Esempio n. 1
 def before_parsing(self):
     self.geoopt = False # Is this a GeoOpt? Needed for SCF targets/values.
     self.periodic_table = utils.PeriodicTable()
Esempio n. 2
def symbol2int(symbol):
    t = utils.PeriodicTable()
    return t.number[symbol]
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, source, loglevel=logging.INFO, logname="Log",
                 logstream=sys.stdout, datatype=ccData_optdone_bool, **kwds):
        """Initialise the Logfile object.

        This should be called by a subclass in its own __init__ method.

            source - a logfile, list of logfiles, or stream with at least a read method
            loglevel - integer corresponding to a log level from the logging module
            logname - name of the source logfile passed to this constructor
            logstream - where to output the logging information
            datatype - class to use for gathering data attributes

        # Set the filename to source if it is a string or a list of strings, which are
        # assumed to be filenames. Otherwise, assume the source is a file-like object
        # if it has a read method, and we will try to use it like a stream.
        if isinstance(source, str):
            self.filename = source
            self.isstream = False
        elif isinstance(source, list) and all([isinstance(s, str) for s in source]):
            self.filename = source
            self.isstream = False
        elif hasattr(source, "read"):
            self.filename = "stream %s" % str(type(source))
            self.isstream = True
   = source
            raise ValueError

        # Set up the logger.
        # Note that calling logging.getLogger() with one name always returns the same instance.
        # Presently in cclib, all parser instances of the same class use the same logger,
        #   which means that care needs to be taken not to duplicate handlers.
        self.loglevel = loglevel
        self.logname = logname
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('%s %s' % (self.logname, self.filename))
        if len(self.logger.handlers) == 0:
            handler = logging.StreamHandler(logstream)
            handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("[%(name)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s"))

        # Set up the metadata.
        if not hasattr(self, "metadata"):
            self.metadata = {}
            self.metadata["package"] = self.logname
            self.metadata["methods"] = []

        # Periodic table of elements.
        self.table = utils.PeriodicTable()

        # This is the class that will be used in the data object returned by parse(), and should
        # normally be ccData or a subclass of it.
        self.datatype = datatype

        # Change the class used if we want optdone to be a list or if the 'future' option
        # is used, which might have more consequences in the future.
        optdone_as_list = kwds.get("optdone_as_list", False) or kwds.get("future", False)
        optdone_as_list = optdone_as_list if isinstance(optdone_as_list, bool) else False
        if optdone_as_list:
            self.datatype = ccData
Esempio n. 4
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        # Extract the version number and optionally the Git tag and hash.
        if "version" in line:
            match ="\s{2,}version\s(\d*\.\d*)", line)
            if match:
                package_version = match.groups()[0]
                self.metadata["package_version"] = package_version
        # Don't add revision information to the main package version for now.
        if "tag" in line:
            tag = line.split()[-1]
        if "build" in line:
            match ="\*\s*build\s(\S*)\s*\*", line)
            if match:
                revision = match.groups()[0]

        ## This section is present when executing &GATEWAY.
        # ++    Molecular structure info:
        #       -------------------------

        #                     ************************************************
        #                     **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom ****
        #                     ************************************************

        #      Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        #         1      C1               0.526628      -2.582937       0.000000              0.278679      -1.366832       0.000000
        #         2      C2               2.500165      -0.834760       0.000000              1.323030      -0.441736       0.000000
        if line[25:63] == 'Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom':
            if not hasattr(self, 'atomnos'):
                self.atomnos = []
            if not hasattr(self, 'atomcoords'):
                self.atomcoords = []

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['stars', 'blank', 'header'])

            line = next(inputfile)

            atomelements = []
            atomcoords = []

            while not
                sline = line.split()
                atomcoords.append(list(map(float, sline[5:])))
                line = next(inputfile)


            if self.atomnos == []:
                self.atomnos = [
                    for atomelement in atomelements

            if not hasattr(self, 'natom'):
                self.set_attribute('natom', len(self.atomnos))

        ## This section is present when executing &SCF.
        #  ++    Orbital specifications:
        #  -----------------------

        #  Symmetry species               1

        #  Frozen orbitals                0
        #  Occupied orbitals              3
        #  Secondary orbitals            77
        #  Deleted orbitals               0
        #  Total number of orbitals      80
        #  Number of basis functions     80
        #  --
        if line[:29] == '++    Orbital specifications:':

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['dashes', 'blank'])

            line = next(inputfile)

            while line[:2] != '--':

                if line[6:30] == 'Total number of orbitals':
                    self.set_attribute('nmo', int(line.split()[-1]))
                if line[6:31] == 'Number of basis functions':
                    self.set_attribute('nbasis', int(line.split()[-1]))

                line = next(inputfile)

        #Parsing the molecular charge
        if line[6:23] == 'Molecular charge ':
            self.set_attribute('charge', int(float(line.split()[-1])))

        #  ++    Molecular charges:
        #  ------------------

        #  Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
        #  ---------------------------------------------------

        #         C1
        #  1s     2.0005
        #  2s     2.0207
        #  2px    0.0253
        #  2pz    0.1147
        #  2py    1.8198
        #  *s    -0.0215
        #  *px    0.0005
        #  *pz    0.0023
        #  *py    0.0368
        #  *d2+   0.0002
        #  *d1+   0.0000
        #  *d0    0.0000
        #  *d1-   0.0000
        #  *d2-   0.0000
        #  *f3+   0.0000
        #  *f2+   0.0001
        #  *f1+   0.0000
        #  *f0    0.0001
        #  *f1-   0.0001
        #  *f2-   0.0000
        #  *f3-   0.0003
        #  *g4+   0.0000
        #  *g3+   0.0000
        #  *g2+   0.0000
        #  *g1+   0.0000
        #  *g0    0.0000
        #  *g1-   0.0000
        #  *g2-   0.0000
        #  *g3-   0.0000
        #  *g4-   0.0000
        #  Total  6.0000

        #  N-E    0.0000

        #  Total electronic charge=    6.000000

        #  Total            charge=    0.000000
        if line[:24] == '++    Molecular charges:':

            atomcharges = []

            while line[6:29] != 'Total electronic charge':
                line = next(inputfile)
                if line[6:9] == 'N-E':
                    atomcharges.extend(map(float, line.split()[1:]))

            # Molcas only performs Mulliken population analysis.
            self.set_attribute('atomcharges', {'mulliken': atomcharges})

            # Ensure the charge printed here is identical to the
            # charge printed before entering the SCF.
            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')
            line = next(inputfile)
            assert line[6:30] == 'Total            charge='
            if hasattr(self, 'charge'):
                assert int(float(line.split()[2])) == self.charge

        # This section is present when executing &SCF
        # This section parses the total SCF Energy.
        # *****************************************************************************************************************************
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                             SCF/KS-DFT Program, Final results                                             *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                       Final Results                                                       *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *****************************************************************************************************************************

        # ::    Total SCF energy                                -37.6045426484
        if line[:
                22] == '::    Total SCF energy' or line[:
                                                        25] == '::    Total KS-DFT energy':
            if not hasattr(self, 'scfenergies'):
                self.scfenergies = []
            scfenergy = float(line.split()[-1])
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(scfenergy, 'hartree',

        ## Parsing the scftargets in this section
        #  ++    Optimization specifications:
        #  ----------------------------

        #  SCF Algorithm: Conventional
        #  Minimized density differences are used
        #  Number of density matrices in core                9
        #  Maximum number of NDDO SCF iterations           400
        #  Maximum number of HF  SCF iterations            400
        #  Threshold for SCF energy change            0.10E-08
        #  Threshold for density matrix               0.10E-03
        #  Threshold for Fock matrix                  0.15E-03
        #  Threshold for linear dependence            0.10E-08
        #  Threshold at which DIIS is turned on       0.15E+00
        #  Threshold at which QNR/C2DIIS is turned on 0.75E-01
        #  Threshold for Norm(delta) (QNR/C2DIIS)     0.20E-04
        if line[:34] == '++    Optimization specifications:':
            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['d', 'b'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            if line.strip().startswith('SCF'):
                scftargets = []
                                ['Minimized', 'Number', 'Maximum', 'Maximum'])
                lines = [next(inputfile) for i in range(7)]
                targets = [
                    'Threshold for SCF energy change',
                    'Threshold for density matrix',
                    'Threshold for Fock matrix',
                    'Threshold for Norm(delta)',
                for y in targets:
                        [float(x.split()[-1]) for x in lines if y in x])

                self.append_attribute('scftargets', scftargets)

        #  ++ Convergence information
        #                                     SCF        iterations: Energy and convergence statistics
        #  Iter     Tot. SCF       One-electron     Two-electron   Energy   Max Dij or  Max Fij    DNorm      TNorm     AccCon    Time
        #             Energy          Energy          Energy       Change   Delta Norm                                          in Sec.
        #     1    -36.83817703    -50.43096166     13.59278464  0.00E+00   0.16E+00*  0.27E+01*   0.30E+01   0.33E+02   NoneDa    0.
        #     2    -36.03405202    -45.74525152      9.71119950  0.80E+00*  0.14E+00*  0.93E-02*   0.26E+01   0.43E+01   Damp      0.
        #     3    -37.08936118    -48.41536598     11.32600480 -0.11E+01*  0.12E+00*  0.91E-01*   0.97E+00   0.16E+01   Damp      0.
        #     4    -37.31610460    -50.54103969     13.22493509 -0.23E+00*  0.11E+00*  0.96E-01*   0.72E+00   0.27E+01   Damp      0.
        #     5    -37.33596239    -49.47021484     12.13425245 -0.20E-01*  0.59E-01*  0.59E-01*   0.37E+00   0.16E+01   Damp      0.
        if line[46:91] == 'iterations: Energy and convergence statistics':

            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')

            while line.split() != [
                    'Energy', 'Energy', 'Energy', 'Change', 'Delta', 'Norm',
                    'in', 'Sec.'
                line = next(inputfile)

            scfvalues = []
            line = next(inputfile)
            while line.split()[0] != 'Convergence':
                if line.split()[0].isdigit():
                    info = line.split()
                    energy = float(info[4].replace('*', ''))
                    density = float(info[5].replace('*', ''))
                    fock = float(info[6].replace('*', ''))
                    dnorm = float(info[7].replace('*', ''))
                    scfvalues.append([energy, density, fock, dnorm])

                    line = next(inputfile)
                    if line.split() == []:
                        line = next(inputfile)
                except StopIteration:
                        'File terminated before end of last SCF!')

            self.append_attribute('scfvalues', scfvalues)

        #  Harmonic frequencies in cm-1
        #  IR Intensities in km/mol
        #                         1         2         3         4         5         6
        #      Frequency:       i60.14    i57.39    128.18    210.06    298.24    309.65
        #      Intensity:    3.177E-03 2.129E-06 4.767E-01 2.056E-01 6.983E-07 1.753E-07
        #      Red. mass:      2.42030   2.34024   2.68044   3.66414   2.61721   3.34904
        #      C1         x   -0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  -0.05921   0.00000  -0.06807
        #      C1         y    0.00001  -0.00001  -0.00001   0.00889   0.00001  -0.02479
        #      C1         z   -0.03190   0.04096  -0.03872   0.00001  -0.12398  -0.00002
        #      C2         x   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000  -0.06504   0.00000  -0.03487
        #      C2         y    0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000   0.01045   0.00001  -0.05659
        #      C2         z   -0.03703  -0.03449  -0.07269   0.00000  -0.07416  -0.00001
        #      C3         x   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000  -0.06409  -0.00001   0.05110
        #      C3         y   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000   0.00152   0.00000  -0.03263
        #      C3         z   -0.03808  -0.08037  -0.07267  -0.00001   0.07305   0.00000
        # ...
        #      H20        y    0.00245  -0.00394   0.03215   0.03444  -0.10424  -0.10517
        #      H20        z    0.00002  -0.00001   0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000   0.00000
        # ++ Thermochemistry
        if line[1:29] == 'Harmonic frequencies in cm-1':

            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')
            line = next(inputfile)

            while 'Thermochemistry' not in line:

                if 'Frequency:' in line:
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                        self.vibfreqs = []
                    vibfreqs = [
                        float(i.replace('i', '-')) for i in line.split()[1:]

                if 'Intensity:' in line:
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibirs'):
                        self.vibirs = []
                    vibirs = map(float, line.split()[1:])

                if 'Red.' in line:
                    self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')
                    line = next(inputfile)
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibdisps'):
                        self.vibdisps = []
                    disps = []
                    for n in range(3 * self.natom):
                        numbers = [float(s) for s in line[17:].split()]
                        # The atomindex should start at 0 instead of 1.
                        atomindex = int(
                                      line.split()[0]).group()) - 1
                        numbermodes = len(numbers)
                        if len(disps) == 0:
                            # Appends empty array of the following
                            # dimensions (numbermodes, natom, 0) to disps.
                            for mode in range(numbermodes):
                                              for x in range(0, self.natom)])
                        for mode in range(numbermodes):
                        line = next(inputfile)

                line = next(inputfile)

        ## Parsing thermochemistry attributes here
        #  ++ Thermochemistry
        #   *********************
        #   *                   *
        #   *  THERMOCHEMISTRY  *
        #   *                   *
        #   *********************
        #   Mass-centered Coordinates (Angstrom):
        #   ***********************************************************
        # ...
        #   *****************************************************
        #   Temperature =     0.00 Kelvin, Pressure =   1.00 atm
        #   -----------------------------------------------------
        #   Molecular Partition Function and Molar Entropy:
        #                          q/V (M**-3)    S(kcal/mol*K)
        #   Electronic            0.100000D+01        0.000
        #   Translational         0.100000D+01        0.000
        #   Rotational            0.100000D+01        2.981
        #   Vibrational           0.100000D+01        0.000
        #   TOTAL                 0.100000D+01        2.981
        #   Thermal contributions to INTERNAL ENERGY:
        #   Electronic           0.000 kcal/mol      0.000000 au.
        #   Translational        0.000 kcal/mol      0.000000 au.
        #   Rotational           0.000 kcal/mol      0.000000 au.
        #   Vibrational        111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   TOTAL              111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   Thermal contributions to
        #   ENTHALPY           111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   GIBBS FREE ENERGY  111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   Sum of energy and thermal contributions
        #   INTERNAL ENERGY                       -382.121931 au.
        #   ENTHALPY                              -382.121931 au.
        #   GIBBS FREE ENERGY                     -382.121931 au.
        #   -----------------------------------------------------
        # ...
        #   ENTHALPY                              -382.102619 au.
        #   GIBBS FREE ENERGY                     -382.179819 au.
        #   -----------------------------------------------------
        #  --
        #  ++    Isotopic shifts:
        if line[4:19] == 'THERMOCHEMISTRY':

            temperature_values = []
            pressure_values = []
            entropy_values = []
            internal_energy_values = []
            enthalpy_values = []
            free_energy_values = []

            while 'Isotopic' not in line:

                if line[1:12] == 'Temperature':

                if line[1:
                        48] == 'Molecular Partition Function and Molar Entropy:':
                    while 'TOTAL' not in line:
                        line = next(inputfile)
                        utils.convertor(float(line.split()[2]), 'kcal',

                if line[1:40] == 'Sum of energy and thermal contributions':

                line = next(inputfile)
            # When calculations for more than one temperature value are
            # performed, the values corresponding to room temperature (298.15 K)
            # are returned and if no calculations are performed for 298.15 K, then
            # the values corresponding last temperature value are returned.
            index = -1
            if 298.15 in temperature_values:
                index = temperature_values.index(298.15)

            self.set_attribute('temperature', temperature_values[index])
            if len(temperature_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of temperature found')

            self.set_attribute('pressure', pressure_values[index])
            if len(pressure_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of pressure found')

            self.set_attribute('entropy', entropy_values[index])
            if len(entropy_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of entropy found')

            self.set_attribute('enthalpy', enthalpy_values[index])
            if len(enthalpy_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of enthalpy found')

            self.set_attribute('freeenergy', free_energy_values[index])
            if len(free_energy_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of freeenergy found')

        ## Parsing Geometrical Optimization attributes in this section.
        #  ++       Slapaf input parameters:
        #  ------------------------
        # Max iterations:                            2000
        # Convergence test a la Schlegel.
        # Convergence criterion on gradient/para.<=: 0.3E-03
        # Convergence criterion on step/parameter<=: 0.3E-03
        # Convergence criterion on energy change <=: 0.0E+00
        # Max change of an internal coordinate:     0.30E+00
        # ...
        # ...
        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #  *                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #                          Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian
        #  Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index
        #    1   -382.30023222  0.00000000 0.107221  0.039531 nrc047   0.085726  nrc047     -382.30533799 RS-RFO  None      0
        #    2   -382.30702964 -0.00679742 0.043573  0.014908 nrc001   0.068195  nrc001     -382.30871333 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #    3   -382.30805348 -0.00102384 0.014883  0.005458 nrc010  -0.020973  nrc001     -382.30822089 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        # ...
        # ...
        #   18   -382.30823419 -0.00000136 0.001032  0.000100 nrc053   0.012319  nrc053     -382.30823452 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #   19   -382.30823198  0.00000221 0.001051 -0.000092 nrc054   0.066565  nrc053     -382.30823822 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #   20   -382.30820252  0.00002946 0.001132 -0.000167 nrc021  -0.064003  nrc053     -382.30823244 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #         +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #         +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
        #         +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + RMS + 5.7330E-02  1.2000E-03     No    + 1.6508E-04  3.0000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + Max + 1.2039E-01  1.8000E-03     No    + 1.6711E-04  4.5000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        if 'Convergence criterion on energy change' in line:
            self.energy_threshold = float(line.split()[6])
            # If energy change threshold equals zero,
            # then energy change is not a criteria for convergence.
            if self.energy_threshold == 0:
                self.energy_threshold = numpy.inf

        if 'Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization' in line:
            if not hasattr(self, 'geovalues'):
                self.geovalues = []

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['stars', 'header'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            assert 'Iter      Energy       Change     Norm' in line
            # A variable keeping track of ongoing iteration.
            iter_number = len(self.geovalues) + 1
            # Iterate till blank line.
            while line.split() != []:
                for i in range(iter_number):
                    line = next(inputfile)
                line = next(inputfile)
            # Along with energy change, RMS and Max values of change in
            # Cartesian Diaplacement and Gradients are used as optimization
            # criteria.
                            ['border', 'header', 'header', 'border'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            assert '+ RMS +' in line
            line_rms = line.split()
            line = next(inputfile)
            line_max = next(inputfile).split()
            if not hasattr(self, 'geotargets'):
                # The attribute geotargets is an array consisting of the following
                # values: [Energy threshold, Max Gradient threshold, RMS Gradient threshold, \
                #          Max Displacements threshold, RMS Displacements threshold].
                max_gradient_threshold = float(line_max[8])
                rms_gradient_threshold = float(line_rms[8])
                max_displacement_threshold = float(line_max[4])
                rms_displacement_threshold = float(line_rms[4])
                self.geotargets = [
                    self.energy_threshold, max_gradient_threshold,
                    rms_gradient_threshold, max_displacement_threshold,

            max_gradient_change = float(line_max[7])
            rms_gradient_change = float(line_rms[7])
            max_displacement_change = float(line_max[3])
            rms_displacement_change = float(line_rms[3])
            self.geovalues[iter_number - 1].extend([
                max_gradient_change, rms_gradient_change,
                max_displacement_change, rms_displacement_change

        #   *********************************************************
        #   * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
        #   *********************************************************
        #    ATOM              X               Y               Z
        #    C1               0.235560       -1.415847        0.012012
        #    C2               1.313797       -0.488199        0.015149
        #    C3               1.087050        0.895510        0.014200
        # ...
        # ...
        #    H19             -0.021327       -4.934915       -0.029355
        #    H20             -1.432030       -3.721047       -0.039835
        #  --
        if 'Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom' in line:
            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['s', 'header'])
            line = next(inputfile)

            atomcoords = []
            while line.split() != []:
                atomcoords.append([float(c) for c in line.split()[1:]])
                line = next(inputfile)


        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #  *                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #                         Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian
        #  Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index
        #    1   -382.30023222  0.00000000 0.107221  0.039531 nrc047   0.085726  nrc047     -382.30533799 RS-RFO  None      0
        # ...
        # ...
        #   23   -382.30823115 -0.00000089 0.001030  0.000088 nrc053   0.000955  nrc053     -382.30823118 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #         +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #         +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
        #         +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + RMS + 7.2395E-04  1.2000E-03     Yes   + 2.7516E-04  3.0000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + Max + 1.6918E-03  1.8000E-03     Yes   + 8.7768E-05  4.5000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   Geometry is converged in  23 iterations to a Minimum Structure
        if 'Geometry is converged' in line:
            if not hasattr(self, 'optdone'):
                self.optdone = []

        #   *********************************************************
        #   * Nuclear coordinates of the final structure / Angstrom *
        #   *********************************************************
        #    ATOM              X               Y               Z
        #    C1               0.235547       -1.415838        0.012193
        #    C2               1.313784       -0.488201        0.015297
        #    C3               1.087036        0.895508        0.014333
        # ...
        # ...
        #    H19             -0.021315       -4.934913       -0.029666
        #    H20             -1.431994       -3.721026       -0.041078
        if 'Nuclear coordinates of the final structure / Angstrom' in line:
            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['s', 'header'])
            line = next(inputfile)

            atomcoords = []

            while line.split() != []:
                atomcoords.append([float(c) for c in line.split()[1:]])
                line = next(inputfile)


        #        All orbitals with orbital energies smaller than  E(LUMO)+0.5 are printed
        #  ++    Molecular orbitals:
        #        -------------------
        #        Title: RKS-DFT orbitals
        #        Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a
        #            Orbital        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
        #            Energy      -10.0179  -10.0179  -10.0075  -10.0075  -10.0066  -10.0066  -10.0056  -10.0055   -9.9919   -9.9919
        #            Occ. No.      2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000
        #          1 C1    1s     -0.6990    0.6989    0.0342    0.0346    0.0264   -0.0145   -0.0124   -0.0275   -0.0004   -0.0004
        #          2 C1    2s     -0.0319    0.0317   -0.0034   -0.0033   -0.0078    0.0034    0.0041    0.0073   -0.0002   -0.0002
        # ...
        # ...
        #         58 H18   1s      0.2678
        #         59 H19   1s     -0.2473
        #         60 H20   1s      0.1835
        #  --
        if '++    Molecular orbitals:' in line:
            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['d', 'b'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            if 'Natural orbitals' not in line:
                self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['b', 'symm'])
                line = next(inputfile)
                moenergies = []
                homos = 0
                mocoeffs = []
                while line[:2] != '--':
                    line = next(inputfile)
                    if line.strip().startswith('Orbital'):
                        orbital_index = line.split()[1:]
                        for i in orbital_index:

                    if 'Energy' in line:
                        energies = [
                            utils.convertor(float(x), 'hartree', 'eV')
                            for x in line.split()[1:]

                    if 'Occ. No.' in line:
                        for i in line.split()[2:]:
                            if float(i) != 0:
                                homos += 1

                    aonames = []
                    tokens = line.split()
                    if tokens and tokens[0] == '1':
                        while tokens and tokens[0] != '--':
                                atom=tokens[1], orbital=tokens[2]))
                            info = tokens[3:]
                            j = 0
                            for i in orbital_index:
                                mocoeffs[int(i) - 1].append(float(info[j]))
                                j += 1
                            line = next(inputfile)
                            tokens = line.split()
                        self.set_attribute('aonames', aonames)

                if len(moenergies) != self.nmo:
                        [numpy.nan for x in range(self.nmo - len(moenergies))])

                self.append_attribute('moenergies', moenergies)

                if not hasattr(self, 'homos'):
                    self.homos = []
                self.homos.extend([homos - 1])

                while len(mocoeffs) < self.nmo:
                    nan_array = [numpy.nan for i in range(self.nbasis)]

                self.append_attribute('mocoeffs', mocoeffs)

        ## Parsing MP energy from the &MBPT2 module.
        #  Conventional algorithm used...
        #         SCF energy                           =      -74.9644564043 a.u.
        #         Second-order correlation energy      =       -0.0364237923 a.u.
        #         Total energy                         =      -75.0008801966 a.u.
        #         Reference weight ( Cref**2 )         =        0.98652
        #  ::    Total MBPT2 energy                              -75.0008801966
        #         Zeroth-order energy (E0)             =      -36.8202538520 a.u.
        #         Shanks-type energy S1(E)             =      -75.0009150108 a.u.
        if 'Total MBPT2 energy' in line:
            mpenergies = []
                utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[4]), 'hartree', 'eV'))
            if not hasattr(self, 'mpenergies'):
                self.mpenergies = []

        # Parsing data ccenergies from &CCSDT module.
        #  --- Start Module: ccsdt at Thu Jul 26 14:03:23 2018 ---
        #  ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()
        #                                                 &CCSDT
        # ...
        # ...
        #          14          -75.01515915      -0.05070274      -0.00000029
        #          15          -75.01515929      -0.05070289      -0.00000014
        #          16          -75.01515936      -0.05070296      -0.00000007
        #       Convergence after                    17  Iterations
        #      Total energy (diff) :     -75.01515936      -0.00000007
        #      Correlation energy  :        -0.0507029554992
        if 'Start Module: ccsdt' in line:
            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['b', '()', 'b'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            if '&CCSDT' in line:
                while not line.strip().startswith('Total energy (diff)'):
                    line = next(inputfile)

                ccenergies = utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[4]),
                                             'hartree', 'eV')
                if not hasattr(self, 'ccenergies'):
                    self.ccenergies = []

        #  ++    Primitive basis info:
        #        ---------------------
        #                      *****************************************************
        #                      ******** Primitive Basis Functions (Valence) ********
        #                      *****************************************************
        #   Basis set:C.AUG-CC-PVQZ.........
        #                    Type
        #                     s
        #             No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
        #             1  0.339800000D+05   0.000091  -0.000019   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
        #             2  0.508900000D+04   0.000704  -0.000151   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
        # ...
        # ...
        #             29  0.424000000D+00   0.000000   1.000000
        #   Number of primitives                                   93
        #   Number of basis functions                              80
        #  --
        if line.startswith('++    Primitive basis info:'):
                            ['d', 'b', 'b', 's', 'header', 's', 'b'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            gbasis_array = []
            while '--' not in line and '****' not in line:
                if 'Basis set:' in line:
                    basis_element_patterns = re.findall(
                        'Basis set:([A-Za-z]{1,2})\.', line)
                    assert len(basis_element_patterns) == 1
                    basis_element = basis_element_patterns[0].title()
                    gbasis_array.append((basis_element, []))

                if 'Type' in line:
                    line = next(inputfile)
                    shell_type = line.split()[0].upper()

                    self.skip_line(inputfile, 'headers')
                    line = next(inputfile)

                    exponents = []
                    coefficients = []
                    func_array = []
                    while line.split():
                            [self.float(i) for i in line.split()[2:]])
                        line = next(inputfile)

                    for i in range(len(coefficients[0])):
                        func_tuple = (shell_type, [])
                        for iexp, exp in enumerate(exponents):
                            coeff = coefficients[iexp][i]
                            if coeff != 0:
                                func_tuple[1].append((exp, coeff))

                line = next(inputfile)

            atomsymbols = [
                self.table.element[atomno] for atomno in self.atomnos
            self.gbasis = [[] for i in range(self.natom)]
            for element, gbasis in gbasis_array:
                mask = [
                    element == possible_element
                    for possible_element in atomsymbols
                indices = [i for (i, x) in enumerate(mask) if x]
                for index in indices:
                    self.gbasis[index] = gbasis
Esempio n. 5
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        ## This section is present when executing &GATEWAY.
        # ++    Molecular structure info:
        #       -------------------------

        #                     ************************************************
        #                     **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom ****
        #                     ************************************************

        #      Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        #         1      C1               0.526628      -2.582937       0.000000              0.278679      -1.366832       0.000000
        #         2      C2               2.500165      -0.834760       0.000000              1.323030      -0.441736       0.000000
        if line[25:63] == 'Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom':
            if not hasattr(self, 'atomnos'):
                self.atomnos = []
            if not hasattr(self, 'atomcoords'):
                self.atomcoords = []

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['stars', 'blank', 'header'])

            line = next(inputfile)

            atomelements = []
            atomcoords = []

            while not
                sline = line.split()
                atomcoords.append(list(map(float, sline[5:])))
                line = next(inputfile)


            if self.atomnos == []:
                self.atomnos = [
                    for atomelement in atomelements

            if not hasattr(self, 'natom'):
                self.set_attribute('natom', len(self.atomnos))

        ## This section is present when executing &SCF.
        #  ++    Orbital specifications:
        #  -----------------------

        #  Symmetry species               1

        #  Frozen orbitals                0
        #  Occupied orbitals              3
        #  Secondary orbitals            77
        #  Deleted orbitals               0
        #  Total number of orbitals      80
        #  Number of basis functions     80
        #  --
        if line[:29] == '++    Orbital specifications:':

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['dashes', 'blank'])

            line = next(inputfile)

            while line[:2] != '--':

                if line[6:30] == 'Total number of orbitals':
                    self.set_attribute('nmo', int(line.split()[-1]))
                if line[6:31] == 'Number of basis functions':
                    self.set_attribute('nbasis', int(line.split()[-1]))

                line = next(inputfile)

        #Parsing the molecular charge
        if line[6:23] == 'Molecular charge ':
            self.set_attribute('charge', int(float(line.split()[-1])))

        #  ++    Molecular charges:
        #  ------------------

        #  Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
        #  ---------------------------------------------------

        #         C1
        #  1s     2.0005
        #  2s     2.0207
        #  2px    0.0253
        #  2pz    0.1147
        #  2py    1.8198
        #  *s    -0.0215
        #  *px    0.0005
        #  *pz    0.0023
        #  *py    0.0368
        #  *d2+   0.0002
        #  *d1+   0.0000
        #  *d0    0.0000
        #  *d1-   0.0000
        #  *d2-   0.0000
        #  *f3+   0.0000
        #  *f2+   0.0001
        #  *f1+   0.0000
        #  *f0    0.0001
        #  *f1-   0.0001
        #  *f2-   0.0000
        #  *f3-   0.0003
        #  *g4+   0.0000
        #  *g3+   0.0000
        #  *g2+   0.0000
        #  *g1+   0.0000
        #  *g0    0.0000
        #  *g1-   0.0000
        #  *g2-   0.0000
        #  *g3-   0.0000
        #  *g4-   0.0000
        #  Total  6.0000

        #  N-E    0.0000

        #  Total electronic charge=    6.000000

        #  Total            charge=    0.000000
        if line[:24] == '++    Molecular charges:':

            atomcharges = []

            while line[6:29] != 'Total electronic charge':
                line = next(inputfile)
                if line[6:9] == 'N-E':
                    atomcharges.extend(map(float, line.split()[1:]))

            # Molcas only performs Mulliken population analysis.
            self.set_attribute('atomcharges', {'mulliken': atomcharges})

            # Ensure the charge printed here is identical to the
            # charge printed before entering the SCF.
            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')
            line = next(inputfile)
            assert line[6:30] == 'Total            charge='
            if hasattr(self, 'charge'):
                assert int(float(line.split()[2])) == self.charge

        # This section is present when executing &SCF
        # This section parses the total SCF Energy.
        # *****************************************************************************************************************************
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                             SCF/KS-DFT Program, Final results                                             *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                       Final Results                                                       *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *****************************************************************************************************************************

        # ::    Total SCF energy                                -37.6045426484
        if line[:
                22] == '::    Total SCF energy' or line[:
                                                        25] == '::    Total KS-DFT energy':
            if not hasattr(self, 'scfenergies'):
                self.scfenergies = []
            scfenergy = float(line.split()[-1])
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(scfenergy, 'hartree',

        ## Parsing the scftargets in this section
        #  ++    Optimization specifications:
        #  ----------------------------

        #  SCF Algorithm: Conventional
        #  Minimized density differences are used
        #  Number of density matrices in core                9
        #  Maximum number of NDDO SCF iterations           400
        #  Maximum number of HF  SCF iterations            400
        #  Threshold for SCF energy change            0.10E-08
        #  Threshold for density matrix               0.10E-03
        #  Threshold for Fock matrix                  0.15E-03
        #  Threshold for linear dependence            0.10E-08
        #  Threshold at which DIIS is turned on       0.15E+00
        #  Threshold at which QNR/C2DIIS is turned on 0.75E-01
        #  Threshold for Norm(delta) (QNR/C2DIIS)     0.20E-04
        if line[:34] == '++    Optimization specifications:':

            scftargets = []
            while not line[6:37] == 'Threshold for SCF energy change':
                line = next(inputfile)

            if line[6:37] == 'Threshold for SCF energy change':
                target = float(line.split()[-1])

            line = next(inputfile)

            if line[6:34] == 'Threshold for density matrix':
                target = float(line.split()[-1])

            line = next(inputfile)

            if line[6:31] == 'Threshold for Fock matrix':
                target = float(line.split()[-1])

            self.skip_lines(inputfile,['Threshold for linear dependence', 'Threshold at which DIIS is turned on', \
                                         'Threshold at which QNR/C2DIIS is turned on'])
            line = next(inputfile)

            if line[6:31] == 'Threshold for Norm(delta)':
                target = float(line.split()[-1])

            if not hasattr(self, 'scftargets'):
                self.scftargets = []

        #  ++ Convergence information
        #                                     SCF        iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

        #  Iter     Tot. SCF       One-electron     Two-electron   Energy   Max Dij or  Max Fij    DNorm      TNorm     AccCon    Time
        #             Energy          Energy          Energy       Change   Delta Norm                                          in Sec.
        #     1    -36.83817703    -50.43096166     13.59278464  0.00E+00   0.16E+00*  0.27E+01*   0.30E+01   0.33E+02   NoneDa    0.
        #     2    -36.03405202    -45.74525152      9.71119950  0.80E+00*  0.14E+00*  0.93E-02*   0.26E+01   0.43E+01   Damp      0.
        #     3    -37.08936118    -48.41536598     11.32600480 -0.11E+01*  0.12E+00*  0.91E-01*   0.97E+00   0.16E+01   Damp      0.
        #     4    -37.31610460    -50.54103969     13.22493509 -0.23E+00*  0.11E+00*  0.96E-01*   0.72E+00   0.27E+01   Damp      0.
        #     5    -37.33596239    -49.47021484     12.13425245 -0.20E-01*  0.59E-01*  0.59E-01*   0.37E+00   0.16E+01   Damp      0.
        if line[46:91] == 'iterations: Energy and convergence statistics':

            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')

            while line.split() != [
                    'Energy', 'Energy', 'Energy', 'Change', 'Delta', 'Norm',
                    'in', 'Sec.'
                line = next(inputfile)

            scfvalues = []
            line = next(inputfile)
            while line.split()[0] != 'Convergence':
                if line.split()[0].isdigit():
                    energy = float(line.split()[4].replace('*', ''))
                    density = float(line.split()[5].replace('*', ''))
                    fock = float(line.split()[6].replace('*', ''))
                    dnorm = float(line.split()[7].replace('*', ''))
                    scfvalues.append([energy, density, fock, dnorm])

                    line = next(inputfile)
                    if line.split() == []:
                        line = next(inputfile)
                except StopIteration:
                        'File terminated before end of last SCF!')

            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []

        #  Harmonic frequencies in cm-1
        #  IR Intensities in km/mol
        #                         1         2         3         4         5         6
        #      Frequency:       i60.14    i57.39    128.18    210.06    298.24    309.65
        #      Intensity:    3.177E-03 2.129E-06 4.767E-01 2.056E-01 6.983E-07 1.753E-07
        #      Red. mass:      2.42030   2.34024   2.68044   3.66414   2.61721   3.34904
        #      C1         x   -0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  -0.05921   0.00000  -0.06807
        #      C1         y    0.00001  -0.00001  -0.00001   0.00889   0.00001  -0.02479
        #      C1         z   -0.03190   0.04096  -0.03872   0.00001  -0.12398  -0.00002
        #      C2         x   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000  -0.06504   0.00000  -0.03487
        #      C2         y    0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000   0.01045   0.00001  -0.05659
        #      C2         z   -0.03703  -0.03449  -0.07269   0.00000  -0.07416  -0.00001
        #      C3         x   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000  -0.06409  -0.00001   0.05110
        #      C3         y   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000   0.00152   0.00000  -0.03263
        #      C3         z   -0.03808  -0.08037  -0.07267  -0.00001   0.07305   0.00000
        # ...
        #      H20        y    0.00245  -0.00394   0.03215   0.03444  -0.10424  -0.10517
        #      H20        z    0.00002  -0.00001   0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000   0.00000
        # ++ Thermochemistry
        if line[1:29] == 'Harmonic frequencies in cm-1':

            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')
            line = next(inputfile)

            while 'Thermochemistry' not in line:

                if 'Frequency:' in line:
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                        self.vibfreqs = []
                    vibfreqs = [
                        float(i.replace('i', '-')) for i in line.split()[1:]

                if 'Intensity:' in line:
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibirs'):
                        self.vibirs = []
                    vibirs = map(float, line.split()[1:])

                if 'Red.' in line:
                    self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')
                    line = next(inputfile)
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibdisps'):
                        self.vibdisps = []
                    disps = []
                    for n in range(3 * self.natom):
                        numbers = [float(s) for s in line[17:].split()]
                        # The atomindex should start at 0 instead of 1.
                        atomindex = int(
                                      line.split()[0]).group()) - 1
                        numbermodes = len(numbers)
                        if len(disps) == 0:
                            # Appends empty array of the following
                            # dimensions (numbermodes, natom, 0) to disps.
                            for mode in range(numbermodes):
                                              for x in range(0, self.natom)])
                        for mode in range(numbermodes):
                        line = next(inputfile)

                line = next(inputfile)

        ## Parsing thermochemistry attributes here
        #  ++ Thermochemistry
        #   *********************
        #   *                   *
        #   *  THERMOCHEMISTRY  *
        #   *                   *
        #   *********************
        #   Mass-centered Coordinates (Angstrom):
        #   ***********************************************************
        # ...
        #   *****************************************************
        #   Temperature =     0.00 Kelvin, Pressure =   1.00 atm
        #   -----------------------------------------------------
        #   Molecular Partition Function and Molar Entropy:
        #                          q/V (M**-3)    S(kcal/mol*K)
        #   Electronic            0.100000D+01        0.000
        #   Translational         0.100000D+01        0.000
        #   Rotational            0.100000D+01        2.981
        #   Vibrational           0.100000D+01        0.000
        #   TOTAL                 0.100000D+01        2.981
        #   Thermal contributions to INTERNAL ENERGY:
        #   Electronic           0.000 kcal/mol      0.000000 au.
        #   Translational        0.000 kcal/mol      0.000000 au.
        #   Rotational           0.000 kcal/mol      0.000000 au.
        #   Vibrational        111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   TOTAL              111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   Thermal contributions to
        #   ENTHALPY           111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   GIBBS FREE ENERGY  111.885 kcal/mol      0.178300 au.
        #   Sum of energy and thermal contributions
        #   INTERNAL ENERGY                       -382.121931 au.
        #   ENTHALPY                              -382.121931 au.
        #   GIBBS FREE ENERGY                     -382.121931 au.
        #   -----------------------------------------------------
        # ...
        #   ENTHALPY                              -382.102619 au.
        #   GIBBS FREE ENERGY                     -382.179819 au.
        #   -----------------------------------------------------
        #  --
        #  ++    Isotopic shifts:
        if line[4:19] == 'THERMOCHEMISTRY':

            temperature_values = []
            pressure_values = []
            entropy_values = []
            internal_energy_values = []
            enthalpy_values = []
            free_energy_values = []

            while 'Isotopic' not in line:

                if line[1:12] == 'Temperature':

                if line[1:
                        48] == 'Molecular Partition Function and Molar Entropy:':
                    while 'TOTAL' not in line:
                        line = next(inputfile)
                        utils.convertor(float(line.split()[2]), 'kcal',

                if line[1:40] == 'Sum of energy and thermal contributions':

                line = next(inputfile)
            # When calculations for more than one temperature value are
            # performed, the values corresponding to room temperature (298.15 K)
            # are returned and if no calculations are performed for 298.15 K, then
            # the values corresponding last temperature value are returned.
            index = -1
            if 298.15 in temperature_values:
                index = temperature_values.index(298.15)

            self.set_attribute('temperature', temperature_values[index])
            if len(temperature_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of temperature found')

            self.set_attribute('pressure', pressure_values[index])
            if len(pressure_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of pressure found')

            self.set_attribute('entropy', entropy_values[index])
            if len(entropy_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of entropy found')

            self.set_attribute('enthalpy', enthalpy_values[index])
            if len(enthalpy_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of enthalpy found')

            self.set_attribute('freeenergy', free_energy_values[index])
            if len(free_energy_values) > 1:
                self.logger.warning('More than 1 values of freeenergy found')

        ## Parsing Geometrical Optimization attributes in this section.
        #  ++       Slapaf input parameters:
        #  ------------------------
        # Max iterations:                            2000
        # Convergence test a la Schlegel.
        # Convergence criterion on gradient/para.<=: 0.3E-03
        # Convergence criterion on step/parameter<=: 0.3E-03
        # Convergence criterion on energy change <=: 0.0E+00
        # Max change of an internal coordinate:     0.30E+00
        # ...
        # ...
        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #  *                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #                          Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian
        #  Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index
        #    1   -382.30023222  0.00000000 0.107221  0.039531 nrc047   0.085726  nrc047     -382.30533799 RS-RFO  None      0
        #    2   -382.30702964 -0.00679742 0.043573  0.014908 nrc001   0.068195  nrc001     -382.30871333 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #    3   -382.30805348 -0.00102384 0.014883  0.005458 nrc010  -0.020973  nrc001     -382.30822089 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        # ...
        # ...
        #   18   -382.30823419 -0.00000136 0.001032  0.000100 nrc053   0.012319  nrc053     -382.30823452 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #   19   -382.30823198  0.00000221 0.001051 -0.000092 nrc054   0.066565  nrc053     -382.30823822 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #   20   -382.30820252  0.00002946 0.001132 -0.000167 nrc021  -0.064003  nrc053     -382.30823244 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #         +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #         +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
        #         +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + RMS + 5.7330E-02  1.2000E-03     No    + 1.6508E-04  3.0000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + Max + 1.2039E-01  1.8000E-03     No    + 1.6711E-04  4.5000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        if 'Convergence criterion on energy change' in line:
            self.energy_threshold = float(line.split()[6])
            # If energy change threshold equals zero,
            # then energy change is not a criteria for convergence.
            if self.energy_threshold == 0:
                self.energy_threshold = numpy.inf

        if 'Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization' in line:
            if not hasattr(self, 'geovalues'):
                self.geovalues = []

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['stars', 'header'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            assert 'Iter      Energy       Change     Norm' in line
            # A variable keeping track of ongoing iteration.
            iter_number = len(self.geovalues) + 1
            # Iterate till blank line.
            while line.split() != []:
                for i in range(iter_number):
                    line = next(inputfile)
                line = next(inputfile)
            # Along with energy change, RMS and Max values of change in
            # Cartesian Diaplacement and Gradients are used as optimization
            # criteria.
                            ['border', 'header', 'header', 'border'])
            line = next(inputfile)
            assert '+ RMS +' in line
            line_rms = line.split()
            line = next(inputfile)
            line_max = next(inputfile).split()
            if not hasattr(self, 'geotargets'):
                # The attribute geotargets is an array consisting of the following
                # values: [Energy threshold, Max Gradient threshold, RMS Gradient threshold, \
                #          Max Displacements threshold, RMS Displacements threshold].
                max_gradient_threshold = float(line_max[8])
                rms_gradient_threshold = float(line_rms[8])
                max_displacement_threshold = float(line_max[4])
                rms_displacement_threshold = float(line_rms[4])
                self.geotargets = [
                    self.energy_threshold, max_gradient_threshold,
                    rms_gradient_threshold, max_displacement_threshold,

            max_gradient_change = float(line_max[7])
            rms_gradient_change = float(line_rms[7])
            max_displacement_change = float(line_max[3])
            rms_displacement_change = float(line_rms[3])
            self.geovalues[iter_number - 1].extend([
                max_gradient_change, rms_gradient_change,
                max_displacement_change, rms_displacement_change

        #   *********************************************************
        #   * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
        #   *********************************************************
        #    ATOM              X               Y               Z
        #    C1               0.235560       -1.415847        0.012012
        #    C2               1.313797       -0.488199        0.015149
        #    C3               1.087050        0.895510        0.014200
        # ...
        # ...
        #    H19             -0.021327       -4.934915       -0.029355
        #    H20             -1.432030       -3.721047       -0.039835
        #  --
        if 'Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom' in line:
            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['s', 'header'])
            line = next(inputfile)

            atomcoords = []
            while line.split() != []:
                atomcoords.append([float(c) for c in line.split()[1:]])
                line = next(inputfile)


        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #  *                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
        #  **********************************************************************************************************************
        #                         Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian
        #  Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index
        #    1   -382.30023222  0.00000000 0.107221  0.039531 nrc047   0.085726  nrc047     -382.30533799 RS-RFO  None      0
        # ...
        # ...
        #   23   -382.30823115 -0.00000089 0.001030  0.000088 nrc053   0.000955  nrc053     -382.30823118 RS-RFO  BFGS      0
        #         +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #         +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
        #         +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + RMS + 7.2395E-04  1.2000E-03     Yes   + 2.7516E-04  3.0000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   + Max + 1.6918E-03  1.8000E-03     Yes   + 8.7768E-05  4.5000E-04     Yes   +
        #   +-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
        #   Geometry is converged in  23 iterations to a Minimum Structure
        if 'Geometry is converged' in line:
            if not hasattr(self, 'optdone'):
                self.optdone = []

        #   *********************************************************
        #   * Nuclear coordinates of the final structure / Angstrom *
        #   *********************************************************
        #    ATOM              X               Y               Z
        #    C1               0.235547       -1.415838        0.012193
        #    C2               1.313784       -0.488201        0.015297
        #    C3               1.087036        0.895508        0.014333
        # ...
        # ...
        #    H19             -0.021315       -4.934913       -0.029666
        #    H20             -1.431994       -3.721026       -0.041078
        if 'Nuclear coordinates of the final structure / Angstrom' in line:
            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['s', 'header'])
            line = next(inputfile)

            atomcoords = []

            while line.split() != []:
                atomcoords.append([float(c) for c in line.split()[1:]])
                line = next(inputfile)

Esempio n. 6
 def setUp(self):
     self.t = utils.PeriodicTable()
Esempio n. 7
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        ## This section is present when executing &GATEWAY.
        # ++    Molecular structure info:
        #       -------------------------

        #                     ************************************************ 
        #                     **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom **** 
        #                     ************************************************ 

        #      Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        #         1      C1               0.526628      -2.582937       0.000000              0.278679      -1.366832       0.000000
        #         2      C2               2.500165      -0.834760       0.000000              1.323030      -0.441736       0.000000
        if line[25:63] == 'Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom':
            if not hasattr(self, 'atomnos'):
                self.atomnos = []
            if not hasattr(self, 'atomcoords'):
                self.atomcoords = []

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['stars', 'blank', 'header'])

            line = next(inputfile)

            atomelements = []
            atomcoords = []

            while not
                sline = line.split()
                atomcoords.append(list(map(float, sline[5:])))
                line = next(inputfile)


            if self.atomnos == []:
                self.atomnos = [utils.PeriodicTable().number[atomelement] for atomelement in atomelements]

            if not hasattr(self, 'natom'):
                self.set_attribute('natom', len(self.atomnos))

        ## This section is present when executing &SCF.
        #  ++    Orbital specifications:
        #  -----------------------

        #  Symmetry species               1

        #  Frozen orbitals                0
        #  Occupied orbitals              3
        #  Secondary orbitals            77
        #  Deleted orbitals               0
        #  Total number of orbitals      80
        #  Number of basis functions     80
        #  --
        if line[:29] == '++    Orbital specifications:':

            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['dashes', 'blank'])

            line = next(inputfile)

            while line[:2] != '--':

                if line[6:30] == 'Total number of orbitals':
                    self.set_attribute('nmo', int(line.split()[-1]))
                if line[6:31] == 'Number of basis functions':
                    self.set_attribute('nbasis', int(line.split()[-1]))

                line = next(inputfile)

        #Parsing the molecular charge
        if line[6:23] == 'Molecular charge ':
            self.set_attribute('charge', int(float(line.split()[-1])))

        #  ++    Molecular charges:
        #  ------------------

        #  Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
        #  ---------------------------------------------------

        #         C1    
        #  1s     2.0005
        #  2s     2.0207
        #  2px    0.0253
        #  2pz    0.1147
        #  2py    1.8198
        #  *s    -0.0215
        #  *px    0.0005
        #  *pz    0.0023
        #  *py    0.0368
        #  *d2+   0.0002
        #  *d1+   0.0000
        #  *d0    0.0000
        #  *d1-   0.0000
        #  *d2-   0.0000
        #  *f3+   0.0000
        #  *f2+   0.0001
        #  *f1+   0.0000
        #  *f0    0.0001
        #  *f1-   0.0001
        #  *f2-   0.0000
        #  *f3-   0.0003
        #  *g4+   0.0000
        #  *g3+   0.0000
        #  *g2+   0.0000
        #  *g1+   0.0000
        #  *g0    0.0000
        #  *g1-   0.0000
        #  *g2-   0.0000
        #  *g3-   0.0000
        #  *g4-   0.0000
        #  Total  6.0000

        #  N-E    0.0000

        #  Total electronic charge=    6.000000

        #  Total            charge=    0.000000
        if line[:24] == '++    Molecular charges:':

            atomcharges = []

            while line[6:29] != 'Total electronic charge':
                line = next(inputfile)
                if line[6:9] == 'N-E':
                    atomcharges.extend(map(float, line.split()[1:]))

            # Molcas only performs Mulliken population analysis.
            self.set_attribute('atomcharges', {'mulliken': atomcharges})

            # Ensure the charge printed here is identical to the
            # charge printed before entering the SCF.
            self.skip_line(inputfile, 'blank')
            line = next(inputfile)
            assert line[6:30] == 'Total            charge='
            if hasattr(self, 'charge'):
                assert int(float(line.split()[2])) == self.charge

        # This section is present when executing &SCF
        # This section parses the total SCF Energy.
        # *****************************************************************************************************************************
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                             SCF/KS-DFT Program, Final results                                             *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *                                                       Final Results                                                       *
        # *                                                                                                                           *
        # *****************************************************************************************************************************

        # ::    Total SCF energy                                -37.6045426484
        if line[:22] == '::    Total SCF energy' or line[:25] == '::    Total KS-DFT energy':
            if not hasattr(self, 'scfenergies'):
                self.scfenergies = []
            scfenergy = float(line.split()[-1])
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(scfenergy, 'hartree', 'eV'))

        ## Parsing the scftargets in this section
        #  ++    Optimization specifications:
        #  ----------------------------

        #  SCF Algorithm: Conventional
        #  Minimized density differences are used
        #  Number of density matrices in core                9
        #  Maximum number of NDDO SCF iterations           400
        #  Maximum number of HF  SCF iterations            400
        #  Threshold for SCF energy change            0.10E-08
        #  Threshold for density matrix               0.10E-03
        #  Threshold for Fock matrix                  0.15E-03
        if line[:34] == '++    Optimization specifications:':

            while not line[6:37] == 'Threshold for SCF energy change':
                line = next(inputfile)

            if line[6:37] == 'Threshold for SCF energy change':
                if not hasattr(self, 'scftargets'):
                    self.scftargets = [[]]
                target = float(line.split()[-1])

            line = next(inputfile)

            if line[6:34] == 'Threshold for density matrix':
                if not hasattr(self, 'scftargets'):
                    self.scftargets = [[]]
                target = float(line.split()[-1])

            line = next(inputfile)

            if line[6:31] == 'Threshold for Fock matrix':
                if not hasattr(self, 'scftargets'):
                    self.scftargets = [[]]
                target = float(line.split()[-1])

        #  ++ Convergence information
        #                                     SCF        iterations: Energy and convergence statistics
        #  Iter     Tot. SCF       One-electron     Two-electron   Energy   Max Dij or  Max Fij    DNorm      TNorm     AccCon    Time
        #             Energy          Energy          Energy       Change   Delta Norm                                          in Sec.
        #     1    -36.83817703    -50.43096166     13.59278464  0.00E+00   0.16E+00*  0.27E+01*   0.30E+01   0.33E+02   NoneDa    0.
        #     2    -36.03405202    -45.74525152      9.71119950  0.80E+00*  0.14E+00*  0.93E-02*   0.26E+01   0.43E+01   Damp      0.
        #     3    -37.08936118    -48.41536598     11.32600480 -0.11E+01*  0.12E+00*  0.91E-01*   0.97E+00   0.16E+01   Damp      0.
        #     4    -37.31610460    -50.54103969     13.22493509 -0.23E+00*  0.11E+00*  0.96E-01*   0.72E+00   0.27E+01   Damp      0.
        #     5    -37.33596239    -49.47021484     12.13425245 -0.20E-01*  0.59E-01*  0.59E-01*   0.37E+00   0.16E+01   Damp      0.
        if line[46:91] == 'iterations: Energy and convergence statistics':


            while line.split() != ['Energy', 'Energy', 'Energy', 'Change', 'Delta', 'Norm', 'in', 'Sec.']: 
                line = next(inputfile)

            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = [[]]

            line = next(inputfile)
            while line.split()[0] != 'Convergence':
                if line.split()[0].isdigit():
                    energy = float(line.split()[4].replace('*',''))
                    density = float(line.split()[5].replace('*',''))
                    fock = float(line.split()[6].replace('*',''))
                    self.scfvalues[0].append([energy, density, fock])

                    line = next(inputfile)
                    if line.split() == []:
                        line = next(inputfile)
                except StopIteration:
                    self.logger.warning('File terminated before end of last SCF!')

        # Harmonic frequencies in cm-1
        # IR Intensities in km/mol
        #                        1         2         3         4         5         6
        #     Frequency:       i60.14    i57.39    128.18    210.06    298.24    309.65
        #     Intensity:    3.177E-03 2.129E-06 4.767E-01 2.056E-01 6.983E-07 1.753E-07
        #     Red. mass:      2.42030   2.34024   2.68044   3.66414   2.61721   3.34904
        #     C1         x   -0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  -0.05921   0.00000  -0.06807
        #     C1         y    0.00001  -0.00001  -0.00001   0.00889   0.00001  -0.02479
        #     C1         z   -0.03190   0.04096  -0.03872   0.00001  -0.12398  -0.00002
        #     C2         x   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000  -0.06504   0.00000  -0.03487
        #     C2         y    0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000   0.01045   0.00001  -0.05659
        #     C2         z   -0.03703  -0.03449  -0.07269   0.00000  -0.07416  -0.00001
        #     C3         x   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000  -0.06409  -0.00001   0.05110
        #     C3         y   -0.00000   0.00001   0.00000   0.00152   0.00000  -0.03263
        #     C3         z   -0.03808  -0.08037  -0.07267  -0.00001   0.07305   0.00000
        if line[1:29] == 'Harmonic frequencies in cm-1':

            line = next(inputfile)

            if 'IR' in line.split():
                freqmode = 'IR'

            while 'Thermochemistry' not in line.split():

                if 'Frequency:' in line.split():
                        if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                            self.vibfreqs = []
                        vibfreqs = [float(i.replace('i','-')) for i in line.split()[1:]]

                if 'Intensity:' in line.split():
                    if freqmode == 'IR':
                        if not hasattr(self, 'vibirs'):
                            self.vibirs = []
                        vibirs = map(float, line.split()[1:])

                if 'x' in line.split():
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibdisps'):
                        self.vibdisps = []
                    disps = []
                    for n in range(3*self.natom):
                        numbers = [float(s) for s in line[17:].split()]
                        atomindex = int('\d+$',line.split()[0]).group()) - 1   # atom index, starting at zero
                        numbermodes = len(numbers)
                        if not disps:
                            for mode in range(numbermodes):
                                # For each mode, make list of list [atom][coord_index]
                                disps.append([[] for x in range(0, self.natom)])
                        for mode in range(numbermodes):
                        line = next(inputfile)

                line = next(inputfile)
Esempio n. 8
from import ccread
import numpy as np
import glob
from cclib.parser import utils
import mdtraj
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

symbols = utils.PeriodicTable().element[1:]  # drop first item which is None

def load_log_files(fnames):
    fname_list = glob.glob(fnames)
    print('Filenames are : ')
    [print(fname) for fname in fname_list]
    return [ccread(log) for log in fname_list]

def get_scf_energies(data_list, unit1='eV', unit2='kcal'):
    return [utils.convertor(d.scfenergies[0], unit1, unit2) for d in data_list]

def boltzmann_distribution(energy_dict, R=1.9872036e-3, T=300):
    return [np.exp(-(x[1] / (R * T))) for x in energy_dict.values()]

def plot_conformer_population(energies_list,