def __init__(self, path: str, tests_path: str, inventory: str or None, modules=None, cmd_env=None, system_environment=None, resources=None, output_format=None, filter_list=None) -> None: # singletons init should be done before services, as singletons maybe used there FiltersHolder(filter_list) StepFactory(modules) self.tests_path = tests_path self.path = path self._compose = DockerCompose(resources) self.parser = Parser(path, inventory) self.holder = VariablesHolder( path, system_environment=system_environment, inventory_vars=self.parser.read_inventory(), cmd_env=cmd_env, resources=resources) if output_format: logger.log_storage = LogStorage(output_format)
def __init__(self, path: str, tests_path: str, inventory: str or None, modules=None, environment=None, resources=None) -> None: if modules is None: modules = [] self.environment = environment if environment is not None else {} self.tests_path = tests_path self.path = path self.inventory = inventory self.all_includes = [] self.modules = merge_two_dicts( prepare_modules(modules, step.registered_steps), step.registered_steps) self._compose = DockerCompose(resources)
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ :param kwargs: resources_dir param must exist for the initial load """ super().__init__() # TODO find all submodules of catcher.modules.Module dynamically! self._modules = { 'compose': DockerCompose(kwargs['resources_dir']), 'requirements': Requirements(kwargs['resources_dir']) } debug('Loaded modules: {}'.format(list(self._modules.keys())))
def __init__(self, path: str, tests_path: str, inventory: str or None, modules=None, environment=None, system_environment=None, resources=None, output_format=None) -> None: if modules is None: modules = [] self.environment = environment if environment is not None else {} self.system_vars = system_environment if system_environment is not None else {} self.tests_path = tests_path self.path = path self.inventory = inventory self.all_includes = [] self.modules = merge_two_dicts( prepare_modules(modules, step.registered_steps), step.registered_steps) self._compose = DockerCompose(resources) self.resources = resources if output_format: logger.log_storage = LogStorage(output_format)
class Runner: def __init__(self, path: str, tests_path: str, inventory: str or None, modules=None, environment=None, resources=None) -> None: if modules is None: modules = [] self.environment = environment if environment is not None else {} self.tests_path = tests_path self.path = path self.inventory = inventory self.all_includes = [] self.modules = merge_two_dicts( prepare_modules(modules, step.registered_steps), step.registered_steps) self._compose = DockerCompose(resources) def run_tests(self) -> bool: try: self._compose.up() variables = {} if self.inventory is not None: variables = read_source_file(self.inventory) variables['INVENTORY'] = get_filename(self.inventory) variables = try_get_object(fill_template_str( variables, {})) # fill env vars variables['CURRENT_DIR'] = self.path test_files = get_files(self.tests_path) results = [] for file in test_files: self.all_includes = [] try: variables['TEST_NAME'] = file test = self.prepare_test(file, variables) results.append(True) info('Test ' + file + ' passed.') except Exception as e: warning('Test ' + file + ' failed: ' + str(e)) results.append(False) return all(results) finally: self._compose.down() def prepare_test(self, file: str, variables: dict, override_vars: None or dict = None) -> Test: body = read_source_file(file) registered_includes = self.process_includes(body.get('include', []), variables) variables = merge_two_dicts(variables, body.get( 'variables', {})) # override variables with test's variables if override_vars: # TODO warn when overriding inventory vars? variables = merge_two_dicts(variables, override_vars) return Test(self.path, registered_includes, variables, body.get('config', {}), body.get('steps', []), self.modules, self.environment) def process_includes( self, includes: list or str or dict, variables: dict, registered_includes: dict or None = None) -> (dict, dict): if registered_includes is None: registered_includes = {} if isinstance(includes, str) or isinstance(includes, dict): # single include self.process_include(includes, registered_includes, variables) elif isinstance(includes, list): # an array of includes for i in includes: # run all includes and save includes with alias variables = self.process_include(i, registered_includes, variables) return registered_includes def process_include(self, include_file: str or dict, includes: dict, variables: dict) -> dict: include_file = self.path_from_root(include_file) self.check_circular(include_file) include = Include(**include_file) self.all_includes.append(include) include.test = self.prepare_test(include.file, variables, include.variables) if include.alias is not None: includes[include.alias] = include.test if include.run_on_include: try: return except Exception as e: if not include.ignore_errors: raise Exception('Include ' + include.file + ' failed: ' + str(e)) return include.test.variables def check_circular(self, current_include: dict): path = current_include['file'] if [include for include in self.all_includes if include.file == path]: raise Exception('Circular dependencies for ' + path) def path_from_root(self, include_file: str or dict) -> dict: if isinstance(include_file, str): return {'file': join(self.path, include_file)} else: include_file['file'] = join(self.path, include_file['file']) return include_file
class Runner: def __init__(self, path: str, tests_path: str, inventory: str or None, modules=None, environment=None, system_environment=None, resources=None, output_format=None) -> None: if modules is None: modules = [] self.environment = environment if environment is not None else {} self.system_vars = system_environment if system_environment is not None else {} self.tests_path = tests_path self.path = path self.inventory = inventory self.all_includes = [] self.modules = merge_two_dicts( prepare_modules(modules, step.registered_steps), step.registered_steps) self._compose = DockerCompose(resources) self.resources = resources if output_format: logger.log_storage = LogStorage(output_format) def run_tests(self) -> bool: try: self._compose.up() if self.system_vars: debug('Use system variables: ' + str(list(self.system_vars.keys()))) variables = self.system_vars else: variables = {} if self.inventory is not None: inv_vars = read_source_file(self.inventory) inv_vars['INVENTORY'] = get_filename(self.inventory) variables = try_get_object( fill_template_str(inv_vars, variables)) # fill env vars variables['CURRENT_DIR'] = self.path variables[ 'RESOURCES_DIR'] = self.resources or self.path + '/resources' test_files = get_files(self.tests_path) results = [] for file in test_files: self.all_includes = [] try: variables['TEST_NAME'] = file test = self.prepare_test(file, variables) logger.log_storage.test_start(file) results.append(True) info('Test ' + file + ' passed.') logger.log_storage.test_end(file, True) except Exception as e: warning('Test ' + file + ' failed: ' + str(e)) results.append(False) logger.log_storage.test_end(file, False, str(e)) return all(results) finally: logger.log_storage.write_report(self.path) self._compose.down() def prepare_test(self, file: str, variables: dict, override_vars: None or dict = None) -> Test: body = read_source_file(file) registered_includes = self.process_includes(body.get('include', []), variables) variables = merge_two_dicts(variables, body.get( 'variables', {})) # override variables with test's variables if override_vars: override_keys = report_override(variables, override_vars) if override_keys: debug('Overriding these variables: ' + str(override_keys)) variables = merge_two_dicts(variables, override_vars) return Test( self.path, registered_includes, deepcopy(variables), # each test has independent variables body.get('config', {}), body.get('steps', []), self.modules, self.environment) def process_includes( self, includes: list or str or dict, variables: dict, registered_includes: dict or None = None) -> (dict, dict): if registered_includes is None: registered_includes = {} if isinstance(includes, str) or isinstance(includes, dict): # single include self.process_include(includes, registered_includes, variables) elif isinstance(includes, list): # an array of includes for i in includes: # run all includes and save includes with alias variables = self.process_include(i, registered_includes, variables) return registered_includes def process_include(self, include_file: str or dict, includes: dict, variables: dict) -> dict: include_file = self.path_from_root(include_file) self.check_circular(include_file) include = Include(**include_file) self.all_includes.append(include) include.test = self.prepare_test(include.file, variables, include.variables) if include.alias is not None: includes[include.alias] = include.test if include.run_on_include: try: logger.log_storage.test_start(include_file['file'], test_type='include') debug('Run include: ' + str(include.test)) res = logger.log_storage.test_end(include.test.path, True, res, test_type='include') return res except Exception as e: logger.log_storage.test_end(include.test.path, False, str(e), test_type='include') if not include.ignore_errors: raise Exception('Include ' + include.file + ' failed: ' + str(e)) return include.test.variables def check_circular(self, current_include: dict): path = current_include['file'] if [include for include in self.all_includes if include.file == path]: raise Exception('Circular dependencies for ' + path) def path_from_root(self, include_file: str or dict) -> dict: if isinstance(include_file, str): return {'file': join(self.path, include_file)} else: include_file['file'] = join(self.path, include_file['file']) return include_file
class Runner: def __init__(self, path: str, tests_path: str, inventory: str or None, modules=None, cmd_env=None, system_environment=None, resources=None, output_format=None, filter_list=None) -> None: # singletons init should be done before services, as singletons maybe used there FiltersHolder(filter_list) StepFactory(modules) self.tests_path = tests_path self.path = path self._compose = DockerCompose(resources) self.parser = Parser(path, inventory) self.holder = VariablesHolder( path, system_environment=system_environment, inventory_vars=self.parser.read_inventory(), cmd_env=cmd_env, resources=resources) if output_format: logger.log_storage = LogStorage(output_format) def run_tests(self, output: str = 'full') -> bool: """ Run the testcase :param output: 'full' - all output possible. 'limited' - only test end report & summary. 'final' - only summary. """ try: self._compose.up() results = [] for parse_result in self.parser.read_tests(self.tests_path): if parse_result.should_run: # parse successful variables = self.holder.variables # each test has it's own copy of global variables variables[ 'TEST_NAME'] = parse_result.test.file # variables are shared between test and includes with OptionalOutput(output == 'final'): for include in parse_result.run_on_include: # run all includes before the main test. self._run_test(include, variables, output=output, test_type='include') result = self._run_test(parse_result.test, variables, output=output) results.append(result) self._run_finally(parse_result.test, result) else: # parse failed (dependency/parsing problem) warning('Test ' + cut_path(self.tests_path, parse_result.test) +' failed: ') + str(parse_result.parse_error)) logger.log_storage.test_parse_fail( parse_result.test, parse_result.parse_error) results.append(False) return all(results) finally: logger.log_storage.write_report(join(self.path, 'reports')) logger.log_storage.print_summary(self.tests_path) self._compose.down() def _run_test(self, test: Test, global_variables: dict, output: str = 'full', test_type='test') -> bool: try: self.holder.prepare_variables(test, global_variables) logger.log_storage.test_start(test.file, test_type=test_type) test.check_ignored() with OptionalOutput(output == 'limited'): info(test_type.capitalize() + ' ' + cut_path(self.tests_path, test.file) +' passed.')) logger.log_storage.test_end(test.file, True, test_type=test_type) return True except SkipException: info(test_type.capitalize() + ' ' + cut_path(self.tests_path, test.file) + logger.yellow(' skipped.')) logger.log_storage.test_end(test.file, True, end_comment='Skipped', test_type=test_type) return True except Exception as e: warning(test_type.capitalize() + ' ' + cut_path(self.tests_path, test.file) +' failed: ') + str(e)) debug(traceback.format_exc()) logger.log_storage.test_end(test.file, False, str(e), test_type=test_type) return False def _run_finally(self, test, result: bool): if test and logger.log_storage.test_start(test.file, test_type='{}_cleanup'.format( test.file)) try: test.run_finally(result) info('Test ' + cut_path(self.tests_path, test.file) + ' [cleanup] ' +' passed.')) logger.log_storage.test_end(test.file, True, test_type='{} [cleanup]'.format( test.file)) except Exception as e: warning('Test ' + cut_path(self.tests_path, test.file) + ' [cleanup] ' +' failed: ') + str(e)) debug(traceback.format_exc()) logger.log_storage.test_end(test.file, False, test_type='{} [cleanup]'.format( test.file))