[1]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[1], points[2]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[2], points[3]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[3], points[0]) # top pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[4], points[5]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[5], points[6]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[6], points[7]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[7], points[4]) # base-top pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[0], points[4]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[1], points[5]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[2], points[6]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[3], points[7]) real_dist = location1.location.distance(location2.location) #if chaseMode or followMode: #myPrint(angle,predicted_angle, possibleAngle,real_dist, predicted_distance,chaseMode) pygame.display.flip() except Exception as ex: print(ex) finally: print('Ending') if evaluateChasingCar: if not os.path.exists('res'): os.mkdir('res') evaluation.WriteIntoFileFinal(os.path.join('res', resultsName + '.txt'), driveName=driveName) position.SaveHistoryToFile() print('destroying actors.') for actor in actor_list: actor.destroy() pygame.quit() print('done.')
import random import math import numpy as np from numpy import linalg as la import matplotlib.pyplot as plot from .CrosswalkPedestrian import CrosswalkPedestrian from simple_pid import PID # to connect to a simulator we need to create a "Client" object # provide the IP address and port of a running instance of the simulator _HOST_ = '' _PORT_ = 2000 client = carla.Client(_HOST_, _PORT_) # to connect to a simulator we need to create a "Client" object, to do so # provide the IP address and port of a running instance of the simulator _SLEEP_TIME_ = 1 # once the client is configured, directly retrieve the world world = client.get_world() # get a list of all pedestrians from the blueprint library blueprintsWalkers = world.get_blueprint_library().filter("walker.pedestrian.*") # variables in order to directly retrieve certain methods/classes
import carla import random import time import numpy as np import cv2 import math os.system import PIL import PIL.Image as Image import time import argparse import pandas as pd # client creation client = carla.Client('', 2000) client.set_timeout(10.0) # seconds # change map. note that this replaces the current world (is destroyed) with a new one # world = client.load_world('Town02') # connect to the current world world = client.get_world() # fixed time-step and synchronous mode ON #TM needs to be in synchronous mode too traffic_manager = client.get_trafficmanager(8000) traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(True) # set weather # only intervenes with Neither affect the actor's physics nor other sensors
def game_loop(args): global update_cycle pygame.init() pygame.font.init() world = None vehicles_list = [] try: client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(2.0) display = pygame.display.set_mode((args.width, args.height), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) hud = HUD(args.width, args.height) world = World(client.get_world(), hud, args) controller = KeyboardControl(world) clock = pygame.time.Clock() world.player.set_simulate_physics(False) # Spawn some obstacles to avoid batch = [] batch.append(SpawnNPC(client, world, args, 30, 1.5)) batch.append(SpawnNPC(client, world, args, 65, -3 * 1.5)) batch.append(SpawnNPC(client, world, args, 110, -1 * 1.5)) for response in carla.Client.apply_batch_sync(client, batch): if response.error: logging.error(response.error) else: vehicles_list.append(response.actor_id) start_time = world.hud.simulation_time while True: yield from asyncio.sleep( 0.01) # check if any data from the websocket if controller.parse_events(client, world): return if len(way_points) == 0: player = world.player.get_transform() way_points.append(player) v_points.append(0) sim_time = world.hud.simulation_time - start_time if update_cycle and (len(way_points) < _update_point_thresh): update_cycle = False # print("sending data") x_points = [point.location.x for point in way_points] y_points = [point.location.y for point in way_points] yaw = way_points[0].rotation.yaw * math.pi / 180 waypoint_x, waypoint_y, waypoint_t, waypoint_j = world.get_waypoint( x_points[-1], y_points[-1]) ws.send( json.dumps({ 'traj_x': x_points, 'traj_y': y_points, 'traj_v': v_points, 'yaw': yaw, "velocity": velocity, 'time': sim_time, 'waypoint_x': waypoint_x, 'waypoint_y': waypoint_y, 'waypoint_t': waypoint_t, 'waypoint_j': waypoint_j, 'tl_state': _tl_state, 'obst_x': obst_x, 'obst_y': obst_y })) clock.tick_busy_loop(60) world.tick(clock) world.move(sim_time) world.render(display) pygame.display.flip() finally: print("key board interrupt, good bye") if world is not None: world.destroy() client.apply_batch( [carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in vehicles_list]) pygame.quit()
def main(): actor_list = [] pygame.init() display = pygame.display.set_mode( (800, 600), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) font = get_font() clock = pygame.time.Clock() client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) client.set_timeout(2.0) world = client.get_world() try: m = world.get_map() start_pose = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) waypoint = m.get_waypoint(start_pose.location) blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() ego_blueprint = random.choice(world.get_blueprint_library().filter("")) ego_blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'hero') vehicle = world.spawn_actor(ego_blueprint, start_pose) actor_list.append(vehicle) vehicle.set_simulate_physics(False) camera_top = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=-5.5, z=2.5), carla.Rotation(pitch=8.0)), attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_top) camera_front = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.6, z=1.7)), attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_front) # Create a synchronous mode context. with CarlaSyncMode(world, camera_front, fps=30) as sync_mode: while True: if should_quit(): return clock.tick() # Advance the simulation and wait for the data. snapshot, image_rgb = sync_mode.tick(timeout=2.0) # Choose the next waypoint and update the car location. waypoint = random.choice( vehicle.set_transform(waypoint.transform) fps = round(1.0 / snapshot.timestamp.delta_seconds) # Draw the display. draw_image(display, image_rgb) display.blit( font.render('% 5d FPS (real)' % clock.get_fps(), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 10)) display.blit( font.render('% 5d FPS (simulated)' % fps, True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 28)) pygame.display.flip() finally: print('destroying actors.') for actor in actor_list: actor.destroy() pygame.quit() print('done.')
def main(): client = carla.Client(config['host'], config['port']) client.set_timeout(config['timeout']) world = client.load_world('Town01') weather = carla.WeatherParameters(cloudiness=random.randint(0, 10), precipitation=0, sun_altitude_angle=random.randint( 50, 90)) set_weather(world, weather) blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library() world_map = world.get_map() vehicle = add_vehicle(world, blueprint, vehicle_type='') #vehicle = add_vehicle(world, blueprint, vehicle_type='vehicle.yamaha.yzf') #vehicle = add_vehicle(world, blueprint, vehicle_type='vehicle.*.*') global_dict['vehicle'] = vehicle # Enables or disables the simulation of physics on this actor. vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) physics_control = vehicle.get_physics_control() global_dict['max_steer_angle'] = np.deg2rad( physics_control.wheels[0].max_steer_angle) sensor_dict = { 'camera': { 'transform': carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.5, y=0.0, z=2.5)), 'callback': image_callback, }, 'camera:view': { #'transform':carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.0, y=4.0, z=4.0), carla.Rotation(pitch=-30, yaw=-60)), 'transform': carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=-3.0, y=0.0, z=6.0), carla.Rotation(pitch=-45)), #'transform':carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=6.0), carla.Rotation(pitch=-90)), 'callback': view_image_callback, }, 'lidar': { 'transform': carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.5, y=0.0, z=2.5)), 'callback': lidar_callback, }, } sm = SensorManager(world, blueprint, vehicle, sensor_dict) sm.init_all() #spawn_points = world_map.get_spawn_points() waypoint_tuple_list = world_map.get_topology() origin_map = get_map(waypoint_tuple_list) agent = BasicAgent(vehicle, target_speed=args.max_speed) # prepare map destination = carla.Transform() destination.location = world.get_random_location_from_navigation() #destination = get_random_destination(spawn_points) global_dict['plan_map'] = replan(agent, destination, copy.deepcopy(origin_map)) # start to plan plan_thread = threading.Thread(target=make_plan, args=()) #visualization_thread = threading.Thread(target = show_traj, args=()) while True: if (global_dict['img'] is not None) and (global_dict['nav'] is not None) and (global_dict['pcd'] is not None): plan_thread.start() break else: time.sleep(0.001) # wait for the first plan result while not global_dict['start_control']: time.sleep(0.001) #visualization_thread.start() # start to control print('Start to control') ctrller = CapacController(world, vehicle, 30) env = CARLAEnv(world, vehicle) env.reset() #env.step() while True: # change destination if close2dest(vehicle, destination): #destination = get_random_destination(spawn_points) print('get destination !', time.time()) destination = carla.Transform() destination.location = world.get_random_location_from_navigation() global_dict['plan_map'] = replan(agent, destination, copy.deepcopy(origin_map)) v = global_dict['vehicle'].get_velocity() a = global_dict['vehicle'].get_acceleration() global_dict['vel'] = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) global_dict['a'] = np.sqrt(a.x**2 + a.y**2 + a.z**2) #steer_angle = global_dict['vehicle'].get_control().steer*global_dict['max_steer_angle'] #w = global_vel*np.tan(steer_angle)/2.405 control_time = time.time() dt = control_time - global_dict['trajectory']['time'] index = int((dt / args.max_t) // args.dt) + 5 if index > 0.99 / args.dt: continue """ transform = vehicle.get_transform() dx, dy, dyaw = get_diff_tf(transform, global_dict['transform']) dyaw = -dyaw _x = global_dict['trajectory']['x'][index] - dx _y = global_dict['trajectory']['y'][index] - dy x = _x*np.cos(dyaw) + _y*np.sin(dyaw) y = _y*np.cos(dyaw) - _x*np.sin(dyaw) _vx = global_dict['trajectory']['vx'][index] _vy = global_dict['trajectory']['vy'][index] vx = _vx*np.cos(dyaw) + _vy*np.sin(dyaw) vy = _vy*np.cos(dyaw) - _vx*np.sin(dyaw) _ax = global_dict['trajectory']['ax'][index] _ay = global_dict['trajectory']['ay'][index] ax = _ax*np.cos(dyaw) + _ay*np.sin(dyaw) ay = _ay*np.cos(dyaw) - _ax*np.sin(dyaw) """ control = ctrller.run_step(global_dict['trajectory'], index, global_dict['state0']) env.step(control) #vehicle.apply_control(control) """ dyaw = np.deg2rad(global_dict['transform'].rotation.yaw) x = global_dict['trajectory']['x'][index]*np.cos(dyaw) + global_dict['trajectory']['y'][index]*np.sin(dyaw) y = global_dict['trajectory']['y'][index]*np.cos(dyaw) - global_dict['trajectory']['x'][index]*np.sin(dyaw) """ curve = None #show_traj(True) #visualize(global_dict['view_img'], global_dict['draw_cost_map'], global_dict['nav'], args, curve) visualize(global_dict, global_dict['draw_cost_map'], args, curve) cv2.destroyAllWindows() sm.close_all() vehicle.destroy()
def _make_carla_client(self, host, port): print("_make_carla_client") self._client = carla.Client(host, port) self._client.set_timeout(2.0)
def game_loop(args): global Test_on pygame.init() pygame.font.init() world = None dis = Distance() version = 20000 version_name = 'xyhd_all_data_file' + str(version) model_path = 'model_supervised/train_data/' model_file = 'xyhd_40000_data_file' + '.h5' trajectory_path = 'model_supervised/train_data/' model_name = model_path + model_file model = load_model(model_name) trajectory = open(trajectory_path + version_name + '.txt', 'w') #3 분 3000에포크 print(model_name) try: client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(2.0) display = pygame.display.set_mode( (args.width, args.height), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) hud = HUD(args.width, args.height,trajectory) world = World(client.get_world(), hud, args.filter, args.rolename) controller = KeyboardControl(world, args.autopilot) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: if Test_on == True: # print("Test start ! ", Test_on) clock.tick_busy_loop(60) if controller.parse_events(client, world, clock): return x, y, h = world.tick(clock) distance = dis.get_d(x, y, h) x_test = (x, y, h, distance) # print("x, y, h, d", x, y, h, distance) x_test = np.reshape(x_test, [1, 4]) action = model.predict(x_test) print(action) accel = float(action[0][0]) steer = float(action[0][1]) brake = float(action[0][2]) controller.do_action(world, clock.get_time(), accel, steer, brake) world.render(display) pygame.display.flip() else: clock.tick_busy_loop(60) if controller.parse_events(client, world, clock): return world.tick(clock) world.render(display) pygame.display.flip() finally: if (world and world.recording_enabled): client.stop_recorder() if world is not None: world.destroy() trajectory.close() pygame.quit()
def __init__(self, host, world_port): self.client = carla.Client(host, world_port) self.client.set_timeout(10.0) = self.client.get_world() self.blueprint_lib = self.car_agent_model = self.blueprint_lib.filter("model3")[0]
def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0] ]), np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1] ]), dtype=np.float32) # acc, steer self.observation_space = spaces.Dict({ 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) }) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer()
def main(): actor_list = [] # In this tutorial script, we are going to add a vehicle to the simulation # and let it drive in autopilot. We will also create a camera attached to # that vehicle, and save all the images generated by the camera to disk. try: # First of all, we need to create the client that will send the requests # to the simulator. Here we'll assume the simulator is accepting # requests in the localhost at port 2000. client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) client.set_timeout(2.0) # Once we have a client we can retrieve the world that is currently # running. world = client.get_world() # The world contains the list blueprints that we can use for adding new # actors into the simulation. blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() # Now let's filter all the blueprints of type 'vehicle' and choose one # at random. bp = random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('vehicle')) # A blueprint contains the list of attributes that define a vehicle # instance, we can read them and modify some of them. For instance, # let's randomize its color. color = random.choice(bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) # Now we need to give an initial transform to the vehicle. This is a # nice spot in Town01. transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=140.0, y=199.0, z=40.0), carla.Rotation(yaw=0.0)) # So let's tell the world to spawn the vehicle. vehicle = world.spawn_actor(bp, transform) # It is important to note that the actors we create won't be destroyed # unless we call their "destroy" function. If we fail to call "destroy" # they will stay in the simulation even after we quit the Python script. # For that reason, we are storing all the actors we create so we can # destroy them afterwards. actor_list.append(vehicle) print('created %s' % vehicle.type_id) # Let's put the vehicle to drive around. vehicle.set_autopilot(True) # Let's add now a "depth" camera attached to the vehicle. Note that the # transform we give here is now relative to the vehicle. camera_bp = blueprint_library.find('') camera_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=2.4)) camera = world.spawn_actor(camera_bp, camera_transform, attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera) print('created %s' % camera.type_id) # Now we register the function that will be called each time the sensor # receives an image. In this example we are saving the image to disk # converting the pixels to gray-scale. cc = carla.ColorConverter.LogarithmicDepth camera.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk( '_out/%06d.png' % image.frame_number, cc)) # Oh wait, I don't like the location we gave to the vehicle, I'm going # to move it a bit forward. location = vehicle.get_location() location.x += 40 vehicle.set_location(location) print('moved vehicle to %s' % location) # But the city now is probably quite empty, let's add a few more # vehicles. transform.location += carla.Location(x=40, y=-3.2) transform.rotation.yaw = -180.0 for x in range(0, 10): transform.location.x += 8.0 bp = random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('vehicle')) # This time we are using try_spawn_actor. If the spot is already # occupied by another object, the function will return None. npc = world.try_spawn_actor(bp, transform) if npc is not None: actor_list.append(npc) npc.set_autopilot() print('created %s' % npc.type_id) time.sleep(5) finally: print('destroying actors') for actor in actor_list: actor.destroy() print('done.')
def main(n_vehicles, host, world_port, tm_port): vehicles = [] client = carla.Client(host, world_port) client.set_timeout(10.0) try: world = client.get_world() traffic_manager = client.get_trafficmanager(tm_port) traffic_manager.set_global_distance_to_leading_vehicle(1.0) traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(True) settings = world.get_settings() settings.synchronous_mode = True settings.fixed_delta_seconds = 0.1 world.apply_settings(settings) # cannot import these directly. SpawnActor = carla.command.SpawnActor SetAutopilot = carla.command.SetAutopilot SetVehicleLightState = carla.command.SetVehicleLightState FutureActor = carla.command.FutureActor # spawn vehicles. batch = [] sensors = [] for i, transform in enumerate(world.get_map().get_spawn_points()): if i >= n_vehicles: break blueprints = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('vehicle.*') blueprint = random.choice(blueprints) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') #vehicle = SpawnActor(blueprint, transform).then(SetAutopilot(FutureActor, True, traffic_manager.get_port())) vehicle = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform) vehicle.set_autopilot(True, traffic_manager.get_port()) batch.append(vehicle) rgb_cam = world.get_blueprint_library().find("") rgb_cam.set_attribute("image_size_x", f"{width}") rgb_cam.set_attribute("image_size_y", f"{height}") rgb_cam.set_attribute("fov", f"{fov}") sensor_pos = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=2.5, z=0.7)) sensor = world.spawn_actor(rgb_cam, sensor_pos, attach_to=vehicle) sensors.append(sensor) sensor.listen(lambda data: process_img(data, iter)) # for response in client.apply_batch_sync(batch, True): # if response.error: # print(response.error) # else: # vehicles.append(response.actor_id) # let them run around. for sample in range(10000): #print('Tick: %d' % t) #iter+=1 for i, v in enumerate(world.get_actors().filter('*vehicle*')): print('Vehicle %d: id=%d, x=%.2f, y=%.2f' % (i,, v.get_location().x, v.get_location().y)) world.tick() finally: settings = world.get_settings() settings.synchronous_mode = False settings.fixed_delta_seconds = None world.apply_settings(settings) client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in vehicles]) client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in sensors])
def setUp(self): self.testing_address = TESTING_ADDRESS self.client = carla.Client(*TESTING_ADDRESS) self.client.set_timeout(120.0)
def game_loop(): global world, control pygame.init() pygame.font.init() try: client = carla.Client(HOST, PORT) client.set_timeout(TIMEOUT) display = pygame.display.set_mode((IMG_LENGTH, IMG_WIDTH), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) hud = HUD(IMG_LENGTH, IMG_WIDTH) world = World(client.get_world(), hud, '') controller = KeyboardControl(world, False) # get random starting point and destination spawn_points = #start_transform = world.player.get_transform() start_transform = spawn_points[1] world.player.set_transform(start_transform) #destination = spawn_points[random.randint(0,len(spawn_points)-1)] destination = spawn_points[0] agent = BasicAgent(world.player, target_speed=MAX_SPEED) agent.set_destination((destination.location.x, destination.location.y, destination.location.z)) control = agent.run_step() blueprint_library = vehicle = world.player rgb_camera = add_rgb_camera(blueprint_library, vehicle) #depth_camera = add_depth_camera(blueprint_library, vehicle) #semantic_camera = add_semantic_camera(blueprint_library, vehicle) time.sleep(1) rgb_camera.listen(lambda image: get_rgb_img(image)) #depth_camera.listen(lambda image: get_depth_img(image)) #semantic_camera.listen(lambda image: get_semantic_img(image)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() weather = carla.WeatherParameters( cloudyness=random.randint(0, 80), #0-100 precipitation=0, #random.randint(0,20),#0-100 precipitation_deposits=0, #random.randint(0,20),#0-100 wind_intensity=random.randint(0, 50), #0-100 sun_azimuth_angle=random.randint(60, 90), #0-360 sun_altitude_angle=random.randint(60, 90)) #-90~90 # put vehicle on starting point world.player.set_transform(start_transform) frames = 0 while frames < MAX_FRAMES: frames += 1 if controller.parse_events(client, world, clock): return # as soon as the server is ready continue! if not continue world.tick(clock) world.render(display) pygame.display.flip() control = agent.run_step() control.manual_gear_shift = False world.player.apply_control(control) finally: rgb_camera.stop() #depth_camera.stop() #semantic_camera.stop() if world is not None: world.destroy() pygame.quit()
def bridge(q): # setup CARLA client = carla.Client("", 2000) client.set_timeout(10.0) world = client.load_world( settings = world.get_settings() settings.synchronous_mode = True # Enables synchronous mode settings.fixed_delta_seconds = 0.05 world.apply_settings(settings) world.set_weather(carla.WeatherParameters.ClearSunset) if args.low_quality: world.unload_map_layer(carla.MapLayer.Foliage) world.unload_map_layer(carla.MapLayer.Buildings) world.unload_map_layer(carla.MapLayer.ParkedVehicles) world.unload_map_layer(carla.MapLayer.Props) world.unload_map_layer(carla.MapLayer.StreetLights) world.unload_map_layer(carla.MapLayer.Particles) blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() world_map = world.get_map() vehicle_bp = blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.tesla.*')[1] spawn_points = world_map.get_spawn_points() assert len(spawn_points) > args.num_selected_spawn_point, \ f'''No spawn point {args.num_selected_spawn_point}, try a value between 0 and {len(spawn_points)} for this town.''' spawn_point = spawn_points[args.num_selected_spawn_point] vehicle = world.spawn_actor(vehicle_bp, spawn_point) max_steer_angle = vehicle.get_physics_control().wheels[0].max_steer_angle # make tires less slippery # wheel_control = carla.WheelPhysicsControl(tire_friction=5) physics_control = vehicle.get_physics_control() physics_control.mass = 2326 # physics_control.wheels = [wheel_control]*4 physics_control.torque_curve = [[20.0, 500.0], [5000.0, 500.0]] physics_control.gear_switch_time = 0.0 vehicle.apply_physics_control(physics_control) transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.13)) def create_camera(fov, callback): blueprint = blueprint_library.find('') blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(W)) blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(H)) blueprint.set_attribute('fov', str(fov)) blueprint.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.05') camera = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=vehicle) camera.listen(callback) return camera camerad = Camerad() road_camera = create_camera(fov=40, callback=camerad.cam_callback_road) road_wide_camera = create_camera( fov=163, callback=camerad.cam_callback_wide_road ) # fov bigger than 163 shows unwanted artifacts cameras = [road_camera, road_wide_camera] vehicle_state = VehicleState() # reenable IMU imu_bp = blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.imu') imu = world.spawn_actor(imu_bp, transform, attach_to=vehicle) imu.listen(lambda imu: imu_callback(imu, vehicle_state)) gps_bp = blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.gnss') gps = world.spawn_actor(gps_bp, transform, attach_to=vehicle) gps.listen(lambda gps: gps_callback(gps, vehicle_state)) # launch fake car threads threads = [] exit_event = threading.Event() threads.append( threading.Thread(target=panda_state_function, args=( vehicle_state, exit_event, ))) threads.append( threading.Thread(target=peripheral_state_function, args=(exit_event, ))) threads.append( threading.Thread(target=fake_driver_monitoring, args=(exit_event, ))) threads.append( threading.Thread(target=can_function_runner, args=( vehicle_state, exit_event, ))) for t in threads: t.start() # can loop rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=0.05) # init throttle_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER brake_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER steer_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER vc = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0, steer=0, brake=0, reverse=False) is_openpilot_engaged = False throttle_out = steer_out = brake_out = 0 throttle_op = steer_op = brake_op = 0 throttle_manual = steer_manual = brake_manual = 0 old_steer = old_brake = old_throttle = 0 throttle_manual_multiplier = 0.7 # keyboard signal is always 1 brake_manual_multiplier = 0.7 # keyboard signal is always 1 steer_manual_multiplier = 45 * STEER_RATIO # keyboard signal is always 1 while True: # 1. Read the throttle, steer and brake from op or manual controls # 2. Set instructions in Carla # 3. Send current carstate to op via can cruise_button = 0 throttle_out = steer_out = brake_out = 0.0 throttle_op = steer_op = brake_op = 0 throttle_manual = steer_manual = brake_manual = 0.0 # --------------Step 1------------------------------- if not q.empty(): message = q.get() m = message.split('_') if m[0] == "steer": steer_manual = float(m[1]) is_openpilot_engaged = False elif m[0] == "throttle": throttle_manual = float(m[1]) is_openpilot_engaged = False elif m[0] == "brake": brake_manual = float(m[1]) is_openpilot_engaged = False elif m[0] == "reverse": cruise_button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL is_openpilot_engaged = False elif m[0] == "cruise": if m[1] == "down": cruise_button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET is_openpilot_engaged = True elif m[1] == "up": cruise_button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL is_openpilot_engaged = True elif m[1] == "cancel": cruise_button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL is_openpilot_engaged = False elif m[0] == "ignition": vehicle_state.ignition = not vehicle_state.ignition elif m[0] == "quit": break throttle_out = throttle_manual * throttle_manual_multiplier steer_out = steer_manual * steer_manual_multiplier brake_out = brake_manual * brake_manual_multiplier old_steer = steer_out old_throttle = throttle_out old_brake = brake_out if is_openpilot_engaged: sm.update(0) # TODO gas and brake is deprecated throttle_op = clip(sm['carControl'].actuators.accel / 1.6, 0.0, 1.0) brake_op = clip(-sm['carControl'].actuators.accel / 4.0, 0.0, 1.0) steer_op = sm['carControl'].actuators.steeringAngleDeg throttle_out = throttle_op steer_out = steer_op brake_out = brake_op steer_out = steer_rate_limit(old_steer, steer_out) old_steer = steer_out else: if throttle_out == 0 and old_throttle > 0: if throttle_ease_out_counter > 0: throttle_out = old_throttle throttle_ease_out_counter += -1 else: throttle_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER old_throttle = 0 if brake_out == 0 and old_brake > 0: if brake_ease_out_counter > 0: brake_out = old_brake brake_ease_out_counter += -1 else: brake_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER old_brake = 0 if steer_out == 0 and old_steer != 0: if steer_ease_out_counter > 0: steer_out = old_steer steer_ease_out_counter += -1 else: steer_ease_out_counter = REPEAT_COUNTER old_steer = 0 # --------------Step 2------------------------------- steer_carla = steer_out / (max_steer_angle * STEER_RATIO * -1) steer_carla = np.clip(steer_carla, -1, 1) steer_out = steer_carla * (max_steer_angle * STEER_RATIO * -1) old_steer = steer_carla * (max_steer_angle * STEER_RATIO * -1) vc.throttle = throttle_out / 0.6 vc.steer = steer_carla vc.brake = brake_out vehicle.apply_control(vc) # --------------Step 3------------------------------- vel = vehicle.get_velocity() speed = math.sqrt(vel.x**2 + vel.y**2 + vel.z**2) # in m/s vehicle_state.speed = speed vehicle_state.vel = vel vehicle_state.angle = steer_out vehicle_state.cruise_button = cruise_button vehicle_state.is_engaged = is_openpilot_engaged if rk.frame % PRINT_DECIMATION == 0: print("frame: ", "engaged:", is_openpilot_engaged, "; throttle: ", round(vc.throttle, 3), "; steer(c/deg): ", round(vc.steer, 3), round(steer_out, 3), "; brake: ", round(vc.brake, 3)) if rk.frame % 5 == 0: world.tick() rk.keep_time() # Clean up resources in the opposite order they were created. exit_event.set() for t in reversed(threads): t.join() gps.destroy() imu.destroy() for c in cameras: c.destroy() vehicle.destroy()
def main(arg): """Main function of the script""" client = carla.Client(, arg.port) client.set_timeout(10.0) client.load_world('Town05') client.reload_world() world = client.get_world() try: original_settings = world.get_settings() settings = world.get_settings() traffic_manager = client.get_trafficmanager(8000) traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(True) delta = 0.05 settings.fixed_delta_seconds = delta settings.synchronous_mode = True settings.no_rendering_mode = arg.no_rendering world.apply_settings(settings) blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() # vehicle_bp = blueprint_library.filter(arg.filter)[0] # vehicle_transform = random.choice(world.get_map().get_spawn_points()) # vehicle = world.spawn_actor(vehicle_bp, vehicle_transform) # vehicle.set_autopilot(arg.no_autopilot) lidar_bp = generate_lidar_bp(arg, world, blueprint_library, delta) lidar_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=-65.0, y=3.0, z=6.0)) lidar = world.spawn_actor(lidar_bp, lidar_transform) fig = mlab.figure(size=(960, 540), bgcolor=(0.05, 0.05, 0.05)) vis = mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, 0, mode='point', figure=fig) mlab.view(distance=25) buf = {'pts': np.zeros((1, 3)), 'intensity': np.zeros(1)} # @mlab.animate(delay=100) def anim(): i = 0 while True: vis.mlab_source.reset(x=buf['pts'][:, 0], y=buf['pts'][:, 1], z=buf['pts'][:, 2], scalars=buf['intensity']) mlab.savefig(f'{i%10}.png', figure=fig) time.sleep(0.1) i += 1 if arg.semantic: lidar.listen(lambda data: semantic_lidar_callback(data, buf)) else: lidar.listen(lambda data: lidar_callback(data, buf)) loopThread = threading.Thread(target=carlaEventLoop, args=[world], daemon=True) loopThread.start() anim() # finally: world.apply_settings(original_settings) traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(False) vehicle.destroy() lidar.destroy()
def game_loop(options_dict): world = None try: client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) client.set_timeout(60.0) print('Changing world to Town 5') client.load_world('Town05') world = World(client.get_world()) world = World(client.get_world()) spawn_points = vehicle_bp = 'model3' vehicle_transform = spawn_points[options_dict['spawn_point_indices'] [0]] vehicle = Car(vehicle_bp, vehicle_transform, world) agent = agent = BasicAgent(vehicle.vehicle) destination_point = spawn_points[options_dict['spawn_point_indices'] [1]].location print('Going to ', destination_point) agent.set_destination( (destination_point.x, destination_point.y, destination_point.z)) camera_bp = [ '', '', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast' ] camera_transform = [ carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=2.4), carla.Rotation(pitch=-15, yaw=40)), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=2.4), carla.Rotation(pitch=-15, yaw=-40)), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=2.4)) ] cam1 = Camera(camera_bp[0], camera_transform[0], vehicle) cam2 = Camera(camera_bp[0], camera_transform[1], vehicle) # depth1 = Camera(camera_bp[1], camera_transform[0], vehicle) # depth2 = Camera(camera_bp[1], camera_transform[1], vehicle) lidar = Lidar(camera_bp[2], camera_transform[2], vehicle) prev_location = vehicle.vehicle.get_location() sp = 2 file = open("control_input.txt", "a") while True: world_snapshot = if not world_snapshot: continue control = agent.run_step() vehicle.vehicle.apply_control(control) w = str(world_snapshot.frame_count) + ',' + str( control.steer) + ',' + str(get_speed(vehicle.vehicle)) + '\n' file.write(w) current_location = vehicle.vehicle.get_location() if current_location.distance( prev_location) <= 0.0 and current_location.distance( destination_point) <= 10: print('distance from destination: ', current_location.distance(destination_point)) if len(options_dict['spawn_point_indices']) <= sp: break else: destination_point = spawn_points[ options_dict['spawn_point_indices'][sp]].location print('Going to ', destination_point) agent.set_destination( (destination_point.x, destination_point.y, destination_point.z)) sp += 1 prev_location = current_location finally: if world is not None: world.destroy()
def __init__(self, params): # parameters print('init mai hai ham') action_params = params['action_params'] self.path_params = params['path_params'] self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] control_params = params['control_params'] self.args_lateral_dict = control_params['args_lateral_dict'] self.args_longitudinal_dict = control_params['args_longitudinal_dict'] D_T_S = action_params['d_t_s'] N_S_SAMPLE = action_params['n_s_sample'] MINT = action_params['mint'] MAXT = action_params['maxt'] MAX_ROAD_WIDTH = action_params['max_road_width'] MAX_LAT_VEL = action_params['max_lat_vel'] TARGET_SPEED = self.path_params['TARGET_SPEED'] self.dt = self.path_params['DT'] # time interval between 2 frames if 'pixor' in params.keys(): self.pixor = params['pixor'] self.pixor_size = params['pixor_size'] else: self.pixor = False # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( low=np.array([ TARGET_SPEED - D_T_S * N_S_SAMPLE, MINT, -MAX_ROAD_WIDTH, -MAX_LAT_VEL ]), high=np.array([ TARGET_SPEED + D_T_S * N_S_SAMPLE, MAXT, MAX_ROAD_WIDTH, MAX_LAT_VEL ]), dtype=np.float32) observation_space_dict = { 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32) } if self.pixor: # dont change observation_space_dict.update({ 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32) }) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space_dict) self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.obs_size * self.obs_size * 3 + 4, 1), dtype=np.float32) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 # Note : HEIGHT OF LIDAR self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() # Get pixel grid points if self.pixor: x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.pixor_size), np.arange(self.pixor_size)) # make a canvas with coordinates x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() self.pixel_grid = np.vstack((x, y)).T