Esempio n. 1
 def parse_transaction(self, transaction, currency=None):
     # withdraw
     #     {
     #         id: '1',
     #         address: '1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2',
     #         amount: '0.01',
     #         state: 'pending',
     #         currency: 'BTC',
     #         withdrawal_fee: '0.0007',
     #         created_at: '1626000533',
     #         updated_at: '1626000533',
     #         payment_id: null,
     #         transaction_hash: null,
     #         broadcasted_at: null,
     #         wallet_label: null,
     #         chain_name: 'Bitcoin',
     #         network: null
     #     },
     # fetchWithdrawals
     #     {
     #         id: '2',
     #         address: '1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2',
     #         amount: '0.01',
     #         state: 'processed',
     #         currency: 'BTC',
     #         withdrawal_fee: '0.0005',
     #         created_at: '1614718276',
     #         updated_at: '1614720926',
     #         payment_id: '',
     #         transaction_hash: 'xxxxxxxx...',
     #         broadcasted_at: '1614720762',
     #         wallet_label: 'btc',
     #         chain_name: 'Bitcoin',
     #         network: null
     #     },
     # fetchDeposits
     #     ...
     id = self.safe_string(transaction, 'id')
     address = self.safe_string(transaction, 'address')
     tag = self.safe_string_2(transaction, 'payment_id', 'memo_value')
     txid = self.safe_string(transaction, 'transaction_hash')
     currencyId = self.safe_string_2(transaction, 'currency', 'asset')
     code = self.safe_currency_code(currencyId, currency)
     timestamp = self.safe_timestamp(transaction, 'created_at')
     updated = self.safe_timestamp(transaction, 'updated_at')
     type = 'withdrawal'
     status = self.parse_transaction_status(self.safe_string(transaction, 'state'))
     amountString = self.safe_string(transaction, 'amount')
     feeCostString = self.safe_string(transaction, 'withdrawal_fee')
     amount = self.parse_number(Precise.string_sub(amountString, feeCostString))
     network = self.safe_string(transaction, 'chain_name')
     return {
         'info': transaction,
         'id': id,
         'txid': txid,
         'timestamp': timestamp,
         'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp),
         'network': network,
         'address': address,
         'addressTo': None,
         'addressFrom': None,
         'tag': tag,
         'tagTo': None,
         'tagFrom': None,
         'type': type,
         'amount': amount,
         'currency': code,
         'status': status,
         'updated': updated,
         'fee': {
             'currency': code,
             'cost': self.parse_number(feeCostString),
Esempio n. 2
#     decimal_to_precision('foo'),
#         "invalid number(contains an illegal character 'f')")
# throws(() =>
#     decimal_to_precision('0.01', TRUNCATE, -1, TICK_SIZE),
#         "TICK_SIZE cant be used with negative numPrecisionDigits")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

w = '-1.123e-6'
x = '0.00000002'
y = '69696900000'

assert Precise.string_mul(x, y) == '1393.938'
assert Precise.string_mul(y, x) == '1393.938'
assert Precise.string_add(x, y) == '69696900000.00000002'
assert Precise.string_add(y, x) == '69696900000.00000002'
assert Precise.string_sub(x, y) == '-69696899999.99999998'
assert Precise.string_sub(y, x) == '69696899999.99999998'
assert Precise.string_div(x, y) == '0.000000000000028695'
assert Precise.string_div(y, x) == '34848450000'

assert Precise.string_mul(x, w) == '-0.00000000000002246'
assert Precise.string_mul(w, x) == '-0.00000000000002246'
assert Precise.string_add(x, w) == '-0.000001103'
assert Precise.string_add(w, x) == '-0.000001103'
assert Precise.string_sub(x, w) == '0.000001143'
assert Precise.string_sub(w, x) == '-0.000001143'
assert Precise.string_div(x, w) == '-0.000000000017809439'
assert Precise.string_div(w, x) == '-0.0000005615'
Esempio n. 3
 def parse_ledger_entry(self, item, currency=None):
     #  {
     #      id: '12087495079',
     #      amount: '-0.0100000000000000',
     #      balance: '0.0645419900000000',
     #      created_at: '2021-10-28T17:14:32.593168Z',
     #      type: 'transfer',
     #      details: {
     #          from: '2f74edf7-1440-4586-86dc-ae58c5693691',
     #          profile_transfer_id: '3ef093ad-2482-40d1-8ede-2f89cff5099e',
     #          to: 'dda99503-4980-4b60-9549-0b770ee51336'
     #      }
     #  },
     #  {
     #     id: '11740725774',
     #     amount: '-1.7565669701255000',
     #     balance: '0.0016490047745000',
     #     created_at: '2021-10-22T03:47:34.764122Z',
     #     type: 'fee',
     #     details: {
     #         order_id: 'ad06abf4-95ab-432a-a1d8-059ef572e296',
     #         product_id: 'ETH-DAI',
     #         trade_id: '1740617'
     #     }
     #  }
     id = self.safe_string(item, 'id')
     amountString = self.safe_string(item, 'amount')
     direction = None
     afterString = self.safe_string(item, 'balance')
     beforeString = Precise.string_sub(afterString, amountString)
     if Precise.string_lt(amountString, '0'):
         direction = 'out'
         amountString = Precise.string_abs(amountString)
         direction = 'in'
     amount = self.parse_number(amountString)
     after = self.parse_number(afterString)
     before = self.parse_number(beforeString)
     timestamp = self.parse8601(self.safe_value(item, 'created_at'))
     type = self.parse_ledger_entry_type(self.safe_string(item, 'type'))
     code = self.safe_currency_code(None, currency)
     details = self.safe_value(item, 'details', {})
     account = None
     referenceAccount = None
     referenceId = None
     if type == 'transfer':
         account = self.safe_string(details, 'from')
         referenceAccount = self.safe_string(details, 'to')
         referenceId = self.safe_string(details, 'profile_transfer_id')
         referenceId = self.safe_string(details, 'order_id')
     status = 'ok'
     return {
         'id': id,
         'currency': code,
         'account': account,
         'referenceAccount': referenceAccount,
         'referenceId': referenceId,
         'status': status,
         'amount': amount,
         'before': before,
         'after': after,
         'fee': None,
         'direction': direction,
         'timestamp': timestamp,
         'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp),
         'type': type,
         'info': item,