class registry(object):
    languages = catalogue.create("spacy", "languages", entry_points=True)
    architectures = catalogue.create("spacy",
    lookups = catalogue.create("spacy", "lookups", entry_points=True)
    factories = catalogue.create("spacy", "factories", entry_points=True)
    displacy_colors = catalogue.create("spacy",
Esempio n. 2
def test_create_single_namespace():
    test_registry = catalogue.create("test")
    assert catalogue.REGISTRY == {}

    def a():

    def b():

    test_registry.register("b", func=b)
    items = test_registry.get_all()
    assert len(items) == 2
    assert items["a"] == a
    assert items["b"] == b
    assert catalogue.check_exists("test", "a")
    assert catalogue.check_exists("test", "b")
    assert catalogue._get(("test", "a")) == a
    assert catalogue._get(("test", "b")) == b

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        # The decorator only accepts one argument
        @test_registry.register("x", "y")
        def x():
Esempio n. 3
 def create(cls, registry_name: str, entry_points: bool = False) -> None:
     """Create a new custom registry."""
     if hasattr(cls, registry_name):
         raise ValueError(f"Registry '{registry_name}' already exists")
     reg: Decorator = catalogue.create('xpersist',
     setattr(cls, registry_name, reg)
Esempio n. 4
def test_create_multi_namespace():
    test_registry = catalogue.create("x", "y")

    def z():

    items = test_registry.get_all()
    assert len(items) == 1
    assert items["z"] == z
    assert catalogue.check_exists("x", "y", "z")
    assert catalogue._get(("x", "y", "z")) == z
Esempio n. 5
def test_registry_find():
    test_registry = catalogue.create("test_registry_find")
    name = "a"

    def a():
        """This is a registered function."""

    info = test_registry.find(name)
    assert info["module"] == "catalogue.tests.test_catalogue"
    assert info["file"] == str(Path(__file__))
    assert info["docstring"] == "This is a registered function."
    assert info["line_no"]
Esempio n. 6
def test_entry_points():
    # Create a new EntryPoint object by pretending we have a setup.cfg and
    # use one of catalogue's util functions as the advertised function
    ep_string = "[options.entry_points]test_foo\n    bar = catalogue:check_exists"
    ep = catalogue.importlib_metadata.EntryPoint._from_text(ep_string)
    catalogue.AVAILABLE_ENTRY_POINTS["test_foo"] = ep
    assert catalogue.REGISTRY == {}
    test_registry = catalogue.create("test", "foo", entry_points=True)
    entry_points = test_registry.get_entry_points()
    assert "bar" in entry_points
    assert entry_points["bar"] == catalogue.check_exists
    assert test_registry.get_entry_point("bar") == catalogue.check_exists
    assert catalogue.REGISTRY == {}
    assert test_registry.get("bar") == catalogue.check_exists
    assert test_registry.get_all() == {"bar": catalogue.check_exists}
    assert "bar" in test_registry
Esempio n. 7
class Registry:
    Catalogue registry for types, preprocessors, logging configuration, and others

            Types for field specs, registered functions for creating ValueSupplierInterface that will supply
            values for the given type

            >>> @datacraft.registry.types('special_sauce')
            ... def _handle_special_type(field_spec: dict, loader: datacraft.Loader) -> ValueSupplierInterface:
            ...    # return ValueSupplierInterface from spec config

            Schemas for field spec types, used to validate that the spec for a given type conforms to the schema
            for it

            >>> @datacraft.registry.schemas('special_sauce')
            ... def _special_sauce_schema() -> dict:
            ...    # return JSON schema validating specs with type: special_sauce

            Functions to modify specs before data generations process. If there is a customization you want to do for
            every data spec, or an extenstion you added that requires modifications to the spec before they are run,
            this is where you would register that pre-processor.

            >>> @datacraft.registry.preprocessors('custom-preprocessing')
            ... def _preprocess_spec_to_some_end(raw_spec: dict, is_refs: bool) -> dict:
            ...    # return spec with any modification

            Custom logging setup. Can override or modify the default logging behavior.

            >>> @datacraft.registry.logging('denoise')
            ... def _customize_logging(loglevel: str):
            ...     logging.getLogger('too.verbose.module').level = logging.ERROR

            Registered formats for output.  When using the --format <format name>. Unlike other registered functions,
            this one is called directly for to perform the required formatting function. The return value from the
            formatter is the new value that will be written to the configured output (default is console).

            >>> @datacraft.registry.formats('custom_format')
            ... def _format_custom(record: dict) -> str:
            ...     # write to database or some other custom output, return something to write out or print to console

            Different numeric distributions, normal, uniform, etc. These are used for more nuanced counts values. The
            built in distributions are uniform and normal.

            >>> @datacraft.registry.distribution('hyperbolic_inverse_haversine')
            ... def _hyperbolic_inverse_haversine(mean, stddev, **kwargs):
            ...     # return a datacraft.Distribution, args can be custom for the defined distribution

            Default values. Different types have different default values for some configs.  This provides a mechanism
            to override or to register other custom defaults. Read a default from the registry
            with: ``datacraft.types.get_default('var_key')``. While ``datacraft.types.all_defaults()`` will give a
            mapping of all registered default keys and values.

            >>> @datacraft.registry.defaults('special_sauce_ingredient')
            ... def _default_special_sauce_ingredient():
            ...     # return the default value (i.e. onions)

            Cast or alter values in simple ways. These are all the valid forms of altering generated values after they
            are created outside of the ValueSupplier types. Use ``datacraft.types.registered_casters()`` to get a list
            of all the currently registered ones.

            >>> @datacraft.registry.casters('reverse')
            ... def _cast_reverse_strings():
            ...     # return a datacraft.CasterInterface
    types = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'type')
    schemas = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'schemas')
    preprocessors = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'preprocessor')
    logging = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'logging')
    formats = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'format')
    distribution = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'distribution')
    defaults = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'defaults')
    casters = catalogue.create('datacraft', 'casters')
Esempio n. 8
import catalogue

register_loader = catalogue.create("ml-datasets", entry_points=True)
Esempio n. 9
class registry:
    translators = catalogue.create("dstl", "translators", entry_points=True)
Esempio n. 10
class registry:
    """xpersist's global registry entrypoint.

    This is used to register serializers and other components that are used by xpersist.

    serializers: Decorator = catalogue.create('xpersist',
    metadata_store: Decorator = catalogue.create('xpersist',

    def create(cls, registry_name: str, entry_points: bool = False) -> None:
        """Create a new custom registry."""
        if hasattr(cls, registry_name):
            raise ValueError(f"Registry '{registry_name}' already exists")
        reg: Decorator = catalogue.create('xpersist',
        setattr(cls, registry_name, reg)

    def has(cls, registry_name: str, func_name: str) -> bool:
        """Check whether a function is available in a registry.

        registry_name : str
            The name of the registry to check.
        func_name : str
            The name of the function to check.

            Whether the function is available in the registry.

        if not hasattr(cls, registry_name):
            return False
        reg = getattr(cls, registry_name)
        return func_name in reg

    def get(cls, registry_name: str, func_name: str) -> typing.Callable:
        """Get a registered function from a given registry.

        registry_name : str
            The name of the registry to get the function from.
        func_name : str
            The name of the function to get.

        func : typing.Callable
            The function from the registry.
        if not hasattr(cls, registry_name):
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown registry: '{registry_name}'")
        reg = getattr(cls, registry_name)
        func = reg.get(func_name)
        if func is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Could not find '{func_name}' in '{registry_name}'")
        return func
Esempio n. 11
import prodigy
from prodigy.components.db import connect
from prodigy.util import log, split_string, set_hashes, TASK_HASH_ATTR, INPUT_HASH_ATTR
import murmurhash
from sense2vec import Sense2Vec
import srsly
import spacy
import random
from wasabi import msg
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import copy
import catalogue

# fmt: off
eval_strategies = catalogue.create("prodigy", "sense2vec.eval")
                       "PERCENT", "QUANTITY", "NUM", "X", "PUNCT")
# fmt: on

    dataset=("Dataset to save annotations to", "positional", None, str),
    vectors_path=("Path to pretrained sense2vec vectors", "positional", None,
    seeds=("One or more comma-separated seed phrases", "option", "se",
    threshold=("Similarity threshold for sense2vec", "option", "t", float),
    n_similar=("Number of similar items to get at once", "option", "n", int),
    batch_size=("Batch size for submitting annotations", "option", "bs", int),
    case_sensitive=("Show the same terms with different casing", "flag", "CS",
Esempio n. 12
class registry(object):
    # fmt: off
    optimizers: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    schedules: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    layers: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc", "layers", entry_points=True)
    losses: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc", "losses", entry_points=True)
    initializers: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    datasets: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    # fmt: on

    def create(cls, registry_name: str, entry_points: bool = False) -> None:
        """Create a new custom registry."""
        if hasattr(cls, registry_name):
            raise ValueError(f"Registry '{registry_name}' already exists")
        reg: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
        setattr(cls, registry_name, reg)

    def get(cls, registry_name: str, func_name: str) -> Callable:
        """Get a registered function from a given registry."""
        if not hasattr(cls, registry_name):
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown registry: '{registry_name}'")
        reg = getattr(cls, registry_name)
        func = reg.get(func_name)
        if func is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Could not find '{func_name}' in '{registry_name}'")
        return func

    def resolve(
        config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
        schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema,
        overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        validate: bool = True,
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Config]:
        """Unpack a config dictionary and create two versions of the config:
        a resolved version with objects from the registry created recursively,
        and a filled version with all references to registry functions left
        intact, but filled with all values and defaults based on the type
        annotations. If validate=True, the config will be validated against the
        type annotations of the registered functions referenced in the config
        (if available) and/or the schema (if available).
        # Valid: {"optimizer": {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}}
        # Invalid: {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}
        if cls.is_promise(config):
            err_msg = "The top-level config object can't be a reference to a registered function."
            raise ConfigValidationError(config, [{"msg": err_msg}])
        # If a Config was loaded with interpolate=False, we assume it needs to
        # be interpolated first, otherwise we take it at face value
        is_interpolated = not isinstance(config,
                                         Config) or config.is_interpolated
        section_order = config.section_order if isinstance(config,
                                                           Config) else None
        orig_config = config
        if not is_interpolated:
            config = Config(orig_config).interpolate()
        filled, _, resolved = cls._fill(config,
        filled = Config(filled, section_order=section_order)
        # Check that overrides didn't include invalid properties not in config
        if validate:
            cls._validate_overrides(filled, overrides)
        # Merge the original config back to preserve variables if we started
        # with a config that wasn't interpolated. Here, we prefer variables to
        # allow auto-filling a non-interpolated config without destroying
        # variable references.
        if not is_interpolated:
            filled = filled.merge(Config(orig_config, is_interpolated=False),
        return dict(resolved), filled

    def make_from_config(
        config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
        schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema,
        overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        validate: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Unpack a config dictionary, creating objects from the registry
        recursively. If validate=True, the config will be validated against the
        type annotations of the registered functions referenced in the config
        (if available) and/or the schema (if available).
        # Valid: {"optimizer": {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}}
        # Invalid: {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}
        resolved, _ = cls.resolve(config,
        return resolved

    def fill_config(
        config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
        schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema,
        overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        validate: bool = True,
    ) -> Config:
        """Unpack a config dictionary, leave all references to registry
        functions intact and don't resolve them, but fill in all values and
        defaults based on the type annotations. If validate=True, the config
        will be validated against the type annotations of the registered
        functions referenced in the config (if available) and/or the schema
        (if available).
        _, filled = cls.resolve(config,
        return filled

    def _fill(
        config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
        schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema,
        validate: bool = True,
        parent: str = "",
        overrides: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {},
    ) -> Tuple[Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], Union[Dict[str, Any], Config],
               Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Build three representations of the config:
        1. All promises are preserved (just like config user would provide).
        2. Promises are replaced by their return values. This is the validation
           copy and will be parsed by pydantic. It lets us include hacks to
           work around problems (e.g. handling of generators).
        3. Final copy with promises replaced by their return values. This is
           what registry.make_from_config returns.
        filled: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        validation: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        final: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        for key, value in config.items():
            # If the field name is reserved, we use its alias for validation
            v_key = RESERVED_FIELDS.get(key, key)
            key_parent = f"{parent}.{key}".strip(".")
            if key_parent in overrides:
                value = overrides[key_parent]
                config[key] = value
            if cls.is_promise(value):
                promise_schema = cls.make_promise_schema(value)
                filled[key], validation[v_key], final[key] = cls._fill(
                # Call the function and populate the field value. We can't just
                # create an instance of the type here, since this wouldn't work
                # for generics / more complex custom types
                getter = cls.get_constructor(final[key])
                args, kwargs = cls.parse_args(final[key])
                    getter_result = getter(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception as err:
                    err_msg = "Can't construct config: calling registry function failed"
                    raise ConfigValidationError({key: value},
                                                    "msg": err,
                                                    "loc": [getter.__name__]
                                                }], err_msg) from err
                validation[v_key] = getter_result
                final[key] = getter_result
                if isinstance(validation[v_key], dict):
                    # The registered function returned a dict, prevent it from
                    # being validated as a config section
                    validation[v_key] = {}
                if isinstance(validation[v_key], GeneratorType):
                    # If value is a generator we can't validate type without
                    # consuming it (which doesn't work if it's infinite – see
                    # schedule for examples). So we skip it.
                    validation[v_key] = []
            elif hasattr(value, "items"):
                field_type = EmptySchema
                if key in schema.__fields__:
                    field = schema.__fields__[key]
                    field_type = field.type_
                    if not isinstance(field.type_, ModelMetaclass):
                        # If we don't have a pydantic schema and just a type
                        field_type = EmptySchema
                filled[key], validation[v_key], final[key] = cls._fill(
                if key == ARGS_FIELD and isinstance(validation[v_key], dict):
                    # If the value of variable positional args is a dict (e.g.
                    # created via config blocks), only use its values
                    validation[v_key] = list(validation[v_key].values())
                    final[key] = list(final[key].values())
                filled[key] = value
                # Prevent pydantic from consuming generator if part of a union
                validation[v_key] = (
                    value if not isinstance(value, GeneratorType) else [])
                final[key] = value
        # Now that we've filled in all of the promises, update with defaults
        # from schema, and validate if validation is enabled
        exclude = []
        if validate:
                result = schema.parse_obj(validation)
            except ValidationError as e:
                raise ConfigValidationError(config, e.errors(),
                                            element=parent) from None
            # Same as parse_obj, but without validation
            result = schema.construct(**validation)
            # If our schema doesn't allow extra values, we need to filter them
            # manually because .construct doesn't parse anything
            if schema.Config.extra in (Extra.forbid, Extra.ignore):
                fields = schema.__fields__.keys()
                exclude = [k for k in result.__fields_set__ if k not in fields]
        exclude_validation = set([ARGS_FIELD_ALIAS, *RESERVED_FIELDS.keys()])
        filled, final = cls._update_from_parsed(validation, filled, final)
        if exclude:
            filled = {k: v for k, v in filled.items() if k not in exclude}
            validation = {
                k: v
                for k, v in validation.items() if k not in exclude
            final = {k: v for k, v in final.items() if k not in exclude}
        return filled, validation, final

    def _update_from_parsed(cls, validation: Dict[str, Any],
                            filled: Dict[str, Any], final: Dict[str, Any]):
        """Update the final result with the parsed config like converted
        values recursively.
        for key, value in validation.items():
            if key in RESERVED_FIELDS.values():
                continue  # skip aliases for reserved fields
            if key not in filled:
                filled[key] = value
            if key not in final:
                final[key] = value
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                filled[key], final[key] = cls._update_from_parsed(
                    value, filled[key], final[key])
            # Update final config with parsed value if they're not equal (in
            # value and in type) but not if it's a generator because we had to
            # replace that to validate it correctly
            elif key == ARGS_FIELD:
                continue  # don't substitute if list of positional args
            elif isinstance(value,
                            numpy.ndarray):  # check numpy first, just in case
                final[key] = value
            elif (value != final[key]
                  or not isinstance(type(value), type(final[key]))
                  ) and not isinstance(final[key], GeneratorType):
                final[key] = value
        return filled, final

    def _validate_overrides(cls, filled: Config, overrides: Dict[str, Any]):
        """Validate overrides against a filled config to make sure there are
        no references to properties that don't exist and weren't used."""
        error_msg = "Invalid override: config value doesn't exist"
        errors = []
        for override_key in overrides.keys():
            if not cls._is_in_config(override_key, filled):
                errors.append({"msg": error_msg, "loc": [override_key]})
        if errors:
            raise ConfigValidationError(filled, errors)

    def _is_in_config(cls, prop: str, config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]):
        """Check whether a nested config property like "section.subsection.key"
        is in a given config."""
        tree = prop.split(".")
        obj = dict(config)
        while tree:
            key = tree.pop(0)
            if isinstance(obj, dict) and key in obj:
                obj = obj[key]
                return False
        return True

    def is_promise(cls, obj: Any) -> bool:
        """Check whether an object is a "promise", i.e. contains a reference
        to a registered function (via a key starting with `"@"`.
        if not hasattr(obj, "keys"):
            return False
        id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")]
        if len(id_keys):
            return True
        return False

    def get_constructor(cls, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Callable:
        id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")]
        if len(id_keys) != 1:
            err_msg = f"A block can only contain one function registry reference. Got: {id_keys}"
            raise ConfigValidationError(obj, [{"msg": err_msg}])
            key = id_keys[0]
            value = obj[key]
            return cls.get(key[1:], value)

    def parse_args(cls, obj: Dict[str,
                                  Any]) -> Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]:
        args = []
        kwargs = {}
        for key, value in obj.items():
            if not key.startswith("@"):
                if key == ARGS_FIELD:
                    args = value
                elif key in RESERVED_FIELDS.values():
                    kwargs[key] = value
        return args, kwargs

    def make_promise_schema(cls, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Type[BaseModel]:
        """Create a schema for a promise dict (referencing a registry function)
        by inspecting the function signature.
        func = cls.get_constructor(obj)
        # Read the argument annotations and defaults from the function signature
        id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")]
        sig_args: Dict[str, Any] = {id_keys[0]: (str, ...)}
        for param in inspect.signature(func).parameters.values():
            # If no annotation is specified assume it's anything
            annotation = param.annotation if param.annotation != param.empty else Any
            # If no default value is specified assume that it's required
            default = param.default if param.default != param.empty else ...
            # Handle spread arguments and use their annotation as Sequence[whatever]
            if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
                spread_annot = Sequence[annotation]  # type: ignore
                sig_args[ARGS_FIELD_ALIAS] = (spread_annot, default)
                name = RESERVED_FIELDS.get(,
                sig_args[name] = (annotation, default)
        sig_args["__config__"] = _PromiseSchemaConfig
        return create_model("ArgModel", **sig_args)
Esempio n. 13
import inspect
import catalogue

from typing import Type, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

    from scrubadub.post_processors import PostProcessor

post_processor_catalogue = catalogue.create('scrubadub', 'post_processors', entry_points=True)

def register_post_processor(post_processor: Type['PostProcessor'], autoload: Optional[bool] = None,
                            index: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    """Register a PostProcessor for use with the ``Scrubber`` class.

    You can use ``register_post_processor(NewPostProcessor)`` after your post-processor definition to automatically
    register it with the ``Scrubber`` class so that it can be used to process Filth.

    The argument ``autoload`` sets if a new ``Scrubber()`` instance should load this ``PostProcessor`` by default.

    :param post_processor: The ``PostProcessor`` to register with the scrubadub post-processor configuration.
    :type post_processor: PostProcessor class
    :param autoload: Whether to automatically load this ``Detector`` on ``Scrubber`` initialisation.
    :type autoload: bool
    :param index: The location/index in which this ``PostProcessor`` should be added.
    :type index: int
    if not inspect.isclass(post_processor):
        raise ValueError("post_processor should be a class, not an instance.")

    if autoload is not None:
Esempio n. 14
class registry:
    operations = catalogue.create("recon", "operations", entry_points=True)
Esempio n. 15
import inspect
import catalogue

from typing import Type, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

    from scrubadub.detectors import Detector

detector_catalogue = catalogue.create('scrubadub',

def register_detector(detector: Type['Detector'],
                      autoload: Optional[bool] = None) -> Type['Detector']:
    """Register a detector for use with the ``Scrubber`` class.

    You can use ``register_detector(NewDetector, autoload=True)`` after your detector definition to automatically
    register it with the ``Scrubber`` class so that it can be used to remove Filth.

    The argument ``autoload``decides whether a new ``Scrubber()`` instance should load this ``detector`` by default.

    .. code:: pycon

        >>> import scrubadub
        >>> class NewDetector(scrubadub.detectors.Detector):
        ...     pass
        >>> scrubadub.detectors.register_detector(NewDetector, autoload=False)
        <class 'scrubadub.detectors.catalogue.NewDetector'>
Esempio n. 16
def test_registry_get_set():
    test_registry = catalogue.create("test")
    with pytest.raises(catalogue.RegistryError):
    test_registry.register("foo", func=lambda x: x)
    assert "foo" in test_registry
Esempio n. 17
import functools
import catalogue

from ._version import version
from .exceptions import *
from ._packer import Packer as _Packer
from ._unpacker import unpackb as _unpackb
from ._unpacker import unpack as _unpack
from ._unpacker import Unpacker as _Unpacker
from ._ext_type import ExtType
from ._msgpack_numpy import encode_numpy as _encode_numpy
from ._msgpack_numpy import decode_numpy as _decode_numpy

msgpack_encoders = catalogue.create("srsly",
msgpack_decoders = catalogue.create("srsly",

msgpack_encoders.register("numpy", func=_encode_numpy)
msgpack_decoders.register("numpy", func=_decode_numpy)

# msgpack_numpy extensions
class Packer(_Packer):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        default = kwargs.get("default")
        for encoder in msgpack_encoders.get_all().values():
            default = functools.partial(encoder, chain=default)
Esempio n. 18
class registry:
    preprocessors = catalogue.create("recon",
Esempio n. 19
class my_registry(thinc.config.registry):
    cats = catalogue.create("thinc", "tests", "cats", entry_points=False)
Esempio n. 20

class MetadataDetector(Detector):
    def detect(self, column: CatColumn) -> Optional[PiiType]:
        """Scan the text and return an array of PiiTypes that are found"""

class DatumDetector(Detector):
    def detect(self, column: CatColumn, datum: str) -> Optional[PiiType]:
        """Scan the text and return an array of PiiTypes that are found"""

detector_registry = catalogue.create("piicatcher",

def register_detector(detector: Type["Detector"]) -> Type["Detector"]:
    """Register a detector for use.

    You can use ``register_detector(NewDetector)`` after your detector definition to automatically
    register it.
    .. code:: pycon

        >>> import piicatcher
        >>> class NewDetector(piicatcher.detectors.Detector):
        ...     pass
        >>> piicatcher.detectors.register_detector(NewDetector)
        <class 'piicatcher.detectors.catalogue.NewDetector'>
Esempio n. 21
from pathlib import Path
import random
from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
from transformers.tokenization_utils import BatchEncoding
from transformers.tokenization_utils_fast import PreTrainedTokenizerFast
import catalogue
from spacy.util import registry
from thinc.api import get_current_ops, CupyOps
import torch.cuda
import tempfile
import shutil
import contextlib

# fmt: off
registry.span_getters = catalogue.create("spacy",
registry.annotation_setters = catalogue.create("spacy",
# fmt: on

def huggingface_from_pretrained(source: Union[Path, str], tok_config: Dict,
                                trf_config: Dict):
    """Create a Huggingface transformer model from pretrained weights. Will
    download the model if it is not already downloaded.

    source (Union[str, Path]): The name of the model or a path to it, such as
    tok_config (dict): Settings to pass to the tokenizer.
class registry(object):
    optimizers = catalogue.create("thinc", "optimizers", entry_points=True)
    schedules = catalogue.create("thinc", "schedules", entry_points=True)
    layers = catalogue.create("thinc", "layers", entry_points=True)

    def get(cls, name, key):
        if not hasattr(cls, name):
            raise ValueError("Unknown registry: %s" % name)
        reg = getattr(cls, name)
        func = reg.get(key)
        if func is None:
            raise ValueError("Could not find %s in %s" % (name, key))
        return func

    def make_optimizer(name, args, kwargs):
        func = cls.optimizers.get(name)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_schedule(name, args, kwargs):
        func = cls.schedules.get(name)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_initializer(name, args, kwargs):
        func = cls.initializers.get(name)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_layer(cls, name, args, kwargs):
        func = cls.layers.get(name)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_combinator(cls, name, args, kwargs):
        func = cls.combinators.get(name)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_transform(cls, name, args, kwargs):
        func = cls.transforms.get(name)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_from_config(cls, config, id_start="@"):
        """Unpack a config dictionary, creating objects from the registry 
        id_keys = [key for key in config.keys() if key.startswith(id_start)]
        if len(id_keys) >= 2:
            raise ValueError("Multiple registry keys in config: %s" % id_keys)
        elif len(id_keys) == 0:
            # Recurse over subdictionaries, filling in values.
            filled = {}
            for key, value in config.items():
                if isinstance(value, dict):
                    filled[key] = cls.make_from_config(value,
                    filled[key] = value
            return filled
            getter = cls.get(id_keys[0].replace(id_start, ""),
            args = []
            kwargs = {}
            for key, value in config.items():
                if isinstance(value, dict):
                    value = cls.make_from_config(value, id_start=id_start)
                if isinstance(key, int) or key.isdigit():
                    args.append((int(key), value))
                elif not key.startswith(id_start):
                    kwargs[key] = value
            args = [value for key, value in sorted(args)]
            return getter(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 23
class registry(object):
    candidate_selection = catalogue.create("spacy_ke", "candidate_selection")
Esempio n. 24
def test_registry_call():
    test_registry = catalogue.create("test")
    test_registry("foo", func=lambda x: x)
    assert "foo" in test_registry
Esempio n. 25
    import cupy
except ImportError:
    cupy = None

    import tensorflow as tf
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

    import h5py
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

keras_model_fns = catalogue.create("thinc", "keras", entry_points=True)

def maybe_handshake_model(keras_model):
    """Call the required predict/compile/build APIs to initialize a model if it
    is a subclass of tf.keras.Model. This is required to be able to call set_weights
    on subclassed layers."""
        return keras_model
    except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
        # Subclassed models don't implement get_config

    for prop_name in ["catalogue_name", "eg_x", "eg_y", "eg_shape"]:
        if not hasattr(keras_model, prop_name):
Esempio n. 26
class registry(object):
    make_key = catalogue.create("sense2vec", "make_key")
    split_key = catalogue.create("sense2vec", "split_key")
    make_spacy_key = catalogue.create("sense2vec", "make_spacy_key")
    get_phrases = catalogue.create("sense2vec", "get_phrases")
    merge_phrases = catalogue.create("sense2vec", "merge_phrases")
Esempio n. 27
class registry(object):
    # fmt: off
    optimizers: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    schedules: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    layers: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc", "layers", entry_points=True)
    losses: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc", "losses", entry_points=True)
    initializers: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    datasets: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
    # fmt: on

    def create(cls, registry_name: str, entry_points: bool = False) -> None:
        """Create a new custom registry."""
        if hasattr(cls, registry_name):
            raise ValueError(f"Registry '{registry_name}' already exists")
        reg: Decorator = catalogue.create("thinc",
        setattr(cls, registry_name, reg)

    def get(cls, registry_name: str, func_name: str) -> Callable:
        """Get a registered function from a given registry."""
        if not hasattr(cls, registry_name):
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown registry: '{registry_name}'")
        reg = getattr(cls, registry_name)
        func = reg.get(func_name)
        if func is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Could not find '{func_name}' in '{registry_name}'")
        return func

    def make_from_config(
        config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
        schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema,
        validate: bool = True,
    ) -> Config:
        """Unpack a config dictionary, creating objects from the registry
        recursively. If validate=True, the config will be validated against the
        type annotations of the registered functions referenced in the config
        (if available) and/or the schema (if available).
        # Valid: {"optimizer": {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}}
        # Invalid: {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}
        if cls.is_promise(config):
            err_msg = "The top-level config object can't be a reference to a registered function."
            raise ConfigValidationError(config, [{"msg": err_msg}])
        _, _, resolved = cls._fill(config, schema, validate)
        return resolved

    def fill_config(
        config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
        schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema,
        validate: bool = True,
    ) -> Config:
        """Unpack a config dictionary, leave all references to registry
        functions intact and don't resolve them, but fill in all values and
        defaults based on the type annotations. If validate=True, the config
        will be validated against the type annotations of the registered
        functions referenced in the config (if available) and/or the schema
        (if available).
        # Valid: {"optimizer": {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}}
        # Invalid: {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}
        if cls.is_promise(config):
            err_msg = "The top-level config object can't be a reference to a registered function."
            raise ConfigValidationError(config, [{"msg": err_msg}])
        filled, _, _ = cls._fill(config, schema, validate)
        return filled

    def _fill(
        config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
        schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema,
        validate: bool = True,
        parent: str = "",
    ) -> Tuple[Config, Config, Config]:
        """Build three representations of the config:
        1. All promises are preserved (just like config user would provide).
        2. Promises are replaced by their return values. This is the validation
           copy and will be parsed by pydantic. It lets us include hacks to
           work around problems (e.g. handling of generators).
        3. Final copy with promises replaced by their return values. This is
           what registry.make_from_config returns.
        filled: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        validation: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        final: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        for key, value in config.items():
            key_parent = f"{parent}.{key}".strip(".")
            if cls.is_promise(value):
                promise_schema = cls.make_promise_schema(value)
                filled[key], validation[key], final[key] = cls._fill(
                    value, promise_schema, validate, parent=key_parent)
                # Call the function and populate the field value. We can't just
                # create an instance of the type here, since this wouldn't work
                # for generics / more complex custom types
                getter = cls.get_constructor(final[key])
                args, kwargs = cls.parse_args(final[key])
                    getter_result = getter(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception as err:
                    err_msg = "Can't construct config: calling registry function failed"
                    raise ConfigValidationError({key: value},
                                                    "msg": err,
                                                    "loc": [getter.__name__]
                                                }], err_msg)
                validation[key] = getter_result
                final[key] = getter_result
                if isinstance(validation[key], GeneratorType):
                    # If value is a generator we can't validate type without
                    # consuming it (which doesn't work if it's infinite – see
                    # schedule for examples). So we skip it.
                    validation[key] = []
            elif hasattr(value, "items"):
                field_type = EmptySchema
                if key in schema.__fields__:
                    field = schema.__fields__[key]
                    field_type = field.type_
                    if not isinstance(field.type_, ModelMetaclass):
                        # If we don't have a pydantic schema and just a type
                        field_type = EmptySchema
                filled[key], validation[key], final[key] = cls._fill(
                    value, field_type, validate, parent=key_parent)
                if key == ARGS_FIELD and isinstance(validation[key], dict):
                    # If the value of variable positional args is a dict (e.g.
                    # created via config blocks), only use its values
                    validation[key] = list(validation[key].values())
                    final[key] = list(final[key].values())
                filled[key] = value
                # Prevent pydantic from consuming generator if part of a union
                validation[key] = value if not isinstance(
                    value, GeneratorType) else []
                final[key] = value
        # Now that we've filled in all of the promises, update with defaults
        # from schema, and validate if validation is enabled
        if validate:
                result = schema.parse_obj(validation)
            except ValidationError as e:
                raise ConfigValidationError(config, e.errors(), element=parent)
            # Same as parse_obj, but without validation
            result = schema.construct(**validation)
        filled, final = cls._update_from_parsed(validation, filled, final)
        return Config(filled), Config(validation), Config(final)

    def _update_from_parsed(cls, validation: Dict[str, Any],
                            filled: Dict[str, Any], final: Dict[str, Any]):
        """Update the final result with the parsed config like converted
        values recursively.
        for key, value in validation.items():
            if key not in filled:
                filled[key] = value
            if key not in final:
                final[key] = value
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                filled[key], final[key] = cls._update_from_parsed(
                    value, filled[key], final[key])
            # Update final config with parsed value if they're not equal (in
            # value and in type) but not if it's a generator because we had to
            # replace that to validate it correctly
            elif key == ARGS_FIELD:
                continue  # don't substitute if list of positional args
            elif isinstance(value,
                            numpy.ndarray):  # check numpy first, just in case
                final[key] = value
            elif (value != final[key]
                  or not isinstance(type(value), type(final[key]))
                  ) and not isinstance(final[key], GeneratorType):
                final[key] = value
        return filled, final

    def is_promise(cls, obj: Any) -> bool:
        """Check whether an object is a "promise", i.e. contains a reference
        to a registered function (via a key starting with `"@"`.
        if not hasattr(obj, "keys"):
            return False
        id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")]
        if len(id_keys):
            return True
        return False

    def get_constructor(cls, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Callable:
        id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")]
        if len(id_keys) != 1:
            err_msg = f"A block can only contain one function registry reference. Got: {id_keys}"
            raise ConfigValidationError(obj, [{"msg": err_msg}])
            key = id_keys[0]
            value = obj[key]
            return cls.get(key[1:], value)

    def parse_args(cls, obj: Dict[str,
                                  Any]) -> Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]:
        args = []
        kwargs = {}
        for key, value in obj.items():
            if not key.startswith("@"):
                if key == ARGS_FIELD:
                    args = value
                    kwargs[key] = value
        return args, kwargs

    def make_promise_schema(cls, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Type[BaseModel]:
        """Create a schema for a promise dict (referencing a registry function)
        by inspecting the function signature.
        func = cls.get_constructor(obj)
        # Read the argument annotations and defaults from the function signature
        id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")]
        sig_args: Dict[str, Any] = {id_keys[0]: (str, ...)}
        for param in inspect.signature(func).parameters.values():
            # If no annotation is specified assume it's anything
            annotation = param.annotation if param.annotation != param.empty else Any
            # If no default value is specified assume that it's required
            default = param.default if param.default != param.empty else ...
            # Handle spread arguments and use their annotation as Sequence[whatever]
            if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
                spread_annot = Sequence[annotation]  # type: ignore
                sig_args[ARGS_FIELD_ALIAS] = (spread_annot, default)
                sig_args[] = (annotation, default)
        sig_args["__config__"] = _PromiseSchemaConfig
        return create_model("ArgModel", **sig_args)