Esempio n. 1
    def plotVelocity(self,
        Plot velocity versus radius for every model in star_grid.
        @keyword star_grid: List of Star() instances. If default, model ids 
                            have to be given.
                            (default: [])
        @type star_grid: list[Star()]
        @keyword models: The model ids, only required if star_grid is []
                         (default: [])
        @type models: list[string]    
        @keyword fn_plt: A base plot filename. Includes folder. If not, a 
                         default is added
                         (default: '')
        @type fn_plt: string        
        @keyword force_plot: force a plotting if more than models are requested
                             (default: 0)
        @type force_plot: bool        
        @keyword cfg: path to the Plotting2.plotCols config file. If default, 
                      the hard-coded default plotting options are used.
                      (default: '')
        @type cfg: string

        print '***********************************'
        print '** Plotting Gas Velocity Profiles'
        if not star_grid and models:
            star_grid = self.makeStars(models=models)
        elif (not models and not star_grid) or (models and star_grid):
            print '** Input is undefined or doubly defined. Aborting.'

        cfg_dict = Plotting2.readCfg(cfg)
        if cfg_dict.has_key('filename'):
            fn_plt = cfg_dict.pop('filename')

        if len(star_grid) < 20 or force_plot:

            valid_sg = [
                star for star in star_grid if star['LAST_CHEMISTRY_MODEL']

            folders = [os.path.join(cc.path.cout,'models',\
                    star['LAST_CHEMISTRY_MODEL'])+'/' for star in valid_sg]

            radii = [DataIO.getChemistryPhysPar(folder+'csphyspar.out', 'RADIUS') \
                for folder in folders]
            temps = [DataIO.getChemistryPhysPar(folder+'csphyspar.out', 'VELOCITY') \
                for folder in folders]

            if temps:
                keytags = [
                    star['LAST_CHEMISTRY_MODEL'].replace('_', '\_')
                    for star in valid_sg

                #-- Set filenames
                pfn = fn_plt if fn_plt else 'velocity_profiles'
                pfn = self.setFnPlt(pfn)

                #-- Run the two plots
                keys_cm = [
                    'Model %i' % (i + 1) for i in xrange(len(star_grid))
                pfn = Plotting2.plotCols(x=radii,y=temps,cfg=cfg_dict,\
                        filename=pfn,xaxis='$r$ (cm)',\
                        yaxis=r'$v$ (km s$^{-1}$)',\
                print '** Plots can be found at:'
                print pfn
                print '***********************************'
Esempio n. 2
    def plotAbundanceProfiles(self,star_grid=[],models=[],force_plot=0,cfg='',\
        Plot abundance profiles for all molecules in every model.
        @keyword star_grid: List of Star() instances. If default, model ids 
                            have to be given.
                            (default: [])
        @type star_grid: list[Star()]
        @keyword models: The model ids, only required if star_grid is []
                         (default: [])
        @type models: list[string]
        @keyword force_plot: force a plotting if more than models are requested
                             (default: 0)
        @type force_plot: bool
        @keyword cfg: path to the Plotting2.plotCols config file. If default,
                      the hard-coded default plotting options are used.
                      (default: '')
        @type cfg: string
        @keyword fn_plt: A base plot filename. Includes folder. If not, a 
                         default is added
                         (default: '')
        @type fn_plt: string
        @keyword molecules: Molecules to be plotted.
                            (default: [])
        @type molecules: bool
        @keyword per_molecule: Plot one molecule for all models in one figure.
                               (default: 0)
        @type per_molecule: bool
        @keyword per_model: Plot all molecules for one model in one figure.
                            (default: 0)
        @type per_model: bool
        @keyword frac: Plot the fractional abundances. If not frac, plot number
                       (default: 1)
        @type frac: bool


        print '***********************************'
        print '** Plotting Abundance Profiles'
        if not star_grid and models:
            star_grid = self.makeStars(models=models)
        elif (not models and not star_grid) or (models and star_grid):
            print '** Input is undefined or doubly defined. Aborting.'
        pfns = []
        cfg_dict = Plotting2.readCfg(cfg)
        if cfg_dict.has_key('filename'):
            fn_plt = cfg_dict.pop('filename')
        if cfg_dict.has_key('molecules'):
            molecules = cfg_dict.pop('molecules')
        if cfg_dict.has_key('per_molecule'):
            per_molecule = cfg_dict['per_molecule']
        if cfg_dict.has_key('per_model'):
            per_model = cfg_dict['per_model']

        #-- Some general plot settings
        extra_pars = dict()
        extra_pars['ymin'] = 1e-9
        extra_pars['ymax'] = 1e-3
        extra_pars['ylogscale'] = 1
        extra_pars['xlogscale'] = 1
        extra_pars['figsize'] = (12.5, 8.5)
        extra_pars['xaxis'] = 'cm'

        #-- Dict to keep track of all data
        ddata = dict()
        for istar, star in enumerate(star_grid):
            if not star['LAST_CHEMISTRY_MODEL']: continue
            ddata[istar] = dict()

            folder = os.path.join(cc.path.cout,'models',\
            ddata[istar]['rad'] = DataIO.getChemistryPhysPar(folder+\
                'csphyspar.out', 'RADIUS')
            ddata[istar]['id'] = star['LAST_CHEMISTRY_MODEL']
            if frac:
                species = DataIO.getChemistryAbundances(folder + 'csfrac.out')
                species = DataIO.getChemistryAbundances(folder + 'csnum.out')

            for molec in molecules:
                ddata[istar][molec] = species[molec]

            if not per_molecule:
                #-- Collect all data
                radii = [ddata[istar]['rad']] * len(molecules)
                abuns = [ddata[istar][molec] for molec in molecules]
                keytags = molecules
                #ids = star['LAST_CHEMISTRY_MODEL']
                ids = ddata[istar]['id']

                #-- Set the yaxis tag
                yaxis = '$n_\mathrm{molec}/n_{\mathrm{H}_2}$'

                #-- Set filename
                pfn = fn_plt if fn_plt else 'abundance_profiles'
                suff = '_'.join(list(set(ids)))
                pfn = self.setFnPlt(pfn, fn_suffix=suff)


        if per_molecule:
            #-- Collect all data
            #molecs = list(set([molec for istar in ddata.keys()
            #for molec in ddata[istar].keys()]))
            for molec in molecules:
                #-- Collect data
                radii = [dstar['rad'] for istar, dstar in ddata.items()]
                abuns = [dstar[molec] for istar, dstar in ddata.items()]
                keytags = [
                    dstar['id'].replace('_', '\_')
                    for istar, dstar in ddata.items()

                #-- Set the y axis tag
                #strmolec = ddata[0][molec]['key']
                yaxis = '$n_\mathrm{%s}/n_{\mathrm{H}_2}$' % str(molec)

                #-- Make filename
                pfn = fn_plt if fn_plt else 'abundance_profiles'
                pfn = self.setFnPlt(pfn, fn_suffix=molec)


        if not per_molecule and pfns and pfns[0][-4:] == '.pdf':
            pfn = fn_plt if fn_plt else 'abundance_profiles'
            pfn = self.setFnPlt(pfn) + '.pdf'
            DataIO.joinPdf(old=pfns, new=pfn)
            print '** Plots can be found at:'
            print pfn
            print '***********************************'
            print '** Plots can be found at:'
            print '\n'.join(pfns)
            print '***********************************'