Esempio n. 1
def put_sensor_detector(sensor_id):
    Set the [sensor]/detectors list on ossim_setup.conf of the sensor
    # Get the 'plugins' param list, with contains the detector plugins
    # It must be a comma separate list
    plugins = request.args.get('plugins')
    if plugins is None:
            "detector: put_sensor_detector error: Missing parameter 'plugins'")
        return make_bad_request("Missing parameter plugins")

    (success, sensor_ip) = get_sensor_ip_from_sensor_id(sensor_id)
    if not success:
            "detector: put_sensor_detector error: Bad 'sensor_id'")
        return make_bad_request("Bad sensor_id")

    (success, data) = set_sensor_detectors(sensor_ip, plugins)
    if not success:
        current_app.logger.error("detector: put_sensor_detector error %s" %
        return make_error("Error setting sensor detector plugins", 500)

    # Now launch reconfig task
    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(sensor_ip)

    # Now format the list by a dict which key is the sensor_id and the value if the list of ifaces
    return make_ok(
Esempio n. 2
def put_sensor_interface(sensor_id):
    Set the [sensor]/interfaces list on ossim_setup.conf of the sensor
    # Get the 'ifaces' param list, with contains the ifaces
    # It must be a comma separate list
    ifaces = request.args.get('ifaces')
    if ifaces is None:
        current_app.logger.error("interfaces: put_sensor_interface error: Missing parameter 'ifaces'")
        return make_bad_request("Missing parameter ifaces")

    (success, sensor_ip) = get_sensor_ip_from_sensor_id(sensor_id)
    if not success:
        current_app.logger.error("interfaces: put_sensor_interface  error: Bad 'sensor_id'")
        return make_bad_request("Bad sensor_id")

    # Call the ansible module to obtain the [sensor]/iface
    (success, data) = set_sensor_interfaces(sensor_ip, ifaces)
    if not success:
        current_app.logger.error("interfaces: put_sensor_interfaces_from_conf error: %s" % data)
        return make_error("Error setting sensor interfaces", 500)

    # Now launch reconfig task
    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(sensor_ip)

    # Now format the list by a dict which key is the sensor_id and the value if the list of ifaces
    return make_ok(
Esempio n. 3
def alienvault_reconfig(system_ip,operation,jobid):
    current_job_id = None
    is_finished = False
    job_status = None
    job_data = None
    jobs_active = None
    job = None
    msg = ""

    if operation == "start":
        print "Starting a new job..."
        job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(system_ip)
        msg ="Job launched!"
    elif operation == "status":
        print "Status..."
        job = AsyncResult(jobid,backend=alienvault_reconfigure.backend)
    elif operation == "list":
        i = inspect()
        jobs_active =
        print "operation (%s) not allowed!!" % operation
    if job:
        current_job_id =
        job_data =
        job_status = job.status

    return make_ok(job_id=current_job_id, finished=is_finished, status=job_status, task_data=job_data,
                   active_jobs=jobs_active, message=msg)
Esempio n. 4
def put_sensor_detector(sensor_id):
    Set the [sensor]/detectors list on ossim_setup.conf of the sensor
    # Get the 'plugins' param list, with contains the detector plugins
    # It must be a comma separate list
    plugins = request.args.get('plugins')
    if plugins is None:
        current_app.logger.error("detector: put_sensor_detector error: Missing parameter 'plugins'")
        return make_bad_request("Missing parameter plugins")

    (success, sensor_ip) = get_sensor_ip_from_sensor_id(sensor_id)
    if not success:
        current_app.logger.error("detector: put_sensor_detector error: Bad 'sensor_id'")
        return make_bad_request("Bad sensor_id")

    (success, data) = set_sensor_detectors(sensor_ip, plugins)
    if not success:
        current_app.logger.error("detector: put_sensor_detector error %s" % data)
        return make_error("Error setting sensor detector plugins", 500)

    # Now launch reconfig task
    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(sensor_ip)

    # Now format the list by a dict which key is the sensor_id and the value if the list of ifaces
    return make_ok(
Esempio n. 5
def alienvault_reconfig(system_ip, operation, jobid):
    current_job_id = None
    is_finished = False
    job_status = None
    job_data = None
    jobs_active = None
    job = None
    msg = ""

    if operation == "start":
        print "Starting a new job..."
        job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(system_ip)
        msg = "Job launched!"
    elif operation == "status":
        print "Status..."
        job = AsyncResult(jobid, backend=alienvault_reconfigure.backend)
    elif operation == "list":
        i = inspect()
        jobs_active =
        print "operation (%s) not allowed!!" % operation
    if job:
        current_job_id =
        job_data =
        job_status = job.status

    return make_ok(job_id=current_job_id,
Esempio n. 6
def set_sensor_network(sensor_id):
    netlist = request.args.get('nets').split(",")
    (ret, admin_ip) = get_sensor_ip_from_sensor_id(sensor_id)
    if not ret:
        current_app.logger.error("sensor: auth_sensor error: " + str(admin_ip))
        return make_bad_request(sensor_id)

    (success, data) = set_sensor_networks(admin_ip, netlist)
    if not success:
        current_app.logger.error("sensor: Can't set sensor networks to " + str(netlist))
        return make_bad_request(sensor_id)
    # Launch configure
    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(admin_ip)
    # Now format the list by a dict which key is the sensor_id and the value if the list of ifaces
    return make_ok(
Esempio n. 7
def set_sensor_network(sensor_id):
    netlist = request.args.get('nets').split(",")
    (ret, admin_ip) = get_sensor_ip_from_sensor_id(sensor_id)
    if not ret:
        current_app.logger.error("sensor: auth_sensor error: " + str(admin_ip))
        return make_bad_request(sensor_id)

    (success, data) = set_sensor_networks(admin_ip, netlist)
    if not success:
        current_app.logger.error("sensor: Can't set sensor networks to " +
        return make_bad_request(sensor_id)
    # Launch configure
    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(admin_ip)
    # Now format the list by a dict which key is the sensor_id and the value if the list of ifaces
    return make_ok(
Esempio n. 8
def set_interfaces_roles(system_id, interfaces):
    Set roles for the system network interfaces.
    (success, ip) = ret = get_system_ip_from_system_id (system_id)
    if not success:
        return ret

    # Flush caches
    # Next verify that the interfaces param exists, correct decode a base64 string
    # and this string is a json object
    (success, msg) = ret =, interfaces)

    if not success:
        return ret

    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(ip)
    if job.state is 'FAILURE':
        return (False, "Can't start task to delete orphan status message")

    return (True,
Esempio n. 9
def sync_asec_plugins(plugin=None, enable=True):
    Send the ASEC generated plugins to the system sensors and enable them

        plugin: plugin name
        enable: wether we should enable the plugin or not. Default = True

        success (bool):
        msg (str): Success message/Error info

    if not plugin:
        return False, "No plugin to sync"

        plugin_path = "/var/lib/asec/plugins/" + plugin + ".cfg"
        sql_path = plugin_path + ".sql"

        sensors = []
        (success, sensors) = get_systems(system_type='sensor')
        if not success:
            return False, "Unable to get sensors list: %s" % sensors

        # Bug in ansible copy module prevents us from copying the files from
        # /var/lib/asec/plugins as it has permissions 0 for "other"
        # Workaround: make a local copy using ansible command module
        plugin_tmp_path = "/tmp/" + plugin + ".cfg"
        sql_tmp_path = plugin_tmp_path + ".sql"
        success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
        if not success:
            error_msg = "[ansible_install_plugin] " + \
                        "Failed to make get local IP: %s" % local_ip
            return False, error_msg
        (success, msg) = local_copy_file(local_ip,
        if not success:
            error_msg = "[ansible_install_plugin] " + \
                        "Failed to make temp copy of plugin file: %s" % msg
            return False, error_msg
        (success, msg) = local_copy_file(local_ip, sql_path, sql_tmp_path)
        if not success:
            error_msg = "[ansible_install_plugin] " + \
                        "Failed to make temp copy of sql file: %s" % msg
            return False, error_msg

        all_ok = True
        for (sensor_id, sensor_ip) in sensors:
            (success, msg) = ansible_install_plugin(sensor_ip,
            if success and enable:
                # Get list of active plugins and add the new one.
                # Then send the list back to the sensor?
                (success, data) = get_sensor_detectors(sensor_ip)
                if success:
                    sensor_det = ','.join(data['sensor_detectors'])
                    (success, msg) = set_sensor_detectors(sensor_ip,
                if not success:
                    error_msg = "[sync_asec_plugins] " + \
                                "Error enabling plugin %s " % plugin + \
                                "for sensor %s: %s" % (sensor_ip, msg)
                    all_ok = False
                    # Now launch reconfig task
                    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(sensor_ip)
                error_msg = "[sync_asec_plugins] " + \
                            "Error installing plugin %s " % plugin + \
                            "in sensor %s: %s" % (sensor_ip, msg)
                all_ok = False

        # Delete temporal copies of the files
        remove_file([local_ip], plugin_tmp_path)
        remove_file([local_ip], sql_tmp_path)

        if not all_ok:
            error_msg = "Plugin %s installation failed " % plugin + \
                        "for some sensors"
            return False, error_msg

        info_msg = "Plugin %s installed. Enabled = %s" % (plugin, str(enable))
        return True, info_msg

    except Exception as e:
        api_log.error("[sync_asec_plugins] Exception catched: %s" % str(e))
        return False, "[sync_asec_plugins] Unknown error"
Esempio n. 10
def sync_asec_plugins(plugin=None, enable=True):
    Send the ASEC generated plugins to the system sensors and enable them

        plugin: plugin name
        enable: wether we should enable the plugin or not. Default = True

        success (bool):
        msg (str): Success message/Error info

    if not plugin:
        return False, "No plugin to sync"

        plugin_path = "/var/lib/asec/plugins/" + plugin + ".cfg"
        sql_path = plugin_path + ".sql"

        sensors = []
        (success, sensors) = get_systems(system_type='sensor')
        if not success:
            return False, "Unable to get sensors list: %s" % sensors

        # Bug in ansible copy module prevents us from copying the files from
        # /var/lib/asec/plugins as it has permissions 0 for "other"
        # Workaround: make a local copy using ansible command module
        plugin_tmp_path = "/tmp/" + plugin + ".cfg"
        sql_tmp_path = plugin_tmp_path + ".sql"
        success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
        if not success:
            error_msg = "[ansible_install_plugin] " + \
                        "Failed to make get local IP: %s" % local_ip
            return False, error_msg
        (success, msg) = local_copy_file(local_ip, plugin_path,
        if not success:
            error_msg = "[ansible_install_plugin] " + \
                        "Failed to make temp copy of plugin file: %s" % msg
            return False, error_msg
        (success, msg) = local_copy_file(local_ip, sql_path, sql_tmp_path)
        if not success:
            error_msg = "[ansible_install_plugin] " + \
                        "Failed to make temp copy of sql file: %s" % msg
            return False, error_msg

        all_ok = True
        for (sensor_id, sensor_ip) in sensors:
            (success, msg) = ansible_install_plugin(sensor_ip, plugin_tmp_path,
            if success and enable:
                # Get list of active plugins and add the new one.
                # Then send the list back to the sensor?
                (success, data) = get_sensor_detectors(sensor_ip)
                if success:
                    sensor_det = ','.join(data['sensor_detectors'])
                     msg) = set_sensor_detectors(sensor_ip, sensor_det)
                if not success:
                    error_msg = "[sync_asec_plugins] " + \
                                "Error enabling plugin %s " % plugin + \
                                "for sensor %s: %s" % (sensor_ip, msg)
                    all_ok = False
                    # Now launch reconfig task
                    job = alienvault_reconfigure.delay(sensor_ip)
                error_msg = "[sync_asec_plugins] " + \
                            "Error installing plugin %s " % plugin + \
                            "in sensor %s: %s" % (sensor_ip, msg)
                all_ok = False

        # Delete temporal copies of the files
        remove_file([local_ip], plugin_tmp_path)
        remove_file([local_ip], sql_tmp_path)

        if not all_ok:
            error_msg = "Plugin %s installation failed " % plugin + \
                        "for some sensors"
            return False, error_msg

        info_msg = "Plugin %s installed. Enabled = %s" % (plugin, str(enable))
        return True, info_msg

    except Exception as e:
        api_log.error("[sync_asec_plugins] Exception catched: %s" % str(e))
        return False, "[sync_asec_plugins] Unknown error"