Esempio n. 1
 def test_non_zero_exit_status(self, stub_call, monkeypatch):
     conf.cluster = 'ceph'
     monkeypatch.setattr('ceph_volume.util.prepare.system.chown', lambda x: True)
     stub_call(([], [], 1))
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as error:
         prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore('1', 'asdf-1234', 'keyring')
     assert "Command failed with exit code 1" in str(error)
Esempio n. 2
def prepare_filestore(device, journal, secrets, id_=None, fsid=None):
    :param device: The name of the logical volume to work with
    :param journal: similar to device but can also be a regular/plain disk
    :param secrets: A dict with the secrets needed to create the osd (e.g. cephx)
    :param id_: The OSD id
    :param fsid: The OSD fsid, also known as the OSD UUID
    cephx_secret = secrets.get('cephx_secret', prepare_utils.create_key())
    json_secrets = json.dumps(secrets)

    # allow re-using an existing fsid, in case prepare failed
    fsid = fsid or system.generate_uuid()
    # allow re-using an id, in case a prepare failed
    osd_id = id_ or prepare_utils.create_id(fsid, json_secrets)
    # create the directory
    # format the device
    # mount the data device
    prepare_utils.mount_osd(device, osd_id)
    # symlink the journal
    prepare_utils.link_journal(journal, osd_id)
    # get the latest monmap
    # prepare the osd filesystem
    prepare_utils.osd_mkfs_filestore(osd_id, fsid)
    # write the OSD keyring if it doesn't exist already
    prepare_utils.write_keyring(osd_id, cephx_secret)
Esempio n. 3
def prepare_filestore(device, journal, secrets, id_=None, fsid=None):
    :param device: The name of the logical volume to work with
    :param journal: similar to device but can also be a regular/plain disk
    :param secrets: A dict with the secrets needed to create the osd (e.g. cephx)
    :param id_: The OSD id
    :param fsid: The OSD fsid, also known as the OSD UUID
    cephx_secret = secrets.get('cephx_secret', prepare_utils.create_key())
    json_secrets = json.dumps(secrets)

    # allow re-using an existing fsid, in case prepare failed
    fsid = fsid or system.generate_uuid()
    # allow re-using an id, in case a prepare failed
    osd_id = id_ or prepare_utils.create_id(fsid, json_secrets)
    # create the directory
    # format the device
    # mount the data device
    prepare_utils.mount_osd(device, osd_id)
    # symlink the journal
    prepare_utils.link_journal(journal, osd_id)
    # get the latest monmap
    # prepare the osd filesystem
    prepare_utils.osd_mkfs_filestore(osd_id, fsid)
    # write the OSD keyring if it doesn't exist already
    prepare_utils.write_keyring(osd_id, cephx_secret)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_non_zero_exit_status(self, stub_call, monkeypatch):
     conf.cluster = 'ceph'
     monkeypatch.setattr('ceph_volume.util.prepare.system.chown', lambda x: True)
     stub_call(([], [], 1))
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as error:
         prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore('1', 'asdf-1234', 'keyring')
     assert "Command failed with exit code 1" in str(error)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_non_zero_exit_formats_command_correctly(self, stub_call, monkeypatch):
     conf.cluster = 'ceph'
     monkeypatch.setattr('ceph_volume.util.prepare.system.chown', lambda x: True)
     stub_call(([], [], 1))
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as error:
         prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore('1', 'asdf-1234', 'keyring')
     expected = ' '.join([
         '--osd-objectstore', 'filestore', '--mkfs',
         '-i', '1', '--monmap', '/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/activate.monmap',
         '--keyfile', '-', '--osd-data', '/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/',
         '--osd-journal', '/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/journal',
         '--osd-uuid', 'asdf-1234',
         '--setuser', 'ceph', '--setgroup', 'ceph'])
     assert expected in str(error)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_non_zero_exit_formats_command_correctly(self, stub_call, monkeypatch):
     conf.cluster = 'ceph'
     monkeypatch.setattr('ceph_volume.util.prepare.system.chown', lambda x: True)
     stub_call(([], [], 1))
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as error:
         prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore('1', 'asdf-1234', 'keyring')
     expected = ' '.join([
         '--osd-objectstore', 'filestore', '--mkfs',
         '-i', '1', '--monmap', '/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/activate.monmap',
         '--keyfile', '-', '--osd-data', '/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/',
         '--osd-journal', '/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/journal',
         '--osd-uuid', 'asdf-1234',
         '--setuser', 'ceph', '--setgroup', 'ceph'])
     assert expected in str(error)
Esempio n. 7
def prepare_filestore(device, journal, secrets, tags, osd_id, fsid):
    :param device: The name of the logical volume to work with
    :param journal: similar to device but can also be a regular/plain disk
    :param secrets: A dict with the secrets needed to create the osd (e.g. cephx)
    :param id_: The OSD id
    :param fsid: The OSD fsid, also known as the OSD UUID
    cephx_secret = secrets.get('cephx_secret', prepare_utils.create_key())

    # encryption-only operations
    if secrets.get('dmcrypt_key'):
        # format and open ('decrypt' devices) and re-assign the device and journal
        # variables so that the rest of the process can use the mapper paths
        key = secrets['dmcrypt_key']
        device = prepare_dmcrypt(key, device, 'data', tags)
        journal = prepare_dmcrypt(key, journal, 'journal', tags)

    # vdo detection
    is_vdo = api.is_vdo(device)
    # create the directory
    # format the device
    # mount the data device
    prepare_utils.mount_osd(device, osd_id, is_vdo=is_vdo)
    # symlink the journal
    prepare_utils.link_journal(journal, osd_id)
    # get the latest monmap
    # prepare the osd filesystem
    prepare_utils.osd_mkfs_filestore(osd_id, fsid, cephx_secret)
    # write the OSD keyring if it doesn't exist already
    prepare_utils.write_keyring(osd_id, cephx_secret)
    if secrets.get('dmcrypt_key'):
        # if the device is going to get activated right away, this can be done
        # here, otherwise it will be recreated
Esempio n. 8
def prepare_filestore(device, journal, secrets, tags, osd_id, fsid):
    :param device: The name of the logical volume to work with
    :param journal: similar to device but can also be a regular/plain disk
    :param secrets: A dict with the secrets needed to create the osd (e.g. cephx)
    :param id_: The OSD id
    :param fsid: The OSD fsid, also known as the OSD UUID
    cephx_secret = secrets.get('cephx_secret', prepare_utils.create_key())

    # encryption-only operations
    if secrets.get('dmcrypt_key'):
        # format and open ('decrypt' devices) and re-assign the device and journal
        # variables so that the rest of the process can use the mapper paths
        key = secrets['dmcrypt_key']
        device = prepare_dmcrypt(key, device, 'data', tags)
        journal = prepare_dmcrypt(key, journal, 'journal', tags)

    # vdo detection
    is_vdo = api.is_vdo(device)
    # create the directory
    # format the device
    # mount the data device
    prepare_utils.mount_osd(device, osd_id, is_vdo=is_vdo)
    # symlink the journal
    prepare_utils.link_journal(journal, osd_id)
    # get the latest monmap
    # prepare the osd filesystem
    prepare_utils.osd_mkfs_filestore(osd_id, fsid, cephx_secret)
    # write the OSD keyring if it doesn't exist already
    prepare_utils.write_keyring(osd_id, cephx_secret)
    if secrets.get('dmcrypt_key'):
        # if the device is going to get activated right away, this can be done
        # here, otherwise it will be recreated
Esempio n. 9
 def test_keyring_is_used(self, fake_call, monkeypatch, flag):
     monkeypatch.setattr(system, 'chown', lambda path: True)
     prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore(1, 'asdf', keyring='secret')
     assert flag in fake_call.calls[0]['args'][0]
Esempio n. 10
 def test_keyring_is_used_luminous(self, fake_call, monkeypatch):
     monkeypatch.setattr(prepare, '__release__', 'luminous')
     monkeypatch.setattr(system, 'chown', lambda path: True)
     prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore(1, 'asdf', keyring='secret')
     assert '--keyfile' not in fake_call.calls[0]['args'][0]
Esempio n. 11
 def test_keyring_is_used_luminous(self, fake_call, monkeypatch):
     monkeypatch.setattr(prepare, '__release__', 'luminous')
     monkeypatch.setattr(system, 'chown', lambda path: True)
     prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore(1, 'asdf', keyring='secret')
     assert '--keyfile' not in fake_call.calls[0]['args'][0]
Esempio n. 12
 def test_keyring_is_used(self, fake_call, monkeypatch, flag):
     monkeypatch.setattr(prepare, '__release__', 'mimic')
     monkeypatch.setattr(system, 'chown', lambda path: True)
     prepare.osd_mkfs_filestore(1, 'asdf', keyring='secret')
     assert flag in fake_call.calls[0]['args'][0]