Esempio n. 1
class _TestMappingRule(MappingRule):

    mapping = {"some <text>": NullAction(), "other [<choice>]": NullAction()}

    extras = [
        Choice("choice", {
            "alarm": "alarm",
            "custom grid": "CustomGrid",
            "element": "e"
    defaults = {"text": "asdf"}
Esempio n. 2
def get_css_node():
    H = TreeNode
    css_sections = []
    css_sections += _get_miscellaneous()

    return H("css", NullAction(), css_sections)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, config_path, name=None):
        SelfModifyingRule is a kind of rule which gets its command set changed
        on-the-fly based on some kind of user interaction. Child classes
        must implement their own version of the _refresh and
        _deserialize methods.

        :param name: str
        self._reload_shim = None
        self._hooks_runner = None

        default_smr_mapping = {"spec which gets replaced": NullAction()}
        self._smr_mapping = default_smr_mapping
        # extras and defaults may not get replaced:
        self._smr_extras = [IntegerRefST("n", 1, 50), Dictation("s")]
        self._smr_defaults = {"n": 1, "s": ""}

        self._config = SelfModStateSavingConfig(config_path)

        MergeRule.__init__(self, name, self._smr_mapping, self._smr_extras,
Esempio n. 4
class BaseAliasRule(BaseSelfModifyingRule):
    Alias rules allow for highlighting text on the screen, then
    using a GUI component to create an instant Text command.

    mapping = {"default alias command": NullAction()}

    def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs):
        super(BaseAliasRule, self).__init__(config_path, **kwargs)

    def _deserialize(self):
        mapping = {}
        pronunciation = self.get_pronunciation()
        # recreate all saved aliases
        commands = self._config.get_copy()
        for spec in commands:
            text = commands[spec]
            mapping[spec] = R(Text(text), rdescript="{}: {}".format(pronunciation, spec))
        # add command for creating new aliases
        mapping["{} [<s>]".format(pronunciation)] = R(
            Function(lambda s: self._alias(s)), rdescript="Create {}".format(pronunciation))
        # add command for deleting all aliases
        mapping["delete {}es".format(pronunciation)] = R(
            Function(lambda: self._delete_all()), rdescript="Delete {}".format(pronunciation))
        self._smr_mapping = mapping

    def _refresh(self, *args):
        if len(args) > 1 and args[0] != "":
            spec = str(args[0])
            text = str(args[1])
            self._config.put(spec, text)

    def _alias(self, spec):
        Takes highighted text and makes a Text action of it and the passed spec.
        Uses an AsynchronousAction to wait for a GUI to get the aliased word.

        :param spec: str
        text = BaseAliasRule._read_highlighted(10)
        spec = str(spec)
        if text is not None:
            if spec:
                self._refresh(spec, str(text))
                h_launch.launch(settings.QTYPE_INSTRUCTIONS, data="Enter_spec_for_command|")
                on_complete = AsynchronousAction.hmc_complete(
                    lambda data: self._refresh(data[0].replace("\n", ""), text))
                    [L(S(["cancel"], on_complete))],

    def _delete_all(self):

    def _read_highlighted(max_tries):
        for i in range(0, max_tries):
            result = context.read_selected_without_altering_clipboard(True)
            if result[0] == 0:
                return result[1]
        return None
Esempio n. 5
class BaseAliasRule(BaseSelfModifyingRule):
    Alias rules allow for highlighting text on the screen, then
    using a GUI component to create an instant Text command.

    mapping = {"default alias command": NullAction()}

    def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs):
        super(BaseAliasRule, self).__init__(config_path, **kwargs)

    def _deserialize(self):
        mapping = {}
        pronunciation = self.get_pronunciation()
        # recreate all saved aliases
        commands = self._config.get_copy()
        for spec in commands:
            text = commands[spec]
            mapping[spec] = R(Text(text),
                              rdescript="{}: {}".format(pronunciation, spec))
        # add command for creating new aliases
        mapping["{} [<s>]".format(pronunciation)] = R(
            Function(lambda s: self._alias(s)),
            rdescript="Create {}".format(pronunciation))
        # add command for deleting all aliases
        mapping["delete {}es".format(pronunciation)] = R(
            Function(lambda: self._delete_all()),
            rdescript="Delete {}".format(pronunciation))
        self._smr_mapping = mapping

    def _refresh(self, *args):
        if len(args) > 1 and args[0] != "":
            spec = str(args[0])
            text = str(args[1])
            self._config.put(spec, text)

    def _alias(self, spec):
        Takes highighted text and makes a Text action of it and the passed spec.
        Uses an AsynchronousAction to wait for a GUI to get the aliased word.

        :param spec: str
        text = BaseAliasRule._read_highlighted(10)
        if text is not None:
            if spec:
                spec = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z\'\s]+', '', str(spec)).lower(
                )  # Sanitize free dictation for spec, words and apostrophes only.
                self._refresh(spec, str(text))

    def _delete_all(self):

    def _read_highlighted(max_tries):
        for i in range(0, max_tries):
            result = context.read_selected_without_altering_clipboard(True)
            if result[0] == 0:
                return result[1]
        return None
Esempio n. 6
class FakeRuleOne(MergeRule):
    mapping = {
        "a": NullAction(),
        "b": NullAction(),
        "one exclusive": NullAction()
Esempio n. 7
class FakeRuleThree(MergeRule):
    mapping = {"c": NullAction()}
Esempio n. 8
class FakeRuleTwo(MergeRule):
    mapping = {
        "a": NullAction(),
        "b": NullAction(),
        "two exclusive": NullAction()
Esempio n. 9
class HistoryRule(BaseSelfModifyingRule):

    pronunciation = "history"
    mapping = {"default sequence": NullAction()}

    def __init__(self):
              self).__init__(settings.settings(["paths", "SM_HISTORY_PATH"]))
        self._history = recognition_history.get_and_register_history(20)
        self._preserved = None

    def _record_from_history(self):
        Inspects the recognition history, formats it for the GUI component which
        lets the user choose which of their prior utterances will become the
        Playbacks for the new command.

        # save the list as it was when the command was spoken
        self._preserved = self._history[:]

        # format for display
        formatted = ""
        for t in self._preserved:
            for w in t:
                formatted += w.split("\\")[0] + "[w]"
            formatted += "[s]"
        formatted = formatted.encode("unicode_escape")
        # use a response window to get a spec and word sequences for the new macro
        h_launch.launch(settings.QTYPE_RECORDING, data=formatted)
        on_complete = AsynchronousAction.hmc_complete(
            lambda data: self._add_recorded_macro(data))
        AsynchronousAction([L(S(["cancel"], on_complete))],

    def _add_recorded_macro(self, data):
        Receives data asynchronously from a GUI component. Transforms said
        data into a new command.

        :param data: a dict containing both the spec and the indices of
            the selected utterances (which are stored locally) -- these
            are used to build the Playback actions. Also contains a
            boolean "repeatable" which indicates that the new command
            should get a repeat multiplier option added to it.
        spec = data["word"]

        word_sequences = []  # word_sequences is a list of lists of strings
        for i in data["selected_indices"]:
            # Convert from a tuple to a list because we may need to modify it.
            single_sequence = list(self._preserved[i])
            # clean the results
            for k in range(0, len(single_sequence)):
                if "\\" in single_sequence[k]:
                    single_sequence[k] = single_sequence[k].split("\\")[0]

        # clear the dictation cache
        self._preserved = None

        if spec != "" and len(word_sequences) > 0:
            if data["repeatable"]:
                spec += " [times <n>]"
            self._refresh(spec, word_sequences)

    def _refresh(self, *args):
        :param args: [0] = spec,
                     [1] = list of lists of strings which becomes a series of Playback actions

        if len(args) > 0:
            spec = str(args[0])
            sequences = args[1]
            self._config.put(spec, sequences)


    def _delete_recorded_macros(self):
        Deletes all macros.

    def _deserialize(self):
        mapping = {}
        recorded_macros = self._config.get_copy()
        for spec in recorded_macros:
            sequences = recorded_macros[spec]
            delay = settings.settings(
                ["miscellaneous", "history_playback_delay_secs"])
            # The associative string (ascii_str) must be ascii, but the sequences within Playback must be Unicode.
            mapping[spec] = R(
                Playback([(sequence, delay) for sequence in sequences]),
                rdescript="Recorded Macro: " + spec) * Repeat(extra="n")
        mapping["record from history"] = R(
            Function(lambda: self._record_from_history()),
            rdescript="Record From History")
        mapping["delete recorded macros"] = R(
            Function(lambda: self._delete_recorded_macros()),
            rdescript="Delete Recorded Macros")
        self._smr_mapping = mapping
class _TestRuleA(MergeRule):
    mapping = {"hello": NullAction(), "a": NullAction()}
Esempio n. 11
 def _get_mapping(self):
     mapping = sikuli_controller.get_instance().generate_commands()
     if len(mapping) == 0:
         mapping["this was a test instantiation"] = NullAction()
     return mapping
Esempio n. 12
class _TestRuleA(MergeRule):
    mapping = {"spec one": NullAction()}
Esempio n. 13
class _TestRuleC(MergeRule):
    mapping = {"spec one": NullAction(), "spec two": NullAction()}
Esempio n. 14
class _TestRuleB(MergeRule):
    mapping = {"spec two": NullAction()}
Esempio n. 15
def _get_speech():
    _volume = [
        H("uri", Text("uri")),
        H("silent", Text("silent")),
        H("extra soft", Text("x-soft")),
        H("soft", Text("soft")),
        H("medium", Text("medium")),
        H("loud", Text("loud")),
        H("extra loud", Text("x-loud")),
        H("none", Text("none")),
        H("inherit", Text("inherit"))
    _pause_rest = [
        H("none", Text("none")),
        H("extra weak", Text("x-weak")),
        H("weak", Text("weak")),
        H("medium", Text("medium")),
        H("strong", Text("strong")),
        H("extra strong", Text("x-strong")),
        H("inherit", Text("inherit"))
    _pitch = [
        H("extra low", Text("x-low")),
        H("low", Text("low")),
        H("medium", Text("medium")),
        H("high", Text("high")),
        H("extra high", Text("x-high")),
        H("inherit", Text("inherit"))
    return H("speech", NullAction(), [
        H("cue", Text("cue"), [
            H("before", Text("-before: "), _volume),
            H("after", Text("-after: "), _volume)
        H("mark", Text("mark"),
          [H("before", Text("-before: ")),
           H("after", Text("-after"))]),
        H("pause", Text("pause"), [
            H("before", Text("-before: "), _pause_rest),
            H("after", Text("-after: "), _pause_rest)
        H("rest", Text("rest"), [
            H("before", Text("-before: "), _pause_rest),
            H("after", Text("-after: "), _pause_rest)
        H("speak", Text("speak: "), [
            H("none", Text("none")),
            H("normal", Text("normal")),
            H("spell out", Text("spell-out")),
            H("digits", Text("digits")),
            H("literal punctuation", Text("literal-punctuation")),
            H("no punctuation", Text("no-punctuation")),
            H("inherit", Text("inherit"))
        H("voice", Text("voice"), [
            H("balance", Text("-balance: "), [
                H("left", Text("left")),
                H("center", Text("center")),
                H("right", Text("right")),
                H("leftwards", Text("leftwards")),
                H("rightwards", Text("rightwards")),
                H("inherit", Text("inherit"))
            H("duration", Text("-duration: ")),
            H("family", Text("-family: "), [H("inherit", Text("inherit"))]),
            H("rate", Text("-rate: "), [
                H("extra low", Text("x-low")),
                H("low", Text("low")),
                H("medium", Text("medium")),
                H("fast", Text("fast")),
                H("next for fast", Text("x-fast")),
                H("inherit", Text("inherit")),
            H("pitch", Text("-pitch: "), _pitch),
            H("pitch range", Text("-pitch-range: "), _pitch),
            H("stress", Text("-stress: "), [
                H("strong", Text("strong")),
                H("moderate", Text("moderate")),
                H("none", Text("none")),
                H("reduced", Text("reduced")),
                H("inherit", Text("inherit"))
            H("volume", Text("-volume: "), _volume)
Esempio n. 16
def _get_box_model(
):  # display can be optimized by doing more nesting, this whole section is to be moved somewhere else
    H = TreeNode
    _auto = [H("auto", Text("auto"))]
    _height = H("height", Text("height: "), _auto)
    _width = H("width", Text("width: "), _auto)
    _sides = [
        H("top", Text("-top: "), _auto),
        H("bottom", Text("-bottom: "), _auto),
        H("left", Text("-left: "), _auto),
        H("right", Text("-right: "), _auto)
    _overflow = [
        H("visible", Text("visible")),
        H("hidden", Text("hidden")),
        H("scroll", Text("scroll")),
        H("auto", Text("auto")),
        H("no display", Text("no-display")),
        H("no content", Text("no-content")),
    return H("box model", NullAction(), [
        H("clear", Text("clear: "), [
            H("left", Text("left")),
            H("right", Text("right")),
            H("both", Text("both")),
            H("none", Text("none"))
        H("display", Text("display: "), [
            H("none", Text("none")),
            H("block", Text("block")),
            H("compact", Text("compact")),
            H("table", Text("table")),
            H("inline", Text("inline"),
              [H("block", Text("-block")),
               H("table", Text("-table"))]),
            H("run in", Text("run-in")),
            H("list item", Text("list-item")),
            H("table", Text("table"), [
                H("row", Text("-row"), [H("group", Text("-group"))]),
                H("footer", Text("-footer"), [H("group", Text("-group"))]),
                H("column", Text("-column"), [H("group", Text("-group"))]),
                H("cell", Text("-cell")),
                H("caption", Text("-caption"))
            H("ruby", Text("ruby"), [
                H("base", Text("-base"), [H("group", Text("-group"))]),
                H("text", Text("-text"), [H("group", Text("-group"))])
        H("float", Text("float: "), [
            H("left", Text("left")),
            H("right", Text("right")),
            H("none", Text("none"))
        ]), _height, _width,
        H("max", Text("max-"), [_height, _width]),
        H("min", Text("min-"), [_height, _width]),
        H("margin", Text("margin"), _sides),
        H("padding", Text("padding"), _sides),
        H("marquee", Text("marquee"), [
            H("direction", Text("-direction: "),
              [H("forward", Text("forward")),
               H("reverse", Text("reverse"))]),
            H("loop", Text("-loop: "), [H("infinite", Text("infinite"))]),
            H("play count", Text("-play-count: "),
              [H("infinite", Text("infinite"))]),
            H("speed", Text("-speed: "), [
                H("slow", Text("slow")),
                H("normal", Text("normal")),
                H("fast", Text("fast"))
            H("style", Text("-style: "), [
                H("scroll", Text("scroll")),
                H("slide", Text("slide")),
                H("alternate", Text("alternate"))
        H("overflow", Text("overflow: "), _overflow),
        H("overflow X", Text("overflow-x: "), _overflow),
        H("overflow Y", Text("overflow-y: "), _overflow),
        H("overflow style", Text("overflow-style: "), [
            H("auto", Text("auto")),
            H("marquee line", Text("marquee-line")),
            H("marquee block", Text("marquee-block"))
        H("rotation", Text("rotation: "), [H("angle", Text("ANGLE"))]),
        H("rotation point", Text("rotation-point: ")),
        H("visibility", Text("visibility: "), [
            H("visible", Text("visible")),
            H("hidden", Text("hidden")),
            H("collapse", Text("collapse"))