Esempio n. 1
def calc_connectivity_network(path_arcgis_db, path_streets_shp, path_connection_point_buildings_shp, path_potential_network):
    This script outputs a potential network connecting a series of building points to the closest street network
    the street network is assumed to be a good path to the district heating or cooling network

    :param path_arcgis_db: path to default ArcGIS database
    :param path_streets_shp: path to street shapefile
    :param path_connection_point_buildings_shp: path to substations in buildings (or close by)
    :param path_potential_network: output path shapefile
    # first add distribution network to each building form the roads

    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
    spatialReference = arcpy.Describe(path_connection_point_buildings_shp).spatialReference
    memorybuildings = path_arcgis_db + "\\" + "points"
    merge = path_arcgis_db + "\\" + "merge"
    Newlines = path_arcgis_db + "\\" + "linesToerase"
    Finallines = path_arcgis_db + "\\" + "final_line"

    arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(path_connection_point_buildings_shp, memorybuildings)
    arcpy.Near_analysis(memorybuildings, path_streets_shp, location=True, angle=True) # find the closest point on the street to a buildings
    arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(memorybuildings, "NEAR_X", "NEAR_Y", "Line_Points_Layer", spatialReference) # make that point into a node
    arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion("Line_Points_Layer", path_arcgis_db, "Line_points")
    arcpy.Append_management(path_arcgis_db + '\\' + "Line_points", memorybuildings, "No_Test") # combine all nodes into one layer
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(memorybuildings, "POINTS_layer")
    arcpy.env.workspace = path_arcgis_db
    arcpy.PointsToLine_management(memorybuildings, Newlines, "Name", "#", "NO_CLOSE")
    arcpy.Merge_management([path_streets_shp, Newlines], merge)
    arcpy.FeatureToLine_management(merge, path_potential_network)  # necessary to match vertices
Esempio n. 2
def CalcBoundaries(Simple_CQ, locationtemp1, locationtemp2, DataFactorsCentroids, DataFactorsBoundaries, gv):
    # local variables
    NearTable = locationtemp1 + '\\' + 'NearTable.dbf'
    CQLines = locationtemp2 + '\\' + '\CQLines'
    CQVertices = locationtemp2 + '\\' + 'CQVertices'
    CQSegments = locationtemp2 + '\\' + 'CQSegment'
    CQSegments_centroid = locationtemp2 + '\\' + 'CQSegmentCentro'
    centroidsTable_name = 'CentroidCQdata.dbf'
    centroidsTable = locationtemp1 + '\\' + centroidsTable_name
    Overlaptable = locationtemp1 + '\\' + 'overlapingTable.csv'

    # Create points in the centroid of segment line and table with near features:
    # indentifying for each segment of line of building A the segment of line of building B in common.
    arcpy.FeatureToLine_management(Simple_CQ, CQLines)
    arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(Simple_CQ, CQVertices, 'ALL')
    arcpy.SplitLineAtPoint_management(CQLines, CQVertices, CQSegments, '2 METERS')
    arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(CQSegments, CQSegments_centroid, 'MID')
    arcpy.GenerateNearTable_analysis(CQSegments_centroid, CQSegments_centroid, NearTable, "1 Meters", "NO_LOCATION",
                                     "NO_ANGLE", "CLOSEST", "0")

    # Import the table with NearMatches
    NearMatches = Dbf5(NearTable).to_dataframe()

    # Import the table with attributes of the centroids of the Segments
    arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(CQSegments_centroid, locationtemp1, centroidsTable_name)
    DataCentroids0 = Dbf5(centroidsTable).to_dataframe()
    DataCentroids = DataCentroids0[['Name', 'height_ag', 'ORIG_FID']]

    # CreateJoin to Assign a Factor to every Centroid of the lines,
    FirstJoin = pd.merge(NearMatches, DataCentroids, left_on='IN_FID', right_on='ORIG_FID')
    SecondaryJoin = pd.merge(FirstJoin, DataCentroids, left_on='NEAR_FID', right_on='ORIG_FID')

    # delete matches within the same polygon Name (it can happen that lines are too close one to the other)
    # also delete matches with a distance of more than 20 cm making room for mistakes during the simplicfication of buildings but avoiding deleten boundaries
    rows = SecondaryJoin.IN_FID.count()
    for row in range(rows):
        if SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'Name_x'] == SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'Name_y'] or SecondaryJoin.loc[
            row, 'NEAR_DIST'] > 0.2:
            SecondaryJoin = SecondaryJoin.drop(row)

    # FactorShade = 0 if the line exist in a building totally covered by another one, and Freeheight is equal to the height of the line
    # that is not obstructed by the other building
    rows = SecondaryJoin.IN_FID.count()
    SecondaryJoin['FactorShade'] = 0
    SecondaryJoin['Freeheight'] = 0
    for row in range(rows):
        if SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'height_ag_x'] <= SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'height_ag_y']:
            SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'FactorShade'] = 0
            SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'Freeheight'] = 0
        elif SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'height_ag_x'] > SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'height_ag_y'] and SecondaryJoin.loc[
            row, 'height_ag_x'] - 1 <= SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'height_ag_y']:
            SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'FactorShade'] = 0
            SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'FactorShade'] = 1
            SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'Freeheight'] = abs(
                SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'height_ag_y'] - SecondaryJoin.loc[row, 'height_ag_x'])

    # Create and export Secondary Join with results, it will be Useful for the function CalcObservers
    SecondaryJoin.to_csv(DataFactorsBoundaries, index=False)

    # Update table Datacentroids with the Fields Freeheight and Factor Shade. for those buildings without
    # shading boundaries these factors are equal to 1 and the field 'height' respectively.
    DataCentroids['FactorShade'] = 1
    DataCentroids['Freeheight'] = DataCentroids.height_ag
    Results = DataCentroids.merge(SecondaryJoin, left_on='ORIG_FID', right_on='ORIG_FID_x', how='outer')
    Results.FactorShade_y.fillna(Results['FactorShade_x'], inplace=True)
    Results.Freeheight_y.fillna(Results['Freeheight_x'], inplace=True)
    Results.rename(columns={'FactorShade_y': 'FactorShade', 'Freeheight_y': 'Freeheight'}, inplace=True)
    FinalDataCentroids = pd.DataFrame(Results, columns={'ORIG_FID', 'height', 'FactorShade', 'Freeheight'})

    FinalDataCentroids.to_csv(DataFactorsCentroids, index=False)
    gv.log('complete calculating boundaries')
    return arcpy.GetMessages()