class Decker(MergeRule): pronunciation = "test rule" mapping = { "doon [<nnavi200>]": R(Key("pagedown")) * Repeat(extra="nnavi200"), } extras = [IntegerRefST("n", 1, 50), IntegerRefST("nnavi200", 1, 200)]
class MainRule(MappingRule): mapping = { # it is this section that you want to fiddle around with if you're new: mapping, extras, and defaults # in the next line, there are two things to observe: # the first is the use of parentheses and the pipe symbol (|) # --this lets me use either "lock dragon" or "deactivate" to trigger that command. # The next is the playback action, which lets me tell Dragon to simulate me speaking some words. '(lock Dragon | deactivate)': Playback([(["go", "to", "sleep"], 0.0)]), # Here I'm using BringApp-- this is the same as typing what goes in between the parentheses # into the Windows command prompt, without the quotes and commas, like: # explorer C:\NatLink\NatLink\MacroSystem # -- (which would open Windows Explorer at the specified location). Anything you can do with the command line can be done this way # IMPORTANT: If you don't have Dragonfly 6.6 or later, lines 40 and 46 will cause this file to crash and should be commented out "open natlink folder": BringApp("explorer", r"C:\NatLink\NatLink\MacroSystem"), # here I'm using the Key action to press some keys -- see the documentation here: "remax": Key("a-space/10,r/10,a-space/10,x"), # here I'm chaining a bunch of different actions together to do a complex task "(show | open) documentation": BringApp( 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe') + WaitWindow(executable="chrome.exe") + Key('c-t') + WaitWindow(title="New Tab") + Text('') + Key('enter'), # here I'm just saying one word to trigger some other words "hotel": Text("hotels are not cheap"), # If you need to do more complicated tasks, or use external resources, a function might be what you need. # note that here, I'm using extras: "n" and "text" # The angle brackets <> meaning I'm using an extra, and the square brackets [] mean that I don't have to speak that word, it's optional. # Advice: if you use an optional extra, like I am with "text", you should set a default value in the defaults section down below. # To trigger the following command, you would have to say the word "function" followed by a number between 1 and 1000. '[use] function <n> [<text>]': Function(my_function, extra={'n', 'text'}), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000), Dictation("text"), Choice("choice", { "alarm": "alarm", "custom grid": "CustomGrid", "element": "e" }), ] defaults = { "n": 1, "text": "", }
class NPPRule(MergeRule): pronunciation = "notepad plus plus" mapping = { "(line | zeile) <n>": R(Key("c-g") + Text("%(n)d") + Key("enter")), "(save | speichern)": R(Key("c-s")), "(save as | speichern als)": R(Key("ca-s")), } extras = [IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000)] defaults = {"n": 1}
class FirefoxRule(MergeRule): pronunciation = "fire fox" mapping = { "(new tab|neuer Tab) [<n>]": R(Key("c-t")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "reopen tab [<n>]": R(Key("cs-t")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "show history": R(Key("c-h")), "show downloads": R(Key("c-j")), "show bookmarks": R(Key("c-b")), "[add] bookmark": R(Key("c-d")), "cancel bookmark": # Call this after "[add] bookmark" if you want to cancel R(Key("a-b")), "delete bookmark": # Call if you are on a page you have bookmarked before R(Key("c-d") + Pause("200") + Key("a-e")), "full screen": R(Key("f11")), "zoom in [<n>]": R(Key("c-plus/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "zoom out [<n>]": R(Key("c-minus/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "(leiste | address bar)": R(Key("c-l")), # the following commands requires the vim vixen extension "(scroll down | runter) [<n>]": R(Key("c-f")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "(scroll down | runter) half [<n>]": R(Key("c-d")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "(scroll up | hoeher) [<n>]": R(Key("c-b")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "(scroll up | hoeher) half [<n>]": R(Key("c-u")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "scroll top": R(Key("g") + Key("g")), "scroll bottom": R(Key("G")), "reload": R(Key("r")), "toggle pin": R(Key("z") + Key("p")), "(loesche pin | delete pin)": R(Key("!") + Key("d")), "(history back|zurueck) [<n>]": R(Key("H")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "(history forward|vorwaerts) [<n>]": R(Key("L")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "parent [<n>]": R(Key("g") + Key("u")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "root": R(Key("g") + Key("U")), "link": # opens in new tab R(Key("F")), "link here": R(Key("f")), "mark <letter>": R(Key("m") + Text("%(letter)s")), "jump <letter>": R(Key("'") + Text("%(letter)s")), "focus input": R(Text("gi")), "copy url": # copy URL in current tab R(Text("y")), "clipboard tab": # open clipboard's URL in current tab R(Text("p")), "clipboard new tab": # open clipboard's URL in new tab R(Text("P")), "toggle": # enables / disables add on R(Key("s-escape")), # from nav: next / prior / close tab } extras = [ IntegerRefST("n", 1, 100), alphanumeric.get_alphabet_choice("letter"), ] defaults = {"n": 1}
class Zahlen(MergeRule): pronunciation = "zahlen" mapping = { "wort ziffer <wn>": R(Function(wort_zahl, extra="wn")), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("wn", 0, 10), ] defaults = {}
class Experimental(MappingRule): mapping = { # experimental/incomplete commands "experiment": Function(experiment), "short talk number <n2>": Text("%(n2)d"), # "dredge [<id> <text>]": Function(dredge), "test dragonfly paste": Paste("some text"), } extras = [Dictation("text"), Dictation("text2"), IntegerRefST("n2", 1, 100)] defaults = {"text": "", "text2": ""}
class Punctuation(MergeRule): pronunciation = CCRMerger.CORE[3] mapping = { "[<long>] <text_punc> [<npunc>]": R(Text("%(long)s" + "%(text_punc)s" + "%(long)s")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), # For some reason, this one doesn't work through the other function "[<long>] backslash [<npunc>]": R(Text("%(long)s" + "\\" + "%(long)s")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), "<double_text_punc> [<npunc>]": R(Text("%(double_text_punc)s") + Key("left")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), "tabby [<npunc>]": R(Key("tab")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), "(back | shin) tabby [<npunc>]": R(Key("s-tab")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), "boom [<npunc>]": R(Text(", ")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), "bam [<npunc>]": R(Text(". ")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), "ace [<npunc100>]": R(Text(" ")) * Repeat(extra="npunc100"), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("npunc", 0, 10), IntegerRefST("npunc100", 0, 100), Choice("long", { "long": " ", }), Choice("text_punc", text_punc_dict), Choice("double_text_punc", double_text_punc_dict) ] defaults = { "npunc": 1, "npunc100": 1, "long": "", }
class IERule(MergeRule): pronunciation = "explorer" mapping = { "get up [<n>]": R(Key("a-up")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "get back [<n>]": R(Key("a-left")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "get forward [<n>]": R(Key("a-right")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "new folder": R(Key("cs-n")), "address bar": R(Key("c-l")), "search": R(Key("c-l, tab")), "left pane": R(Key("c-l, tab:2")), "center pane": R(Key("c-l, tab:3")), "sort": R(Key("c-l, tab:4")), } extras = [IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10)] defaults = { "n": 1, }
class DragonRule(MergeRule): pronunciation = "dragon" mapping = { "reboot (dragon|caster) (german|deutsch)": R(Function(utilities.reboot_Deutsch), rdescript="Reboot Dragon Naturallyspeaking"), "reboot (dragon|caster) (english|englisch)": R(Function(utilities.reboot_Englisch), rdescript="Reboot Dragon Naturallyspeaking"), } extras = [ Dictation("text"), Dictation("mim"), IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000), ] defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
def reset(self, mapping): grammar = self._grammar # save reference because Grammar.remove_rule nullifies it ccr = self._merger is not None if grammar is not None and not ccr: grammar.unload() grammar.remove_rule(self) extras = self.extras if self.extras else [ IntegerRefST("n", 1, 50), Dictation("s") ] defaults = self.defaults if self.defaults else {"n": 1, "s": ""} MergeRule.__init__(self,, mapping, extras, defaults, self.exported, self.context) if ccr: self._merger.merge(MergeInf.SELFMOD) if grammar is not None and not ccr: grammar.add_rule(self) grammar.load()
class FileDialogueRule(MergeRule): pronunciation = "file dialogue" mapping = { "get up [<n>]": R(Key("a-up")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "get back [<n>]": R(Key("a-left")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "get forward [<n>]": R(Key("a-right")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "new folder": R(Key("cs-n")), "address bar": R(Key("c-l")), "search": R(Key("c-l, tab")), "left pane": R(Key("c-l, tab:3")), "center pane": R(Key("c-l, tab:4")), "sort": R(Key("c-l, tab:5")), "organize": R(Key("c-l, tab:2")), "(dateiname | filename)": R(Key("c-l, tab:6")), "(dateityp | file type)": R(Key("c-l, tab:7")), } extras = [IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10)] defaults = { "n": 1, }
class Punctuation(MergeRule): pronunciation = CCRMerger.CORE[3] mapping = { "[<long>] <text_punc> [<npunc>]": R(Text("%(long)s" + "%(text_punc)s" + "%(long)s")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), # For some reason, this one doesn't work through the other function "[<long>] backslash [<npunc>]": R(Text("%(long)s" + "\\" + "%(long)s")) * Repeat(extra="npunc"), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("npunc", 0, 10), Choice("long", { "long": " ", }), Choice("text_punc", text_punc_dict) ] defaults = { "npunc": 1, "long": "", }
class GridControlRule(MergeRule): mapping = { "<x> [by] <y> [<action>]": R(Function(send_input, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Douglas Grid: Action"), "<x1> [by] <y1> select <x2> [by] <y2>": R(Function(send_input_select, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Douglas Grid: Select (long version)"), "<x1> [by] <y1> select <x2>": R(Function(send_input_select_short, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Douglas Grid: Select (short version)"), "point <point>": R(Function(store_point), rdescript="Douglas Grid: Stor point"), "select": R(Function(select_text, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Douglas Grid: Select (point version)"), "exit | escape | cancel": R(Function(kill, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Douglas Grid: Exit"), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("x", 0, 300), IntegerRefST("y", 0, 300), IntegerRefST("x1", 0, 300), IntegerRefST("y1", 0, 300), IntegerRefST("x2", 0, 300), IntegerRefST("y2", 0, 300), Choice("action", { "kick": 0, "psychic": 1, "move": 2, }), Choice("point", { "one": 1, "two": 2, }), ] defaults = { "action": 0, }
class GridControlRule(MergeRule): mapping = { "[<pre>] <color> <n> [<action>]": R(Function(send_input, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Rainbow Grid: Action"), "[<pre1>] <color1> <n1> select [<pre2>] <color2> <n2>": R(Function(send_input_select, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Rainbow Grid: Select (long version)"), "[<pre1>] <color1> <n1> select <n2>": R(Function(send_input_select_short, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Rainbow Grid: Select (short version)"), "point <point>": R(Function(store_point), rdescript="Rainbow Grid: Store point"), "select": R(Function(select_text, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Rainbow Grid: Select (point version)"), "exit | escape | cancel": R(Function(kill, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Rainbow Grid: Exit"), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("pre", 0, 9), IntegerRefST("pre1", 0, 9), IntegerRefST("pre2", 0, 9), Choice( "color", { "(red | rot)": 0, "(orange | tan | brown | braun)": 1, "(yellow | gelb)": 2, "(green | gruen)": 3, "(blue | blau)": 4, "(purple | lila)": 5 }), Choice( "color1", { "(red | rot)": 0, "(orange | tan | brown | braun)": 1, "(yellow | gelb)": 2, "(green | gruen)": 3, "(blue | blau)": 4, "(purple | lila)": 5 }), Choice( "color2", { "(red | rot)": 0, "(orange | tan | brown | braun)": 1, "(yellow | gelb)": 2, "(green | gruen)": 3, "(blue | blau)": 4, "(purple | lila)": 5 }), IntegerRefST("n", 0, 100), IntegerRefST("n1", 0, 100), IntegerRefST("n2", 0, 100), Choice("action", { "kick": 0, "psychic": 1, "move": 2, }), Choice("point", { "one": 1, "two": 2, }), ] defaults = { "pre": 0, "pre1": 0, "pre2": 0, "action": 0, }
class MainRule(MergeRule): @staticmethod def generate_ccr_choices(nexus): choices = {} for ccr_choice in nexus.merger.global_rule_names(): choices[ccr_choice] = ccr_choice return Choice("name", choices) @staticmethod def generate_sm_ccr_choices(nexus): choices = {} for ccr_choice in nexus.merger.selfmod_rule_names(): choices[ccr_choice] = ccr_choice return Choice("name2", choices) mapping = { # update management "update caster": R(DependencyUpdate([pip, "install", "--upgrade", "castervoice"])), "update dragonfly": R(DependencyUpdate([pip, "install", "--upgrade", "dragonfly2"])), # hardware management "volume <volume_mode> [<n>]": R(Function(navigation.volume_control, extra={'n', 'volume_mode'})), "change monitor": R(Key("w-p") + Pause("100") + Function(change_monitor)), # window management 'minimize': R(Playback([(["minimize", "window"], 0.0)])), 'maximize': R(Playback([(["maximize", "window"], 0.0)])), "remax": R(Key("a-space/10,r/10,a-space/10,x")), # passwords # mouse alternatives "legion [<monitor>]": R(Function(navigation.mouse_alternates, mode="legion", nexus=_NEXUS)), "rainbow [<monitor>]": R(Function(navigation.mouse_alternates, mode="rainbow", nexus=_NEXUS)), "douglas [<monitor>]": R(Function(navigation.mouse_alternates, mode="douglas", nexus=_NEXUS)), # ccr de/activation "<enable> <name>": R(Function(_NEXUS.merger.global_rule_changer(), save=True)), "<enable> <name2>": R(Function(_NEXUS.merger.selfmod_rule_changer(), save=True)), "enable caster": R(Function(_NEXUS.merger.merge, time=MergeInf.RUN, name="numbers")), "disable caster": R(Function(_NEXUS.merger.ccr_off)), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("n", 1, 50), Dictation("text"), Dictation("text2"), Dictation("text3"), Choice("enable", { "enable": True, "disable": False }), Choice("volume_mode", { "mute": "mute", "up": "up", "down": "down" }), generate_ccr_choices.__func__(_NEXUS), generate_sm_ccr_choices.__func__(_NEXUS), IntegerRefST("monitor", 1, 10) ] defaults = { "n": 1, "nnv": 1, "text": "", "volume_mode": "setsysvolume", "enable": -1 }
class GitBashRule(MergeRule): pronunciation = "git bash" mwith = CCRMerger.CORE mapping = { # Compare to # Basics # ====== "get (initialize|initialisieren)": R(Text("git init") + Key("enter")), "get (status|zustand)": R(Text("git status") + Key("enter")), "get (status briefly|zustand kurz)": R(Text("git status --short") + Key("enter")), "get (append file|datei hinzufuegen)": Text("git add "), "get (append directory|ordner hinzufuegen)": R(Text("git add .") + Key("enter")), "get (append all|alle hinzufuegen)": R(Text("git add -A") + Key("enter")), "get difference file": Text("git diff "), "get difference": R(Text("git diff") + Key("enter")), "get difference staged": R(Text("git diff --staged") + Key("enter")), "get commit": R(Text("git commit") + Key("enter")), "get commit message": R(Text("git commit --message \"\"") + Key("left")), # message "get (remove|entfernen)": R(Text("git rm ")), # file "get remove force": R(Text("git rm --force ")), # file "get (rename|umbenennen)": R(Text("git mv ")), # file1 file2 "get unmodify file": R(Text("git checkout -- ")), # file "get (unstage file|datei rueckgaengig)": R(Text("git reset HEAD ")), # file "get reset repository": R(Text("git reset --hard") + Key("enter")), "get (redo commit|commit wiederholen)": R(Text("git commit --amend --message \"\"") + Key("left")), # message # Branches # ======== "get branch": R(Text("git branch ")), # branch "get (switch|checkout)": R(Text("git checkout ")), # branch "get branch (delete|entfernen)": R(Text("git branch --delete ")), # branch "get branch (delete|entfernen) force": R(Text("git branch --delete -- force ")), # branch "get branch (combine|kombiniert)": R(Text("git checkout -b ")), # branch "get (reset branch|branch zuruecksetzen)": R(Text("git reset --hard ")), # branch # Merging # ======= "get (merge|vereinen)": R(Text("git merge ")), # branch "get (show merged|zeige vereinigt)": R(Text("git branch --merged") + Key("enter")), "get (show not merged|zeige nicht vereinigt)": R(Text("git branch --no--merged") + Key("enter")), "get (logging|aufzeichnung) graph": R(Text("git loggraph")), "get (logging|aufzeichnung) patch <n>": R(Text("git log --patch -%(n)s") + Key("enter")), # number "get (logging|aufzeichnung) statistic": R(Text("git log --stat") + Key("enter")), # Remotes # ======= "get (clone|kopieren)": R(Text("git clone ")), # url "get append remote": R(Text("git remote add ")), # remote_repository(e.g. upstream) url "get (show|zeige) remotes": R(Text("git remote --verbose") + Key("enter")), "get (show|zeige) remote branches": R(Text("git branch --remote") + Key("enter")), "get fetch remote": R(Text("git fetch ")), # remote_repository "get push new branch": R(Text("git push --set-upstream ")), # remote_repository branch "get push branch": R(Text("git push ")), # remote_repository branch "get (tracking|verfolgungs) branch": R(Text("git checkout --branch ")), # branch remote_repository/branch "get (show tracking|zeige verfolgungs) branches": R(Text("git branch --verbose --verbose") + Key("enter")), "get (delete|entferne) remote branch": R(Text("git push --delete ") + Key("left:10")), # remote_repository branch # Rebasing # ======== "get base": R(Text("git rebase ")), # branch # Miscellaneous # ============= "get (stash|versteck)": R(Text("git stash save --message \"\"") + Key("left")), "get (stash|versteck) include untracked": R( Text("git stash save --include-untracked --message \"\"") + Key("left")), "get (stash|versteck) list show": R(Text("git stash list") + Key("enter")), #"get (stash apply|versteck anwenden) [<n>]": # R(Text("git stash apply stash@{%(n)s}")), # @,{,} don't work at the moment #"get (stash apply|versteck anwenden) [<n>] file": # R(Text("git checkout stash@{%(n)s} -- ")), # file # @,{,} don't work at the moment #"get (stash|versteck) drop [<n>]": # R(Text("git stash drop stash@{%(n)s}")), # @,{,} don't work at the moment "get (stash apply|versteck anwenden)": R(Text("git stash apply")), "get (dropping stash|versteck verwerfen)": R(Text("git stash drop")), "get (search|suche)": R(Text("git grep --line-number ")), # searchterm # Other # ===== "CD up": R(Text("cd ..") + Key("enter")), "CD": R(Text("cd ") + Key("enter")), "list": R(Text("ls") + Key("enter")), "make directory": R(Text("mkdir ")), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10000), ] defaults = {"n": 0}
class SublimeRulePlugin(MergeRule): pronunciation = "python voice coding plugin" mapping = { # alternative rule "[smart] alternative <alternative_index>": lazy_value("alternative",1), "smart <color> [alternative]": lazy_value("alternative",2), # paste back rule "[smart] paste back [<paste_back_index>]": lazy_value("paste_back",1), "[smart] paste <color> back": lazy_value("paste_back",2), # argument rule "[smart] [<adjective>] argument <argument_index>": lazy_value("argument",1), "[smart] <vertical_direction> [<ndir>] [<adjective>] argument <argument_index>": lazy_value("argument",2), "[smart] [<adjective>] <level> [<level_index>] argument <argument_index>": lazy_value("argument",3), "[smart] <level> [<level_index>] <adjective> argument <argument_index>": lazy_value("argument",4), # big roi rule "smart <big_roi> [<big_roi_sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",1), "[smart] <adjective> <big_roi> [<big_roi_sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",2), "[smart] <vertical_abstract_only_direction> [<ndir>] <big_roi> [<big_roi_sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",3), "[smart] <vertical_abstract_only_direction> [<ndir>] <block> [<adjective>] <big_roi> [<big_roi_sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",4), # insert rule "(smart insert|insert item) <item_index>": lazy_value("insert_item",1), # collect rule "[smart] collect <collectable>": lazy_value("collect_indexable",1), "[smart] variable <collect_index>": lazy_value("collect_variable",2), "[smart] parameter <collect_index>": lazy_value("collect_parameter",2), "[smart] module <collect_index>": lazy_value("collect_module",2), "[smart] imported (value|object) <collect_index>": lazy_value("collect_imported_value",2), # banana example # "banana [<adjective>] <big_roi> [<big_roi_sub_index>]": # lazy_value("big_roi",4,vertical_abstract_only_direction = "above", # ndir = 1,block = "function"), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("argument_index", 1, 10), IntegerRefST("alternative_index", 1, 10), IntegerRefST("ndir",1,20), IntegerRefST("level_index",1,10), IntegerRefST("big_roi_sub_index",0,10), IntegerRefST("paste_back_index",0,10), IntegerRefST("collect_index",1,30), IntegerRefST("item_index",1,30) , Choice("adjective",{ "first" : "first", "second": "second", "third": "third", "fourth": "fourth", "fifth": "fifth", "sixth": "sixth", "seventh": "seventh", "eighth": "eighth", "ninth":"ninth", "last":"last", "second last": "second last", "third last": "third last", "fourth last": "fourth last", } ) , Choice("vertical_direction",{ "up":"up", "down":"down", "above":"above", "below":"below", } ), Choice("vertical_abstract_only_direction",{ "above":"above", "below":"below", } ), Choice("color",{ "red":1, "blue":2, "green":3, "yellow":4, "orange":5, } ), Choice("level",{ "inside":"inside", } ), Choice("big_roi",{ "if condition" : "if condition", "else if condition" : "else if condition", "while condition" : "while condition", "if expression condition" : "if expression condition", "if expression body" : "if expression body", "if expression":"if expression", "comprehension condition" : "comprehension condition", "return value" : "return value", "pass":"******", "break" : "break", "continue" : "continue", "assertion message" : "assertion message", "assertion condition" : "assertion condition", "(assignment right| right)" : "assignment right", "(assignment left| left)" : "assignment left", "assignment full" : "assignment full", "import statement":"import statement", #"(import|imported) (value|item|object|element)":"import value", #"module" : "module", "(expression statement|expression)" : "expression statement", "iterator" : "iterator", "iterable" : "iterable", } ), Choice("block",{ "(function|functions)" :"function", } ), Choice("collectable",{ "(variable|variables)":"variable", "( parameter | parameters)":"parameter", "(module|modules)":"module", "(import|imported) (value|item|object|element)":"import value", "function ( name |names)":"function name", } ), ] defaults = { "adjective":"None", "ndir":1, "level_index":1, "big_roi_sub_index":0, "paste_back_index":0, }
class StackTest(MappingRule): '''test battery for the ContextStack''' mapping = { "close last tag": ContextSeeker([ L( S(["cancel"], None), S(["html spoken"], close_last_spoken, use_spoken=True), S(["span", "div"], close_last_rspec, use_rspec=True)) ]), "html": R(Text("<html>")), "divider": R(Text("<div>")), "span": R(Text("<span>")), "backward seeker [<text>]": ContextSeeker([ L( S(["ashes"], Text("ashes1 [%(text)s] ")), S(["bravery"], Text("bravery1 [%(text)s] "))), L( S(["ashes"], Text("ashes2 [%(text)s] ")), S(["bravery"], Text("bravery2 [%(text)s] "))) ]), "forward seeker [<text>]": ContextSeeker(forward=[ L( S(["ashes"], Text("ashes1 [%(text)s] ")), S(["bravery"], Text("bravery1 [%(text)s] "))), L( S(["ashes"], Text("ashes2 [%(text)s] ")), S(["bravery"], Text("bravery2 [%(text)s] "))) ]), "asynchronous test": AsynchronousAction([ L( S(["ashes", "charcoal"], print_time, None), S(["bravery"], Text, "bravery1")) ], time_in_seconds=0.2, repetitions=20, finisher=Text(FINISHER_TEXT), blocking=False), "ashes": RegisteredAction(Text("ashes _ ")), "bravery": RegisteredAction(Text("bravery _ ")), "charcoal <text> [<n>]": R(Text("charcoal _ %(text)s")), "test confirm action": ConfirmAction( Key("a"), rdescript="Confirm Action Test", instructions="some words here"), "test box action": BoxAction( lambda data: _abc(data), rdescript="Test Box Action", box_type=settings.QTYPE_DEFAULT, log_failure=True), } extras = [Dictation("text"), Dictation("text2"), IntegerRefST("n", 1, 5)] defaults = {"text": "", "text2": ""}
class PythonVoiceCodingPluginRule(MergeRule): mapping = { "[smart] paste [<color>] back [with <surrounding_punctuation>]": lazy_value("paste_back",1), "[smart] paste <color> on <color2> [<color3> [ [and] <color4>]]": lazy_value("paste_back",2), # alternative rule "smart alternative <alternative_index>": lazy_value("alternative",1), "smart <color>": lazy_value("alternative",2), "smart <color> [<color2> [<color3> [[and] <color4>]]]": lazy_value("alternative",3), "edit <color> [<color2> [<color3> [[and] <color4>]]]": lazy_value("alternative",3,operation = "edit"), # delete "[smart] delete <color> [<color2> [<color3> [[and] <color4>]]]": lazy_value("delete_alternatives",1), # swap "[smart] swap [<color>] back": lazy_value("swap_back",1), "[smart] swap <color> with <color2>": lazy_value("swap_back",2), # utilities "[smart] back initial": lazy_value("select_back",1), "smart back": lazy_value("select_back",2), "smart here": lazy_value("remember_here",1), # sub indexing rule "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] part <sub_index>": # "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] inner [<nth2>] part <sub_index>": lazy_value("select_part",1), "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] part <sub_index> until (<sub_index2>|the end)": # "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] inner [<nth2>] part <sub_index> until (<sub_index2>|the end)": lazy_value("select_part",2), "[(smart|<operation>)] ([<nth>] any|any <nth2>) part [<sub_index>]": # "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] any [<nth2>] part [<sub_index>]": lazy_value("select_part",3), "[(smart|<operation>)] ([<nth>] every|every <nth2>) part [<sub_index>]": # "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] every [<nth2>] part [<sub_index>]": lazy_value("select_part",4), # argument rule "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] " + ARGUMENT_LIKE_INFORMATION: lazy_value("argument",1), "[(smart|<operation>)] <vertical_direction> [<ndir>] [<nth>] " + ARGUMENT_LIKE_INFORMATION: lazy_value("argument",2), "[(smart|<operation>)] [<nth>] inside [<level_index>] " + ARGUMENT_LIKE_INFORMATION: lazy_value("argument",3), "[(smart|<operation>)] inside [<level_index>] <nth> " + ARGUMENT_LIKE_INFORMATION: lazy_value("argument",4), "[(smart|<operation>)] outer [<level_index>] [<nth>] " + ARGUMENT_LIKE_INFORMATION: lazy_value("argument",5), # big roi rule "(smart|<operation>) <big_roi> [<sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",1), "[(smart|<operation>)] <nth> <big_roi> [<sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",2), "[(smart|<operation>)] <vertical_direction> [<ndir>] <big_roi> [<sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",3), "[smart] <vertical_direction> [<ndir>] <block> [<nth>] <big_roi> [<sub_index>]": lazy_value("big_roi",4), # item rule "[smart] item <item_index>": lazy_value("insert_item",1), "[smart] (item|items) (all| <item_index> until (<item_index2>| the end))": lazy_value("insert_item",2), "[smart] (item|items) <item_index> <item_index2> [ and <item_index3>]": lazy_value("insert_item",3), # collect rule "[smart] collect <collectable>": lazy_value("collect_indexable",1), # variable rule "[smart] variable <item_index> [[and] <item_index2> [and <item_index3>]]": lazy_value("collect_variable",2), "[smart] (variables all|variable <item_index> until (<item_index2>| the end))": lazy_value("collect_variable",3), # parameter rule "[smart] [<vertical_direction> [<ndir>]] parameter <item_index> [and <item_index2> [and <item_index3>]]": lazy_value("collect_parameter",2), "[smart] [<vertical_direction> [<ndir>]] (parameters all| parameter <item_index> until (<item_index2>| the end))": lazy_value("collect_parameter",3), # "[smart] [<vertical_direction> [<ndir>]] key parameter <item_index> [ and <item_index2> [and <item_index3>]]": # lazy_value("collect_parameter",2,experimental = "True"), # "[smart] [<vertical_direction> [<ndir>]] key (parameters all| parameter <item_index> until (<item_index2>| the end))": # lazy_value("collect_parameter",3,experimental = "True"), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("argument_index", 0, 10), IntegerRefST("keyword_index", 1, 10), IntegerRefST("entire_keyword_index", 1, 10), IntegerRefST("keyword_value_index", 1, 10), IntegerRefST("alternative_index", 1, 10), IntegerRefST("ndir",1,20), IntegerRefST("level_index",1,10), IntegerRefST("paste_back_index",0,10), IntegerRefST("collect_index",1,30), IntegerRefST("item_index",1,30), IntegerRefST("item_index2",1,30), IntegerRefST("item_index3",1,30), IntegerRefST("item_index4",1,30), IntegerRefST("sub_index",1,10), IntegerRefST("sub_index2",1,10), Choice("nth",names["nth_ordinal_adjective"]), Choice("nth2",names["nth_ordinal_adjective"]), Choice("vertical_direction",names["vertical_direction"]), Choice("color", names["colors"]), Choice("color2", names["colors"]), Choice("color3", names["colors"]), Choice("color4", names["colors"]), Choice("big_roi",{ "if condition" : "if condition", "else if condition" : "else if condition", "while condition" : "while condition", "with item" : "with clause", "exception":"exception", "exception name":"exception name", "handler":"handler", "if expression condition" : "if expression condition", "if expression value" : "if expression body", "if expression":"if expression", "if expression else" : "if expression else", "comprehension condition" : "comprehension condition", "comprehension value" : "comprehension value", "return value" : "return value", "pass":"******", "break" : "break", "continue" : "continue", "assertion message" : "assertion message", "assertion condition" : "assertion condition", "exception raised" : "exception raised", "raised cause": "raised cause", "(assignment right| right)" : "assignment right", "(assignment left| left)" : "assignment left", "assignment [full]" : "assignment full", "(expression statement|expression)" : "expression statement", "import statement":"import statement", "import value" : "import value", "module" : "import module", "iterator" : "iterator", "iterable" : "iterable", "function name": "definition name", "function parameter": "definition parameter", "parameter list": "definition parameter list", "default value": "default value", "lambda":"lambda", "lambda body":"lambda body", "class name": "class name", "decorator":"decorator", "base class":"base class", # "same" : "same", # "string" : "string", # "integer literal" : "integer literal", # "dictionary" : "dictionary", # "list" : "list", # "tuple" : "tuple", # "set" : "set", # "subscript" : "subscript", # "subscript body" : "subscript body", # "key" : "key", # "lower" : "lower", # "upper" : "upper", # "step" : "step", # "attribute" : "attribute", # "comparison" : "comparison", # "arithmetic" : "arithmetic", # "boolean" : "boolean", # "member": "member", # "container": "container", # "membership" : "membership", # "left side" : "left side", # "right side" : "right side", # "middle" : "middle", # "arithmetic left" : "arithmetic left" , # "arithmetic right" : "arithmetic right", # "arithmetic middle" : "arithmetic middle", # "boolean left" : "boolean left", # "boolean right" : "boolean right", # "boolean middle" : "boolean middle", # "boolean and" : "boolean and" , # "boolean or" : "boolean or", } ), Choice("block",{ "(function|functions)" :"function", } ), Choice("collectable",{ "(variable|variables)":"variable", "( parameter | parameters)":"parameter", "imported value":"import value", "module" : "module", "function (name|names)":"function name", "class name" : "class name", "decorator" : "decorator", } ), Choice("surrounding_punctuation",{ "quotes": ("quotes","quotes"), "thin quotes": ("'","'"), "tickris": ("`","`"), "prekris": ("(",")"), "brax": ("[","]"), "curly": ("{","}"), "angle": ("<",">"), "dot":(".","."), "underscore": ("_","_"), "(comma|,)": (",",","), "ace":(" "," "), # "truth comprehension":"$$ = [x for x in $$ if x]", # "force list": "$$ if isinstance($$,list) else [$$] ", # "truth": "$$ = $$ if $$ else ", # "key value":"quotes$$quotes:$$", } ), Choice("operation",{ "paste": "paste", "delete":"delete", "swap": "swap", "edit": "edit", } ), Choice("caller",{ "caller": "caller", } ), ] defaults = { "ndir":1, "level_index":0, }