def _prep_section(self, book_key, ident): base_dir = self.repo_dir / book_key b = marccup.parser.generic.GenericParser() u = marccup.composer.html5.Html5Composer() t = (base_dir / 'part' / f'{ident:04d}').read_text() o = b.parse(t) g = oaktree.proxy.braket.BraketProxy() k = oaktree.proxy.braket.BraketProxy(indent=''), Path(base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{ident:04d}.parsed.bkt')), Path( base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{ident:04d}.parsednoindent.bkt')) h = oaktree.Leaf('tmp') u.compose(o, h)[0], Path( base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{ident:04d}.composed.bkt'))[0], Path( base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{ident:04d}.composednoindent.bkt')) f = oaktree.proxy.html5.Html5Proxy(indent='', fragment=True)[0], Path( base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{ident:04d}.result.html'))[0], Path(base_dir / ".cache" / "part" / f'{ident:04d}')) return[0])
def __init__(self, shelf=None, proxy=None): self.static_dir = Path(os.environ['SPEXT_static_DIR']) self.repo_dir = Path(os.environ['SPEXT_repo_DIR']) self.shelf = shelf self.proxy = proxy self.book_lst = (self.repo_dir / "index.json").load()
def plot(self, save_dir=None): v, f, n, d, t, z = self.prep() t_xx, j_xx, a_xx, s_xx = self.t_xx, self.j_xx, self.a_xx, self.s_xx T, J, A, S = self.symbolic_equation(n) plt.figure(figsize=(8.27, 11.69)) title = f"{self.bch} :: {self.param} :: {f(}" ### jerk ### plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) for i in range(n): plt.plot([ t_xx[i][0], ] + list(t_xx[i]) + [ t_xx[i][-1], ], [ 0.0, ] + list(j_xx[i]) + [ 0.0, ]) plt.grid() plt.title(title) plt.ylabel("jerk") ### acceleration ### plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) for i in range(n): plt.plot(t_xx[i], a_xx[i]) print([i.subs(v) for i in A]) a_lst = [f(i) for i in A] plt.plot(t, a_lst, 'o', color="grey") plt.grid() plt.ylabel("acceleration") ### speed ### plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) for i in range(n): plt.plot(t_xx[i], s_xx[i]) s_lst = [f(i) for i in S] plt.plot(t, s_lst, 'o', color="grey") plt.grid() plt.ylabel("speed") # check_sg, check_ag = check_target(s_lst[-1], val['S_g']), check_target(a_lst[-1], 0.0) if save_dir: save_pth = Path(save_dir) / f"trajbang3({self.param}).png" Path(save_dir).make_dirs() plt.savefig(str(save_pth)) print(save_pth) plt.close() else: save_pth = None
def save(self, pth): pth = Path(pth).with_suffix('.tsv') stack = [ self.rec_lst, ] for i in range(len(self.rec['t'])): stack.append([self.rec[k][i] for k in self.rec_lst])
def __init__(self): self.static_dir = Path(os.environ['MARCCUP_static_DIR']) self.shelf = marccup.server.shelf.MarccupShelf() self.proxy = marccup.server.proxy.MarccupProxy() self.to_html5 = marccup.composer.html5.Html5Composer()
class SpextShelf() : """ un objet générique, à instancier une seule fois, qui maintient la liste de tous les livres disponibles, permet la mise à jour des caches et la generation à la volée """ def __init__(self, repo_dir, debug=True) : self.repo_dir = Path(repo_dir).resolve() self.debug = debug self.book_map = dict() def scan(self, check=False) : print(f">>> SpextShelf.scan({self.repo_dir})") for pth in self.repo_dir.rglob('__doc__') : key = str(pth.parent.relative_to(self.repo_dir)) print(f"SpextShelf.scan({key})") value = if check : value.check() self.book_map[key] = value (self.repo_dir / "index.json").save(sorted(self.book_map)) print(f">>> SpextShelf.scan() DONE")
def __init__(self, base_dir, local_pth='.build_cache.shelve'): self.base_dir = Path(base_dir) self.local_pth = str(local_pth)q pth = self.cache_pth pth.make_parents() self.file_map = dict() self.in_progress = dict()
def __init__(self, node_name, replay_no) : self.node_name = node_name self.replay_no = replay_no self.node_dir = Path(os.environ["UNITEST_build_DIR"]).resolve() / node_name self.replay_dir = self.node_dir / "replay" / replay_no self.data_len = None self.data_pth = self.replay_dir / "context.reb"
def __init__(self): self.repo_dir = Path(os.environ['MARCCUP_repo_DIR']) self.book_set = set() for book_key in self.scan(self.repo_dir): self.install(book_key) self.book_set.add(book_key) print(self.book_set)
def _get_section(self, *pos, **nam): if 'b' not in nam or 's' not in nam: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400) if nam['b'] not in self.shelf.book_set: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) return self.proxy._get_section(nam['b'], int(nam['s'])) s = int(nam['s']) b = self.shelf[nam['b']] t = (b.base_dir / 'part' / f'{s:04d}').read_text() e = b.expand_shortcut(t) Path(b.base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{s:04d}.expanded.bkt').write_text(e) o = b.parse_section(e) g = oaktree.proxy.braket.BraketProxy() k = oaktree.proxy.braket.BraketProxy(indent=''), Path(b.base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{s:04d}.parsed.bkt')), Path(b.base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{s:04d}.parsednoindent.bkt')) h = oaktree.Leaf('tmp') self.to_html5.compose(o, h)[0], Path(b.base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{s:04d}.composed.bkt'))[0], Path(b.base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{s:04d}.composednoindent.bkt')) f = oaktree.proxy.html5.Html5Proxy(indent='', fragment=True)[0], Path(b.base_dir / ".tmp" / f'{s:04d}.result.html')) return[0])
def to_wsk_qnd_point(self, r_lst): w_lst = [ "wsk_qnd_point_T wsk_qnd_line_arr[wsk_qnd_line_LEN] = {", ] for verb, lat, lon, radius, alt, spd, width in r_lst: print(verb, lat, lon, radius, alt, spd, width) verb_id = 0 if radius == 0.0 else 1 w_lst.append('\t' + str([verb_id, [lat, lon], alt, spd, radius]).replace( '[', '{').replace(']', '}') + ',') w_lst.append("};") w_txt = '\n'.join(w_lst) Path("4_wsk_qnd.c").write_text(w_txt)
def __init__(self, base_dir) : self.base_dir = Path(base_dir).resolve() self.toc = self.ref = self.cache_dir = self.base_dir / '.cache' self.cache_dir.make_dirs() (self.cache_dir / 'part').make_dirs() self.log_pth = None self.ident_set = None self._last_ident = None
def check(self, a0: float, s0: float, ag: float, sg: float, result_dir=None): jm, am, a0, s0, ag, sg = self.__prep__(a0, s0, ag, sg) val = self.val def f(e): try: return float(e.subs(val)) except AttributeError: return float(e) res = self.compute(a0, s0, ag, sg) cmd, dur, T, J, A, S, D = self.integrate(res) # check all acceleration values are inside the limits (except a0 which can be out of bounds) ai_condition = all(self.check_is_inside(f(i), -am, am) for i in A[1:]) ag_condition = self.check_is_close(f(A[-1]), ag) sg_condition = self.check_is_close(f(S[-1]), sg) total_condition = ag_condition and ai_condition and sg_condition print( f"TrajBang3(jm={jm}, am={am}, a0={a0}, s0={s0}, ag={ag}, sg={sg}) ==>", k(total_condition)) print("> cmd :", '\t'.join(f"{i:5g}" for i in cmd)) print("> dur :", '\t'.join(f"{i:5g}" for i in dur)) print("-" * 4) print( " > T :", '\t'.join(f"{i:5g}" for i in ([ 0.0, ] + list(itertools.accumulate(T))))) print(" > A :", '\t'.join(f"{i:5g}" for i in A), f" \t=( {ag} )>", k(ag_condition), k(ai_condition)) print(" > S :", '\t'.join(f"{i:5g}" for i in S), f" \t=( {sg} )>", k(sg_condition)) print(" > D :", '\t'.join(f"{i:5g}" for i in D)) if not total_condition: with Path('error_listing.log').open('at') as fid: fid.write(f"\n{self.title} ==>\n\t{cmd}\n\t{dur}\n")
def _prep_section(self, key, ident): base_dir = self.repo_dir / key cache_dir = base_dir / '.cache' local_pth = Path('part') / f'{ident:05d}' # read the source_file src_pth = base_dir / local_pth src_byt = src_pth.read_bytes() src_hsh = '<!-- {0} -->'.format(hashlib.blake2s(src_byt).hexdigest()) # check the hash of the cached version dst_pth = cache_dir / local_pth try: with'rt') as fid: dst_hsh = fid.readline().strip() except FileNotFoundError: dst_hsh = '' if dst_hsh != src_hsh or key == '_test': print( f">>> SpextProxy._prep_section({key}, {ident}) \x1b[33mPROCESSED\x1b[0m" ) src_txt = src_byt.decode('utf8') if key == '_test': debug_dir = base_dir / '.debug' / f'{ident:05d}' debug_dir.make_dirs() else: debug_dir = None dst_txt = self.mcp_to_html(src_txt, debug_dir) with'wt') as fid: fid.write(src_hsh + '\n') fid.write(dst_txt) else: print( f">>> SpextProxy._prep_section({key}, {ident}) \x1b[36mCACHED\x1b[0m" )
def unroll_tempate(node_name, template_name, context_info): node_dir = Path(os.environ['UNITEST_build_DIR']) / node_name if not node_dir.is_dir(): raise ValueError("Not a valid model directory:{0}".format(node_dir)) template_dir = Path(os.environ['UNITEST_template_DIR']) / template_name if not template_dir.is_dir(): raise ValueError( "Not a valid template directory:{0}".format(template_dir)) unitest.unroll_template_folder(template_dir, node_dir, { 'scade_map': context_info, 'node_name': node_name })
def _prep_refer(self, book_key): # un fichier appelé référence, qui contient, pour chaque section, la liste des # alinea, paragraphes, figures, equations (ou l'inverse) # ce fichier est créé s'il n'existe pas, mais il n'est mis à jour que lorsqu'un fichier est modifié # ou lors d'une requête explicite refer_map = dict() section_set = set( int( for pth in (self.repo_dir / book_key / 'part').glob('*')) other_set = set() for s_ident in sorted(section_set): pth = self.repo_dir / book_key / 'part' / f'{s_ident:04d}' txt = pth.read_text() u = o_section = u.parse(txt) b = oaktree.proxy.braket.BraketProxy(), Path('debug.bkt')) for o in o_section.walk(): if o.ident != None: other_set.add(o.ident) if o.tag not in refer_map: refer_map[o.tag] = collections.defaultdict(set) refer_map[o.tag][s_ident].add(o.ident) refer_map['__next__'] = max(section_set | other_set) + 1 dst_pth = self.repo_dir / book_key / '.cache' / 'refer.json' print(refer_map) return refer_map
def map_interface(node_name, include_lst): cwd = Path(os.environ['UNITEST_build_DIR']) / node_name / "mapping" cwd.make_dirs() (cwd / 'structarray_interface.c').write_text(scade_interface_template) cmd = (["gcc", "-save-temps", "-std=c99", "-g"] + [f"-I{str(include_dir)}" for include_dir in include_lst] + ["structarray_interface.c", "-o", "structarray_interface.exe"]) ret =*cmd) if ret.returncode != 0: raise ValueError("gcc couldn't compile properly") ret ="./structarray_interface.exe") for k in ["input", "output"]: u = structarray.StructInfo(cwd / 'structarray_interface.exe') u.parse(k), k)
def __init__(self, meta=None, data=None): self.meta = None = None self.length = 0 if meta is not None: m = Path(meta) if m.is_file(): self.meta = m self.load_meta(m) if data is not None: d = Path(data) if d.is_file(): = d self.load_data(d) self.extract_map = dict() self.extract_lst = list()
def map_context(node_name, include_lst): cwd = Path(os.environ['UNITEST_build_DIR']) / node_name / "mapping" cwd.make_dirs() (cwd / 'structarray_context.c').write_text( scade_context_template.format(node_name=node_name)) cmd = (["gcc", "-save-temps", "-std=c99", "-g"] + [f"-I{str(include_dir)}" for include_dir in include_lst] + ["structarray_context.c", "-o", "structarray_context.exe"]) ret =*cmd) if ret.returncode != 0: raise ValueError("gcc couldn't compile properly") ret ="./structarray_context.exe") txt = ret.stdout.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) (cwd / "structarray_ctype.json").write_text(txt.replace(',\n}', '\n}')) u = structarray.StructInfo(cwd / 'structarray_context.exe') u.parse('context'), 'context') return u
def plot_3(c, d, val, prefix="check/"): # on recopie val val = {k: v for k, v in val.items()} n = len(c) T, J, A, S = symbolic_equation_3(n) print("d = ", d) t = np.cumsum([ 0.0, ] + d) print("t = ", t) z = [float(i * val['J_m']) for i in c] print("z = ", z) for i in range(n): val[f"T_{i}"] = d[i] val[f"J_{i}"] = z[i] t_xx = [np.linspace(t[i], t[i + 1], 50) for i in range(n)] plt.figure(figsize=(8.27, 11.69)) title = f"jm={val['J_m']}, am={val['A_m']}, a0={val['A_0']}, s0={val['S_0']}, sg={val['S_g']}" ### jerk ### plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) j_xx = [(np.ones_like(t_xx[0]) * z[i]) for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): plt.plot([ t_xx[i][0], ] + list(t_xx[i]) + [ t_xx[i][-1], ], [ 0.0, ] + list(j_xx[i]) + [ 0.0, ]) plt.grid() plt.title(title) plt.ylabel("jerk") ### acceleration ### plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) a_xx = list() for i in range(n): a_xx.append((a_xx[-1][-1] if a_xx else val['A_0']) + (t_xx[i] - t[i]) * j_xx[i][0]) for i in range(n): plt.plot(t_xx[i], a_xx[i]) a_lst = [i.subs(val) for i in A] plt.plot(t, a_lst, 'o', color="grey") plt.grid() plt.ylabel("acceleration") print("acc:", ', '.join(f'{round(float(i), 5):8.5f}' for i in a_lst)) ### speed ### plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) s_xx = list() for i in range(n): s_xx.append((s_xx[-1][-1] if s_xx else val['S_0']) + (a_xx[i][0] * (t_xx[i] - t[i])) + (j_xx[i][0] * (t_xx[i] - t[i])**2 / 2.0)) for i in range(n): plt.plot(t_xx[i], s_xx[i]) s_lst = [i.subs(val) for i in S] plt.plot(t, s_lst, 'o', color="grey") plt.grid() plt.ylabel("speed") print("spd:", ', '.join(f'{round(float(i), 5):8.5f}' for i in s_lst)) if prefix: check_sg, check_ag = check_target(s_lst[-1], val['S_g']), check_target( a_lst[-1], 0.0) #if check_sg != "OK" or check_ag != "OK" : Path("check").make_dirs() plt.savefig( f"check/{prefix}.compute_3({title}).{check_sg}.{check_ag}.png") else: return a_lst, s_lst
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math from cc_pathlib import Path import goto.globe.aircraft import goto.globe.common goto.globe.common.earth_radius = 1000.0 / math.pi u = goto.globe.aircraft.Aircraft(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, math.radians(90.0), 1.0, 0.0) for i in range(100): u.step() u.dump(Path("go_east.tsv"))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import random import sys random.seed(0) from cc_pathlib import Path tmp_dir = Path('./tmp') tmp_dir.make_dirs() tmp_dir.delete(content_only=True) letter = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' content_map = dict() for i in range(256): l = random.randrange(8, 16) c = random.randrange(len(letter)) m = letter[c] * l (tmp_dir / f"{i:04d}.txt").write_text(m) content_map[i] = m tmp_dir.dedup('*.txt') exit_value = 0 for i in content_map: m_ref = content_map[i] m_tst = (tmp_dir / f"{i:04d}.txt").read_text()
self.extract() stack = self.get_stack() header = stack[0] has_error = False print("\x1b[31mNan\x1b[0m") print("\x1b[32mInf\x1b[0m") for n, line in enumerate(stack[1:]): print(f"--- {n}") for i, item in enumerate(line): if math.isnan(item): print(f"\x1b[31m{header[i]}\x1b[0m") has_error = True if math.isinf(item): print(f"\x1b[32m{header[i]}\x1b[0m") has_error = True if has_error: break if __name__ == '__main__': u = StructArray( Path( "/C/autools/source/a876969/vertex/unitest/build/EagleStateEstimator/mapping/context.tsv" ), Path( "/C/autools/source/a876969/vertex/unitest/build/EagleStateEstimator/replay/test01/context.reb" )) u.to_tsv(Path("debug.tsv")) u.debug_nan(4)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math from cc_pathlib import Path import goto.globe.aircraft import goto.globe.common goto.globe.common.earth_radius = 1000.0 / math.pi u = goto.globe.aircraft.Aircraft(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, math.radians(0.0), 1.0, 0.0) for i in range(100): u.step() u.dump(Path("go_north.tsv"))
def __init__(self): # load centerline_pth = Path("1_centerline.json") effective_pth = Path("2_effective.json") if Path("0_skeleton.json").is_file(): self.r_skeleton = Path("0_skeleton.json").load() self.plot_segment(self.r_skeleton, Path("0_skeleton.plot.json")) # apply first pass self.r_centerline = self.pass_1(self.r_skeleton) Path("1_centerline.json").save(self.r_centerline) self.plot_segment(self.r_centerline, Path("1_centerline.plot.json")) self.plot_corridor(Path("3_corridor.plot.json")) if centerline_pth.is_file(): self.r_effective = self.pass_2(self.r_centerline) Path("2_effective.json").save(self.r_centerline) else: self.r_effective = effective_pth.load() self.plot_segment(self.r_effective, Path("2_effective.plot.json")) self.to_wsk_qnd_point(self.r_effective)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import collections from cc_pathlib import Path from goto.globe.blip import Blip WskPt = collections.namedtuple('WskPt', ['verb', 'pos', 'radius', 'alt', 'spd', 'width']) w_lst = list() for p in Path("source.json").load() : w = WskPt(("GOTO" if len(w_lst) else "START"), Blip(p['lat'], p['lon']), p['leg_radius'], p['alt'], p['speed'], p['corridor_radius']) w_lst.append([w.verb,, w.pos.lon, -w.radius, w.alt, w.spd, w.width]) Path("2_effective.json").save(w_lst, filter_opt={'verbose':True})
if self.output is None: self.output = self.fid.getvalue() elif isinstance(self.output, list): self.output = '\n'.join(self.output) else: self.fid.close() def __enter__(self): return self, def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() if __name__ == '__main__': # objet ouvert sur un handler de fichier ouvert en écriture fid = open("tutu_fid.txt", 'wt') with UniversalWriter(fid) as (u, w): w("toto\n") # objet ouvert sur un Path() pth = Path("tutu_Path.txt") with UniversalWriter(pth) as (u, w): w("toto\n") # objet ouvert sur None with UniversalWriter() as (u, w): w("toto\n") print(u.fid.getvalue())
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import traceback from cc_pathlib import Path import mako.template unitest_dir = Path(os.environ['UNITEST_build_DIR']) def unroll_template_file(src_dir, src_pth, dst_dir, arg_nam) : #print("unroll_template_file({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})".format(src_dir, src_pth, dst_dir, arg_nam)) src_pth = (src_dir / src_pth) if src_pth.is_file() : if src_pth.suffix == ".mako" : m = mako.template.Template(filename=str(src_pth), module_directory=str(unitest_dir / '.mako_template')) dst_pth = (dst_dir / src_pth.relative_to(src_dir)).with_suffix('') # print("MAKO :: {0}\n -> {1}".format(src_pth, dst_pth)) dst_pth.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try : dst_pth.write_text(m.render(** arg_nam)) except Exception as e : dst_pth.write_text(f'Failed rendering ! {e}\n------\n{traceback.format_exc()}') else : dst_pth = (dst_dir / src_pth.relative_to(src_dir)) # print("COPY :: {0}\n -> {1}".format(src_pth, dst_pth)) dst_pth.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dst_pth.write_bytes(src_pth.read_bytes()) else : raise ValueError("not a valid .mako file:{0}".format(src_dir / src_pth))
def __init__(self, repo_dir, debug=True) : self.repo_dir = Path(repo_dir).resolve() self.debug = debug self.book_map = dict()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from cc_pathlib import Path import oaktree import marccup section_name = sys.argv[1] section_pth = Path("document") / f"{section_name}.bkt" section_txt = section_pth.read_text() u = marccup.Parser(debug_dir=Path("tmp")) p = oaktree.Leaf("section") u.parse_section(p, section_txt) v = marccup.Composer(p, Path("tmp/result.html"))