Esempio n. 1
    def run_step(self, target_speed):
        Execute one step of local planning which involves running the longitudinal
        and lateral PID controllers to follow the waypoints trajectory.
        if not self._waypoints_queue:
            control = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 1.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False

            return control

        #   Buffering the waypoints
        if not self._waypoint_buffer:
            for i in range(self._buffer_size):
                if self._waypoints_queue:

        # current vehicle waypoint
        self._current_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(self._current_pose.position)

        # target waypoint
        target_route_point = self._waypoint_buffer[0]

        # for us redlight-detection
        self.target_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(target_route_point.position)

        target_point = PointStamped()
        target_point.header.frame_id = "map"
        target_point.point.x = target_route_point.position.x
        target_point.point.y = target_route_point.position.y
        target_point.point.z = target_route_point.position.z
        # move using PID controllers
        control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(target_speed,

        # purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        max_index = -1

        sampling_radius = target_speed * 1 / 3.6  # 1 seconds horizon
        min_distance = sampling_radius * self.MIN_DISTANCE_PERCENTAGE

        for i, route_point in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
            if distance_vehicle(route_point,
                                self._current_pose.position) < min_distance:
                max_index = i
        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):

        return control
Esempio n. 2
    def run_step(self):
        Execute one step of navigation.
        control = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
        control.steer = 0.0
        control.throttle = 0.0
        control.brake = 0.0
        control.hand_brake = False

        if not self._agent:
            rospy.loginfo("Waiting for ego vehicle...")
            return control

        if not self._route_assigned and self._global_plan:
            rospy.loginfo("Assigning plan...")
            self._agent._local_planner.set_global_plan(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            self._route_assigned = True
            control, finished = self._agent.run_step(self._target_speed)
            if finished:
                self._global_plan = None
                self._route_assigned = False

        return control
Esempio n. 3
    def tick(self):
        target_speed = self._get_target_speed()
        speed_err = target_speed - self.speed
        cte = self._calc_lateral_error()  # cross-track error

        max_delta = 100
        steer = clamp(-1, self.steer_pid.update(cte), 1)
        # steer = clamp(self.prev_steer - max_delta, steer, self.prev_steer + max_delta)
        self.prev_steer = steer
        brake = 0
        throttle = clamp(-1, self.throttle_pid.update(speed_err), 1)
        if throttle < 0:
            throttle = 0
            brake = -throttle

        # public control command
        control = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
        control.throttle = throttle
        control.steer = steer
        control.brake = brake
        control.hand_brake = False

        # publish debug info
        debug_info_msg = msg.ControllerDebugInfo()
        debug_info_msg.cross_track_error = cte
        debug_info_msg.speed_error = speed_err
        debug_info_msg.target_speed = target_speed
Esempio n. 4
    def run_step(self, target_speed, current_speed, current_pose, waypoint):
        Execute one step of control invoking both lateral and longitudinal
        PID controllers to reach a target waypoint at a given target_speed.

        :param target_speed: desired vehicle speed
        :param waypoint: target location encoded as a waypoint
        :return: distance (in meters) to the waypoint
        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        dt = current_time - self._last_control_time
        if dt == 0.0:
            dt = 0.000001
        control = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
        throttle = self._lon_controller.run_step(target_speed, current_speed,
        steering = self._lat_controller.run_step(current_pose, waypoint, dt)
        self._last_control_time = current_time
        control.steer = steering
        control.throttle = throttle
        control.brake = 0.0
        control.hand_brake = False
        control.manual_gear_shift = False

        return control
Esempio n. 5
 def emergency_stop(self):
     control_msg = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
     control_msg.steer = 0.0
     control_msg.throttle = 0.0
     control_msg.brake = 1.0
     control_msg.hand_brake = False
     control_msg.manual_gear_shift = False
Esempio n. 6
 def emergency_stop(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
     Send an emergency stop command to the vehicle
     control = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
     control.steer = 0.0
     control.throttle = 0.0
     control.brake = 1.0
     control.hand_brake = False
     return control
Esempio n. 7
    def run_step(self, target_speed, current_speed, current_pose, waypoint):
        Execute one step of control invoking both lateral and longitudinal
        PID controllers to reach a target waypoint at a given target_speed.

        :param target_speed: desired vehicle speed
        :param waypoint: target location encoded as a waypoint
        :return: control signal (throttle and steering)
        control = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
        throttle = self._lon_controller.run_step(target_speed, current_speed)
        steering = self._lat_controller.run_step(current_pose, waypoint)
        control.steer = -steering
        control.throttle = throttle
        control.brake = 0.0
        control.hand_brake = False
        control.manual_gear_shift = False

        return control
    def Control(self):
        rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        lon_param = {
            'K_P': 0.5,
            'K_I': 0.5,
            'K_D': 0
        }  # Set PID values for longitudinal controller
        lat_param = {
            'K_P': 0.5,
            'K_I': 0.3,
            'K_D': 0
        }  # Set PID values for lateral controller
        vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(
            self.vehicle, lon_param,
            lat_param)  # Calling vehicle controller class from

        i = 0
        for k in range(1, len(self.current_route)
                       ):  # Iterate through all the waypoints in the route
            self.Distance(self.current_route[i][0], self.veh_pos.transform)
                '/machine_learning/output', Int16, self.Detection
            )  # Subscribes to topic for Stop sign detection. Need to run script to obtain detection
            while self.distance > 0.5:  # Control the vehicle until the distance of the next waypoint and the vehicle is less than 0.5 m
                )  # Call Actor function to update vehicle's location
                control = vehicle_controller.run_step(
                    15, self.current_route[i]
                    [0])  # Feeds the controller the waypoints one by one
                self.velocity = self.vehicle.get_velocity(
                )  # Get vehicle velocity

                if self.detection == 11:  # Stop sign detection(apply brakes). Our ML has a class ID of 11 for stop signs
                    print('Object detected, apply brakes')
                    msg = CarlaEgoVehicleControl(
                    )  # Ego vehicle's control message
                    msg.throttle = 0
                    msg.steer = control.steer
                    msg.brake = 1
                    msg.hand_brake = control.hand_brake
                    msg.reverse = control.reverse
                    msg.gear = 1
                    msg.manual_gear_shift = control.manual_gear_shift
                    self.detection = None

                elif len(self.current_route) - 5 <= k <= len(
                ):  # If the ith waypoint is between the last waypoint minus five apply brakes
                    msg = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
                    msg.throttle = 0
                    msg.steer = control.steer
                    msg.brake = 1
                    msg.hand_brake = control.hand_brake
                    msg.reverse = control.reverse
                    msg.gear = 1
                    msg.manual_gear_shift = control.manual_gear_shift
                    print('You arrived to your destination!!')

                else:  # If neither scenario happen, keep driving
                    msg = CarlaEgoVehicleControl()
                    msg.throttle = control.throttle
                    msg.steer = control.steer
                    msg.brake = control.brake
                    msg.hand_brake = control.hand_brake
                    msg.reverse = control.reverse
                    msg.gear = 1
                    msg.manual_gear_shift = control.manual_gear_shift

                    self.current_route[i][0], self.veh_pos.transform
                )  # Calculates the Euclidean distance between the vehicle and the next waypoint in every iteration
            i += 1