def check_traffic_light_infraction(self): transform = self._car_agent.get_transform() location = transform.location veh_extent = self._car_agent.bounding_box.extent.x tail_close_pt = self.rotate_point( carla.Vector3D(-0.8 * veh_extent, 0.0, location.z), transform.rotation.yaw) tail_close_pt = location + carla.Location(tail_close_pt) tail_far_pt = self.rotate_point( carla.Vector3D(-veh_extent - 1, 0.0, location.z), transform.rotation.yaw) tail_far_pt = location + carla.Location(tail_far_pt) for traffic_light, center, waypoints in self._list_traffic_lights: center_loc = carla.Location(center) if self._last_red_light_id and self._last_red_light_id == continue if center_loc.distance(location) > self.DISTANCE_LIGHT: continue if traffic_light.state != carla.TrafficLightState.Red: continue for wp in waypoints: tail_wp = self._map.get_waypoint(tail_far_pt) # Calculate the dot product (Might be unscaled, as only its sign is important) ve_dir = self._car_agent.get_transform().get_forward_vector() wp_dir = wp.transform.get_forward_vector() dot_ve_wp = ve_dir.x * wp_dir.x + ve_dir.y * wp_dir.y + ve_dir.z * wp_dir.z # Check the lane until all the "tail" has passed if tail_wp.road_id == wp.road_id and tail_wp.lane_id == wp.lane_id and dot_ve_wp > 0: # This light is red and is affecting our lane yaw_wp = wp.transform.rotation.yaw lane_width = wp.lane_width location_wp = wp.transform.location lft_lane_wp = self.rotate_point( carla.Vector3D(0.4 * lane_width, 0.0, location_wp.z), yaw_wp + 90) lft_lane_wp = location_wp + carla.Location(lft_lane_wp) rgt_lane_wp = self.rotate_point( carla.Vector3D(0.4 * lane_width, 0.0, location_wp.z), yaw_wp - 90) rgt_lane_wp = location_wp + carla.Location(rgt_lane_wp) # Is the vehicle traversing the stop line? if self.is_vehicle_crossing_line( (tail_close_pt, tail_far_pt), (lft_lane_wp, rgt_lane_wp)): self.light_actual_value += 1 # location = traffic_light.get_transform().location #red_light_event = TrafficEvent(event_type=TrafficEventType.TRAFFIC_LIGHT_INFRACTION) [TrafficEventType.TRAFFIC_LIGHT_INFRACTION]) self._last_red_light_id = self.n_tafficlight_violations += 1 break
def process_depth_images(msg, depth_camera_setup, ego_vehicle, speed, csv, surface, visualize=False): print("Received a message for the time: {}".format(msg.timestamp)) # If we are in distance to the destination, stop and exit with success. if ego_vehicle.get_location().distance(VEHICLE_DESTINATION) <= 5: ego_vehicle.set_velocity(carla.Vector3D()) CLEANUP_FUNCTION() sys.exit(0) # Get the RGB image corresponding to the given depth image timestamp. rgb_image = retrieve_rgb_image(msg.timestamp) # Visualize the image and the bounding boxes if needed. if visualize: draw_image(rgb_image, surface) # Transform the pedestrians into the detected objects relative to the # current frame. bb_surface = None resolution = (depth_camera_setup.width, depth_camera_setup.height) if visualize: bb_surface = pygame.Surface(resolution) bb_surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) detected_pedestrians = [] for pedestrian in ego_vehicle.get_world().get_actors().filter('walker.*'): bbox = get_2d_bbox_from_3d_box( depth_to_array(msg), to_pylot_transform(ego_vehicle.get_transform()), to_pylot_transform(pedestrian.get_transform()), BoundingBox(pedestrian.bounding_box), depth_camera_setup.get_unreal_transform(), depth_camera_setup.get_intrinsic(), resolution, 1.0, 3.0) if bbox is not None: detected_pedestrians.append(bbox) if visualize: draw_bounding_box(bbox, bb_surface) # We have drawn all the bounding boxes on the bb_surface, now put it on # the RGB image surface. if visualize: surface.blit(bb_surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() # Compute the mAP. print("We detected a total of {} pedestrians.".format(len(detected_pedestrians))) compute_and_log_map(detected_pedestrians, msg.timestamp, csv) # Move the ego_vehicle according to the given speed. ego_vehicle.set_velocity(carla.Vector3D(x=-speed)) ego_vehicle.get_world().tick()
def reset(self,pos): VehicleController.set_control(self.control) VehicleController.set_control(self.prev_control) id_ self.simulator.client.apply_batch([carla.command.ApplyVelocity(id_, carla.Vector3D()), carla.command.ApplyTransform(id_,pos), carla.command.ApplyAngularVelocity(id_, carla.Vector3D()) ])
def _on_detect(weak_self, event, num): self = weak_self() if not self: return # If other part is already detected if self.detected or not event.other_actor: return # Only track other dynamic objects if "vehicle" not in event.other_actor.type_id or == self.obstacle = None self.distance = None return self.detected = True self.obstacle = event.other_actor self.distance = event.distance # relative position veh_tran = self._parent.get_transform() obs_pos = self.obstacle.get_location() rel_pos = transform_to_world(veh_tran, obs_pos, inverse=True) self.rel_pos = [rel_pos.x, rel_pos.y, rel_pos.z] # velocity sensor_rotation = carla.Rotation(yaw=veh_tran.rotation.yaw + self.rotation.yaw + self.fov * num) actor_vel = self.obstacle.get_velocity() vel_vec = carla.Vector3D(x=actor_vel.x, y=actor_vel.y, z=actor_vel.z) rel_vel = transform_to_world(carla.Transform(carla.Location(), sensor_rotation), vel_vec, inverse=True) self.rel_vel = [rel_vel.x, rel_vel.y, rel_vel.z] if self._debug: draw_vec = carla.Vector3D(x=obs_pos.x, y=obs_pos.y, z=obs_pos.z + 1) veh_vel = self._parent.get_velocity() veh_vel_vec = carla.Vector3D(x=veh_vel.x, y=veh_vel.y, z=veh_vel.z) rel_veh_vel = transform_to_world(carla.Transform( carla.Location(), sensor_rotation), veh_vel_vec, inverse=True) norm_velocity = (self.rel_vel[0] - rel_veh_vel.x ) / self._velocity_range # range [-1, 1] r = int(self.clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - norm_velocity) * 255.0) g = int(self.clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - abs(norm_velocity)) * 255.0) b = int(abs(self.clamp(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0 - norm_velocity)) * 255.0) self._draw.draw_point(draw_vec, size=0.1, life_time=0.5, persistent_lines=False, color=carla.Color(r, g, b))
def init_scene(self, prefix, settings=None, spectator_tr=None): super(SpawnAllRaycastSensors, self).init_scene(prefix, settings, spectator_tr) blueprint_library = vehicle00_tr = carla.Transform(carla.Location(140, -205, 0.1), carla.Rotation(yaw=181.5)) vehicle00 = blueprint_library.filter("tt")[0], vehicle00_tr) vehicle00.set_target_velocity(carla.Vector3D(-25, 0, 0)) vehicle01_tr = carla.Transform(carla.Location(50, -200, 0.1), carla.Rotation(yaw=1.5)) vehicle01 = blueprint_library.filter("lincoln")[0], vehicle01_tr) vehicle01.set_target_velocity(carla.Vector3D(25, 0, 0)) radar_bp = 'sensor.other.radar') radar_bp.set_attribute('noise_seed', '54283') radar_tr = carla.Transform(carla.Location(z=2)) radar =, radar_tr, attach_to=vehicle00) lidar01_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') lidar01_bp.set_attribute('noise_seed', '12134') lidar01_tr = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1, z=2)) lidar01 =, lidar01_tr, attach_to=vehicle00) lidar02_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast_semantic') lidar02_tr = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1, z=2)) lidar02 =, lidar02_tr, attach_to=vehicle01) lidar03_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') lidar03_bp.set_attribute('noise_seed', '23135') lidar03_tr = carla.Transform(carla.Location(z=2)) lidar03 =, lidar03_tr, attach_to=vehicle01) self.add_sensor(radar, "Radar") self.add_sensor(lidar01, "LiDAR") self.add_sensor(lidar02, "SemLiDAR") self.add_sensor(lidar03, "LiDAR") self.add_actor(vehicle00, "Car") self.add_actor(vehicle01, "Car") self.wait(1)
def reset_vehicle(self): start_lane = random.choice([-1, -2, -3, -4]) self.vehicle_start_pose =, lane_id=start_lane, s=100.).transform if self.vehicle is None: # create vehicle blueprint_library = vehicle_blueprint = blueprint_library.find('') self.vehicle =, self.vehicle_start_pose) # self.vehicle.set_light_state(carla.libcarla.VehicleLightState.HighBeam) # HighBeam # LowBeam # All else: self.vehicle.set_transform(self.vehicle_start_pose) self.vehicle.set_velocity(carla.Vector3D()) self.vehicle.set_angular_velocity(carla.Vector3D())
def reset(self): # start_point = random.choice(self.spawn_points) # self.destination = random.choice(self.spawn_points) # yujiyu junctions = get_junctions(self.waypoint_tuple_list) start_point = random.choice(junctions).transform # start_point = junctions[12].transform #11路口直行 12右转 self.vehicle.set_transform(start_point) self.vehicle.set_velocity(carla.Vector3D(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)) for i in range(10): ref_route = get_reference_route(self.world_map, self.vehicle, 50, 0.04) self.destination = ref_route[-1][0].transform self.global_dict['plan_map'], self.destination, ref_route = replan( self.world_map, self.vehicle, self.agent, self.destination, copy.deepcopy(self.origin_map), self.spawn_points) # show_plan = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(self.global_dict['plan_map']), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # cv2.namedWindow('plan_map', 0) # cv2.resizeWindow('plan_map', 600, 600) # 自己设定窗口图片的大小 # cv2.imshow('plan_map', show_plan) # cv2.waitKey(1) self.global_dict['collision'] = False # start_waypoint = self.agent._map.get_waypoint(self.agent._vehicle.get_location()) # end_waypoint = self.agent._map.get_waypoint(self.destination.location) # self.route_trace = self.agent._trace_route(start_waypoint, end_waypoint) self.route_trace = ref_route start_point.rotation = self.route_trace[0][0].transform.rotation self.vehicle.set_transform(start_point) for i in range(10): self.vehicle.set_velocity(carla.Vector3D(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)) self.state['img_nav'] = copy.deepcopy(self.global_dict['img_nav']) self.state[ 'v0'] = self.global_dict['v0'] if self.global_dict['v0'] > 4 else 4 # if self.state == None: # print("None State!") self.done = False self.reward = 0.0 # print('RESET !!!!!!!!') return self.state
def set_vehicle_control(self, ego, npc, ego_action, npc_action, c_tau, step): if step == 0: # 初始速度设定 ego_target_speed = carla.Vector3D(16.5, 0, 0) npc_target_speed = carla.Vector3D(20, 0, 0) ego.set_target_velocity(ego_target_speed) npc.set_target_velocity(npc_target_speed) print('target velocity is set!') else: ego_move, ego_steer = ego_action npc_move, npc_steer = npc_action ego_steer = c_tau * ego_steer + (1 - c_tau) * ego.get_control().steer npc_steer = c_tau * npc_steer + (1 - c_tau) * npc.get_control().steer if ego_move >= 0: ego_throttle = c_tau * ego_move + ( 1 - c_tau) * ego.get_control().throttle ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=ego_throttle, steer=ego_steer, brake=0) elif ego_move < 0: ego_brake = -c_tau * ego_move + ( 1 - c_tau) * ego.get_control().brake ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0, steer=ego_steer, brake=ego_brake) if npc_move >= 0: npc_throttle = c_tau * npc_move + ( 1 - c_tau) * npc.get_control().throttle npc_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=npc_throttle, steer=0, brake=0) elif npc_move < 0: npc_brake = -c_tau * npc_move + ( 1 - c_tau) * npc.get_control().brake npc_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0, steer=0, brake=npc_brake) ego.apply_control(ego_control) npc.apply_control(npc_control) print('ego:%f,%f,%f,npc:%f,%f,%f' % (ego.get_control().throttle, ego_steer, ego.get_control().brake, npc.get_control().throttle, npc_steer, npc.get_control().brake))
def get_actor(actor_id): """ Accessor for sumo actor. """ results = traci.vehicle.getSubscriptionResults(actor_id) type_id = results[traci.constants.VAR_TYPE] vclass = SumoActorClass(results[traci.constants.VAR_VEHICLECLASS]) color = results[traci.constants.VAR_COLOR] length = results[traci.constants.VAR_LENGTH] width = results[traci.constants.VAR_WIDTH] height = results[traci.constants.VAR_HEIGHT] location = list(results[traci.constants.VAR_POSITION3D]) rotation = [ results[traci.constants.VAR_SLOPE], results[traci.constants.VAR_ANGLE], 0.0 ] transform = carla.Transform( carla.Location(location[0], location[1], location[2]), carla.Rotation(rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2])) signals = results[traci.constants.VAR_SIGNALS] extent = carla.Vector3D(length / 2.0, width / 2.0, height / 2.0) return SumoActor(type_id, vclass, transform, signals, extent, color)
def _get_trafficlight_trigger_location(self, light_info): # pylint: disable=no-self-use def rotate_point(point, radians): """ rotate a given point by a given angle """ rotated_x = math.cos(radians) * point.x - math.sin( radians) * point.y rotated_y = math.sin(radians) * point.x + math.cos( radians) * point.y return carla.Vector3D(rotated_x, rotated_y, point.z) base_transform = trans.ros_pose_to_carla_transform( light_info.transform) base_rot = base_transform.rotation.yaw area_loc = base_transform.transform( trans.ros_point_to_carla_location( area_ext = light_info.trigger_volume.size point = rotate_point(carla.Vector3D(0, 0, area_ext.z / 2.0), math.radians(base_rot)) point_location = area_loc + carla.Location(x=point.x, y=point.y) return carla.Location(point_location.x, point_location.y, point_location.z)
def getWaypoint(self): if len(self.waypoint_list) != 0: location = carla.Location(self.waypoint_list[0][0], self.waypoint_list[0][1], self.waypoint_list[0][2]) rotation = location, project_to_road=True, lane_type=carla.LaneType.Driving).transform.rotation box = carla.BoundingBox(location, carla.Vector3D(0, 6, 3)) if len(self.waypoint_list) == 1:, rotation, thickness=0.5, color=carla.Color(255, 255, 0, 255), life_time=0) else:, rotation, thickness=0.5, color=carla.Color(0, 255, 0, 255), life_time=2) return self.waypoint_list[0] else: return None
def draw_sensors(self): for sensor in self.me_sensor_manager.sensors_list: carla.BoundingBox(sensor.get_transform().location, carla.Vector3D(0.3, 0.1, 0.1)), sensor.get_transform().rotation, 0.03, carla.Color(255, 0, 0, 0), 0.01)
def _Radar_callback_plot(self, radar_data): current_rot = radar_data.transform.rotation velocity_range = 7.5 # m/s world = debug = world.debug def clamp(min_v, max_v, value): return max(min_v, min(value, max_v)) for detect in radar_data: azi = math.degrees(detect.azimuth) alt = math.degrees(detect.altitude) # The 0.25 adjusts a bit the distance so the dots can # be properly seen fw_vec = carla.Vector3D(x=detect.depth - 0.25) carla.Transform( carla.Location(), carla.Rotation(pitch=current_rot.pitch + alt, yaw=current_rot.yaw + azi, roll=current_rot.roll)).transform(fw_vec) norm_velocity = detect.velocity / velocity_range # range [-1, 1] r = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - norm_velocity) * 255.0) g = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - abs(norm_velocity)) * 255.0) b = int(abs(clamp(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0 - norm_velocity)) * 255.0) debug.draw_point(radar_data.transform.location + fw_vec, size=0.075, life_time=0.06, persistent_lines=False, color=carla.Color(r, g, b))
def __init__(self): self.status = Status.ARRIVED self.memory = {'location':carla.Vector3D(0.0,0.0,0.0)} self.destination = self.get_location() self.status_changed = lambda *_, **__: None self.destination_changed = lambda *_, **__: None self.data_changed = lambda *_, **__: None
def parking_decision(data): camera_sensor.stop(); cameraControl = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0); vehicle.apply_control(cameraControl); output=interface.decision(data,mlab); overlapRatio = output['result']; print('rate of Overlap:', overlapRatio); if overlapRatio < 0.1: print('parking place is between the next 2 vehicles'); location = vehicle.get_location(); location.x +=15; location.y +=1.0; location.z +=1.8; text = 'Parking vacancy detected'; debug.draw_string(location, text, True, carla.Color(255,255,0), 4.0, True); location.y +=1.5; debug.draw_box(carla.BoundingBox(location,carla.Vector3D(0.2,2.0,0.8)),carla.Rotation(yaw=180), 0.1, carla.Color(255,0,0),4.0, True); time.sleep(3.0); mlab.end(); if hasattr(center_sensor, 'actorId'): print('center_sensor info in detection time:', center_sensor.actorName, center_sensor.actorId); if center_sensor.actorId != 0: number=2; else: number=1; print('matlab disconnected'); parking_preparation(number); else: print('no parking place has been detected right now'); cameraControl = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0.2); vehicle.apply_control(cameraControl); print('car is moving'); camera_sensor.listen(lambda image: parking_decision(image));
def __init__(self): self.speed = 0 self.angle = 0 self.bearing_deg = 0.0 self.vel = carla.Vector3D() self.cruise_button = 0 self.is_engaged = False
def __init__(self, vehicle_id, type_id, model_filename, color, location, rotation, velocity, lights_state=VissimLightState.NONE): # Static parameters. = vehicle_id self.type = type_id self.model_filename = model_filename self.color = color # Dynamic attributes. loc = carla.Location(location[0], location[1], location[2]) rot = carla.Rotation(math.degrees(rotation[0]), math.degrees(rotation[1]), math.degrees(rotation[2])) self._transform = carla.Transform(loc, rot) self._velocity = carla.Vector3D( velocity * math.cos(math.radians(rot.yaw)) * math.cos(math.radians(rot.pitch)), velocity * math.sin(math.radians(rot.yaw)) * math.cos(math.radians(rot.pitch)), velocity * math.sin(math.radians(rot.pitch))) self._lights_state = lights_state
def draw_box(self, transform, color, lift_time=0.01): transform.location + carla.Location(z=0.00), carla.Vector3D(x=0.5 / 2., y=0.5 / 2., z=0.05)), rotation=transform.rotation, color=color, life_time=lift_time)
def draw_box_with_arrow(self, transform, color, text, with_arrow=True, with_text=False): transform.location + carla.Location(z=0.3), carla.Vector3D(x=(4.925 + 0.1) / 2, y=(2.116 + 0.1) / 2, z=0.05)), rotation=transform.rotation, color=color, life_time=0.01, thickness=0.2) if with_arrow: yaw = math.radians(transform.rotation.yaw) begin=transform.location + carla.Location(z=0.9), end=transform.location + carla.Location(x=math.cos(yaw), y=math.sin(yaw), z=0.9), thickness=0.2, arrow_size=0.3, color=color, life_time=0.01) if with_text: + carla.Location(z=1.0), text=text, color=carla.Color(r=255, b=255, g=255, a=255), life_time=0.01, draw_shadow=True)
def get_traffic_light_area(self, tl): base_transform = tl.get_transform() base_rot = base_transform.rotation.yaw area_loc = base_transform.transform(tl.trigger_volume.location) wpx = self._map.get_waypoint(area_loc) while not wpx.is_intersection: next =[0] if next: wpx = next else: break wpx_location = wpx.transform.location area_ext = tl.trigger_volume.extent area = [] # why the 0.9 you may ask?... because the triggerboxes are set manually and sometimes they # cross to adjacent lanes by accident x_values = np.arange(-area_ext.x * 0.9, area_ext.x * 0.9, 1.0) for x in x_values: pt = self.rotate_point(carla.Vector3D(x, 0, area_ext.z), base_rot) area.append(wpx_location + carla.Location(x=pt.x, y=pt.y)) return area_loc, area
def get_ego_step(self, ego, action, sim_time, flag): # 0加速变道 1刹车变道 if flag == 1: ego_target_speed = carla.Vector3D(18, 0, 0) ego.set_target_velocity(ego_target_speed) print('ego velocity is set!') if action == 0: if 1 < sim_time <= 1.55: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=1, steer=-0.1) ego.apply_control(ego_control) elif 1.55 < sim_time <= 2.1: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=1, steer=0.1) ego.apply_control(ego_control) else: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=1, brake=0) ego.apply_control(ego_control) if action == 1: if 1.25 <= sim_time <= 2: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0, brake=1) ego.apply_control(ego_control) elif 2 < sim_time <= 2.7: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=1, steer=-0.1) ego.apply_control(ego_control) elif 2.7 < sim_time <= 3.4: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=1, steer=0.1) ego.apply_control(ego_control) elif sim_time > 3.4: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=1, steer=0) ego.apply_control(ego_control) else: ego_control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0, brake=0) ego.apply_control(ego_control)
def draw_radar_measurement(debug_helper: carla.DebugHelper, data: carla.RadarMeasurement, velocity_range=7.5, size=0.075, life_time=0.06): """Code adapted from carla/PythonAPI/examples/ - White: means static points. - Red: indicates points moving towards the object. - Blue: denoted points moving away. """ radar_rotation = data.transform.rotation for detection in data: azimuth = math.degrees(detection.azimuth) + radar_rotation.yaw altitude = math.degrees(detection.altitude) + radar_rotation.pitch # move to local coordinates: forward_vec = carla.Vector3D(x=detection.depth - 0.25) global_to_local(forward_vec, reference=carla.Rotation(pitch=altitude, yaw=azimuth, roll=radar_rotation.roll)) # compute color: norm_velocity = detection.velocity / velocity_range r = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - norm_velocity) * 255.0) g = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - abs(norm_velocity)) * 255.0) b = int(abs(clamp(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0 - norm_velocity)) * 255.0) # draw: debug_helper.draw_point(data.transform.location + forward_vec, size=size, life_time=life_time, persistent_lines=False, color=carla.Color(r, g, b))
def _Radar_callback(weak_self, radar_data): self = weak_self() if not self: return # To get a numpy [[vel, altitude, azimuth, depth],...[,,,]]: # points = np.frombuffer(radar_data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) # points = np.reshape(points, (len(radar_data), 4)) current_rot = radar_data.transform.rotation for detect in radar_data: azi = math.degrees(detect.azimuth) alt = math.degrees(detect.altitude) # The 0.25 adjusts a bit the distance so the dots can # be properly seen fw_vec = carla.Vector3D(x=detect.depth - 0.25) carla.Transform( carla.Location(), carla.Rotation( pitch=current_rot.pitch + alt, yaw=current_rot.yaw + azi, roll=current_rot.roll)).transform(fw_vec) def clamp(min_v, max_v, value): return max(min_v, min(value, max_v)) norm_velocity = detect.velocity / self.velocity_range # range [-1, 1] r = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - norm_velocity) * 255.0) g = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - abs(norm_velocity)) * 255.0) b = int(abs(clamp(- 1.0, 0.0, - 1.0 - norm_velocity)) * 255.0) self.debug.draw_point( radar_data.transform.location + fw_vec, size=0.075, life_time=0.06, persistent_lines=False, color=carla.Color(r, g, b))
def control_pure_pursuit(vehicle_tr, waypoint_tr, max_steer, wheelbase, world): wp_loc_rel = relative_location( vehicle_tr, waypoint_tr.location) + carla.Vector3D(wheelbase, 0, 0) # TODO: convert vehicle transform to rear axle transform wp_ar = [wp_loc_rel.x, wp_loc_rel.y] d2 = wp_ar[0]**2 + wp_ar[1]**2 steer_rad = math.atan(2 * wheelbase * wp_loc_rel.y / d2) steer_deg = math.degrees(steer_rad) steer_deg = np.clip(steer_deg, -max_steer, max_steer) yaw = vehicle_tr.rotation.yaw angle = yaw + steer_deg angle_rad = math.radians(angle) print("v loc: " + str(vehicle_tr.location)) print("yaw: " + str(yaw)) print("angle: " + str(angle)) #trying to draw on arrow y = math.sin(angle_rad) * 10 + vehicle_tr.location.y x = math.cos(angle_rad) * 10 + vehicle_tr.location.x print("x, y " + str(x) + " " + str(y)) #world.debug.draw_point(carla.Location(x,y,0), life_time = 1.0) world.debug.draw_arrow(vehicle_tr.location, carla.Location(x, y, 0), life_time=1) return steer_deg / max_steer
def rotate_point(self, point, angle): """ rotate a given point by a given angle """ x_ = math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * point.x - math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * point.y y_ = math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * point.x + math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * point.y return carla.Vector3D(x_, y_, point.z)
def debug_square(client, l, r, rotation=carla.Rotation(), t=1.0, c=carla.Color(r=255, g=0, b=0, a=100)): """Draw a square centered on a point. Parameters ---------- client : carla.Client or carla.World Client. l : carla.Transform or carla.Location Position in map to place the point. r : float Radius of the square from the center t : float, optional Life time of point. c : carla.Color, optional Color of the point. """ if isinstance(l, carla.Transform): l = l.location if isinstance(client, carla.Client): world = client.get_world() else: world = client box = carla.BoundingBox(l, carla.Vector3D(r, r, r)) world.debug.draw_box(box, rotation, thickness=0.5, color=c, life_time=t)
def _get_trafficlight_trigger_location( self, traffic_light, ) -> carla.Location: # pylint: disable=no-member """Calculates the yaw of the waypoint that represents the trigger volume of the traffic light.""" def rotate_point(point, radians): """Rotates a given point by a given angle.""" rotated_x = math.cos(radians) * point.x - math.sin(radians) * point.y rotated_y = math.sin(radians) * point.x - math.cos(radians) * point.y return carla.Vector3D(rotated_x, rotated_y, point.z) # pylint: disable=no-member base_transform = traffic_light.get_transform() base_rot = base_transform.rotation.yaw area_loc = base_transform.transform(traffic_light.trigger_volume.location) area_ext = traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent point = rotate_point( carla.Vector3D(0, 0, area_ext.z), # pylint: disable=no-member math.radians(base_rot), ) point_location = area_loc + carla.Location(x=point.x, y=point.y) # pylint: disable=no-member return carla.Location(point_location.x, point_location.y, point_location.z) # pylint: disable=no-member
def spawn_actor(world): blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('vehicle.*model3*')[0] waypoints = world.get_map().generate_waypoints(10.0) targetLane = -3 waypoint = waypoints[500] waypoint = change_lane(waypoint, targetLane - waypoint.lane_id) location = waypoint.transform.location + carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 1.5) rotation = waypoint.transform.rotation vehicle = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, carla.Transform(location, rotation)) actor_list.append(vehicle) vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) #Add spectator camera camera_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('') camera_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=-10, z=10), carla.Rotation(-30, 0, 0)) camera = world.spawn_actor(camera_bp, camera_transform, attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera) #Add to actor_list at [1] attach_lidar(world, vehicle, transform) attach_collision_sensor(world, vehicle, transform) return vehicle, camera
def get_trafficlight_trigger_location(traffic_light): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Calculates the yaw of the waypoint that represents the trigger volume of the traffic light """ def rotate_point(point, angle): """ rotate a given point by a given angle """ x_ = math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * point.x - math.sin( math.radians(angle)) * point.y y_ = math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * point.x - math.cos( math.radians(angle)) * point.y return carla.Vector3D(x_, y_, point.z) base_transform = traffic_light.get_transform() base_rot = base_transform.rotation.yaw area_loc = base_transform.transform( traffic_light.trigger_volume.location) area_ext = traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent point = rotate_point(carla.Vector3D(0, 0, area_ext.z), base_rot) point_location = area_loc + carla.Location(x=point.x, y=point.y) return carla.Location(point_location.x, point_location.y, point_location.z)
def run_step(self): """ Execute on tick of the controller's control loop The control loop is very simplistic: If the actor speed is below the _target_speed, set throttle to 1.0, otherwise, set throttle to 0.0 Note, that this is a longitudinal controller only. If _init_speed is True, the control command is post-processed to ensure that the initial actor velocity is maintained independent of physics. """ control = self._actor.get_control() velocity = self._actor.get_velocity() current_speed = math.sqrt(velocity.x**2 + velocity.y**2) if current_speed < self._target_speed: control.throttle = 1.0 else: control.throttle = 0.0 self._actor.apply_control(control) if self._init_speed: if abs(self._target_speed - current_speed) > 3: yaw = self._actor.get_transform().rotation.yaw * (math.pi / 180) vx = math.cos(yaw) * self._target_speed vy = math.sin(yaw) * self._target_speed self._actor.set_target_velocity(carla.Vector3D(vx, vy, 0))