def speed_up(function, parameters, backend=u'clang'): str_params = [str(x) for x in parameters] try: f = ca.Function('f', [Matrix(parameters)], [ca.densify(function)]) except: f = ca.Function('f', [Matrix(parameters)], ca.densify(function)) return CompiledFunction(str_params, f, 0, function.shape)
def writeObjective(ocp, out0, exportName): dae = ocp.dae # first make out not a function of xDot or z inputs0 = [dae.xDotVec(), dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec()] outputFun0 = C.SXFunction(inputs0, [out0]) (xDotDict, zDict) = dae.solveForXDotAndZ() xDot = C.veccat([xDotDict[name] for name in dae.xNames()]) z = C.veccat([zDict[name] for name in dae.zNames()]) # plug in xdot, z solution to outputs fun outputFun0.init() [out] = outputFun0.eval([xDot, dae.xVec(), z, dae.uVec(), dae.pVec()]) # make sure each element in the output is only a function of x or u, not both testSeparation(dae,out,exportName) # make new SXFunction that is only fcn of [x, u, p] if exportName == 'lsqExtern': inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec()]) outs = C.veccat( [ out, C.jacobian(out,dae.xVec()).T, C.jacobian(out,dae.uVec()).T ] ) outputFun = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(outs)]) outputFun.init() assert len(outputFun.getFree()) == 0, 'the "impossible" happened >_<' elif exportName == 'lsqEndTermExtern': inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.pVec()]) outs = C.veccat( [ out, C.jacobian(out,dae.xVec()).T ] ) outputFun = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(outs)]) outputFun.init() assert len(outputFun.getFree()) == 0, 'lsqEndTermExtern cannot be a function of controls u, saw: '+str(outputFun.getFree()) else: raise Exception('unrecognized name "'+exportName+'"') return codegen.writeCCode(outputFun,exportName)
def __init__(self, ocp, lqrDae = None, ocpOptions=None, integratorOptions=None, codegenOptions=None, phase1Options=None): assert isinstance(ocp, Mpc), "MpcRT must be given an Mpc object, you gave: "+str(type(ocp)) # call the parent init OcpRT.__init__(self, ocp, ocpOptions=ocpOptions, integratorOptions=integratorOptions, codegenOptions=codegenOptions, phase1Options=phase1Options) # set up measurement functions self._yxFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.xVec(),ocp.dae.pVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yx)]) self._yuFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.uVec(),ocp.dae.pVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yu)]) self._yxFun.init() self._yuFun.init() if lqrDae is None: self._lqrDae = self.ocp.dae else: self._lqrDae = lqrDae self._integratorLQR = rawe.RtIntegrator(self._lqrDae, ts=self.ocp.ts, options=integratorOptions)
def __init__(self, ocp, lqrDae, ocpOptions=None, integratorOptions=None, codegenOptions=None, phase1Options=None): assert isinstance( ocp, Mpc), "MpcRT must be given an Mpc object, you gave: " + str( type(ocp)) # call the parent init OcpRT.__init__(self, ocp, ocpOptions=ocpOptions, integratorOptions=integratorOptions, codegenOptions=codegenOptions, phase1Options=phase1Options) # set up measurement functions self._yxFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.xVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yx)]) self._yuFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.uVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yu)]) self._yxFun.init() self._yuFun.init() self._lqrDae = lqrDae self._integratorLQR = rawe.RtIntegrator(self._lqrDae, ts=self.ocp.ts, options=integratorOptions)
def _state_init(self, m0, S0, L0): m0 = self.x(m0[:]) S0 = self.x.squared(ca.densify(S0)) L0 = self.x.squared(ca.densify(L0)) x0 = self._draw_initial_state(m0, S0) b0 = self.b() b0['m'] = m0 b0['S'] = S0 eb0 = self.eb() eb0['m'] = m0 eb0['S'] = S0 eb0['L'] = L0 return [x0, m0, S0, L0, b0, eb0]
def generateCModel(dae,timeScaling,measurements): xdot = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in dae.xNames()]) inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot]) jacobian_inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), xdot]) f = dae.getResidual() # dae residual rhs = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [f] ) rhs.init() # handle time scaling [f] = rhs.eval([C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot/timeScaling])]) rhs = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.densify(f)] ) rhs.init() rhsString = codegen.writeCCode(rhs, 'rhs') # dae residual jacobian jf = C.veccat( [ C.jacobian(f,jacobian_inputs).T ] ) rhsJacob = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.densify(jf)] ) rhsJacob.init() rhsJacobString = codegen.writeCCode(rhsJacob, 'rhsJacob') ret = {'rhs':rhs, 'rhsJacob':rhsJacob, 'rhsFile':rhsString, 'rhsJacobFile':rhsJacobString} if measurements is not None: # measurements measurementsFun = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [measurements] ) measurementsFun.init() [measurements] = measurementsFun.eval([C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot/timeScaling])]) measurementsFun = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.densify(measurements)] ) measurementsFun.init() measurementsString = codegen.writeCCode(measurementsFun, 'measurements') ret['measurements'] = measurementsFun ret['measurementsFile'] = measurementsString # measurements jacobian jo = C.veccat( [ C.jacobian(measurements,jacobian_inputs).T ] ) measurementsJacobFun = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.densify(jo)] ) measurementsJacobFun.init() measurementsJacobString = codegen.writeCCode(measurementsJacobFun, 'measurementsJacob') ret['measurementsJacob'] = measurementsJacobFun ret['measurementsJacobFile'] = measurementsJacobString return ret
def phase1src(dae, options, measurements): ret = '''\ #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <acado_code_generation.hpp> #include <acado/utils/acado_types.hpp> extern "C"{ int export_integrator( const char * genPath); } using namespace std; USING_NAMESPACE_ACADO int export_integrator( const char * genPath) { const double timestep = 1.0; const int numIntervals = 1; SIMexport sim(numIntervals, timestep); // set INTEGRATOR_TYPE sim.set( INTEGRATOR_TYPE, %(INTEGRATOR_TYPE)s); // set NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS sim.set( NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS, %(NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS)s ); // 0 == rhs() sim.setModel( "model", "rhs", "rhsJacob" ); sim.setDimensions( %(nx)d, %(nx)d, %(nz)d, %(nup)d ); ''' % { 'INTEGRATOR_TYPE': options['INTEGRATOR_TYPE'], 'NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS': options['NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS'], 'nx': len(dae.xNames()), 'nz': len(dae.zNames()), 'nup': len(dae.uNames()) + len(dae.pNames()) } if measurements is not None: ret += ''' // set MEASUREMENT_GRID sim.set( MEASUREMENT_GRID, EQUIDISTANT_GRID ); // set output/measurements sim.addOutput( "measurements", "measurementsJacob", %(outputDimension)d ); Vector Meas(1); Meas(0) = 1; sim.setMeasurements( Meas ); ''' % { 'outputDimension': C.densify(measurements).size() } ret += ''' sim.set( GENERATE_MAKE_FILE, false ); return sim.exportCode(genPath); } ''' return ret
def set_initial_state(self, x0, m0, S0): self.x0 = self.x(x0) self.m0 = self.x(m0[:]) self.S0 = self.x.squared(ca.densify(S0)) self.b0['m'] = self.m0 self.b0['S'] = self.S0 self.eb0['m'] = self.m0 self.eb0['S'] = self.S0 self.n = self._estimate_simulation_duration()
def __init__(self, ocp, ocpOptions=None, integratorOptions=None, codegenOptions=None, phase1Options=None): assert isinstance(ocp, Mhe), "MheRT must be given an Mhe object, you gave: "+str(type(ocp)) # call the parent init OcpRT.__init__(self, ocp, ocpOptions=ocpOptions, integratorOptions=integratorOptions, codegenOptions=codegenOptions, phase1Options=phase1Options, integratorMeasurements=C.veccat([ocp.yx,ocp.yu])) # set up measurement functions self._yxFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.xVec(),ocp.dae.pVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yx)]) self._yuFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.uVec(),ocp.dae.pVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yu)]) self._yxFun.init() self._yuFun.init()
def __init__(self, ocp, ocpOptions=None, integratorOptions=None, codegenOptions=None, phase1Options=None): assert isinstance(ocp, Mhe), "MheRT must be given an Mhe object, you gave: "+str(type(ocp)) # call the parent init OcpRT.__init__(self, ocp, ocpOptions=ocpOptions, integratorOptions=integratorOptions, codegenOptions=codegenOptions, phase1Options=phase1Options, integratorMeasurements=C.veccat([ocp.yx,ocp.yu])) # set up measurement functions self._yxFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.xVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yx)]) self._yuFun = C.SXFunction([ocp.dae.uVec()], [C.densify(self.ocp.yu)]) self._yxFun.init() self._yuFun.init()
def phase1src(dae,options,measurements): ret = '''\ #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <acado_code_generation.hpp> #include <acado/utils/acado_types.hpp> extern "C"{ int export_integrator( const char * genPath); } using namespace std; USING_NAMESPACE_ACADO int export_integrator( const char * genPath) { const double timestep = 1.0; const int numIntervals = 1; SIMexport sim(numIntervals, timestep); // set INTEGRATOR_TYPE sim.set( INTEGRATOR_TYPE, %(INTEGRATOR_TYPE)s); // set NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS sim.set( NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS, %(NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS)s ); // 0 == rhs() sim.setModel( "model", "rhs", "rhsJacob" ); sim.setDimensions( %(nx)d, %(nx)d, %(nz)d, %(nup)d ); ''' % {'INTEGRATOR_TYPE': options['INTEGRATOR_TYPE'], 'NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS': options['NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS'], 'nx':len(dae.xNames()), 'nz':len(dae.zNames()), 'nup':len(dae.uNames())+len(dae.pNames())} if measurements is not None: ret += ''' // set MEASUREMENT_GRID sim.set( MEASUREMENT_GRID, EQUIDISTANT_GRID ); // set output/measurements sim.addOutput( "measurements", "measurementsJacob", %(outputDimension)d ); Vector Meas(1); Meas(0) = 1; sim.setMeasurements( Meas ); ''' % {'outputDimension':C.densify(measurements).size()} ret +=''' sim.set( GENERATE_MAKE_FILE, false ); return sim.exportCode(genPath); } ''' return ret
def generateReference(nmpc, conf, refCableLength, refSpeed, visualize = False): """ A function for generation of reference around the steady state. For now, the goal is just to decrease Z slowly about <ddz> from the steady state specified by input arguments. """ # Actuator limitations aileron_bound = conf['aileron_bound'] elevator_bound = conf['elevator_bound'] # # Configuration for steady state computation # r0 = refCableLength omega0 = refSpeed guess = {'x':r0, 'y':0, 'z':0, 'r':r0, 'dr':0, 'e11':0, 'e12':-1, 'e13':0, 'e21':0, 'e22':0, 'e23':1, 'e31':-1, 'e32':0, 'e33':0, 'dx':0, 'dy':0, 'dz':0, 'w_bn_b_x':0, 'w_bn_b_y':omega0, 'w_bn_b_z':0, 'ddelta':omega0, 'cos_delta':1, 'sin_delta':0, 'aileron':0, 'elevator':0, 'rudder':0, 'flaps':0, 'daileron':0, 'delevator':0, 'drudder':0, 'dflaps':0, 'nu':100, 'motor_torque':0, 'dmotor_torque':0, 'ddr':0, 'dddr':0.0, 'w0':0.0} dotGuess = {'x':0, 'y':0, 'z':0, 'dx':0, 'dy':0, 'dz':0, 'r':0, 'dr':0, 'e11':0, 'e12':0, 'e13':0, 'e21':0, 'e22':0, 'e23':0, 'e31':0, 'e32':0, 'e33':0, 'w_bn_b_x':0, 'w_bn_b_y':0, 'w_bn_b_z':0, 'ddelta':0, 'cos_delta':0, 'sin_delta':omega0, 'aileron':0, 'elevator':0, 'rudder':0, 'flaps':0, 'motor_torque':0, 'ddr':0} bounds = {'x':(-1.1 * r0, 1.1 * r0), 'y':(-1.1 * r0, 1.1 * r0), 'z':(-1.1 * r0, 1.1 * r0), 'dx':(0, 0), 'dy':(0, 0), 'dz':(0, 0), 'r':(r0, r0), 'dr':(0, 0), 'ddr':(0, 0), 'dddr':(0, 0), 'e11':(-2, 2), 'e12':(-2, 2), 'e13':(-2, 2), 'e21':(-2, 2), 'e22':(-2, 2), 'e23':(-2, 2), 'e31':(-2, 2), 'e32':(-2, 2), 'e33':(-2, 2), 'w_bn_b_x':(-100, 100), 'w_bn_b_y':(-100, 100), 'w_bn_b_z':(-100, 100), 'ddelta':(omega0, omega0), 'cos_delta':(1, 1), 'sin_delta':(0, 0), 'aileron':(-aileron_bound, aileron_bound), 'elevator':(-elevator_bound, elevator_bound), 'rudder':(-0.2, 0.2), 'flaps':(-0.2, 0.2), 'daileron':(0, 0), 'delevator':(0, 0), 'drudder':(0, 0), 'dflaps':(0, 0), 'motor_torque':(-1000, 1000), 'dmotor_torque':(0, 0), 'w0':(0, 0), 'nu':(0, 3000), } dotBounds = {'x':(-1, 1), 'y':(-1, 1), 'z':(-1, 1), 'dx':(0, 0), 'dy':(0, 0), 'dz':(0, 0), 'r':(-0, 0), 'dr':(0, 0), 'ddr':(0, 0), 'e11':(-50, 50), 'e12':(-50, 50), 'e13':(-50, 50), 'e21':(-50, 50), 'e22':(-50, 50), 'e23':(-50, 50), 'e31':(-50, 50), 'e32':(-50, 50), 'e33':(-50, 50), 'w_bn_b_x':(0, 0), 'w_bn_b_y':(0, 0), 'w_bn_b_z':(0, 0), 'ddelta':(0, 0), 'cos_delta':(omega0 - 10, omega0 + 10), 'sin_delta':(omega0 - 10, omega0 + 10), 'aileron':(-1, 1), 'elevator':(-1, 1), 'rudder':(-1, 1), 'flaps':(-1, 1), 'motor_torque':(-1000, 1000) } # # Generate the reference # ref = [] # Generate the first reference pt = 1 ss, dss = getSteadyState(nmpc.dae, conf, refSpeed, refCableLength, guess = guess, dotGuess = dotGuess, bounds = bounds, dotBounds = dotBounds, verbose = False ) ref.append( ss ) print repr( pt ) + ". point of the reference trajectory is generated." ssZ = ss[ "z" ] ddz = 0.025 # [m] x = np.linspace(-12 * 2, 12 * 2, num = 75) sszVec = ssZ - ddz * 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-1.0 * x)) for z in sszVec: rDict = {"z": (z, z)} ss, dss = getSteadyState(nmpc.dae, conf, refSpeed, refCableLength, ref_dict = rDict, guess = ss, dotGuess = dss, bounds = bounds, dotBounds = dotBounds, verbose = False ) ref.append( ss ) pt += 1 print repr( pt ) + ". point of the reference trajectory is generated." refOut = {} for name in nmpc.dae.xNames() + nmpc.dae.zNames() + nmpc.dae.uNames() + nmpc.dae.pNames(): points = [pts[ name ] for pts in ref] # Go away and return back... refOut[ name ] = np.concatenate((points, points[::-1]), axis = 0) refUpDown = ref + ref[::-1] # # Now prepare a string with references # import casadi as C yxFun = C.SXFunction([nmpc.dae.xVec()], [C.densify(nmpc.yx)]) yuFun = C.SXFunction([nmpc.dae.uVec()], [C.densify(nmpc.yu)]) yxFun.init() yuFun.init() refCode = [] for r in refUpDown: _x = [r[ name ] for name in nmpc.dae.xNames()] _u = [r[ name ] for name in nmpc.dae.uNames()] yxFun.setInput(_x, 0) yxFun.evaluate() yuFun.setInput(_u, 0) yuFun.evaluate() _r = np.concatenate((np.squeeze(np.array( yxFun.output( 0 ) )), np.squeeze(np.array( yuFun.output( 0 ) ))), axis = 0) t = "{" + ", ".join([repr( el ) for el in _r]) + "}" refCode.append( t ) refs = ",\n".join( refCode ) code = """\ #define REF_NUM_POINTS %(nRef)d static const double references[ %(nRef)d ][ %(yDim)d ] = { %(refs)s }; """ % {"yDim": nmpc.yx.shape[ 0 ] + nmpc.yu.shape[ 0 ], "nRef": len( refUpDown ), "refs": refs} if visualize is True: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() plt.title("x, y, z") plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(ref["x"]) plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(ref["y"]) plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(ref["z"]) fig = plt.figure() plt.title("dx, dy, dz") plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(ref["dx"]) plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(ref["dy"]) plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(ref["dz"]) fig = plt.figure() plt.title("DCM") for k, name in enumerate(["e11", "e12", "e13", "e21", "e22", "e23", "e31", "e32", "e33"]): plt.subplot(3, 3, k + 1) plt.plot(ref[ name ]) fig = plt.figure() for k, name in enumerate( ["aileron", "elevator"] ): plt.subplot(2, 1, k + 1) plt.plot(ref[ name ]) return refOut, code
def phase1src(dae,options,measurements): ret = '''\ #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <acado_code_generation.hpp> extern "C"{ int export_integrator( const char * genPath); } using namespace std; USING_NAMESPACE_ACADO int export_integrator( const char * genPath) { string path( genPath ); string _stdout = path + "/_stdout.txt"; std::ofstream out( _stdout.c_str() ); std::streambuf *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); //save old buf std::cout.rdbuf(out.rdbuf()); // redirect std::cout to the text file Logger::instance().setLogLevel( LVL_DEBUG ); const double timestep = 1.0; const int numIntervals = 1; SIMexport sim(numIntervals, timestep); // set INTEGRATOR_TYPE sim.set( INTEGRATOR_TYPE, %(INTEGRATOR_TYPE)s); // set NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS sim.set( NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS, %(NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS)s ); sim.set( DYNAMIC_SENSITIVITY, %(dynamic_sensitivity)s ); // 0 == rhs() sim.setModel( "model", "rhs", "rhsJacob" ); sim.setDimensions( %(nx)d, %(nx)d, %(nz)d, %(nu)d, %(nod)d, 0 ); ''' % {'INTEGRATOR_TYPE': options['INTEGRATOR_TYPE'], 'NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS': options['NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS'], 'nx': len(dae.xNames()), 'nz': len(dae.zNames()), 'nu': len(dae.uNames()), 'nod': len(dae.pNames()), 'dynamic_sensitivity': options['DYNAMIC_SENSITIVITY']} if measurements is not None: ret += ''' // set MEASUREMENT_GRID // sim.set( MEASUREMENT_GRID, EQUIDISTANT_GRID ); // set output/measurements DVector Meas( 1 ); Meas( 0 ) = 1; sim.addOutput("measurements", "measurementsJacob", %(outputDimension)d, Meas); ''' % {'outputDimension':C.densify(measurements).size()} ret +=''' sim.set( GENERATE_MAKE_FILE, false ); returnValue status = sim.exportCode(genPath); std::cout.rdbuf(coutbuf); //reset to standard output again return status; } ''' return ret
# %% ========================================================================= # Initial conditions # ============================================================================ # State m0 = ca.DMatrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 4.0, 25.0, 15.0, 0.0, ca.pi]) S0 = ca.diagcat([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-2]) * 0.25 L0 = ca.DMatrix.eye(nx) * 1e-3 L0[-1, -1] = 1e-5 mu0 = np.array(m0).ravel() # to get samples from normal distribution b0 = belief() b0["m"] = m0 b0["S"] = ca.densify(S0) eb0 = ext_belief() eb0["m"] = m0 eb0["S"] = ca.densify(S0) eb0["L"] = ca.densify(L0) # Covariances Q = ca.DMatrix.eye(nx) * 1e-3 # does not change Q[-1, -1] = 1e-5 # Nominal controls u_ = control.repeated(ca.DMatrix.zeros(nu, N_sim)) u_[:, "v"] = 5.0 u_[:, "w"] = -0.2
def solve_chain_mass_nmpc_qp(num_masses, num_intervals): time_step = 0.1 u, y, dot_y = get_chain_mass_ode(num_masses) init_state = get_equilibrium_states(num_masses, y, dot_y, [0, 1, 0]) ref_state = get_equilibrium_states(num_masses, y, dot_y, [1, 0, 0]) # NMPC formulation: num_states = y.shape[0] num_controls = 3 weights_states = numpy.ones(y.shape) weights_states[0:3 * num_masses] = 1e2 weights_states[3 * num_masses:6 * num_masses] = 1e0 weights_states[-3:] = 1e2 weights_controls = numpy.ones((num_controls, 1)) * 1e-2 # states 1..N states = casadi.SX.sym('states', num_states, num_intervals) # controls 0..N-1 controls = casadi.SX.sym('controls', num_controls, num_intervals) weights_states_sqrt = numpy.sqrt(weights_states) weights_controls_sqrt = numpy.sqrt(weights_controls) objective_residuals = [] ref_control = numpy.zeros(u.shape) for node in range(num_intervals): objective_residuals.append( (states[:, node] - ref_state) * weights_states_sqrt) objective_residuals.append( (controls[:, node] - ref_control) * weights_controls_sqrt) objective_residuals = casadi.veccat(*objective_residuals) ode = casadi.Function('ode', [u, y], [dot_y]) rk4_k1 = ode(u, y) rk4_k2 = ode(u, y + time_step / 2.0 * rk4_k1) rk4_k3 = ode(u, y + time_step / 2.0 * rk4_k2) rk4_k4 = ode(u, y + time_step * rk4_k3) final_y = y + time_step / 6.0 * (rk4_k1 + 2 * rk4_k2 + 2 * rk4_k3 + rk4_k4) integrate = casadi.Function('integrate', [u, y], [final_y]) states_for_integration = casadi.horzcat(init_state, states[:, :-1]) integrated_states =, states_for_integration) equality_constraints = states - integrated_states equality_constraints = casadi.veccat(equality_constraints) # Prepare and condense the underlying QP. states_vec = casadi.veccat(states) controls_vec = casadi.veccat(controls) jac_obj_residuals_wrt_states = casadi.jacobian(objective_residuals, states_vec) jac_obj_residuals_wrt_controls = casadi.jacobian(objective_residuals, controls_vec) jac_eq_constraints_wrt_states = casadi.jacobian(equality_constraints, states_vec) jac_eq_constraints_wrt_controls = casadi.jacobian(equality_constraints, controls_vec) qp_h = jac_obj_residuals_wrt_controls.T @ jac_obj_residuals_wrt_controls delta_x_contrib = casadi.solve(jac_eq_constraints_wrt_states, jac_eq_constraints_wrt_controls) delta_x_qp_contrib = -jac_obj_residuals_wrt_states @ delta_x_contrib qp_h += delta_x_qp_contrib.T @ delta_x_qp_contrib qp_g = (jac_obj_residuals_wrt_controls + delta_x_qp_contrib).T @ objective_residuals states_lbx = numpy.zeros(y.shape) states_ubx = numpy.zeros(y.shape) states_lbx.fill(-numpy.inf) for m in range(num_masses): states_lbx[3 * m + 1] = -0.01 states_ubx.fill(numpy.inf) qp_lb_a = [] qp_ub_a = [] for _ in range(num_intervals): qp_lb_a.append(states_lbx) qp_ub_a.append(states_ubx) qp_lb_a = numpy.concatenate(qp_lb_a, axis=0) qp_ub_a = numpy.concatenate(qp_ub_a, axis=0) init_states = numpy.concatenate([init_state for _ in range(num_intervals)], axis=0) delta_x_bound_contrib = casadi.solve(jac_eq_constraints_wrt_states, equality_constraints) + init_states qp_lb_a -= delta_x_bound_contrib qp_ub_a -= delta_x_bound_contrib qp_a = -delta_x_contrib qp_fcn = casadi.Function('qp_h_fcn', [controls_vec, states_vec], [qp_h, qp_g, qp_a, qp_lb_a, qp_ub_a]) init_controls = numpy.zeros(controls_vec.shape) qp_h_eval, qp_g_eval, qp_a_eval, qp_lb_a_eval, qp_ub_a_eval = qp_fcn( init_controls, init_states) qp_lbx = -numpy.ones(qp_g.shape) qp_ubx = numpy.ones(qp_g.shape) # Reduce the number of rows of the A-matrix to the minimum. qp_a_indices = [] for el in range(qp_lb_a.shape[0]): if qp_lb_a_eval[el] <= -numpy.inf and qp_ub_a_eval[el] >= numpy.inf: continue qp_a_indices.append(el) qp_lb_a_eval = qp_lb_a_eval[qp_a_indices] qp_ub_a_eval = qp_ub_a_eval[qp_a_indices] qp_a_eval = qp_a_eval[qp_a_indices, :] qp_x = casadi.SX.sym('qp_x', *qp_g.shape) qp = { 'x': qp_x, 'f': 0.5 * qp_x.T @ qp_h_eval @ qp_x + qp_x.T @ qp_g_eval, 'g': casadi.densify(qp_a_eval @ qp_x) } qp_solver = casadi.qpsol('qp_solver', 'qpoases', qp) sol = qp_solver(lbx=qp_lbx, ubx=qp_ubx, lbg=qp_lb_a_eval, ubg=qp_ub_a_eval) x_opt = numpy.asarray(sol['x']).flatten() y_opt = numpy.asarray(-casadi.vertcat(sol['lam_x'], sol['lam_g'])) f_opt = sol['f'] num_variables = qp_x.shape[0] num_constraints = qp_a_eval.shape[0] qp_h_flat = numpy.asarray(qp_h_eval).flatten() qp_g_flat = numpy.asarray(qp_g_eval).flatten() qp_a_flat = numpy.asarray(qp_a_eval).flatten() qp_lb_a_flat = numpy.asarray(qp_lb_a_eval).flatten() qp_ub_a_flat = numpy.asarray(qp_ub_a_eval).flatten() return (num_variables, num_constraints, qp_h_flat, qp_g_flat, qp_a_flat, qp_lbx, qp_ubx, qp_lb_a_flat, qp_ub_a_flat, x_opt, y_opt, f_opt)
def generateCModel(dae, timeScaling, measurements): xdot = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in dae.xNames()]) inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot]) jacobian_inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), xdot]) f = dae.getResidual() # dae residual rhs = C.SXFunction([inputs], [f]) rhs.init() # handle time scaling [f] = rhs.eval([ C.veccat([ dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot / timeScaling ]) ]) rhs = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(f)]) rhs.init() rhsString = codegen.writeCCode(rhs, 'rhs') # dae residual jacobian jf = C.veccat([C.jacobian(f, jacobian_inputs).T]) rhsJacob = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(jf)]) rhsJacob.init() rhsJacobString = codegen.writeCCode(rhsJacob, 'rhsJacob') ret = { 'rhs': rhs, 'rhsJacob': rhsJacob, 'rhsFile': rhsString, 'rhsJacobFile': rhsJacobString } if measurements is not None: # measurements measurementsFun = C.SXFunction([inputs], [measurements]) measurementsFun.init() [measurements] = measurementsFun.eval([ C.veccat([ dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot / timeScaling ]) ]) measurementsFun = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(measurements)]) measurementsFun.init() measurementsString = codegen.writeCCode(measurementsFun, 'measurements') ret['measurements'] = measurementsFun ret['measurementsFile'] = measurementsString # measurements jacobian jo = C.veccat([C.jacobian(measurements, jacobian_inputs).T]) measurementsJacobFun = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(jo)]) measurementsJacobFun.init() measurementsJacobString = codegen.writeCCode(measurementsJacobFun, 'measurementsJacob') ret['measurementsJacob'] = measurementsJacobFun ret['measurementsJacobFile'] = measurementsJacobString return ret
# Initial conditions # ============================================================================ # State m0 = ca.DMatrix([0., 0., 5., 4., 15., 0., ca.pi/2]) S0 = ca.diagcat([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1e-2]) * 0.25 L0 = ca.DMatrix.eye(nx) * 1e-3 L0[-1,-1] = 1e-5 mu0 = np.array(m0).ravel() # to get samples from normal distribution b0 = belief() b0['m'] = m0 b0['S'] = ca.densify(S0) eb0 = ext_belief() eb0['m'] = m0 eb0['S'] = ca.densify(S0) eb0['L'] = ca.densify(L0) # Covariances Q = ca.DMatrix.eye(nx) * 1e-3 # does not change Q[-1,-1] = 1e-5 # Nominal controls u_ = control.repeated(ca.DMatrix.zeros(nu,N_sim)) u_[:,'v'] = 5. u_[:,'w'] = 0.2
def phase1src(dae, options, measurements): ret = '''\ #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <acado_code_generation.hpp> extern "C"{ int export_integrator( const char * genPath); } using namespace std; USING_NAMESPACE_ACADO int export_integrator( const char * genPath) { string path( genPath ); string _stdout = path + "/_stdout.txt"; std::ofstream out( _stdout.c_str() ); std::streambuf *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); //save old buf std::cout.rdbuf(out.rdbuf()); // redirect std::cout to the text file Logger::instance().setLogLevel( LVL_DEBUG ); const double timestep = 1.0; const int numIntervals = 1; SIMexport sim(numIntervals, timestep); // set INTEGRATOR_TYPE sim.set( INTEGRATOR_TYPE, %(INTEGRATOR_TYPE)s); // set NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS sim.set( NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS, %(NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS)s ); sim.set( DYNAMIC_SENSITIVITY, %(dynamic_sensitivity)s ); // 0 == rhs() sim.setModel( "model", "rhs", "rhsJacob" ); sim.setDimensions( %(nx)d, %(nx)d, %(nz)d, %(nu)d, %(nod)d, 0 ); ''' % { 'INTEGRATOR_TYPE': options['INTEGRATOR_TYPE'], 'NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS': options['NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS'], 'nx': len(dae.xNames()), 'nz': len(dae.zNames()), 'nu': len(dae.uNames()), 'nod': len(dae.pNames()), 'dynamic_sensitivity': options['DYNAMIC_SENSITIVITY'] } if measurements is not None: ret += ''' // set MEASUREMENT_GRID // sim.set( MEASUREMENT_GRID, EQUIDISTANT_GRID ); // set output/measurements DVector Meas( 1 ); Meas( 0 ) = 1; sim.addOutput("measurements", "measurementsJacob", %(outputDimension)d, Meas); ''' % { 'outputDimension': C.densify(measurements).size() } ret += ''' sim.set( GENERATE_MAKE_FILE, false ); returnValue status = sim.exportCode(genPath); std::cout.rdbuf(coutbuf); //reset to standard output again return status; } ''' return ret