def test_findepochrange_cdfepoch(): start_time = "2013-12-01T12:24:22.000" end_time = "2014-12-01T12:24:22.000" x = cdfepoch.parse([start_time, end_time]) time_array = np.arange(x[0], x[1], step=1000000) test_start = [2014, 8, 1, 8, 1, 54, 123] test_end = [2018, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] index = cdfepoch.findepochrange(time_array, starttime=test_start, endtime=test_end) # Test that the test_start is less than the first index, but more than one less assert time_array[index[0]] >= cdfepoch.compute(test_start) assert time_array[index[0]-1] <= cdfepoch.compute(test_start) assert time_array[index[-1]] <= cdfepoch.compute(test_end)
def test_findepochrange_cdftt2000(): start_time = "2004-03-01T12:24:22.351793238" end_time = "2004-03-01T12:28:22.351793238" x = cdfepoch.parse([start_time, end_time]) time_array = np.arange(x[0], x[1], step=1000000) test_start = [2004, 3, 1, 12, 25, 54, 123, 111, 98] test_end = [2004, 3, 1, 12, 26, 4, 123, 456, 789] index = cdfepoch.findepochrange(time_array, starttime=test_start, endtime=test_end) # Test that the test_start is less than the first index, but more than one less assert time_array[index[0]] >= cdfepoch.compute(test_start) assert time_array[index[0]-1] <= cdfepoch.compute(test_start) assert time_array[index[-1]] <= cdfepoch.compute(test_end) assert time_array[index[-1]+1] >= cdfepoch.compute(test_end)
def test_findepochrange_cdfepoch16(): start_time = "1978-03-10T03:24:22.351793238462" end_time = "1978-06-13T01:28:22.338327950466" x = cdfepoch.parse([start_time, end_time]) first_int_step = int((x[1].real - x[0].real) / 1000) second_int_step = int((x[1].imag - x[0].imag) / 1000) time_array = [] for i in range(0, 1000): time_array.append(x[0]+complex(first_int_step*i, second_int_step*i)) test_start = [1978, 6, 10, 3, 24, 22, 351, 793, 238, 462] test_end = [1978, 6, 12, 23, 11, 1, 338, 341, 416, 466] index = cdfepoch.findepochrange(time_array, starttime=test_start, endtime=test_end) # Test that the test_start is less than the first index, but more than one less assert time_array[index[0]].real >= cdfepoch.compute(test_start).real assert time_array[index[0]-1].real <= cdfepoch.compute(test_start).real assert time_array[index[-1]].real <= cdfepoch.compute(test_end).real assert time_array[index[-1]+1].real >= cdfepoch.compute(test_end).real