def __init__(self, parent_actor, client, memory_frames, frame_stack, width, height): self.frame_stack = frame_stack self.bird_eye_window_width = width self.bird_eye_window_height = height #self.buffer = torch.zeros(3, self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height).to(device) self.FRONT_FOV = 2 * (math.pi) / 3 self._parent = parent_actor self.surface = None self._carla_client = client self.state_frames = memory_frames self.pedestrian_birdview = np.full( (self.state_frames, self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height), 0, dtype=np.float32) self.pedestrian_birdview_stack = np.full( (self.frame_stack * self.state_frames, self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height), 0, dtype=np.float32) self.pedestrian_birdview_embeded = np.full( (self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height), 0, dtype=np.float32) self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self._carla_client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.bird_eye_window_width, height=self.bird_eye_window_height), pixels_per_meter=3, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AREA_ONLY, render_lanes_on_junctions=True, )
def main(): client = carla.Client("localhost", 2000) client.set_timeout(3.0) world = client.get_world() map = world.get_map() spawn_points = map.get_spawn_points() blueprints = world.get_blueprint_library() # settings = world.get_settings() # settings.synchronous_mode = True # settings.no_rendering_mode = True # settings.fixed_delta_seconds = 1 / 10.0 # world.apply_settings(settings) hero_bp = random.choice(blueprints.filter("")) hero_bp.set_attribute("role_name", "hero") transform = random.choice(spawn_points) agent = world.spawn_actor(hero_bp, transform) agent.set_autopilot(True) birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( client, PixelDimensions(width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA, render_lanes_on_junctions=False, ) stuck_frames_count = 0 try: while True: # world.tick() birdview: BirdView = birdview_producer.produce(agent_vehicle=agent) bgr = cv.cvtColor(BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview), cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # NOTE imshow requires BGR color model cv.imshow("BirdView RGB", bgr) # # Teleport when stuck for too long # if get_speed(agent) < STUCK_SPEED_THRESHOLD_IN_KMH: # stuck_frames_count += 1 # else: # stuck_frames_count = 0 # if stuck_frames_count == MAX_STUCK_FRAMES: # agent.set_autopilot(False) # agent.set_transform(random.choice(spawn_points)) # agent.set_autopilot(True) # Play next frames without having to wait for the key key = cv.waitKey(10) & 0xFF if key == 27: # ESC break finally: if agent is not None: agent.destroy() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def process_image(queue, birdview_producer=None, vehicle=None): '''get the image from the buffer and process it. It's the state for vision-based systems''' image = queue.get() array = np.frombuffer(image.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (image.height, image.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] image_rgb = array.copy() image = Image.fromarray(array).convert('L') # grayscale conversion image = np.array(image.resize((84, 84))) # convert to numpy array image = np.reshape(image, (84, 84, 1)) # reshape image if birdview_producer is not None: process_image.birdview_producer = birdview_producer process_image.vehicle = vehicle if process_image.birdview_producer is not None: birdview = process_image.birdview_producer.produce( agent_vehicle=process_image. vehicle # carla.Actor (spawned vehicle) ) # produces np.ndarray of shape (height, width, 3) rgb = BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview) # cv2.imshow('BEV', cv2.resize(rgb, (640, 640))) # cv2.imshow('rgb', cv2.resize(image_rgb, (640, 640))) # print(rgb.shape) # cv2.waitKey(0) return rgb return image
class BirdEye(object): def __init__(self, parent_actor, client, memory_frames, frame_stack, width, height): self.frame_stack = frame_stack self.bird_eye_window_width = width self.bird_eye_window_height = height #self.buffer = torch.zeros(3, self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height).to(device) self.FRONT_FOV = 2 * (math.pi) / 3 self._parent = parent_actor self.surface = None self.bird_array = None self._carla_client = client self.state_frames = memory_frames self.pedestrian_birdview = np.full( (self.state_frames, self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height), 0, dtype=np.float32) self.pedestrian_birdview_stack = np.full( (self.frame_stack * self.state_frames, self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height), 0, dtype=np.float32) self.pedestrian_birdview_embeded = np.full( (self.bird_eye_window_width, self.bird_eye_window_height), 0, dtype=np.float32) self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self._carla_client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.bird_eye_window_width, height=self.bird_eye_window_height), pixels_per_meter=2, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA, render_lanes_on_junctions=True, ) #self.birdeyeData(parent_actor) ''' PEDESTRIANS = 8 RED_LIGHTS = 7 YELLOW_LIGHTS = 6 GREEN_LIGHTS = 5 AGENT = 4 VEHICLES = 3 CENTERLINES = 2 LANES = 1 ROAD = 0''' def birdeyeData(self, player, lidar_object): self._parent = player self.bird_array = self.birdview_producer.produce( agent_vehicle=self._parent) rgb = BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(self.bird_array) copyrgb = rgb.copy() n, m = np.shape(self.bird_array[:, :, 1]) x, y = np.ogrid[0:n, 0:m] agent_pixel_pose_Y = int(self.bird_eye_window_width / 2) agent_pixel_pose_X = int(self.bird_eye_window_height / 2) agent_pixel_pose = [agent_pixel_pose_X, agent_pixel_pose_Y] # print (agent_pixel_pose) fov_mask = ( ((agent_pixel_pose_Y - y) < ((agent_pixel_pose_X - x) * math.tan(self.FRONT_FOV / 2))) & ((agent_pixel_pose_Y - y) > (-(agent_pixel_pose_X - x) * math.tan(self.FRONT_FOV / 2)))) self.mask_shadow, uncertainty, d = shadow_mask.view_field( self.bird_array[:, :, 9] + 2.7 * self.bird_array[:, :, 3], 1.8, agent_pixel_pose, 90) #(array[self.mask_shadow & mask]) = 255 #copyrgb = rgb.copy() shadow = np.zeros((n, m)) visibility_matrix = fov_mask & self.mask_shadow shadow[visibility_matrix] = 1 uncertainty = uncertainty * shadow uncertainty = uncertainty.astype(np.bool_) '''r= copyrgb[:, :, 0] g = copyrgb[:, :, 1] b = copyrgb[:, :, 2] r[uncertainty] = 0 g[uncertainty] = 0 b[uncertainty] = 0''' copyrgb[:, :, 1] = copyrgb[:, :, 1] #copyrgb[:,:,0] = copyrgb[:,:,0] n, m = np.shape(self.bird_array[:, :, 1]) embedded_birdseye = np.zeros((n, m)) self.bird_array[:, :, 8] = self.bird_array[:, :, 8] * uncertainty for i in range(self.state_frames * self.frame_stack - 1, -1, -1): if i == 0: self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[0, :, :] = np.multiply( shadow, self.bird_array[:, :, 8]) else: self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[ i, :, :] = self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[i - 1, :, :] #print(i) if i % self.frame_stack == 0: self.pedestrian_birdview[ int(i // self.frame_stack ), :, :] = self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[i, :, :] embedded_birdseye = self.pedestrian_birdview[int(i//self.frame_stack), :, :] \ * (0.5**(int(i//self.frame_stack))) + embedded_birdseye '''copyrgb = copyrgb.swapaxes(0, 1) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(copyrgb) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.transform.scale(self.rgb_nyg_surf, (self.bird_eye_window_width*4, self.bird_eye_window_height*4)) ''' visibility_int = np.zeros((1, n, m)) visibility_int[0, uncertainty] = 1 cir = np.where(d <= 30, int(1), shadow) cir = np.where(d > 30, int(0), cir) self.pedestrian_birdview_embeded = np.add( 255 * self.bird_array[:, :, 8], 0.5 * self.pedestrian_birdview_embeded) obsv = (0.01 * copyrgb) obsv[:, :, 0] = obsv[:, :, 0] #+ 50 * uncertainty obsv[:, :, 2] = obsv[:, :, 2] + 200 * self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[0, :, :] obsv[:, :, 1] = obsv[:, :, 1] + 100 * self.bird_array[:, :, 3] #obsv[:,:,1]= obsv[:,:,1]+200*self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[0, :, :]+100*(birdview[:, :, 3] * cir) obsv = obsv.swapaxes(0, 1) '''if lidar_data is not None: obsv= obsv + lidar_data birdview[:, :, 1] * fov_mask''' self.rgb_obsv_surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(obsv) self.rgb_obsv_surf = pygame.transform.scale( self.rgb_obsv_surf, (self.bird_eye_window_width * 4, self.bird_eye_window_height * 4)) copyrgb[:, :, 0] = 255 * embedded_birdseye + copyrgb[:, :, 0] copyrgb = copyrgb.swapaxes(0, 1) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(copyrgb) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.transform.scale( self.rgb_nyg_surf, (self.bird_eye_window_width * 4, self.bird_eye_window_height * 4)) self.tensor = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(embedded_birdseye) pygame.transform.flip(self.tensor, True, True) self.tensor = pygame.transform.rotozoom(self.tensor, 90, 4) return self.pedestrian_birdview, visibility_int def render(self, display): if self.rgb_nyg_surf is not None: display.blit(self.rgb_nyg_surf, (350, 0)) display.blit(self.rgb_obsv_surf, (900, 0)) if self.tensor is not None: display.blit(self.tensor, (350, 350)) white = (255, 255, 255) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 128) # set the pygame window name #pygame.display.set_caption('Show Text') font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) text2 = font.render('Augmented Partial Observation', True, green, blue) text = font.render('Full State', True, green, blue) text3 = font.render('CARLA Front Camera', True, green, blue) text4 = font.render('CARLA Front Camera', True, green, blue) textRect = text.get_rect() = (500, 360) display.blit(text, textRect) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect2 = text2.get_rect() = (1100, 360) display.blit(text2, textRect2) textRect3 = text3.get_rect() = (450, 1000) display.blit(text3, textRect3) textRect4 = text4.get_rect() = (1100, 1000) display.blit(text4, textRect4) def push_to_tensor(self, intensor, x): tensor = intensor.clone() tensor[:-1, :, :] = intensor[1:, :, :] tensor[:-1, :, :] = x[:, :] return tensor
def birdeyeData(self, player, lidar_object): self._parent = player self.bird_array = self.birdview_producer.produce( agent_vehicle=self._parent) rgb = BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(self.bird_array) copyrgb = rgb.copy() n, m = np.shape(self.bird_array[:, :, 1]) x, y = np.ogrid[0:n, 0:m] agent_pixel_pose_Y = int(self.bird_eye_window_width / 2) agent_pixel_pose_X = int(self.bird_eye_window_height / 2) agent_pixel_pose = [agent_pixel_pose_X, agent_pixel_pose_Y] # print (agent_pixel_pose) fov_mask = ( ((agent_pixel_pose_Y - y) < ((agent_pixel_pose_X - x) * math.tan(self.FRONT_FOV / 2))) & ((agent_pixel_pose_Y - y) > (-(agent_pixel_pose_X - x) * math.tan(self.FRONT_FOV / 2)))) self.mask_shadow, uncertainty, d = shadow_mask.view_field( self.bird_array[:, :, 9] + 2.7 * self.bird_array[:, :, 3], 1.8, agent_pixel_pose, 90) #(array[self.mask_shadow & mask]) = 255 #copyrgb = rgb.copy() shadow = np.zeros((n, m)) visibility_matrix = fov_mask & self.mask_shadow shadow[visibility_matrix] = 1 uncertainty = uncertainty * shadow uncertainty = uncertainty.astype(np.bool_) '''r= copyrgb[:, :, 0] g = copyrgb[:, :, 1] b = copyrgb[:, :, 2] r[uncertainty] = 0 g[uncertainty] = 0 b[uncertainty] = 0''' copyrgb[:, :, 1] = copyrgb[:, :, 1] #copyrgb[:,:,0] = copyrgb[:,:,0] n, m = np.shape(self.bird_array[:, :, 1]) embedded_birdseye = np.zeros((n, m)) self.bird_array[:, :, 8] = self.bird_array[:, :, 8] * uncertainty for i in range(self.state_frames * self.frame_stack - 1, -1, -1): if i == 0: self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[0, :, :] = np.multiply( shadow, self.bird_array[:, :, 8]) else: self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[ i, :, :] = self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[i - 1, :, :] #print(i) if i % self.frame_stack == 0: self.pedestrian_birdview[ int(i // self.frame_stack ), :, :] = self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[i, :, :] embedded_birdseye = self.pedestrian_birdview[int(i//self.frame_stack), :, :] \ * (0.5**(int(i//self.frame_stack))) + embedded_birdseye '''copyrgb = copyrgb.swapaxes(0, 1) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(copyrgb) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.transform.scale(self.rgb_nyg_surf, (self.bird_eye_window_width*4, self.bird_eye_window_height*4)) ''' visibility_int = np.zeros((1, n, m)) visibility_int[0, uncertainty] = 1 cir = np.where(d <= 30, int(1), shadow) cir = np.where(d > 30, int(0), cir) self.pedestrian_birdview_embeded = np.add( 255 * self.bird_array[:, :, 8], 0.5 * self.pedestrian_birdview_embeded) obsv = (0.01 * copyrgb) obsv[:, :, 0] = obsv[:, :, 0] #+ 50 * uncertainty obsv[:, :, 2] = obsv[:, :, 2] + 200 * self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[0, :, :] obsv[:, :, 1] = obsv[:, :, 1] + 100 * self.bird_array[:, :, 3] #obsv[:,:,1]= obsv[:,:,1]+200*self.pedestrian_birdview_stack[0, :, :]+100*(birdview[:, :, 3] * cir) obsv = obsv.swapaxes(0, 1) '''if lidar_data is not None: obsv= obsv + lidar_data birdview[:, :, 1] * fov_mask''' self.rgb_obsv_surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(obsv) self.rgb_obsv_surf = pygame.transform.scale( self.rgb_obsv_surf, (self.bird_eye_window_width * 4, self.bird_eye_window_height * 4)) copyrgb[:, :, 0] = 255 * embedded_birdseye + copyrgb[:, :, 0] copyrgb = copyrgb.swapaxes(0, 1) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(copyrgb) self.rgb_nyg_surf = pygame.transform.scale( self.rgb_nyg_surf, (self.bird_eye_window_width * 4, self.bird_eye_window_height * 4)) self.tensor = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(embedded_birdseye) pygame.transform.flip(self.tensor, True, True) self.tensor = pygame.transform.rotozoom(self.tensor, 90, 4) return self.pedestrian_birdview, visibility_int
def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" ## Birdeye rendering self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints # birdeye view with roadmap and actors birdeye_render_types = ['roadmap', 'actors'] if self.display_route: birdeye_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, birdeye_render_types) birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = display_to_rgb(birdeye, self.obs_size) # Roadmap if self.pixor: roadmap_render_types = ['roadmap'] if self.display_route: roadmap_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, roadmap_render_types) roadmap = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) roadmap = roadmap[0:self.display_size, :, :] roadmap = display_to_rgb(roadmap, self.obs_size) # Add ego vehicle for i in range(self.obs_size): for j in range(self.obs_size): if abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20 and abs( birdeye[i, j, 1] - 0) < 20 and abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20: roadmap[i, j, :] = birdeye[i, j, :] # Display birdeye image birdeye_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(birdeye, self.display_size) self.display.blit(birdeye_surface, (0, 0)) ## Lidar image generation point_cloud = [] # Get point cloud data for location in self.lidar_data: point_cloud.append([location.x, location.y, -location.z]) point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud) # Separate the 3D space to bins for point cloud, x and y is set according to self.lidar_bin, # and z is set to be two bins. y_bins = np.arange(-(self.obs_range - self.d_behind), self.d_behind + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) x_bins = np.arange(-self.obs_range / 2, self.obs_range / 2 + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) z_bins = [-self.lidar_height - 1, -self.lidar_height + 0.25, 1] # Get lidar image according to the bins lidar, _ = np.histogramdd(point_cloud, bins=(x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)) lidar[:, :, 0] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 0] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) lidar[:, :, 1] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 1] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) # Add the waypoints to lidar image if self.display_route: wayptimg = (birdeye[:, :, 0] <= 10) * (birdeye[:, :, 1] <= 10) * ( birdeye[:, :, 2] >= 240) else: wayptimg = birdeye[:, :, 0] < 0 # Equal to a zero matrix wayptimg = np.expand_dims(wayptimg, axis=2) wayptimg = np.fliplr(np.rot90(wayptimg, 3)) # Get the final lidar image lidar = np.concatenate((lidar, wayptimg), axis=2) lidar = np.flip(lidar, axis=1) lidar = np.rot90(lidar, 1) lidar = lidar * 255 # Display lidar image lidar_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(lidar, self.display_size) self.display.blit(lidar_surface, (self.display_size, 0)) ## Display camera image camera = resize(self.camera_img, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) * 255 camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) ## Display processed camera image original_camera = resize(self.original_camera_image, (self.image_height, self.image_width)) #print("original camera : {}".format(original_camera)) o_camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(o_camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() # State observation ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi lateral_dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) delta_yaw = np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) state = np.array([lateral_dis, -delta_yaw, speed, self.vehicle_front]) if self.pixor: ## Vehicle classification and regression maps (requires further normalization) vh_clas = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size)) vh_regr = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6)) # Generate the PIXOR image. Note in CARLA it is using left-hand coordinate # Get the 6-dim geom parametrization in PIXOR, here we use pixel coordinate for actor in'vehicle.*'): x, y, yaw, l, w = get_info(actor) x_local, y_local, yaw_local = get_local_pose( (x, y, yaw), (ego_x, ego_y, ego_yaw)) if != if abs( y_local ) < self.obs_range / 2 + 1 and x_local < self.obs_range - self.d_behind + 1 and x_local > -self.d_behind - 1: x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel = get_pixel_info( local_info=(x_local, y_local, yaw_local, l, w), d_behind=self.d_behind, obs_range=self.obs_range, image_size=self.pixor_size) cos_t = np.cos(yaw_pixel) sin_t = np.sin(yaw_pixel) logw = np.log(w_pixel) logl = np.log(l_pixel) pixels = get_pixels_inside_vehicle( pixel_info=(x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel), pixel_grid=self.pixel_grid) for pixel in pixels: vh_clas[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 1 dx = x_pixel - pixel[0] dy = y_pixel - pixel[1] vh_regr[pixel[0], pixel[1], :] = np.array( [cos_t, sin_t, dx, dy, logw, logl]) # Flip the image matrix so that the origin is at the left-bottom vh_clas = np.flip(vh_clas, axis=0) vh_regr = np.flip(vh_regr, axis=0) # Pixor state, [x, y, cos(yaw), sin(yaw), speed] pixor_state = [ ego_x, ego_y, np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw), speed ] birdview: BirdView = self.birdview_producer.produce( agent_vehicle=self.ego) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview), cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) speed_kmh = np.array([speed_kmh]) obs = { 'original_camera': original_camera.astype(np.uint8), 'speed': speed_kmh.astype(np.uint8), 'camera': camera.astype(np.uint8), 'lidar': lidar.astype(np.uint8), 'birdeye': birdeye.astype(np.uint8), 'driving_image': bgr.astype(np.uint8), 'state': state, } if self.pixor: obs.update({ 'roadmap': roadmap.astype(np.uint8), 'vh_clas': np.expand_dims(vh_clas, -1).astype(np.float32), 'vh_regr': vh_regr.astype(np.float32), 'pixor_state': pixor_state, }) return obs
def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.image_height = params['image_height'] self.image_width = params['image_width'] self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] if 'pixor' in params.keys(): self.pixor = params['pixor'] self.pixor_size = params['pixor_size'] else: self.pixor = False if 'image_xform' in params.keys(): self.xform = True else: self.xform = False self.step_rewards = [] self.step_actions = [] self.step_steering = [] self.max_distance = 2.0 # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0] ]), np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1] ]), dtype=np.float32) # acc, steer observation_space_dict = { 'orig_camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.image_height, self.image_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32) } if self.pixor: observation_space_dict.update({ 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32) }) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space_dict) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) self.client = client = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self.client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.image_width, height=self.image_height), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA) # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.original_camera_image = np.zeros( (self.image_height, self.image_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.speed = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.auto_pilot_mode = False # Get pixel grid points if self.pixor: x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.pixor_size), np.arange(self.pixor_size)) # make a canvas with coordinates x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() self.pixel_grid = np.vstack((x, y)).T
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.image_height = params['image_height'] self.image_width = params['image_width'] self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] if 'pixor' in params.keys(): self.pixor = params['pixor'] self.pixor_size = params['pixor_size'] else: self.pixor = False if 'image_xform' in params.keys(): self.xform = True else: self.xform = False self.step_rewards = [] self.step_actions = [] self.step_steering = [] self.max_distance = 2.0 # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0] ]), np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1] ]), dtype=np.float32) # acc, steer observation_space_dict = { 'orig_camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.image_height, self.image_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32) } if self.pixor: observation_space_dict.update({ 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32) }) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space_dict) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) self.client = client = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self.client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.image_width, height=self.image_height), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA) # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.original_camera_image = np.zeros( (self.image_height, self.image_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.speed = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.auto_pilot_mode = False # Get pixel grid points if self.pixor: x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.pixor_size), np.arange(self.pixor_size)) # make a canvas with coordinates x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() self.pixel_grid = np.vstack((x, y)).T def get_client(self): return self.client def get_car(self): return self.ego def get_speed(self): v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) return speed_kmh def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None self.step_rewards = [] self.step_actions = [] self.step_steering = [] self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self.client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.image_width, height=self.image_height), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA) # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice( self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'random': transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start = [52.1 + np.random.uniform(-5, 5), -4.2, 178.66] # random # self.start=[52.1,-4.2, 178.66] # static transform = set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] i3 = (array) / 255. array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array self.original_camera_image = i3 # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # get all the route waypoints self.route_waypoints = self.routeplanner._get_waypoints_data() #print(" Route waypoints : {} ".format(len(self.route_waypoints))) # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.step_start_location = self.ego.get_location() self.step_last_location = self.step_start_location return self._get_obs() def dump(self): print("Step throttle : {} ".format(self.step_actions)) print("Step steering : {} ".format(self.step_steering)) print("Step rewards : {} ".format(self.step_rewards)) def get_steering_angle(self): physics_control = self.ego.get_physics_control() for wheel in physics_control.wheels: print(wheel.max_steer_angle) def auto(self, value): self.auto_pilot_mode = value self.ego.set_autopilot(value) def isauto(self): return self.auto_pilot_mode def move(self): return self._get_obs() def get_action_auto(self): control = self.ego.get_control() return control.throttle, control.steer def move_auto(self): # Keep track of closest waypoint on the route transform = self.ego.get_transform() waypoint_index = self.current_waypoint_index for _ in range(len(self.waypoints)): # Check if we passed the next waypoint along the route next_waypoint_index = waypoint_index + 1 wp = self.route_waypoints[next_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] dot = vector(wp.transform.get_forward_vector())[:2], vector(transform.location - wp.transform.location)[:2]) if dot > 0.0: # Did we pass the waypoint? waypoint_index += 1 # Go to next waypoint self.current_waypoint_index = waypoint_index v_transform = self.ego.get_transform() current_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[self.current_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] next_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoints)] self.distance_from_center = distance_to_line( vector(current_waypoint.transform.location), vector(next_waypoint.transform.location), vector(v_transform.location)) self.current_waypoint = current_waypoint self.next_waypoint = next_waypoint control = self.ego.get_control() isdone, isout = self._terminal() reward = self.get_reward_speed(isdone, control.steer, isout) return self._get_obs(), control.throttle, control.steer, reward, isdone def step(self, action): # Calculate acceleration and steering self.throttle = 0 self.steer = 0 if self.discrete: #acc = self.discrete_act[0][action//self.n_steer] #steer = self.discrete_act[1][action%self.n_steer] #acc = self.discrete_act[0][action] #steer = self.discrete_act[1][action%self.n_steer] acc = action[0] steer = action[1] else: acc = action[0] steer = action[1] # Keep track of closest waypoint on the route transform = self.ego.get_transform() waypoint_index = self.current_waypoint_index for _ in range(len(self.waypoints)): # Check if we passed the next waypoint along the route next_waypoint_index = waypoint_index + 1 wp = self.route_waypoints[next_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] dot = vector(wp.transform.get_forward_vector())[:2], vector(transform.location - wp.transform.location)[:2]) if dot > 0.0: # Did we pass the waypoint? waypoint_index += 1 # Go to next waypoint self.current_waypoint_index = waypoint_index v_transform = self.ego.get_transform() current_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[self.current_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] next_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoints)] self.distance_from_center = distance_to_line( vector(current_waypoint.transform.location), vector(next_waypoint.transform.location), vector(v_transform.location)) self.current_waypoint = current_waypoint self.next_waypoint = next_waypoint #print("current way point idx {} ".format(self.current_waypoint_index)) # Convert acceleration to throttle and brake if acc > 0: #throttle = np.clip(acc/3,0,1) #throttle = np.clip(acc,0,1) #throttle = acc #brake = 0 throttle = acc brake = 0 else: throttle = 0 brake = 0 #brake = np.clip(-acc/8,0,1) #brake = np.clip(-acc,0,1) self.throttle = throttle self.steer = steer # Apply control if self.auto_pilot_mode: else: act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=float(steer), brake=float(brake)) self.ego.apply_control(act) # Append actors polygon list vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) while len(self.vehicle_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.vehicle_polygons.pop(0) walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) while len(self.walker_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.walker_polygons.pop(0) # route planner self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # get all the route waypoints self.route_waypoints = self.routeplanner._get_waypoints_data() # state information info = { 'waypoints': self.waypoints, 'vehicle_front': self.vehicle_front } # Update timesteps self.time_step += 1 self.total_step += 1 isdone, isout = self._terminal() self.step_end_location = self.ego.get_location() #reward , centre , coll, out = self._get_reward_speed_centering(isdone) reward = self.get_reward_speed(isdone, steer, isout) self.step_actions.append(throttle) self.step_steering.append(steer) self.step_rewards.append(reward) if isdone: print("Final Speed reward : {}".format(reward)) return (self._get_obs(), reward, isdone, copy.deepcopy(info)) def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def render(self, mode): pass def _create_vehicle_bluepprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ blueprints = blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + [ x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw ] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice( bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _init_renderer(self): """Initialize the birdeye view renderer. """ pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.display_size * 3, self.display_size), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pixels_per_meter = self.display_size / self.obs_range pixels_ahead_vehicle = (self.obs_range / 2 - self.d_behind) * pixels_per_meter birdeye_params = { 'screen_size': [self.display_size, self.display_size], 'pixels_per_meter': pixels_per_meter, 'pixels_ahead_vehicle': pixels_ahead_vehicle } self.birdeye_render = BirdeyeRender(, birdeye_params) def _set_synchronous_mode(self, synchronous=True): """Set whether to use the synchronous mode. """ self.settings.synchronous_mode = synchronous def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ blueprint = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( 'vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=number_of_wheels) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_autopilot() return True return False def _try_spawn_random_walker_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a walker at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ walker_bp = random.choice('walker.*')) # set as not invencible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') walker_actor =, transform) if walker_actor is not None: walker_controller_bp = '') walker_controller_actor = walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walker_actor) # start walker walker_controller_actor.start() # set walk to random point walker_controller_actor.go_to_location( # random max speed walker_controller_actor.set_max_speed( 1 + random.random() ) # max speed between 1 and 2 (default is 1.4 m/s) return True return False def _try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn the ego vehicle at specific transform. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ vehicle = None # Check if ego position overlaps with surrounding vehicles overlap = False for idx, poly in self.vehicle_polygons[-1].items(): poly_center = np.mean(poly, axis=0) ego_center = np.array([transform.location.x, transform.location.y]) dis = np.linalg.norm(poly_center - ego_center) if dis > 8: continue else: overlap = True break if not overlap: vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) self.ego = vehicle return True return False def _get_actor_polygons(self, filt): """Get the bounding box polygon of actors. Args: filt: the filter indicating what type of actors we'll look at. Returns: actor_poly_dict: a dictionary containing the bounding boxes of specific actors. """ actor_poly_dict = {} for actor in # Get x, y and yaw of the actor trans = actor.get_transform() x = trans.location.x y = trans.location.y yaw = trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi # Get length and width bb = actor.bounding_box l = bb.extent.x w = bb.extent.y # Get bounding box polygon in the actor's local coordinate poly_local = np.array([[l, w], [l, -w], [-l, -w], [-l, w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to global coordinate R = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw)], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get global bounding box polygon poly = np.matmul(R, poly_local).transpose() + np.repeat( [[x, y]], 4, axis=0) actor_poly_dict[] = poly return actor_poly_dict def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" ## Birdeye rendering self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints # birdeye view with roadmap and actors birdeye_render_types = ['roadmap', 'actors'] if self.display_route: birdeye_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, birdeye_render_types) birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = display_to_rgb(birdeye, self.obs_size) # Roadmap if self.pixor: roadmap_render_types = ['roadmap'] if self.display_route: roadmap_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, roadmap_render_types) roadmap = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) roadmap = roadmap[0:self.display_size, :, :] roadmap = display_to_rgb(roadmap, self.obs_size) # Add ego vehicle for i in range(self.obs_size): for j in range(self.obs_size): if abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20 and abs( birdeye[i, j, 1] - 0) < 20 and abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20: roadmap[i, j, :] = birdeye[i, j, :] # Display birdeye image birdeye_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(birdeye, self.display_size) self.display.blit(birdeye_surface, (0, 0)) ## Lidar image generation point_cloud = [] # Get point cloud data for location in self.lidar_data: point_cloud.append([location.x, location.y, -location.z]) point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud) # Separate the 3D space to bins for point cloud, x and y is set according to self.lidar_bin, # and z is set to be two bins. y_bins = np.arange(-(self.obs_range - self.d_behind), self.d_behind + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) x_bins = np.arange(-self.obs_range / 2, self.obs_range / 2 + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) z_bins = [-self.lidar_height - 1, -self.lidar_height + 0.25, 1] # Get lidar image according to the bins lidar, _ = np.histogramdd(point_cloud, bins=(x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)) lidar[:, :, 0] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 0] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) lidar[:, :, 1] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 1] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) # Add the waypoints to lidar image if self.display_route: wayptimg = (birdeye[:, :, 0] <= 10) * (birdeye[:, :, 1] <= 10) * ( birdeye[:, :, 2] >= 240) else: wayptimg = birdeye[:, :, 0] < 0 # Equal to a zero matrix wayptimg = np.expand_dims(wayptimg, axis=2) wayptimg = np.fliplr(np.rot90(wayptimg, 3)) # Get the final lidar image lidar = np.concatenate((lidar, wayptimg), axis=2) lidar = np.flip(lidar, axis=1) lidar = np.rot90(lidar, 1) lidar = lidar * 255 # Display lidar image lidar_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(lidar, self.display_size) self.display.blit(lidar_surface, (self.display_size, 0)) ## Display camera image camera = resize(self.camera_img, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) * 255 camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) ## Display processed camera image original_camera = resize(self.original_camera_image, (self.image_height, self.image_width)) #print("original camera : {}".format(original_camera)) o_camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(o_camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() # State observation ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi lateral_dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) delta_yaw = np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) state = np.array([lateral_dis, -delta_yaw, speed, self.vehicle_front]) if self.pixor: ## Vehicle classification and regression maps (requires further normalization) vh_clas = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size)) vh_regr = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6)) # Generate the PIXOR image. Note in CARLA it is using left-hand coordinate # Get the 6-dim geom parametrization in PIXOR, here we use pixel coordinate for actor in'vehicle.*'): x, y, yaw, l, w = get_info(actor) x_local, y_local, yaw_local = get_local_pose( (x, y, yaw), (ego_x, ego_y, ego_yaw)) if != if abs( y_local ) < self.obs_range / 2 + 1 and x_local < self.obs_range - self.d_behind + 1 and x_local > -self.d_behind - 1: x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel = get_pixel_info( local_info=(x_local, y_local, yaw_local, l, w), d_behind=self.d_behind, obs_range=self.obs_range, image_size=self.pixor_size) cos_t = np.cos(yaw_pixel) sin_t = np.sin(yaw_pixel) logw = np.log(w_pixel) logl = np.log(l_pixel) pixels = get_pixels_inside_vehicle( pixel_info=(x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel), pixel_grid=self.pixel_grid) for pixel in pixels: vh_clas[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 1 dx = x_pixel - pixel[0] dy = y_pixel - pixel[1] vh_regr[pixel[0], pixel[1], :] = np.array( [cos_t, sin_t, dx, dy, logw, logl]) # Flip the image matrix so that the origin is at the left-bottom vh_clas = np.flip(vh_clas, axis=0) vh_regr = np.flip(vh_regr, axis=0) # Pixor state, [x, y, cos(yaw), sin(yaw), speed] pixor_state = [ ego_x, ego_y, np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw), speed ] birdview: BirdView = self.birdview_producer.produce( agent_vehicle=self.ego) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview), cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) speed_kmh = np.array([speed_kmh]) obs = { 'original_camera': original_camera.astype(np.uint8), 'speed': speed_kmh.astype(np.uint8), 'camera': camera.astype(np.uint8), 'lidar': lidar.astype(np.uint8), 'birdeye': birdeye.astype(np.uint8), 'driving_image': bgr.astype(np.uint8), 'state': state, } if self.pixor: obs.update({ 'roadmap': roadmap.astype(np.uint8), 'vh_clas': np.expand_dims(vh_clas, -1).astype(np.float32), 'vh_regr': vh_regr.astype(np.float32), 'pixor_state': pixor_state, }) return obs def get_reward_speed(self, isdone, steer, isout): v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) if speed_kmh <= min_speed: r_speed = speed_kmh elif speed_kmh > max_speed: r_speed = max_speed - speed_kmh else: r_speed = speed_kmh r_steer = -(steer * steer) r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -10.0 r_out = 0 if isout: r_out = -1 reward_t = r_speed + r_steer + r_collision + r_out - 0.1 if math.isnan(reward_t): print("Reward is Nan") print("r_speed : {} ".format(r_speed)) print("r_steer : {} ".format(r_steer)) print("steer : {} ".format(steer)) if reward_t == 0: print("Reward is 0") return reward_t def _get_reward_speed_centering(self, isdone): """ reward = Positive speed reward for being close to target speed, however, quick decline in reward beyond target speed * centering factor (1 when centered, 0 when not) * angle factor (1 when aligned with the road, 0 when more than 20 degress off) """ v = self.ego.get_velocity() fwd = vector(v) #wp = #wp_fwd = vector(wp.transform.rotation.get_forward_vector()) wp_fwd = vector( self.current_waypoint.transform.rotation.get_forward_vector()) angle = angle_diff(fwd, wp_fwd) speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) if self.throttle <= 0: #if throttle is negative we can not move speed_reward = -10.0 else: if speed_kmh < min_speed: # When speed is in [0, min_speed] range speed_reward = speed_kmh elif speed_kmh >= min_speed and speed_kmh <= target_speed: speed_reward = speed_kmh elif speed_kmh > target_speed: speed_reward = min_speed # only give min speed reward collision_reward = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: collision_reward = -1 current_location = self.ego.get_location() start = self.step_last_location dist = current_location.distance(start) # in meteres dist_reward = dist print("Distance reward = {} * Speed rewards {} , throttle {} ".format( dist_reward, speed_reward, self.throttle)) # update last location self.step_last_location = current_location # Interpolated from 1 when centered to 0 when 3 m from center centering_factor = max( 1.0 - self.distance_from_center / self.max_distance, 0.0) centering_reward = max(self.distance_from_center / self.max_distance, 0.0) # Interpolated from 1 when aligned with the road to 0 when +/- 20 degress of road angle_factor = max(1.0 - abs(angle / np.deg2rad(20)), 0.0) # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # Final reward reward = dist_reward + centering_factor + 10 * collision_reward #print("Dist reward {} * centering_factor {} ".format(dist_reward, centering_factor)) return reward, centering_factor, 10 * collision_reward, r_out def _get_reward(self): """Calculate the step reward.""" # reward for speed tracking v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed) # reward for collision r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -1 # reward for steering: r_steer = -self.ego.get_control().steer**2 # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # reward for not being in the centre of the lane # get the way point to the centre of the road waypoint =, project_to_road=True) ways = np.array([[ waypoint.transform.location.x, waypoint.transform.location.y, waypoint.transform.rotation.yaw ]]) dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(ways, ego_x, ego_y, 0) if (np.isnan(dis)): r_centre = 2.383e-07 print("Car centre distance is nan , rcenter = {}", r_centre) else: r_centre = abs(dis) #print("Car centre distance : {}".format(r_centre)) # longitudinal speed lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y]) lspeed_lon =, w) # cost for too fast r_fast = 0 if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed: r_fast = -1 # cost for lateral acceleration r_lat = -abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2 #r = 200*r_collision + 1*lspeed_lon + 10*r_fast + 1*r_out + r_steer*5 + 0.2*r_lat - 0.1 #r = 300*r_collision + 1*lspeed_lon + 10*r_fast + 200*r_out + r_steer*5 + 0.2*r_lat - 0.1 r = 200 * r_collision + 1 * lspeed_lon + 10 * r_fast + 70 * r_out + r_steer * 5 + 0.2 * r_lat - 120 * r_centre - 0.1 return r, (-120 * r_centre), (200 * r_collision), (70 * r_out) def _terminal(self): """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" # Get ego state ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) # If collides if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: return True, False # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step > self.max_time_episode: return True, False # If at destination if self.dests is not None: # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0])**2 + (ego_y - dest[1])**2) < 4: return True, False # Stop if distance from center > max distance if self.distance_from_center > self.max_distance: print("End : Distance from center more than max distance : {} ". format(self.distance_from_center)) return True, True # If out of lane dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: print("End : Out of Lane , distance : {} ".format(dis)) return True, True # Speed is too fast v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) if max_speed > 0 and speed_kmh > max_speed: print("End : Too fast {} ".format(speed_kmh)) return True, False return False, False def _clear_all_actors(self, actor_filters): """Clear specific actors.""" for actor_filter in actor_filters: for actor in if actor.is_alive: if actor.type_id == '': actor.stop() actor.destroy() print("Destroy : {} ".format(actor.type_id)) else: print("Not Destroyed : {} ".format(actor.type_id))
def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None self.step_rewards = [] self.step_actions = [] self.step_steering = [] self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self.client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.image_width, height=self.image_height), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA) # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice( self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'random': transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start = [52.1 + np.random.uniform(-5, 5), -4.2, 178.66] # random # self.start=[52.1,-4.2, 178.66] # static transform = set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] i3 = (array) / 255. array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array self.original_camera_image = i3 # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # get all the route waypoints self.route_waypoints = self.routeplanner._get_waypoints_data() #print(" Route waypoints : {} ".format(len(self.route_waypoints))) # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.step_start_location = self.ego.get_location() self.step_last_location = self.step_start_location return self._get_obs()
def main(optimalDistance, followDrivenPath, chaseMode, evaluateChasingCar, driveName='',record=False, followMode=False, resultsName='results',P=None,I=None,D=None,nOfFramesToSkip=0): # Imports # from cores.lane_detection.lane_detector import LaneDetector # from cores.lane_detection.camera_geometry import CameraGeometry # from cores.control.pure_pursuit import PurePursuitPlusPID # New imports from DrivingControl import DrivingControl from DrivingControlAdvanced import DrivingControlAdvanced from CarDetector import CarDetector from SemanticSegmentation import SemanticSegmentation # New Variables extrapolate = True optimalDistance = 8 followDrivenPath = True evaluateChasingCar = True record = False chaseMode = True followMode = False counter = 1 sensors = [] vehicleToFollowSpawned = False obsticle_vehicleSpawned = False # New objects carDetector = CarDetector() drivingControl = DrivingControl(optimalDistance=optimalDistance) drivingControlAdvanced = DrivingControlAdvanced(optimalDistance=optimalDistance) evaluation = Evaluation() semantic = SemanticSegmentation() actor_list = [] pygame.init() display = pygame.display.set_mode( (800, 600), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) font = get_font() clock = pygame.time.Clock() client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) client.set_timeout(80.0) #client.load_world('Town06') # client.load_world('Town04') world = client.get_world() weather_presets = find_weather_presets() # print(weather_presets) world.set_weather(weather_presets[3][0]) # world.set_weather(carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset) # controller = PurePursuitPlusPID() # Set BirdView birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( client, PixelDimensions(width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA, render_lanes_on_junctions=False, ) try: m = world.get_map() blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() veh_bp = random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.dodge_charger.police')) vehicle = world.spawn_actor( veh_bp, m.get_spawn_points()[90]) actor_list.append(vehicle) # New vehicle property vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) if followDrivenPath: evaluation.LoadHistoryFromFile(driveName) first = evaluation.history[0] start_pose = carla.Transform(carla.Location(first[0], first[1], first[2]), carla.Rotation(first[3], first[4], first[5])) vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) # New Sensors collision_sensor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.collision'), carla.Transform(), attach_to=vehicle) collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: evaluation.CollisionHandler(event)) actor_list.append(collision_sensor) # front cam for object detection camera_rgb_blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find('') camera_rgb_blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '90') camera_rgb = world.spawn_actor( camera_rgb_blueprint, carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4,y=0.3), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_rgb) sensors.append(camera_rgb) # segmentation camera camera_segmentation = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4,y=0), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), #5,3,0 # -0.3 attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_segmentation) sensors.append(camera_segmentation) # cg = CameraGeometry() # ld = LaneDetector(model_path=Path("best_model.pth").absolute()) # #windshield cam # cam_windshield_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.5, z=cg.height), carla.Rotation(pitch=-1*cg.pitch_deg)) # bp = blueprint_library.find('') # bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(cg.image_width)) # bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(cg.image_height)) # bp.set_attribute('fov', str(cg.field_of_view_deg)) # camera_windshield = world.spawn_actor( # bp, # cam_windshield_transform, # attach_to=vehicle) # actor_list.append(camera_windshield) # sensors.append(camera_windshield) # Set up local planner and behavnioural planner # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Planning Constants NUM_PATHS = 7 BP_LOOKAHEAD_BASE = 8.0 # m BP_LOOKAHEAD_TIME = 2.0 # s PATH_OFFSET = 1.5 # m CIRCLE_OFFSETS = [-1.0, 1.0, 3.0] # m CIRCLE_RADII = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5] # m TIME_GAP = 1.0 # s PATH_SELECT_WEIGHT = 10 A_MAX = 1.5 # m/s^2 SLOW_SPEED = 2.0 # m/s STOP_LINE_BUFFER = 3.5 # m LEAD_VEHICLE_LOOKAHEAD = 20.0 # m LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 2 # Frequency divisor to make the # local planner operate at a lower # frequency than the controller # (which operates at the simulation # frequency). Must be a natural # number. PREV_BEST_PATH = [] stopsign_fences = [] # -------------------------------------------------------------- frame = 0 max_error = 0 FPS = 30 speed = 0 cross_track_error = 0 start_time = 0.0 times = 8 LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 4 # Create a synchronous mode context. with CarlaSyncMode(world, *sensors, fps=FPS) as sync_mode: while True: if should_quit(): return clock.tick() start_time += clock.get_time() # Advance the simulation and wait for the data. # tick_response = sync_mode.tick(timeout=2.0) # Display BirdView # Input for your model - call it every simulation step # returned result is np.ndarray with ones and zeros of shape (8, height, width) birdview = birdview_producer.produce(agent_vehicle=vehicle) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # NOTE imshow requires BGR color model cv2.imshow("BirdView RGB", bgr) cv2.waitKey(1) # snapshot, image_rgb, image_segmentation = tick_response snapshot, img_rgb, image_segmentation = sync_mode.tick(timeout=2.0) # detect car in image with semantic segnmentation camera carInTheImage = semantic.IsThereACarInThePicture(image_segmentation) line = [] current_speed = np.linalg.norm(carla_vec_to_np_array(vehicle.get_velocity())) # Spawn a vehicle to follow if not vehicleToFollowSpawned and followDrivenPath: vehicleToFollowSpawned = True location1 = vehicle.get_transform() newX, newY = carDetector.CreatePointInFrontOFCar(location1.location.x, location1.location.y, location1.rotation.yaw) diffX = newX - location1.location.x diffY = newY - location1.location.y newX = location1.location.x - (diffX*5) newY = location1.location.y - (diffY*5) start_pose.location.x = newX start_pose.location.y = newY vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) start_pose2 = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) bp = blueprint_library.filter('model3')[0] bp.set_attribute('color', '0,101,189') vehicleToFollow = world.spawn_actor( bp, start_pose2) start_pose2 = carla.Transform() start_pose2.rotation = start_pose.rotation start_pose2.location.x = start_pose.location.x start_pose2.location.y = start_pose.location.y start_pose2.location.z = start_pose.location.z vehicleToFollow.set_transform(start_pose2) actor_list.append(vehicleToFollow) vehicleToFollow.set_simulate_physics(True) # vehicleToFollow.set_autopilot(False) if followDrivenPath: if counter >= len(evaluation.history): break tmp = evaluation.history[counter] currentPos = carla.Transform(carla.Location(tmp[0] ,tmp[1],tmp[2]),carla.Rotation(tmp[3],tmp[4],tmp[5])) vehicleToFollow.set_transform(currentPos) counter += 1 # Set up obsticle vehicle for testing location1 = vehicle.get_transform() location2 = vehicleToFollow.get_transform() # if not obsticle_vehicleSpawned and followDrivenPath: # obsticle_vehicleSpawned = True # # Adding new obsticle vehicle # start_pose3 = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) # obsticle_vehicle = world.spawn_actor( # random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('jeep')), # start_pose3) # start_pose3 = carla.Transform() # start_pose3.rotation = start_pose2.rotation # start_pose3.location.x = start_pose2.location.x # start_pose3.location.y = start_pose2.location.y + 50 # start_pose3.location.z = start_pose2.location.z # obsticle_vehicle.set_transform(start_pose3) # actor_list.append(obsticle_vehicle) # obsticle_vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) # # Parked car(s) (X(m), Y(m), Z(m), Yaw(deg), RADX(m), RADY(m), RADZ(m)) # parkedcar_data = None # parkedcar_box_pts = [] # [x,y] # with open(C4_PARKED_CAR_FILE, 'r') as parkedcar_file: # next(parkedcar_file) # skip header # parkedcar_reader = csv.reader(parkedcar_file, # delimiter=',', # quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) # parkedcar_data = list(parkedcar_reader) # # convert to rad # for i in range(len(parkedcar_data)): # parkedcar_data[i][3] = parkedcar_data[i][3] * np.pi / 180.0 # # obtain parked car(s) box points for LP # for i in range(len(parkedcar_data)): # x = parkedcar_data[i][0] # y = parkedcar_data[i][1] # z = parkedcar_data[i][2] # yaw = parkedcar_data[i][3] # xrad = parkedcar_data[i][4] # yrad = parkedcar_data[i][5] # zrad = parkedcar_data[i][6] # cpos = np.array([ # [-xrad, -xrad, -xrad, 0, xrad, xrad, xrad, 0 ], # [-yrad, 0, yrad, yrad, yrad, 0, -yrad, -yrad]]) # rotyaw = np.array([ # [np.cos(yaw), np.sin(yaw)], # [-np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) # cpos_shift = np.array([ # [x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x], # [y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y]]) # cpos = np.add(np.matmul(rotyaw, cpos), cpos_shift) # for j in range(cpos.shape[1]): # parkedcar_box_pts.append([cpos[0,j], cpos[1,j]]) # if frame % LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR == 0: # # Update vehicleToFollow transorm with obsticles # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # _LOOKAHEAD_INDEX = 5 # _BP_LOOKAHEAD_BASE = 8.0 # m # _BP_LOOKAHEAD_TIME = 2.0 # s # # unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'Vector3D' # lookahead_time = _BP_LOOKAHEAD_BASE + _BP_LOOKAHEAD_TIME * vehicleToFollow.get_velocity().z # location3 = obsticle_vehicle.get_transform() # # Calculate the goal state set in the local frame for the local planner. # # Current speed should be open loop for the velocity profile generation. # ego_state = [location2.location.x, location2.location.y, location2.rotation.yaw, vehicleToFollow.get_velocity().z] # # Set lookahead based on current speed. # b_planner.set_lookahead(_BP_LOOKAHEAD_BASE + _BP_LOOKAHEAD_TIME * vehicleToFollow.get_velocity().z) # # Perform a state transition in the behavioural planner. # b_planner.transition_state(evaluation.history, ego_state, current_speed) # # print("The current speed = %f" % current_speed) # # # Find the closest index to the ego vehicle. # # closest_len, closest_index = behavioural_planner.get_closest_index(evaluation.history, ego_state) # # print("closest_len: ", closest_len) # # print("closest_index: ", closest_index) # # # Find the goal index that lies within the lookahead distance # # # along the waypoints. # # goal_index = b_planner.get_goal_index(evaluation.history, ego_state, closest_len, closest_index) # # print("goal_index: ", goal_index) # # # Set goal_state # # goal_state = evaluation.history[goal_index] # # Compute the goal state set from the behavioural planner's computed goal state. # goal_state_set = l_planner.get_goal_state_set(b_planner._goal_index, b_planner._goal_state, evaluation.history, ego_state) # # # Calculate planned paths in the local frame. # paths, path_validity = l_planner.plan_paths(goal_state_set) # # # Transform those paths back to the global frame. # paths = local_planner.transform_paths(paths, ego_state) # # Detect obsticle car # obsticle_bbox, obsticle_predicted_distance, obsticle_predicted_angle = carDetector.getDistance(obsticle_vehicle, camera_rgb,carInTheImage,extrapolation=extrapolate,nOfFramesToSkip=nOfFramesToSkip) # obsticle_bbox =[ [bbox[0],bbox[1]] for bbox in obsticle_bbox] # print("paths: ", paths) # if obsticle_bbox: # # # Perform collision checking. # collision_check_array = l_planner._collision_checker.collision_check(paths, [obsticle_bbox]) # print("collision_check_array: ", collision_check_array) # # Compute the best local path. # best_index = l_planner._collision_checker.select_best_path_index(paths, collision_check_array, b_planner._goal_state) # print("The best_index :", best_index) # desired_speed = b_planner._goal_state[2] # print("The desired_speed = %f" % desired_speed) # newX, newY = carDetector.CreatePointInFrontOFCar(location2.location.x, location2.location.y,location2.rotation.yaw) # new_angle = carDetector.getAngle([location2.location.x, location2.location.y], [newX, newY], # [location3.location.x, location3.location.y]) # tmp = evaluation.history[counter-1] # currentPos = carla.Transform(carla.Location(tmp[0] + 0 ,tmp[1],tmp[2]),carla.Rotation(tmp[3],tmp[4],tmp[5])) # vehicleToFollow.set_transform(currentPos) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Update vehicle position by detecting vehicle to follow position newX, newY = carDetector.CreatePointInFrontOFCar(location1.location.x, location1.location.y,location1.rotation.yaw) angle = carDetector.getAngle([location1.location.x, location1.location.y], [newX, newY], [location2.location.x, location2.location.y]) possibleAngle = 0 drivableIndexes = [] bbox = [] bbox, predicted_distance,predicted_angle = carDetector.getDistance(vehicleToFollow, camera_rgb, carInTheImage,extrapolation=extrapolate,nOfFramesToSkip=nOfFramesToSkip) if frame % LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR == 0: # This is the bottle neck and takes times to run. But it is necessary for chasing around turns predicted_angle, drivableIndexes = semantic.FindPossibleAngle(image_segmentation,bbox,predicted_angle) # This is still necessary need to optimize it steer, throttle = drivingControlAdvanced.PredictSteerAndThrottle(predicted_distance,predicted_angle,None) # This is a new method send_control(vehicle, throttle, steer, 0) speed = np.linalg.norm(carla_vec_to_np_array(vehicle.get_velocity())) real_dist = location1.location.distance(location2.location) fps = round(1.0 / snapshot.timestamp.delta_seconds) # Draw the display. # draw_image(display, image_rgb) draw_image(display, img_rgb, image_segmentation,location1, location2,record=record,driveName=driveName,smazat=line) display.blit( font.render(' FPS (real) % 5d ' % clock.get_fps(), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 10)) display.blit( font.render(' FPS (simulated): % 5d ' % fps, True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 28)) display.blit( font.render(' speed: {:.2f} m/s'.format(speed), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 46)) display.blit( font.render(' distance to target: {:.2f} m'.format(real_dist), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 66)) # display.blit( # font.render(' cross track error: {:03d} cm'.format(cross_track_error), True, (255, 255, 255)), # (8, 64)) # display.blit( # font.render(' max cross track error: {:03d} cm'.format(max_error), True, (255, 255, 255)), # (8, 82)) # Draw bbox on following vehicle if len(bbox) != 0: points = [(int(bbox[i, 0]), int(bbox[i, 1])) for i in range(8)] BB_COLOR = (248, 64, 24) # draw lines # base pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[0], points[1]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[1], points[2]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[2], points[3]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[3], points[0]) # top pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[4], points[5]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[5], points[6]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[6], points[7]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[7], points[4]) # base-top pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[0], points[4]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[1], points[5]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[2], points[6]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[3], points[7]) # DrawDrivable(drivableIndexes, image_segmentation.width // 10, image_segmentation.height // 10, display) pygame.display.flip() frame += 1 # if save_gif and frame > 1000: # print("frame=",frame) # imgdata = pygame.surfarray.array3d(pygame.display.get_surface()) # imgdata = imgdata.swapaxes(0,1) # if frame < 1200: # images.append(imgdata) finally: print('destroying actors.') for actor in actor_list: actor.destroy() pygame.quit() print('done.')
def main(optimalDistance, followDrivenPath, chaseMode, evaluateChasingCar, driveName='', record=False, followMode=False, resultsName='results', P=None, I=None, D=None, nOfFramesToSkip=0): # Imports # from cores.lane_detection.lane_detector import LaneDetector # from cores.lane_detection.camera_geometry import CameraGeometry # from cores.control.pure_pursuit import PurePursuitPlusPID # New imports from DrivingControl import DrivingControl from DrivingControlAdvanced import DrivingControlAdvanced from CarDetector import CarDetector from SemanticSegmentation import SemanticSegmentation # New Variables extrapolate = True optimalDistance = 1 followDrivenPath = True evaluateChasingCar = True record = False chaseMode = True followMode = False counter = 1 sensors = [] vehicleToFollowSpawned = False obsticle_vehicleSpawned = False # New objects carDetector = CarDetector() drivingControl = DrivingControl(optimalDistance=optimalDistance) drivingControlAdvanced = DrivingControlAdvanced( optimalDistance=optimalDistance) evaluation = Evaluation() semantic = SemanticSegmentation() actor_list = [] pygame.init() display = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) font = get_font() clock = pygame.time.Clock() client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) client.set_timeout(80.0) #client.load_world('Town06') # client.load_world('Town04') world = client.get_world() weather_presets = find_weather_presets() # print(weather_presets) world.set_weather(weather_presets[3][0]) # world.set_weather(carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset) # controller = PurePursuitPlusPID() # Set BirdView birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( client, PixelDimensions(width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA, render_lanes_on_junctions=False, ) try: m = world.get_map() blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() veh_bp = random.choice( blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.dodge_charger.police')) vehicle = world.spawn_actor(veh_bp, m.get_spawn_points()[90]) actor_list.append(vehicle) # New vehicle property vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) if followDrivenPath: evaluation.LoadHistoryFromFile(driveName) first = evaluation.history[0] start_pose = carla.Transform( carla.Location(first[0], first[1], first[2]), carla.Rotation(first[3], first[4], first[5])) vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) # New Sensors collision_sensor = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.collision'), carla.Transform(), attach_to=vehicle) collision_sensor.listen( lambda event: evaluation.CollisionHandler(event)) actor_list.append(collision_sensor) # front cam for object detection camera_rgb_blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find( '') camera_rgb_blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '90') camera_rgb = world.spawn_actor(camera_rgb_blueprint, carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4, y=0.3), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_rgb) sensors.append(camera_rgb) # segmentation camera camera_segmentation = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4, y=0), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), #5,3,0 # -0.3 attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_segmentation) sensors.append(camera_segmentation) # Set up local planner and behavnioural planner # -------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------- frame = 0 max_error = 0 FPS = 30 speed = 0 cross_track_error = 0 start_time = 0.0 times = 8 LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 8 # Frequency divisor to make the # local planner operate at a lower # frequency than the controller # (which operates at the simulation # frequency). Must be a natural # number. # TMP obstacle lists ob = np.array([ [233.980630, 130.523910], [233.980630, 30.523910], [233.980630, 60.523910], [233.980630, 80.523910], [233.786942, 75.530586], ]) wx = [] wy = [] wz = [] for p in evaluation.history: wp = carla.Transform(carla.Location(p[0], p[1], p[2]), carla.Rotation(p[3], p[4], p[5])) wx.append(wp.location.x) wy.append(wp.location.y) wz.append(wp.location.z) tx, ty, tyaw, tc, csp = generate_target_course(wx, wy, wz) # initial state c_speed = 2.0 / 3.6 # current speed [m/s] c_d = 2.0 # current lateral position [m] c_d_d = 0.0 # current lateral speed [m/s] c_d_dd = 0.0 # current latral acceleration [m/s] s0 = 0.0 # current course position # Create a synchronous mode context. with CarlaSyncMode(world, *sensors, fps=FPS) as sync_mode: while True: if should_quit(): return clock.tick() start_time += clock.get_time() # Advance the simulation and wait for the data. # tick_response = sync_mode.tick(timeout=2.0) # Display BirdView # Input for your model - call it every simulation step # returned result is np.ndarray with ones and zeros of shape (8, height, width) birdview = birdview_producer.produce(agent_vehicle=vehicle) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # NOTE imshow requires BGR color model cv2.imshow("BirdView RGB", bgr) cv2.waitKey(1) # snapshot, image_rgb, image_segmentation = tick_response snapshot, img_rgb, image_segmentation = sync_mode.tick( timeout=2.0) print("type(image_segmentation): ", type(image_segmentation)) # detect car in image with semantic segnmentation camera carInTheImage = semantic.IsThereACarInThePicture( image_segmentation) line = [] # Spawn a vehicle to follow if not vehicleToFollowSpawned and followDrivenPath: vehicleToFollowSpawned = True location1 = vehicle.get_transform() newX, newY = carDetector.CreatePointInFrontOFCar( location1.location.x, location1.location.y, location1.rotation.yaw) diffX = newX - location1.location.x diffY = newY - location1.location.y newX = location1.location.x - (diffX * 5) newY = location1.location.y - (diffY * 5) start_pose.location.x = newX start_pose.location.y = newY vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) start_pose2 = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) bp = blueprint_library.filter('model3')[0] bp.set_attribute('color', '0,101,189') vehicleToFollow = world.spawn_actor(bp, start_pose2) start_pose2 = carla.Transform() start_pose2.rotation = start_pose.rotation start_pose2.location.x = start_pose.location.x start_pose2.location.y = start_pose.location.y start_pose2.location.z = start_pose.location.z vehicleToFollow.set_transform(start_pose2) actor_list.append(vehicleToFollow) vehicleToFollow.set_simulate_physics(True) # vehicleToFollow.set_autopilot(False) if followDrivenPath: if counter >= len(evaluation.history): break tmp = evaluation.history[counter] currentPos = carla.Transform( carla.Location(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]), carla.Rotation(tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5])) vehicleToFollow.set_transform(currentPos) counter += 1 # Set up obsticle vehicle for testing # location1 = vehicle.get_transform() # location2 = vehicleToFollow.get_transform() # if not obsticle_vehicleSpawned and followDrivenPath: # obsticle_vehicleSpawned = True # # Adding new obsticle vehicle # start_pose3 = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) # obsticle_vehicle = world.spawn_actor( # random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('jeep')), # start_pose3) # start_pose3 = carla.Transform() # start_pose3.rotation = start_pose2.rotation # start_pose3.location.x = start_pose2.location.x # start_pose3.location.y = start_pose2.location.y + 50 # start_pose3.location.z = start_pose2.location.z # obsticle_vehicle.set_transform(start_pose3) # actor_list.append(obsticle_vehicle) # obsticle_vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) # if frame % LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR == 0: """ ********************************************************************************************************************** *********************************************** Motion Planner ******************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************************** """ # tmp = evaluation.history[counter-1] # currentPos = carla.Transform(carla.Location(tmp[0] + 0 ,tmp[1],tmp[2]),carla.Rotation(tmp[3],tmp[4],tmp[5])) # vehicleToFollow.set_transform(currentPos) # ------------------- Frenet -------------------------------- path = frenet_optimal_planning(csp, s0, c_speed, c_d, c_d_d, c_d_dd, ob) print("path length: ", len(path.x)) new_vehicleToFollow_transform = carla.Transform() new_vehicleToFollow_transform.rotation = carla.Rotation( pitch=0.0, yaw=math.degrees(path.yaw[1]), roll=0.0) new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.x = path.x[1] new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.y = path.y[1] new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.z = path.z[1] vehicleToFollow.set_transform(new_vehicleToFollow_transform) # ------------------- Control for ego -------------------------------- # Set up new locationss location1 = vehicle.get_transform() location2 = vehicleToFollow.get_transform() possibleAngle = 0 drivableIndexes = [] bbox = [] bbox, predicted_distance, predicted_angle = carDetector.getDistance( vehicleToFollow, camera_rgb, carInTheImage, extrapolation=extrapolate, nOfFramesToSkip=nOfFramesToSkip) if frame % LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR == 0: # This is the bottle neck and takes times to run. But it is necessary for chasing around turns predicted_angle, drivableIndexes = semantic.FindPossibleAngle( image_segmentation, bbox, predicted_angle ) # This is still necessary need to optimize it steer, throttle = drivingControlAdvanced.PredictSteerAndThrottle( predicted_distance, predicted_angle, None) # This is a new method send_control(vehicle, throttle, steer, 0) speed = np.linalg.norm( carla_vec_to_np_array(vehicle.get_velocity())) real_dist = location1.location.distance(location2.location) fps = round(1.0 / snapshot.timestamp.delta_seconds) # Draw the display. # draw_image(display, image_rgb) draw_image(display, img_rgb, image_segmentation, location1, location2, record=record, driveName=driveName, smazat=line) display.blit( font.render(' FPS (real) % 5d ' % clock.get_fps(), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 10)) display.blit( font.render(' FPS (simulated): % 5d ' % fps, True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 28)) display.blit( font.render(' speed: {:.2f} m/s'.format(speed), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 46)) # display.blit( # font.render(' cross track error: {:03d} cm'.format(cross_track_error), True, (255, 255, 255)), # (8, 64)) # display.blit( # font.render(' max cross track error: {:03d} cm'.format(max_error), True, (255, 255, 255)), # (8, 82)) # Draw bbox on following vehicle if len(bbox) != 0: points = [(int(bbox[i, 0]), int(bbox[i, 1])) for i in range(8)] BB_COLOR = (248, 64, 24) # draw lines # base pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[0], points[1]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[1], points[2]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[2], points[3]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[3], points[0]) # top pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[4], points[5]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[5], points[6]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[6], points[7]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[7], points[4]) # base-top pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[0], points[4]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[1], points[5]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[2], points[6]) pygame.draw.line(display, BB_COLOR, points[3], points[7]) # DrawDrivable(drivableIndexes, image_segmentation.width // 10, image_segmentation.height // 10, display) pygame.display.flip() frame += 1 print("vehicle.get_transform()", vehicle.get_transform()) print("vehicleToFollow.get_transform()", vehicleToFollow.get_transform()) # print("obsticle_vehicle.get_transform()", obsticle_vehicle.get_transform()) s0 = path.s[1] c_d = path.d[1] c_d_d = path.d_d[1] c_d_dd = path.d_dd[1] c_speed = path.s_d[1] print("path.x[1]: ", path.x[1]) print("path.y[1]: ", path.y[1]) print("s: ", s0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() finally: print('destroying actors.') for actor in actor_list: actor.destroy() pygame.quit() print('done.')
def train_loop(rl_config, vehicle, map, sensors): file_reward_hist = open('summary/reward_hist_{}.txt'.format(len(os.listdir('summary'))), 'wb') birdview_producer = None birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( client = carla.Client('', 3000), # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=84, height=84), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AREA_ONLY ) process_image(sensors.camera_queue, birdview_producer, vehicle) configProto = init_tensorflow() # instantiate the DQN target networks DQNetwork = DDDQNet(rl_config.state_size, rl_config.action_space, rl_config.learning_rate, name=rl_config.model_name) TargetNetwork = DDDQNet(rl_config.state_size, rl_config.action_space, rl_config.learning_rate, name="TargetNetwork") #tensorflow summary for tensorboard visualization writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("summary") # losses tf.summary.scalar("Loss", DQNetwork.loss) tf.summary.scalar("Hubor_loss", DQNetwork.loss_2) tf.summary.histogram("ISWeights", DQNetwork.ISWeights_) write_op = tf.summary.merge_all() saver = tf.train.Saver() # initialize memory and fill it with examples, for prioritized replay memory = Memory(rl_config.memory_size, rl_config.pretrain_length, rl_config.action_space) if rl_config.load_memory: print(os.path.abspath(__file__)) print(rl_config.memory_load_path) memory = memory.load_memory(rl_config.memory_load_path) print("Memory Loaded") else: #this can take a looong time memory.fill_memory(map, vehicle, sensors.camera_queue, sensors, autopilot=True) memory.save_memory(rl_config.memory_save_path, memory) # Reinforcement Learning loop with tf.Session(config=configProto) as sess: writer.add_graph(sess.graph) m = 0 decay_step = 0 tau = 0 # update param, of target network rith DQN_weights update_target = update_target_graph() for episode in range(1, rl_config.total_episodes): # move the vehicle to a spawn_point and return state reset_environment(map, vehicle, sensors) state = process_image(sensors.camera_queue) done = False start = time.time() episode_reward = 0 # save the model from time to time if rl_config.model_save_frequency: if episode % rl_config.model_save_frequency == 0: save_path =, rl_config.model_save_path) for step in range(rl_config.max_steps): tau += 1 decay_step += 1 action_int, action, explore_probability = DQNetwork.predict_action(sess, rl_config.explore_start, rl_config.explore_stop, rl_config.decay_rate, decay_step, state) car_controls = map_action(action_int, rl_config.action_space) vehicle.apply_control(car_controls) time.sleep(0.25) next_state = process_image(sensors.camera_queue) reward = compute_reward(vehicle, sensors) episode_reward += reward done = isDone(reward) experience = state, action, reward, next_state, done # Lets learn # First we need a mini-batch with experiences (s, a, r, s', done) tree_idx, batch, ISWeights_mb = memory.sample(rl_config.batch_size) s_mb, a_mb, r_mb, next_s_mb, dones_mb = get_split_batch(batch) # Get Q values for next_state from the DQN and TargetNetwork q_next_state =, feed_dict={DQNetwork.inputs_: next_s_mb}) q_target_next_state =, feed_dict={TargetNetwork.inputs_: next_s_mb}) # Set Q_target = r if the episode ends at s+1, otherwise Q_target = r + gamma * Qtarget(s',a') target_Qs_batch = [] for i in range(0, len(dones_mb)): terminal = dones_mb[i] # we got a' action = np.argmax(q_next_state[i]) # if we are in a terminal state. only equals reward if terminal: target_Qs_batch.append((r_mb[i])) else: # take the Q taregt for action a' target = r_mb[i] + rl_config.gamma * q_target_next_state[i][action] target_Qs_batch.append(target) targets_mb = np.array([each for each in target_Qs_batch]) _, _, loss, loss_2, absolute_errors = [DQNetwork.optimizer, DQNetwork.optimizer_2, DQNetwork.loss, DQNetwork.loss_2, DQNetwork.absolute_errors], feed_dict={DQNetwork.inputs_: s_mb, DQNetwork.target_Q: targets_mb, DQNetwork.actions_: a_mb, DQNetwork.ISWeights_: ISWeights_mb}) # update replay memory priorities memory.batch_update(tree_idx, absolute_errors) if tau > rl_config.max_tau: update_target = update_target_graph() m += 1 tau = 0 print("model updated") state = next_state if done: print(episode, 'episode finished. Episode total reward:', episode_reward) print('tau:', tau) pickle.dump(episode_reward, file_reward_hist) break file_reward_hist.close()
def main(optimalDistance, followDrivenPath, chaseMode, evaluateChasingCar, driveName='', record=False, followMode=False, resultsName='results', P=None, I=None, D=None, nOfFramesToSkip=0): # New imports from car_chasing.DrivingControl import DrivingControl from car_chasing.DrivingControlAdvanced import DrivingControlAdvanced from car_chasing.CarDetector import CarDetector from car_chasing.SemanticSegmentation import SemanticSegmentation # New Variables extrapolate = True optimalDistance = 8 followDrivenPath = True evaluateChasingCar = True record = False chaseMode = True followMode = False counter = 1 sensors = [] vehicleToFollowSpawned = False obsticle_vehicleSpawned = False # New objects carDetector = CarDetector() drivingControl = DrivingControl(optimalDistance=optimalDistance) drivingControlAdvanced = DrivingControlAdvanced( optimalDistance=optimalDistance) evaluation = Evaluation() semantic = SemanticSegmentation() actor_list = [] pygame.init() display = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) font = get_font() clock = pygame.time.Clock() client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000) client.set_timeout(80.0) world = client.get_world() weather_presets = find_weather_presets() world.set_weather(weather_presets[3][0]) # Set BirdView birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( client, PixelDimensions(width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA, render_lanes_on_junctions=False, ) try: m = world.get_map() blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() veh_bp = random.choice( blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.dodge_charger.police')) vehicle = world.spawn_actor(veh_bp, m.get_spawn_points()[90]) actor_list.append(vehicle) # New vehicle property vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) if followDrivenPath: evaluation.LoadHistoryFromFile(driveName) first = evaluation.history[0] start_pose = carla.Transform( carla.Location(first[0], first[1], first[2]), carla.Rotation(first[3], first[4], first[5])) vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) # New Sensors # front cam for object detection camera_rgb_blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find( '') camera_rgb_blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '90') camera_rgb = world.spawn_actor(camera_rgb_blueprint, carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4, y=0.3), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_rgb) sensors.append(camera_rgb) # segmentation camera camera_segmentation = world.spawn_actor( blueprint_library.find(''), carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=1.4, y=0), carla.Rotation(pitch=0)), #5,3,0 # -0.3 attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(camera_segmentation) sensors.append(camera_segmentation) # Set up local planner and behavnioural planner # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Planning Constants NUM_PATHS = 7 BP_LOOKAHEAD_BASE = 8.0 # m BP_LOOKAHEAD_TIME = 2.0 # s PATH_OFFSET = 1.5 # m CIRCLE_OFFSETS = [-1.0, 1.0, 3.0] # m CIRCLE_RADII = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5] # m TIME_GAP = 1.0 # s PATH_SELECT_WEIGHT = 10 A_MAX = 1.5 # m/s^2 SLOW_SPEED = 2.0 # m/s STOP_LINE_BUFFER = 3.5 # m LEAD_VEHICLE_LOOKAHEAD = 20.0 # m LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 2 # Frequency divisor to make the # local planner operate at a lower # frequency than the controller # (which operates at the simulation # frequency). Must be a natural # number. PREV_BEST_PATH = [] stopsign_fences = [] # -------------------------------------------------------------- frame = 0 max_error = 0 FPS = 30 speed = 0 cross_track_error = 0 start_time = 0.0 times = 8 LP_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 4 # ============================================================================== # -- Frenet related stuffs --------------------------------------- # ============================================================================== # -----------------Set Obstical Positions ----------------------- # TMP obstacle lists ob = np.array([ [233.980630, 50.523910], [232.980630, 80.523910], [234.980630, 100.523910], [235.786942, 110.530586], [234.980630, 120.523910], ]) # -----------------Set way points ----------------------- wx = [] wy = [] wz = [] for p in evaluation.history: wp = carla.Transform(carla.Location(p[0], p[1], p[2]), carla.Rotation(p[3], p[4], p[5])) wx.append(wp.location.x) wy.append(wp.location.y) wz.append(wp.location.z) tx, ty, tyaw, tc, csp = generate_target_course(wx, wy, wz) old_tx = deepcopy(tx) old_ty = deepcopy(ty) # Leading waypoints leading_waypoints = [] # other actors other_actor_ids = [] # Trailing trail_path = None real_dist = 0 # initial state c_speed = 10.0 / 3.6 # current speed [m/s] c_d = 2.0 # current lateral position [m] c_d_d = 0.0 # current lateral speed [m/s] c_d_dd = 0.0 # current latral acceleration [m/s] s0 = 0.0 # current course position trail_c_speed = 20.0 / 3.6 # current speed [m/s] trail_c_d = 2.0 # current lateral position [m] trail_c_d_d = 0.0 # current lateral speed [m/s] trail_c_d_dd = 0.0 # current latral acceleration [m/s] trail_s0 = 0.0 # current course position i = 0 # Create a synchronous mode context. with CarlaSyncMode(world, *sensors, fps=FPS) as sync_mode: while True: if should_quit(): return clock.tick() start_time += clock.get_time() # snapshot, image_rgb, image_segmentation = tick_response snapshot, img_rgb, image_segmentation = sync_mode.tick( timeout=2.0) # detect car in image with semantic segnmentation camera carInTheImage = semantic.IsThereACarInThePicture( image_segmentation) line = [] current_speed = np.linalg.norm( carla_vec_to_np_array(vehicle.get_velocity())) # Spawn a vehicle to follow if not vehicleToFollowSpawned and followDrivenPath: vehicleToFollowSpawned = True location1 = vehicle.get_transform() newX, newY = carDetector.CreatePointInFrontOFCar( location1.location.x, location1.location.y, location1.rotation.yaw) diffX = newX - location1.location.x diffY = newY - location1.location.y newX = location1.location.x - (diffX * 5) newY = location1.location.y - (diffY * 5) start_pose.location.x = newX start_pose.location.y = newY vehicle.set_transform(start_pose) start_pose2 = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) bp = blueprint_library.filter('model3')[0] bp.set_attribute('color', '0,101,189') vehicleToFollow = world.spawn_actor(bp, start_pose2) start_pose2 = carla.Transform() start_pose2.rotation = start_pose.rotation start_pose2.location.x = start_pose.location.x start_pose2.location.y = start_pose.location.y start_pose2.location.z = start_pose.location.z vehicleToFollow.set_transform(start_pose2) actor_list.append(vehicleToFollow) vehicleToFollow.set_simulate_physics(True) vehicleToFollow.set_autopilot(True) if followDrivenPath: if counter >= len(evaluation.history): break tmp = evaluation.history[counter] currentPos = carla.Transform( carla.Location(tmp[0] + 5, tmp[1], tmp[2]), carla.Rotation(tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5])) vehicleToFollow.set_transform(currentPos) counter += 1 # ------------------- Set up obsticle vehicle for testing -------------------------------- # Set up obsticle vehicle for testing if not obsticle_vehicleSpawned and followDrivenPath: obsticle_vehicleSpawned = True for obsticle_p in ob: start_pose3 = random.choice(m.get_spawn_points()) obsticle_vehicle = world.spawn_actor( random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('jeep')), start_pose3) start_pose3 = carla.Transform() start_pose3.rotation = start_pose2.rotation start_pose3.location.x = obsticle_p[0] start_pose3.location.y = obsticle_p[1] start_pose3.location.z = start_pose2.location.z obsticle_vehicle.set_transform(start_pose3) obsticle_vehicle.set_autopilot(True) actor_list.append(obsticle_vehicle) obsticle_vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) other_actor_ids.append( #---- Leading Frenet ----------------------------- path = frenet_optimal_planning(csp, s0, c_speed, c_d, c_d_d, c_d_dd, ob) ob = np.array([[ actor.get_transform().location.x, actor.get_transform().location.y ] for actor in actor_list if in other_actor_ids]) # --------------------------- Working leading frenet # Set new way points new_vehicleToFollow_transform = carla.Transform() new_vehicleToFollow_transform.rotation = carla.Rotation( pitch=0.0, yaw=math.degrees(path.yaw[1]), roll=0.0) new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.x = path.x[1] new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.y = path.y[1] new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.z = path.z[1] wp = (new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.x, new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.y, new_vehicleToFollow_transform.location.z, new_vehicleToFollow_transform.rotation.pitch, new_vehicleToFollow_transform.rotation.yaw, new_vehicleToFollow_transform.rotation.roll) vehicleToFollow.set_transform(new_vehicleToFollow_transform) s0 = path.s[1] c_d = path.d[1] c_d_d = path.d_d[1] c_d_dd = path.d_dd[1] c_speed = path.s_d[1] if i > 2: leading_waypoints.append(wp) location2 = None # ---- Car chasing activate ----- # Give time for leading car to cumulate waypoints #------- Trailing Frenet -------------------------------------- # Start frenet once every while if (i > 50): # trailing_csp = look_ahead_local_planer(waypoints=leading_waypoints, current_idx=0, look_ahead=len(leading_waypoints)) # speed = get_speed(vehicle) FRENET_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 1 if (frame % FRENET_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR == 0) and (real_dist > 5): wx = [] wy = [] wz = [] for p in leading_waypoints: wp = carla.Transform( carla.Location(p[0], p[1], p[2]), carla.Rotation(p[3], p[4], p[5])) wx.append(wp.location.x) wy.append(wp.location.y) wz.append(wp.location.z) tx, ty, tyaw, tc, trailing_csp = generate_target_course( wx, wy, wz) trail_path = frenet_optimal_planning( trailing_csp, trail_s0, trail_c_speed, trail_c_d, trail_c_d_d, trail_c_d_dd, ob) if trail_path: trail_s0 = trail_path.s[1] trail_c_d = trail_path.d[1] trail_c_d_d = trail_path.d_d[1] trail_c_d_dd = trail_path.d_dd[1] trail_c_speed = trail_path.s_d[1] new_vehicle_transform = carla.Transform() new_vehicle_transform.rotation = carla.Rotation( pitch=0.0, yaw=math.degrees(trail_path.yaw[1]), roll=0.0) new_vehicle_transform.location.x = trail_path.x[1] new_vehicle_transform.location.y = trail_path.y[1] new_vehicle_transform.location.z = trail_path.z[1] vehicle.set_transform(new_vehicle_transform) location1 = vehicle.get_transform() location2 = vehicleToFollow.get_transform() speed = np.linalg.norm( carla_vec_to_np_array(vehicle.get_velocity())) real_dist = location1.location.distance(location2.location) fps = round(1.0 / snapshot.timestamp.delta_seconds) # Draw the display. # draw_image(display, image_rgb) draw_image(display, img_rgb, image_segmentation, location1, location2, record=record, driveName=driveName, smazat=line) display.blit( font.render(' FPS (real) % 5d ' % clock.get_fps(), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 10)) display.blit( font.render(' FPS (simulated): % 5d ' % fps, True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 28)) display.blit( font.render(' speed: {:.2f} m/s'.format(speed), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 46)) display.blit( font.render( ' distance to target: {:.2f} m'.format(real_dist), True, (255, 255, 255)), (8, 66)) # Display BirdView # Input for your model - call it every simulation step # returned result is np.ndarray with ones and zeros of shape (8, height, width) birdview = birdview_producer.produce( agent_vehicle=vehicleToFollow) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # NOTE imshow requires BGR color model cv2.imshow("BirdView RGB", bgr) cv2.waitKey(1) pygame.display.flip() frame += 1 i += 1 finally: print('destroying actors.') for actor in actor_list: actor.destroy() pygame.quit() print('done.')